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EVERYTHING FROM A TO Z UTOMOBILE SERVICE CO., INC. 857 Carondelt St. Expert mechanics always ready t serve yeu, might and day. . Repairing, Supplies sad Tires RAYFI ELD CARBURETOR SERVICE STATION UTO DELIVERY BODIES '.1 ordcr. Repairing and r ¢ d "::e proraptly and at low .r c,""' thatn esewhere. Wagon J. W. O'C"NNOR 824 Ursu;llne, bet. Bouruon and Dauphine VERYTHING BOUGHT AND SOLD Highest cash prices paid for all kinds second hand goods. Paper s:ock, moss, iron, metal, building material, iron beds, springs, mat tresses. pillows and bedding. Stoves a specialty; cooking, heating and gasoline stoves; stove pipe. JOSEPH DUTIU ort rth Robertson sad Careadelet Walk (Old Basin) OOD Want to try something Delicion? Armnour's Peaches. Pears. Cherries, Apricots and Hawaiian Pine apple. Just arrived at JOHN KLEINKEMPER CO.. LTD. Al usad Verret Street. 0 Second-hand Furniture Bought, Sod and Exchanged. Phone Main 410 e Drp Postal. Will Call. 517-23 Chrtrs Street. Berlia & St. Chas. Phane Upt. 154 Open frosm 7 till 9 daily and Sun day. Expert auto anad bicycle pairing. 15 minute guarast-ed vulcanizing. Auto accessories, tires and bicycle supplies. gasoline sad oils. leed parts. All work done by expert mechanics. ORPHEUM THEATRE. The following is the list of attrac tlons that will be at the Orpheum Theatre next week: Mile. Dazie & Co.; including M. Con stantin Kobeleff, in a Classical and Papular Dance Reveue. \C NEys mseNam; '3n s.. Ur Z Gms tuiw i a fLaRDUC 3 U t Wa 4ar sad 1s. iOWt . fa «A _Is i IrMD^ to m ar. Irs 3 i ftva" Yr ltmA 1 Foto's Folly Tieatre wet s 1b3r . WEDNESDAY, Dec. -m--"PaI asida SW a' 1 eh. slel-"alH e Trail ham. Plaer," Sesctd Picures. ý. Coes "Seset Csaedy;, TTRUMDAY. Dec. Bb."Unail I Cane Back Cers a " d To' Yoa" D 3 ll Siecial, m Nthe Newa" MONDAY, Dee' 14h-"Le Lar" Ge tad a se, 7 maade Up "' a DAY, Dec. "b--'¶Until I Come Back To "Ulvee aa cm i Mae" Yo_ D Mile Spea loo d d " Hate Pearl White. -Matt ad J o" 'ISDAY. Dec. ltth--"Oeajl of Roeaetta" ISAT'RDAY. Dee. ZIat--Th Rider Of The v. Comedy." Or uta Trace Pletre. " TULANE JTAI.TT DERT1'5 meameo-- e .ý. Womeedp, Omi BRINGING UP FATHER AT HOME Big Company--.BIg Chorus .. ........ .y j l .e - i '4 General blackamithlse. - repslt5, sprSjn work and ubber ti ag a Pi TER EI PILIE. Sccessar to sabat PUbs 714.718-1 Ore4 St. Mats M SPAIRS OF ALL RiNDS Bicycle Cloaks and Watdcb. Us brella, Guns. Locks and Kays. Made to order. Tune Pianos, Or gans, Printing and Signs. Painting. ALGIERS PRINTING HOUSE. 813 Tecbe Street AILORS I I RNAPOLITAO BRO 0 Marechnt Tallas CLEANING,. PRESSING, LADIES AND GENTS' REPAIRING . Maia SW3 234 ROYAL STrEIT HE NEW EDISON FILLS THAT VACANCY IN THE HOME We avea one to tei pyea. Terms if Ye wish. DIAMOND DISC SHOP 151 BARONNE Maim 3544 PHONE MAIN 2219 Firestone Tires and Tubes ULCANIZINO R. J. MURPHY Vslcaalsiai SATISFACTION GUARANTEED irestaae Accessories 724 JULIA STREET -, HITE W The Hatter Velour, Felt and Panama Hat. COas.d4 Dyed and Reshaped 119 Uaivnrsity Place. NaS 3 Petty, Reat and Brother, Novelty Musical Offering. The Morak Sisters, Four Pretty Belgians Girls, in An Aerial Novelty. The Official Weekly Allied War Review, Showing the Activities of the American Forces in France. -ru Concert Orcbeubs Oe tb o . iaTso. Orpm Travwl Weekly, The W.rld at Work sad Play. .l PrstarLo--rt. kr & Co, Is A OmaoAt hreoe "Prsrleanolam. H. N. G. C. A big chapter in the world's biggest war will be seen at the H. N. G. C Sunday, when "America's answer" wil be shown for the first time in Algiers For the reason that " America' Answer" is a history of America's part in the biggest war ever fought the government has requested all ex hibitors to advertise the showing ol the picture in advance and to charge regular admission, so that the public and especially, the school childrer may have an opportunity to see it Door open at 5:30. Show starts al 6:00 p. m. FRIDAY. Friday's show will be a benefit per formance for Rev. J. P. Cassagne given by the ladies of the parish. The popularity of Father ('assagne is un bounded and no doubt his many friends will welcome an opportunity to show their friendship. Doors opet 6:30. Pictures start 7:00 p. m. AT THE FOUNTAIN ": :.i .ý. Here is a iamliar sene to say " I . A. beflldh at our army amlps eesoled wato sr *bbtes" quench h t thrst e tahoemds soldier_ md dartas a "run" en th toonta_- e "rwater Ila* attn ·e)x ds acs r yt'd m 's el·, 'r e may d, Here itts a fambula sme d ptany r. SA. buildingmt at oura ary amp. tkeeooled water d bubb lerae que Sthirst of thoserandes of poldiers mad dtring a "run on the fountains He wbater I often anteds across bie bandinsw anetd man's dub where h ay read. write lotters` buy stam ps and p obds, have bundles wrapped free of Str get mon oep ren, chplay ges ld meep t his comrades fa a oal oM bblag esd water eun is Lie qt the most popular advantages red thes oldiers by the Armythe a the Southern tode rorre whic Is m r 'idl a eAr beas -Emerh pe .e. L adoslt w MIon aite sa LIfe Is a series of surptises. We ares building up ear being.-Emer. hurt Is getting softer, whose blood warmr whoe brain adcke, whes i et nta lat ing peams' Speak the trth by a menst be bold Iarless a y r eb uke of wmr ad tn m Iyear r nrebLmke o wrneu deing: but be human, and lov. lag sad gentle, sad brotherly the whil-W. N. Punbon. Ting a ood deal aone will, I M1ove eorrect me o my faults; for a man .can do without hi. own appmrn atl l soiety. but he st make nest aertio in pai It whin i Uea alona WIIbhot it I am convinced indes s not to be ejear,.eb -SCea A woman wE wear what ube pleaes ad a man m pay the bill. a yea know a maIe sak in him, DVOmt e so oneed that you thrust o. DORSET Tmat m1 P im - Cravat., Sik Knat FIl, aL Sirts Pajamas, raderwear, Vaney Vests, brry Robesa et. Wht Afista £L J. .-ur COTTON ENDS A machine gun in operation wll] on up a bale In three months. A 12-Inch gun disposes of half a bale It cotton with every shot fired. It takes over 20.000 bales a year to provide absorbent cotton to stanch and bind the wounds of the injured. In a naval battle, like the one oia Jutland, from 5,000 to 6,000 pounds a i minute are consumed by each active warship. One chanke of apparel for all the troop now engaged in the war repre. sents more than 1,000,090 bales of cot toea.--Jlt-Bits. IN OTHER CITIES Milwaukee is planning to rename many streets. Boston is urged to use wood fuel as late as possible. Chicago hotels are replacing men waiters with girls. Atlanta has a training school fat girl railway workers. Philadelphia will discontinue paylng salaries of cdty employees in was service. Chicago man has been arrested, Charged with having six wives co. elrrently. CHARTER OF GENTILLY OIL AND GAS COMPANY, INCORPORATED. United States of America. State of Louis iana. Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleans. Be it known, that on this twenty-fifth day of the month of November. in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and eighteen, and the Independence of the I'nited States of America. the one hundred and forty-third, before me. Frank William Hart. a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified, within and for the Parish of Or leans, State of Louisiana. therein residing, and in the presence of the witnesses herein after named and undersigned, personally came and appeared the several persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, who severally declared that, availing themselves of the benefits and provisions of the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana and of the laws of said State relative to the orga nization of corporations, and particularly of the provisions of Act No. 267 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the for the year 1914, they have united to form. and do. by these presents, form and orga nize themselves, as well as all such other persons who may hereafter join or become associated with them or their successors, into a stock corporation for the objects and pur poses and under the covenants, stipulations and agreements following, to-wit: ARTICLE I.-The name and title of this corporation shall be Gentilly Oil and Gas Company, Incorporated, and under and by said name. unless sooner dissolved in ac cordance with law and this charter, it shall exist and continue, and shall have and en joy corporate existence and succession for a period of ninety-nine (99) years from and after the date of this act. It may have. hold. receive, borrow. lend, exchange. ac q6ire by grant, gift. or purchase, devise or bequest, sell alienate, dispose of, convey. lease, pledge, pawn. hypothecate. encumnter or mortgage property of any kind, whether real, personal or mixed, corporeal or incor poreal, moveable or immovable, all subject to such' limitations as may be prescribed by law. It may make, issue and indorse bonds or notes and other a vidences of debt. It may accept mortgages, pledges, or other forms of security for money loaned or other debts. It may contract. sue and be sued. plead or be impleqded by its corporate name in any court of competent jurisdiction. It may, adopt and use a corporate seal and alter the same at pleasure. It nay hold stock in other corporations, and its capital stock may be issued for capital stock in other corporations. It may name, appoint and employ such managers, directors, of ficers, agents and other employees as its business and convenience may require, and may fix their compensation, having due re gard for the nature, character and value of their services. It may make and estab lish by-laws. rules and regulations not in consistent with this charter or any existing law. fixing or altering the management of its property, the regulation and government of its affairs, and the manner of the certi fication and registration of its stock. It may wind up and dissolve itself. or be wound up and dissolved, in the manner prescribed by law. It may conduct business in this State, other States. the Federal Districts, the territories and possessions of the United States, and any foreign countries. It gen erallv shall possess all the powers, rights. pivileges and innunities which eorooritions are and may hereafter be authorized to pos sess under the Constitution and laws of this State, and particularly under Act No. 257 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1914: and it shall have the power to invest its Board of Directors with all of its corporate powers subieet to such restrictioas as may he named in the eharter. ARTICLE II.The domicile of this corpora tion shall be the City of New Orleans, Par ish of Orleans, State of Lounisiana. and all citations or other legal process shall be served wnon its President, or. in the event of his absence, upon the First Vice-Presi dent. or, in the event of the absence of both of said officers, noon the Secretary. ARTICLE III.-The oblects and pmrposes for which sis corporation is. organited ore hereby declared to be: To drill and operate for oil, pt and other mineral substances; to mssuacture, refine, separe for market, bay sell and transport the saln in the sude or refined conditien; to quire for these purpaoes, as, oil, and mianeral lands. leases, lease-holds and any other interests in real estate, gas, oil or other minerals, and to dispsee of or encumber such lands, leseboids ar leases in any manner what soever; to constrct end maiatain conduits sid lines of piping and strage tanks for mte transportation and torabe of as, or oil for the publie senerally, s well as for the use of said corporatien; to traeport such q and gas by means of such pipes, tank cr or otherwise, and to sell and sply the same to others; to buy, lease or otrs acqire, tosell, mortgage or otherwise die peof ad encumber ad to construct, o.p erate and maintain pipe lines, conduits and stor tasks to he uned for the purpose of truansportag ad stortaig oil and gas and of doing a genaral pipe linae and storage bsi ness; to drill bore for, operate sad maintain gs wells, oil wells, and wells or mines for other merals, to operate and maintaln re dnsres for the refinais of oil end other mierals; generally to bey. sell and deal in gas, oil and other midrals; to conducpt aad mantinta all railways, tramways, telegraph ad telephone lines necessary to or conveni at a the prsecution san epetlen d the erporation, to obtaln and prepare for sar has, includin foe marheing thereof, sueh other sbm,Mnerl or materials as me be discovered bthe deveament f he land anad leases of the c-pretaon; to. eay oa der er all fd *id the also d a sistds, ares mehandis pad genern y to do ad trasact all business properlyt. lud with or incidental to anyr or all f sIO& uad purposes, as here ishore set m arZ t IVI-Ts at.peia. t4g stor 15thls erpratlo is here delard lasn, IMaol).& which iIs divided into sad topresated by linesy-five Thnsand (95,00) shares at the per value of One Dollar 4e) pr ir. Said epital steek shall be fully sidad son -aemsable when lssued,* Iall re reseatdby eratidestee, nod shell he ae a , NO trafsr o said cai dee uad mt,-WI I 1d w Z ub one ae padm n for bY & n t~r H I ~~·~"~'G4sb_~~eto CHARTERS le Industrial ('anal Zone, r:innng the Or rstward aliig tGentilly Road, a distan , .,t *a(,ut six hundred itiui) feet, and ex:end .ng back tnards Lake 1',ntchartrain, ,Ie tS-enl parallel line', on t-aii the dil tance between the tetilly Road ind :the D.yers llT Il, gas alI :iuic:al k.1aC : v criig said at,.ove dcrtyTc land ts icr 'y appraised, by .ie uiidel signed, con:s:itt' iii the It,- ,rI t liiret* i ,: i; o l ,ls ,r.r ;'t , . the sa.n of tort seven thlusanli , i livt 11 ir lied i 47,5- , dllar, anl tihe fa rt, of th, cosrp.oratlont .,re lc: '. the ai!. g ,i o .. id :iii eral Iase siri- ng ii i!l I n ,l f ,rtt - : 've n a th o.u s. n I. , fi v e :; , 1 .: . !. t ie capital s:.:k if thi . 11c ,:, ,:::,n ofi the par v.t.uc . no: ?$1 (i d ,ll..r ;e, r . ar ; I, . the icr tar it thi c .,rp ,irat', .le: I t ,. autl ,iizeI to accept It .i"e t ;I, I and ,,: i lt t I 'r l l ii till l,.ff ta ,It ' - iil farts) -sever.: --l I1c ho i'rr1 (4;.' 40s nare of .RfIICLE V.-The l:sIneS . d at.a:rs of this cotrp ra io shall be ni. lt.ig ]. a: 1 " ,t the corl.or.itt powers there, ia il 'c v S : tci yi ar l eerci. d by . Boardl o Ditrtc.s if nort rlss than : t Tirie ii :1,r .- l: t.::n :It l0 d i r c ,to r s , t o , t b l e c d f r ,m .e l,,: ,g f oe stockhlider.; a :m.ajr:i y of the diret i, ..: any time in office. including the l're:de int and other officers, shall c,,nstitue a The said Baurd of Isrectors sha. elect f ,:: anong their numnber a 'rtesdent, one or :i re Vice-Presidents--:he nuniher to be deter:icdil each year by each Board of Dir. trs-.t I reasurer and a Secre:ar). The o.ic- , Secretary and Treasurer may i.e ca:, :ni..I by the Board, and itled !ts oie ;. I the same person. Neither the Treasurer nor :he Secretary need necessarily be :nemn'ers ot the Board of Directors. The lBoard of Directors shall have th:e fu: and ctimplete contrial of the property of thu corporat:on and they shall condu.t, u-e .:i 1 :manage the same as in their d:scret in :cey may deem best, if not incontis:ent itth the objects and purposes of the C.,:npa::y a::.l the wel.ire of same. The said It, ard if Directors shall have the further power make, alter and annul such by-laws and regulations for the government ,it this cor poration as they may think proper; a ul shall have the right to appiint an Executive Committee to be composed of such number of directors as they might determ:ine; and shall have the authority to delegate an! confer on said Executive Commit:ee such power and authority as they, the said direc tors, may in their judgment deem necessary and conducive to the best interest of this corporation. The Board of Directors shall have the further power to appoint a general manager and all agents, clerks or employees and fix their salaries and compensation, with term of office, with the right to dismiss them at pleasure; and the said Board shall have the further right to fix and determine the salaries of the several officers herein pro vided for. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors shall oe filled by the remaining menmbers of said Board, for the un expired term, at any meeting of said Board of Directors. Until the first meeting of the stockholders of this corporation as herein provided for, or until their successors are elected and qualified, the following named constitute the Board of Directors and officers of this corporation: 3. Alex Ruedy, Citi zens Bank Building, New Orleans; Casper 0. Ruedy, Congress Square Hotel, Portland, Me.. Hugh V. Donnell, 706 Hibernia Build ing, New Orleans; with J. Alex Ruedy as President, Casper O Ruedy as Vice-President and Hugh V. Donenll as Secretary and Treas urer. ARTICLE VI.--On the third Monday of January. 1919, and annually thereafter on the third Monday of January of each and every year, a meeting of the stockholders of this corporation shall be held at its domicile for the purpose of electing directors for the en suing year. The said stockholders shall first by vote, fix the number of directors for the ensuing year, provided the said num ber is not less than the minimum, nor more than the maximum fixed by this charter, and after such number has been fixed, then said stockholders shall duly elect said directors. The failure, from any cause whatsoever, to hold the annual meeting of stockholders, or the failure to elect directors thereat, shall not dissolve this corporation, but the direc tors and officers then in office shall re main in office until their successors shall have been duly elected, qualified and in stalled. Special meetings of the stockhold ers may be called in the manner provided by law, and all stockholders' meetings shall be held in accordance with, and in the man ner provided by, the by-laws of the corpora. tion. ARTICLE VII.-This charter may be amended, and the capital stock of this cor poration may be increased or decreased, or this corporation may be dissolved, in the method and manner provided by law. ARTICLE VIII.-No stockholder of this corporation shall ever be held liable or re sponsible for the contracts or faults of this corporation, in any further sum than the unpaid balance of stock for which he has subscribed, nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this charter null or of exposing stockholders to any liability other than as above pro vided. Thus done and passed. in my office, at the City of New Orleans, 'Louisiana. on the day, month and year hereinabove first written, in the presence of Edward Hare, and Mar aret McGrath, competent witnesses, who erernto sign their names with said appear era and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. Witnesses: Edward Hare. Margaret Mc Grath. (Original Signed) J. A. Ruedy, Citizens Bank Bldg.. New Orleans, La-; C. O. Ruedy, Congress So. Hotel, Portland, Me.: -By . A. Ruedy; H. V. Donnell, ,06 Hiber nia Bank Bld New Orleats. La. (ied) K WM. HART. Notary I, the undersigned. Recorder of Mortgages. in and for the parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Act of Incorporation, of the Gentilly Oil and Gas Company. Incorporated, was this da dduly reCorded in my office, in Book l~, folio iW. New Orleans, November Z. 191. (Signed) EMILE J. LEONARD, D. R. A htrie copy. PRANK Wi. HART, No tary Puble. Dee. 5-12,19-P6: Jan. 2-9. WOMEN EIUST IN BATTALION OF UFE A- ane__ Divide a Hem Le te mIals IeUlem et Death h ReAl WW Wek. rildeW hitale· at Deat m e Ib woemen namortal by eatdhetritu aetto at the rost. Amerea's Blat blnos eat ie dM hlbrt to mritt I- mertwwet a bn ier sem streauth glv tag aetls Ia the hom teree e, aer eelng treetlty wit th me who p -vr the taep A mew httd et wemera' ammy aou tate balag. Its e aed the -k - ale Dtvtr n." a etartel mler . uarldreee. - Marpret We*d k wn tar her ltrulkte war eplre: her aide, Major Okee, anrd a mal _mp eat flmd, tmding Mls Ma- Jorla hrowa t Atleata, 0as danghter at a*.tta t lea dlu am et s sth, s a relatve at tL pleddmet, worn i-eemmlg wemerrs p t la th war d tem loeprtaame at mauag the eret. talent, ase aifav at ee woma i the euaty. m meed at oraalaSaim l diree es ea that tame san West otudv devotesd to del. tae a o wlaes og.pla. ma out at the Ieemom esapI a r patlotte womma, ad m re sreelly theyewg weoinq at tho COuty. 1he Irm fb he requitel was lesiatdl the "B ubse Dfvidlea," sb s p. at ,at te eated wemest t sr sad 'ther a . w une tag e ear srve E zas oneh ase. b k W men e le e e, eas , so Lovely Dress for InformalW "':,. ' "' ,,. . '~ 4 a r.. ·4_4 • .. - .- , ; :, : .· i ; ?I ' • :,-:: !- " .: / : · i. C :.. i- . • . . ,' : : SBrides who feel that war times, or other reasons, demand a simple wed ding, with only one or two attendants, may still wish to be married In bridal white. The summer gives them splen did opportunities to Indulge this de sire. All the deileate, sheer, white fabn rica for frocks-organdie, batiste and georgette--are at their command for beautiful gowns, and there are ma lines, georgette, organdle and neapoli tan, or hair braids, from which to choose hats. The addition of a veil to these big picture hats for midsummer fits them for the wedding ceremony, and when it is taken off their useful ness for the honeymoon begins. Just how successful the summer bride may be, if she elects to content herself with a simple wedding dress of white sheer goods Instead of satin, and a delicate and beautiful hat In stead of a veil, Is shown by the brida ostume pictured above. Here a gown t fine embroidered batiste Is as fine grained as the richest of materials and its usefulness only begins with the wedding. The hat s o gorgee epe, with stitches In heavy em broldery silk, relieving the plainness at the rown. he brim anedge is soft ff Novelties in New 'SweatgrV 4Q4 t . to y ' '` . , ? . A safuAmu Idea hasb bees tbake p amad is benlag e lted by the mans aeturers of high lme sweaters. It Is the hdtroduction t decoratlmo that look nike and e laspired by the bead wck and other oeramental work doe b, Ame~lea Inease o their s,. eats. It s od that ste h sor ee t laspiration bas not bees more oeely .ed, bemase It belong t or own eotry and le diesdie ve d plo Anyone baoig a poor opatos at the eausntl beadwe eand eather. week dame by he Inlsan wl psin re sect for tn by looking Into the mat tr. h In mamu thema coetions d their beaddAuss garments that are urpriins. Thery ben la ~ed patlent wk e them and their asigalng and esole week awe worth studfiag. ' t Owne a those ewr sweaters tat rry the lmaglsatlos back to the days ae the plounes Is slows at the loft at the picture. Isead at being made at Oe doeklia slashed lab a frage at 6s bottom, It Is at o Itowhite ilk. with a deep !slnge ft ilk about the bottom. It Is a suareneaked, lone shouldered ltpover. with the arms e artully shaped and lshed, and the arae so esee. About the neck and down the front wht agiears at rst glance to be a patter wrought n colored beads Is a maMae embroidery of small loops or boots. The girdle is of the aine slk LITANY FOR PESSIMISTS 3spnesg this war. you as awe rsee wa aot mousei. N yse as met mehaurd thee in mahing to Wev y about. Syes ta usbMsei pm haw twie ubsm am e a t es Ant M taee ened by a border of ty 0 about it. The most roses are set between t white satin wheat at h heart of summer, sad ag ette veil haags from th quarters of the lea h This would be as perum door wedding as t bhe home. The refinement l4 it a cherished heart of brides. Neat it style at a simple ws hi beautifully made tailu the bride goes away. Lunhebss Cate favors for a hats made of silk or are old-fashloned ai the crowns small fastened to them. i monize with the cir luncheon, trim wth and put a row it the edg. as the s row * Theu ahw g Tbell. att, bre savage' A6 r sad thir r ss ray waI b arpOl Ti tr a wo klm sermnt sad made the baci s a tet..od m we as wea at Wi f A good war moths Is to boxes such a. 1 tallor or the suits should be boxes before -t~h then every Cp together by maM paper, such as em for a very WMl1 boxes may be to year for tWs If you are tS iothlng to war f you ae at two alternatll Uther yM M! hutL It yms de l-mi.aarM ,I ,_ .