OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, March 20, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1919-03-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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. Help remove THE HRAL .
theb h Upbeiling of the Wet Ude of the Rver. "A very live and creditable weekly s.wapeper."-MANUFACTURER! RECORD. UNITED STATES GOVER.NMENT
S .da afternooU t Euchref
 --week at the home of
mosey, the successful f
sr lsrs. Tanse), Mrs. A
m ,. A. Burke (playing for t
Lewis). irs. C.
ed the consolation. The I
will be at the home of t
g teaee entertained the
SThe successful players
a C. V. Kraft, Mrs. F. Goe
Ir R. A. Tansey. Mrs. C. t
received the consolation.
S g'will be at the home
, A. Tsvaey.
- Cyre Carco, of Ocean
Mi*., is the guest of her
and sister-in-law, Mr. and
.IL Carter of Thayer St.
]atr Cayard, president of I
,S gpworth League, deliver
Sid"U at the open meeting
n of officers held
~ ag by Felicity Church t
3 a Lennox has enrolled in
course which is be
by the Playground
S.u1te Vallier has been ap
w.ral in charge of our
ir the tag day benefit for
v'incet Infant Asylum, to
by the Elks on March
SSttsmpf left for Picayune
 s uped a week there. t
p. Martinez of Mobile. Ala.,
two weeks with hos
i Seguin Street.
babies of Mr. and Mrs.
oi Seguin Street, were
suaday evening at the Holy
'Mry Church at 3:30 p. m.
mn received the names
'Aia Brown and Louis
mron. Sponsors were:
wlgell sad Mrs. L. Latino,
Brown and Miss Oulda
itard of Diana Street, re
from Abita Springs,
a week there with her
j brecht.
.tafaden spent Sunday i
sM Mrs. X Yeadon of Po
i returned home from
Mis., after spending a
Walters is spending
City, the guest of
S. . Ditch.
Oi, Internal Revenue
U. S. Government, has
St. Francisville, La.,
Ieads and Plaquemine,
fifteen days in
,the Government.
D rgan of Galveston,
gest of her mother,
ett. Mr. Durgan
be home shortly.
mueting of the Belle
' Mother Club was
14th. Quite a
S aembers were pres
meeting was in pro
refreshments were
vots of thanks were
Wies who made the
."M the cake.
Royal Ameudo, Mr.
Miss Myrtle Souque,
and Mr. Ernest
. L. Ameudo were
lSer Sunday by Mrs.
Hemelt was a
iLm Sasday.
-. al left Tuesday
elms in Martin, South
$bl mother on a fil
at Mr. and Mrs.
Vanlery Fath) of
tsh thrlstemed Sunday
oi Mary Church.
esoved the name of
Miss Oertie Harri
Chris. Pth were the
arrived Monday
day frloung spent
i arats, in Kellog,
rIsmUer left on Mon
17th., aboard the S.
Gemo, Naples, and
daughter, Cecilia
ihoue from Denver,
sading a most en
U mt the we*
W-uats in Vallette
of Miss Alice
to lite the
n lan
the past
Your state taxes for 1919 will be
four mills on a full 100 per cent. as
sessment. It will be apportioned as
follows: 'Two mills for state pur
poses, 1 1-2 mills for schools and 1-2
mill for Confederate veterans.
If you happen to live in Orleans
parish, two mills must be added for
the Orleans Levee Board special tax.
making the total six mills state tax
in Orleans parish. Your 1918 state
taxes were nine mills on a 50 per
cent basis, seven mills state tax and
two mills levee.
Pay More State Taxes.
The Orleans payer will pay more
state taxes in 1919 than he did in
1918. Here is how it will work out:
Suppose your asse:-~ment was
$4.000 in 1918. You paid nine
mills on $2,000. the 50 per cent as
sessment, or $18. This year you
will pay six mills on the full $4,000,
and your contribution to the state
tax collector will be $24, $6 more
than in 1918.
This has nothing to do with the
city rate, which the past year was
22 mills on a 75 per cent basis.
Editorial Note--My Gawd. can
this be possible?
On last Sunday, a most enjoyable
crayfish party was given by a jooly
crowd at the Cut-Off. They left early
in the morning and spent the day
there, where they succeeded in catch
ing many crayfish which were then
boiled, and later on were enjoyed by
all. Those who participated were:
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Oswald. Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Ntklaus. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oswald,
Mr. William Oswald. Mr. Raymond
and Harold Oswald. Master Louis
Niklaus and the little Misses Elsie.
Elba, and Carmel Oswald.
An enjoyable evening was spent at
the home of Miss Emelda Niklaus of
of Nunez Street, last Thursday eve
ning. Delicious refreshments were I
served and music and dancing were i
indulged in. Those who participated
in making the evening an enjoyable
one were: Misses Lillian Knowles.
Eola Mitchell, Miss Gaspard, Leah
Kirby, Miss Holten, Irma Tufts.
Florence Lusk, Anna May Gould, and
Emelda Niklaus, Messrs. Raymond,
Spitzfaden. Magnus. Harper. Ralph
Cazabon, Gus and Dan Knowles. Tom
Dupre, Clark Nelson, Alfred Christy,
Seldon Talbot and Henry A1lxander.
Mr. Roland E. James, formerly of
our town, but now of Kansas City,
Kans., Is the Labor candidate for
Mayor of that city.
He made a forceful address which
was listened to with marked attention
by the audience; he emphasized the
fact that he believes in a square deal I
for all. Mr. James is a loyal Ameri
can, efficient, reliable and honest. He!
believes in progress and is opposed I
to unfair methods.
He is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs:
Casey of Opelousas Avenue, and the
father of Roland', Jr., Norman and
Helen James.
On Sunday, March 15th., Mr. andt
Mrs. Erwin Salathe entertained a few
friends in honor of Misses Johanna
Salome and Antionette Scocia. Music,
singing, and dancing were indulged
in and everyone had a most enjoyable
Those present were: Misses Johanna
Salome, Antionette Scqcia, Leah
Schroder, Alva Salathe, Eunice Muntz,
Mary Spellman, Lucille Lecourt,
Johanna Albrecht, and Dolores Salome,
Messrs Joe. Salome, Dwight Salathe,
Irvin Harding, Sam Harding, Jr.,
am Harding, Sr., and H. Aubert,
Mrs. T. LBcourt, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Salome, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Salathe, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Salathe, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F. Albrecht,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Durand, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Salathe.
Baroise will be glad to learn that she
is recovering after a spell of illness.
The Liberty Social Club gave their
First' Masquerade Dance on Wednes
day night, March the 19th., at the
Avenue Academy.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. 4Bright left
Wednesday for Des ,Moines, Iowa, to
spend a month with -relatives there.
Mr. Bright is on a thirty-day fur
lough and is a Chief Yoeman aboard
the U. S. S. Castine.
Mrs. R. A. Tansey entertained a
few friends at carde Monday after
nqpn. Five Hundred was played,
the following being the successful
players: Mrs. A. Burke, Mrs. 'H. T.
Malone and Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Mrs.
F. Goebel received the consolation.
A dainty luncheon was enjoyed.
Miniature 'Irish flags were given as
Private A. J. Gendusa of Co. 5 %.
P. B. Guard is still stationed at Fort
Oglethorpe, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cabibi and family
spent yesterday in Kenner, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. V. PFllipary.
Miss Sadie Garland and little niece,
Charlotte Hoffetetter, leave this morn
Isg for Glynn, La., to spend some
The many friends of Mrs. Jas. L.
Yent will be pleased to learn of her
The Euchre Club met last Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. H. Acker.
The successfutl players were Mrs.
Homer Herbert, Miss Salome Kappler
and Miss Sadie Oarland. Mrs. Jos.
Worley reeelvedthe consolation.
Miss Olga McNeely of Coringtoa.
La,. is spending a few days heri
the guest of Miss Alva Salathe.
Mr. and Mrs. ells Davis and their
daughter-in-law ,Mrs. Raphael Davis
left for Shelby, Miss., to visit Mr.
Raphaei Davis who is now stationed
there. He expects to be mustered out
of rvie ,a a Iw days.
'Mrs. U. ,. as watertw'as-Weods
Amwr ~CO deemon admanI~.A.r·mha,
To Be Hatched Out U
• _ . x\ \ti \ \\\ \\\ \ \ ,y
\, ,
L9' /\ý\I?.· \\\1 \\\\\\\\\, \,·
?\\\ rUW~~ r ~ ~ ~~/c
Washington. March 15 .- To
make effective the daylight savings
law Director-General Hines today
instructed railroads to turn their
clocks ahead one hour at 2 a. m.
Sunday, March 30. Trains will run
on the new schedule thereafter, but
will be held only at terminals. While
the roads will not stop for an hour
to make up the difference in time,
each railroad will be called on to
"properly safeguard movement of
its trains on the road at the time of
the change."
Clocks will be set back at 2 a. m.
on the last Sunday in October.
Missing his footing when he at
tempted to pump on a milk wagon at
Elmira and Newton Streets, Algiers
Sunday morning, Clarence Flemming,
11, negro of 1224 Lamarque gteet,
fell beneath the wheels of the wagon
and received a fractured left arm
and slight bruises about the left
ankle. He was taken to Charity Hos
pital. The wagon is owned by John
Hintz, of Hindee and Lamarque
On Tuesday, March 11th., a Jolly
crowd gathered at the home of Miss
Myrtle Sutherland. in Pacific Avenue.
Dancing was indulged in and delicious
refreshments were served. Those
present were: Misses Carrie Hilde
brand, Hazel Cayard, Myrtle Suther
land, Mildred Hildebrand, Doris Baker,
Rita Ramos, Elita Sutherland, Gless
ner Shirk, Delia Burmaster and Emma
Sutherland. Messrs. Robert Galling
house, Thomas Heron, Morris Robi
chaux, Leon Legendre, Royce Trauth,
Jannsen Jones, Irwin Harding, Ig
natius Trauth, Ben. North, Emile Hoff
man, Irwin Sutherland, George Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Sutherland.
Walter Jackson, negro, of No. 908
Wagner street, reported to the Al
giers police last week that his home
had been entered between 2 and 7
o'clock in the afternoon and robbed
of $70 in cash end clothing and jew
elry worth $38, the latter being the
property of his sister, Carrie Jack
son. The money had been hidden
in a trunk. There is no clue.
A happy birthday aniversary was
spent last Saturday evening by little
Miss Ethel Anderson and her many
friends at the home of her parents in
Belleville Street.
The little Miss received many hand
some presents from her little friends.
Games, singing, and dancing were in
dulged in. The instrumental selec
tions played by little Nellie Honniball
and the vocal selections by little El
vira Hunn were enjoyed by all.
Among those present were: Helen
Charleville, Monica Brown, Juanita
Shows, Ora Chico, Vivian Brechtel.
Vera Vezien, Eleanor Hafkesbring,
Irma and Susie Roberts, Elvira Hunn,
Roseada and Helen Shorey, Lillian
Chestnnt, Nellie Honiball, Flossie
Reynolds, Rhoda Murphy, Clara Flo
gel, Charline and Claire Martin, Lula
May and Annabelle Besson, Margaret
and Flossie May Heath, Annie Ker
intue, Anna May Goff, Louise Weig
man,, May and Bernice Anderson,
Rosalyn Crowley, Helen Huckins, Ag
nes O'Donnell, Vivian Clement, Vivian
Smith, Thelma and Julia Seegers,
Margery Dozier, Rorothea Webert,
Berth Mangiaracino, Adele and Beu
lah Gufllot. Theresa Jones, Ila Morgan,
Martha Adams, Viola Barrett, Patricia
Cecelia and Harriet Muntz, Verna
Judlin, Andrien Escousse Dorts Aas
worth, Mary Louise Foster, Mercedes
'I hompson, Grace Martinez, babies
Frank Lecort. Bernard Egdoff and
Robt Collins, Missee Emma Flogel,
Ethel Williams and Gertrude Hora,
asign Waltsr Neal and Mrs. Neal
Byrns AndersoQ, Mosdames Th
Gaf, o. L Ahysem, . 3. tChare~rvlle,
W. ~nER, Loais Mrphy aml Robt
CeInla -Mr.- aM -Mm Walter Anie
The above photograph is a good
likeness of Charles J. ,Miller, one of
our former wellknown business
man, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Miller, of 415 Belleville Street. He
joined the Army about September,
1917, and was stationed in various
camps in the United Sbates before
he went to France. He was attach
ed to the 129th Field Artillery of
Battery E. of the National Guard of
Missouri and with this contingent, he
spent the four last months of the
war in the front line trenches and
was in the trenehes the day that the
Sarmistice was signed. Chailie is
expected home in a short time and
'his many friends will be glad to
hear from him at first hand about
some of the battles with the Huns.
Commander G. E. P. Stevenson,
3chaplain for more than a year at the
New Orleans Naval Station, left New
. Orleans Monday for New York, under
Sorders to proceed to Northern Russia.
Mrs. Stevenson will leave for the East
within aJew days.
Commander Stevenson has been in
the navy for twelve years. He was
formerly a Baptist pastor at Pittsburg.
1 HERE' som0 NWS S_ '
Plans for the fifth Liberty Loan s
campaign, which opens April 21,
were outlined Wednesday night at a
meeting of the local executive com
mittee. r
Announcement was made that
Chairman James P. Butler, Jr., had t
resigned, and that W. W. Bouden I
had been named to succeed him.
Other members of the committee are
E. E. Lafaye, R. S. Hecht, P. R.
Saunders, James R. Stevens, Marcus
Walker and St. Denis Villere.
The speakers' bureau will be un
der the supervision of Judge Rufus
E. Foster, while Mrs. Laurence Wil
liams will head the women workers
of the state.
On last Friday evening little Fran
ces Dulcich entertained a number of
her little friends at her home in Sli
dell Avenue, the occasion being the I
eighth anniversary of her birth.
Dainty refreshments were served
and games were indulged in and also I
dancing. The music was rendered by
Mrs. Thomas Griswold. Little Miss
Frances was the recipient of many i
beautiful presents from her many I
friends. The charming little hostess's t
sister, of Monroe, La., presented her
with a beautiful gold bracelet. Those I
who helped to make the evening en
enjoyable were Misses Katie Olando,
May Rooney, Olga and Vera Estopinal, t
Doris Leland, Helen Huckins, Verna I
Lucas, Emelda Ernest, Althea and e
Irma Klink, Majorie Schroeder, Falva t
Buchholz, Eleanor Smith, Althea and i
Elsie Vinet, Edwina Smith. Elba Os
wald, Bertha Bourgeois, Thelma Sand
born, Lillie Burgau, Adeline and Iris
McGharr, Bernice Clasen, Camille
Thomas, Elsie and Carmel Oswald,
Cytha Hotard, Grace Worrell, Myrtle
Felsher, Dorothy Schile, Margaret
Lowe, May Bruney, Irma Vinet,
Theresa Jones, Zita and Jullette Ho
tard, and Francis Dulcich, and Messrs
Overy Hotard, Harold Ernst, Charles
Mossholder, Percy Jones, James Vinet,
J. T. McGarr, Harold Emith, Ermine
Leland, Alfred Wattler, Wilbur Meyers,
Leo Culver, Joseph Lucas. Edward
Worrell, Richard and Charles Dixon,
Raymond Lowe, Patrick Kennair,
Sammy Sandborn, Thomas Griswold.
tWillie Clasen, George and Jannasen
Jones, Mesdames J. Klink, H. Leland.
C. Vinet, T. Griswold, H. Schile, B.
Bourgeois, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Dulcich. All departed voting little
Miss Francis a charming young hos
t Messrs. A. F. Kauffman, Jas. Mc
Intosh, E. B. Barry, and A. G. Smith
R were in Crowley, La., last week at
5 tending the session of the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows which convened
there March 10-11-12. The next meet
ing of the Grand Lodge will be held
in Shreveport in 1920.
A jolly crowd spent several days
at Bay Adam last week at the Bay
View Gun and Rod Club.
Those in the party were Chas. E.
Dickey, A. Lembach, Jas. O. Stewart,
Frank Killeen, Wm. Scholl, Jno.
Lusk, Felix J. Borne, Jr., Wm. Lilly,
Dr. J. E. Pollock, Commissioner W.
T. Christy and Dr. C. V. Kraft.
On Sunday, March the 6th., a jolly
crowd of girls wended their way to
the Naval and Immigration Stations
for the purpose of taking pictures as
well as having a general good time.
They procured many pretty snapshot
during the course of the evening and
returned from the outing very well
Those who participated were:
Misses Mildred Braner, Herbert Ma
lain, Ethel Arcement, Amna May
Dennls, Hlesa Daisy, His Malata
o .edys sire. ma Anna May Erec
Tl'h1 .... ine )t thl, Slch ,o,,l H ar i
Frilay nigh' a: listingul-hed pri
tlIrlhily ," the pra i I:! ,ti e v , 1
riep ' ir ac' tor. o( f th, .--ot,':,
thal' l'c';l1.,r for 1 ac-I t w h.-' 11r I1'. nu- t h
1her o mII r thain thirty. al that re
extra tI chers hel a ,poi :tnlh-: t tach hil
a ,fti r,'oon cl ai- e Ir t , k- i ti , i
Tllh protet was rlefrrell to the
teacherrs Ic llloitltee the p barl fir
'cnsiulera tijolt.
cipal of the s,awth Whit. chiols
wat grantschol an inreahse of $1t'.r pnr
erontol poreing 'th appoity. and t aof
a vice-principal. u
xtriss Irmaer Sutton was anppointelach l
perlaneot sb itwut. refrr Laton, s:
vtacahrcy; Miss ttlare I ba. Wit ad per
manent substitute. from list to Belle- i
ville kindergarten. ih
There is a scarcity of teachers in
Beleville at the present time. Owing 0
to Miss Florence Burgis departure for i
France, her place has been filled by n
Miss Sutton. While Miss Giblin is i
on a leave of absence, her place is cl
filled by Miss Claire Wilson, of our e
town. I T
The Red Cross Membership is 1001f
per cent. The children have been
very good in living up to their promises
and pledges made during this drive.
Through Mr. Lindsay, the children a
can purchase Thrift Stamps from the (
government. This is the best gilt-edge p
savings investment ever offered. The y
parents of these children are urged a
to teach them to save in this manner. e
Miss Mauret, assistant physical di- ii
rector of the schools, visited the school
t last week and heartily approved of f
I the work done by the school. Miss c
n Le Blanc. drawing supervisor, also '
was a visitor to the school last week, a
e she also being well pleased with the 1
" children's work.
s The school's attendance for the past
week was very good. Miss Averill's
class attendance for the entire week E
s was 99.83. The following classes re- <
I- ceived stars for their good attendance. I
s Miss Judlin, 1st. B.. Miss Burgis, 2nd. I
B., and Miss Averill's room, 6th. A.
Thursday a week ago, the soldiers
that passed through here from France
were royally entertained by the chil
dren by singing. Refreshments were
•. served to these men. They too took
f a part in the singing as well as the
i. pupils. The soldiers departed, after a
e most enjoyable evening was spent.
They expressed their thankfulness and
. gratitude to these children as well as
o to the principal and the teachers.
y Some weeks ago, the children dug
s a garden and now they are commenc
y ing to plant their seeds. The home
y garden and the school garden are well
s taken care of and looked after. The
r children delight In caring for these
a plants.
1" The Daughters of 1;76 and 1812 ex- r
SIpect to give an entertainment some i
I. time after the Lenten Season at the I
a French Opera. The McDonogh No. 4, f
dland Belleville Scohols were asked to r
a take part in the choruses and dancing, ]
d Incident to the presentation. I
1 Miss Caroline Albrecht, Supervisor
e lof Music spent the day with us on
t Tuesday, March 18.
SMiss Fannie Moret, Supervisor of
i Physical Training, who has had charge
Sof the Physical Training in the school,
has been transferred to New Orleans,
Smuch to the regret of both the faculty
and pupils of the school. She will
d be succeeded by Mr. J. Dowling. who
comes as an old friend, as he has
'been among us before.
The result of the test in rapid
aArithmetic and Spelling, which is
given every Monday by the principal,
'resulted as follows:
Arithmetic: Seventh Grade A
SEulalie LeCourt, Olivier Wattigny,
I Myrtle Gregory, Arthur Kulp. Mar
garet Moseley, Inez Wall, James Scott,
Louis Cronan.
Seventh Grade B-Holsten Moseley,
Grace Cazanbon, Charles Smith, Lucille
Le Court Arthur Grundmeyer, Henry
Gregory, Stello Cronan.
c- Sixth Grade A-John Camus, Ethel
h Rice, Alice Serpas, Thelma Wille, Ruth
' Zeringue.
d Sixth Grade B-Elmer Grundmeyer.
d Fifth Grade A-Marion Edgecomb,
t Joseph Catalanatto.
Id Fifth Grade B- Iley Bergeron.
Fourth Grade A-William Sullivan,
Philomen Beaudean.
Third Grade A-Louise Anderson.
William Bommer, Ben Cantin.
Third Grade B-Clemmie Smith,
s August Tierney, Joseph Donnelly.
Iy Sixth Grade A-Gertrude Bommer,
Alite Serpas, Thelma Wille, Grady
E. Scott, Ethel Rice, Eliska Sullivan.
rt, Sixth Grade B-Ora Brown, Clarence
o. Crabtree.
y, Fifth Grade A-Elmao Scott.
- Fifth Grade B-John Crabtree. Iley
Bergeron, Myrtle Boudreaux, Eleanor
Fourth Grade A- William Sullivan.
Philoman Beaudean, Lucille Baumann,
Eula May Kenny Lawrence Wille,
ly Jennie Scott. Thelma Hintz.
to Fourth Grade B- William Flanagan,
as Alice Beandean, Raymond Grundmeyer,
as Juliette Hebert.
e. Third Grade A-Irene Milan, Frieda
ot Oltman, Louise Anderson, Clarence
rd Beaudean, Dennie Keogh.
all Second Grade A-Mike Evola, Pros
per BernolL
*: Second Grade B---Charles Donnelly,
[a Hillery Mallhos, Charles Caruso.
ay Floyd Guillot.
Ia. Perfect in Spellaing: Seventh Grade
sh- A-Carmne BSammer, Myrtle Gregory,
tRalph Unmach, Peter Rouse, Izes
\, rt lit. ; ll u 'l. intl " N411 'li hink
'o,..1ihiliti ir- ' e t h e lookled.
ae li, "ee t h, ti' .' tIh ilo t 11 l ,i:t'. \ ,ni
'Y'.;,1 i't' is, (';t;",,t tr.' :;.1,,
tlon the wa gy l i. | h t, h l!, 1! t.ILr
drtIlttk, is heit lti -i ti hi) th'e
\Naly li itrl ntll nt. No,\t \c 'hrl.i.tns lM s.
n\ \s Int as n o. t nirtl iti the t 'y
al i iit m nititee. of tlh. Iliarit i, Tr iht.
oiticials' tihe t ul ant elll t ht ,, i l
front tull use of lth,. facilit i > at .\1l
\i . I'. Hii ss, t cha irtman of the naily
.ya; olllllit't of the Ihtarl of Trade'.
oil this .uhoj ect, said:"
The executive commllllllittee of th
jilint this lf olrktct (ha' dttI (lth'5h!l u t:
chanlges h:is steadily Iteer atteliri~c l
to increas thi illllmportance of the ew
()rleans Naal Station. but has not
seored much a recent succ ttss. Our
senators and congressme  n utnder
staid the inllortand'e to Naw Orleans
of this work, but hal\e dloubltless be)
landicapped by other imatters of im
l,rtance and by the fact that the
lavy\' authorities do not seem to
think the station as implortat as the
other stations and yacrds.
"t is hoped ttat now, with the war
over, and a readjustment of conditions
coming, our senators and congress
men will be able to secure added
work and equipment, which will In
crease the yard's importance. The
executive comnmittee watches these
matters and neadeavors to secure as
favorable treatment as practical."
Bigger Payroll Wanted.
It was also pointed out that a mat
ter of even more importance than the
authorization of work and equipment
is the granting of an adequate weekly
payroll appropriation to enable the
yard to work at capacity on jobs now
authorized and to use to the fullest
extent the large amount of equipment
it now possesses.
With machine shops, brass and iron
foundries, forge shops and the like
capable of turning out the full mate
rail and equipment for a warship of
a type as big as the gunboat, and with
a new power plant approaching com
pletion the yard's need is believed by
Orleanians to be Navy Department
sympathy and interest. It was learn
ed Friday that although the yard
could give employment to 2000 men.
it had at most only about 1750 during
the war period, and has now been re
duced to the employment of about
Recently completed in the machine
shop is the engine for a large tug
which has already been lannched, the
hull also having been built at Algiers.
Another tug of the same type is on
the ways and another engilye under
construction. Eight 110-foot submarine
chasers have been built at the yard
during the war. The last of these is
now nearing completion on the ways.
Among work authorized, but 00ot yet
begun are five wooden coal barges of
250 tons each and two seaplane der
The 'New Orleans yard must in
crease rapidly in importance, as the
government-owned merchant vessels
of the Shipping Board increase in
number, was the opinion expressed by
Samuel A. Trufant, a member of the
Board of Trade committee. Mr. Tru
fant declared that steadily increasing
need for repairing, refitting and over
hauling government vessels operating
in the gulf will come with this ex
pansion and that New Orleans wth
the excellent facilities of her navy
yard is the place for this work to be
Yard Important Here.
A point generally emphasized is
that the navy yard holds a place in
the city's industrial life exactly equal
to that of any other industry employ
ing a like number of men. I 200 men
are employed, it means an addition of
that many families to New Orleans,
in all probability 5000 or 6000 men,
women and children. With this goes
the business connected with the pur
chase of supplies, materials, and the
like. Also important in any considera
tion of the navy yard is the 600-foot
floating drydock, the second largest
of its sort in the world, the only one
larger being in the Phillippine Islands.
Vessels at the navy yard this week
include the New Orleans. a mammoth
I dredger, belonging to the Engineer
Corps, U. S. A., which has just left
drydock; the Dolphin, flagship of
Rear Admiral E. A. Anderson, who in
ill at the Naval Hospital; thie Ozark,
a submarine mothership, which has
been operating in the gulf, and the
Sgunboats Castine and Wheeling, the
latter a craft long famous in the old
navy. The tanker George Henry, re
' cently back from submarine ex
periences in the war zone. is also at
the yard, as are several smaller craft.
New construction recently complet
ed at the navy yard includes a $"2,000
Spaint shop, a large shell house, wash
houses for laborers, equipped with
shower baths and individual lockers.
and the Hostess House, in conection
' with the receiving ship, which was
dedicated a week ago.
Wall, Olivier Wattigny, James Scott.
· Seventh Grade B---Henry Gregory.
Floyd Hoffstetter, Lucille LeC'ourt,
Holsten Moseley. Stello Cronan, Vil
liam Gerrets, Aubrey Serl,as. Grace
' Cazaubon, Inez Bourgeois.
SBSixth Grade A-John Canyl, Clinton
' Second Grade B--Floyd Guillot.
Third Grade B-Lawrencc , Tagert,
Gladys Grandmeyer, Marie Louise
Captain T. Grlswold has returned
r, to the 9ttates after serving Uncle
A Sam in France. Oaptaln Griswold.
who belongs to the 335th M!achine
-ioun Company, 87tih Division, is ex
F. peced to resteh hi thome, 717 Teche
a streekF 14gg .

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