Newspaper Page Text
xes. HelpTHE HERALD ` sess * Up IMleMs. * 1*O WOL id o*h Ilve Ro,.. "A very live and eredltable weekly aewopape."'-MANUPACTURER RECORD. UNITED STAT GOVERNMEINT Vx,,¥. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1919. '" o. 46, 1 . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .... . ' , " o _ . " SERSONALS " -AN1 OTHERWISE 'e .Miss Edith Maguire, of l buage, La., has been the guest .' ale and ault, Mr. and Mrs. J Melancon. Rw. A. Tansey entertained the Club last week. The suc a players were Mrs. H. T. Ma I»r, H. Lee Sease, and Mrs. F. Mrs. C. V. Kraft received nasolation. Mrs. A, Burke will pt at the nert meeting. Iad Mrs. Charles Esnard have S-spthy of their many friends l'ss of their infant baby boy. SNellie ODonnell left on Sun for Matthews, La., after spend g short time with her parents, std Mrs. O'Donnell, in Belleville She will again take up her po Sas vice-principal in the Mat .'lyDickey entertained at e o 1t0oddy afternoon, in hon O rs..A Lembach, of Hastings, T$le successful players were, 4,1 nsey, Mrs. F. Goebel. C.' . ,Kraft. Mrs. H. T. ed the consolation. d.ies were played, n was served. Stumpf left on Sat lusa, La., to spend th her daughter, Mrs. , Jr. to and Mrs. V. Fillip ly of Kenner, La., spent 4 at the home of Mr. .Cabbi, in Opelousas Ave. k Heuner has returned P tlemine, La., where she e time with her mother. W. Abbott left Tuesday ria and Lake Charles, she will lie the guest of Miss 3ibert. .aphael Davis has returned vp > relby, Miss., having rgy discharged from the ':Sl1rt left Monday for ,to attend the Wood tion. hell ardy sailed for j'tesday aboard the U. S. S. lorence Kinkaid left Wed for Lafayette, La., to visit Jenle Matthews. -.atronpt Club met Tuesday at of Mrs. Sam Boylan. The players were Mrs. Sam Mrs. A. Gisch, and Mrs. E. Mrs. ,. DeLaup received the The next meeting will hgme.of Mrs. DeLaup. Night Euchre Club met Mrs. C. V. Frisch. The =players were Mrs. Cutren. ~sfstetter. and Mrs. J. :ir 0. W Pollock received M. rs. D. Murtagh will ht,tle next meeting. i B. H. Williamson, Algiers returned to his y In Gulfport, Miss., after with the Sunset Trance, he was given a ' by his numerous * Williamson received from Camp Shelby. J. Cabibi has enlisted In . Navy and left Wednesday hr the Great Lakes Train 'His many friends wish Mrs. Leo Vallette who elsding their honeymoon and Gulfport, Miss., and will be at home fyriends at 221 Pelican of Algiers Review of s*t Association of `~fll have their social ast the home of Mrs.'.E: A -a Jolly good time is an SRhaley has reached New way home from France. of Ensign and Mrs. 'H. :brightened by a four 'du .Sunday. S'ulers and Ernestine .the guests of Mrs. tr 'OGentucky Street, or ~ra B. F. Biagglni and Qdy in Algiers the A'.. Blagginl' of ,27 Ber a0 and Chais. Ting locally by the M. L. returned from a week tip at Ollie, La., which by anprecedented suc A1. Louis Spitzfaden are MIta Strings, after a few SGriswold, U. S.A., who WE ALL KNOW Sbe Wind .1 rainM is ivngt1 - p neDes scifa*J~J PIAYGROUND BOARD TO HAVE TAG DAY A citywide tag day,. April 19, will be conducted by the Playground Commission to raise money for a physical training and testing branch, L. di Benedetto, manager of the commission., announced Saturday. Several thousand dollars will be needed for the purchase of equip ment and apparatus and in the em ployment of instructors, who wil' manage the twelve playing areas open to at least 5000 children dur ing 1919. The introduction of athletic games and exercises into the playgrounds has come as a result of tests made last year, showing that only 23.4 per cent. of New Orleans children are. up to government standard. Mr. di Benedetto said. Of this average boys made an especially low show ing. only 17.7 per cent, while girls examined made an average of 30 per cent. ENTERTAIN 'AT SUPPER. Mrs. Joseph Brauner entertained a number of her friends at a supper on Sunday, MBrch she 23rd. at her home in Pacific Avenue, in honor of her daughter, Mildred. Every one present yoted Mrs. Brauner a most erceIledt hstess and the occasion was one that will be long remember ed by the participants. Those awho enjoyed the supper were, Misses Mil4red 'Brauner, Emel da' Hinderlang. Annie Rupp and May O. Brauner; Messrs. A. Speed, Charles Adams, Claude Evans. and Edmtnd C. Moore. all of whom are in the U. S. Navy. serving aboard the U. S. S. Underwriter. Master Christian Brauner and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brauner, also were present. MRS. 'VAN HESS CAPTAIN OF LOCAL TEAM. Mrs. W. J. Van Hees is captain of the team in our district which has been soliciting memberships for the Home for Incurables. The cause is a most worthy one and one that should appeal to all. REV. A. J. SCHLIESSEIt AT CAMP KEARNEY, CAL. Rev. A. J. Schliesser, formerly minister of the Lutheran Church here, now a commissioned chaplain in the U. S. Army, is stationed at Camp Kearney, California. A let ;ter from him recently sends his best wishes to his friends. BIRTHDAY PARTY. A most enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Glancey, the occasion dbeing the twenty-third anniversary of the birth of Mr. Burnett Glancey. The house was prettily decorated in red. white and blue. Dancing was in dulged in until a late hour and re freshments were served in abun dance. Those present were Mr. and, Mrs. M. M. Glancey, Jr., Mr .and Mrs. W. Gautreaux, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hildebrand, Mrs. M. Glancey. Sr., Mrs. 'Paul Kopp, Mrs. F. H. Kil leen, Mrs. L. Sease, Misses Gwen dolyn Olancey. Bernardine and Vera 'Hildebrand, Madeline and Johanna Hansen, Delia Killeen; Messrs. Bur nett and James Glancey, Lieut. Paul Jensen, William Hildebrand, Earl Conoway, Clayton Lauman. The following children were also pres ent, Betty Kopp, James, Orien, John and Frank Ktlleen, Sadie and Pat Killeen, Camille Glancey, Orien Hup perich, Warren and Earl Gatrtreaux. HOUSE PARTY. On last Wednesday evening, March 19th, Miss Minnie Price entertained some of her friends at a house party given at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sam IcNeeley, of Opelousas Avenue. Two spacious rooms were cleared of all furniture for the occasion, and dancing being the principal amuse ment, lovers of the terpsichorian art had full sway, while those ·who did not indulge were entertained with vocal and musical selections render ed by very capable artists. Delicious refreshments were served in tempting form in the dining room that was artistically decorated with ferns and flowers and when the wee sma hours drew near which spell time for departure, all present 'voted their young hostess a most pleasant entertainer and assured 'her that a delightful evening was spent. Those present were as follows: Misses Ida Krogh, Esther Marxer, Martha Harte, Marion Harris, Gladys and Juanita Munsterman, Minnie PrJce, .Annette Marie, Mary and Betty Tomeny; Messrs. J. Kane, Wil .listn Sellers; Regional and Robert IBatty, Ralph ,stevez. Paul Floyd, R. Cot'rqe and P. IBurton; 'Mr. and Mrs. . ,LMNelty,. ,Mr.. and Mrs. P. J. m y, Mrs. .Tilton and Mrs. Wm. has Just returned from France is on a two weeks furlough visiting with his wife in Teche Street. F!rst Sergeant R. G. Murphy has arrived home from overseas and has received his honorable discharge from the U. S. Army. Mrs. E. Campbell was called home m ~Abita Springs by the serious Sof jer father, he having been stricken with, paralysis at his home in' Opelousas Avpnue. SA. Ramelli C. O. Roone, Jr., have ireturene im Washington, ID. C~.; irLere.theg atded a conventtSa aIn the lntaet' of N. O. Naval Station. I :iJ .ComfMt came In from Jeffer pon College to spend a few days with his pa tlastir p . . Misse jM oartha McNeely left Frhiaf Coviniton, after heuimga with relatives padde S. 11 Sap's Running ---- -.-.-. " , XJ. -oo7rýs n ~~n LrL;·II~ty~ YIIFLy Ibk ((opg)L TEITH ANNIYVERSARY On Monday. March 24th, Little Miss Mary Louise Foster entertained a number of her friends at her home in Belleville t., the occasion being the tenth anniversary of her birth. Many delightful games were enjoyed and dancing also was indulged in. Miss Mary Louise was the happy re cipient of many pretty presents from her many friends. Delicious refresh ments were served and all departed. voting Mary Louise a most charming hostess. Those present were, Misses Vivian Brechtel, Margery Strassel. Frances babit. Carmelite Adams, May Rooney, Helen Huckins, Odette Le Blanc. Eugenia Thates, Patricia Muntz, Amelia Burke, Amy Brechtel. Ceollia Muntz, Anita Casler, Monica Brown. N. Casler, Caroma Robichaux. Edith Hildebrand. Irma Birauninger, Llylwyn Gouner. Louise Bourgeois, Martha Adams. Elsie Oswald, Grace Worrell. Elvera Hunn. Gladys Le gendre. Dorothy Acker, Adele Gull lot. Ethel Anderson. Margaret Heath. Byrna Judlin, Uma Johnson. Lula May Besson, Marguerite Dwyer, Theresa Jones, Camille .Mothe, Mar guerite Rogers. Alice Brunsann. Florence Kleinkemper, Martha Casey, Doris Ward. Thelma Kennedy, Alma Shields, Anna Foster, Edwina Shields, 'Helen Estopinal. Mary Louise Foster; Messrs. John Rupp, Louis LeBoeuf, Willie Burke, Milton Covell. Thomas Tallon, Bernard Co veil. O'Brien Clark, Simeon Shields. Harvey Jones. Earl Shields, Fred Johnson, 'Misses Leona Niklaus, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Earhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Shields, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs. Edwin Shields, Mr. Mike J. Foster. SOME GROCERY BARGAINS. Mr. James Killeen of Belleville and Eliza St., is offering the Algiers people this week some special bar gains in groceries, prices of all which are given in his ad on last page of this issue. Mr. Killeen said these prices will move the goods. ENJOYABLE EVENING. On Tuesday, March 1Sth quite .an enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Hoke. the occasion being the welcoming of Miss Marion Roberg, of Cincinnati, a cousin of Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Hoke. The evening was spent in dancing and refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Marion Boberg, Elinor Fisher, Elva Risher. Daisy Kessler.. Iona Hoke, Isabel Hogan, Martha Ponti and Mercedes Thompson, Messrs McCauley, Devis Henry Meisner, Curtis Klien, John Akels, Mrs. G. Ponti, Mrs. NM. Vogt. Mrs. M. Waller, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kucera, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thomson, Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Hoke, little Carlos Kucera and CMary' Louise Hogan. ENJOYABLE EVENING. A very'pleasant evening" was spent at the home-of the Misses Munster liidn S~teguixl St., last Sunday. Games of all kinds were played and dancing was indulged in. Refresh ments were served in abundance. Those present were. Misses Minnie Price, Gladys., Juanita,. Claire and Mildred Munstermap; Messrs. Regi nald *atty;, P. Burton,- Joe. .E"per, D. Cole, and Harry .Petsch. ]IBERTY' SOCIAL CLUB. Among the many events gven on St. Joseph's Night, was the fancy " dress and siasquerade ball. givqn -by the Liberty So elal Club, with the following com mdttee: , ngatius -Trauth, ex-of ftielo; Iobirt Gallaghouse, chair nman, 'airangement coma3mittee. .homs sl fts, Inmseue Jones, Wil -td fltd douz,- Andmrew YPhrtich. dlooro g4,tt.. .,Jrwi Harbing, 4 Y' 0 l waus l rnish wish to Uris~BP"I 5I, A. J. GEIIJSA A nedding of local interest was that of Private A. J. Gendusa, of Co. 5. W. P. Guard, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., to Miss Vera A. Weisener, a member of a prominent family of Chattanooga. Tenn., which was cele brated on Wednesday last at Chatta nooga. No doubt the news of his marriage will be a big surprise to his many friends here. Private Gendusa joined the army in September, 1917, and was sent to A. J. GENDrSA. Camp Pike, he was later transferred to Camp ,Beauregard. and then to Fort Oglethorpe, where he is now stationed and is very proud of the fact that he is in the service of Uncle Sam. Before joining the army, Private Gendusa conducted a barber shop at Alix and Belleville Sts., .where he enjoyed a cvery lucrative business. He has no idea when he will be dis charged from the service, but his friends here can be assured that when he is, they will find him doing business at the same old stand in the same old way. His many friends here congratu late him and wish for him and his bride a happy and prosperous life. MARINE CORPORAL SEEKS ELLIS FAMILY IN ORLEANS. Cforporal Charles B. Stearns, U. S. Marine Corps, at the Algiers Naval Station is seeking to find the family of Isaac B. Ellis. none of whom he has seen or heard from in about 19 years. Corporal Stearns says that the children of Mr. Ellis were named Marie, John, Carrie and Annie B. Ellis. He asks that anyone who knows the whereabouts of the chil dren write to him or telephone him care of the Knights of Columbus at the Algiers Naval Station. ''m BOY STOOD ON I, r r; BU N, DB' K' C 0. * l, " " " ~. . ° . WOODMAN CONVENTION Algiers is well represented at the biennial conventions of the Wood men of the World and Woodmen's Circle, which is being held at Alex andria on March 25, 26 and 27. Delegates of Orange Camp No. 8 met Sunday morning at the dry dock office to make final prepara tions for the trip. These delegates are: Frank C. Hymel. James Owens, Geo. Babin, C. J. D. Gerrets. Shade G. Smith, L. F. Gisch, George G. 'Brunssann. J. C. Root Camp No. 579, Wood men of the World, is represented by Albert Tufts and E. J. Folse. The delegates of Orange Grove, Woodmen's Circle, are: Mesdames L. Borden, A. Vanderlindent, R. Nolan. M. Jacob, T. Cassidy, K. Mil ler. T. Hausknecht, E. Fredericks. Mrs. A. Smith, head worthy guar dian of the Woodmen's Circle, Louis iana jurisdiction, and, Mrs. E. Short, supreme representative, also are in attendance. CRAY FISH PARTY. Sunday last a crayfish party was given at Concession on the Grand 'Isle by Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner of Pelican Ave. The jolly crowd succeed ed in catching many crayfish, which were boiled and later on were eaten and enjoyed by all. Everybody had a good time, returning home at a late hour in the evening. Those who participated were, Misses Tillie Cantin, Inez Wagner, Julia Burns, Nellie Bailey, Liberion Burns, Mamie Fath, Marie IBurns, Henrietta Sprada, Josephine Clesi, Tille Muntz, and Gladys Rhoeder, Messrs. Harry Henley, Albert Zatorain, Claude Hauer, 'Joe Fath, Charles Henley, Henley, Albert Jatarain, Claude Mr. and Mrs. M. Henley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner, Little Misses Norma Wagner. Sister Smith and Master Harry Wagner and many others. BENEVOLENT LODGES TO CONSOLIDATE. A consolidation of the two local lodges of Marine Engineers' Benevo lent Association, Nos. 15 and 98, will be perfected at a meeting to be held at the Benevolent Knights of America Hall, Weanesday night, April 1. The following newly-elect ed officers will be installed: 8. J. Hogan, president; John H. Lawrence, first vice-president; J. S. Claycomb. second viceipresident; John Clark, business manager; E. C. Killian. fi nancial secretary ahd assistant business manager; Harry Thompson, corresponding secretary, and John J. Brown, treasurer. The trustees are: J. R. Sherwood. John R. Neanan, Schneider, J. H. Petry and John Burns. THROWS BOIIANG WATER AT WIFE. Herbert Windfield, 21, negro, of 1318 'River street, surrendered to the police o fthe eighth precinct sta tino Saturday and was charged with assaulting and dangerously wound ing. Windfield threw a pot of boil ing water on his wife during an ar gument Friday night. The womitan was sent to the Charity Hospital, where her burns were treated. FIRE. Mrs. Mary Calderaro, 60 years of age, was seriously burned in a fire which destroyed the home of her son-in-law, Stephen Trupiano, 1621 Patterson street. Mrs. Calderaro was asleep when the fire started and, was rescued from the ,blazing building by Tru piano and neighbors, but not until she had been burned on the face, arms and body. She was taken to Hotel Dieu in an automobile. Besides the destruction of Tru piano's homrne, the next door double cottage, 1609-11 Patterson street, *cupied by David G. Hebert and Loasi Pedrearille, Was 'amaged by the flames, the total loss causeed by the fire amountig t~ about $6,550. S.etgh'rtra brfilgade from the Naval stq*en ae misted the fre depmrtuhlt In combattia SCHOOL NOTES I,F:IL.1:ýI I,LE NOTES. T\:t ,ty- pupils from tih ill' h ,,ll,1', ;c, ··i1t ;t.,11'1'.1 the'ir , Phi'lha r::it l ic Soci'tt . Th te In was grtoai e joyel hi the' pu l I) .U 4I M.IH Ni). . St WI'I l.. ., I'tree lar m eet ui .. " tl,' t'i'. it I.eage \%as hold Prulob last. "Thl fo1 hlon i , Ilrogral \wa- rltllet4td li{,,bt i tation. Theresa ]larlottu. tElva t".,m:-. and .1ilhlred McIntosh; sI n: -Mihhr,-I I uiffvy: Ieet'it ation Kate t)rla litl: song ---Elean ra lit onel ;ilI "lttina Posey; liReitation Lillian ltirgian. and Emelda EIrnlst. The following w,-rt. suci(I-sful in thel 4th grade .\ .\rithnt etii' .Match (arroll lond, Walter Pac'kard. \I i, (ossi' h, Eyra lhtowr-,. t l,,n .\li)ert Its. Ile( ala. Itoland S i: ith. \\ illiaim ( tlon\aI d. M1arjorio Prados. Th,,.tr-a Itarlotta. Mary (' ante ij. A.lma t .!hats. liazel Sons and Ruth Iliddtien. 1lI)4)NIi.H No). 4 NOTES. .\liss C'aroline Albert, Supervisor of Mutic. visited our school last wook and expressed herself as well satis fied-ith the work done in the dif ferent grades. She laid splecial at tention. in the departmental grad.s:, to the musical selections, listed for the Music Contest. Recently, pledges for the United War Work Fund, aunountint to $s,. were collected from pupils of Mc Donogh No. 4. The following schedules become ef fective. March "5, 1:1ls: Behrman Gymnasium-Monday. 3:::k0 to :, p. im., Boys. Wednesday. ;:::It to 5: i1 p .m., Boys. Thursday. 7::I i to 4):1,1, p. m., Boys. Friday, 3.30 to 5:0t p. m., Boys. Saturday, 7:3(i to 9: 00 p. m.. Boys. \\iltz Gymnasium-Tuesday, 3:3. to 5:0O p. m.. Boys. Thursday. 3:311 to 5.)0 p. m.. Boys. Thursday, 7::30i tio 9:00 p. m., Boys. Saturday, 9:0.) to! 12:00 in m., Boys. 7:30 to 9:00 p. m., Boys. Boys may visit either one of these gymnasiums during these hours and they will be instructed and practiced in athletic work by either Mr. J. Dowling or Mr. F. Oakes. Entries for the Boys' Outdoor Contest close Thursday, April Sth. We are planning the formation of our teams at the present time. The 12th Annual Track and Field Spring Meet will be held on Satur day. May 3, 1919, Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the boys, winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, respectively. Trophies are won by schools, scor ing points. The first place in any event counts five; second place. three; third place, two; and fourth place, one. Those, who enter and compete in this meet, must be satisfiactory in scholarship, effort, and deportment. 1 LIST OF EVENTS. 55 Inch Class-50 Yard Dash. Run ning High Jump, Running Board Jump, Relay Race, 360 yards. 59 Inch Class-60 Yard Dash, Run ning High Jump, Running Jump, Re lay Race, 400 yards. 63 Inch Class-70 Yard Dash, Run ning High Jump, Running Board Jump. Relay Race, 440 Yard, 8-Ppound Shot. Unlimited Class-100 Yard Dash. Running High Jump, Running Broad Jump, 12-Pound Shot, Relay Race, 880 Yards. Entries close April 3, 1919. ADOLPH MEYER SCHOOL. Mr. Paul Habans, Assistant Super intendent of Public Schools. was a visitor at the school on Wednesday afternoon. After visiting every de paitment, he expressed himself as very well pleased with the work in the several departments and the, ready responseof the pupils when question ed. Particularly did he compliment the drawing and the relief maps made by the pupils in the different grades which are on exhibition in the school halls. He complimented the principal on the great increase in the enroll ment, the excellent attendance and the many accessories to the school work. which were made possible by Sthe activity of the Co-operative Club. who. are, at all times, more than will Sing to lend their assistance to further the improvement Of the school. Last Wednesday afternoon the pupils en yed the hospitality of thpe Co-operative Club, whose guests they!. were, from 3:00 to 5:30 p. m. Ice cream, cake. lemonade and candy were served in abundance while Mrs. G. C'romble, one of our staunch friends, presided at the piano andti furnished delightful music for the Sdancers. Miss Caroline Albert paid her monthly visit to the school last week. The weekly tests in Spelling and rapid Arithmetic resulted as follows: Spelling: Seventh Grade A-Mar vel Gebs. Olivier Wattigny, Margaret Moseley, Louis Cronan. James Scott. Peter Rouse, Corinne Bommer, Inez Wall, Irma Campbell, Lee Steel. Arthur Kul, Gilbert Chase. Seventh Grade B-Larada Walker. Grace Cazaubon, Charles Smith. Irma Gillich. Lucille Lecourt, Aubrey Ser .pas, Henry Gregory. r Sixth Grade A-Ruth Zeringne Jasie 1 Catalanatto. Thelma Wille, Gertrude Bommer, Eliska Sullivan. Alice Ser Spas. Grady Scott. Sixth Grade B--Frank Lawson. James Gillls, Clarence Crabtree. I Fifth Grade A-Marion Edgecomb, Margaret Roberts. SFifth grade B--llenor Bergeron. Rhes Traddau, John Crabtree, Ellse -Trudeau. Myrtle Boudreaux, Iley e Berg~rS: .. * Fourth Grade A-Thelma Rice. len 1 ale tt," EHlzabeth Buras, Thelma SHtz.t, Cedi4 rillo. S- Potti (3awdj 1-Eleonora Steel, ). Ildret Cainugl. George Demarest. 6' Thjr.d.h i AL- John Whelan, Ben S Ittuq Jm SUOe. rai4e. Olt Wa Ly Wilb · um VAYOR TAKES UP AIATTER WITH PRESIDENT',KEA'RN EY ,i.:-, ::.' 2r p~, ,', ti in ', ,iDt The oturt un! l .l: or Iihrain a l,'t',-r .11 : t :l:nlll:nll a i n llftr. t :"I O r. ident ,'R'ar i,'y ,; 11:"' \\','itar,.' .\,=c lciii tn. 1s March 1'*ti: 11 ~ 1 it,,r locttor:--\ V ii refern,., to tour mi n:uttnltication ; of reoeut date, ro .trli, :' the tliston'inu:t nt of 'he .\lgirs ltrant( of the 'hildI'.u % , fare l"!inic, 1 have been direc.ed by laytr ethraitn to fornard for yur I:. riuatioin the ett\losedI collliuni I ,tiin :i,)n Mr. E. N. Karney, lI' l nt.1 ('hill W elfare .A so(ia 1, hih is self-e'xplatnatory. \'~ry truly ymour<. E. ('. IIt lI )TMIAN. -A ~1tIlilt s'ecretary to ;Mayor'. Nt'". Urleans., Mar. 1S, 1iP 19. lion Mart in Ie&hrutan. Mayor, New Orlfta ta:; Mly dear MIr. Mayor: Your letter of MaT'rch12th has not be.l"i iaiswtereii becaue''of my absence Itroi the ,'ity. !iegardintg the matter of our sta tion in Algiers, 1 would advise in reply to your 'ihquiry that the sta tion is only temporarily discontinued. The nurse wtho has been in charge is a'i present receiving more definite instruction in the work so as to bet ter accomplish the results which it i. necessary for us to develop, and the station in Algiers we expect to reopen wfthin a week or ten days, and the nurse will be better equipped at that time. We have no idea of discontinuing the work in Algiers, but on the con trary, are more than anxious that the work should be more efficiently performed than it has been up to this time, and in our operations we are following distinctly the sugges tions of the Federal advisor. I am very glad to note that you so promptly took the matter up with us, and we will be glad at any time to have any comments from you re garding our work in Algiers. Respectfully yours, E. N. KEARNY, President. ENTERTAIN AT CARDS. On last Thursday night, Miss Margaret Garland entertained at cards in honor of Miss McNeely, of Covington. The successful play ers were Misses Dorothy Kraft and Leah Davis. Miss Claire Wilson re ceived the consolation. After the games, dainty refreshments were served. .Those present were Misses Mamle Morrison, Claire Wilson, Christine Giblin, Frederica Stansbury, Ger trude tFinley, Alva Salathe, Olga and Martha McNeely, Lesh Davis, Marie Tircuit, Dorothy Kraft and Margaret Garland Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams, Mrs. Chas. Hoffstetter. CRAY FISH PARTY. On Sunday, 'March 23, quite an enjoyable crayfn party spent thne day at Orleans Plantation, the fol lowing well-known gentlemen are siow considered the campion cray |rsh catchers of Algiers, namely, it. E. 1Wegman, Andy Hill, A. Smite, W. Hughes and Chas. Webre, who bagged eight sacksfull In a scoop or several hours. Quite a spread was then enjoyed, consisting of boiled crayfish and crayfish hisque, which Sas prepared by' D. Lorlo, head chef and J. Hall, assistant chef. The following parties pertook 'in devour ing the spread, W. Gillin, Fritz Webre, F. Hhul, Fritt Johna, Fritz John, Jr., H. Craw.tfs, J. Murtagh, Sam Brady, Jno. Laskey, Felix Borne, Jr. NAl Y WILL. TAKE A PART IN ELKS' BIG CELEBRATION. The navy is going to participate in the Elk celebration March 29 Admiral Andirson, in charge of the small fleet dsnehored ian the por and in Algiers, Friday received the approval of the navy department for participation and plans at once went forward to make the representation a smart affair. Admiral Anderson has authority to draw such ships from patrol service as can be spared, up to six, also several submarine chasers. Patrol boats which probably will be used include th" Cfncinnati, Ral eigh, Petrol, Dubtaiue att$ Dolphin. The arratgemlnls ali1ifor many hundreds osf..t, tgobs" ild the big Elk parade and as a 'tfeture of the Elk Auttoo y.F·shlon Show. The na'llgd-s will pJiy. a large part in't1ie El,[..festivties'also, it is leartled Friday ' " Third Grade fj . Smith. Lawrence T*grf, Cantin, SeconP. 0C,.,54 ampbell. Secohd' lrnne I ?, bSeventh SGrade A- G or e Bom i er, 1 4,V.ttigny, KqJip. , arj cmpbell. $ j aj~Walker, eyer, Smith. L.oulse berts,