Newspaper Page Text
aTI-J HENAL U._ _ lre for Ferriage than T [ H A D...... for tixes. Help remove H L D 4!0 9i-eed N UpebuIm g of the Weor ideo of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly oewspaper."-MANUFACTUREIR' IECORO. XXVI. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 1919. No. 47. SONALS 11 SAW' OTHERWISE Sia . Adams t ti: t1t, nttn RAternoon :to ht, '!ul t thiee ,' successful I -'" "r : t' i L- A. Tese.. r. . ili nigh C. V. Kraft rs' . y the consolation. I n, t in wi be at the . "f l 'f a ting rt L uis R. 1;ite 1 h.ii ri - t. fgou Camp , iau'. ir-i Iia- l gs CArm d- i d A. Co%,.en ," i',l it r at iit ll) ] guest O e l ,'. t ao 1W oMrs. J .h tter, an thsk h . ACowen an li na Iu the i Sihave retulrel tr:d: E'lt'ii"' at jter dsalt trip, tiee ot I f Mt.y T. M. ('odwyn , lrn -rak S o troln r A Burke enterttin:tl 'l'ht'rol Club last week. it' :utct's-ti',. he were MIrs. A. Lt'itltach. IK Kraft and Mrs. 1I. T. ertl Mrs. Burke recei\ e the cot- told Mrs. F. Goebel will enter BaMr al rerh t e next meeting. C art dMrs. Joseph Yatter. hn- ther the engagletet of their cart SgaEsther to uir. Arthur . of t andot gehrman and wife returned c an hreday from Browt's Wells caut they spent ten days. irak J. Sicuro, Jr.. and Mr. * .. Rosamano have recently from an extensive trip to to attend the A. O. e. S. A They stopped at Birnt- to I mobile, and other points oti rto d 5. Bagnal has returned from Isla Wi Ire in Martin, South Caro- fort Tra i. . 3.Lan received his dis- T the Navy, and left for his dre SSrwell, Missouri. by gaes Guild of Mount Olivet oth wU- give a musical and dance A. - ythia Hall Friday, April nin con rtdaughter ,of Mr. anti Mrs. Hol (plon (nee Edna North) gised Sunday at the Trinity ChurCh. The little one will T r lame of Bernice Beatrice Bel oses r will be Mr. Ed. frot sad Mrs. Geo. Bengert. Flo Garland entertained the rea last week. The success- o wee Mrs. L. Brooks( play- mo k. Sadte Garland). Miss bar g tlanhd (playing for Mrs. H. Mrs. C. Hoffatetter. Miss (playing for Mrs. J. A. JeL pceived the consolation, me dgpr Herbert will entertain hm eatthe t oh lmuel F. Tranchina one n splMr young men arrived by ellk after having been in at ot Uncle Sam for several th( .lls many friends and rel- qc to see him in dear old th Doerr returned from Wa Ark., Sunday night and is with his aunt, Mrs. Wm. sti GOarland and little niece tbster returned Tues La Lnstrn an, Sr., spent a Ol BIears La., this week. Ar spent the week-end p o~ f relatives. Ms Jas. Garland return- R boit Hot Springs, Ark., he ieatn the past month. friends of Miss May Al tIl regret to learn that San attack of lagrippe. ar Is in attendance. h Malo. e entertained at .naday afternoon. Five Mt played the following players. Mrs. H. o M tri . A. Tansey, and he 'Mast. Mrs. Murray receiv- n After the games, was served and little baskets filled with sri and children left ftoarche Crossing, La., A * a t time, the guests of M lsnds of little Miss a' of Atlantic Avenue, om her out again, after C Oillgher has removed Street to the handsome h 32 Betmuda Street. a end the Misses Moss, of It am spending awhile blMuids of MA. L. Niklaus P *to learn that she. is a a apell of illness. WE AU. K0OW SIX MEN ARRESTED ON TIP FROM GIPSY Six men belie\ed by the police to be memlbers of the gang of automouile thieves that has been opelrating ex tensi'.ely here during the past few montllhs, were arrested \\'ednesdlay night and Thursday morning. follow i4): a tip fromt Leo Thoimpsoi., leader of a bandi of Gypsies who are calmp ing near the Naval Station here. An automnobile, the propterty of Gus It,,gard, s1:; I tc.ltur street, and stolen lMarch 20,' was sold to Thotlli son, he told the police. by Kelly. IHowell. .\alone and another mliani for $: :.. .\t the saml e title. Thotnps in said, the men promised to bring himt two new cars anid were to call to lake the arrait ienteis. Thotllpll-on notifid 'orporal GrI :in of the Algiers station, of the men'. Iromnise. Wednesday night Captain Wheatley. ('orlporal Gregson and Pa trolnian I)te Hocha waited in one of the Gypsy tents unitil the arrival of Kelly. Hiowell and Malone. when they were placed under arrest. Thontmpson told the officitrs the cars the men were to sell him were parked at ('anal and Basin streets. lie went there with the police to point out the cars and the men who were in charge of them. The men grew suspicious and attemipted to escape. but were caught. IAUtM.iN-PEIRTELL,. A quiet wedding of this week was that of .Miss Thelma Helen Lauman t to Lieut. John Pertell of Kansas City, but who is now stationed at Paris n Island. S. C. The ceremony was per formed Monday evening by Judge Trauth of 'Gretna. The bride, . who was becomingly s dressed in pink silk, was given away by her brother, Vallery Lauman. The t other attendants were Mr. and Mrs. a e A. F. Rouprich and Messrs. A. Man- enj 1I ning and W. Downey. The young hot couple are stopping at the St. Charles Ho Hotel for the present. giv Bel y of II The Second Grade children in the e Belleville School received a letter nmu 1. from their former teacher, Miss fre Florence Burgis, who is in New York, Le ready to sail for France. Vi s- Mayor Behrman attended the cere- na monies of the launching of the 16,000 Ihrm s barrel oil tanker at Violet Saturday. Eu an R. Emmett Mahoney came in from a Jefferson College to complete arrange- BI n ments for the publication of a college Ca in monthly to be called "The Jefferson Chronicle," of which he is the editor- a 1 in-chief. The publication is sponsored ,d by the literary society of the college in and promises to be an interesting lit- Hi al the volume. oung Mahoney is the Us S-on of J.udge Martin S Mahoney. of Id the Second City Court. Corporal Oscar Marcour is on his 11 m way to France. M is Mr. A. V. DeBlanc of Belleville he . street left yesterday for Donaldson- TI ville, La. Ir e At the recent convention of the Di Woodmen Circle held in Alexandria. La., Mrs. Amelia Smith was elected Di a one of the supreme delegates and Mrs. M Anna Vanderlinden, one of the su- LI nd preme alternates. M On Thursday last. Mr. Irwin C. A r- Rostrup left for Marshall, Tex., where k. he is employed. Mrs. J. M. Nolan returned from y Alexandria, La. tat The many friends of Mrs. W. Adams are glad to learn of the recovery of her little son after a serious illness. f. at Wm. Whitmore left Monday fox 2 ,e Mobile, Ala . h ng Mrs. L. C. Hardy has the sympathy k H. of her many friends in the loss of ,nd her brother, Wm. Kennedy of Gretna. iv. La., whose death occurred Monday e night. tle The Once-a-Month Five Hundred S ith Club will meet at the home of Mrs. p W1. Adams in Pelican Avenue on next t eft Monday night, instead of at Mrs/ 0. i ., Aycocx's, as previously announced. of Sergeant A. C. Reaney has received c his honorable discharge from the [iss army.t ue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Er- Bass of Morgan t :ter City were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Verret. I ved Little borothy Duffy, after visiting ime her Grandma Duffy and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hi. Verret, Sof left for her home Saturday. bile The regular meeting of the Liberty Social Club will be held Saturdac, aus April 5, at 7 o'clock. All members .is are urged to attend. The many friends of Mrs. Alphpnse - Wattigny will regret to learn of her serious illness. Mrs. Louis Newman, foryerly Miss Hilda Hantel, will leave shortly for Birmingham, Ala.. where her hus band accepted a position and where they will reside permanently. Mrs. Evelyn Gisch Schaefer has ac cepted a position with the L. Grune wald Company, the music house on Canal Street. Mrs. Schaefer is well Sknown in the local music world, in Swhich she has displayed much talent. Mr. A. L. Miller, of Vallette Street, is home from camp and has been honorably discharged from the United States army. Master John Whittenberg is doing nicely, after undergoing an operation. Mr. and Mrs. L Twickler returned from Bay St. Louis Saturday, after spending one week there with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mine have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their infant baby. Miss Ermine Hopper spent the week.end in Covlngton, La., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,W. Ford. Miss Hannah Albreoht entertained in honor of her cousins, Mrs. Frank Yoe and Misses Wilhelmina, Irma and Bertha Maas, of Birmingham. Mr. Wilfred Boudreaux, of 323 Eliza 8treet, had the misfortone to have a piece of steel penetrate his left Seye while at work at thi Southern Pa cfle Machtae 8hoa. Little .Rath a ck, who ass bee Sseriously ill with psememan, is ti prowag Bound Tbgether r , , , -- - _ ---1 cvj C I i t i ENJOYABLE EVENING WI On last Tuesday evening, a most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. F. Albrecht in Home Parkway. wh.·n a dance was given in honor of Mrs. Yoe and Misses Bertha. \Vilhelmena and Irma Maas of Birmingham. A fine band of music fournished T music for the dancing and dainty re- Ma: freshments were served. con Those present were Misses Bertha, reg Wilhelmena, and Irma Moss. Johan- tan na Salome. Carrie and Mildred Hilde- SUs brand. Myrtle and Thelma Clasen. Eunice Muntz. Katie Culver, Annie and Maud Rupp. Annie Trauth. Doris l Baker, Gladys Munsterman. ('lotilde Blanchard. Norita Fernandez. Hazel My Cayard, Gladys Meyers. Marguerite and Irma Reagan, Glessner Shirk. Adele Burmaster and Mabel Bond in and Albrecht. Messrs Wheeler Pack ard. Harold Marcour, Raymond Daley. c Howard Bond, Nester Fourroux. Willie on Barry. Thos. Bays. Emmett Mutz to %%. Boudlraux. Albert 1tautf, C(lan ,.e Cole, Robt. .iones. John Genheimer, tel Willie Hoffstetter, Janssen Jones. ti Maurice Robichaux. Robt. Galilng- gi house. Lynn Bond. Ignatius Trauth. Thos. Herron. Emile Hoffman. and Irving Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Durand, Mr. and Mrs. E. Salathe. Mr. and Mrs. F. Albrecht, Mr. and Mrs. C. Durand. Mrs. Salome, Mrs. Packard. Mrs. Yoe and Mrs. Sam Harding, Lloyd, Erwin. and Wayne Salathe. Muriel, Lillian, Lyle,, and Ethelina is Albrecht. of sil MRS. SHORT WINS APPLAUSE. f The following clipping was taken from an Alexandria paper of March ne 28, and will prove of interest to our ye readers, where Mrs. Short is so well kn known: an L. CONVENTION NOTES. "On Wednesday Sovereign Emma av d Short, of Grove No. 9, Algiers, su- Pi s. preme representative, made her report ed :t to the convention, which was spoken ). in a clear and audible manner and which was distinctly heard in every d corner of the large hall. . e "-Sovereign Short's report was said H to have been the best ever rendered o0 .n to a convention, and she was heartily h congratulated and loudly applauded If by the delegates in the convention. I ig Mrs. Short left last night for her e home." t ty BIRTHDAY PARTY. rs a On last Sunday evening a most en- b se joyable time was spent at the home r of Mr. and Mrs. William Ose, 432 Bouny Street, the occasion being a r as party given in honor of their little I o, three-year-old daughter. Helen. i- Games of all kinds were played, I re which were thoroughly enjoyed by the I little ones. Miss Helen received many r t. pretty gifts from her friends. Dainty r 1e- refreshments were served. on The following were present: ell .orma Wagner, Madonna Smith, Mar in gery and Beulah Ose, Mildred Ben at. gert, Ellen Hansen, Louis and Ben nie Bengert, Ira Munsterman, Frit Hansen, Harry Wagner and Ose, et, Mrs George Bengert, Mr. and en Mrs. H. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- " ed liam Ose, Misses Aggie Carter, Inez Wagner, Hazel Balley, Mamie Fath, ng Gladys and Claire Munsterman, Tillie )n. Canton. Lillian Chetta, Mae and WIll Led dred Ose. Messrs. Frank and Dewey ter Doerr, George Thorning, Paul Rihner, eir Jules Barry, Leo Richards, Wallace Standros and Armand Ose.. the in the MAYOR INVITED TO TALK AT eat JACKSON. ed Mayor Behrman Monday morning k was requested to deliver an address ad before the organltatton meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Jackson, Miss., to be g held April 3. to In his letter to the iMayor, R. H. eft Henry, editer of the Jackson Clarion Pa. ILdger, states that the members of the newlyergiasnd club dre aunml Ian will be greatly isau ettei It he sae et be thwL WELFARE STATION AGAIN N OPENS WITH RELIEFi l)0.t NURSE o I "hsi feri The following letter received by bee Mayor Behrman is supplementary to the communication published last week one regarding the work of the Childs Wel- i in tare association and the temporary woi suspension of the station here. eta The station was again opened on the Tuesday. lion. Martin H. Behrman. Mayor, New Orleans, La. My dear Mr. Mayor:- In response to your expressed in terest in the Child Welfare, station in in Algiers, we are taking the libertyI no of writing to you that the nurse in pai charge, now receiving special training In on this side of the river, will be ready 10( to return to Algiers Ap il 1st. Fe We are planninc to givee her the wt, temporary assistance of a relief nurse ww in order that the large field in Al giers may be effectively administered. an Appreciating your genuine interest wa in children. I am, vi( Sincerely yours. wa Mary L. Railey. MI Executive Secretary. Al DAYIAGHT SOCIAL CLUB. Our ex-president, Ben North, Jr., a is reported doing fine in the service of the Southern Pacific Company. Mr. Robert Gallinghouse has re signed as a member of the club. lot CHILD HIT BY AUTO. the n While at play Tuesday in the street Th h near his home, Francis Tripilino, 3 by r years old, 639 Elmira street. was W I1 knocked down and slightly injured by an automobile owned and driven by an Edgar Barthaut, 422 Seguin street. Dc The accident occurred in Opelousas Cs la avenue, between Elmira street and Sb a. Pacific avenue. The child was treat- C. rt ed at home. n. id IN THE AZORE ISLANDS. TI y Lieutenant Robert E. Whitmore Jo writes an interesting letter to The E. Id Herald, telling of the different places St ad of beauty in the Azore Islands, where N ly he is now stationed and will be there bu ed for a considerable length of time at gn. Lieutenant Whitmore is on the U. in er S. S. Sara Thompson. He will not re turn to Algiers for several months. DIED. I Dennis-On Thursday, March 27th I 1 at 2 o'clock a. m., Joseph G. Dennis. It 'n- husband of Annie Alexander. died at I me the age of forty-three years. Deceased s 132 was born in New Orleans. and had a resided here for twenty-one years. tle He was a member of Orange ('amp No. 8, W. O. W., and of the M. E. 1 ed, B. A. No. 98. The funeral took place :he Friday at 2:30 o'clock from his late 1 any residence 419 Pacific Avenue. Intel I ity ment was in St. Patrick Cemetery No. 1. nt: hr en- - en se, a " md VII ' l - nez / Lth, llie dil Rey ter, , ace r IT ressq the pbe of HANDSKAKI SUPPOSED M. S. RHIGGS RSIGIS the Mr. 31. S. Rig,. secretary of the gue Knights of Columbus liut. United tog, States Naval Station. ,rsigned his cl position on April 1. Mr. Rigg stated tee] that the position was greatly inter- L fering with the practic.e of his pro- abt fession of optometrist, which he has in been conducting for a long time in sol the Audubon Building. Mr. Rigg was one of the most popular secretaries lu in this section. He did much good 1li work in bringing the hut up to its tine Be standard. The boys will regret that tio thair chief is no longer with them. Lu ce: tui MIS.S (CARMELITE O'CONNOR. th Though not on the firing line nor ww in the trenches. Miss Carmelite O'(Con I nor. patriotic young Amercian woman. pc paid the supreme sacrifice in helpine e'ncle Sam to win the war. Miss , O'Connor died at Sa eney. France.on n( Fehruary 1: from pIrumonia, with e whirl she wa\ s riciken wLile nurs:ng t wounded Americans at Saveney. sC I Miss O'Connor. the daughter of Mr. e . and Mrs. John O'Connor of Chicago i. `t was well-known in New Orleans; and vicinity, having visited here. She was a cousin of the Misses Rees and Mr. and Mrs. William D. Walker of a ' Algiers, and of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma- a` lain of Baton Rouge. e DANCE. IS( R On Sunday night at the home of M% Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Salathe in Ope- tl1 lousas avenue, a most enjoyable dance ri was given in honor of Mrs. Yoe and R, the Misses Mass of Birmingham. Ala. .t The music for dancing was furnished . 3 by a jazz band. Dainty refreshments la a were served. G y Those present were Misses Mildred B y and Carrie Hildebrand. Hazel Cayard, C t. Doris Baker, Osceola and Leonatus s Casler, Gladys Meyers, Glessner T d Shirk, Adele Burmaster, Anne Trauth, S t. C. Giblen. L. Schroder, A. Salathe and C. Wilson, Messrs. R. Galling house, Maurice Robichaux, Winm. Barry, Ignatius and Roye Trauth. Thos. Heron. Roy Kern, Janssen re Jones, N. Furrow, I. and S. Harding. he E. Hoffman, J. Rosamano. Wm. re North, Mr. and Mrs. C.. Durand and re baby. Mr. and Mrs. E. Salathe. Mr. te and Mrs. F. Albrecht and Miss Hard U. ing. re- - - --r DANCE. 'A most enjoyable dance was given th last Saturday night at the home of is. the Misses Marxen in Delaronde at I Street. Dainty refreshments were ed served. Those present were Misses ad Martha Hart, .anita and Gladys .rs. Munsterman, Esther and lottie mai Marxen, Minnie Price. Mildred Cur E. ren. Isa Krogh and Florence Fillery. ice Messrs. Reginald and Nicholas Batty, ate Paul Floyd, Ralph Estevez, Joseph :el Bourton, Robert Jones, Clarence Cole ery and James Fillery. ENJOYABLE EVENING SPENT. Mr. Samuel Provenzano entertain ed at a dinner at the "Louisiane" on Wednesday, March 26, 1919, in honor of Mr. Frank J. Sicuro who has recent ly been discharged from the Army. Those present were Messrs. Joseph P. Rosamano, U. Marinoni. Frank J. Sicuro. A. LaBella, James J. Bevenit to and Samuel Provenzano. THIEF MAKES GOOD HAUL. Forcing a kitchen window in the home of Charles E. Heggle, 321 Whit ney street, Thursday night, a thief got Jewelry and clothing valued at $80 and $60 in money. NEGROES SEEK NEW BUILDINGS A committee representing the col - ored educational alliance petitioned the School Board Friday night for sa annex to MeDonogh 32 in De Armas St. The board was also re quested to establish evening schools in Allgiers and below Canal street Tho need of establishing kindergarten in school was also presented SCHOOL NOTES 1.i . ..;.....i . .. b; . I ,. '1 ,i ,. h. .;l!di .... l.. Ill 1 .) · . .1 b e H I 'h , l t' l " 1 l (l. l titil. 1 ii h," , S 'li , .' i, ll 1 .!1, 7: (ll i \ll :,. .\1 I ,'l: '\ I.-\ ' cI;I ., I .'" . - i t . It l IT I, \ uht in rt.d IH l ,i -iil - I , t i.-i't; IIit I I'Pl er. li t !. lilt.t .11 ul tl " l i . ,11 t" °t I'ne ltc. tr tield; . l11, l':ii1 ' |"'i ,'ti'1 ih.Ii-, 2.."colid 1t;1221 'rtd .Lh the C ho-oelrativ elult. ( litllihh as Il'iC SMari n Short. i;nt hi g Edard nin. tl k lolton, calltain. inalt .IN),I'I1 MEYER ,CHOOI. 1Xp1 d teuring the afternoon of herst Wedarriage nsda, nt refr. John Lusk, president of thi t the abuto-operative Club, had as her ah e guests the entire faculty of the school, the d together with a few members of the . I club. the occasion being the nine d teenth anniversary of her marriage. the r- Dainty refreshments were served in 0- abundance and dancing \ as indulged Iin is in by all. After several hours of %ia! il solid pleasure, all departed very re- ta As luctantly. but not before voting Mrs. th es Lusk and her charming daughter,' "t )d \Miss Florence, gallant entertainers. to ae Before departing hearty congratula- to at tions were tenedered Mr. and Mrs. in Lusk, accompanied by best and sin- tf cerest wishes for many ,happy re- t turns of the occasion. The regular monthly meeting of cit the Co-operative Club was held on W(I Wor Wednesday, April 2, 1919, at 2:1:, an >) p. ni Business of very vital im- ha in. portance to the school was transacted. se' n_ At the "Hostess lHouse" dedication. th 155 which took place last Saturday alter- is noon, Lieutenant Commander Chase.i hi it '. S. N.. had as his special guests sa ig the principal and faculty of the WI school. Dancing was a feature of the evening. Refreshments were served TI go' in abundance and a generally good th time was had by all present. he The result of the weekly tests in m of spelling and rapid arithmetic resulted ar as follows: ar SPELLING. th Seventh Grade A---Gilbert Chase, be Irvin Campbell, Arthur Kulp, .James cl, Scott, Louis Cronan, Louis De Roche, ll Ralph Umbach, Olivier Wattigny. th of Marvel Gebs, Margaret Moseley, Myr- cr pe- tle Gregory, Eulalle Le Court, Cor- be ice rine Bommer, Lee Steel and Peter tli Ind Rouse. sti la. Seventh Grade B-Holsten Moseley, in led William Gerrets, Irma Gillich, Wil- se nts lard Walker, Arthur Grundmeyer. of Grace Cazabon, Julius Gillich, Inez at red Bourgeois, Lavada WaTrer, Stella rd, Cronan and Henry Gregory. tus Sixth Grade A-Gertrude Bommer, ner Thelma Wille, John Camus and Alden ith, Smith. pr the Sixth Grade B-Anatole Landry. Ft Ing- Frank Lawson, Elmer Grundmeyer, ca(' ,m. Pearl lHymel and Clarence Crabtree. rc Fifth Grade A-Elmo Scott and fll Marion Edgecomb. ti Fifth Grade B--Iley Bergeron. p m. Elise Trudeau, Myrtle Boudreaux and i nd Rhca Trudeau. r Fourth Grade A-Eula May Kenny. ti ard- lone Cox. Elizabeth Buras. Louis iid Pedreville. Thelma Rice and Philo- o man Beatfdeau. ti Fourth Grade B-Eleonore Steel. I Third Grade A--Dennis Keogh,. a SFrieda Oltmluan, William ommer, Hlien iven Cantin, Clarence Beaudeau, Irmadean a s of Simon and louise Anderson. f nde Third Grade BI-Clemmie Smith,. were Galphly Pizani, Mary Louise Cantin,, 1ses Lawrince Tagert and Joseph Don- t adys nelly. Ottie Secondt Grade A-Lydia Campbell. Cur- I lery. ARITHMETIC. set Seventh A--Mlargaret Mose S Cle *ey, .MIyrtle Gregory and Louis Cro nan. Sixth Grade A--Gertrude Bommer. Jennie Caruso, Isabel Lewis and Ruth Zerlngue. ST. Sixth Grade B-Pearl Hymel, Elmer Grundemeyer, Frank IAwson tam- and Louis Grundemeyer. " o Fifth Grade A-Elmo Scott. onor Fifth Grade B-Iley Bergeron and Rhea Trudeau. ny Fourth Grade A-lawrence Wille ph P. and Thelma Hintz. Fourth Grade B--George Demarest nit- and Raymond Grundmeyer. I Third Grade A-Ben Cantin, Irene Milan and William Bommer. Third Grade B--Clemmie Smith, SAugust Tierney, Gladys Grundmeyer and Lawrence Fagert. the Second Grade B-Hillery Mailhos,. S Charles Donnelly, Allen Milan and d at Floyd Guillot. McDONOGH No. 5. INGS On Wednesday afternoon the faculty and co-operative club were addressed col- by Mr. F. Henning and Mr. E. W. ioned Burgis who are working in behalf of It for the stay in school movement which a Dle- is of such broad interest at the pres to re- ent time. thools There will be a lawn party on the Itreet school lawn on Friday, April 4. A carten large crowd is expected and much fun promioses NEAR STAMPEDE AT FOLLY S'Illl' I t11. u , , , I , , .. 1', H t N' I , i1 i ; I- l I ' \ t1 - 1 'i n I1I , :: .. '.. , . (1 ' l ,1 1 , t 'i-.'`,' 1 l l"' , rllll l ' H T h .' 1i111: l ,,'., llyi' I rt ll-,d .1l;,1l 1,1! t' n ll I1, 1 ih _' I i-t i Il ,' l ti li, h 11 h d1 h11 41. "Il 1 1 :i' i 1 an " I't Iu , it' n t h ,th 04, 1(1y t i uh ,I ;4th :,,LI I' :I lll till .ll I ' "e f l ltne- 'I . as i It. I' 1l I'. in 'sl'o. til, IIrall, l' i' l ai ul c·ii' al i, e . . hii it i tiIl Iiprot n1111 I 414t1 1)4r4o4 Althe I'hth is con 4it 1,, 1 , to 111 of t.ire Iti ate'al' ho tite tm '14 l, lt i I, t (1" . li i l r1sie t 'o ant t 1 1 l I, iit i ll- It h autom ati , i, kl ,i 'l's .i t" Ir. Citi rit an I f-i. .,e It illh it ti, ihih he ll hnot for I,-Ie fir a lhung tiittle. The sitrinkle s I ,'- rn- wa' inio 1iivh tha it Ile. o ed ntt 11 orton of the theatre onsider-oof Talitybore it could he ilosed ofl at 11t the vt, t e eolve.n eI-M r. Tansey was upstairs ialso, atli nthe heal of tie stairstf and he hand s.tI,. att ha besie o.n., Illh tiutoulat it his han s ftll in tryi o. ia keep theun tole flrom rusha ine dThown the stair Ss tay and injuring hundreds. looed to the tportion of hise theatre consit doerwn thlyt thefore was could banger. r Philip oto ras ealso in the house, alsod saw to it that every onead of he stairs, andexits ere his hands full in treadyin to llow theep texit lof lopl those whoe from ushing d town leave stair-he I ay and te njurin hundeds. Mr. ITansey. like sevealnt that rsevalled In o tient top of his little toblae si doweveral nl wlomen falnited. children screamed t" shat there was no danger. Mr. Philip Fete was ralso in the house, anshod have unlocked and r heads, used the to of thexit d. seats in order twho makdesired their wayve tohe n the exits of theent theat pre. One man Si aident to thiave left hleis wifblaze seven hisal n urrye tfaino get outed, childreon sreamedturning i.ts sand that he wanted twho see holdw thingsave m' had cooler heads, used the top of the d. seats inwere otder to make their way to n. the exits of the theatre. One man se. hurry to get out. but on returning he The automatic doors worked well. ed The stampede Saturday night offered ,od the first real test for the automatio doors which Mr. Foto had Installed in ,more than a year ago. These doors fed are so arranged with cross bars that anyone leaning against them releases the doors and they immediately swing out. On account of Saturday night se, being cool, all of the exits were es closed, and just the minute the ex he, plosion occurred every exit in the ay- theatre was at once opened by the yr- crowd, and the theatre could have or- been emptied in less than a minute's er time, but many of the cool heads, who stopped just a few seconds to take ey, in the situation, remained In their il- seats in subjection to the commands er. of those who stood up and asked the iez audience to be seated. Ila A PLACE OF SAFETY. len This incident of Saturday night proves most conclusively that the ,? Folly Theatre is absolutely safe in r, case of fire. Even though the entire roof were ablaze, or should there be a nd fire next door, or even the rear of the building afire, there would be on. plenty of timne for every person who nd had standing room in the theatre to get out safely or the theatre emptied ny. I three times before there could be any uis danger from the fire. But. like all lo- other stampedes of this kind, the danger does not lie from the effects of the fire, but usually from the cow gh. ards or those of an excitable nature, len who do not stop to think and rush ean along to safety without consideration for their fellow-men. ith. The damtage dlone to the the tin, atre was absolitely nothing. Even ion- the water fro:m the sprinkling system did such little damage that no claim hell will be made fromn the insurance com Ipany. The only loss way the destruc ltion of a part of the Thoda Itara film. whioh. if it is never replaced, will oe- h a credlit to her future productions. Cro- Mr. Foto andti his assistants are to be congratulated for the admhirable mer, tannter in which the situation was tuth handled Saturday night. They were coIomplimented fromn every standpoint, eland if the Incident had been a re on hearsal it could not have been car ried on any better. and - --- - - - Ville ('LEAN UP WEEK liATER FIXED FOlR APRIL 21-9i. arest April 21 to 26 will be New Orleans official clean-up week. This announce rene I ent was made following a meeting of the Association of Commerce C('ivic nith, Bureau committee, which decided to eer postpone the clean-up to that date. April 14 to 19 was the week origin lhos. ally set aside for the clean-up. The and postponement was due to the fact that the week of April 14 to 19 is Holy Week. Plans for the campaign are going ahead rapidly. The entire city will culty be organized thoroughly before the esed clean-up work actually starts. . W. rhich NEW CALENDAR. We are in receipt of a very pretty n the 1919 calendar from Mr. Steve Gilllin of I. A Eliza and Suiegna Street. It is the b fn picture of a beautiful Indian maidea gazing at the moon.