Newspaper Page Text
XlTTEO$TE ALD. Seven b) M Ub tnig M Me We Si.d of M» . e, "A wry II and erdfitabl weekly eweppr"-MANUFACflRW RECORD. XXVIl. NEW ORLEANS LOUMMUANA, THIURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919. No. 10. -n -ERSONALS a ,IR OTHERWISE t Vw. Foster, spent a few days week. gad Mrs. Harry Tompson and spent the week-end at the guests of Mr. and vador Buttone, at their Di "Happy Family." W. N. Horn of Alabama, has home after a visit of two to Mrs. B. C. Gilder. (stave Fayard and daughter! - iay St. Louis, have been! Mrs, H. Tompson. d Russell Gilder are in ( jla., visiting their grand-! rat Philips. 1e Laskey will leave shortly 1 Antonio, Tex.. and other l iMt as the guest of friends. will not return until 4Iptember. W. Nelson of Bermuda street home Monday night after awhile with her mother at STF. Short spent Sunday in La., the guest of Mrs. the Supreme Inner iof the W. O. W. y Vezien and little ,have returned from stay in Alexandria, the Mrs. Fred Pefferkorn. ,Riordan, who has been s gew days with her sister, of Bermuda street, 1 her home in San Antonio, panied by her niece, who will spend of the summer there. Tansey returned Satur wa. Miss., where he with his wife and little Haggerty return Oge Srpings after a week's Legendre has returned to tL., after spending two his parents in Algiers. Martln left Sunday for a g_Ieare trip in Newport Mrs. X. B. Clark and chil .isat- avenue are spending In Bay St. Louls, :Miss. Legenre of Franklin, La., awhile here with rela i SJ. Lgendre sad children and Walter of Pelican Olt for Port Arthur, San dAd Beammont, Tex. I Wekerlls and Mrs. Louis Soully are speeding the , Mlaeburg, at the "Step V. Short will leave Satur Pasmps alited for i other cities to attend Cahvention of the Wood- I Heindel, Jr., of spent Sunday in .an the guest of Mrs. Du of Baton Rouge. La.. Mrs. Jas. Euper for I mighter of Mr. and I will be christened afternoon. Little VW receive the name. i Epeosors will be Mrs. I sad Mrs. Edgar reception will i christelning at the ti. Ralchaux left I La., O a visit1 gt Miler. have where they Mrs. Chas. Hoff Charlotte, Mr. aims and daugh- 1 . Mrs. T. J. En lt Monday morning 4lat of New Roads, Iher sater, Mrs. John Margaret Oarland I * Vist to Olyn, La. asd daughter, I hi. N. E. Humphrey m:dltg awhile at Mc rbrt has been annual meeting Clb, one of et the club. spent a week iAsthem or co. A. rbeen honorably I army. Sergeuat I Ptance wherehe rsaslee for i.ftee of Ironton, with her aai. Burns spent Lat, he seesta de Racelad, bere with her I retarned to his u enditng awhile aI he been appoint- 1 Mil as a taea- 4 dlitment of Mc- U hAm Newocub I4Wy or arooklya,. end last week Al K. Goebel at Mar. Lery was end hoel i tSfrbe 1 moon. They are at home at 318 Olivier Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lddy of Seguin street returned from a trip to Mar shall, Tex. On their return trip, they visited Mr. Leddy's brother, Mr. W. Leddy at McCall, "L" Mrs. Luke Gillen spent Sunday with friends in Biloxi, Miss. Miss Elizabeth Lawrence is spend ing some time with her Sister, Mrs. Alex Lux in Biloxi. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Smith and daugh. ter, Vivian, left Tuesday for Chicago. Mrs. Smith is attending the Supreme I Forest W. C. Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Vivian will go to many different cities and points of in terests before returning. Missecs Velda and Vivian Le Blancleft Monday evening for a trip in Texas, including in their route. Galveston, Orange, Port Arthur and Houston, Tex. Mr. Alex Lux spent Sunday in Biloxi. Miss Irene L. Brookes is spending awhile at Waveland, Miss. Mrs. F. Hymel and little daughter are spending awhile at Waveland, Miss. Miss Madue A. Lennox spending awhile in Baton Rouge with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lennox. Mrs. F. J. Borne, Jr., and children are spending awhile in Marshall, Tex. Mrs. W. A. Dilzell and two daugh thrs and son, Walter, Jr., left Sunday morning for Biloxi to spend two weeks there at the Godchaux hotel. Miss Adriel Lennox returned from Houston, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Borne and Mr. U. J. Lewis spent Sunday at Pointe 8-la-Hache. On their return trip they were accompanied by Mrs. Lewis, who has been spending the past week there. Mr. Chas. Arnold returned Sunday night from Long Beach, after a visit to his family who are spending awhile there. They expect to return home Sunday. Miss Victoria Lennox has as her guest, Miss Onida Ellis of Baton Rouge, La. Miss Alma Gerrets left Sunday morning to spend a few weeks in Gulfport, Miss., the guest of Miss Margaret Chalk. Sts. John Chapter No. 35 Order of Eastern Star held their regular meet ing Monday night, at which time, they closed their meetings for the summer months. rMiss Emma George is expected home from Morgan City. The many friends of 'Mrs. J. P. Walters will regret to learn of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Howard Grey of Los Angeles. Mrs. Leon Daniel and daughter have returned to their home in McAllen, Tex., after spending awhile with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Borne. The many friends of Mrs. W. A. Nelson of Olivier street, will regret to learn that he suffered an apopletic stroke on last Sunday morning. His face and left side were paralyzed and his condition is critical. Mrs. P. Borne and Cecelia, Mr. and Mrs. O. Borne and children Mrs. Edwin Borne and childret and Thomas and Freddy Hebert spent the week end at the "8till Thelma" camp, Milneburg. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Munsterman of Burns, La., have taken up their resl dance at 222 Pacific avenue. Miss Madeline Spahr spent the week end as the guest of the Misses Rowuselot at Pass Christian. The Friday Night Euchre Club met at the home of Miss Clairla Richards. The succeasful players were Mts. J. Worley, (playing for Mrs. Lester Brookes) Miss Salome Kappler, and Mrs. W. Sadler. Miss M. Neef re ceived the consolation. Next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. B. Nelson. Messrs. Geo. Sartis and James Murtagh, Jr., paid a short business trip to Addis, La. The 'many friends of Mrs. P. J. Rihaer of Seguin street are glad to know that she is gettlng along nely after having undergone an operation at Hotel Dies. Mrs. W. P. Salathe spent Sunday at her summer home in Bay St. Louis. 1Mr. and Mrs. J. Martagh snad family, Mrs. Geo. Sartias and fatmially, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hauffe and family have returned from a two -weeks stay at Milneburg, at the element Bungalow. SMrs. F. Lecourt. Jr., spent a fort nighlt at Bay St. Louis, the guest of Mrs. F. Leort, Sr. Miss Camille 8pahr and Mr. Earl Valette spent unday at Roumsselot Villa, Pass Christian, the guests of -Mis Rita Romselot. SMr. and Mrs. L. Mnsterma and family are speding some time at MineborC, La., at the Homedale Cot Mr . . Ieourt, 8r., and family are spending the summer at their sum er hume in Bay St. Lis.M Mrs. H. Musterman spent a few days at Milnebrg, La., with her daughter. Mrs. B. O. Baker. Mrs. 8. McNeely retrused after speding a fortlght at Bay St. Lois, Mith her pareats. Mrs. Hy. Clark and little grandson, Roland cuar and Miss Clra larng rd left last Thaseday for OGrand action, Colo., to spend awhile. We are plasd to no teht Mr. ohn. A. Barrett has greatly rmeovuered rom his recent IDeo.. He and MIrs. rrrett are now ena~ l a visit to Oean Springs. Durlns Mr. Barrett _e--a-e. has son, Joha A, Jr., is at 'tending to the imuines. A representative the Swerage nd Water MBoard is now at dAl 'lars orh ase to aceommebt the waiter emsie He will remal until htnrr at ne. Miss Crmedke 'Leeat' irt the d. lairse L;i. ~s - te - ham. afler agiga tw webse in Morssn (3,. hie gMest at hermat. Mrs J.l P. Chrity. He Has Had His Day Cl r c : , aad iO tO ATrs TwO ATTICKS WERE MADE OH HIM Music Teacher Believes Anti-Vice Activities Were Cause. H. Kuhn, music teacher, of Madi son street McDonoghville, suburb of Gretna, who has been active in an independent anti-vice crusade in his neighborhood, claims he was attacked twice Monday about midnight in his. home by unidentified persons. Sev eral shots were fired during the second attack, rousing the neigh borhood and creating much excite ment. Kuhn reported the incident to Chief Lesson of Gretna Tuesday, but the bfficer had discovered no clue at an early hour Wednesday morning and said he could find no bruises about Kuhn's head. Kuhn was in bed asleep, according to his narrative to Chief Leson, about midnight 'then he was awakened by hammering on the window. By the time he could arise, two men had forced an en trance through the window and, he said. were beating him over the head. He got his revolver, he said, and fired at them, whereupon they fled. Later, however, they returned, Kuhin, said, with a large force. Eight shots were fired in the attack upon his home, he stated. The shots attracted i large number of the neigh bors, but when they arrived upon the scene the place was deserted and not even Kuhn could be found. The as sailants had fled, Kuhn msaid, fearing apprehension; and he had left, appre hensivb of another attack. Kuhn told Chief Leson Tuesday he had been assaulted on the head, but Chief Leson said he could see no evidence of a beating. Kuhn is a bachelor, residing alone. He is. a private instructor in music. Though he holds no official relation with- the War Department Commission of Training Camp Activities nor any other anti-vice agency, Kuhn has been active in reporting such alleged vice cases as came under his obsA vation. He has reported two, one of which resulted in a fine for one of the men accused. He told Chief Leson he thought revenge the motive of the attack upon him Monday night. He was positive, he told the officer, he could identify his first two assailants if brought face to face with them. JOHNSON WORKS LAUNCH' DEL. ANCO, E1fW TUGBOAT._ The tug, Delanco emergency fleet haull No. 1301 was launched by the employees of the Johnson Iron Works, Saturday afternoon ina the Bayou St. John at the railroad cros iag of the Southern Railroad. This is the fourth boat built by the John son Iron Works for the United States Shipping Board. There still re mains two more boats to be built, making a total of six. All employees from the hull yard and from the marine repair plant in Algiers attended, and much delight was displayed when the tug took the water. Miss Jeanie MeRea, daugh ter of the chief inspeetbr of the Ua chinery installatinas of the emerg enby flget corporation, was the sponsor. The boat us 100 feet long and is declared to be the best yet bauilt by that firm. It will be used wherever the shipping board may -e fit. Warre Johnson, manager of the Johuoan Iron Works. conducted the launching, and refreshments were served in the cafeteria on the grounds. IL Murtagh nd family motored S6 day to the mouth of the I~setra C(astl e Lake POntchartrnin. The Womea's Benefit Association t Maceeos, New Orlens Review, . , will bheld their nxt seeml m---e- at the home Mrsn. Lamse leaurt mar the Adolph Meyer Scheol. Games will be piyed a rereswh ats earved ed a Uoe time is reOmise Iser member is ulrged ob sud enleadey,1 .auy 21 at 8 "p.,IL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. Last week a number of Algiers peo ple figured largely in an automobile accident near Morgan, City, La. In the party who were motoring from Lafayette to Morgan City were Misses Emma George, Lois Walters, Lilburn Capburn, and Mrs. Tom Rooney and daughter, Eleanor of Algiers and Mrs. Irma Berneaur and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ditch of Morgan City. Their car was struck by an other machine, which threw the former car into the ditch. The ma chine did not stop to see if the oc cupants of the Ditch car were hurt However, in a later interview, the driver of the other machine stated that he thought he.had struck a rock and heard no noise even though the screams of the party of the wrecked car were heard for several miles. The occupants of the Ditch car remained pinned under the ear for several hours until help came. How ever, none of the party were serious ly hurt, just receiving severe bruises and are all now fully recovered. FALLS FROM ROOF. On last Saturday afternoon, Mr. Sidney Oswald had the misfortune to fall and painfully Injure his left arm. Mn Oswald was at work hanging gutters on the building which is being erected by Mr. Harry Wagner at Pelican avenue and Bounty street, and the ladder gave way caus ing him to fall about twenty feet Dr. Pollock who is in attendance pro nounced the injuries not serious. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS GIVEN WATERMELON FEAST. Men of the Algiers Naval Station were given a watermelon party by the Y. M. C. A. Monday night. At Algiers, the Franklin Street Methodist church choir entertained the men with several selections, tol idwed by an address by Dr. George C. Hines, of the Y. M. C. A.. I During the course of the water melon "feast," several friendly sol diers and sailors washed each other's faces with 'melon rines, adding to the amusement of both gatherings. DOWLING GIVEB APPROVAL. Says Algiers Swimming Pool Water Is All Right. The approval of the State Board of Health has been given the swimming pool of the Algiers Playground fol lowing a brcteriological examination of the water. A letter ftom Dr. Dowling to the. playground, received Tuesday, stated the water conditions were up to specifications and that they could be kept so as long as the rule of a shower bath before entering the pooh was strietly observed. DRUG STORE CLOSING ORDI NANCE IS LOST. After a lengthy debate on the merits and demerits of the proposed ordi nance to require ding stores to close at 6 p. m. daily and all day Sundays,. by representatives of the contending forces, the Commissioa Conncil TaM day afternon voted unanimously against the ordinance. idward Par sons, represented as attrney the Orleans Pharmacentiesd Aesn-l-, Joseph Sinai the interests op lsed to the closain order. VACCINATION DATB FIZXED. 'Dates. and schools at which chil dren will be vaccinated by the med ical officer of the public schools in preparation for the 1919-20 term were announced by Dr. J. J. Wymer Satur day. Treatment will be given between ltne and 11:30 a. m. on September 10 11, 12 and 15th. at McDonogh No. 4 school, Alix and Bermuda streets. PFNNY PATY. This afternooe, begIanning prompt. ly at 5 o'dlock, a penny perty will be given by several lttle girls at the DPenhager, home at 224 Bermuda Street. There will be a sorts @1 refreshments on sale and all the old amasements, the grab bliags and my tory ouKs, snd the tables, where ail ortas of pretty things ea be kghi et a few psanss. Toda, at r t, e'etlek, at 324 ramada street. iRS. CAROLINE A. SLACK DIES AT HOME II ALEXANDRIA The news of the death of Mrs. Caroline A. Slack, wife of Rev. W. 3. Slack, was indeed a great shock to her many friends here where she resided for over twelve years. The following excerpts are from the Town Talk, of Alexandria, La.: At St. James Rectory, 221 Winn street, Alexandria, La., on Friday, July 11, 1919, at 9:10 p. m-, Caro line Augusta Slack, wife of the Rev. William Samuel Slack, and daughter of Wm. Harbert Benjamin and Ce cilia Caroline (Breithaupt) Benja min. She was born June 25, 1872, in Brooklyn, N. Y., but removed when a few weeks old to "Homestead Plantation," East Carroll parish, La., where she lived with her par ents until her marriage, Decqmber 29, 1896, to the Rev. William Sam uel Slack, then of Iberville parish, La. Educated in private schools, at home, and at Staunton, Virginia, she herself taught school for a while in East Carroll parish. Upon her marriage to Rev. W. S. Slack she moved to his home at Mar ingouin, La., and three years after wards to Washington, La., and for twelve years lived in Algiers, La., where her husband was rector of Mt. Olivet Church. In 1914 the family moved to Columbus, Miss., her hus band being rector of St. Paul's Church, and in September, 1917, to Alexandria, Rev. Mr. Slack being called as rector of St. James Churgh. Mrs Slack was a devout membet of the Episcopal Church, and was interested in all phases of church work, the Sunday School and Ouilds, but especially in the Mission work as represented by the Woman's Aux Iliary to the Board of Missions. She will be greatly missed by her co workers in all of these branches of the church's work. " She was one of the pioneers of the work of the Travelers Aid in New Orleans, and was the first first vice rresident of the organisation. She was also a member Of the Kings Daughters Society and at one time president of the "Silent Helpers" Circle in Algiers. Always interested in literature and art, she was a member of the Reading Circle of Columbus, Miss., and the Poets Circle of Alexandria. Besides her devoted husband she leaves three daughters, Caroline Louise, Cecilia Benjamin and Mar garet Emily, to inourn her depart ure, all of whom were present at the time of her death but the latter, who was visiting friends in New Or leans. Mrs. Slack had been ill for many months, and a fatal termination seemed certain, but courage, cheer fulness and an indomintable will pre vented discouragement so that at the last her end came suddenly. The funeral took place at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, the beautiful and impressive service being held in 8t. James Church, in the presence of a very large concourse of friends. The Rev. C. B. K. Weed, groomsman and classmate of Mr. Slack, and now rector of the Church of Good Shep herd of Lake Charles, officiated at the service, asisted by the Rev. Dr. H. C. Duncan and the Rev. Walter Lennie-Smith, of Alexandria. The musical portion of the service was most beautifully given by the vested choir under the direction of Prof. Albert Deeks, organist. The choir sang hymn 363, "O Lamb of God Still Keep Me," unaccompanied by the oragn. Mrs. G. Purnell Whit tington and Mrs. F. J. Petagna sang hymn 634, "My Jesus as Thoen Wilt," (Thy Will Be Done), set to the beau. titful masle by Herbert Palfrey, of New Orlesans. As the funeral cortege wended it way slowly from the rectory to the church and up the main aisle to the chanmel, the orgalst played Chopin'i Funeral March, the solemn, modu lated toaes falling over the hushed assemblage uas the procession entered the ehure. Tke opening msentene were read by Dr. Dncan. Th Psalm was read by the Rev. Mr. Las ale-Smith with rempeasm by the -a LETTEtRS FROM THE PEO)PLE. New Orleans. La., July 13. 1,'1:. Editor,. Algiers Herald. Algiers. La. Dear Sir:- I note in today's issue of the Daily States an offer for sale by the Coln nissioner of Public Utilities, a fr ait clise lease for a ferry from Walnut Street to WVestwego and that tlih published tariff rates are the sante of generations ago. made to discour age reasonable loads. no doubt in times when flat boats were in exist ence. These onerous antiquated rates. made in tis mes gone by when I the rate makers and purchasters of franchises were about one and the sanme parties. are again about to be foisted and taxed upon us for an other fifteen years or half a geni,'a tion and the people of Jefferson should take notice of conditions. It is. I believe, the purpose of the, people of Algiers and vicinity to do all that can be done to secure a dlownward revision of tariffs for the Canal and Third District ferry fran chises when same is shortly off-red for- sale and it is to be hoped, that when this occurs, the successful Wal nut Street franchise bidder will not appear and oppose our petition, on the ground that the adoption of a lower and modern tariff rate, for the ('anal and Third District ferry fran chises, would reduce the value of his purchase. Yours truly. J. R. N. SURPRISE PARTY. On Sunday evening, Mrs. A. Meyer was most agreeably surprised by qi great number of her friends at her home at 426 Slidell avenue. Mrs. Meyer received many beautiful pres ents. Her guests were Misses M. Harley, F. Schiele, E. Halten, A Fossier, Adela Fossier, L. Knowles O. Fourrow. L. Gendron, E. Ramos. G .Smith, C. Tompson. M. Tompson, F. Shephard, F. Dulcich, B. Claison. L. Burgau, M. Barton, A. Burls, C. Oswald, E. Oswald, Messrs, T. Schiele, H. Albrizze, A. Orie, B. Vinot. C .Conrad, H. Smith, Jos, John. Leo Culver, W. Meyer, N. and H. Tomp son, D. Corcoran, W. Shephard, Mrs. J. Ramos, Mrs. J. Huber, Mrs. A. Dul etch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Corcoran, Mr. and Mrs. C. Classon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shephard. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Cafiero., Mr. and Mrs. S. Oswald, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schiele. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Culver. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgau and Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyer. K. C. HALL, ALGIERS NAVAL STATION. Many young" ladies of Algiers spent another enjoyable evening at the popular K. C. Hall, Naval Sta tion, last Tuesday. The dances still continue to be high-class and refined. Great credit is due to the young ladies of the town who entered into the spirit of these dances, and have complied strictly with the wise regu lations that have been made for these entertainments. The secretaries do not say very much but they are on the alert and will enforce the rules in a courteous manner, namely by not sending out Invitations to those who will delib erately violate any of the rules. Most of the young ladies appreciate this method of keeping the dances high class, and it is a real pleasure to watch them enjoy themselves. For convenience invitations can be ob tained from Miss Rita uratich at the H. N. G. C., Sunday night. The benefit for the organ is on in full blast. Many tickets have been sold and the organ is practically a fact. This shows a good spirit. The chapel is nearly completed and soon ,the boys will be able to pray in it any time during the day. ANNUAL PICNIC. The Fourth Annual Picnic of the Crescent City Lodge 74g, B. A. C. of A., will be given on Sunday, July 20th ,at the Southern Park for their relief fund. The admission will be twenty-five cents, and children under twelve years will b admitted free: The committee of ahangement con sists of J. Hogan, ex-otfficio: J. Don nely, chairman, A. 8. Vinet. A. Bloom, A. E. Zwicke, J. Enright, P. Rando, C. Adams, J. White, E. Achel, D. Daly, D. Adams, P. Scheurer. The floor committee is made up of 0. V. Eckert, chairman, C. Wagner, W. Park, P. Brown, Ed. Muasterman. J. M. Maronge, E. Uhle, L. Ehrhard, P. Kittich, J. Umbach, C. Fuller, and P. Pelletre. WlBEE AT 8PANISH FOIRT. During the past week, a crowd of young girls have been having a jolly time and have been enjoying them selves immensely at the Schwab camp at Spanish Fort. Boating and bathing were the main featuie. Mrs. Louis Nicklaus chaperoned the party. In the party were Misses Verena Brodtman, Leah Kirby, Irma Tufts, IUllian and Haser Nelson and Imelda Nicklaus. gregation. The lesson and prayers were read by the Rev. Mr. Weed. As the body was taken from the church the organist played the "Dead March from Saul." The altar and cancel were deco rated profusely with lovely floral of ferilangs, the gifts of friends. Among the offerings sent by organizations were the following: Mt. Olivet Church Guilld of Algiers, La.; St. Paul's Church Guiald of' Columbas, Miss.; St. James Church Guild of Alexandria; Mt. Olivet Church Guild of Plneville; The Vestry of St. James Church, Alexandria; the Woman's Auxiliary f 8St. James Church; The Poet's Circle of Alexandria; the Newcomb Club of Alexandria, and many lovely offerings from other friends. At the request of Mr. Black, the loose flowers wero sent to the Baptist Hospital to be distributed in the rooms- of the patients. "[LA BONITA" OPENS FOR BUSINESS MONDAY MORNIG NIE.wEST (IGROCE'Y IN TOWN. There w ill he a new grocery in town Monday Ilornftlng. known as "La onllita.' 'antd as thi, word indicates, the nlewt it!it ettlahtlialaStia proprietors plromise theirt" pataron.. that "I.a Iton ita" will sell anl -,rve only the best. Mr. Frank I. Killen., one of the pl'tllliaent colifat'Iato s ill Out Itow is ene of t h propritlletors l. of the nel lstore. lr. Kihlle.t ineeds noi intro iluction to thle .\ltet's people. lie 1s well and avorably known for his high stanidingl in this loltnininity. and his Ipast illstness l les all(tets and t fidollts inl his laow alchteamentti. Mr. Tliaz is a ci apable. o ffici int, 'youllnllg raan lof pleasinlg personality, atdi lhe will have charget of the husi 1ess In looking alter thlt a culnort of ath trade aid in seeig that they are given what they want. Mr. Kil leon will look after the more impor ltanIt details. Thlt- store at the corner of Belle ville andl Eliza street is now being newly plainted tlhroughout in white. New fixtures are being installed and the goods which will be offered for sale on Monday morning will be fresh from the wholesale houses and factories. "La Bonita" is also to have an up to-date delicatessen department, and for this, a display ice box has been purchased, so that the customers may see exactly what they are buying, and at the same time, preventing the people frontm handling the goods which are offered to others for sale. The new firm has some very origi nal ideas, which they will inaugurate shortly, and when put into effect, are designed to save their customers a considerable per cent of profit that they had been paying heretofore. The new firm bids you welcome to their new place on Monday, and, being from Missouri, theoretically, you will have nothing to loose in giving them a trial order. BASEBALL NOTES. The W. P. Salathe Stars. The line up with their bad average is as follows: Peter Buhler, short stop and captain. 280, C. Hoge, first baseman, 260, F. Ruso, left fielder 250, H. Silverman. right fielder, 300, W. Vurban, center fielder, 325, A. Davis third baseman, 200, J. Matchett, second baseman, 300, Pat Maher, catcher, 300, V. Lauman, pitcher 180, L. Stenger and Dock Bayes, extra. This team will challenge the win. ner of the Behrman League, winner to take gate receipts and all side bets. The W. P. Salathe Stars. The Calderaro Juniors (formerly Young Pelicans) played their first game under their new name Sunday, July 13 by deafeating the Bouny Stars, 17 to 5. The game was very interesting, until the fifth inning, when the score stood 3 to 1 in favor of the Calderaro's. In this inning after three runs were scored off of Donnenfelser of the Bonny Stars, he was relieved by "Eas" Adams, when seven more runs were earned. "Lefty" Morris was on the hill for the Calderaro's. He did great pitch ing with excellent support behind him. Gilder did great catching. Robichaux made the greatest catch. Tallon made a three base hit with the bases loaded. Mothe. made a home run for the longest hit. Bengert made the longest hit for The Calderaro Juniors wish to play any team with players under the size of 55 inches. Send all chal lenges to J. Tallon. Plelding Managter. 207 Morgan street or phone AlMgiers 283-A. * The line up is as follows: Eddle Hialton, catcher, Lefty Morris, pitcher, Robert Talbot. first baseman. O. Gl1 der. second baseman. A. Peterso, short stop, J. Taluto, third tias man, J. Roberts, left fielder, J. Tal Ion, center fielder. 8.Robichaux. right fielder. L. Adams and Peter Dassin get', substitute. ENJOYABLE DAY. On last Sunday, a crowd of jolly boys entertained a number of their girl friends on an all day outing at Milnebur. The day was spent ain swimming, boating, fishing and danc ing. Music was furnished by the Co lumbla Jazz Band. Retreshments were served In abundance. Those who helped to make the day n. joyable were Misse . lucheards, I. Clasuen, I. Wasner. c. rsen, T. Muntz, L. Mayheno, E. Stockfleth, M. I.Burmaster, Messrs. J. Bevans, T. 0of, 3. Provenzano, M. Graham, R. Bather Sland, M. Short. V. Erast V. Crawford, E. Cayard, J. Dubois, 0. Umbaed, W. I Keenan. W. Spitzfaden, 8. Durpe, A. Blrelsux, P. Back, I. Pleat, H. Oswald. C. Pltre, A. Richards, C. Clasen , H. IRichards, A. Richards. W. Gould. Mayhe'no, L Crespo, F. Hornoeky. A. Heltmeyer. W. Nolan, 8. Harding. Brodtmsn. F. Spahr, &N. Wilson and others. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. Mor rison. Mr. and Mrs. K Barrett, and Mrs. Mayheno. I OUTING AT MILNEBURG. I A number of Jolly folk spent Sat 5 urday and Sunday at the Apex Cot si tage in Mllneburg. Boating and e bathing were enjoyed. In the party e were, Misses Ethel and Helen Covell, l and Anna Peres. Mrs. Jacob Meyer. 'r Mrs. Kuttruff, Mr. and Mrs. H. Him C, melreehbt, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer, C Mr. and Mrs. Roes 8tenhouse; Mee 4 sr. Frank Meyer, Edwalrd Groens, and Richard Steuhouse.