Newspaper Page Text
12 PAGES THE HERALD. 12 PAGES 1eC.M Me Upiufndle the Weo Sw e s1e Ivwr. 'A very live and creditable weekly ewspapw."-MANUPACYURIWI RECORD. VOi. XXVll. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1919. No. 33. SI - -- ' I l . . il / I t Mrs. C. V. Frisch tntertained t',' Ttaeursday Afttrnoon Eu'hre ('club. Thsuccessful players were Miss Ssadie Garland. 31r'. A. Graf, and rs. V Kraft. Mis. A. Burke re ceived the consolation. The' next meeting will be at the hl(,m of Mrs. Frank Hogooveln. Mrs. Alice Gisch of Ne,, York is here spending th'e winter with her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Gisch. Mr. Victor Zatarain arrived Sat urday from Milwauke'e. \Vis.. to spend the holidays with his parents. Miss Katherine Schabel is home from Bay St. Louis, where she is attending school to spend the Xmas holidays here with her mother. Mrs. A. Burke entertained the Fri day Afternoon Five Huudred Club. The successful players were Mrs. H. T. Malone and Mrs. F. Goebel. Mrs. Burke received the consolation. Mrs. Goebel will entertain at the next meeting. Miss Dorothy Murtagh, who is at tending college in Chatawa, Miss.. is home for the holidays. Mrs. H. Vezien and little daughter. Vera, left Thursday for California to visit the formers' daughter, Mrs. L. Fourmingne. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Keller of Waukoegan, Ill., (formerly Miss Car rie Wagner of our town), are spend ing a fortnight in Jasper, Ind., with Mr. Keller's family. Mrs. J. Guepet and daughter, Alice of 212 Verret St., left Saturday for Beaumont, to spend the holi days. Mr. Jules Gayral and son, Gentie. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guepet of 212 Verret St. Miss Nellie O'Donnell has return ed from Matthews, La., to remain until January 5th. Master Gene Nelson of Wisconsin, is spending the Xmas holidays at the home of Mrs. P. F. O'Donnell. Miss Hortense Johnson of La fayette, La., is the guest of her aunt for the holidays. Misses Anna and Carmen Van derliaden left Monday for Chicago to spend the holidays with their brother, Arthur Vanderlinden. Mrs. M. Geldert and baby, Mau rice, have returned after spending the week at Mobile with Captain Geldert. Miss Mary Spellman left Sunday to spend the holidays in Lakeland, the guest of Mrs. Jos. Amann. Mr. Al. K. Goebel arrived Tues day from Boston, Mass., to spend the holidays with relatives here. Iesat. Ciemans V. Rault, whose arriage to Miss Violet Engler, will be celebrated next month, arrived Tuesday from Haiti. The many friends of Mr. and Mt's. L. F. Glach, pympathize with them in the death of their infant son. Rev. Jao. F. Foster, of Franklin, La., was in town this week, for the Lesam-serTna nutials. Robert Haderson, state manager d head coasul of Louisiana of the Woodama of the World, will be pres mt at the next meeting of Orange Camp, Dec. 29th, at Pythian Hall, an will eplain the new rates. n Jao. Hezidel is convaleding kher recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Meak Turner and i*. enard L. Anderson are the 4t tm a guests of Mrs. Harry J. e,5of 1519 Pine St. . C. Clements and daughter, mre Lafayette, La., are spend Sht Ciehistmas holidays here with SM Mrs. A. F. Cayard. d Mrs. fMlarrla Inma Clif t*,le former having been recent Sdiag from the U. S. Navy, q Seadlng awhile here, the guests Ih. p Mrs. T. B. Clifford, ill. lorence Clifford is here I· Pallnton, Miss,; where she t sk* cf chool. She is the guest Vheats Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Mr. Josph Lennox of Mobile, Ala., Sherd this week to attend the "0'~Traer nuptials. - d Mrs. R. H. Irving and SOrammercy, were in town W to attend the Platt-Brown . Treadaway of Teche St., -:lsortune to break his arm " . v tthe wrist while at work • tl Nval Station last week. Mrs. Garrett Lynch of . it/7 are spending the Christ. here with Capt. and i r W . B Nash, of Marksviie, • t ", days here last week. S"i Weaver, who has been _ nother, Mrs. J. P. Wal time, will leave to-mor Sher home in Jonesboro, Ark. · ml alone come in from - I upend the holidays with ! 0Salvo has returned to ea Morgan City. ead, with her duh W. MoEhttL STATE TEACHIRS FIX MINIMUM Believing that a marked increas" in the salaries of public school teach ers :s necessary, both to provide a !iving wage and attract capable in structors to the profession, a com mittee at work on the proposition subhtitted their report to the annua': conference of the state and pirislh :clh)ool officials Saturday morning. Following is the scale which they believe should be adopted as tite minimum: For teachers of elementtrv chools: Normal graduates in first year of teachini . $.0; second year, $'.,; third year $14'00; fourth and fifth years. $105; sixth and seventh years, $110:; eighth and nlinth years, $113; tenth and eleventh years. $120. Teachers of first grade, by examination; first year of teaching. $So; second year. $$S5; third year. $9''; fourth and fifth years, $95; sixth and seventh years $10444; eighth and ninth years, $105; tenth and eleventh years, $110. Teachers of second grade by ex amination, $70. with no increase; teachers of third grade by examina tion, $65, with no increase. For teachers of high schools; col lege graduates, in first year of teach inc, $110; second year, $115; third year, $120; fourth and fifth years, $125; sixth and seventh years, $130; eighth and ninth years, $135; tenth antd eleventh years, $140. For high school instructors, less in qualifications than cohere graduates, $5 less per month than those of the higher qualifications. Salaries for principals of the schools shall be, for those of two room schools, $10 per month more than the salary of an instructor. three Irooms schools, $15 more than in structors, four room schools, '$20 more than instructors. High school principal shall receive a minimum of $1,500 per year. The report will be discussed during the Saturday session of the conference, and either adopted or the necessary changes made. THREE JUDGES WILL DECIDE LHVEE BOARD MEMBERSHIP. Whether an injunction will issue to prevent Felix Borne, Sr., Albert S. Cain and Stanley W. Ray, recent appointees of Governor Pleasant, from displacing John P. Vezien, Thomas Killeen and Thomas Smith, members of the Orleans Levee Board, rested Monday afternoon with Judges Theard, Skinner and Parker of the Civil District Court. Argu ment of the question took place be fore Judge Theard, to whom the Borne-Vezien suit has been allotted, and it was agreed that he should consult on the subject with his two, colleagues, to whom the other two cases fell, and that the same decision should be rendered in the three causes. The three appointees were re strained by a preliminary order, signed by Judge King, the afternoon of December 17. This prevented them from qualifying at the regular meeting of the Levee Board that night. Even if seated by the present legal proceedings, it was point d out Monday, they cannot qualify until the next regular meeting of the board the night of January 21 ,one day after the primary election. NEW CALENDARS. We are in receipt of a handsome 1920 calendar from J. Bodenger. It is the picture of a pretty girl in Red Cross costume. From Jno. B. Murphy, we also re ceived a pretty calendar. It is a moonlight scene. Chris. L. Stumpf, Jr., arrived from Texas Wednesday, to spend a few days with his parents. Mrs. L. Cross has returned from Bayou Lafourche, where she was the guest of Mrs. Dill. Misses Fay. and Hazel Aycock have as their guests, Misses Gladys Cocke and Dottle Dill. Mr. Louis Luft is home from Spring Hill College to spend the holidays. Miss Rita Lutz, of Alix St., is home from Dominican Convent to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. A Lennox and children of Baton Rouge, La., were here for the Lennox-Turner nup tials. Mrs. Sam Boylan entertained the Once A Month Euchre Club. The successful players were Mrs. Boylan, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Gerretts (play ing for Miss Clairia Ricvhards). Mrs. Abribat received the consola tion., The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. P. O. Cafiero. The Young Folks' Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner. The successful players were Misses Mamle Fath and Ines Wagner and Messrs. Gee. Munsterman and Edw. Finley. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Elsie Hansen, to morrow evening. Mr. Jan. Comfort is home from Jef ferson College for the holidays. Miss Zelda Huckins was one of the reception committee at the enteptain nmet given last week in honor of Dr. uGasseppi Ierrats. Mr. sad Mm. rank Hosgbven and little "et. Deve Friuch are spend .ta the houIMs li Uamet with r~ saves. I0 - ' Export Business Is Getting Brik '4 , × ,<..-, '/ , - . . " i/7 // //- /: '/ " " Z : ' : ;]i'! .. .. ';". ' .:" : . . . ... . . // /77i 77 //" 1/; I!//' / / :r I!!, ·, ,.· ~; / /~ ( i gh:: THREE RMONTH'S SAIAIRY PIRE SENTEI) TO EVERIY EMi'LOYE WVEI)N ESI)AY. .lohn E. Bouden. president of the W\hitney-Central Banks, made the fol lowing statement Tuesday concerning the annual Christmas gift of the banks to their employees: "In addition to the bonuses which we have been giving during 1919, In order to meet the high cost of living, we are giving every employe. from the president down, as an extra com pensation, three months' salary. The gift was made Wednesday morning. "In addition to this the bank has adopted a profit-sharing plan, which makes it possible for every employe in the offices to share in the earnings of the bank during the year 1920. This will apply to all of the banks- the Whitney National, the Whitney Trust and Savings Bank and all of the branches." FOURTH ANNIVERSARY. .Qalte an enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Lilly, the occasion being the anniversary of the birth of their son. Joseph De Frederick. The beautiful birthday cake with its four tiny can dles was in the center of the dining table. Refreshments were served and games played by the little ones. The guests were Rhea Simon, Hazel, Eliza beth and Lillian Traub, Wilhelmina ,Dellam, Alethia and Nelita Gorman. Loraine and Katherine Durkes, An tionette Thorning, Leona Thomas, Florence Simon, Emma Gegenhelmer, Westley Walleck, Eugene Jewels, Charles Russell, Jos. Simon, Charles and Joseph Houston, Joseph Lilly, Mrs. J. S. Houstn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lilly. CITY EMPLOYES RECEIVE GIFTS Mayor Behrman is dispensing Christmas cheer in his immediate de partment at the City Hall by present ing his staff with orders for turkeys. The letters enclosing the order and a Christmas greeting were given to the employes on Tuesday. A large elec. tric sign reading "Merry Xmas" is suspended over the mayor's desk, while on his desk many gifts received from well wishing friends are dis played. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Orange Camp No. 8, Woodmen of the World, held an interesting meet ing Thursday night, when the follow ing officers were elected, viz: F. C. Birchmeier, C. C.; George G. Bruns sann, P. C. C.; G. J. Babin, A. L.; W. F. Harding, clerk; L. F. Gisch, bank er; C. Lindren, escort; C. Berthaut, watchman; J. E. Thorning, sentry; F. C. Hymel, S. G. Smith, W. Sin clair, managers. A special meeting of the camp will be held Monday, December 29, when District Manager Henderson wil explain the new rates and adjust the assessments of all members. PRESENTED WITH t'MBRELLA. Mr. Edgar Berthaut, President of the Algiers Iron Works, Ltd., and the Algiers Electric Welding Co., Ltd., was tendered a surprise by em ployees of the above companies, on December 23rd, 1919. He was called from his breakfast table under the impression that there was trouble between the workmen. Upon his ar rival at the shop he was met by A. C. Briel, the emminent orator, who with an appropriate speech in hon of of Mr. Berthant's Birthday, pre sented him with an ivory and gold inlaid handle umbrella. Mr. Ber thaut overcome with Joy responded, thanklg the employees and wishing one sad all a Merry Xmas. Retresh mesnts ws them served in abrn dean. WEDDING BELILS. NOIA N-LANG FORD. On Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary. Dr. Harry Nolan and Miss Josephine Langford were quietly married by Rev. J. A. Petit. The attendants were Miss Clara Langford. sister of the bride, and Dr. A. Meynier. The bride and her attendant were both dressed in taupe coat suits, with hats to match. After the cere mony the young couple left for Biloxi for a short honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends at 219 Olivier St. BATER-MARTINEZ. The marriage of Miss Mamie Martinez, of Seguin St., to Mr. Harry Frank Bauer, was celebrated last week, Rev. T. J. Larkin officiat ing. The bride is one of our most charming young ladies, and has a host of friends here who wish the newly-married couple good luck. The attendants were Mr. L. M. Peters and Miss Anna Martinez. ADAMS-BROWN. Miss Loretta Mary Brown and Mr. Joseph Adamps were married last week by Rev. J. A. Petit. The at tendants were Mr. Lawrence J. Lauel and Miss Louise Jochum. BROWN-PLATT. The. marriage of Miss Honey Ther esa Platt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Platt, and Mr. Em mett Dewitt Brown, of Garyville, was celebrated Wednesday evening in the presence of relatives and friends at the home of the bride's parents in Verret St. The rooms were artistically decorated with quantities of palms and ferns. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Petit, under a shower of palms and ferns. The bride, who was given to be married by her father, had as her maid of honor, her cousin, Miss Inez Irving, Miss Eleanor Richardson as bridesmaid. The best man was the bride's brother, attorney George P. Platt, and, the groomsman was Mr. George O. Irving, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Platt was assisted in receiving by her younger daughter, Miss Cleo Platt. The bride was charmingly gown ed in Duchess lace over Ivory satin. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The maid of honor wore flesh satin with tulle over draped and caught with ostrich, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations, tied with pink tulle. Miss Richardson wore flesh taf feta with tulle over, draped and caught with dainty flowers: She also carried pink carnations, tied with pink tulle. During the signing, Miss Malvina Dwyer, beautifully rendered, "Ave Maria," accompanied by Mrs. Robt. Talbot. The bride and groom were recipi ents of numerous and costly pres ents. Mr. Brown and his bride left for their future home In Garyvllle. WATTIONEY-ROBTRUP. A very pretty wedding of the past week was that of Miss Mildred Mary Rostrup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rostrup, and Charles El mer Wattigney, .which took place at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, Thursday evening at 5:30, the Rev. J. A. Petit, 8. M., officiating. The church was besutftlly deco rated tfor the oNssmsand was flU ed with relatives and friends of the young coiupl'e. The brdie was given in marriage by her father. was dre.ssed in white i'eor'ette over satin,. with an elabo rate satin train. Her veil of il lIsion was caught with ai wreath of orallge bIlossomis. Slihe carried a bouquet of white carnations and tube roses, caught with tilll and love knots. .\lrs. Alma Rostrup was matron of honor. She wore grey georgletto crepe over satin, with pearl trinm n ings. She carried a bouqluet of pink American beauty rose buds, caught with pink tulle. She wore tulle in her hair. The bridesmaid. Miss Mildred Johnson, wore pink satin with pearl trimmings and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and roses tied with 1 pink tulle and ribbon. The little flower girl, Lelia Wat tigney, a niece of the groom, was dressed in white crepe de chine, trim meed with blue and pink forget-me nots. She carried a basket of pink carnations. During the ceremony: Mrs. George Hymes sang a solo. Mr. Irvin Ros trup, a brother of the bride, was groomsman and Mr. Clifford Wat tigney, a brother of the groom, was best man. The young couple, who received many presents, are at home to their friends at the home of the bride's parents, 712 Opelousas Ave. LENNOX-TURNER. One of the prettiest weddings of the season, was that of Miss Adriel C. Lennox to Capt. Edd. Royal Tur ner, which was quietly celebrated on Monday evening at 4:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. W. Lennox, corner Pelican and Elmira Aves. The parlors were artistically ded orated with potted palms. At the appointed hour, the bridal party en tered to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March, which was played by Mrs. Harry J. Thompson. The bride who is one of our mast attractive young ladies, was becom ingly attired in brown satin, com bined with georgette which was beautifully embroidered. She car ried a bridal bouquet of red roses and ferns. She also wore a large cameo pin, a gift .from the groom, he having brought it from France, where he saw service during the war. " The matron of honor, Mrs. Her bert Kane, wore blue satin with an overdress of georgette crepe prettily beaded. She carried pink carna tions and ferns. Miss Grace Lennox, a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, she wore a dress of dark blue georgette crepe and satin, prettily beaded. She also carried pink carnations. The groom was attended by Mr. Harvey Turner. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jno. F. Foster, assisted by Rev. C. C. Wier. During the signing of the regis ter, Mrs. Ethel Galvin and Miss Grace Lennox rendered several vocal solos, accompanied by Mrs. Thomp son. The bride is one of most charming young ladies, and is a talented musi cian. Her many friends wish the young couple all good luck possible. The young couple, who were the recipients of many handsome and costly presents left the same even ing for a honeymoon trip to dif ferent points in Texas. They will spend Christmas with the groom's relations in Madisonville, Tex. They will make their future home in Tulsa, Okla., where the groom holds a lucrative position. WILL ENTERTAIN AT DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. Shade G. Smith will entertain at Christmas dinner today: Mr. and Mrs. 0. X Frisch, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rostrup, Grandma Frederick, Grandma Smith, Mr. Saxony Fred erlck, Henrietta and Charles Fred eiek, Vivian 8mith and Mr. and Sra. S. 0. Smith. m l t t i .. .i w iI T "IIlg e Nit t ll ' ll r XI. - Iit -i play; lt Iit , lnta ( la t . tl .i t ,',ia 1\11 ,(ll,,tIila l iXs i Nttrw'l l\ ,hin'l " anta ;ltitoe , (lt' ist i s Sl, 'kilc s ti i..t ' lati , A ('li rist as W at , l ist l t S )h sl l ll I\ ,it r l|> pi.' l. ,",1 .+ a t i fritngle. h : 'Trip T'lt %tty'laniel. Sta' 't h e . hItlllr n t as r lit ,t go hoitn I. an await the coirning of gitii. oi SInta ('las and . le stiiks o1 gttl ' Titfore leavitin Mel )onog+ l No. 5 T in' Ni::ht I 45'trrs \a s u ld ' fwari "h iiNl. ht f It acher towaril it-.ef in mattny ways.; , ut te "latet I)].i : lhe r Sapi ('lail as. t \'e i"'". mani, Xifestatiot was in, their a ('elle, l'athion. atn As Others Seel at I T'la t. Eac ('hri tec \\was reent-is ed with a gift esuitable to i e a1d titdual interest or ch railitlstis. Ndlles tohil n tahelre wa ouch un I and nerrimeint as well as surprise ante ourselitves as others see olds. anta lauRefreshmensts wer e servel, and all The kiddies are Chris.tma wild. Belltfl ore'l havili t'lI)oI i No. ,, It scens almost i tpossib le for them to wait. After gathering around a Xmas tree, listening to the stories liand sos of Xmas .ithey wrll leave ng ard ilmake th. but parents realize twhat happiness a child's Xmas spirit ifel can bring into the home, school and The faculty sends Its best wishes friends of the school. The fin llowing ls, ildren theof 4 ifestood up" in was in thspelling match in ('teh ratit in, an "As Othrs Se ' I. the spellin of the whole 4-li Grade:nt Joseph Wal tert r cMary Louise ia Bella Dorotho say Wah, Joas ephite u brd et. Marjoin a wehroeder. Jourisep 1is as Nan Griffet. Suervi saor of Physica"Know thyself," it is always well today SThursday she tested othe girls in all Thgrades above thare FouChristmas wild. Ithro swingems anostd impall boyssible foin the cor respondi. Ater gadthes n broad jumping.d a Miss Griffeth complimen to the stories anti songs of Xmas they will leave forpils on the splendid record and en couraged makhe to thery to do evnts rn bet-alize canter brin their next test home, whicho wll and take place about Jan. 23, 1920. Ashes for the aletic equip tment has beents com The following cihihdren of 4-B 'spleteood up"only a few weekslling muatch is thdue sthe pupils for the 4-1 Gradshowing made. Joseph Waednesday mornng thLouise pupils Befillaed wiDoroth the WahlMerry Christmase Du-, reit, assembled inSc the basement, at 9 o'clock. After the usual flag ex ercise, they all marched to their re spectivss Nane rooms to await the visorit of Physical Training, spent Thursday, "Dear Old Say int Nicholas." Aboutn Thursday she testeden o'clock, the bell was run allnd where a bea utiful tree, heavily loa thed with ifts andll boys, in thundane of candy stood. SMiss Irma Arsago, a pupil of the i responding grade, who acted as "Mis tress Griof Ceremth conies," announced the Bendipils on the splendid record and enLow" Sonrag-Eighthe and Seventh Grades "A December Spelling Lesson"w "Santa Claus"-Edward Sutten. I "St. Nicholas," Song-Second "A Christmas Problem"-C emmlieI Recitation-Six Girls of the Third Grade. S"A Christmas Song," CiSong-Fourthai I Grade. - "Good Night"-Mariel Galling - house. I "Christmah Song," Recitation p "The Christmas Spirit," Recitation t -Frank Gillis. sa rChristmas Voices," Song-Fifth Grade. "Christmas Carol," Recitation Sieth Grade, i I "The First Christmas Tree," Red : tation-Three girls of Second Grade S "For Christmas"-Aldea Rogers. ' "Christmas Wishes"-First B. BoLys. T "Over the 'Phone"-Recitation dElise Tradeau and . Chanvin. "His Cmhristmas Money," Recita SCHOOL TEACH ERS TO ACT NV % Orb,' .it pI blic school te':Ih'll , . -; ! l ' . l- ' 1 , I t .! l i k e ', I l l y h i g t l e ' r V' ,ri oppto (I to the word ' l: t i' 11 c'tullll i1 l \\ 11 fith e iattol : \ l ' i; 1' : t11 i\ l i e t O r(l'ilan i ,i - l h t l I I -i I': " .ll i. .LI- ttil tl ;i 1 " -h' i.:tl "!.·:t.'J il .1\ 4., n.11 i \..l 1, ' 1'.l , Il. ,'i- t . \ . p , ;i 1( l otii 111t',li 1'1,1 \. !,.I l- 4Il111 ;1111: 1 tit, nii otes . il h It, th e i th, ' iteacl " 1, t ' . ,t i t ,i ti t l 1.u i t. 1 I ht p oa l .* I ;li1t ,t . \\t a at .ill i l ,.) h wl hat \rlp t \"I tti ll it. t H i11 .' tlt l t-eti tlll f. l 'l'": t\\'rI trti t ti it' t ihe tt i io our als ( tiif a i n fh ,' I lh thb l w " - eh , rl s .'l o s , \\ h ln h .I :1 ", ,tki t \ l li\ arlet playill L rit l II l moth r ti ett insteri l of -Itt l(l t i-iittll flt ,l t r I' Suprtoite ( t ll t iThis I.metl hod ( ftlrilg a raise in t l'11i \\aiI in salrieupon aftr thon tal blitr rl nont by obteminablers op posinl: the .tip. of a Illt itilng of the 'lewt 'lehitali t ':e atli tional ta o, until iSltttlll,(r i, O. anti by that time ltn ofat the Normal School ittle new I t- aten itli 4 tarvloedk, whto deathe Illl for an assembly, . with repre llttor rozi\ frol all te lachk s' orgnf suff i Zteactl ill the city will cooperulate to. It is ny ierstood that the teacf the presidentobably will send ther front latumh tof the oard of ellucat will haveduring thfull prt weekr o thle new yeattr, and if it i refueon their willn for all pubction lic tniediately. This will be the cityourse. 'he teachersskd whill pursue te, achersno matter had toted to take this extrelne course in (rile" to gIot salamris raised. when what theeitin Supreme Cou e rt \\1ih r. ardi to the raising of the shl.oi tax w\;1 milll' two weeks off, 1liss Ilanley snounaid. d. "The raise in salaries for the tiacsOn onday night. e obtainable, earll nterited the additional taes, until September, 19.0, and by that time manyi of the strugdan ling little new teachers would have starved to death ior frozen flron the lack of suffiients were clothing, which may be a slight ex aggeration, but very slightent were Mr. andEvery teacher in the city will co-operate to gain our endey Mr. and Mrswe will eed." It Chris understood that the teachers probably will send their ultimatum to the board of education during thLuce first week of the new year, and if it is refusbran, Fred will take action im-Cyrd. mediately. This will be the course thome teachf Mrs will rs. W.ue, no matte, what the Supreme Court decidesT Miss lanley announce laerd. ENWO JOYMAN I ENV N DAGO" on Monday night, Mrs. A. F. Cay ard entertained the Ladies Auxiliary to .Hutchinson Division No. 377, Helpmate B. of L. E. No. 531. Music and dancing were indulged in and dainty refrwith Jameshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chrisk abouty. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mat thews, Mrs. A. LeBlanc, Mrs. E. H. C'ayard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cayard, Misses -Carrie Hildebrand, Lucile Christyo A. Cher atnd Hazel Cayn ard, WbstMessrs. Ths. Heron, Hildebrand, Fred and Earl Cayard. The nadquarters and ntwill be at the hospitalme of Mr. and Mrhis. W. T. Chrety pronounced at the Immigration Stationus. LoThebue whdate will be annot well, he would kill him.ater. "WJohn Wall, Christmas813 Newton street,-lod lies in the Presbyteran hospital, with an ugly knife wound in the right side of his neck as the resultDia of a fight with GrJames Lobue, which, t according to the latter, was started "Joby Wally Santa Claus"-.Song According to Lobue's story to th. Algiers police, he was on his way to he waFir st anopped Secondat Patterson an ed him a Dagopupils, and threatened t if he schoodidn't like .t." .tire school.