Newspaper Page Text
12 PACES THE HERALD. 12 PAES Devoted to the rpbullding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper." -M.iNI''A('T II:I L. RE i('OI). y, XXVll NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920. No. 52 Salome Kappler entertained euday Afternoon Euchre Club --wek. The successful players ,Mrs. F. Goebel. Miss Sadie Gar Ssd Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Mrs. J. Lewis received the consolation yelst meeting which will be the sir euchre. will be at the home ill C. V. Kraft. I A. Burke entertained the Afternoon Five Hundred d The successful players were m A. Tansey, Mrs. A. Burke. and C. V. Kraft. Mrs. F. Goebel MOW the consolation. The next will be at the home of Mrs. o Alice Guillot of Lafayette. hLrstt the past week here with .l gMrs. J. Albert Guillot. M Ada Malone attended the g ghool rally at Baton Rouge. M seek. L ChIavaro and A. LaBella : reuay night for a European ý at least four months. They gp first to New York. from Spoint they will sail to Italy. to France, visiting various ". . V.j Casanva and daughter. Manioe, of Balboa, Panama. are Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Casa --r. sEad Mrs. Chas. Casanova and g Psasma, are the guests of Malt of Seguin street. Frsak Hoogoven and Al algmr, Mrs. Rainey -and little spent Tuesday at Race thns A Month Five Hundred ert at the home of Mrs. J~ Williams. The suc players were Mrs. Wal Mr Gerret (playing for j, tMry), and Mrs. O. E. Ay "'1 ensolation was wol by aIk. The next meeting will ti hI e of Mrs. H. Acker. M-. usper and family have , reslidues on Atlantic ,Al tri ds of Mrs. Jno. 5l uret to learn of her mesmmee Kiakaid has gone to tM4i Ark., to spend three hal Malone of Meridian, Miss. a bw days in town last week. I Mrs. E. Johnson. announce Pitmghing marriage of their illba to Mr. Raoul Louis La MIlryette, La. The wedding i ltly Celebreted on May r 5:80 o'clock at the church Name of Mary. No cards nm hmued. Walter left Tuesday for t visit her sister. Mrs. o Slaumeard and little at l8Udell Ave., left Il a two months stay in reve No. !, Woodmea bal their regular meet Al members are re l GOlordano of Ironton, vim vsltlas her sister, uent the week es tn of Mrs. J. Al eKrmt entertanlaed tidipe Plve Hundred l s players were G•bIn, Alva Ualathe Miss Claire Cas-ti the easolatfon. The' U* he held at the I M le Merrise. r a idney Caiers have at her many frluds 7th baby girl whod bL. SPeter Rupp an- 4 ~tIhuchn rweddlag of a illian to Mr. Philip the weddiang to take - 'aher has returned 17Njy of Ahita _ Weeked here, aO4buiste Oiblln. MeNeely, of spending awlle SC. 3. A. wil hold T etiog 'lIk s " = :tg O'ele. i n., at n ~. r Mali. There will I _ etieers and infia will be served. a entertained the ! S :rm tundred Club. n were Missm Saying for Mrs. No (piaying "or Sd Mrs. Albert p Mrs. O. Her SEra. W. A.i Sad Ultle son rhome la TegIn W8ll be at Mo Irr I AUTO ItA('Eii AND SPEEI) t'.JRNIVAI. Fair Grounds Saturday and Sunday, May S and 9-4'rowds Will lie Thrilled by Speed and haring--I$W.(ooo In 'Purses. F or the first time in three years, southern Louisiana sport followers are to be given an opportunity to wit Snetss the World's greatest auto race * drivers in action when the Fifty Mile Derby. surrounded by short distance events will be staged at the Fair Grounds at New Orleans. Saturdayy and Sunday, May Sth and 9th. New Orleans expects to make the Speed ('arnival a regular sprlns sporting event and with this object iin mind is sparing no expense to tem'pt the greatest drivers in Ameri c.t to enter the numerous events. With purses amounting to six thou 1sanll dollars it is confidently expect ed that field of star drivers such as has never been seen in the south will face the starter's flag both days. The first entry received by the management was from the famous French driver Leon Duray. The dare devil Frenchman is known to all followers of the racing game. He t has never been seen in action in the south and is working night and day on his fast racing creation in order not to disappoint New Orleans fans, many of whom are of French desI ent. Following closely upon the receipt of the entry of Duray the manage mtent received the entry of Louis Dis brow. probably the best known dirt tack driver in the World. Some time ago l)isbrow abandoned the rac t ing game to open a string of restau rants in Chicago. The news of the sensational driving of Duray whom every sport writer heralded as the champion of champions was too Kmuch for the veteran Disbrow. With the definite of purpose of defeating the Frenchman he has come out of retirement and will drive an Essex racing car direct from the factory. Aside from entering the big classic (The Fifty Mile Derby) he has chal lenged Duray to an international match race of five miles. He has offered to post one thousand dollars that he will defeat the Frenchman. Eyes of the sport world are turn ed to New Orleans and in every state in the Union there will be hundreds of sport fans awaiting the result of the "Fifty Mile Derby" and the great match race. Reports from Chicago are to the effect that Dis brow is the favorite at odds of seven to five. While from New York comes the report that Duray is the favorite there at six to five. Very few wagers have been made thus far as many are waiting to get reports on the car that Disbrow will drive. Determined to make thle Speed Carnival the greatest sporting event of the year, the management has added as a special feature the most sensational game known to sports as part of the entertainment. On both days. Saturday and Sunday the All American team will meet the Pacific Coast Champions in a series of championship Auto Polo games. Auto Polo is unquestionably the most thrilling sport in the world to day. Other entries received by Manager Bole prior to going to press were Ray Lampkln, Sig Haugdahl, Dave Koetala, Leslie Allen and the Eases Team, who will drive the factory cars which have arrived in New Or leans, but the names of the drivers have been withheld until the last moment. On both Saturday and Sunday the Speed Carnival will start at 3 p. m., I and the popular price of the dollar I admissmion will prevail. This price I of admission inaelades all charges, both grand stand and parking space I for automobiles. There will pot- i tively be no extra charges. who hope that tue generous people of our town will lend every assis-l tanee to make the atffair a sammeg. The cause is a most worthy one, so I itf oS want to have a good time C and at the same time help a wortLhy C cause, attend the dance on the 15th. 1 Adisin will be thirty-five cents. r including war tax. Mr. Chas. Brownlee, Jr., of Cia cinnati, Ohio, is the guest of his par ats, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brownies, of Delaronde St. t Miss Dorothy Murtagh, who is at tedling 8chool at Chatawa, Miss., has been spending the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Murtagh. Announcement has been made of I the marriage of Miss Annette Dell 0 Bates to Capt. 3. A. Rocker, which a will take place May I1th. e Mrs. Tom Munsterman, Mrs. Oeo. e Munsterman and Misses Oladys and 0 May Munsterman spent Friday at A Belle Chasse, La. b Mr. and Mrs. Treuil and children and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kissinger qpent Sunday at Sweet Home, La. h The Victory 8oeial Club will give w its second grand dance on May 29th, a at the Avenue Academy. Mrs. A. J. Gerard and Mrs. E. B. h Walker spent Sundyv at Bay St. " Lotis. Miss. They also visited a olttport. a Mrs. J. Gerrets entertained the * Matrons Club on Tuesday afternoon. t The succeesoful players were Mrs. O. W. Polleek, Mrs. O. Ayeeek, and Mrs. s J Gerretsr. Mrs. 8. Beylan received a the esednlaen. The net meeting wilt be at the home of Mrs. B. C. b Mim Sadle Orlad iatertesd the U Medwn aEtn inest a Il U O Uncle Sam·'s Hot Bed O GOSH.' ·:-~ ·: :i~·T~: ··-;.·.-·. ·.···-:·:·::r::::··.'.-.·:- :;_.·;.·, :::::.:I: ·.::.I"; -; ·;;·'..·· 'ri:':':'l: I:::::-~r·. :-~'.::~ ·:::;:::I:~·,::: I:i:::::~:~1:::::'~.:-:iii:::::1::::::-· L~:::::i:~::::':I:~:'.. ·..:::··:.1::::'·:·.:::::::::':~'' '· j~-~.:·:i:·:::::::: ·I :~:~: ·..·. .:...... ... .:-: . --·:··· :1:i::·:::i ·.···'.: ·-:·;·:· L .·;~~· :-::;:.: :·.···, ~~:·a~ ~ :::: :: ~·_-~1·a: ~·:'··:: : ··:··::; :~,~: :;:tl C~~ .:.·4; ~··.-. :··::· :~·~i .:.:. . ~ ··.·; ~::·· ··: '·~. u L~NI~ /---------- -\~C~~i~ ::: r.:·ii· ·: :::i ·'·;·;·.-·:~·;·.· :·-·::· · ~j~ ~::::: ::::.:'::: ~::::; ~ :···.·~~ :::t :-:.: :·; C~C~::·.-.·.:·.r '··"·'::::·;. .::::. :· C:~.l~i :::: :I: r.·;·'::::::):i:::;:: :::: :: :: ·:· :·:·.·: .r. :~:: :·T~~ I :~::: j C~i :li: :;-:.:.:.:·:·::·:-:: ~~.::::;-::::.I ·.:·:·:·. :::: ::~j:~:::i::~i::'liiii i~l:\:·~~:~' :::·::·;·:···:..·.··.:···...;··.· iiil ·· ···~;·:·.~· ::~.·.... .-.·.: ~·:i ::: .·~:~:::~.·.·:·;:·:::~·~:·:·:·:·~:~·';·· .·...· .· ;:(:::~:- ·;·:· ·:r .~...·.·r.·~;.··· :::·' :::::~·:r.,-.:.:.:.·;.·:;;.:·r·· ·.~.:. ·:. ·: ·:.·..·... ....,. :·. .·..· ··~··:·;··:·..· ..:·..·..... ::. ··:~:.:l~:::i:.:::::::li::l·M·. r·r:r;·-~;::r:;::::::::::·'.~::::: : t ·'·~.·.'.I·;·; ·.·;-. ·..··-· ;·;r··l·:. ···--·;·~. ·.·:. .·· :·l'r·:::··.r;;;··;·~··:··:· ·~··~· :. ·· ·.·:·: ··:-: ·~..... ···.-.·. ·:.··i ·'···.·..·.········ .,.;·:r.:·::::"·'·'' "· ..... .;..:..;..:.'.. ... ......: :.::.. 1.1.~1 ..·1· .~ ::f: ::·..·.·..:.·:·.·.·.··.:·.. ·.-.·. .:"·.:.·:~: :.· .....-....·~ ii: :.::. :' : ··-. · ·i :: :;::: :;·::.·: .··,~ i "" :·:· : :..:::::·~ ... ·.: '~·: ·':·' · ·::., · i _i :i:1::·~::: ''~' ····· On Tuesday, May 4, 1920. John R. Laskey and Mrs. Emma Landry Whelan, were married at St. Vincent de Paul Church. Bishop J. M. Laval, Sofficiating. KOGEL-CmSHOLM. r The wedding of Mr. Walter Kogel r t Mrs. Mary Chisholm was cele brated Saturday, May 1st, at the home of the groom, 819 Nunez St.. Rev. W. H. Hafner officiating. The attendants were Miss Hilda Oertel and Mr. Max Hantel. SThose present were Misses H. Oer tel, P. Cousins, K. Campbell. E. Neprouns, L. Bauden, E. Bowers, M. Leary, E. Rogers, F. Swartz; Mes srs. Alb. Fuchs, D. Jones, A. Andry, V. Prats, P. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn and family, Mrs. Bean and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris and family, Mrs. S. Ridge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Reiss, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kogel, Mr. and Mrs. W. KogeKo and Mr. Max Hantel. Mrs. Chris, K. Catumpf, who ha made quite a success with her an nual "Flower Day" sale has con se V.ted to add to her, mounr.t collect ed last Saturday by undertaking to dispose of a lot more flowers which Mrly, Mr. andL. Ricks. the local florist, has kindly placed at her disposal. Mrs. amlytu Mrs. will take orders for bouquets any day from now until Monday and same will be delivered at any time you desire. You can purchase any amounMr.t youRe wish and will thus help a most worthy Bease, namely, Mr. the Hom of Incuel andes. The proceds of this sal willh be turned over to this institution, so order bunite ach of flowers. Ether call Algie r Algiers 9125 and leave your order, or f you wouetld rather, call at 3Q1 Delaronde St., or at Stampta Drag Store Tnderthe and Homer 8ts., and order the flowers. Mr. Ricks and Mrs. Stumpf are to be congratlated on their You canfforts to help this most worthy institution. JOB. BUBLUIN RBTiRiR. turnes d over to to R. W. Na . Mr. Joseph oassla, who for the peat eighiers or years, has 912been oande of our live busineorder, men, onductngld an up-to-date bakery bdusneas at the corner of Ali atnd Vallette St., sold aout hitump bus Dre to Mr. E. W. Nagel of the City. Mr. Nagel comes to Algiers as a thorougder thely competent businesa man, well versed in the bakery trade. He hap also had considerable experi , and,mp are nto be comer to our tow, we extorend him a cordial welcome. Mr. Nagel will reside in Algiers with his wife and three children. Mr. Joseph Suasslia while severing the his nnep-ton with the bakery busine at the bnees will not leave Algers. but he is ahelryd to take . rest trip o the near fomture. His place of bsinesend terhim of yeor elcs . Mr. Nal nlecel rsalde in Algayers writh his ite arlnd, Miss salden Kap.ler ad Mr.and (Jareph for Mrs. J. Wohle severing ri eo e he om oith the kers, b - etsswll not leae Algters at he Iest atla. Mi SLme Lr nd( molb&I . I PETITION READY FOR SIGNATURE E ERIY CITIZEN SHOUDII HEP TO O()ITAIN A 'CHEAPERi AND BETTitER tERRY SISTEM-PETITITION TO IMIPROVE VIADUCI)'T. If you are interested in our future ferry service, do not fail to sign one of the following petitions to the Legislature. If a petition is not presented to you, call at the Herald office and sign. The petition is as follows: TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF -LOUISIANA, Baton Rouge. Gentlemen: We. the undersigned residents of the Fifth District of the City of New Orleans, in view of the inadequate service rendered under the pres ent system of operating ferries across the Mississippi River at New Or leans, under franch' ses sold to the highest bidder without regard to the character of service exacted, and in further view of the fact that the burden of cost of operating said ferries as above is borne in the main by the residents of the Fifth District of the City of New Orleans. and fur thermore that said system is a hindrance to the development, commer cially and otherwise, to the Fifth District, which by reason of its geograph ical location should be one of the principal residential and commercial parts of the city, and with a view of improving this condition and further ing the development of our district, we respectfully petition your honor able body to enact a law providing for the creation of a commission which shall have exclusive control of the operation of a ferriage system at all cities located on the Mississippi River having a population of 100,000 or more, which commission shall operate the ferries upon a schedule of rates sufficient to equip and maintain only, and to that end shall have authority to issue bonds for such amount as may be necessary for the purchase of equipment. This commission shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall con sist of not less than five, whose term of office shall be one, two, thee. four and five years respectively, and whose successors shall be appointed for a term of five years. The FPolowing Petition is Also Being Ciroelated Among our Resuidents. To the Honorable, the Mayo0, and Commission Council of the City of New Orleans: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned residents of the Fifth District of this city, having knowledge of the condition of the viaduct over M. L. & T. Yards at New ton Street, and appreciating the dangerous condition of the roadway over which vehleles have to travel upon said viaduct, and feeling that the present condition of same is such as to endanger the lives of pedes traias boesese of the eveness of the planking of said roadway, do petition your honsrable body to take such steps as will insure the resurfacing of the vehicle roadway over said viaduct so as to make same safe for trafflc. YOCR ELWmiKrICA L NNssDs. Modern times demand modern service and in this electrieal age it is well to know a thoroughly reliable electrical contractor, and in this re spect we wish to direct the attention of our readers to a firm that offter "service" in all that the word la plies. George L. Marchessea., Elec trical Contractor, 720 Church street, is at the service of those who need electrical work of any character, and his modern service is further aug mented with a corps of thoroughly trained workmen. That old phrase "Let George Do It," is always appli-, cable and more so in this instance, for "George will do it well." There is carried at all times, a complete stock of electrical supplies, and if you need an electric fan for the hot days that are with us, here you will find all simes and types in stock resoa fob immediate delivery and these may be purchased on the easy pay ment plan. In addition to doing all kinds of repair work, Mr. Marchesseau does construction work of all descriptions. house wiring, etc., and everybody should have this firp on their call ing list for electric wiring, fixtures, supplies 8nd appliances of all kinds. Quick service with auto truck is malntained, and it matters not how small or how large your wants may e., the same prompt and efficient service is given to all. EVENING SCHOOL CISEE. The public eventag schools closed er the 1919-20 sesioa last week. The students from the local schools held their exercises in the auditorium of the Esplanade High School. In the arithbeti contest. Louis Doyle Was . at the wianes; in bmglisLh Holes P sifter; in Deeasm tie-, Alie McCleak. s d Isn Spell ba, Ia IIet anl & ld bl . t . LARD NEVER DELIVERED. A fine of $20 and 20 days. with nine days additional in default of payment of fine, was placed on Charles Deoargent, negro, Monday morning by Judge Gott at the Al glers court. DeSargent drives a truck for S. Pfeifer on Poydras street and was supposed to take a barrel of lard, valued at $88.60 to the store of Mrs. D. J. Kramme. Saturday mornins. The lard did not arrive. He was arrested Saturday evening on a complaint. and was charged with being a dangerous and suspicious character pending investigation. ROCHEBIAVE DEPT. STORE. Offers An 8-Day Profit Sharing Sale of Wonderful and Unusual Bargains. Of unusual and profitable inter est to those who seek to buy season able merchandise at prices that must appeal, the Rocheblave Dept. Store. 2530 Iberville street, opposite the theatre, offers an 8-days wonderful sale, starting Thursday. May 6. and continuing till Thursday, May 13. During this sale the counters and shelves will be leaded with merchan dise and one only has to read the ad appearing on page two of this issue to appreciate the many values offered, and we do not attempt to enumerate these items here, but there are hundreds of items which will greatly enhance the value of your dollar. To every lady customer a handsome fan will be given tree, and with every $S purchase a large shoppinag bag is gives. To get to the Rocheblave Dept. Store, take the Canal Belt ears to N. Dorgeosob thUe walk sme block to 25380 IM !in seslt. IIii I Mlr. Edward ltynies. assistant -n I't rjinllte'l l'l lt oIf l tll t ~-chll n j.. \%a; a visiior it the (bhIlol last 'ridula 'lis lda litrro i' t tIh (1i4 i4n!l (f 11.Art spent the ,11*ntir' I,-, witlih Jtl last Th . delegation of pupil, tborn the '!xth. Pv- unth unllt v'iht] nlrad .>, ac i siu lpal,- '"ie l t' the principal alit teachers. att.ti'Ied thi. it iiic:il con elrt at tlhe Fl'olle ' ThIi;itrt' la-t Tull iay atternoin. ilTh regular weekly ti.ts in Spl"ll iln atil' arithmetic i're heiIl oni .*'lilvla i and resulted as fIllIows Spelling-Eighth G(rade. A. Marcel ( ,Gobs. Eulalie . l.('lourt. Mllrza Trist. Oliver Wattigny. ('u rinne liotnmer. Arthur K ltip. Peter i louse. Loutl. I'runan. I,".' StdeIl. INorai Gillespie Eighth iGrade II. HI lsten Moseley. F'loyd ii fIlstet ter. Grace ('azalnhon. StelIl ('ronaItn. Irma Gillich. ('harles Snith. .\Aurey Serpas. Julius Gillich, inez lUour Sgeuis,., Lucille I.e('ou rt. Isabel Le,,wis. Seventh (Grail. A. Ruth Zrientigie. Iria A:Ar ago. Thel iuni a iii.s . lice Srpas. (Christine tHiber. Fifth Grade A. Arthur Sutton, lone ('ox. Henry Diubletir. Eula .1May KIenny. Tlielmia Iice. Fifth (;rade II. Thelnia Sutherland. George Tier ney. Lucille Bauman. Mildred Camp bell. Mary Nepreaux. Fourth Grade A. Surgen Fonseca. Ethel Hodgson. Fourth Grade B. August Freiney. Cleinmie Smith. Emile Lerouge, Marie L. Cantin. Ar-I thur Danos. Gladys Grundmeyer. Third Grade A. Adolph Hotard. Third Grade II. Lionel Landry. Rose Danos. Al bert Gillespie. Norestine Beiber. Clayton Beaudean. Flavia Carona, Lucien Esnar., Anna Deubler. John Caruso. Aaron Edgecomb. Floyd Guillot. Herman Singleton. Arithnetk'. Louis Cronan, Nora Gillespie. Jas. Scott. Corinne Bommer. Peter Rouse. Fifth Grade A. William Sullivan. Henry Deubler. Marguerite Rogers, Eula May Ken ny. lone Cox. Jennie Scott. Thelma Rice. Fifth Grade B. Thelma Sutherland, Raymond Grundmeyer. George Tierney. Fourth Grade A. William Bommer. Fourth Grade B. August Tierney. Thrid Grade A. Adolph Hotard. Lydia Campbell. Emile Trudeaux, Gaston Daigle. Thibd Grade IL John Tierney, Annie Deubler. Her man Singletok, Floyd OGullot. Aaron Edgecomb. Lionel Landry, John Caruso. Norestine Belber, Rose Danos. BELLEVILLE NOTEiN. An annual report to the Buperin tendent of Public Schools is made each June on the school receipts and expenditures. The items may be in teresting. They are as follows: Cash balance on hand at end of previous school year; total amoaunt raised during the year; total amount expended for school purposes during the year; Of this amount how much was spent; for the school library; for school decorations (Ineluding pietures, castes, etc.); for athletic supplies. trophles; for books, cloth ing and shoes for poor children; for improvements to school grounds; for equipment for manual training, domestice science and art; for station ery, supplies and helps to teachers; for entertainments, picnics and gifts to children; all other purposes. McDONOGH NO 5 SCHOOL, On Friday interesting exercises were held when a beautiful copy of the "Sistine Madonna" by Raphael was hung. An appropriate program was carried out as follows: Song-America--School. Introduction-Edna Miller. Story of the Pictur-Ceclle Kerne. Son--Bye-Lo-- 5 Grades. Life of Raphael-James Johnson. Listen to the Mocking Bird-5 grades. Star Spangled Banner-School. Saturday at the Fair Grounads the annual track meet of the P. S. A. L. was held. Two of our boys won fourth place In the broad Jump- Roland Savoy in 55 inch and Orlstle Fitch in 59 Inch. Several of the other boys made good showings also and this gives promise of fturther success in the future. The list of these taking pnrt follows: Nm YrwS Relr. Hamilton Aubert, Harold Roddy, Roland Seroy,. Wesley Dbla. AS Irad D . amlin aselh Barmanal HllE VIF FOR 114 \ l('.11 LFf Sat ilray l . i .flower IhII, iI N-w lyan. roips of yut.; %o Menm\ t (tlat th lu lllts i()n. I I t -i ith' lusint" -. d ii(iit lurin i thi mornin to ,ell .nli,'1l hie utlltlts oi t:owei t' li )' proc ] u1 i,%iW elh will ;o tohe i tite i ori n f "ln l.o ., .\l(t i! M ayor Flic k.r , . ll r tl, ! 'i rtli ioaer l)a.v Mrs ('hris L. Stuiitpf. for >,'verali ti- iI char;ll ofi thll an al M"l r'o)x "1. I). liy. l: chatl r of tile aL n lof illit\ lr ir.l.. Is- te- i '11 G . 1\ iI )ll . r, . .ll Ml - .\. M1 Scu iiit . 1 Xr- !I.1, a' t . `. Ikr . I .rael. M1 I. M. tFay. 1it.:Ote Marvtl. 1i'a.i .xi ( t"-I t tl i Stllllip . .\!va S tilta h.'. 11 1ri l t! I"!. 11t:il anid init . I. 'I l ttoy of t oiuterinuati by ..a I t ick f I ir towni . Whosi e caill ti4 'lt r n Ii-rit (hoi" s 1 Musdy tere tP t'ii 1 1.' .i d to11 t t. o d. 1.1 1 h alfille ttie fact InI 1h1 1 .ie . .ludt-c" .\1.. k (" ( t al ,ei ll. in tIh St uni l ('iI\ ( rinit ilal (' urt. mii ' the' 1't ir ouc el'te ofulerd e I 1 dlver J. .arl-at rougih atgainst Charles .i. Min ly . attiorney. of Thi hlodaux. La.. and disilharged Mr. Mundy. .liaribrotld l. a enl ha e in thr Shemply iof the Southerney Peiic car -Lhops at .Mle... was sued in tle (Civil Distr'it 'Court by Leon Mluck. fori t h a ('iharlrs J. 1undy, to I''r 11 :7 lleged to be owed by ll irlhroach Thle Soultt, rn l' cif,' as matte garnishee and Marl lranl'lh' waves were attached. WVhilH a lundy wan s engaged in t th trial of the suit the attorney for .Marl brulltgh had the lli chni matke affi davit charging Mr. lindy with vio lao .t 79 otf 1sti76, whiclh pro hihii arn isheeing oIf ia laborer' wages. Mr..Mundy was arrested iuale 'ooinnell held that Act No. 7n of p17i6 is unconstitutional.i uA Homemades irelesg . Cooker. Moset every Algiers hou.sewife has at some time wished that she had a fireless cooker, and probably more women would have one f it were not for their cost. Fireless cookers are quite expensive, and in this day of aight prices the necessary expendi ture looks big. But Uncle Sam has come to the rescue. He has prepared a booklet tell ig in a simple manner, how for a few cents an efficient cooker can be made in any home. What is more, he is including oin this booklet receipts for fireless cooked foods, and tells you how to use your cook er. Readers of the Herald may obtain a copy of this booklet free by ask ing for F. B. 771, addressing the Di vision of Publications. Dept. of Agri culture, Washington, D. C. Do not enclose return postage. S DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. One hundred and twenty-five dele gates to the Democratic State Con vention, in Baton Rouge, June 3, were chosen from sixteen of the city wards, by the parish Commit tee, at a meeting in the Choctaw Club, Thursday night. Those from our ward are Mayor Martin Behrman. Chas. Hlenrieks, John Moynagh. Georgle Platt, Frank O'Donnell, M. J. Rooney. Grace Lennox and Anna May Brech. Roberts. 60 Tand Dsh. Oi. Fitch. Roy Navarre. R. Keller, 70 Yald Dash. Thee. Ory, Earl Buras. The school will have its annual pienic at City Park on Thursday. A good time is looked forward to by all as thi s is one of the many pleas ant events which the school enjoys. Assistant Superintendent Paul B. Habans spent the forenoon with us Thursday. Perfect in Table Test in 4-B and 3-A: Thomas Lingoni. Wesley Ba bin, Aleda Cook, Bernice CLasen, Isabel Cottom, Sanders Witherup, Dimetre Cossleh, Cecile Kern, Flor ence Begue, John Robert, Herbert Fitch, Elvera Sutherland, Camille Aubert, Hilda Smith. 4-A Spelling-Dorothy Wahl, Hil da Bowers, Mal. Hanley. LAEL'"ENAN WHITMORE TO COME HOMh w'he Herald is in receipt of the i-l formatilon that Lieutenant Robert 5. Whitmore, who for the past two years has been chief engineer of the U. S. S. Sara Thompson, has received his honorable discharge, and he will leave by the first transport for the States. Lieutenant Whitmore is now stationed at Olongapo Lesson, Philippine Islands. MaDONOGH No. 4 S4?HOOL. On Thursday, April 29th, the Su perintendent visited all of the de partments of the school and was well pleased with the work being done. Founder.' Day and Mothers' Day will be obeerved is the school on Friday with appropalate exercises, and a large delegation will visit Mc Domogh's monument. The course in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick will soon close, '5 aminations to be held during neat week. A Red Vroes certificate will be awarded theib students who set lhesilu4Av waglplete the work.