Newspaper Page Text
2-PACES THE HERALD. Boost For •- Better Ferriage Devoted to the 'pbullding of the N'e't Side of the River. "A very live and creditable wee.kl. ncrlpapl r."-M l l.'A(' 'F.RI:I I - :t t)F ( ). SXXVIll NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920. No. II - - -,- . . . .. ... . . It eg0. L. Cunningham left last - t. Louis to visit relatives. Mrs. McKinleY Vezien and ter Clarissi came in from Saturday. where they have Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pef Uittle Clarisse. who ran a ~ toot was conipolled to have ed Sunday as It had be aay friends of Mr and Mrs. . elly will bhe pleased to t their infant son is improv ah attack of pneumonia. rry Maids Lotto club met _e of Miss Lelia Pitre. The players were Misses Ethel and Agnes Pitre. The next o the club will be at the Mi. Velma Diket. r/ Mrs. E. P. Babin and Miss a arrived Tuesday after trip to Houma, La. ithel Pitre. Oris and Jennie are going to spend a week Spahr, Jr., spent the 'ith his wife and baby at La. Mrs. Spahr will re 'w weeks and will occupy /gdence. 536 Oliver street., 'Nicklaus returned from week. Bielas of Slidell ave ay night for San F'ran will be joined at El Paso ter. . Jas. Talbot and child avenue have returned where they spent a -Mrs. N. Matulich and Slidell avenue, accom Jno. Malutich left for San Francisco. On they will stop at all bitles on route. Cassday, Mary Col Haggerty spent Sunday at Bay St. of Misses Alva Sal QGblin: • athreaux of Shreve been the guest of Miss ,left Friday for her 'ansterman returned gs, Sunday. 'Fellers is home from where she spent a Stnsterman left Sunday le Rildr and Ger last Saturday for 'weg In the mount Caroina near Ashe Made shbrt stops at lid Knoxville visiting 'ueach and daughter 6eradetta DI Fatso, and Messrs. Geoff elttmeier spent the Sernlague and family at BLloxi, Miss. rbert is enjoying her in Mobile and in pariong left for Bay St. Se will spend awhile. ees, the manager of of, the Canal-Com i spending his vaca Dlchard J. McClus after a pleasant try home of Mrs. 11M. J. Rooney and ar have returned amae in from Mobile with his parents. and nephew, Wm. two weeks at the Mlnaeburg. KLemmalr spent Sun Cttage. Milneburg C. Stacey. Sad Julia Marquez stopping with Mrs. Delaunde street. stine and heri Galas of El laso. auts of Mrs. O. E. Shome. wix-Hay of Jack the guest of her nler. e Almeda. Calif.. Kilduc4 of our rled here by the death of her nff, will return warsenbach left Roustton. Tex., to with her cousin returned to her Sunday. after .ia New York and has returned I S. Troyer and Pearl Langwith 1 rahn at Hotm. A chilren ae a·ttbe fleni D'OCK BOARD TO BUILD WHARF ON THIS SIDE The Dock Board took the first step in Its announced plans to develop commerce handling facilities on the west bank of the river Tuesday night when it agree(d to contstruct a wharf for the Crescent Industrial Alcohol Company at Algiers. At the same tinme it solved a real problemn for the alcohol company. which itself had started to construct the wharf but which was halted by 'oulrt proceedings. The Crescent ('Conpainy. t new firm organized only last March,. has taken over the property of the old d Algiers brewery and in addlition to a its statement to the l)ock llalrd has e purchasetd six lots facing the river. - It prepared to erect a wharf in front a of this property which would serve e as a landing place for ships. loading ,to be through a pipe line from ther plant. W. G. ('oyle and Company applied o for an inj.unction to stop the building • of the wharf on the claimn of owner ship of some of the land. Sam \Wolf. t of the Alcohol ('ompany. told the e) Dock lIurd. The D)ock lioard I agreed to build the wharf providing t the alcohiol coml;panyl wollld advancell e the money under the arrangements miadei in si milair cases by tlhe Dock hIoard and at the samelll timlnte g ranted the comtnpainy the rig'ht tol put a pipe line over the wharf thiius solvinig the whole tangle. e H. N. (:. '. THEATIIR . R Frida}, July 2-3.-Itillie Rhodes t in The L.iol andill the .Lambh. a .,ree-l - Robertson-Cole feature alto third epl ' isode of The Silent A.\ivenlar featurii ing William i)unican. 1 Sunday, Jluly 24.-M-ystery of the Yellow Roont a 7 reel Itealart Super - protlduction with a all star cast. also - latest Fox News. July 271h.-Willianm S. Hart in The Preacher and thei flndit. ia 5 reel Westerner. also i1'wetdle f)an Sin a reel comedy. "Sho Me." First show Friday and Tuesday. 7 p. nm. First show Sunday 6:30 Ip. it. IBERTY SO'CIAL CILUB. At a regular meeting of the I.iberty Social Club held last Saturday. the following officers were elected: Jans , sens Jones. president; Robert E. Gal t linghouse. vice-president; W. H. Bou dreaux. tieasurer; A. Yuratich, finan cial secretary; T. A. Keen, recorder. TheYfollowing were elected on the Board of Directors:-Wm. Nolan. I chairman; I. C. Trauth. L. Daigle. N. r Troaclair. R. Sterling. S. J. Dupuis, and Win. Suttherland. sergeant at Sarms. Mrs. F. Lecourt Sr.. is home from Bay St. Louis where she spent three weeks at her summer home. W. P. Salathe Jr.. and Erwin T. Salathe spent the week-end at Bay Stt. Louis. Mrs. Carmelite Lecourt spent Sun ', day at Bay St Louis. Mrs. Hahn and grand daughter are guests at the Lecourt Cfttage at Bay St. Louis. Mrs. J. Tranchina and son John and daughter Mrs. N. Rando and chil dren left for Bessemer. Ala.. to visit relations. Misses Zelda Huckins and Alicia Gravois returned from Bay St. Louis where they spent some time, the guests of Mrs. F. C. Hymel. Miss Mary Enos Dean and brother after a month's visit here left f:r their home in Boyce, La., accomplanied by Lillian and Joreph Koenig. Miss Alicia Gravols left yesterday for Heartsease Park to be the guest I of Miss Rilma McNair. Miss Marguerite Euper has been the guest of Mrs. Muntz at Ocean Springs. Mr. Walter Martinez left Tuesday ft. Mtbhile to spend awhile. .\r. W. P. Salathe Sr.. has returnted home after a month's stay at his sumn mer home in Bay St. louis. Misses G. Meyers and C. Biday and Messrs )Dwilht Salathe and Irvin Harding spent Sunday at Salathe's Cottage in Bay St. Louis. Mr. E. J. Worrel was a visitor to Bay St. Louis on Sunday. Mrs. F. Wiegman and daughters Misses Josie and Anna a:ld .Miss Mary Gllen returned frnom Biloxi last Sun day J. O'Connor and A. Massa were guests of Misses Josie Weigman and Mary Gillen at Biloxl on Sunday. Miss Lois Walker returned rome Tuesday night after spending three months in Marksville. Lafayette and Morgan City. Miss Emma George is home again after a visit of three weeks spent in Jennings and Morgan City. Mrs. M.\ W. Geldert and little son and Mrs. J. J. Vanderlinden and and daughter are visiting relatives in Canada. Mr. and Mrs F. Lecourt Jr.. and little son are spending a week at Bay St. Louls. The amount raised in our district for the Tulane Endowment Fund was $783.25. Mrs. J. E. Huckins was in charge of the drive here. Of the above amount, $53.25 was collected by the Girl Scouts under Miss Florence Kinkald. Miss Ethel Morgan who has been visiting her brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Morgan of Pelican Ave.. left on Wednesday for her home in Ohio. She was accompanied by her nelce Ila Morgan who will spend the fall up north with her grea parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morgan. Coming Down ((sp. .:l gt. 61a !rrr Itt x'. (C . ('. \W ie r . p )'ts to r. re s i ,+n c + :'1I6 Oliver. Phone M. 13S. Last Suitnday was onie of unusual activity with the pastor aind congre gation. At 9::30i. thel past or Iprached at the Y. M. C. A.. Naval station, and at 11 a. nm. and 7:45 at the church. and at 6 p. min. by special invitation. imadeit a talk to the Junior Epworth LeagIue on the sacramellntlt of the Lords Supper. At the morning ho ur Miss Thelma Kennedy rendered a beautiful piano solo. At night. Mliz pah choir had beautiful mlusic. (onl of specal mention was the duet by D)r. E. M. Fay and Mrs. Jessie Sum mers. At 4 p. m. the Epworth League held services at the Bonner home. PERSO N.A LS. Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell left last Friday. July 16th. for an extended tour through the West. During their absence. Miss Thelma Cayard will take Mrs. Bell's place at the piano. the Teacher Trpining Class pupils will act as substitute teachers. Last Saturday. Mr. H. B. Rickey Assistant Scout Master of Troop 18. and a crowd of the boys had a fine hike to the woods. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hanna of Pacific avenue have just returned from a visit to various points In Ohio. Mr. and .T.s. Raymond Glaser are at home again, after a two weeks stay in Chicago ano other points in the middle West. Mr. Geo. Whippo. who has many friends in our congregation is sick in Ward C. Naval hospital. Algiers station and will be glad to see friends. Mr. Sanford Hebert returned home Sunday night, after a nice vacation In Kentucky. Mrs. B. W. Blakeman and child ren left Monday to visit relatives in Crowley. Houma and other points on the Southern Pacific. Miss Bertha Ryan is the guest of her grandmother Feske in Franklin. Miss Fadra Holmes. teacher of State Normal. Carbondale. Illinois. was a recent guest of Mrs. C. C. Wier. AN NOUINCEMENTi Prayer meeting tonight at 7:45. Services next Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:45 p. m. Everybody is invited to attend. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Our attendance has fallen off a little during the last few weeks, we suppose due to the large number of folks off on their summer trlps. We certainly miss you when you are ab sent, and we ask you when you re turne from your vacation to do your best to begin again and be out) the very first Sunday you return. EPWORTH LEAGUE. The regular monthly meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Summers on Tuesday evening, with a large number of leaguers present. The African Special pledge cards were distributed among the members pres ent and quite a number have already signed their cards and turned them in to the treasurer. Miss Irva Deniels. Our league wishes to become 100 percent in joining the Loyalty Le gion and so we are thinking the mat ter over, and come prepared Sunday to join with the others. All church, Sunday School, and Leaguers are eli gible for membership in the Legion. OTERO FOR JUDGE Judge Richard B. Otero. one of the leafing criminal practloners before the Orleans Bar, announced as a can didate for Judge of the Second City Criminal Court. Judge Otero is well known throughout the city, and in Algiers ham many triends who will re member him on primary day. Sept. 14. ithe social affatir lvteil by :li- iulh \'allette on Satllrdtavy. July 17. ' aI . a a decided C sue r,,s.~e i'he . proceeds werle generously ido natied to the Jas. I1t. Illjenk Circle foi the' eniertaintilllent of tlh poor work uing girls. at the lenaorial '!orne in lhay .St. LoliS. iss Vallette arind her co-workers, includin g several tmemb11ors of tilt Kn ights of ('olunllbus. are to be cont plimented for their good work anti generiosity to those less fortllllunate it life than themselves. JAS. H. IINK 311 EMORI-I.A HOMlI The first group of guests entertain. edl in the Home rounded out their two weeks. July 17. 920. and left showering thanks on the members o! the S. M. I)aughters. The childrer of the group especially enjoyed theit stay and were the life of the Home Two days were devoted to genera house cleaning by the House Com mittee preparatory to the receptior of the second group. which arrived Saturday even!ng, accompanied b. Mrs. tH. Vallette. Quite a number of visitors cam( over Sunday to enjoy the hospitality of the Home. among them the Gen eral President. Miss A. Kennedy, whc had the pleasure of seeing forty-ons guests at the table. The House Committee has planned several entertainments for the plea sure of their different groups on their arrival at the Home. ANSWER ('ALL, TO GRETNA FIRE David Crockett Fire company's auto hose wagon and Auto Pum per No. 17 of Algiers answered a call for assist ance from the Texas Oil company's plant at 'Marrero. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. for a fire that broke out in one of the oil tank wagons. The flainm.s were under control with in an hour. The Wolers of Ausicai By T. T. MAXEY YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. HIS beautiful valley-now a part of SYosemi te National park, by the way-is one of nature's most wonder ful works of art. The valley is only eight miles long and less than two miles wide. The park embraces a do main about 36 by 48 miles. Here the supreme artist has chiseled and etched and painted an outdoor gallery of mas terpieces unlike any other in the worldl. The Indians termed the place the Heart of the Sky Mountains and called it "The Vale of the Ahwanee," and themselves Ahwaneeches, or "Children of Light." The excelling features of the Yo semite are its waterfalls and sheer. bold cliffs. Snow-waters from high mountains have fount a wonderful variety and beauty of courses down the mountain walls to the Merced river in the valley below. These peculiar peaks strikingly resemble huge domes and range in height all the way from 1,200 to 6,000 feet. The falls which descend their rugged sides range in height from 350 feet-Vernal falls. which is only 35 feet wide at the top to beautiful Yosemite falls, which. In three leaps, plunges half a mile and is said to be the highest waterfall in the world with anything like thile ime volume of water. Standing on the summit of Seantinel Dome, the magnifcence of the vista of the valley that bursts upon the eye compels silence. Perhaps no valley in the world combhlnes m much that is so sublimely beautiflL it is "a bite of Parad ." sure aeoLgh. S .\ ver'y pleasant s.urlprise. party %Iag svenvI at theli homie oft Mrs. Hot ini k% laslt I'uesldal y evetlling it hontor ,.f her udaughtcr. Kaltic's, hirthday. Shlit Va t .s presentedllt with a Iteauitiful c.:n l' ring a it liiken for the ocn-a kin.. 'I horse present were Norita F Ir niandz. Irenei No.lan. Elenora Mitch oIl. Kaltie ('hstnut. Ruth Munster miani. Annette Keller .and Katie Hotuiosk". Mlessrs Warren Boyer. ('harles lilyer,. Paul .Mallette. Teddy Mastaria, John Pope. Ignatius Traluth. Alvin ('Chico and Mr. and Mrs. Horinosky. .hMr. Mussachia rendered several vocal selections. Dancing was in d ulged in until a late hour. AIAGIR.5 I EFEATEDI II .MOIRRISITES IN THRILLING EXTRA-INNING IIATTLE Last Sunday. at Clese Park. Mc Donoghville. the largest crowd that ever turned out witnessed the most exciting pitchers' duel ever staged in Algiers. Umbach, of Algiers. and Markel, of the Morrisites. put up a beautiful exhibition through the seven innings scheduled. wth the score 1 to 1 all the way. In the extra inning. Im bach's sore arm began to tell on him. After Dell had dropped a Texas Leaguer in left with one down. Um bach walked the next batter and then both runners advanced on a wild pitch. Rupperts grounded feebly to first base and Knowles shot the ball home. Dell was caught at the plate but Cazaubon dropped the ball in the critical moment. and the old ball game. The breaks were decidedly against the locals. In the first inning. Gus Knowles beat out a bad bounder down the third base line. Cazaubon hit into a fast double play.. Defraites to Dell to Rausch. Kirk Abbott next up. hit to right center for two bases but was called out for failing to touch first base. Ike (Babe Ruth) i Whitmor, brought the crowd to its feet in the last half of the seventh. Ike was first up and Algiers needed one run to end the game. After fouling a Icouple. Ike connected and out to ward the left field fence sped the ball. It looked like a sure homer and a beautiful ending to such an ex citing battle but, alas. the goddess of luck was against us and Ike's hit fell about two feet short. Reynolds was laying for the smash and made an easy putout against the fence. The Morrisites will play Algiers a return game on Sunday morning. August 1st. On Saturday afternoon. July 24 at 3 o'clock, at Clese Park, Algiers meets the stro'ng Swift's ag gregation. On Sunday morning. July 25. the Peppermints of New Or leans will journey to Clese Park to battle the local team. Play begins at 10:15 o'cock. Score by Innings: Mlorrisites ...... 000 100 03-4-4-1 Algiers ........ 000 010 00-1-5-2 Batteries-.Markel and Rupperts: I'mbach and ('azaubon. Umpires-Clement and Morris. Notes. The superb fielding of the Knowles brothers and Whitmore of Algiers and Dell of the Morrisites featured the game. Ace Markel had great control and saved himself on several occasions by using his old bean. Umbach was extremely wild. He walked six men and uncorked three wild heaves. BATTER I'P. On Saturday night. July 24th, at the Avenue Dancing Academy, the Al giers Baseball Association will give its second dance. The proceeds are to be used to purchase uniforms for the Algiers team. Manetta's jazz es-az, which proved such a big hit at the last dance of the A. B. A., will furnish the Jazz an this ocaslon. THE STEAMBOAT HALLIDAY RESUMES OPERATION T h ' .. . lt ! . r I' TiT:, t]!u t i1,-" 1 - 1;1 ,' 1 I. ;" I1! , 1." . :" 1 : . I ' t f i ' I1 ." ..' . ,it - ,l . , , ' , , It. I " . ". 1'111t i ,'111.,1 " , .. ,I it I. 11I. ' IH . '. t: that h :,. h, ',I l . - -iT t11' I ". 1>" 1 1e F '' ta1 " wi1ll. b ill :t -, . , ,, I r . : ."i emi-lll- 1 ,' plr S ,1;1'r. : 11, 1" ; F-r 11 t1 i (11;t 1 11 .11 it 111. t.11t ,. . 1., t 1 1 1 t hi .s ," ,,I r : I " \' " '. I t .t 'l t h l l ".. . . ' ' 1 1r the1,l'll i, ,li l. th*ir a h' t ii :: i . It is hop- tl t h + t. - 1' rrt I t,.; 1 u1arr kI 11 Ita o h(.11 - _t . l' .: l ( t ' (1*011 l ' l'o'a i a~ nl: tli.' it ' l t 1 l )n t Vlr h ni ht. t " 1V,.hh'- I a 11 1 Iht* ' Sixth I' r (.t111 , lI ele sr IeNa1,l critic ('at <'i h h .1 i its lltth r, u-o1 n' ieIti, , l it. h M par k. I hni-. Mlch Ienthue i ltil \the d:flyingtl q. , In th), ::bsl c r a Mr N a\t il tdih. pl-!i l,'nt f the T llh u b who iot - tunltablt It o attlIn.1 tn it.nt f ll'nt +. TIhr man lli ih' A l I ot'- * l aln -te to wi t as chais itan . hcl opTeilne the mtvi'el'tin la"n H tait' i chn.ral rTheito of tile ok uteran yi'n hd oull tll o ' in th . i lf rle,'iot Ir e. the aionllle t'iol of h' pres'itet 'lill as. 111on applir ntion a Ie, iti '"r thip; on all rlop o1i to l p s it hill w lt recivhin the ligtl anll ti-e wrmIth,, witheIdo t1"et preof t. pltso wahin ohf aI d1re sev" withe lio thele sesin ct cand Itll nailln vterti < i " lsi l a g)irert. a-lt,'Ihti,< wt-ir', miaide by NIr John (Ilitents. ca ( linaI l at fo ta lerk llo the Third City I'ollurt, Geo(ueit' W. Platt. canlidtai for .ailnde of the Third ('it 'our" i: Ihn. John Maty tnagh.e cant Ioylan . ' aItreih t'i l \a . .l ant ing. L . W illis. N. Hotird aletur sh Gouldo. Iefir h nrestint were servede e r in aundanc. From all ap pti ara ce . tle 1ii Sixth carry the aunner of victory for true dtive. Ev'r and white supreally inter-d an overwhelming majority on Sep teniber 14th for our peerless leader, the Hon. Martin Behrman. After ested in the welfaeting the flyi ourg squadron o locall to speakers attended meein of the Third Precinct at Santos' Hall. Trinit E. Lutheran luprrhted On Thllursday night, July 29th, the levans. Kramer will favor us with a lecture on the convention at Detroit. Mich. The editors of the lgtheran Witness say: "Every congregation of I Synod ought to hear. if possible, its represntativef report unpol the ses ions. The congregatolebn that allows the Hoyis opportuniy to pass by withoutan Speceiving the light and the warmth, Allhe n t) of the impetus. which warvivid report of these sessions can bestow is certainly losing a great opportunityforitselfand for our electric mothe church at large." We are very for corse that oa lecture on the convention. This will arrivt the iii a few days but we sin ivcerely hopIvry oneit who is really inter uniy hred. presented. -or. Edwlian S.and Oliviusar. Nlw Or-.f e libford. randilctt for. TeItphone Algier. Senatorvies for next Sunday as fol lowas one of the first entlebration ofC the olyseat In the Iniot (Full Choral) andow held byo. 9.30 a. m.. Gnday school.and is 7:3now waging an actirayr and enser-etic Allan Groussard wn. soin thof selled with many or his friends and Viola upGeorter S. Seymour and"Edna Fran I ine havrge ofat last reved the billdquar coutrse and Is mighty busymean these dayst it pbera. fectandidata for plntd . perfectlg cmmpaigp plans. 0. D. A. RECOGNIZE ALGIERS i',hn I: \... u .l . . I .,rl . 1n" Ir e ( ulI - .I, I \ : lll I)l " il l , t I' I .' " , t . i'. .. i, _ ' ' : ? 1 1 t a t..rl + ! " .hu.I i ! i , ! -I Lt ., ' .! , I . 'i i I. , . 0Ii t3 jl l l3 . "" !,., t:n ., - . -t ; ,r R ' 3.t,,' 3 I:" nll ) [ ,'m I+,,' ;. \lh -;i 3 l3 3 l - t tI, I '3 ' I.I. . ." .: ,,; . ll ,3 ho 111' NnlX n m "! i .11 " " th. ,, .It , t ti11 *'Ir <h nl, '1 n ot - xl, ' ?. r ,I3 rlL' t, ' - ' 3.'" t - . I.I l t3:t i . l ., .i, n 11 i I n ,'I '.d n l-. i," n o'.tll a:n t hll I ._+33.t' i l - ]till' I.: , II, *,-1., 1,nl ,i . 3' pt 3 1113' l, I . 1 3 t . i _, ". '? , I, ' .t . :3 h , 1, 1 ,,ii ,,' - 1 t] - l n tn , t + i 33 I n,\ 3l3 a i t' lim tO t;111 ,I1":I .3II 133Itl i . I " t t(,11 3IIrl , ;."u to , , ',, 3n t 3 tora tl , p i lt ~n tII'" ?. ,.I Ii I ., *l itt l'non1I. tratted hl ' t1. I .1 t!\,, 113,,. 3,3, Ii. .; 3 t 'tti'i l 3 - I t p1 l w. , I,,, , Il it , I . l )'. '1 I. other fl lZ nitv whI+ . rlll hPl l'r y abutlel th333 i . 111 T r3333mal. howe ver. \\ , l i n;illi 3a l te ou l titth c i'ncil , o. l 11X..1i. %w l lr.' I \ i ) Th, P, th, . ,3 nth \' , rli t i*,c, ith\l 1 Jt"lrs Tu'-t .i i ntih 3. 33ewo s that It ~ thclr ft1311w ritizi':i-. John It. Nor al , l. ',Irs . . had ''"Ibeen noIIInai tell f .r citly i'. llnis sionet r on the \1c Shan3 tick, t. TIh , h,' g;s tf Mr. Normant . : elelction was read to a mleeting of th,. Fifthe3,th Wards 0. 1). A.. club which had just endorsed the candidacy ltf Andrew McShane. Louis Mhtn stermta, whard aresident, presided at the gathering. N. ' . Ilfumphries . liery Acker. John F ('olli;.. W. .1. Lewis and others addressel the ieetlin. President A.lunsteran notice of a cam. lpaign colInittee meeting Thursday evening. Iternald (It'l :-key .was chosen pres. tion of the ward. iT place oAf W. P. ('rilly resigned. with e. orne serving as secretary. The Firt and Second Precinct clubs of the same ward meet Wednesday night at Clark's lhull. Alix and Verrett streets. MISS STtMPIl' ENTERTAINS HER BRIDAL PARTY On Sunday. a most enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Stumpf. In Delaronde street. when Miss Faye Stumpt en tertainetd the members of her bridal party. .M1iss Sump f will be married oi Sy'*temiebr '9th. to Mr. Louis La fleur. The attenlndants are Misses Alma L;er3rets. Elvira .Marquez. Mildred lireani. C..(rlmaille ('asana've. 'ora McEvoY. Althea K irseh. Marrvel and i':th~r herie Stnmpf. Messrs.i John Thoi, 11 tHry idressler. Ed Price. Carl Shillt. 1Mr an3(31 Mrs. Kobt. Stumpf. Mr'. riy r1Mrs. I-, wry Shill.IBo Mr. and . t 1 Stwrpf. crard Mc\Duff, Ilris la. Sluiapl. Jr.. lMrs. Sam VMc .eely 3n1 son3. Sa3m. Jr.. Miss .\Minnie . TI')I'( 4IONTESTNS. Onii Wednesday night. Joyl 14th. Ihlire wspn ste33d t 3t the Alhambra .lrinnastic' ('II ,. u bp,x ing coltest be tweent Red Wilson lan Young O Don ricnll. ttwo f llr local .oys who went the limit \if three roluntis. O'lainnell provtdl 3t, c3l0. r ('h. for rilson. who was forced t(3 u.uit. (in Trlll rdly (K a. Gordlon and Iltitling h lorntl mnet in a four rounhl hot. rotyh lIcys glrt Some terrific o the 1ncc aned tie bolv. The Kh'. kid. with his one punch slut ged hitimself right into the itattler ' shi twir 3(f cuts but in the rush 113331 ling (G3orre w33 set on the r(3n hras thro,.uh K. 0. heaiwork r. a I. Dinapole, managers o. W11e lunte threvw in the towel i3 tliet first rhuAlh . but Jos. Herder. the referee. 3a nounced himself for a founr ronDl go with Kiol Kirby. hut as Htcrler coulld do nothing wito h Kirhy he was out-classeri a933( (hit in the second round. The spicctators were IR. Thomas. timner; V. Wiingerter. bell man: E. Lecouirt. traine'r of the Bat tler; A. Abbott. trainer of the K. O. Kid; W. Verdhovt and L. Rodich. corner men. Mr. J. Lusignan. manager of the K. O., hopes to soon be able to class his man with some local boy at the weight of r10.