Newspaper Page Text
12 PAES THE HERALD. Boost For Better Ferriage Deoted to the Upblldig of the West Side of the Rivrer A ver li." -.MANIAe - I.I, iLUIE(Oi). vYd. XXVI NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1920. No. 16 -----.-- .. ... . .. . .. . - ,,? ;. ,- .. ... . i IRALLY OF 0. 0. A. WAS BIG SURPRISE TO THE RINGI r Parker, Mr. McShane and Other Prominent Speakers Receive Hearty Applause SCAN BAN'D) OOMPOSED OF BOYS, DISTAUB MEETING. peisans Democratic Association IN fteenth ward may well be of the monster rally which took Ie last Thursday night. It was apet political meeting held in by the opposition of Ring for the past. sixteen years. It as eae of our daily papers stated, "Give 'um the hot stuff" afm beginning to end. to the meeting, the regulars a "Vote for Behrman" banner ever the speakers stand, which uitle effect on the great en of the crowd. The large at was a forerunner of what haippen on September 14th. Eersnor John M. Parker arrived fggtedly at the meeting, and the pe demanded that he talk. In his be answered the charges made ring against him. Swant to say that I have done all I power for the state of Louisiana Sheit y of New Orleans," spoke Parker, in answer to the made upon him by the ma jm cbharged by the ring with hav -kla promise after promise, I as, and I call upon Martin to live up to his statement. the people want is a servant , and not a great big boss. lved to destroy the ring in Wlblre a man who can say that si labor an unfair deal? The pus me with being discourte - door of my office is never Ssayone. Every man who is 'Mif-respecting American is a hir deal. I w~s elected governor of the lulasiana, I resigned from tion of which I was a Ilartin Behrman and the me with being unfair to y life I have fought the ldai the ring is stronger has made its way into the Seme politcal and not le as rendered. You have who fear the ring. th. courts, and they no living man can suad'esitspeech fect that the attorney promised him that he Ia keeping New Orleans I aid be needed. 1 will be committed to c and the cane fields of I it will be useless for I to try and get me to i * e HITS RING tion will give the . elty a business, not a t," said Andrew n Mr. McShane reiterated $ rtion that this cam- b Itet one of men, but of 'I eoncluion he warned Y Mt if 'Martin Behrman 1 there would not be c of government in a Ia $r McShane's speech was a .e point, as follows: T ya great privilege to It ' large and representa. ti of my fellow citizens in Ward-the home ward bi my opponent. B o the fact that I am t sl the fifteenth Ward, Al persoal friends here. A le result on September vi P &B Sfight for any man or h4 *t is a fight for the $2 ltyi, for the emancipa- wI from the yoke of yc a is fight in which In all my life. I te large and enthust- hi we have had at all pr that the people are me the feel our eaue uad I thank God tw ig enough to see he sa I uasar. it th I14. a en the platform tofa en have seen pub- ha My admlnlistra- th psple oef this city du t, and not a Cr will Cr to the people a ~ger fire depart i sad better sye- ma ma r, sad I eq ellow etisems, the mayor, year so- ee will elways be vid and I pledge Ne I wll never ap- tie aa inJauction me Inepeetlan your eos Ward or say mm the leveath. Orl sta1 deal for she sad to tate, sad put ~lat ehaane ber le elet M- wear ehene to drw smebet. t hal Jion } "We hear much these days about the be great friendship of Martin Behrman ook for the laboring man," said Senator was Stafford. "I want to warn you labor. in ing men to beware of these false labor Ing leaders who tell you about how un It just Parker is and how Mr. Behrman ted, loves labor. Beware of these so-called uif" labor leaders who carry a union card for political influence and through the tars use of that influence obtain positions ner ý on the animated payroll. Beware of Iich these so-called labor leaders who hold en- down $4,000 a year jobs in the City at- Hall. hat "Just like Jack Banville." cried one of the crowd. ved "Such so-called labor leaders." con the tinued .Mr. Stafford. "are not the true his friends of labor. They are really ene ade mies of all honest labor. They care nothing for the interest of the labor all ing man, but look out only for their ana own places on the animated payroll." )ke BIG CROW\I) ENTHIISIASTIC the The crowd fairly roared when a tell na- ing point was made by a speaker. There was one discordant note, how av- ever, sounded by a crowd of thirty or I forty small boys carrying banners on tin which was inscribed "W'ho the Hell Is it McShane?" and "FEle.-t Behrman mt Againl. Beating on cooking utensils es. and blowing tin horns, these young in machine sympathizers created a near riot just before the beginning of the tat meeting. he A riot call to the police station was -te- sent in by one of the 0. D. A. leaders rer at the meeting. There was already is one emergency supernumerary patrol is man on the ground and the riot call brought only two more officers. These he dispersed the youngsters, however, so )m they contented themselves with stag a ing a very noisy parade through the he streets of Algiers and two or three to demonstrations at the ferry landing. he L. Munsterman, tpresideat of the er Fifteenth Ward branch of the Orleans be Democratic Association, opened the le- meeting and Introduced Louis Acker ve as chairman of the meeting. Mr. Ack er made a short speech, declaring that ey "in spite of efforts to sidetrack it, the an real issue in this campaign is the record of Martin Behrman during his ch sixteen years as mayor." 1 CRAVEN IS POPULAR. he State Senator Thomas V. Craven I as brought alternate cheering and 1 laughter from the crowd when he told ( to of the mayor's record in the manage of ment of the city's finances and, with or burning sarcasm, lauded him for wish- I to ing to save the state $25,000 to be r spent on the probe commissielon. "On Tuesday night in the Sixteenth 1e Ward," said Senator Craven, "Mr. a Font charged that the city govern- I w ment had incurred a debt of over d $700,000 in direct violation of the Con a. stitution of the State of Louisiana. h )f This debt was not authorized by you. d You had expressly forbidden Martin n Behrman to incur this debt. The g constitution is the supreme law of the 0 a land. But what's a little thing like n a a constitution to Martin Behrman? d This debt must be paid with our 81 o money, yours and mine, not with Mar- N t. tin Behrman's money. I can't see any d s improvements that have been wrought u] d by this expenditure. You can't either, tl But what is that to Behrman? His is O a the king. The king is greater than gi 1, any law. The king can do no wrong. ih :. A $700,000 debt contracted in direct n r violation of the law. And yet Martin tI Behrman holds up his hands in holy er r horror at the thought of spending S$25,000 on the probe. To use his own words in speaking of his record, 'Can f you beat it!' t "Behrman don't like the newspapers. I don't blame him. Without the press his record would be his own private I property, and your money and my p money could be spent as his whim and fancy moved. The papers stand be I tween the Behrman system and civic bankruptcy. They are the only check Sthat the people have en the extrava. gance of the ring. No wonder Behr. man doesn't llke them! Charlie Rosen bI has crewned Martin Behrman King ef the Tenderloin.' John Sullivan has dubbed him the 'Duke of the Double Cross,' and I now name him 'the Crown Prince of Camonuflage' " RECORD ATTACKED Representative Rudolph J. Weln. mann, of the Fourteenth Ward, at. tacked the mayor's record, referring espeeially to the bill introduced into the Legislature last session by Repre ~ sentative O'Donnell, of Algiers, pro viding for makint the ferries between New Orleas and Algiers public utill ties. Mr. Welnmann charged that his measure was defeated by the machine eontrolled legislators from New Or "This measure," said Mr. Wein. mana, "was drawn up by citieesn who felt that so vital a link between New e Orleans and Algises uas the ferries W should be in the hands of the public mad operated for the benedt of the o paube rather than in the hands of i prlvtp Interests and operated for the bemelt of steehodeMrs. In other th woerds hey wanted to make the ferries pa pulic utlities when poemble and U drew up the Mll with that end in km view. Believing that Mr. O'Deannell would kesep aith with the peopl he re resamnted ther aked him to intro. dne th meme.r BMew he batrnyed that trert sen ms. - Ui "WhItn ie~IIMMI Nick Hum. a f1JJ Planked 0 M 0 :----- i G3 ý o zipi (c hi. n :i:· i : : : an 'Horses & Cattle h Roaming at Large as rs POLICE KEIT BUnY BUT VIO. dy IATOR~ GO UNP'NL'IHEI). of HOW ABOUT IT? ill se Our present city adminiistration is so not giving much assistance to our g public spirited citizens who are mak he ing an honest effort to help beautify e and make Algiers the beautiful resi dential section that it should be. e Through the effort and persuasion of the Herald, many of our property holders have taken down their front er fences to help make a "City Beauti ful". They are now beginning to re. at gret that they have taken down their fences as their property is being is ruined by roaming cattle. During the past few weeks it is a common thing to see horses, mules, and cows on our public streets and in peoples. 'n gardens, seemingly enjoying the privi id lege extended to the animal kingdom Id during this election period. We must say a good word for our police department. They have been and do make every effort to stop the roaming of cattle on our public streets. h They are often seen driving cattle and horses to the Algiers pound, but there their duties end: the cattle are re r leased without fine or affidavit, and they are again on the street the next night to keep the policeman busy in . having them put in the pound again. n What encouragement has the Al e giers property holders to help beautify e our section when affidavits are not e made against the violators who help destroy the good efforts of a public r spirited property holder? In the Naval Station section between the via duct and Farragut St.. the cows go t up on General Meyer Avenue where thei make their bed for the night. s Opelousas Avenue furnishes a grazing ° grouxd for many of the mules belong ing to residents of that section. We now ask to whom shall- we appeal for the proper protection of our prop 7 erty? -I - i-------- The W drn of AIldc. Dy T. T. MAXEY OUR MIGHTIEST HOT SPRING. ALMOST In the center c' Wyoming, near a bend in the BIf orn river and 4,850 feet above sea le. el, nature brought to the surface, for the bene it of all humanity, her most notable work In the hot-spring line. Here, from a rough-edged opening approximately 25 feet in diameter, and which may come through from China for all any body knows-since it has been sound ed to a depth of 1,000 feet and no bot- t tom found, there bubbles forth about t 18,000,000 gallons of 185-degree hot I water, possessing untold medicinal f value, every 24 hours. b This health fount was distaovered t by a wandering band of Indians. When a the white man came he named it "Blg e Horn Hot Spring." because the water tl was inally tumbled over a 40foot cliff u in a beautiful wrterahll to the river b below. A city was built by the river. They called it Thermepolle (Hot Sty), n becaub of its nearness to the spring. The government purchased the traet an which the spring Is loasted in 1837. WaUhakie chief eo the Shshame, agreed eely as conditlon that a per n ties of the water be reserved forever t fie fhr puble a. Later. when the b bsveenmaet ended the leand to the tate. the same lease was iaserted ina the s patest. Thus thlr peat natre-made sa-tl-bis r many Ill which beset tc hrmaitty haes been preserved fur the * a everybaedy r a time. A mat- hi r-al admixture et ipher, lme, ma~ amels bs sad Miea, thMs water pe ga tiem s the trebatees o bloed and s messe sad u h.rlr Joseph Hughes Retires e 45 Years of Service - A FAITHFII. SERVANT OF THE P. O. DEPARTMENT WILL ENJOY LIFE. is On last Saturday at the ['nited ur States Post-office, a ceremony took k- place in which figured one of Algiers fy prominent men: namely. Joseph si- Hughes who for 45 years has had con tinuous service with the U'nited States o Government in the branch of the Rail ty way Mail Service. at John Kirber, acting president of the ti- local association of Railway Mail 'e( Clerks in a short address reviewed ir the record of Mr. Hughes, and he laid ig stress on the fact that Mr. Hughes' ie retirement was not due to inefficiency mn nor of lack of interest in his work, but vs solely because of the rules of the gov s ernment. i Mr. Hughes was presented with a' m gold monogram watch fob attached to which was a charm on which is in ir scribed as follows: "Remembrance n from co-workers upon retirement from 1 Railway Mail Service, August 21, . 1920f1, after 45 years of service." Mr. d Hughes was very much touched with e this ceremony but was able to respond e. in his characteristic way, and by the d time he had finished he left no doubt :t in the minds of the donors that he n fully appreaciated the gift. In speak ing to the employees present, Mr. SHughes said: CHALLENGES YOUNG MEN. t "I resent the imputation that we are I too old for any good work," said Mr. Hughes. "And I challenge any young e man of my age to a race around the block or from the rear to the forward end of a mail car." (lHere he had to pause while the applause subsided.) "Cennect yourselves with good com panions, be kind to your families, help your friends and do your duty to hu manity and when the'time comes to leave them you will have no regret." Mr. Hughes was further honored by the Masonic employees of the Railway Mail Service by presenting him with a handsome blood-stone ring with the MAsonic emblem engraved. Accom panying this ring was the following letter: "Your Masonic Brethern connected with the Railway Mail Service here with tender you this small token of their esteem and good fellowship upon your retirement after forty-five years of loyal and conscientious service. Our best wishes attend you and may Great Architect of the universe grant you many more years of usefulness i accompanied with good health and sac cess." r BRIDE-ELECT RECEIV9 nAND- a SOME PREBBNT. a "Having the honor tonight to ex- t tend to you heartful congratula. tions. in the name of our Manager. Mr. Roberts, the employees on the ferry, and the ladies of the ferry house, I wish also to extend to you ti their sincere wishes for a long, happy Ii and prosperous married life with o every blessing. It is also their fur- il ther wish, dear Bertha, that your p married life may prove to be as bright as the lights on the gift B which I now present you in their G name." H Such were the remarks of Mrs. E. N L. Oertling in the Third District K ferry house in Algiers on Saturday M night, the 21st lnstant, at 'wich U time Miss Bertha Baker surrounded A by her friends and co-workers was ai very agreeably surprised, and pre. L, seanted with a 'handsome electrollier. el Miss Baker Is very popular in our M town and the near approaeh of her le marriage to Mr. August Gaspard, n has been the occasik reeently for B aeveral showers, and srprtses of a e nature similar to the above. P Mr. and Mrs Herae e Nelsen have U bee smidlu seme the at Pars hrtga. 3 : Street Car Company Offers New Contract E ADVANCE IN WAGEN TO BE JPREDICATED UPON RAISE OF FARE. 4 F. W. Burgis of the West New Or- k leans Light and Traction Co. has pre -a pared a memorandum of agreement h which has been submitted to the Street -. Car Employees in Algiers for their s 'onsideration and adoption. N- Negotiations are now going on be tween the men and the company. e The agreement submitted is as fol 11 lows: d WVest New Orleans Light & Traction Company and South New Orleans Y Light & Traction Company. t Memorandum of proposed new agree ment. Offered by the Company on August 17th. 1920. a Working conditions and relations a with the Amalgamated kAssociation. to remain similar to those specified in a the old agreement, but with some minor modifications which, to both parties, shall appear to be fair and reasonable. The wage scale to be increased; and the seniority bonus to remain effective, as a reward for. and ackowl edgement of faithful and continuous service. Application to be made to the Public Authorities for an increase in ear fare. in order to permit the company to pay higher wages. The intention is to change the scale of wages on September 16th, if pos sible; or that the change be retroac tive to that date, to the extent of not to exceed thirty days. If the base rate of car fare is made 7 cents, the base rate of wages will be increased from $64.00 per month to $128.00 per month, and the seniority bonus will be added thereto. If the Public Authorities should re fuse to give the relief the company will ask for, or should defer the grant ing of that relief, the company will. for as long a time as it is financially able, pay the conductors and motor men a moderate increase, commenc ing on September 16th, by advancing the base rate of wages from $64.00 per month to $96.00 per month, with the seniority bonus added thereto. a The proposed wage schedule would result as follows: The highest paid motorman (13 years in the service) would receive in a 30 day month, $143.50, and in at 31 day month, $148.28. s The new men would commence f receiving in a 30 day month, $12: .0 p and in a 31 day month, $132.27. s' li all cases, overtime would be added, as at present, at the rate of time and a half. a PARTY. a - ti Mr. and Mrs. Mike McMahon en- bi tertained their little grand daughter, fi Ira May Gaffrey on the anniversary to of her eighth birthday at their home II in Elmira avenue. Games were t played and dancing was indulged in. n' Those present were: Margaret ni Brown, Margaret Sounehand, Winona th Gouner, Beryl Gouner, Glen Boylan, Harriett, Cecil and Parisca Munts, rl Murial Lucas, Grace Kiusler, Gerald th Kraemer, Cleo Wheatley, Irene Mc- of Mahon, Louise Trahon, Ed. J. Borne, tl Ura Babin, Ruth McMahon, Doris - Alnsworth, Genevieve Brown, Irene I and Aldea Klink, Alberta Molaison, Louise Andre, Meryl Yallets, Bon elyn Oofttey, Adet Atthoffer. OryiW MeMahon, Regina Bolk, Louise Kes.. d ler, Norma Wheatley, Ira May Got- hi ney, Eddie, James, Charles, Earl, Billy and Leslie McMahon, Al. Au- to oin, Wedey Babin, Elwood Brown, m Preston Gottaney, Loyd Frsach, Mr. i and Mrs. MeMahon, Mr. sad Mrs. E. J. and J. W. cMahon, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Aola, Mr. and Mrs. H. p B. oetm. le tEHOMAN AS AN INIVIDOUAL IS A MERE INCIDENT IN CAMPAIGN Will The Voters Run To The Grand Exit On September 14th, Or W ill They Stay For The Finish. (('ONTiRIRhTITED IlV E. I'. I. IIf( M tRU.) Art-mnus Ward, the humori-t. r.l:!at!. that he once owned and traveled withl an animal how, thut wa.s woefil. wea,-k in animal. and terrfcly sitron on po-te;> The audince l1( te, ftd Ath fr:itdI It eoon 'hot.' I siL:s of dli'< s.t.ti facti' :,. It ":r' re lh'1:i It c-r, ,m n:t ins xA'rd i .a i t " it tIrc. 'Luadic- and _,".:t1 i n , e . ,i . vol;l have ien only t .l y , nin of this .--how "' Then I illt:n to : a w e o pe - inc in th.* tI«n hIe' ,silt d. " no :',Ir i" the i;rsan ito' ""1 The ro id iruih, it il th- t dirt but i-i it v.i t -I o.,n in thi da:'k o:ti d tl, an i Ward i ,,Ie Orlans tre river. t ithe , i .ctl ha' te :a ai h ,taithy Ir. ith' Incb ,nti ll,, th, t u atIly ni te n-i it- lf. " thl( ia p)t.i ing for th,,e ,i'tle a d it th Tic t o and of atinlliri:_ or it rcould it ne a iew f'to red I!tnat( i. itt,"f . th oi .h feu faltored contra. led :'. to an 'e-h, tii he l .r 14th il, l thnr w , t,.rlie ,iof Orleans rush b the ';ratne 'axi"t The riter. in this a isut ,. will frt'o hquetly ae- snd pothint direitlny at oie person e , th "Head of the 'ickmot ar tin llethrnlan. The writer han s no du ,,ire to be personal. lie nh.ither noish, to be offn"hsive. nor would ihe :ive an opportunity to the "1a. hine" ;andi date to pose as a miartyr, nor ::'low hint to presume that sins ling him out is proof of his exceptional ahility, his force of character or his paramount strength. Hehrman, as an individual. is a there incident in his campai-n. lie is only one of the harassing politi cal boils that infest the body politic. His position only maket him a bigger and a sorer boil. Behrman is the t main issue, because by his own re t peated claims, by his public utterances, r by his acts and by his manipulations, he is the titular head of this ".a chine." The conceit, the supra-self confidence that has led hin to inject I- himself, willy nilly, in this campaign, has made him the legitimate main tar nget. Ie is the type of politician that crops out spontaneously from the vitals of this political system. A little more daring, a little more in genuity. a little more cunning, a little better knowledge of the game, and a little less scruple in employing ob jectionable means causes such a type to be crowned "King." Behrman's affability to friends and supporters, is no more an issue than his conceit; his sociability, with those he likes, is no more an issue than his arrogance; his generosity to friends and political neutrals, is no more an issue than his political hatred and vindhitiveness. Behrman is the main issue, because by force of autocratic habit, he not only has assumed con trol of his star chamber organizea tion, but practically assumed sole di rection of public affairs, tHe must be eliminated from public office, because when you perpetuate the head. you perpetuate the system. C Bebrman is not the desirable type of man for mayor of a great modern progressive community. He repre sents an effete, discarded, discredited political system. He is a blurred political tin-tpye relAtroduction of Richard Croker' American muni- " cipalities, with intelligent and con scientious electorate. are fast ridding a themselves of this inefficient selfish h and corrupt system of municipal gov- h ernment. be an ideal mayor, that he "must have ji an intelligent understanding of the fundamental principles of a represent- a ative government-he must adopt and. incorporate clean sound principles of bI public policy-must be an administra tor of recognized ability." I Behrman has a weak conception of the elementary principles of a repro.. sentative government and he is woe "1 fully deficient in sound princi ples ef public policy. The writer iill n. select only a few ef many proofs in p4 I confirmation of this statememat. dl By word and act, through his entire n administration, Behrman has assumed n that the Executive is the authorized and competent judge as to whether. the laws framed by the legislative in branches of government are to be en forced or not. As the infallible in- re terpreter of public opinion, HE is at gi liberty to enforce them or not enforce m them, when and where he pleases. A t notable example of this attitude is the ab unwarranted liberty he has taken with in the Sunday saloon~closing law. vii This is a dangerous attitude, a most v'cious principle and subeersive of wi the spirit and duties of three branches lij of government, the Executive. Legisla- an tive and Judiciary. Although hidden an SUFPPAGE MEETING TO BE 10 HELD AT ALHAM &RA. There will be a meeting held Fri. day night at 7:30 o'clock at the Al* thi hambra Club by the ladies of our town to discuss the suffrage move- ps ment and the present political cam paign. Speeche. wii be made by Mrs. Eleanor Graham, Miss Plouumee Huberwald and several others, a Plans will be made for a mass meet- vi leg to be held Teday ght. h t! r . t. Ih tl ,In c hauc I I' S "i,, :.,:, r :c tr, i,.- ! lit, th t ik of tc e H , , I i.t" 11 a- i t rol a btn,'' , l\- • r!"" , 1, . 1 ,t , W h 1 " lit ,t ,,.i a itt du.i l rpc i' b'.T ,ili't and. a'un tih rit. by t ", .- . , t.',! " frt.;n i;".',::i h, tr t ;- d r . a, tl ro de t I-- .' .ý , ".ti .; :t 1 ,.tn t ' ' t. l , o, r ,,u' t, it . ', o n rck t. " wituch auto tir.tic f:w ept i n , " utl ,o r it-. d o est 1l, "S i .-.-, ti I1 t i Ie Nr. ~ W I'twhere? t, rt; ut"I, 1' 'I t, ltl!,|t itt.:,,..t:,)it. Stit ,, , ,rman , i l n ,-t an a;:,lali of rtc 1ni a abilitn r himsell has oT - i th . stump t:t",i crn dit for everI:lk Imunitti a'l I tivi; . This intrl huie con ter lontl ! ll;! .nc l of this city are in a l epl" rible conditi ln. Favorl'tilsm ex t tr-va!nc t.i it% to adnu thority byv t:1 t,ffi, it - I ' pii lf li- tnen:t uc . It , in e d, id plonment t to all unproductiveon c- arait ic cl horden of poutliority, does 1 Prusinitni, th'ic everywhere? t made nit i noble to an adminiseetrator o Swith id abilit li hienues. Itelf has onmade L the mpossitul takeo randit finc r every as the municiremenl activity. This s huge con crelle but it makes him responsible for offtnsive control in all directions and for all dismal failures. It h caued the strts of this city are in a deplohrable condition Favoritsmhey x t travagan'e and the necessity of glv ing employment to an unproductive parasitical horde of political tools, has t made it impossible to meet expenses e with adequate revenues. It has made ian Impossible to grant ncreased corm as the firemen t has forcd policemen, or to re crease the force, or to Improve the - equipment. It hasnd caused the streets of the city, paved and unpaved, to be left in such a deplorable condition that they are an eye-sore to resident and visitor alike. It has forced the Mayor to re fuse cooperatio to State onfealth au thorities and caused him to treat them with flippant sarcasm and transpar ently thin ridicule, when they called attention to the filthy, dangerous and disgraceful condition of the public markets. For a supposedly serious executive to ward off confession of negligente, by sneers was puerile and unfair. This bankrupt condition has also crippled the school system, through lack of safe suitable buildings: through want of necessary equipment; or the maintenance of an efficient teaching staff. Behrman. in the first years of his administration, showed some interest, some zeal for the school system. But when he saw an anaemic tubercular city treasury: when l'e saw the city's revenues swallowed up by a burdensome and profitless pay-roll, he became helpless, his ardor cooled, his zeal ftell to artic temperatures and school improvements ceased. 'The Sewerage and Water Board is just now singing a lamentation of Jeremiah in the financial wilderness; and the Industrial Canal is slowly re covering from financial apoplexy, brought on by Behrman's methods. In a .most every department of pub lic service, improvements are stag nant, efficiency metionless, the wheels of progress idle, except in the wild imagination of the Head of the Ticket, "Pronu whtl all blessings flow." Nec essary imr vc',.:--t- t,, rake the city not oal, ,nltractive but habitable are postponed, because a profligately pro digal partisan city government can not make its revenues meet legitimate necessary expenses. And yet, taxa tion, assessment, contribution have become distressingly, almost crusheb ingly burdensome. Is Behrman an administrator of recognized ability? With what mis givings,. what doubts, what resentment must even the residents of Algiers, think of Behrman's administrative ability, when they cross on the ferries in one direction, and try to cross the viaduct in the other. "Behrman Ideal Type of Mayor'" will be continued with special side lights on Behrman's Labor Record" and his estimate of Parker Governor and McShane rival candidate. IOUTHECRN PACIFIC MAGNATIM INSPECrS PROPERTY HERE. Jullus Kruttechnitt, chairman of the executive committee of the South ern Paeiic, was in New Orleans Pri day on a tour of inspection. He left Frlday evening for San Francisce En route, he will inspect the comn pany's property along the Ine. Ao companyting him were W. R. Scott, presldent of the 8. P. lines in Louis lana and Tems; J. H. R. Parsos. vicepresiddent and pgneral manager, and C. 3. Pay, trati manager.