Dkvoted to the I'pbuildling of the 1'e.t Sid. o , . o the 1iver "1 ter ie r in la l n . ' -- r' 1 1 I i" I' ll:, I..: ,·l:i.
t's Happenings
I ocal Community
gytl Ell :i ,
kisp Eve;:,
SJobn's ACA:'
Satrtead Srcho,·.
Miss EveI`I1
p" friend;s "
V ese n t we r. l "
Pl n t a . M . E u , , l"
atr A! Tuft
p ittsburr on a
gr. and Mr' \
gaceland are '
Mrs E. NI
p as have retll'
dos which thex -;.,
ga .ntotono. T,'
rs.n. M Gl,"
have return"d I
bland, Canada.
vreral month,' ý..
were accompan! ' '. \1
Geo. Geldert, '.
plre beye
The marria"": \
ban d Miss L I.:. ;." ,, .
hated yesterd : i. i:,' . I."
ales Churoh.
Mr. Lee Schri .
dsly hurt last \ 'e -'k r . i.. ,
gi icely, althol ih '. IU ,n t ! ,U;
Mr Edear ll.rth , ; .I 1 " .
pse returned frol ( ,' T r:; '
ybere they spent tho, uIl:1, r
Miss Irene La-k" > t :r:, ! .'
lty from Haiti, w!:r !. ! ;:
smlral months with .\rs ' V
alll (formerly l:!ss \'i,oI.r t E:n;
i), Miss ILaske'. ' i-it.l, r . L t .\" ,
kNew York en ,out. ho,,
Mr. Stanley IBehrmaun .pt I'"" -ix'r.,;
s in Baton tloute t l, pai-t at « k.
Ms. P. O. Cafiero enlit'tl t i lln, I ,
Ihurllay Afternoon 1nl%hr. ll !uh
hlesucceasful pla.h ,rs a%, ." .1. r. ;
LTansey. Mrs. F. .k',lly :nd Mirs.
V. Kraft. Mrs. A. (;Graf recivtd
Diosolaton. Th. rn.it miit'ný
tie at the home of 1Mr- ' ;ao,
Ik. ad Mrs. N. t) t'arol am"i
and Mr. \\ S.chrldtr ha. o
red from a sevtn awoo"k. :iuto
of the West
On. J. Gerrets enlt,'railndl th,
a Month Five itunlrtldl Th',
I players were .Mrs. Vas..a
Old Mrs. R. J. Williams. Mrs.
.falth received the confoiation.
Matron (Club met at the homeI
-l. J. Gerrets. The successful
were Mrs. J. Gerrets. Mrs. C.
ra~ and Mrs. A. Nelson. Mrs.
received the collsolation.
Mlt aeeting will be at the
is Mr. A. Graf. I
" W. A. Thompson and sont. I"
ae returned home after at:
trip through the West.
SGaleston. Galveston El Pasoh
. lis Conrad of Empire. La..
a few days here this week
. Mrs. B. G. Baker and
tnrtaed home sfter spending
-l-ths at Mandeville. La.
ILl )Davis has returned from 1
TIw. where she was the guest
Margret Garland entertained I"
L~ lljj' Five tHundred ('lub IT
haning. The su('cessful f p
as MIaaes Mar;aret G(arland. i
lo iion and Christine Giblin tl
v Dris will entertain at the t"
J. D. Reynolds is visiting her P
SlBaIds of (;lou,'ester (it. -
have been issued for t
lmLaleur wedding which
atee next Wednelday. Sept. ga
S1 'clock at the (:hurch
Name of Mary. Imne- ti
tate the ceremony a nrecep- I
U be held at the Avenue S.
Mt. John A. Strug. Mr.
,alter Gilbert of Hogalusa. D,
S gonI . Waxo and Mr. and
"- lbaon l of Baton Itoug, I fr
Marriving Tuesday tfor th
L 'l r ~weddingt
r McEvoy and .11 Althea so
S 5ut'e from Mobil. Sun
. .ltud .the Stumpf-l,.flour fri
a Vote of : .329. mor
a t In the Coaom- 31
h ithe only Regu- La-]
to bod -Mr. Ma- hers
Stird highest in a;
- eadidates. fron
1:I ITIZF:~,1 I'F: ITIO1 1(t I . II
_' .l.*It i. ll 1111'1tal 0:11l:Vr
(ii IIIII lli iT
Of 'l '1 .'r .11M I T.
,' 'i tll t alh d : n l } . b 'lr , It ,n
" , . l t M atiti r 1l t
l ilt , i l iT . . I i' l l tl , I . , I ,
1 .lI! h -ll' Ti T I t 1r
ir Itopo 1 , I
r; '!; ' ,, l , I i, l 1, In .! T ',+
! IT ,,.
, r1 1 t h
f' ' , 1" \Ii I. A T \ , i I I
W "i u ii lln EI , I Il t
S .Ti,' l a!, b t.lit 'ii r" ir .- l,, , ",r
l Irbl r d . . " i. ".tli* Iuii ,t Jo b
,.h i :li l. ( It"r. hil.., t i. I f. -r. ti i
S. g r" ,... . , I, . I T . ,,l ,t : . . t..
* Il. " ill.' 4'.Il,, 1t , ; 4,. I , 1 , " '' Ii. i., L
S1t nerh fjrIl .t11e r- \ ! 1 \,;i n
\ if "'rt .I. 1'. ,,nl. 4 T Rlhes i elitt, rd. .1 1 lyt
I \' ard ,. J.1. L, nnotý. .1 - ' l'."i "i l co.
rhars Alulona. eli P,..aL Stem, (il
I l i. o I lt li nlll - . f . lt'n tll :. I n.
t -. l , l: .". i,,) ert A ilarpe'r, .1 li dentr, il a
r it A .1r e abi n. \1. I'. iseli.. D, t-. Thro, , la,.
i). e ('ita rd . .4lb"er S'ieli . Joh::Fli
irs. Morg'ink.nt, p.' S" h lt. ti, . nL,11 b
r h lne..1 So. Xll k. .11 II. . t o.r t he.
', l . Kraftsn . . l\ I n ater. ". are,
oS. (uSiemo. r ier an I .lera.1 I, to
L.i'uqtz . .Paul oiepl S. ra: li. ia. Tin .l a
a 1I -\illie . r I. Fti. .i hnt . i A phonsl .nIonh. bwit
t,. JAlphonsr A.mona. a Ir.. iharles Tohilrut 3u
so & VCo.. I) .ittari. F. ltarnl,. S. Jackon.
.Peter Tranclina. . F. Ferani. ruson
I'4I( MdE.E'ltN'Tl
, .Iaul G1 l ynn, aged .I year s. .mpLo,- t.isil
l Signel s a boilrr scaler. I the . 1I. tFab
'h~ (alsh e lia. ler . clirhla (Coupsn. lwas aldr
s ilClas (r u srd whil.e at ."ork scalind a 'el
SboilSerp on theph ('tatello. .1. S llanforit ea
id l Angelo almissano. John Itayerne rLeo .
Turepo Salvadort st. .odin to the TIBrown.
Sam poie. ; e l held anSche Incllandcent I. 1
I. Slight in I. Sonl while woriliam wit I the
Slthey other.eason H il Herman at r, A. are
ie Gaspard. tr., 1ee. R.enose. Peter Rouse, plr ;
S. ullk emo. i ieber and l erba. I.. is 3
n, ('qluet. and oseph. . . zzri hae rTony z
Strlt E. P' M front a tour of thnse eona. dv
S The rry lmahs wir., harles Todare ou
so & tho., 1) Pittari, F. citarl S. Jackson.
Peter Tranchina. i E. Fergusonod a
time. forn
Paul Glynn, aged Mor se returnedml then
e Saturday a boiler an exter bynded tohe .r .1 the
h Walsht. havini g company. was alre(hicao
boSailet Lakon the isteamship Lakstone anford exce
d lyin at the head of Lavergne street.ver.
I)r. Thursdaynd . . Accordin are home T
ilthe Eas, Glynnt. held an incandescent 4.
Slshool in one hand whilouge. tieworking dwith
- lis Ether. His hoade whas retu 4ne hurri
t& Cohartes street. Assistant Coroner :
Sfrolk Shreveport where she was tie to hi
uest o her rsitcr. r. J. Colromh. were
trs I 1' felanco returneti IHfTr Tl T!
lTt .ttrry last wilda a .o in
ac fture
M.iss Mauil e lnartin nd .\ors. oMalr- ',the r
it rhed fromui whatata. Moiss. icnl St
mu icyh( a aerll had u little Ioeic soo dail
icus.ittllda aot Aoor. A aret hoe l tainli
o Sai tufrd.a maifis.on. h eher t ohu' dere the ptd
the Witesst of Mins Mai Reed Averiia.o, tohe
Mrlt Liate n aictar Y tile iwt froin i wi t r'i
ollt M edtr. bodyi. th-a-,wheth.
Si'haef'r (If Thelme St.. are glad ton.k mTor:
schiolO 13 al o I it te a serious i tl- ol'
Miss Marthla honti has returned i
ironi iShrviit i sherle tOn astd to hr
(ueeonfiheld. midt. r of olb g
Mr. and Mrs. Ge.. Waiteris and ale re
litlrsn haiI. Mretlrne fron t a viit fr' rial
Ms .m hler and sister issv Ben- Sept. r
lab Ilorne returned Sunday from Pass .ralti
Christian where they spent the past arrivel
tith. we
Mrs. Eawin Ca eohn of Pointe-A o as th istu
ia-Hache. La. is spending a few day er an h
ler. Mrs. .X.J . nhet h
~r. Rayond .1Ri.GehWartis spendn ade r~
Mrs. L. I. Daudelin has returned Yoark a
i from Sewaneeh Tawn. M i r. P
T 'hel,. i.ht,,in h.,,p, I o1117 '.nal r.St.
i, ! il il. I oi I.1. 1 ( )lll llii .
t.. t:: . . t: - , t . , t:. t w o* l.
I l ' : : ..t
' his ('ill . ' 1: ti
O by al}ny who1 1 , :." h 11, -a:
\., of I.adti,." r'a!y-t,- ,,.tr. lI ,, ., .
i , . Coats. ('t'.,t ,;lit,. 'port -nrt-, a= wL.."
Si- as thy , .teautiitu di:s;l. .t Ph:.
. ; lit'e Unidblla*I\,Har. Jail :l.a -,. I'!Inni.tri
gt'r, liaby HI,'.,e r ,an .!1lad.erl l ..ll I1., : '..!
h... lace's
oh:: Ei '. . r at. o:tt suit l i lI fr',.r,
L . 't1 shuaE 1l Th.* F",t ,hl.! 11 Shtoo. 5,10l1 -
'F V, 411 tit' liii d Xli.i . til itJ at ,-.:it.I,. i',
Severy 111.' and inflv,,tion Tie up
If to-the- iinut .. 1ourt., a lio'h ai
Ei awaiting yiour Irt ,p'i e u : ;o i , til *.
hli,. with that ith o lluhnle<s w h: '!1lni,
ii only .s-i uri"i's --rli.t.. but at on11, In
,1" spiltre', 'olfade.rlt. l Th'hse I .' f ta ,!
ioned of this ..",1"on- u.o-. t tietr,
TI. fabrics. In sha ld. i, :nl t .al;ppr i..I bi
r dresled woomllenl
I t. The h;ih owi in *.''vry d. pait l) lleIntp i
\V is just what will b" ie mot appre.
1,,. ciated by every w"oman. tlr ,ver s
ni thing is exactly in keoping with
, "her" own idea of good tait.t and
ln. smartness. To accurately see what
the authentic fashions for Auttumn
- are lik.,' is to v w the mode, oni ds
ise play at The Fashion Shop. and th:,
). is your invitation to cosme. Me.srs
env Lazard Zion and Isidore Salui are
na. devoting their sentirr tinmt to plea ie
tro yOU.
on. -
P LIC Sl .ifll. OIEN.
Thb. public schools opene.l on
M.oniday with a record-breaking at
v- tti.ndanc,. Transfers were made and
.1. the regular work of the school has e
as already begun. All text books will
a be furnihed by the School loadtl t
rd except readers and histories.
i.' nI)nogh No. 4.
he The nrollnmont at McD)ono' h No o
it 4. t grades, is as follows" E
thi S.--16; 8S1--17: 7. -2u: l b -
7i 23: 6A .9: 61---55 : .--29. 5i
er 25: A.-:-0: 413 --35: 3A -2i5 31l
' - 9'; 2A- -0; 211 45: 1.- 20; ' t
1 - -3 : Total 46::. P
e- RBelleville. , t
I(. .Miss Irene La.key and Mrs. N.
Andrews have hebn appointed teach
Sers at i elleville li
tz Miss Florence Hilrgis is in ('ali
Sfornia taking a scientific course at
the University of California.
it Miss .\lice Judlin is in New York
sItudying- t husi,.
- Miss Ruth P'ettigrove is in ('ali
1l fornia. p1
Observations taken Wednesday of
g morning over Algiers show that lit- W
tle damage was done by theb tropical w
it hurricane which was scheduled not'
e to hit New Orleans. A few fences
were Iblown down, also several large
advertising signs and a few roofs. su
mostly of tin.
S.Th pihublic in uineral will. in the
future.. accept with some hesitane. ha
the predictions of the wetthor Ilbulrea
roezafftlit t thile direltion of those trop
ical storms. The last edition of the for
daily papers Tuesdaay evening con- thl
tained assurance from i Dr. (lin that
the people of New Orleans might go
to behod without any fear from the
disturbance. There is little bdoullbt
in the minds of our citizens as to e.l,
whether or not we got the stori here. (Il
OF *-MI.ME, I). IIEY.NOIl)S, Woo
01' NEW JISE'1y the
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reynolds hay
of Highland Park. Gloucester. N. J.. han
are rlceiving congratulations on the able
arrival of a ten pound baby boy. trot
James I). Jr.. at their home since 1
Sept. 12th. 'e I
Grandma Reynolds of our town, hesi
arrived there on Sept. 10. and is now sch,
wearing a smile that won't come off. keej
as this is her first grand child. Moth
er and baby are doing leely. T
Mrs. Reynolds motored to New, crat
York on the 19th to visit her sister, at
Mrs. P. C. Patterson. at
Tenl a, ..
.1 i x 1 [].1 1
1, p. ! itL "! l. r l , a: .!, . . ,,
j.., a n .1 1 ' 1 1 1'1 ' 1' "1 . . '
".{ cl.. if ..".i" . N."t I.: . r t .- -
n . "1 by t *" fa t t! i . cia. t h *- . . ý li
it:.,, ., t - 1 nl o r., la . r_ , .t . !..1 '1 : 1t
t h i pri n th: o. :, 1". c 1 l " !,
sl ornin . r ti alh b"tc . it , r*' I th tr
: h.1 ha t 1 . ad .ie t , '€I ,. pub i, nd a -.
tlo " o a 'j. a t, 1 ill . n }i d:if te n rt ,tir l -
at hni
Th, o e pl iy of n. N w a .r ,,,- Iti, a
pa rtnU nt Svi O to . soe. that t.r,'- ri I
c at :o lh pig p 0it p L: o 1fital., i
sonli ! on eI hand" is v t rl l w ra t; al.
OlUt twhi) votelasu-.;ts- a . p i a,'' c "J'!; s
Sother in ether with a'w maj orit jusfor
Be- what io avnt,'d the pubi" has a
ih come to bottle and oal reciat thi
:n, store You will find diff,,rent nitr
hat thandise on the cent.'r counte.rs ,.wery
Wlll day duringo the saferry. An ad thi
ede issd ue briefly a slirte ui fe onf
Sthe hea offerings. one of you havot not al
ready attended thi; a hniversr o Po-al ,.
r. of the New evader Department Store. n
ud we advise you to do so for yor i n
can not help but prove profitable. ot
The An old man 7 years of agth. with l
as of theone t and very ill. was taken wI
Sout to vote last Tuesday. inad pra few
ot icale.
e others in Algiers with majority for
Behrman.e M. . ahone
•1 The pop bottle and coal riot be- h
Jotwhon voters on the ferry and wharf
endehas d with only a slight bruise on ta
the head of one of the voters.
Thr. poloneyi may be Chief of Po- D.
lice, so ilay several otheoffer hundred n
st luch O'Keefe is spokasn of as lty
Juhodge to succeed Gois limite o notf.
ia tMeShant's official majority is
placed aat 1333 by the Secretary on'
State at Baton Rouge. nih
The official returns fore vote ar
e" of the 15th ward is not yet availablents. w
-siWe may be able to get them in a few
k weeks. a nanr
't I alit
Judge N. E. Humphrey will surely tir
sucreed Judge M. S. Mahoney.
John Cllement i assured that he
has defeated Leonard . Gich. 11sch
(has Hantel appears to have de
foat the John Schrdr for Cldrk of ht
the Court of Appeals tion
I(GHT S(tXH ,1.ti To OI'F\, wor
The public evening schools wil! of I
opl'n Monday. Oetobor 4. They offer hotr
opportunities for advancement that t'a I
thousaindls of persons. Young and old,
have enjoyed for several years. The JA
ivwrk done is so varied as to satisfy
at 7: 30 o'clock, leam.
'' I nt\hat* i -11iliII llen( I .hop I)l , I..
; I I n' ,,'. . s l }',1sil '. ,_ , 1 . .
I'` ".,fllt I I.... 4 h,.:t ... " ..
.l r : i t a t l . :¼ ,! tl tran " r
S, . _.n f t . t . -
' iet onls t a \ tr:,i tr
1 .ir jn , ; -ar hats. . , 1 1 1.
* ('Ipro a L t 1r i,1! , i r.', , 111. 1oi,,
:u.r li. 1t "rl i-! . I '1 ) r h,.l ,.ll et I. I:
t ' i rl; rr " m u ll. :I art h -r . . I ..,
!"- \. t h t. r i:n: iil 1ar. il-t I n l "
t- w. with the, t1*-lnatly t tt 1i:
' , rdi.,l:',- in u t . o 16 2i 1t t .. {.\,1
s e M'lilli ,ry' Snip. Fll' .- hi ,
ist uip to the moment. arnl whb !,h it i,
ta; a pleasure to serve you.
ii hairry Moo)re. 16J-year-old neuiro of
of I.: 1' S' ratl,, street. was arre't,eld
al- Telisday mtoriinie at the hlehvi lard
l. aire So-tr.. :: Mor-an street
re. w here loor.r,. -t.ll four sacks )of c-o
cI: nim'eit fromn the i Illvie warehou1se.
.Montny oeinint. and offered th ent
for sale to Jos,,ph tingle, of 11 :1
Nelson street. jingle told Moore
to reto lr Tuesuilld nlorninl agreeilng
to buy the cement, but instead he
informed the necro's employers and t
th the police were summoned. Patrol
man Harvey and Rubin arrested I1
- .Moor. I
Ir Sclhool girls of New Orleans are a
outclassing boy competitors in phy.-- s
cal efficiency tests conductil by "ity
playground officials. the report for t,
the week of L. di Ieetiedetlto. seer,- fi
f tary indicates.
Those at the local playground; to
pass the efficiency tests are
Girls---.M. Fl.escher. M. Theard. u
- I). Whitney. F. MeQuillian E. L Lusig- l:
Snan. L. Koning. ('. lothe. X. Talbot. 1'
V. VWelriore. i. W\elirnore. M (' Crow- .
oyrs- --Walter Bond. ct
MlrIN G(N;H \,. .. gi
't Mclonogh No. 5 opened Mondayv
with a very large enrollment in all
gradles. The numbers are as yet nu
e availab)le and will he published next
week. i
B ooks were distributed Monday iit
and the pupils disnmissedl at noon Ito ci
allow time to purchase necessary ma- of
terials. TI
Tuesday was also a half day for th
pupils. as the teachers attn'idld a ;t
nieetinig called by the School liltld. I"1
ITALIAN i' (ilIENSSIE .tSSo. . %lt
' IATION. fe
The Italiani I'roresiv( , Assoeia- l t
tion held a regullar ne-tti.i nWeldne- I.t
day night at whit'h arranllt.ll. ll- c'ns
werlti madle for .I re eptcionl t to , held iiH
ill honor of .1 ('hiavaro, pr.idenit ITn
of nventions iat, whi o i ch con.t'tonda it
niht s hortly arre ' Haulls. to no!-it
nte Italy ia tor
nder. Jae. nue. High gchool, Class 9ad. Ima
hairman ofed the Water Republican Starte o
mConvention. which con by oMonday pttve Ver
enate rsilontia. electors askell
examination. i Bell
i:1 . I'. I I : 1 I ll \ I l I I" I
\11 \ i I.1 : ,,"- la I '\ .,
T. rr
. . , t
I r :! i r l . I !t Id 11
* i .th r t tI: Thi
- ' ', t+ -, ! -
l 1 . ,t r st "itr e4 I: t l... .. I : lw i !
' ",..t":. ii'l;~ <" " 1" h. "1'ti :!.1 (":,
t* Iii ' > i'a. Sta r-, tha e i h. t.i , f r .t
i ' t s - ()wh they will hairt a :1
.,,i l t: lt . "h !n-iet- al a l" t h:o ant i j
TF ',l h li .f th.el. n.' w l a tors i, wi
of t " t:a Ii s srtia r ll ) Ia It e T.
'"' " , t lh t`:u i to x ret i1 d u< pot" •m Ihi
rd ait h . tirst re istrati in i i
i t1- 1uTI, Al I It I S .1 I " ,th i
'ni The Sunset Stare made their firstla
', - I : , l e .ni,- h lty Thdef lating the
h atncl ,a'l' up three hl ts and walkell ol
341 to w nrmi )o Fitch hurled a pret ty andi
. brak i fllThestars made 1 ll ts' hl
FI dl,)r h ,r 'i " lorri. p: R. w as a lo:. h
t. oit run Sitad Iro r rl . Morris. i.Vast
e f Fthe Iiitngers adt i a tiihree sathli
hit oE Mlsthe of the Stars played tI
r nt hen h tr. .. t... . . . c l
,mT li t)'"
t I .. rais i was plea-pit fid ri- -ey, ill
1i liIt .otay ft14tU Iro . lioli E .n ith - s
. m Itre151141 34l St ci 'tt.b J. hfoatii l Lha ll
a) \itic (,'oat flnishinll a twIy Ve sot tt()tr "
it the srit -il ir trlhin r 1 T. . S Sa ih. II(
at F.in.- l i T e. i l i n tiir h ll I th- 1i4sha
I h W bt it 11 1 4 1 1 li**r t i t . 11t n
l llSh i very IcTctI I )n,. I twa. s-I
t m 4II h o jlit l liaull raollirth u -I flilt
i- of tIh4I lo . tithe I iII'. hi- Sr4'
Thomp5 on .lLu Iuxl t it 411.1 it 41or 1) r ii
1i the ltol- Naa if !'. ib. a re was The
a kill, t r+lri rt lwith th.- hSr M r t E reht
c -irIlEhier s11(41 the t' a afght ' (if ISa
chella. ci, W r rk for this goo.i cau II
The prhi-e.mla will he t r atirel ro r to ' ,
the U i ise folf Good Sipari lt h for- ;
mation regard in the festival ,an Whl -
in, tor i rom Mrt. hy. Vallette,. 2, major
Verret St.. or u ) Jfrs. Nolan In D. A.th,
in er ill .fo !1()1)
WeI: . ,* New
'ER ,. 1 . 1 S I ih
"I. iiI \ II u fi, 4I %I FII ',i II .
1 . i t.
r z', "!. T ) I *
t r ' i. .(t . , th, r 1,
S:, ii" it . i, P r i f ;-! ' .. i ,I4 s h :,i4tt
. f r :iii", 1 \1'44 iff .ii '.%4f, , f :4
, + ; 1 (.- . l . '- l ' ' r', , :e , t, 1w r
";." , 4 k 4 1 l' I 'l l fi\ r11 . " l li . X +i
a" I . l h " 'h-, i " ' .hrt +i ,I,,
I ;il p icfric ,ta.e i: the fair. also ti
rI f iirnif If4 (tih f thhli c . -
I Ir li 1 t ls a i n't' S i t '1 i arg-ari z f .
4t l ~ ifnr. ll have chard
4, ,, fOu. 1" i.I l . h o The IHI T
I cots 'ill hIci , h ! :I 4op.;,r 'tiI itniv , drill
a i wi ll h" 1)4'Irr ' .I nf. "t rill t hev tr
.t ,'') I l i lrltte. ' u l ! I '."t, tnr l+ ri* l etl , t
T11 tis 1I".tl I:i htET IAAhl ,rr f ,f
S l.t lit 1., T?) 'Ke PARTn . I.
hi I i 'r'i f,.tl 'r:in the hfar.l'l an s th, i
'. I is tirc'4t44 l i Miss 1 )bilf'' hI Litih, 'r
hayl lii-. Fiei'Iil ilrtla i 'I th414 prize'
Other ni (n rnii fi sii jIi 'a4r4 Mr.
l it I 'oetli i. rrli ' ('L.h i
Mr \ 'i.1r lin i,. l i- , (; wfIf11c ..
o. :" tn rAl ;inla n.I -11'.% Th t nll yt
and 1 pri . Swill war rk war r
Sj sh ow aln If I n44 IIn l*pro tfti' i j hity
Shr ,iI f hT..l- i iG.I llt:TS. IA 'lT- II.F'li
nt 1 TAbI:, TE AIK.; AIT
onl - 'h fotin li,. t-he o is s ing
w er k of ho r t .e IrS . r. .1 ' ionr s Ilea
'. Aill ll ug g ll . in th homl e Iand h4,,
t a s ro, - (ill th r'.i v i . h .kif .
$Ii+I I . l ir, ii" ''40 hol fi*4
l4ilad .t- . i' i iif l 'x
Cou il over-.1 .4:rice I lPas4 by I
majority , i v ti-f rl gli ing th t.
D. A.s a 4 to i vote i n th~ ianal-.
tlent of the City's affairsr