S10 PAGES I E HER1ALD. Bt I)evted to the I'pbuilding of the W t .ide of the Iier. ". I ' r- lie and I rei '. le r rIkl nel pap, r."---t t I \ t 1" I I -' II ,"1 ! .XXVIII NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THUIRSI)AY. SI:PTELMBII-R 30, 1920. N. : SV|OTE ABULATED I THIT *at1 e, i Ol)EFtl. l, follo in - . ' Hofthe siotrY 15of t r1e 15th T..' " r I Ot . .. i , r ., . - Black 1101, Ro " r 15iS Murp '' 1 Civil , 4 .I t .1 1191. 0'N' - 1tue 6!2. at Criminal curl Hurn 1 1111lSheriff fil:ims 763. { Attorne> 1 rtl " ll-1 Marr "19. S117. Oberl," 71 1 Ofe ofM'- " \ . , 11I. Lebn 64. lDu n ;.7 J sd t l (it .r.tiin l a ourt ytler, 1164. l)4º w l:n: ....4* lad ("Yo a'rinunal 4 nrt ¶nJuell 1126, Ot I.,) 1;.. Echeza. ai 6111. j reoend ('ill Court ('i'l u 775. Mahoney ,-. llatt 41.. SCourt of AIppeal. .. Total g. chrod er "I'.G6 ". llanntl " 1'. if, Crilly 4.253. k$ . 'cond ('itv Clourt I':l:ent llGthib 596. Hluguet 4441 STED RoRsltUltV FO)il.ED1I M1,r McCoy clored 4:2 )Iq agin street. was arre,t.'dl in gi easrly Friday morning and hld is the Eighth i'recinct sta galth breaking and entering in ,olit time with feloniotu intentt igLalleged to have entereid thl gsgre of John ('ahibi. 712 Teehe aboat 3:15. a. ni.. Friday. Hp teted by the police before he lwcleeded in making away with d the store's good.. Another il being sought by the police gseetion with the attempted WCS E7iGAGEMENT. sad Mrs. C. C. McEckron an the engagement of their Miss Thomaselta Jeanette to Mr Aurnst Calderaro. the to take place in the coming Ily Harvey and Mr. ('alderaro" mwlel sad favorably known in Al o Miss Harvey is a graduate' din bsplanade High School and he hil m assignment as teaeber. Ms b very fond of atheletics and asd7 received a medal as an ex _mt is live-saving. She is one of -ller beautiful young ladies. Mr. lmarmnr is Algiers' young drug llutMuat, who succeeded in the ee -Mlmeat of the late Peter Rupp. lhiadoag a lucrative business and thimy friends join in wishing him aIU is this adventure. Th Mylng lady received from Mr. a beautiful diamond en iring, the diamond being halald carved pratinum mount h The ring was received on l 28tht, being her 18th birthday. UI. Calderaro ana Miss Harvey it to be the first couple married b-les Algiers Methodist Church. ONi tr wbitch will be broken in ? ClI IVENING 'CHOOL The public evening schools will l Maday night with the follow blrp of teachers: L. Honold. Miss Loretta I r Dmeard Hanley. Miss Mary 45Us, D. M. Powell. L. D. Ber r, A. Russ, Miss Mary Stras MI Ilitt. ~·"" ·· OO·~eO·eO 0 0 6 OUS6UUOI· ··· Oe..OeOOO········e ··· ·····00.......0··· 9000006000..····· 0000000 0·0·0·0000.6 S.. 0 ...Se.0000006~ 0·· 000·· 0000.· Sw..0······· S.... 50555055 050050556 505550000 500000055 550000000 500000000 * o00000 0 5··00··5~ *005 I·· I···· *.e~e&*A*.e*.* 1'····' no··D··Y Paramout Arlerft Star McSHANE VICTORY CELEBRATED 1IA I'It: 1:.i U.s. It A.'i M.ll('li IN TI"II 111'1i Tlli4ta 4(.11 STREETS .1.lS0 % INIT ('IT "Y SI1''. h n1- th* :2 a t -t i' .''tUrlad .2 11'" .t ,; , ¶".'2n 2:- t ',2, t22,at '. '! t  'i ' " |)*' '. 2" ,, 1 ';'  i, l '1! !'1.1 .". °, ;'l:"!" fi R. P',.eI ttl'I t a. is ic~l c" (12 24 t22. , t t a c: h, ol, E:( . r2. (u t. 11:'it0 :,prbas!r bTe ?' c n h; ::"t fon o i t n t 1 +.i l -1 ." t t 'u- a l t':,. S ,", ro " . t r '.tf t , ta I f l 4t .1 ,1: t h . t .. , . ' 't .- 1'.' * '* r , , .1u ,, :" . 1 :' f "r ;;, fu er it h hi . ,'l , , t'l'\12 . 'i.. ," : , 1 " ."t2. ,. ' 24,h" l r i , .' t' . ,., . h ti. ,- e , r thc 1t,: ,!,r2 t: t 2 he . ho. , l t .he r n, ' t, t :n this lb 1 rm2 n2 tr2'in c 2r0's without s:an 1r2. r ma2.nermnn 1h4s 2e222e12r. 'nt orkeir for r.' ' T+r,' r1' w.r ,: for i'. 'roo ut SHumphrey In s Mentioned' ,t For Bench Vacancy i ,lkel,) h r . 1n 1 " . i) o !andlt dat It for hI ldirlm of M 1Iuiaci tunni iertof s. ,tNicholas .t . H) \ umphrey just elected' ,to , the Alers city judesr hich will probably be a candidate for th e po \ i i i. I ate h , sap ,u t], t.' c hett er, ,lit sitionr h of th' d ie of the criminal di-h.ne :n thi: |lt. llr'ina stronc'h nl l Ito.' Strict ourt to fill the vacancy left by Sthe death of Judge Frank rI. for len fo rn m t l lda s ,,,r, at r , f : rl l r fo r t;ial + y ! t It s, fc l ttl . v.ral lost Judge Humphrey I he enters the I race, will be the first candidate to Fi announce who not een alner e I wtho the AlgNews Orleans macjudgeshine. will wprobably be a candidate for th po .ition of jl'dce of the criminal dis "trict court to fill tho vacancy left by Since will be irst ically a certaintyo annfom the mo has not been alliedg Arthur 'Landry entered the race for the position which he now holds as an interim appointee, that the crim inal district court bench would be made the subject of a definite fac tional anti-ring fight, and since all the other candidates are more or less intimately allied with the late ma chine, it is almost a certainty that if Judge Humphrey entered the race he would receive the endorsement of the Orleans Democratic Associa tion. In addition to Judge Landry ,who was the only machine candidate de feated at the last primary for judge - of the First City Court. the candi dates so far announced for this post I are Judge John Fisher. recently de - ing for the First City Criminal Court - bench; Representative Conrad Meyer, and Attorney Ulic Burke. U Amended I iI / 0i ' - ~\ )I ' ii 4 /1. / t //i 4 // u i'--~ -45 69 // < / //~ PERSONAL HAPPENINGS 1.1I'111.: .~~TN Il)fT 1E I1'I.F: AND THINGS W( TIll"T OF NOTE the aI i a t intl, now ab. + at t i ntl -thool. Mr ant rll rd.r Il a ' .'or. ,ert . io v .laci.r las.t Sul:avy v tin.: a Mr and !,la-a. Lrouas Itrauner .Mrs. ('has. Lati net,e and f.unily t a:lo M i .ss O lli la 1 i ltona .p , at S un day it' Iilotxi, Miss. Mtl-' J.,-ophbin,' Ltaviinttt iS. tliache with relative- and fit nds. Mr. W. Dwyor has roturnad from i Itay St. Louis where h," spent somea time with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guepet of 214 Vesrret St.. have returned after spending a few days in Itataumont and Port Arthur. the guaets of Mrs. Licker. Mrs Guepet and Mrs. Kin-t singer. Mr. Andrew A. Ayers of 235 Belle ville St., enlistwede in the navy lasto week. On October th., the Shrine Band will give a concert at the local play-i grounds. Miss Sara Davis made the preson tation speech when the award to the class of 1920 of the efficiency cup presented to the college by Miss Eve Magruder took place at the student body reception to the freshmen at Newcomb College last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shade G. Smith are spending awhile at Milneburg. They had as their guests for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. I C. Rostrup. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith and baby spent two weeks at Mlineburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walter and daughters have returned from Jack sonville, Fla., where they spent two weeks. Louis W. Peterson will be grand marshall of the Holy Name parade which will take place Sunday. Nov. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey and baby and Mrs. Geo. Hildebrand left for H ouston and for Port Arthur. Mr. Walter Martinez has returned from a business trip to Galveston,. Texas. The many friends of Mrs. Albert flket will be pleased to learn that she is much improved after a serious illness. Mr. Vallier Judlin is spending awhile here with his parents. Mr. Jules Judlin left this week for New York. Mr. Frank Hoogoven motored to Raceland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Courtemanche of Port Artbur. Tex., were visitors to Mrs. J. E. Huckins this week. Mrs. Courtemanche was formerly Miss Viola Hildebrand of our town. Grandma Reynolas of 247 Pacific Ave., returned home after a delight ful trip of three weeks spent in the principal nothern and eastern cities. Mrs. Sidney Caflero and Mrs. Mayer are spending a month at Mil neburg. The many friends of Mrs. Hugh Cogan will be pleased to learn that she is recovering trom her recent illness. The ladies of the Orleans Demo cratic Association will hold a meet ing Friday night 730 at Clark's Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. McIntosh have returned from their honeymoon and are at home to their many friends at 506 Franklin St.. McDonognville. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh and daughters. Olivia and Irene, have re turned after a pleasant three weeks stay at Biloxi. Mrs. W. J. Isbell and Miss Irene L. Mcintosb are home after a pleas ant trip to ialals. Fort Worth and Longilew. While at Longview, they Hr " r t r. . ',I t r.fF,- .'r. !ati 'ilit'-r. St . i !...,i ' thi weV. k fe t S ncot '.;t::. nntl htlIIS I - o ' t r:.L (,hi't,,rt ,nt,rt: :ied. ;t d:,1,nn.r Sunday. in honr of MJi .t1 lm"! {. wl of llia ana. (' th . . i Mr. an ( Mrs I. V Sia.ra ain i.th: .l.,ta. hay'. rtunrn-d from:n I. -'kp rt. I.,, w h,,r,, th.",. at', n !,(1, th' I .anr . y-\Vac.u'poer'k nupial:s 1!s. St.,!la A.hri .at ,,n',rtair e l th. Mn!, Iil Nmb'.iht Eu-hr. ('!uh. Th, I: su.cc -sful players wear, Mis ('armnan . Abrihat. Mrs. Martin and Mis- Kate "a iOltrien. Miss Stlla Abribat re 'c'leved the m onsolatimn. T t"xt w rmeetirng will be held at the home of ha Mr; Martin. The Once A Month Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. L. Dea Laup. The cce'ssful players ,wore Mrs, aDeLaup Miss S. Kappler and Mrs G W. Pollock aplaying for Mrs. dif i)oase . Mrs P. O. Cafiero received e% the consolation. The next meeting I will be at the home of Mrs R. M Staples re Mr Raymond Richards has return- vi aed from Long Beach. where he spent ri his vacation. ' Mr. Abbert Ward spent Sunday at If Ohatawa. Miss. Mrs. D. Murtagh. Miss Irene Las-, r;: key and Mrs. Louis Peterson were! t visitors to Chatawa. M Mrs. C. McMahon and daughter A and Mrs. F. Weber of Marshall. Tex.. Ni are ruests of Mrs. F. J. Borne. Jr. d' They expect to leave Friday for i' home. Io Miss E. liBrchtel is home from : Lockport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koerner (for- L merly Miss Nimmie Buniff) are r'- g ceiving congratulations on the ar rival of a little stranger at their ri home , Mrs. Joel Lilly is spending awhile w in Hazelhurst. Miss. ft Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and daugh- o ter returned to their home in Eu- Ii nice. Ia.. after visting relatives c here. Mr. and Mrs. Eug. Chatelain and s son of DeQuincy who have been e spending some time here, have re- r turned home. t Mrs. Annie Louise Ford and baby 1 came in from Beaumont. They are t s en route to Abita Springs and were ( accompanied by Grandma LeCourt. ' - Miss Osceola Casler has returned t from Lockport. where she attended r the Landry-Waguespeck nuptials. it Misses Shirley Schroth and Eulah o Donner and Malcolm Donner spent a week in Lockport and Napoleon e ville where they visited Mr. and Mrs. rs L. Landry and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. . Brechtel. ly Mrs. H. L. Hoyt entertained the Tuesday Evening Five Hundred I Ic Cluhb. The successful players were t-! Mrs. G. W. Pollock and Mrs. R. A.. e Tansey. Mrs. D. Murtagh received s. the consolation. Mrs. C. Johnson *. will entertain at the next meeting. I- Mr. C. C. McEckron left this week for Scotland on a business trly. h Mrs. Naomi Campbell and family it have left for Covington. to make t their home. - , AIAIERI' PAVING JOBS FAIL TO' t- DRAW BIDS. 1 's No bids were received for the con struction of the Algiers outfall canal f h and Stanton-Beka roads Tuesday. at an the session of the Commission Coun is cil when the last of the bids for the e. street paving for the 1921 paving d program were opened. The roads e- are about four miles long each and s'extend from Algiers to the Plaque mines parish line. e - Several timely subjects are touch id ed upon in the editorial columns of ty this Issue. Weddings of New Orleans Folks (4)1 I'l.FW %'11o EINTEIRED T!11.. STATE o1 M.T"IMO)NY 4 lA I K-1I1% (, 'l)ltl). 1'!;I ti ri.lc' of Mr ohln ('!ark t 1M-; Alice l ,:ina ro was quie tly - - , :, l rite :t last r :,a. rv enin; l:"v. t .111WRIG!( HT-itI-"1Y-;)N t. 1 T:; miarr;:an e of NMi;s ('arri, ri SI',.nyso. deau-hter of I r and Mr- it I I it .leo.niso to Mr Wa.rren Wain- 1 , nr.. hit - n of Mr. and Mrs .\. T \ Va nii right. fuorrly of our town. r was celebrated last Thursday at the r ( home of the bride's parents. 1452 11 T.\r-alia Court. b - -h I i l"V IGT NtI O AI-MARXE! iN. h .A imnple but very charming wed- a 4 dir took place last Wednesday d eveni:" at five o'clock, when Miss c ,I Lotto Fe rn Marxen. daughter of i. Mrs. Leonore Marxen of 527 Dela- rn Ironle street, and Mr. J. Gaston iDu a - vineaud of New OrTeans, were mar- 1 t ried at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran n Church, by the Rsverend W. H it ifafner. The church was beautifully deco - rated with palms and ferns, and as d ,e the bridal party was ushered in by: Mi-esrn. James Fillery and Wallace , Ahadio. Mendelsohn's Wedding, d I March was played. During the wed Sding~ ceremony low music was ren- i r dared on the organ by Mrs. F. Macau-; li. and while the bridal party signed Sthe registrar. Mrs. A. R Sievers ysan the impressive "O Promise Me." t r. ILohengrin's Wedding March was given ais a recessional. . The bride, who was given in mar-a ir ri, e by her brother. Mr. Wmin. J. iWasson, was radiant in a gown of le white satin and bridal lace, beauti-' fully trimmed with pearls and sprays ( . of orange blossoms. The veil of il-Il 1 :-ion fell to the hem of her long t es court train and. was arranged in ^ap effect with orange blossoms and it Ad strings of pearls. The nuptial flow an ers were a shower bouquet of brides' "e- roses and litlies of the valley. The handkerchief which the bride used by was one of old lace, and was used re by the groom's mother at her wed re (ling. She also wore a handsome diamond platinum pin, the gift of ed the groom. ed Miss Esther Marxen, a sister of the bride, who was maid of honor. ah and Miss Velma Borne, bridesmaid. nt were lovely in charming gowns of n- georgette crepe: They carried show rs. er bouquets of pink Killarney roses. io. Theta Wasson, a niece of the bride, and little Olga Mae Gerrets, were he the flower girls, and looked fairy-. ed like in dresses of flesh georgette re crepe. trimmed with dainty rose A. buds. Their flower baskets were, ed filled with pink roses and carns on tions, tied with large pink tulle bows. The groom had as his best man. ek Mr. Edwin F. Emmer. and his groomsman. Mr. Paul Galllardanne. ily a cousin. ke Everyone enjoyed the very infor mal reception which immediately followed the wedding ceremony, at 1O0 the bride's home, where only the relatives and intimate friends of both n- families had gathered. Dancing was .al indulged in. and great pleasure was at derived from the cutting of the in- bride's cake. he Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaston Duvig ng neaud. Jr.. left on a bridal tour: ds through the west, where they will ,nd visit San Francisco. Los Angeles and, ie- other interesting posits on route. The bride's traveling suit was of brown broadcloth, and she wore a ch- velvet hat to match. The couple of will be away about a month, and on their return will reside at 3039 SAW MILL MUST REMOVE PLANT i,1.1 I 1t\ -. 1 I:\ 1.1 i ta ll  l l i l' I "' t1 " I I '1 1 I t - ll , lI ll - - 1 " 1 I i, i t X11 . . I !t ..... ..I - I r. S. : f. ,.t . ' . 1 • . , . . S - , I. .l ,' 1.. .. , 1 . . .. ' v I n . im . S t tr oft Sivo,: . 1.'k'rt L ai 'k ' 1' w . 1 : 1t th, . f nr: t r *. - r" , oi v f ;n r n n, Ir 1-d. L aT - I i, 'r * "a ou qu,. l of .. .. ros.. . e 0 , I" Stll , i , i t f s ohat totn v l i . tI, ho asr. ,r u i n .n i th, i.u.. I hs fath. r lonokt. lov Io. t. maicy - - l'* ,,.r ,.:i of :2u-iottt w.iis ar n, r.iaid in s ti'p mfftct and she car d, ri.d a bouquet of br!des' roses anMd ; , Iili..s of th'e valley. Misy 5)col a ('isler. cousin of the' Briie,. was maidd of honor She wore flesh goorgrttt heavily bwaded with ha t and sho, s to mfath and CLarried d-: U a ouq tlet of pink rones and Miss L.itl.se Walcu spack. sister of the erroomd was hridfemaer. She woer peach blossom georgitt o with trim a- tmini to match and ctied a bouquet i u- of pink roses. - Mr. Wauiruspack haw as hiu s b,to t oman. Mr. Mack Rtzan of lockport. 1: and as his croomsman. Mr. Iouis Schr:mp of New Orleans. L ittle Adeola landr. sistelr of the o-I ride. wa.s ring-bearer. She was as dlrissed in pink accordlan pleated by erepe de chine with rose bud trim e rming. while little Anna Helen Lan " dry. another sister of the bride, was d- flower girl and wore !blue accordian n- pleated cr"pe de chine with ross U- :bud trimming, both carried Maria Ad ntoinette Baskets filled with roe-' 'rs, buds and trimmed in pink and blue tulle. as Misses Eulah Donncr and Shirleyi Schroth, both cousins of the bride. ir- acted as ushers. "O Promise Me" J. was beautifully rendered during the of ceremony, by one of Mihs Landry's ti-' friends After the ceremony a re y' ception was held at the bome of the II- bride's parents. They were the ng reciplents of many handsome and ap cnotly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Wag nd uespack will reside in Lockport, La. I:r '/7' 47 BEI. J:4 I~· 9 w: :4 f.mmU 3 trI aamutAtrf :U SCHFi L ,EIKSt RINGING -. \ I ' . . , I to, 11 .:', ' , " ,',! N 1 tl'l I 1 ,V.. .* i. , t , r k, .:: I . 1 .I t e l)r Iil ln ''.l :.1 'h1 " 11'r :'' :r ilr ' I,' 'r. : l ouIne' - 7 - . r u : , lo i nt 'd i , th tir at I Ih I Ith e'a painful Itnd .X l t .. ...iin A q iab i '. "gnt.llnan ...n . i l.i rtl I .... V u tp,' he' kl., ',o  I i a.e will i't e' Ia tl lt "is t hil pr.ir~ r . IIIn our n Idtrll in ine pnIm hvto to the' inixth Grade hi;r t'nltar sd himself to his teache'rs l i, famtlr. have, the sin r '.'' and he ,artf',lt sympathy of the t.I achr, tnI pupil.- of Mclknogh No. 4 t; IIIELLEVILE N(YrFE. Mhiss Eulalie (;iblin i8 takini, Mi,. t Ituritit place'. S ('continued on Pag h I ONIA ONE' WARDI (1ILAS I'AIAI)E ' NEXT YZEAR i Therie will only he one parade hMardi Gras This will be ther - pageant of iiRx. King of the Carnival. ; Mardi Gras day. Tuesday. el'bruary - Many cauese'i are' assignied for not i reinaui urating the parade'se. stopped - during tlhei' war. (n'ne of the chief reasons advanced is that the different organizations r ave no suitable place in which to hold the'lr ballts following the streeta l ITIER I')' DASNCE AT AENI1 . On Saturday nighb. Oct. 2. the Al g iers rasehall Assoctation will give I another of It, series of dance', I w'rhleh up-to-date have proven a big - success Manetta's band will te on L. hant. Nuf! seld.