Newspaper Page Text
1PAGES THE HEIRALD. Boost For 2 PBetter Ferriage D)evoted to the pbhailding of the We.'t Sidel of the River. "'A very live anl creditablet . uiekl neu-ap.q-lr -- l 1\11% I 1 I1; : I:lt-;441I: yl. XXVIII NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURS[)AY. OCTOIBER 28. 1920. 's Happenings SLocal Community REIO'ILTI:It (.ATIIElS .Vr0 lt.1.F TI.G ,11IA lIII , S Mr. J W 1. ninox return syd night (.:n Washington, 1 th t . h th t' . . I'' th,. Hank totion .oorge hi'd. hr +.! ha re gm Hou-ton .":( .h,. was of her ..-'r Mrs To 01 . adeJi I:t list we.k of J H1r 5hr.'sport. - = week with s:." ;.-t,'r. Mrs C ter. MMrs, J 11 t:li.r .si . hoirn. -a n'i Texai Inpone Blanchard andl ,laugh i- s, left Saturlday for W hit, 10ad for Plai(tu mini to v";<t . Wilbert Ta:!-' I tidl, fl Avs... ell seeek whilt. pla'. m and suf a~dlaglt frac:ur" (o: th, collar Snyn frind, of (Gorc Der v 5 glidell Av'. %ill recrrt to Skhis illness i.W.A. Conkl:n and daucht"r. of Morgan ( 'it. are guiists ll J. P. Walter t. John Jaunder. '-. r.'taryv to Ir berger has rturned from uLI Honduras .M srry Maids will iive a Hal SlMasked and Tackey dance at tIdlae Academy Saturday night. W jL.. Music will be furnished WI JaI-E-Saz Band. A delight !j s is promised all who attend Ia . A. Johnson and daughter, a df f Houston. have been visit Mti frmends. Mrs Lilla Collins. SfuI Ave. li I D. Collins has returned home lts 1 Arthur. Tex.. where he has rt br oe time. Ijr Wor Escousse spent the week dig heton with his family. who:l . 5Mibg there. n . P. Laskey and daughter. Miss i Imlue, have returned, after a visit 4 a lie. Conn.. Philadelphia and : -- sal Mrs. Wm. Wattigney. of t 1s siret, have the sympathy of ~rmy friends in the loss of their -B telma Kennedy. Walter and J IJard Kennedy and Miss C. 4 I. d baton Rouge. were here to II* s Kennedy-Morris nuptials t al Mrs. Ernest Cayard and : Itllrs. Andrew Cayard. of Lafa- t .la, lahere to attend the Cayard h wdditag. 1 .iand Mrs. Wm. Kennedy left to- t St Baker, La.. where they will I lb khome. I Inr.ib B. Clifford returned Mon- ( tir mapleasant vacation spent in I I., Jamaica. l Mrs. F. W. Mathews have 'I 6Li psst their cousin. Mrs. F. E. I, New York City. B Mkw Anderson. of 407 Dela- t I4t MI yesterday for New York to t ilt khome with her brother. d iL t I. Ford and baby left for 'e k lbs ia Beaumont. Tex., after a month with her mother in a tlarigM and with relatives here. a tl May friends of Miss Eulalie t 4 will regret to learn that she hi Is u operation at Hotel Dieu e kMaal of tonsils. She is doing i, It . Mrs W. L. Hiupperich and lave taken up apartments at t, Il ravenue. IL Dill, of New York, has tak- t 'i residence here. I J. Borne entertained the Night Five HIundred Club. be ul players were Mrs. It. Sand Mrs. R. Stenhouse if Mrs. E. Macnairi. Mrs. 7Islal received the consolation. i II. Lorio will entertain at the lbrhlage of llss Lena Pfeiffer. Mlo Mr. and Mrs. George Sad l. nd Jacob Lentz. of L will take place on Thurs t( m entertained the N ICMlt Eaehre Club. The suc- g OAhes were Mrs. E. Martin. o t..dlmia and Mrs. F. Skelly. u IlN ricks received the con- y I Peg Mack will enter- a SMt meeting. rt rOpls entertained the d , | c Euchre Club last week. w puty Yas given Sunday or -e Mr. Clarence Landry, of W t who has just returned A S, aclng was indulged in J1 *W/le time spent. i RREL OVER WOMAN. L lt of trouble that arose t oer a woman, Edward c Mu 20 years, of 1239 Belle shot and dangerously elther negro named . aged 21, of 816 El- h a Tuesday morning at Whsthern Pacific Railroad SAlgers. Simmons was rt Holpital with a bul Swhile Owens is held i the outcome of his Owens was arrest 'el n Lynch and Bayer. ALEf CONOTINUE. Ic __ W-bef corned ,beef and J U IN the specials offered by J. =- Saturday at Verret ft *LIeen will again handle 8 W.Ument supplies has th .ed, but no day has as b t or the sale. at FERRY PATRONS STAND IN RAIN S('().'PAN"Y IGNOIES ORDI)IER ()F NEW OR)LEANs MAYOR- AIAIdilt E I P'FAEIºI, AmtE A ROU)I'SE. 'lth that -aiiit" r ntetmpt fr th1e at 'oninvxitJatnll . ,atfety" . d :t1 ) ,- lternienlepp ,f the travw-ing public. th. S.o,,th.rt: I nlriro ut'ine't ;lid F".irt (I "'ltipany 8 tV" in;1It-lt ir slap in thei fjct to the SAlgit-r, peopl.- when thei refui-ei t ere t :e "-ipip tary shilt. r it th.' h. if ttrz.L l strict. is ord.-rii l. .t k M~lir mlor.- than tuoe ,tweek- ; H ., The n Hi i, ,'f Alm.r;." hI. v ,,i o r -:t. hled the bim it ,,f ndoirln(! ;nd t the t l:!k at ,*v.-ry hand i. for thi' i ldnll1g t tI n lln n il tl in tlo( Ili. 'tlllt 1, \" . th" publi, on this side , th - rier t, p t,>t a;i;tii-t the tr.tnimi-ht ,.or! t- d theum .i ,I to protest againtit 'ht eo' r'ntinuil tl ttltrin of t!i feire frar t 'hiMe lThli. Ir'FIr ( npuii n' t ilIa ' 1. airill u . sitlv. a. nd fifteen min;t, s. h.d tiul, . rloII. their boat- ' eiVyntd a: . ;urt- 'ntrary ti iaw No lisible, eftort is i.'!::II mll,ti ti r l-pair tht' ditni 1g.' 1Ion, 1 th i." ' -tolt caving t the' bulk, .i ~lorg:ln stireet Their TntIO ohtir luttiulos of thie Fran, ltIe at'.r ,not tt. .'-ary to erntion no ,t4. but ir. well knozi wn to the tr.iveling puhlic It is ; tlteJ ,I t n;tun of a r deter ninc.d popI.- Oho hale -ouight i-. .tl itvi i- thait a miou.mnit -.houlj hi -.tarted ito the frt:n, his cif tth ,Southern I!lpri, -lrntlnt iand ferr ('monpant i ,an ilihl by order ,t o court and the .ope tioni . thie ferri-u- ont ductlit lr d thi city To SAVE ALGIERS POINT. (rlpan' Iwrvelr Board Will ('onsltruct Dhouble iulkhead at Morgan Th eplt'ieutiv comitte e of the Or-[ Sleans Lviee Hoard held a special ses. sion Tuesday afternoon for the pur -poset of drawing plans anld specifica tions and publishing proposals for bids to construct a double bulkhead at thei head of Morgan street. where the re cent cave took place a bout a monthi ago. As this is an emergency. the board has authority to act at once in this matter. At the meeting the Southern in provenment and Ferry C(ompanry a tas ripresented by Mr. Virhander. and the IWest New O)rleans Railway and Light 'ompany was represented by Mr. E-: W. Burgis. It was estimated by the engineers that the first bulkhead. which will I consist of piling, to be constructed as near as possible to the present street ciar tracks. will cost in the neighbor hood of $7.000: the Ferry Company and the Street Railway Company each have agreed to pay one-fourth of this amount, the balance to be borne by the Orlians Levee Board. Proposals for bids % ill be advertised for ten days. It will require about sixty dlays to fin ish the work. Other plans of the Orleans Levee Board which are being prepared by the engineers will call for a double bulkhead at this point. This is being done in an attempt to save this prop -erty. The government engineers have also agreed to sink a mat at this point and arrangements have already been en tered into with the Levee Board to have the successful bidders for this emergency leave the piling sufficiently high so as to aid the government in placing the mats. The Board has the right. however, to reject all bids and re-advertise should the estimate be higher than the opinion of the engineers and Board DIED "OVER THERE" BODY COMES HOME REMAINS OF THOR. J. MOONEY, AIAERll S BOY, WHO DIED IN AU GUST, 1918, TO BE RE TURNED HOME. The remains of Ensign Thos. J. Mooney, who on the 14th day of Au gust, 1918. gave his life to the wservice of his country while on duty abroad. were due to arrive in Brooklyn, N. Y., yesterday, October 27th. From there. at the reuest of h mother the ohismt re mains will be sent here for interment, due notice of which will be given. He will be buried with full military hon- I ors due a naval officer. Ensign Mooney, who was a native of Algiers. was the only son of the late Judge Thos. J. Mooney and Arabella I Covell. To young Mooney's credit. though he was exempt from military service due to the fact that he was in the engineer's department on ships croAssing over to the war zone. his love for his country prompted him to enlist in the navy as a warrant machinist. Within a few weeks his efficient work won him the promotion to ensten and he was assigned to U . S. S. Bali. on which ship he was s ricken. All honor to the memory of the little ensign from Algiers MASS MEETING SATURDAY, O. D. A. AT PYTIIAN HALL. The O. D. A.'s will holdo a ward mass meeting on Saturday night at Pythian Hall. in the interest of ,the candidacy of N. E. Hnmphrey, as Judge of the Criminal Court, and W. -. Hennessey for representative, and for other minor officers. Mayor-elect Andrew McShane and Joe Klttridge will be speakers from the city. There will also be local speakers. The public is invited to attend. WOMEN VOTERS OF THE FIFTEENTH WARD WHO WILL CAST THEIR FIRST VOTE AT NOVEMBER ELECTIONS Voting Strength of Ward Increased Approximately 1300 By New Registrations-Names of Those Registering From Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Precincts Printed Below. \1 1_ _ 1" ,.;I I : . I I,. II~i 1 ., I : I I" r,1 .% ' I I t' . . , I ' . "I: ., ' I I. . .. t, :. : r t\ .1!. It t .. 1tr . I, r i ,. ,t1 4.", I It r ;j, IT . \, . I I I f . l,~ r I."1 1 \'., -!111 :.'" I `\i !ii , " II _ l,. I ' ··I I. 1: , '.!1. 1,'44 " ..t ,. rt ,. I , " t, I . ,,. . 4.. '. It i. I. . \t II lil:' \I. 'I 4.4.! : At:_I "1 tr I i tI , I__ i .., .! . i ,.h u st.,. W a rt,!~ 't, ( !,r.,"", I. r ;.rt I'., I'. I r.,1,. t. I.1 ."11"" l st.!. I. '111 1:i1t.: I ii . 4 XiI nt , '." l I ':. ", ire I ir s .Ii4 114,, I. It1e. l'.tl:1 .1 l I:I I".., tn. II. ins 4 I~utý,.nl is'. "11 : 424 ti 4 \Lrct r. i .. oris: .11 1 '. . : . 1 ,.rA.: 1 ',, i It.., 4.4.rs4. t 4,OI:.r,sux '.I4 I'.,. ii." 4. I "'hr.',ri,. '14,.s '"·· g: 5ar1 ' t_1 4424 I."rtt::,I : r k. " r 4' LI"I". I r . I4 ' : l I1'.." ' :.r, '.I,45I? I·n 4.15, "IIII '4141.4. ')i.17 4,44.. 44 t.0ifr., 4... a.4411i 41., IlII,'. II. - 4I( 7ii '4Ito,r4,4. 44' 4 ,'l.·r., 11111~ii :, \Ii·ttI1* .", . 111 'll·tt.. .. " : "1 :,r ." tl. i". j.4 r~t '4 4' I ri tr " '4 . 4.t, I ;.rr.-- I:21. 4'. . "L Il. - ii iiir h ". sfl , a't.s Ilj .', x 1.44-a ,' Jr!, 4 ran, \VI~ '..\. A rlma 4'.'. 54KbI; o. k.4r,_7 I Uli~r, r 4' lIla . r a I:14:. l1+I II ir .21 ,I'. " , j' \I' '4,1 lT'.aI 1'4-hnai44. 1441 I:14.-lr.' 4. Katier'. 1-Il04.cit 4 1,'r2114. 4 54 7 . 4- '.:,r. 4.44, II; it "' ".tn,'.i7.'r. 4III lit'rr, S.idon I i..i , Iii: iii k ',ih. 4 1 :."il.''. ,ill, -\Ir.":t \'. teitli·HSr 1iC. I:" Ih":irli I 14.1 I'.4)r. , ,l 41". 4.45 r \[;I r .. Ell-it 44p.rrick . 'Si4 1.. 4l~ SIr. I'.-srkh.4',oI. 471 4t~uk.'4.t. 140·nro44a Isifls? I.,,u4.r1. 441: l:,~ti.44..4, 1liii. 4 hr...!'. ' rl.-! .".gr. 4 '4..447I'l,,4,' %I',r.. K.\ .' .r..42 EllJ I ! r'.,, Iir, 1:,4"i4. l .1 r4. ,,.','t i'i,,, 41. I:244 14.4 . 14114 h 4 Ei',..~u EIIltr ,4'4 4."l ; IrdI. .\it it i." I.Iit :olI,. s, .'i. r 4_J It. 40.'u. I;I'. 4 44 ho .A . u ElmirH. ',ar'y K.'':r,1.t~i "41.h..'.. 41'. '.442 4 ul'" Iionir (.ord,. l.:dill 4 CU) twpia". Sllo'.n M'riu," .Iei,'r r.,c. rn:n 422 P11 E..'r:, Vlle ' hl4 r "4.' intr1 4i44 "14,'Il. . 1-:tir 51'o 4 h.'nI:.,, . M".4 l',,.441 .-. .vi, a ('h vlvl a t 'h M1.', 11111."1011.3.. rY E.4114114 S.'1'.der.4 41isull .rl,.nur.P1.4 I Ali- a4. 4;h.4.4.'r' John.r,(1.444) Verret I,' 4..II '4 4L'hrdi ,ak .W4an. 1: .141 25 11 Iirlt Mn 44." '44'aa.'r.i 4,4444"r 415.Il.Al. 4.IrnrI t 4.'og. 4,4. 4)1: 4 '."r r Pura.Is- 1"A"1,. -Itn.. 4;1 1:4lln, rt, Mts:,,i, llni.'l I',r.4.r.SIn(n 54'. 4.'.rr,'tl l'r.'dtl-. Lai'ozl Li4r4,-I. 541 1:,"rr.-t I 4Julia .4hr.u.i,., "4I.',I4 .,n 4244 14el.14.'.44. .Isi;, I i-al,, . I.-r..o'.. 1:7 Elrmira J..,"n'4j, 14,alui, tlonsnt. 4141 Vall, '.4, i Ethi, Elizabeth, 1ll4.4..'i. 4444 14.4.'. 44. .l'- l W.-r.,-r l i.4il" . 4.44'z. 4.. rr F.rnili t,.rp" Coffe, rr: i11. 1kmirn. I Ihe Ma'j4ii.'I 4;odr'o4,'n . 440 4 I 4pev ,js Ruth~r .4.44,', Elizabeth n. rdn 44.4 14110.. lMarth, Sta.,.d.'o I-4,*14,rd 441,14 4' 440.lo1a "4loni.' n 14;ia l,'r,,s triz *.'t.,. 1. 4.= Pa ii Velra Voeilin '44.44'.r, .01.. 14444 4.elI4,'~e. F44'.t*, Sutherland. 4444'. 4 44.401.1 Emma~i) Ss-har..'... 4S~n-.-'.-n. 462. I4-4,'..lIi' Ann).. 4VhI,n-. Johj44 t.' 51 441) Itc., il.11. E1'...etl, \4rim,.'. '.44.,,,' 424. I-I: Insir: Mayd.I.. Yeager. W2 .4.tI,nt i,. Marga.r'et Mo." S1r.'u.a.115 42 K 'ni: hr Ma l. 31." Iiaut.r-h1111. 4 417 .4.~a tI.e-. 11.'nrlett.. r4'4h1,51) Burns. 42 1'a:.i, 'abeln,." Johnsn g.'rv, 44042 IPst,'lfl,' .\.1.I. r~n".' lTujagneII Edll FImar I.01 PIr 1.~uiZ.4't Crawfo!'rdlr ('oa.', 716err oula' 'Enrima l4Inam.',. FItrI.b441.4.t ant.'." A\ntnh.'t. MI'arne~ 144'"nal. 4144 l,t"j44 +: '444'Ira MAryi~~ ('brnei h" 42"1 Va"Ilveit,' .Jullia llrownl ('hoater. 523 Elmir.a. K4at..y Irllron K.".tber, '4114 Eir,,I:I. An'lhnie 1-l~nson O.Ad,'am- 440 Elm za Idar Alcell N.'b,'rr, 4244 Pa-itei.-." MaJg'.e;I.n FLubI'r Mye.k. 4111.'1I1'I.",i,.r J4lanepID Ia.1el,.ert 001 I. 621 Ealmera. Myra ; e ) I ol an Tuob. 42.41 1Eu'Iti~.'r. Smara J~ouly 4;rilmeal.l 41114 E :11"r1, Irmax." 1'h,hrodqt, 41044 4)p.'Iou'"a:. AuIna Sc4lhroedtr I(;lrnande. 43:1.*4 IlII.'.ie. Annie (a...,,nni' Ki'leno. 701 Evel."in, .'. IAdele I..'ahot ahl .Atlantic.'n 401.Ie.1 Katherine. Mli.I Sireusar. 425 44 El ira 'si t'.4.4.b M. Khoeenanu~. 6 11 Elmira. NOTICE! TO THE ALGIERS PEOPLE At the request of many of our Algiers citizens, and in obedience to these requests, we consider it our duty to call a meeting of the citizens of this district for the purpose of making arrangements for the holding of A PUBLIC MASS MEETING to protest against our present ferry service and to take such other action as will be found necessary to give relief from a general ferry system detrimental to our commercial wel fare. This preliminary meeting will be held tonight at the office of The Herald, 500 Verret St.. at 7:30 p. m. The public, both men and women are invited to be present to help make preparations for the holding of this public meeting. * . I,· I . .. r . · 1% 4 4 \1 ! . .1.. 1 .: .I. 1 ifI.,'. 41 -I . ý -.I ,.. , 1. 1 . I'. . - H 4 . "i 1 1"" :. ·:' · ' : : :1 : I 4: . ...,. t Al4 ,u4. I" 44 \ .1 I I.. ,, 1, o , I I, \1 I . , 4 "1 11:,,1. , ,.I 1 _:1, 1 :, 11" 4444 I 1. .11 4. I:4* 44. 44 1" \l 111.- I.. 11 4;'7 1'.,, 1; 1·111t 4. ýl II r44,1 I' tl;, :4 , 4:,, . s 1 . .1 " .t 1:1 ."1 I f 1:11..:" !1, . " ,4T '. : 44 i \, V r r. ". I I, '1: ,2 .1,' 4l.T. 1 .r: 4 1 I. t n " r __ .. 41'4.' .\ I., 1 . I: , - t..:.. 1 '" ; .1. 11 ." \I ,r, \~.l 'I "," 1,:II . \l 44444 *. .; : 7 , 4;.. 4 . . V , 44.. Ir '' '444 \. 4 'r". s:14 . i 1 ,: r..I ,r ! 4i. 1,. 1 444. 144 1 144... l Ia :i I ..~rr 4 11 "11, 1 , i -1. ,,11r , f I." 1 ini 44 4 , e,4.4 44. . I 4 eu . 1:".4 %1\1111 \~1~~Ic~u 1.;:En El\('T. \.11u , : 1 14.\4 ,1:11." 4 'r 1-, 1.' +_.rr ,4 r 44.:4r4. S:z '..i, t 11. ii.' ''1- " 4)4.4.I:..4 I lInr? Ii 1, o1r1.rn-It; 11",1",1t 41..:trl,:. i' r I. 4 ll4.ii1", 1(41.) II ll4 4 .,4 ,n1.i" 4:n IT 4 !-I 41 4 ln44 4 444.. I I: .4 II.It1:444 414444,44.. , 4.1 4lt.."*r.r 4 .:1-.4. 11:,+111." S444l _h. 144. 471 7 I41.."I4 ,u-," 4 'r.\ Iii 44 4.4ii.n.1 1:i,4 g.4 444, '.27 44.447 I:V,4 an 41 4 1414 41414 t.4'. . ) I.oi ur l \\ Ihrr Hht I'lanM '.rr I'" nt I5's rn l I ir llc. 1 °' '."r1" .' I I ,i- ,r" Itch, r \. -. . 44,.t4 1,4414 -.4 44ar% Sh il, i, 4 :r,4 " 1.1444. X 444 4':"I,,444, l:"":,tri,." Ionkib 1",,1.) nil Elinin. 44,44I: 4l4144... 44 ..44 .r,r 744 444.4.44.tI.. \11,.. 1 4;tt C , 1111.1-11, 7: 1 4 .4 ( 1 ':,.4 4 '.' I ~',l41 " Hahn 4444.r4.4444 . ".445, 4' 1. 4.44,, fu... 4 r .t 41 .4 .. 7 .17 5 1:,"11."' , . - 4444 Vlt E4:ri~. 777 44;. ,4..r4l 4444'l. 4.4,,,.i 44rt·.4.r.7t 14., 4d 4 Su t .,,i4 114 . 4,2. 11."11.. Il. L--ro )ta 11 had-"u I~an';dot. 1,2: I'p."]ju. I 444 .4.414 44 I:, \ null .4ridol. 1;1.. 4.L. 444 - Ida I'.sl1 I::, k-y . II""r Vr -a St 44,,I*. 14' r',, 44U fl. 744 r 44911 .1':444 \1:,r L'.444444 44.4 .4 . 417 17 4.' . 4,, VV44ll 44" 4.044414. 4;" i. I. '.7: 14 44444: 44 44o 4.'.lI 4404. 7:1(4 401 1.i-r.' 4414 '.r ;.4 K .4 144444 4.4-. -.4 '- 7 Iglu I,..t I,,I 4.4, ' 44 41,4 :44.1d" 4 \."4f 44:44 73t; I:.1444r 1 4 44 411, 4 414. l'r.,: .. 925 It'll'44.41 4 .\14444 VI I. (444 o.41 4'4441:411, 4124 1 .44514 I-: S4Loci," jrir 4444phl .4 ur 44 ol.), ".37 I4. L," ,Il '4lln. 44'1444t I('04. 74). 4':tl,'.,. .I4,.r\ S l e 1.74.1' arit1, 4;,"0444 4)Wd .Irodln . ., 42447 I:. 4.. .1i:44.i II.444444 i I4 4 7 I. 7::. 4 Elmir Anna4444 S .44kls .r t buns44 4 'r1 .t-" '.417 It"i"tl .4Iath." 44a44..rn," Lot 4!444 SIlu4..4 Icrrrtl1 Ilorun, .su k "i:: l.) 0)1 nic-as. S 41lt4,4 M4,11'4.4 4 Johnson. 72(41.4 44444.4444 4.44r44444 444,1'4":.Q t ,4 4.4 1i . 711, I 41 441441': 4.I rj.. 44:aru, I's*\.-l.4 4.,'4.4. 1120 EldII~r 4.44444i Mi4r.44.4 4., of r40 -2.4: O444a 44U41 Er114.4l 144414 . t0 (-.. . 41440:.'4 1 4jan44t.. ºn : 4ta~4 4 Y4u44 g 14)2:4 I)4. 1241_ 44444 t 41 n.. 44 l- " 44.r .. 4.11 Slde 4iV444 144 flnv Kl:n. 44442 44444e~.44 414.41:1 I <44II4444 444444o. 110 '444 Pacific 44,, r a 4 1.r 444444 440.4h. 44'44 7444 A r1444 4 44~1 44 It Wi.o -4g.u T !r4'04 4 40 4 )'lus.414 4' 444'.4i K "lrt .1' 4104144441'. 1', l I'll..'ti.. 4t."ni..4t 4\L4Neal 1444.4,4 7l444 Ta ltr F.1." 44 444,444441 4h4444.,u,1;.I13 , ."444 44 :it. :4.44444. 44hih.t North 4 :07 4444..4444.. 4 'I'h".- ''n 4id}',1'4)2:1 '.4) 44"1iiwa1' 444"n.' Iou.'. 44.a4,:,r.4 14)2 1,44,.4.'. 4 44444V44:l 44-uin 4 4 12V4 of 44. I . 4424.'h1 .w,'.lj 4.444 4.a 444' 444 41V044e T r to'. 7.1.4 ), .37V Pa 1444'4'f *. 4':44. r ions nor, 14.11' 4 V :1.4.tr4. TF .r.4. -a.. 1444Vlrr: J.'la .r'.oi 4144;., 2 S d '4l., 414444a 4j. 1, .rtornd. 410 444.4. 727 -.. r 1:11 l 4V.1 .fowl 44.r4e,'4.1 4 t.41.4.'.4 4.4114r444 4 44o.ina444 1101',4n" 5.4144,rp~rnt... 41444 (2 l'o. .44.. 4 1."ý u \ 44cr. !44:1_ 4)44441443." 4'lor44n K." Watrer44 WeIf , f. 14444 Newtonl.' I 'i'il~na ViK.,n 1"44d4 149 4). ,24 omli..s n~oa t,.444.44 Ian .. 4,4 4eo14 Na.4444 lnyau." 4042rvt 4'rrl.).51 ~nayp Enora Wc4,er.p S.45o~pr 6pIO47 N... u .lo- ph4044 Elenast 4(15 oih. Jtrallev`e1 41r4.i-Igt 41ro4h.14146 Suterland.1444Ia t I...ntn ,.i J44C4404 ,'I eo'al.on, 1124' L .. 14o iiuf El -it44o 44,a4thpu Carpnterr. 713 ()pe4ouaa. 1.0orU444 '444 M. pQur4:11og 908 44444'tt 11414144. iTle4 oblyWar o.t. `;144 Newton44.. I ',Io..ca4K.4i.4011.Wr61h 1pae4o wt~l a.14 el. "4r li ,.. ( 4,Idnwto. 1010 Verret. 4t 1 I' I .1. . . i . . I , " l . . . . \i i. I .. . :r, , I . .ii.i .." 11' . r- * '. I I , I \I il ! I I * '. , . I , S ',i t lti. Ir , t ei.e n- I, .. i. . .. \. t. llll.l l , kl. , -1 ce ii l l, I i "' " ,'. 1., ' '. , 1 . , Il hT. i 1' , ýI N I '.+ \I .,1. .1 . r 1;1% .1 , l , I '.r ei . '4r hll - .in I i 1 . :it i \ I: l... t I: lilh , 1'1.11 I N.- 11\ t * .',.II I . t ,ii. ,ll; ,'84 l'u.t .\\, , \rl , l , .. uo1 ol. m i 1:orne G I V ,lu l, , o SirL r ll ut, Il' lll .c r.el \ ',. L e Illmit e ,tI z-e :I 1, i lltlel I' TII I'i . '7 eIN ". c \ .I i . l . " \i , rtie . 'l, t. I 1e4.l . 1 l.ih ..r1 Ell: lt1, I .i lli r ,i .. 11 i:t .et r , ,, \l. 1r ie ttli rtle\I 1i .tl r ti. 1115 1'e i"".r 1I'1 IIrII! I·ll of. .,l' | rt.h. 11. :1 Sllrllltlll. i I- i, el.k c1 'llt iri 1K 1I-.-. 1:72w l-8t rrn . eit I iistien lerre-ter ' lell et.·. I11. N i 'iiiiN r |i. l n, I rei ereII nlir e-I. ttr- ti i1 1 i:nC 'I.i, L1or.alt, .l,, , l. Ir"_7 r ,e l-,Iti i : ma,. I( o ., d ,' e tc I j i. "j lc . ill. 1 l - clt.r. Fe",l.i, Ilen, lrri,, Iheeer. t.l l't W 1.ttc .. I- .e.rti e It., ;ill , n ll,' . 14 trri utI 1.edtI'r l nl rlide n t ic I.iri . I.\ e0 l: :1r 1.i Slot: ion.n 1l 111 u Ielrc'tt l. 't lll g ,. l( iirjeec. III:/ S liiw, r 1 li/ h,1 lh l.ini:k, K:,i- . r. 1 ·':i , l":rr: ln r, hli etrl t.l:, tttI fle.r .I, t I .. 111"i iNum. r ' ar hlli : lro ' -u ral llo i l. ! ;, Si ':tt r ,' l.ruc a tlifr.t tt;:attlir , l r. 10 S imte on l 4l ..i In : L dry I.r. ,ke .. l rreult 1:t( tn i,. ', ,l.tlr lli l. , tlG; w ,r ",li.. i lrrln% :l' hu r ,ill . 1 l, n St.r I.lerE l i: t 'net l ,,.lill,.. i14 ec uice .hun t y . e4,-1 .4 ine ca>. ttl 211.r1 er, i the rite vell tto R1 e:k. :.\si e I e ei strr ellecation .. '.- ItHin - ;21 Nle e. Selr 14 Rier-line.ti ie 1 Ne-c r i t. .or a 1( tt'ell"na I ," 1ri 1' \t ." tumnler tlie iS. eettipi- . I, : ,. 1 N.iletr . Loui ;Iliffort V tIe IiI,,t . r, ,0 nnr117 Su - Idet ic h lri't e ir. It O S Nitirr Iut Vioh V:ttie:ncy. I.I lcuneljr Loui.,.,- Kr I : hI : ffer l t. F" Is. l:,,\ " f i;r , 11. 11r"t" . 5 i4 1.** :,,',r a lHe.i Mtarlht Slreane. Tiltinn St lBorl .d ,'.ll Slt etl ar r . .1d1na Ml Ie t 1t I ils. olh:l. Nel N ton I a urt I ltn "ic-- i . t.icetn . : 15 1'iitc-r-cif. iMaerx Frice iIr i nti Itrlee. a1211 -:Int ee to M rery I-e ltoh 'l i . 1r14o . ,12 Nit e t ont I erhe I eill ]i. Ie hina. :111 . Ne tion oIi. i l tieeon l'.l e-r.i -eel I. 11eee Sun 4 e, i:ie I Oi l , u.o , Ireee e erll. , tile et" Sit. 4 iie I- .Intri IL W ll nd . I f N t'e: . l neot pi olellita Illtn:I Streu.M - . L."1 Ilhre lae. lettoe I ll . 1 IElee. ,.c nerdlll . i ri-i' oe li rea Le narde Leondi ir l t'. Emem Lin I oaeton l.orldon tl l'te. li:Ei Slleto I ill. 191e N ero l'n e W1ilee Ih: rit - Fe l er (citu h lte4 L.rIln:iiille.a .Mrzin E le d Iin ol ; l.t rd. P lIc lon. IThemai r )lffc.t .111,. l Se"tmi f t ,.er louIrse te ien 'otilI l. 7. 10:1. F irrac lut MRit ('ain . I' 14 "rr rrut. ('arrel Ite Ituir 11173 Newt on ,en ia JIollIns In r.l. eo1.). . eo On St ('lei. I, lr;lilit Ta;yll (uol ,. ]I3 \VIce n t r Folhirs Prleci:ln tr+ouy. Le.narivrl t. Lotht Lroeaird ofIy. Leanrd alvn,.a. fMr i ormterli:v Ltorird Lienr olfhre trnenet Loian I 311ard. lMonrd ltreet. Seconlld, Pren -inchtr (,mi elw.loodilh. sidr ica. aen, 'rguson telarier ,the Nivirton rveride l of errr,.ut Lociat onuvin 40illol. E 0i Farragut hulmid Ptt P'arin, 1041 t oarraguth sita oOeulua. 1s41 avenurnto . lnermolft tuh Wail. ho73 Newton frmra Rollins (tol i. sideon o et ('larn Rolins Taylor ol ). ocdaton 73r. POLLING rOOTHlre First Precinct-From the river to the river side of Pelican avenue, and from the river to river side of uerret street. LoPation 311 seorgan street. Second Precinct-From the wood side of Pelixtrn avenue to the river side of Opelousas avenue, and from the rover to river side of Verret. Eoeation. 403 Elizs street. Shird Precinct-From the wood Otde of Opelousas avenue to boundarye ofne of the parish of Jefferson. and from river to rivwr side of Verret and Hermosa street. Locatione 738 Brooklyn st re7t. Fourth Prcinct--From river to side of Whitney avenuet. Locationb side of Alix street ot rler side of Whitney avenue. Location - 832 Evelina street. tion. 1600 Newton street. WEST SIDE CAR HEARING THURSDAY 4 , 1 l1 i' .14 " 411 \, II. 1\1 I I * I :-.." I'll:1',t I' 14 I It I I 1 ' 1 i- . i 1 1:I, 1411 % 4% -11 1 !:1 I'' 1 I 4 11 4 I 1 I\. !; I h ltll i iI 1' 1 h t e it- n :I 1 " t t . i 1 t " . i "._ " ,1, ,, i. ,I ,.,'r . , .t . 'ti ; in , ha , t 11r I:.,rcl : .t, ,, •te , r. ,r line t,, ftarvi. l t otit the I.4 ii irtip t !hat "I1: r tt .I .re1 ntI. til,,g1 . 4 l . , . h f. n lr i. f le r f ti i t h:the lute.... pu1l. ,in' . d -i a I ' nte14" 1, 1 tI14r 4in ,.tl ,ly . 1 .4 tn tvr r44 i t. ii .ll t it, great 4 l " I " . ,itt it, t, the l r it-.foe. I.fare ini .1t I e r,4s.. , ,n 4the Ian ( ot the siit'tinllt ef the o-y h s"I I ' t .er . . .iltl I ' li 't Ic l' f t ltr the it, :'il : ro tl hi , dith n '. hliitg ib it Vote For thl thdge Hul rd re i oenten 'i It has also TAT pointedI out youh tgo to the polls on T -ll loJu a.l , Iumphr to nlt position ofa Jmany of the patrons today al ('oit. ngyou a tihov tou nfata hIlave ck itlence. r nlo:t.k past for'. pis althe int raor . n I the of ofthe willstatement of then com pany and the dhiiand of t n.ositions it . nts there . l ill be little 1 i t ran th cout he orultrl Ii an politicalhrey When you go tol tical polls otuent s a- ,i n vitlltiin of law ani, common dlo·- N. FlHum. i phrey. When you elect ceney Mt +.n w ho ha'.l' known J+tzdg.' Judge l umph for rto th po sithat hion of liftll has hve placed there a man inc tions towar+d min. IVI pa ,lt ad pre ,nt. whom you may have linc of justiidence. A anils past life is always a forerun-n that tr of what he willeek a t then placeds of the. E.lioraphrey is not a man thaty. ou should hebe troll by any polte for organization, to ive any verdicts tohe Timplease his political constituents and isay iof Judge ,andry the principal opponenti of J lu dgt Humphrey. n casting your vote for Judge of the politIcs and v cetrtfonhrdthrdfww a polities and vote for the man. Lihtnlng lstruck the wires lead-f ing to the transformer of the South lhio thrleanlt kight antd Traction othvilleco at 1 o'clock Saturlay after noon and completelr crippled the tcon rclal. lighting ervice andh h'let+ car traffic for one hour anhI forty mincutes Vork men employed ihy then r Itpan ty reach(i the scene shortly after the L occlarren e aindi completd the repairs as luickly aIs posl,,l.n r I'ropert holder te along both oitme for their property. Wohie no direct information could be ascertained at present it is known thoat these imn-. qulrien are sent out and the l hppori lion is thatuk the ompany desires l the buildings on the Elmira street side of Pacific avenue for the purpose of furnishing homes for their employees, while that portion of the Southern Pa ctfc side ron Padfic avenue is to be used for the further enlargement of their plant. REASON FOR ELEC[ING HENNESSEY 1I- 1 l t l . lt II Il I .ll II . . 111 1 h 1' 1ll.l1 l i \,l l"\ 14 1 ii 111I 9 li . I 1 l1 1 , . I i I 1\ ( I I.,I 1 it SI ti h 1. I: 1 t ii ,1 . I 1 I. : .t " \1 rt It" s,, t.. u t t '' ; . r' ' , :' " t. . ' , . r l .,"I t , ,·. 171' 1 1 1' r i t, ' ' h, .. : , 1 1 .. . ,1'. a i t ! 1 1. : , n ,: : .t , i " L .1 1 : : I n'+ .. h .l 1 n ''\ .. r . 1" ... ! fi"i ... , It h .91U II .11 1r'' ., itdf Itlh . all ,' tI.. t o n, 4 . 1m ti thI ,911. 4 I11 x 1t, 11 11. . 9 p lth. l'. .itil I '.irt: i . I.Il . ,t , h I. . If i9, l l.t d" tIII t1 . t e r, "i r. t it,l .19 lo.i i h . to 1 r lll , ;r , t." 'tl , a tl l-' ,t9 4 l.\Iti.i tr ;n t l.- t,. amiii help tramet :1 nW 4w ca1n tl4utlion11 \9I1 llf 91 r; ascirln. coulpl dl Viti, lltl firt that Martin lehrnman w,4 uld lt' in1 Strl .gll colpnilplin i, ar convg enti iltn I sIti posisI of a imlajority of members dcl. gntetl by, the Ipeoplre who rIc' ntly repuittl;tt ,rl h ,int- thIe poIlll. certR inl y ,llo ,'s n9oto jUstitu the voters' in I~'nring hint to such an illport.nt lm. ti ng. where his Jlresen.1i4 e wiould be *sfual uli'. t ' lto lh. h vtlclnt tpt a . ce ., :hle, lt fll .1 ol,,nnetislty and thereby do Algiirs .jtlstilc. hsIp is fully qtali flied y tralining and exlpriene., is la nativlE ion. anti ,ll e rl(lihd upon th o do lqual justice to all in a true mtIl MA1t LIA at;I Ori TH E W IeK. MORRKIS- HENNEDY. The Illrriage oif Miss Eleanore Kennedy to Mr. ILyle Morris, was relebrpiatedh last Thursday evening at 6 oe clock. at the preshytery of the church (oi the oll Nalrme of Mary. The bride who is one of our most ehatrmning houtg ladies. was prettily drlessfd in na.y blne taffeta and tlwere oa Ialnr pictttre j iat. She was attfl tqli iii by Miss Mariniie Nichols. Mr. Otto IlIttelniirn attentlEdtl the gr(inoom. Thb itounrig c('tple left flor the (Gnlf l('ast ato sielin tahdi r hoin ymot, . arld will he tt( hllrnl to their a fiendRs atflt Ifc't th. at r14 I)hlaend h St ( OllI Y I (-POWEE n L''. The marriage of Miss lyv Porw KPn 1t Mr. Aiden.. I). Olroyd. of our town .was qluitly Telebrated Satnr day night ain t. voernard parish. Jmtige S. (owland. eofticating. RE I('RN4E DIRT1'OR RADEI INJU'RED IN AulTO ()OIIION. Joseph IR Fitse. 30 years. Amenr an Red ('ross field director detail :d to ther Algiers Naval Station. iq Hospital an a result ofl severe inljries lIsutained early Wednesday morniag when an autoumrile be was drivinr turned over. pinlionlng him Meneath the machinef Mr Pitze was on his wau ho'e alftr aentding a meeting of hin Ma sonic LodgeIr. ie was driving down i;.ntilly Avenue and upon reaching Touro street, a bakery wagon, owned andt driven by Alfred lernadas. 1517 Dtel street, turned into the aenue. In order to avoid striking the waitol. Mr. 'itz, swarerved his atl.irmobile sharplyl t he left. c ousing it to turni At Charity uloslrtal Welnesday luithts w .re e oxpresed rPearaling Mr itzep I lltilate recovery. as his back is believed to have hben brokonl The injured mal resides with r il family in Gentilly Terrac. RXEEIVEtz FOR I'NION hRF2WER-o. An order appr.inting Philip Foto rciver elfor the UInilon lrawing ('n pony. srigned bty Judge F ostr iof the 'nited Strates I)istrict Court while a lin his vacation in sNew York, was re crived here by mdil. and swordil. The re"eivurship resulteod from aml cable proceedings begun in Federal Court Tnuesday by attrneys fow the Froidtart Manting Company an, con-4 curred in by attornc-s for the tle fondant brewery