PAGES THE HERALD. Better Ferriage
Devoted to the Ipbuilding of the West Side of the River. "A very live :and creditalhe weekly new.paper." -M-. IATl lrtFII I tt' it1() lU).
i cm-m -m - - n
S's Happenings
b ocal Community
I ad Mrs. (' Miller. of 401 At
_l, venue, announce the approach
age of their only daughter.
-- to Mr. Albert A. Lasseigne.
odaux. the wedding to take
Tuesday. Novembe(r 23rd. at
0- m, at the C'hurch of the Holy
of Mary.
' manY friends of Miss Irma
Viset will regret to learn that
r w ent an operation last Sat
"W for the removal of adenoids
tonsils. She 1 doing nicely.
yred Drumm is spiending a few
here with his parents. Mr. and
F Fred DIrumm.
-m C. C. Whir had as her guest
Ba F. Bommler. of lli-tlon. Tex.
SJ. P. 'Waltcr left 1.t0t night for
to to visit her d:l;ught r.
"rsge Grove No. , ill hold their
meeting totug l,t. All ulem
are urged to at e:l.
Ssand Mrs. iar' Nl-tn. of
ad, spent th,' w k-,end here.
many friend oif Mrs. Ilea:nr
will be pleased to learn that
improving. after having been
Is lome Kapplhr entertained
t frin Nieht Euchre Club. The
players were Mrs. I). Mur
. H. Acker and Mrs. S. Boy
I s. Meyer received the conso
.g. nae next meeting will be at
Sales of Mrs. D. Murtagh.
al E. Joret. of Lafayette, is the
Sof Mrs. .1. Judlin. of Pelican
Ig F. Treadaway returned Tues
il ftr Ironton. La.
it. C. C. Wier is in De Ridder at
mgg the Methodist conference.
3.tstain E. L. Bordelon spent the
uha*d here with his family.
rs L. Cross spent the week-end
s fraln, La.
Is many friends of little Pauline
Iytlich will regret to learn that she
IM. Rese Blanchard left Sunday
sanlg to join his wife and daugh
r, who are spending a while at
Wi~ Castl Ie&
iLt J. Blaine spent the week-end
gVtwego, visiting her daughter.
As Emma George has returned
m aiags, La.
ir Fred Weaver (formerly Miss
lh George), of Jonesboro, Ark.,
en .prated on this week. Tier
lIs wish her a speedy recovery.
tls Madelaine O'Brien was the
pMt d Mrs. Frank Skelly on Tues
lTh Jolly Workers will give their
ti Mg dance Saturday, Nov. 6th. at
t1 Asmne Academy. Don't forget
iodte. Manietta's Jazzolas will fur
Ib the music. A five-dollar gold
IgM Will be given the party holding
to lek entry number.
Cley Barrett, Wallace Owens
aI . Abbott have returned, after an
dths of several months spent in
I. lett Mahoney, son of Judge
r 1Ia Martin 8. Mahoney, is con
t11i at his parents' home in Pel
hi amta, following a severe attack
d M~inua, with which he was
n while at Jefferson College at
r. ad Mrs. Herbert Buras and
plat a few days at Ironton last
aI. 8. Dulels, of Seashore Camp
w as a visitor here this week.
It kaiell has been spending a
here eIn m route to Mississippi to
I r daughter.
i lta. Stenhouse and son, of
e mspending a while here.
b Young Ladies' Five Hundred
bit t the home of Miss Doro
- I I The successful players
hIh ImPrances Haggerty, Rita
8hb sad Alva Salathe. Miss
|b1 Kraft received the consola
Mi Rh Male Morrison will en
I y the next meeting.
LL A. Graf entertained the
Y1 Afternoon Euchre Club.
I leehaful players were Mrs. A.
| It C. V. Frisch and Miss Sa
ItIpler. Mrs. C. V. Kraft re
1 the consolation. The next
M will be at the home of Mrs.
Iarule Tircuit and brother
S La.. spent a few davys
ti k with Mrs. J. Walter
I oo Muansterman and little
pent the week-end in Burns.
tformal party nas given Capt.
SCeldert in honor of the anni
Id birth. Only his Intimate
1 ·Re present.
bi of aMrs. Chas. F. Mc
(see Meredith McCluskey)
hlto know that she is recov
I her very serious illness.
itill at Touro Infirmary.
- the e baby boy are doing
Q Pollock entertained the
Ilb. The successful play
- t U. Lkneker (playing for
w ,t), Mrs. R. J. William
Sc. V. F'risch. Mrs. T. '.
IWv!ed the consolation.
S t) Mrs. R. J. Williams
Mrs. Pontiff is spending
t Beuma, La.
SMrs. lSidney Oswald have
- tkr residence at 148 Alix
. W MloDuff and children
were guests of Mr. and
E u k tPt.
The threatened strike of the street
carmen operating the West New Or
leans Light and Traction Company
and the Soith 'New Orleans Light and
Traction Company was begun Mon
day morning, when the men refused
to take ott the cars unless a living
wage was paid for their servics.
They are demanding only forty
five cents per hour, which is in many I
instances, less than the wages paid
to a common negro laborer through-,
out the South.
The Railway Companies have
acreed with the menl to pay the forty
iv;te cents det'nll ded,'. provided th..
coi int l n-<Il Coun llll ] \\il allow an
eigcht cett c! ariale on this side of the,
I' " *xtirnl ly oubtfuih l efven
lhoiu, h the council will allow an
, i-,t e, i far., that the lta+lx .,\
('omI:aty on this side of t1' rih e t
A . bi able to r(0 ope withll the nw
(coiitlition. for the fact that the ce't
,r part of their haul is -o short that
!hunir i..d of people will walk. in-taadl
of pa. ii I XIOXtei ('yie's or nIine'ty-1 ix
c'it< a week for tIaneplurtation. The
tHerald betli,,\, s very tirunly that the
Railway i'ompany would se'rve its in
tere-t better by continuitlg o() a five'
'cents flare and haul the people than
to charge eiht cents making thi
probh bit ive to the working clas=.
'The eiiht cent fare in Algiers will
',e f',ucht just the same as it is being
fought in the city.
Ilp to the present time, there seems
to have been very little inconvenience
to the public on account of the strike
for the fact jitneys are operating for
t.'n cents and most all patrons would
rather pay two cents more and ride
in an automobile, taking them almost
directly in front of their door, than
pay an eicht cent carfare.
Transportation to Gretna and other
points on this side of the river reach
e(d by the West New Orleans Light
and Traction Company may be had
by using the street cars on the city
sidle of the river and thence by ferry
to their destination. The Naval
Station routes are being covered by
autos and trucks, mank going as far
a sthe terminum of the road.
$500,000 FINANCE
The Surety Credit Company, Inc..
organized under the laws of Iouisiana,
with a capital of $125,000, which will
shortly be increased to $500.000. has
secured control of the Corporation Se
curities Company, Inc., and will en
gage in the loaning of money on Real
Estate, Automobiles. Salaries, etc., at
the location now occupied by the Cor
poration Securities Company, Inc.. at
the corner of Gravier and Baronne
Ferdnand Mouton of Lafayette. La.,
is president of the company. He is
Ex-Lieutenant4overnor of Louisiana,
active Vice-President of the Atchaf
alaya-Teche-Vermillion Co., Inc., and
is an officer and director of several
other large and important local cor
porations. Frederick Wllbert of Pla
quemine, La., is First Vice-President,
he Is a director of the Hibernia Bank
and Trust Co., and is also an officer
and director of other large Louisiana
corporations. J. L. Dantzler, mil
lionaire lumberman, and prominent in
New Orleans commercial and financial
affairs, is Treasurer. F. J. Wagues
pack of Mt. Airy. La., well-known
sugar planter and Director of the
St.. James Bank is Secretary. Judge
Robert H. Marr, recently elected Dis
trict Attorney for the Parish of Or
leans. is the attorney of the company
and is also a director. C. J. Ducote.
Smanager of director of the Corpora
Ition Securities Company. Inc.. is Vice
President and General Manager. A.
F. Commagere. Director of the Surety
Credit Bank of Havana, Cubla. is Vice
Presldent and Director. O. H. Simp
son. prominent local Notary Public
and better known as Secretary of the
Louisiana Senate for the past twenty
years is also a Director.
The charter provides for a Board
of Directors of fifteen and the com
pany plans to invite seven substantial
local business men to Join the direc
The business in which the Surety
Credit Company, Inc., will engage is
i sound, conservative and remunerative.
There have been a number of similar
corporations organized in this city
during the past few years and every
one of them has shown very satisfac
tory earnings. The rapid growth of
the automobile industry, making the
financing of the business through or
dinary banking channels impossible,
is the chief reason for the existence
of companies of this kind. In the East
and North there are scores of gigantic
institutions engaged in this business,
which has filled a long-felt want and
is here to stay.
"We Have With Us This NAleek-"
r;/ W#400 P- EE
: ~ SQt
Organize Algiers Civic
League. Indignation
Meeting To Be Held
At the office of the Herald last
Thursday night a new organization
was born, to be devoted to the inter
est of the people of the Fifteenth
Ward. The meeting was called for
the purpose of protesting against the
service which is not being given the
Algiers people by the ferry companies
operating between this and the city
side of the river. One of the princi
pal complaints broueht out was that
the Southern Improvement and Ferry
Company has not given a temporary
shelter for its passengers since they
lost the other ferry house, about a
month ago. A complaint was also
made against the schedule now being
maintained, and other violations of
the company's franchise.
Mr. Peter S. Lawton. who has al
ways been an ardent worker for the
Fifth District, was elected president
of the organization and William Smith
was elected secretary.
The other officers of the associa
tion will be elected at the next meet
ing, Which will be held at Clark's
Hall, on Thursday, November 12th.
A special committee which was ap
pointed by the president for the pur
pose of calling an indignation meet
ing and mass meeting will hold a
meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at Clark's
The following have been appointed
on a committee to draft suitable reso
lutions to present to the mass meet
ing and to make arrangements for the
holding of the meeting: A. Spitz
faden, Jr., Jno. R. Norman. Win. J.
Smith, Wmin. J. Hennessey. N. E.
Humphrey, Jos. W. Lennox, I)r. C. V.
Kraft, Frank H. Killeen. Dr. W. H.
Weaver, F. C. Duvic, Julius Bodenger.
M. S. Mahoney. J. P. Vezlen, Phil
Foto, Ralph Nolan. Mesdames J. E.
Huckins, Winm. Short. Ed Yalets, Hy.
I)onnenfelser, John Duffy and Gus
The following letter was sent by the
president to the above committee:
en G. Hardin al
The Herald has just installed its
own stereotype plant, by which it is
able to cast from nmats, cartoons. pi'
tire servi, e, advertising cuts, and
syndicated features, such as are rep
resented in our daily and Sunday pa
The cartoons and pictures shown on
this first page and all the advertising
pictures and cuts appearing in the dif
ferent advertisements in this issae
are all the product of our plant.
To show that we have a service up
to-date and in keeping and in com
parison with the service of the daily
press, we call attention that we are
producini herewith the pictures of the
successful candidates for president
and vice president of the United
Algiers. La.. Oct. :,0. 1920.
Dear Sir:
In response to a public call through
the Herald of Thursday. the 28th in
stant, a large number of Algiers citi
zens met at the office of the Herald.
the same night. and formed themselves
into an organization to be called
thereafter "The Algiers Civic League,"
and conferred the honor upon me of
being its first president.
The purpose of the call was to work
for the relief of Algiers in the matter
of our ferries, and I have assumed the
liberty of naming you a member of a
committee to take all necessary pre
liminary steps toward accomplishing
the ends sought. I tried to select a
non-partisan committee, and at the
same time enlist the best talent in
Algiers suited for the work at hand,
and I sincerely trust you will accept
of the appointment and meet with us
at Clark's Hall. Elmira avenue and
Alix street, at So'clock p. m. on next
Thursday. November 5th.
Anticipating your presence at the
meeting and assuring you of my ap
predation for the same. I wish to re
Very truly yours,
State.. The comic strips appearing in
the Ileralul are also a produict of our
plant. being cast from mats for%%ardl
ed to us by spe, ial delivery mail and
This service is offered to our adver
tisers free of charges, furnishing spe
cial cuts representing all businesses
as may be chosen by the advertiser'.
There are indeed few weekly papers
in the country who are able to main
tain a separate stereotype plant for
their advertising service and their
readers. It is the Herald's aim to so
make our paper as to give the very
best service possible.
We invite advertiertisers to rin us in
reference to cut service for their ad
vertis ements.
The Ilerald will also be able to cast
different news features which will bhe
sent to us weekly from the large
houses sending out syndicate matter.
These news features may be found in
different pages of this issue of the
herald. On this page is a picture of
the cotton picking machine which is a
sanmple of this service.
An enjoyable evening was spent
Sunday. when Miss Norma Baker en
tertained a few friends at a Hallo
ween Party. The home was very
prettily decorated with Jack O' Lan
tLas, witches, black cats and other
Halloween decorations. Dancing,
games of all kinds and apple-ducking
was enjoyed. Dainty refreshments
were served throughout the evening.
Those present were, Misses Camille
Thomas. Dolores Diket. Alice Brunas
sann. Helen. Vera and Olga Estopi
nal, Helen Hluckins. Dolly Barichvich,
Lizetta Choate, Henrietta Baer. and
Baby LaVergne Vicknair: Messrs.
Richard Stenhouse. Harry Boden
ger. Nolan and Alvin LeBlanc. Lee
Menge, Milton Barichivich, Ira and
Earl Munsterman. Bootsie Hoffman.
and Aidan Baker. Mrs. H. Munster
man. Sr.. Mrs. Robert J. Vicknair.
,and Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Baker.
O. D. A. Victory Complete
Judge Humphrey Wins by Big Majority, Martin
Behrman Loses His Big Majorities, Wins
Seat in Convention by Only 138 Votes
i \ !r n - , I . .i' . ' ' ',i, i
*a" i ;'· I ' ,l t Il l . '
.% 1 11 '. 1, 1 !:,".' . ,, . , " .m
, h: ,, "I ! 1 r - .. :;' , .."
I. ! I' h l a r I,.; ' I ih . - t.
.anI! <!t . ;1 tt toI' I -I!. '-' 1:I" 1-<')i . I 1 : (·(,l!l i<. ! t'r;tI f,,l( I II, i1 1.Asl
Ferry Again Running
At Third District
"T ., t, . 11 :t I, . 1 ,.hrm'!t.t : r,'
-Zt., l tl { _- \\', .It:, _.-,, ,:t" rIt,' '
itf I ,t- . at ti ,c TIh ird l):s'tit
-tre.,et and )llO i,'r strceet, theretby pro
vidiing ferry ser\ ice' at this point for
the' fii-t tie since the accidet lt
nicn rte ulte' in the inlkintg of the '
l'.th u.t li ttlhe' tawo w 'e, k- agu fuld
lowinti a oli,inh i mlidLt lain w- ith
th.* t(·iiboat Ilitlver At that tinte
the Ilittl,' \.was reliie iii the Mfartlitn
techrman. b.chich had beeeni tran-fe'r
red to th, Jacke-cn avenu'e-Grotna in
tcrs-' ction to repl ace' the ferryboat
I A. Italdwin. which had been laid up
for repairs.
W\orkmen employed by the Orleans
Levee Bioard are engaged in repair
work at the' cave in lthe levee at the'
he'ad of Morgan street pretparatory to
the building of bulkheads as decided
recerntly by the executive committee
of the board. so as to protect this.
point from further caving, and allow
the street cars to resume' the use of
the' tracl(s near the. edge of the cave.
The ferry company is to rebuild the
ferryhouse at this point. Bids for
the construction of the bulkheads
are to be asked by the Leve'e Board
and if the figures prove satisfactory
and the work is undertaken it will
probably be completed by January 1.
The Algiers Liberty Political Club
met Monday night at Hope Second
Baptist ('hutch, corner Elmira end
Slidell Aves.. Ryev. A. Lewis, pastor,
to instruct the women voters how to
vote. There was a large crowd pres
ent. The new voters were conveyed
to the polls in trucks and other ve
hides, and in the sixth precinct
alone there were sixty-two colored
women voters. Mrs. Sarah 0.
Brown was chairman; Mrs. (Dr.)
Aubrey. vice-chairman: Mrs. O. Ed
wards. 2nd vice-chairman; Mrs. L
Monie'r, secretary. ()other members
of the committee were G. Wilson.
M. Morris, G. Moore, I. Reese and
V. Lee.
City firemen became, food sales
men Wednestday morning, when u10,.
(itc) one-peoundl canis of roiast bee'f andr
5e)c0c0 twelve,-poulndul calcs of haron,
allottred teo ther city by the' gove'rn
tiltcnlit. W,'reo place.d onl sale at the
for 'ty-tvWo -enfline' houias.
The roa-t beevf will lee sold in five
can lots. at $1 a lot. This will ,be
the tllinllim:tu!Il extent of purchase.
Individua;ls may pturcha:e unlimited
qluantitllte' The sat!ll rulel applies
to the b;arcon. which will bee sold at
$2.75 a can.
When the hacon and beef have
been disposed of. tomatoes and jam
will be offered. These products will
not be ordered until the others are
off the hands of those' in charge
Ontt last Saturday. Mr. William
Daul whose marrice to Miss Burke'tt
was celebrated two weeks ago, was
arecably surprised by his friends
and his fellow workers of the South
ern Pacific shops when they tendered
him and his bride a reception at
Bellevillo Park and presented them
with a handsome American Beauty
Gas Range. A band of music was
in attendance and dancing was in
dulged in until a late hour. Deliciou~s
refreshments were served throughout
Sthe evening.
Weddings of New
Orleans Folks
HF: "T 1il1E 14)1 IPiES 11 H(1 EN
lIlM1\, I1t'I\l(G HElEK.
T.'Il.I.1 14 T-ME \FZI4 1
T'i lllmart ia e o: 11i. Sar.alh ble -
/i;, of the ic t toi ' tII. t'.iet l Ilalluto,
-(n ofii Mr'. aid .Mri . l eteir Talluto
of Ih rmula atld .1li St-y w s .. e
hrated We.dneday. (h tote,,r 27th, at
o; tclok at St Mar'," tChurch
lTh. b tde was pre.ttil dressed in
bll. I pictulre' hat. Mis- Joesephine
'al!luo. the' hrideTm"id awas drelssed
in le ie' mlesaline prettily h'eaded
MiŽ.-s Mary Smoniie the bridesnmaid
wore bottle Freen taffeta.
The groom was attended by his
birother. Mr. John Talluto. and by Mr.
H enry Menzio.
A.fter the wehdding ceremony.
r.ce ption was hold at the IhoeI of
the, _soom s brother-in-law and sister,
Mrin. and Mrs. am Provenzano in
Itermuda St. The young couple,
who were the recipients of many
handsome presents are re.iding with
the groom's pare'nts.
A pretty home wedding of the
past week was that of Mr. Douglas
Cayard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
('ayard of Lafayette to Miss Audrey
Marlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Marlin of 1002 Josephine St.
The ceremony took place' at the home
of the bride, Rev. A. K. Berkley offi
The bride was prettily dressed in
navy blue charmeuse with bat to
match. She wore a corsage bouquet
of bride's roses and lilies of the val
ley. Her only ornament was a
string of pearls, a gift of the groom.
The bridesmaid, Miss Mabel Rhine
hart wore navy blue crcpe do chine
and a corsage bouquet of Killarney
The groom was attended by Mr.
Paul ('ayard.
eThe young couple who were the
recipients of many handsome presents
left for Lafayette to reside.
Among the out of town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cayard,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cayard and Mrs.
Montgomery of Lafayette
The marriage' of Miss Le'na Prfilf
fe'r, dauahter of Mrs. Ge'orge Saddler,
eff Algiers. and Jacob Lentz, of New
Orlean , took place at the rectory of
the ('hltrch of tlhe' oly Nanme' of Mary
Thur day The bride was attended
i v her couin Miss Matilda 'feiffe'r.
whit'- the rooirnomn Irother. hlenry
Ie"nt17. wais ibe't man. The bride wore
a pr''ty dtre-s of white georgette,
trinmmned in taffeta, with a white taf
feata hIat to match('tt. She8 aluo wore a
Scnrs;ce' boullrl't of white earnatiotns
The bridesmaid were a flesh-rolord
headed ornrettto dress, with a g'eor
'1tte' h;tat to match andt a cor .ge
e ollellePt Of pink carnations. A ree''p
tion was h'eld at the' home' of the'
bridte. alttende'd by many re!ativ'es
and friends. The couple', who aere'.
recipients of many pretty preT. '.rts.
are' re'siding in New (Oriean:
A 5-passe'nge'r Stul,,baker autimo
-ble owneld hby Pa'trik Mltrtarh, of
t 1019 Oplutis's 8t , at,'l valued at
S$10(''. was slOn'ti from ('anal street
Y and the- r've'r frnt !her'ly beforo
a midlniht Thursday. Mr. Mirta
-told the police be parked his
a chlne near the ferry house at 1
it o'clock and when he returned an
hour later it was gone.