Newspaper Page Text
1PACES THE HERALD. Better Ferriage Detoted to the Upbuilding of the Wiest Side of the River. "A very live and ii reditable w44 kl nwspapEr." -M11'I':'T tr : E ' I;:ilili. V.l XXVIII NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. NOVEMIBER 18, 1920. l's Happenings b Local Community RW TREI'OItTER GATHERS SThIRESTIIN ALGIERS t H Tom M:aln.' is in Chicago business trip. . A. J G -n . a left last week Mr We phis to .in, his w ife andi hy who are visai th, re. Mr L. F. (;irch cot,.rtained the 7ysra Afternion Euchre Cluh. s~nceetaful plav."i were Mrs. U. . wisL Mrs I F. isch and Mrs. . Tansey Mr: C. V. Frisch re jred the consl'olon. Mrs. F. HIoo will entertain at the next meet It. John Social ("'lub wiill give Stetlription dlance Saturday even Sat the Masoni" lall. Music till be furnished by Jazz-a-Sass Or J. C. Root Camp No. ,579. Wood p of the Worlid. will give a ride p the steame(r ('api' ol on Tuesday 5tght. Nov. 2:' .\lh'rt Tufts is m tirman of the atran,1omenft com with I. Ituihen r ex-officio. iited by Judee N. F. ulllmphrey t other members of thte camp. The band of San'a Maria Council We the paradle whhlht preceded the baiation ceremonits of the N. O. cnil K. of C. last Sunday. mIrt C. Broussard has returned Sher home in Lafayette. s. J. P. Walter is home from aeboro, Ark.. where she visited hlrdaeghter, Mrs. Fred Weaver. who ,estly underwent an operation. Mr. Peter Cooper of Shreveport. ,, is the guest of Mr. A. LeBlanc Ol family. ila Florence Kinkald expects to ha next week for El Paso. Texas. el will be joined at Lafayette. La., Snts. Matthews and daughter, rlJennie McIntyre, of Lafayette. Mhu Lois Walter spent Thursday b lafayette. Th many friends of Mr. B. L. An ons of Bouny St.. will regret to hae that he was compelled to un ibgo another operation this week. In. Hy. Acker entertained the VW anday Night Euchre Club. The nuaeufsl players were, Mrs. Taylor, SL DeLaup, and Mrs. Cognevich hlviag for Mrs. R. Staples). Mrs. & WV. Pollock received the consola s. The next meeting will be at l hmne of Mrs. S. Boylan. t Jae. Younger and baby, of New rI, capped over here Monday night. nsmb to Galveston to join her bus. ht,, r. Harvey McNeely spent Sunday IWI parents in Abita Springs, La. LK Victor Escouse, Jr., spent a few ~here last week, returning to Iron i, uhere she and her children are tag several months. US. J. B. Gambling, of Shreveport, i the guest of Edgar Cayard last lB Katherine McWilliams, of Ire ht4 Is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. L . Gullot and Miss Bella McWil Am iba D. Murtagh entertained the tt Night Euchre Club. The suc Splayers were Miss Neff, Miss Je Kappiler and Mrs. W. Sadler. SR. Staples (playing for Miss Richards) received the conso C. Corbett entertained the Ma lt Ch. The successful players SMS Comnevich (playing for iCrht t), Mrs. Sam Boylan and n . A. Tansey. Mrs. P. O. Caflero tl the consolation. The next wil will be at the home of Mrs. 'LUnse R. H. Bell and B. C. Seat the week-end in Lafayette, Its, of Mrs. Hal Limbrick. 3 C. Gilder and family have moved lileville street to the Tallon 2* Morgan street. £ LSTIO REMEMBRANCE. m8 is only a short time away. I Ione too early to be think the remembrance that is to the heart of a friend or IUber of the family. When 2*5 to selecting the present ~s ombine both usefulness * a'ament there is probably tla can equal a nice Cedar @Wardrobe. Either of these itlele of household furniture !last a lifetime and is of te whole 'round. It can h but be most appreciable to - r sister, for with a cedar - Wardrobe clothes may be Sbetween seasons knowing ..1 tat never a harm can be -S. With the thought of a S a cedar chest or ward Poar Xmas remembrance it _ssary that you think of year purchase will be - . Royal Cabinet Works, street, offers a wide se t h. handsome and orna ad wardrobes, carry l ties a complete stock. , ade of the best Tennessee Stock, and Is guaranteed, that go with quality Ip and best materials. d Wardrobes are made to Ut Slze. any kind, fancy or ltek of different sizes may • te showroom, 322 Royal Sit is advisable that you ere the Xmas rush. S~ S time to place individual SMr. Asaro, the proprie a-arattee to please you. SCHOOL BELLS RINGING NEWSY NOTES FROM THE SCHOOI OF ALGIERS. ADOLPH MEYER. Miss C. M. Lehmann, B. N. and Dr. Philip Bohne. Assistant Medical DlI rector of the Public Schools visited us on last Tuesday. A thorough in se,'tion ;tas made with the reuirlt that everything was well with us. .iss Nan Griffith. Supervisor of Training spent the day \%ith us on Thursday. She spoke very en couragingly to the teachers anri pupils and highly complimnented them on thhe work done by thIem in her de-"partment. .Miss t'. Albert. Super visor of M usic, also visited us oni VWednesday. A special meting of the Co-Opera ti' ( Club was held on VWednelsday atU 'rnllon to talk oover our coining "Thanksgivinre Festival." RI:ports froim the different chair-ladies were hei-rd and all ind:cations are that th. l , ebtration will he no excIeption to all our fornier ones -' A: Grand Se-cess." All parents, whether imeti eois of the club or Inot, are iost ear nIe-tly irced to assist in disposing of rh.- tickets. thereby assistint the school. Will you co-opelrate with us in this Colltl work? Theo following tpupils were perfect in the weekly tests in Spelling and lapid Arithmetic: Eighth Grade A -Sam Brechtet. Stello ('ronan. Lucille LeCourt. Inez BIourgeois. Holston Moseley, Isabel Le-wis, Grace C(azaubon. Eighth Grade 8.-Vera Lusk. Christine Bieber. Eliska Sullivan. Alice Serpas. Ruth Zeringue, Ethel Iirc. Thelma Wille. Grady Scott, Allen Smith, Roy Hingle. Seventh Grade A.- Pearl Hymel. Elmer Grundmeyer. Mildred Sutton, James Gillis. Ora Brown, Pearl Hy mel. Seventh Grade B.--Marion Edge combe. Fred Collette. Anthony Pit tari. Sixth Grade A.-Iley Bergeron. Rosie De('orte. Leola l'mbach. Rhea Trudeau. Spelling. Sixth Grade A.-Eleanor Berger on. Sixth Grade B.-Thelma Rice. Nicholas Carona. Jennie Scott. Fifth Grade B.-William Hynes, Irmadean Simon. Ben Cantin. Fourth Grade A.-Clemmie Smith, Ethel Maronge, Lawrence Tagert, M. Cantin, Leo Wille. Fourth Grade B.-Leroy Cooper. Third Grade A.-Norestine Bieber, Henrietta Smith. John Goodwyne. John Tierney. Linell Landry, Floyd Guillot. Third Grade B.-Elise Lassere, Rath Walch, Henrietta Grundmeyer, Edward Pujol. , Second Grade A.-Muriel Galling house. Margaret Robichaux. Virginia Gautreaux. Mildred Bergeron. Lteana Dumesnil. Second Grade B.-Niel Maronge, Loretta Tierney, Laura Fabin, Gloria Anna Reynolds, Rhea Simon, Aldes Rodgers, Jeanne .Lassere. Arithmetic. Eighth Grade A.-Charles Smith, Stello Cronan, Floyd Hoffstetter, Holsten Moseley. Grace Cazaubon. Eighth Grade B.-Vera Lusk. Ruth Zeringue, Thelma Wille. Seventh Grade B.-Marion Edge combe. Peter Ferrari. Sixth Grade A.-Iley Bergeron, Bessie Boudreaux, Eleanor Bergeron. Leola Umbach. ,Rhea Trudeau, Rosie DeCorte, Elise Trudeau. Sixth Grade B--Ione Cox, Henry D)eubler. Thelma Hintz. Fifth Grade A.--George Tierney. Fourth Grade B.-Adolph Hotard, Mike Evola. George Tierney. Third Grade A.-Floyd Guillot, Allen Milan, John Goodwyne, Aaron Edgecombe, John Caruso, John Tier ney, Hillery Mailhos. Third Grade B.-John Heurtin, Loyd Collette, Lawrence Robichaux. Henrietta Grundmeyer. Edward Pu Jol. Mamie Trahan, Roland Lassere. Althea Moffet. Ruth Walek. Second Grade A.-Frank Gillis, Edward Sutton. McDONOGH No. 4. The most important fact that We must note this week Is the purchase of a new Duo-Art Stroud Inner-Play er, by the McDonogh No. 4 Co-Opera tive Club. This gift to the school is a beautiful. useful and very valu able instrument, and it will prove very helpful in training the boys for the Music Appreciation Contest, as it reproduces standard musical com positions In the same artistic man ner in which the players have played them, without the aid of mechanical manipulation. This addition to the school enabled us to place our old piano In the base ment, for daily use for many pur poses. This has been a sore need of ours for a long time. We appreciate this gift from oyr Club and we gladly and proudly publish this "one more good turn" accomplished by its members. Miss A. Conway, Chief Music Su pervisor of the city schools, visited our school last week. and inspected our new piano. She expressed her self as delighted with our selection. Miss C. Albert paid her regular monthly visit to the school last week. We are still collecting old news papers and magazines. If any friend has a collection of either one of (ContInued on Page $) WE HOPE TO WIN ITh TIE FORWARD PASS f J' - , ---=- PAPA " . L ; *LtrS GO! v 0 I;' r -il £ \ ' 'a .... " 0 - RECEIVER POSSIBLE FOR CAR COMPANY 'OM I'ANY AND Pi'1t111t I OFFI CIALS. WILL MEET TO IlE( II)E ON All FAIIE. A federal receiver may to asked for by the South New ()rleans .ight and Traction Company. which op erates the street railway system ohe tweetn Algiers and Marrero. La. E .\'. Ilurgis. president, and E. Howard McCaleb. attorney for the company: E. J. Glenny, commission er of public utilities of New Orleans and Jules G. Fiher, president of the Jefferson police jury, will meet this week to arrive at some definite ar rangement on street car fare. Eight Cent Fare Asked. The railway company has asked an eight cent fare to enable it to pay the motormen and conductors who went on strike November 1. a salary of 45 cents an hour. The men re fuse to work unless they get 45 cents an hour and the company says it can not pay it unless it gets the eight cent fare. It is believed, however. a seven cent fare will be decided upon. Whether this will be agreeable to the Jefferson parish police jury is not known but persons who are in authority in the company said that unless this was done there is nothing but a federal receivership. This in formation said the company is losing $58,000 a year and has a deficit of $95,000 and owes $140,000 on the bonded debt. WHERE WILL HARDING SPEAK? President-elect Harding is to make an address on his arrival in New Orleans. We suggest that he make his address in Algiers from our Playground. Of course. you know The Herald has a motive in this, and that is, It will give all the people In New Orleans an opportunity to see at first-hand our elegant ferry ser vice, and more especially the new "tin Lizzie," without a bottom and will be used, it is said, as a temporary ferry house. So let it be! AMEN. HARDING PARTY ABANDON ALL CARES ON SOUTHERN TRIP NewErt Phctua of *; gii PreIrdent-elect Hardn ~~a FB. 5co The Bey neea Poin+ ILcbelle President-elect Harding and Mrs. Harding with a small group of tends are enjoying a vacation trip along the Gulf of Mexico as the guest of Mr. F B. Scobey of San Antonio. Tex.. who is a elose friend of Mr Harding. After spending several days at Point Isabelle on the gulf shores they will visit New Orleans and then through the Punanm Canal and bore. Those completing the party are Senators Davis Elkins of West Virgin's J. 8. Frellaghuyoae of New Jersey. Frederick Hale of Maine. Secre tary George B Christian and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deal McLean. The aceoe below. Mr. Harding and Mr Scobey. Is part of the eountry where the prt" wall do their shDlna sad bunUag. GIGANTIC SALE AT THE NEW LEADER Open. Fridaby ýMo'rnin.-Stulpndon In Magnitude, the Price Ite duction, Are Mlore Stlujwndous. I)uring the past ten day.s the cot Inuns of tho press have been filled with sensational price reduciIng sales of different conllcenlls more or Iass Illnknown in the bli.iness world. hut it remained for The New Lelader I)e p,trttment Store. 4 4'-26 South Itam part street, to startle the buying public with what they announce to he the opportoun it y of the season to buy lmerchandise at prices that were teven unheard of "before the war." This progressive South Rampart St.. store is preparinle to make history in this wonllderful sale. which starts Friday mnorning promptly at eight o'clock. and there are none that will dispute the fact that long before the doors of the store are opened lines of eager buyers will be there, anxious to be the first to grasp this oppor tunity, for New Leader sales of the past have beenl wonderful events. Fourteen years of honest mer chandising is the record of The New Leader Department Store. Pride in the knowledge that the store has al ways undersold other stores, the in tention is to always maintain this lead. Not in business for a few weeks. but a thoroughly reliable business house. The New Leader will be doing business long after some others are gone and forgotten, and their reputation, already gained. does not permit them to fool the people into buying there. Satisfac tion to customers is the aim of The New Leader. They ask that you compare prices with those of whole sale stores, for comparison is all that is necessary, and it will be seen that these stores are being undersold in every instance. A page ad in this issue of The Herald tells of this remarkable sale of The New Leader Department Store-and the story is but partly told. Not an article of seasonable merchandise is omitted in this sale. The clad news awaits you on page twelve. HEARING OF DAMAGE SUIT I{.l (VIt 1i .t. lit1 i.M1. '%(i,SloI,4m ) I-F'lR HE 1.IRIN(: . Suit for $1 .,-t danlt;:~es. filed sev eatl months ,ago IV 'enros- lidovich .c.ain.t li arniiano. ftrlel r p.% inc teller of thl. Algier- !ranch of tlhe Interstate Bank and Trust ('omtpany, which \\as ro,,ed of l o.r,.-, in .lune. 1.,19. %\as called by .Judge i lu h ('. 'age. in the Civil Itistrict ('ourt. IMoln day morning. adovic'h. l\ho was identified by Ros:nano as the man who held him at the point of a revolver while he took $1t6.it11 from the -alsh drawer. was later oxonerated uIpon Itosa Itutno's confession of the theft. Itado vich's grounds for suit is that his reputation was damaged by his arrest in connection with the robbery and that he suffered mental anguish dur ing the three days he spent in jail. Police Chief Mooney, Captain Capo, D)etective George Long and George Snmith, the chief's stenographer, who were present when Rosamano identi fied Radovich, have been summoned to testify in behalf of the plaintiff. Itosamano was convicted of the theft. but sentence was suspended. SEVENTH ANNIVERIARY. On Wednesday. Nov. 10th. Rita Cummings entertained her little friends at a party, the occasion being the seventh anniversary of her birth. Games were played and enjoyed by all. Dainty refreshments were served. The little hostess received many pretty gifts from her little friends. Those present were, Katherine Lampton. Elise Walters. Merlin and Jeanne Rantz. Joycelyn Brown. Rita Cummings. Alma Whitney. Lou ella Flanders. Alice and Elizabeth Flanders, Aldea Rostrup. Marie Van Hees. Helen Kohler, Melaine and Inez Gallagher, lone and Alma Dur gin. Gladys Cromble, Evelyn Parr. Carmelite Adams. Evelyn Berthaut. Alba and Marion Cromble: Misses Rita Lauman. Clare Lauman, Inez Weber, Mrs. G. Crombie, Mrs. W. Lauman, Mrs. W. Baker, Mr. A. B. Bourgue. Bernard Cummings, Jr., Mrs. C. Morrissey, Mrs. E. Bolling ham. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cummings. KU KLUX KLAN MAY ORGANIZE HERE 1- et IN I l.1 :1 \il 4ll I ' 11 Ti 1 I-,f Il11l' 11IL114 II I" I 1 11I I l 1 1: . 1 - iZA'l'lltº. I,' " ! .. . .' ,:! .. T" i O 1 t. i ' I,, t" K : a*. t, i l : ' ! :"" K u ' ln K I, , ,T ' w it i i" ! d :, + ,t,, r., . - ,"i'T t' i" "''iT li .. L ".1', ."' 'I, ~ - ,\ "'l! 1,, .. t i l t!, 'It ll, S .0 ti " S, i." I ett . rI l hi It h- . I.T . h it: t. " • !! .. ."t, thr tic htl, pl.s ! T; 'i. TL i- b, . ! t t\ , Ih! i a .f p, r etuati*ti/' prin , i,'" up, 't whi. 'i lthe ,. . l K i:!iT S ,n - Ioiut l. .Tricin:it' et iT : h "l"-, ' ! I ,!'. " I. l rh", It S l taml't l" u!it ( I ll ' 1 t],. toter l '"" '" 7, i ii.'hlfn:' lý i,,, olru, nit , w ith I rt y fou r , f I! i find and af it nf.. ,l i hiT his p T s :i:l.t. t ii ,l a pt:i.tion a cih r t-! I 1Thnksiv,. g night 1.r.!i'"thi., the t... anir;asmbe ntpo lSril Mio untin.e ne ar Atlhan, ,dh e at 1* Tlii- '.. rk. ]{', ,n it.t.un e l')l it b~la'ingii:t fier icross ten tod t- hei o . T T al . l I -anel t it t in is ibtl ' tl Ire Knig t fir t f Ki flieuxs arid alter Inflling his pllas Sin Thaiiksiring night. i .h hi'gi or canizers assene Tin-TI T f t hep oT 'tTi nI ntal i n nK. r tlan t. t ne Tir, at frini-tn . undef'r i blaing fier. loms. thi y t.ilsT k the oa th of altlian I, ll thel Invisible Empire, Knights Tif the Ku Klux Klan. Since the KIlan hai d n mnlth its otr gfni/Trs thrae nueet rs Th t4 T ofriain ! Ku Klux Klrte the wa w gr rtedibyt tin was granted. in its charter all it.' ia l rights andio o aviles greantel tThe original han. The charter sas issueed , the STant oif getirgia o hecemer 4. isl js slnp ial ian rter was it egratwts'i al tie Finlton cits ty superior s. urt July 1. While conditionis toIla are not the sine as they were when the erisinal Klan watS organi ed the need for ant, Sorganizotion of thise hoarater i. just haspressigtnyow as it ever e epi accorl ing to its founders. Its purpose pa to Inculcate tie sa cred principles and nogle itdeals Tlf chivalry, the development of cluaraTter, the protection of the home and the chastity of womanhood, the eoemplifi cation of a pure patriotism, the pre servation of American ideals and the maintenance of white supremacy. Only native-born American citizens who believe in the tenets of the Chris tian religion and owe no allegiance of any degree or nature to any for eign government, political institution, sect. people or persons are eligible for mn-embership. No man. it is declared. is wanted in the order whio hasn't manhood enough to assunme a real oath with serious putrpose to keep the same inviolate. No man is wanted in the order who will not, or who canot. swear an un qualified allegiance to the government of the U'nited States of America, its flag and its constitution. SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. On last Sunday afternoon, little Ursula Jeansonne, the bright young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jean sonne of Park Boulevard celebrated the seventh anniversary of her birth by giving a party to her little friends. Games of all kinds were played and enjoyed by those present. The "Tionkey game" first claimed their attention, the successful ones being Hlilda Adams and R. P. Burton, Lu ella Ehrhardt receiving the booby. Next came "Kicking over the Hot tie." in which the prize winner was Esteila Lanier. Then the peanut game furnished much amusement and resulted in the following being prize winners: Duval Dickey, Shirley Bond, Helen Sease, and Hilda Adams. Delicious refreshments were served throughout the evening. When the pretty birthday cake was cut, R. P. Burton got the ring. Gerald Needham the thimble and Claudia Johnston the coin. The fair young hostess received many pretty presents from her little guests. Those present were Gerald Need ham, R. P. Burton, Ferd. Ehrhardt, DuVal Dickey, Edmond Jeansonne, Bernard Anderson. Charlotte Hoff stetter, Hilda Adams, Shirley Bond, Estella Lanier, Thelma Wilson, Hel en Sease, Claudia Johnston, Luella Ehrhardt, Ethelyn and Muriel Al brechts Helen Entwisle, Catherine Needham and Ursula Jeansonne, Mrs. F. Goebel, Mrs. T. Entwlale, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bourgeois, Mr. and Mrs. R. Engler. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ander son and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jeansonne. Early JEFFERSON PARISH WANTS INVESTIGAIION \1 . - - I 11: 1 ! 1 I 11; : lil ial 111" "ill tel- 11 1! it i 1 -' ll11Ti 111 Ai . l l 41 , I I I l 0I' Il' 'I i i l I i . , 4. . I.* ,I ,lt . . I I I1 . .11 i I - 1 1 F4l ' .n f , . I . :. , il. 'tt, !,,4tr 'ih. .n , . t e ' Ja o , 2. . ,r ' ,i, lHe ,. e 1.. ', r; . 4 i i- , " . S, '. \..I . : ',i e - t . \ : l.1.: 1. , f Il - ' , if i I. , i . " :1 \ 11 . ,:i:llt 1t\. ('i, v AtI' i Io i i '.ins is lTt i. , ,In . - :tu. n th itn -} ,1r. i' i2c.1 ' he ha ieen i inro l.i," 't It, trLe rI - tlt I , r i tf T ihi . :: 1 h t 1 2 ' ilanfl to rofliphy w inth it n trbli Iii'4 2f1241 PlP (i n. ' t.n .1void tile '11fi4 ll f1 \ i-n .\ ge n t4, -(r , . ,. ,11n , ,! lltio r. ~ tr. anlt' frfit stanllt has be opened at 141 'hrodefle Street. I ry n iss ,elen Heiltd. .Miss iheit is 1p ehad the invorestiation will rf oin thrie tls ine highr clnatin of faitlleC. ludge Mid-hr d leton charged the in.ant itof us hake seen thorough inv.stiicces of ithe nrait bakeries in the ct't. especally on r anald the inquirr y is eoll tl to be in ookpetrting i the wirndtl ri the bia oenhas mayeen intr in. thb rear of the store. r Miss Iileill has estab lished tills kind of place. Shetn has prd t tile sulalhst make ill e ecen fr to complastin ther pas an the citomply with esitdes aknhi andll ki. shires toll alsoid thane l a fui llin ti dint to a separate investigation. A new bakery and confectionery and fruit stand has bs. n opened at 141Her store atlarond Strt St, isby Miss Helen to Inakld. t. This alone iis had the ple to stop on their fay hoie from tilforesigh city to recognizhae their pastr in Algiers of carrying them froduc the a cit sidehigher class of fancy river.akes, bread. A very important mneting will be pies. and pastries. Many of us have helden theomo great succeightss atof several. ., at (lrkMs Hall ily the flewly orga niezrs( Algiers Civic toeagli. p otice bakeries in the city, especially on Canal St., where doughnuts are be-ou ing cooked in the window and the big ovens may be seen in the rear of the store. Miss Henjoyil has estab lished this kind of place. She has put Inat the latest make of these ovens, and has secured as will be seen from tasting her pas tries, one of the best pastry bakers in the city. esidnas baking all kinds of high class products, such as Thcakes, pies, ant other articles of this kind. she will als handMitche a full line of fruits and vegetables. Her store at 141 Delaronde St., is cle a, and is as neat as it is possible o make iton . This al. Done invite pwaro essrs. C.e to stop on their way home from treze city to purchy, Durkase their pastriet. instead of carrying them from the lcity sid e of the river. eile, IG MEETING FRIDAY NIgROHT. A vThery importll be ant meetion he will to-e hl tomorrow night at 7:30 p. um., is hrey asgiven te of Section . of Al-mi nagiers tharct Couthey are invited through boothis medium to atlocated and the scome a mplaces as las t election. COREIi IIHTFh IP'AR TY. A.One of the most enjoyable parties old, f22 Pacitie season was at the homI of Mr.n Satund Mrs. Erling ater in Washington Ave., itrn honor of their charmingle drivaughter, Miss Edna ErlngerI. a Theia erns. Refreshments were served brin eye.bundane.