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2 PAGES THE H RALD. Boost For Better Ferriage Ieoted t tthe UpbmldM g of the W est Side of the River. "A very Iwe and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFACTCRERS' RECORD. yv. XXVIII NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1921. No. 41 ~ie Hundred Citizens Protest Demand City Owned Ferries mwnritt" Will Have Charge of Details-Will Submit Final Report to Algiers People. IIa ynight at the Av ,nue more than 5-, determined -. ad women assembled in a mass - for the purpose of prote-ting sr ad condemning our present OW ige1m, and to take such ac r would guarantee a permanent --pwat of this important mat O transportation between this o- e other side of the river. o meeting was called for S p. a, ng long before the time set for S eg of the meeting there -ga good crowd of citizens present -pt a front seat and to show their i sgomething so vital to the e commercial ,interest of the Sues meeting was held un g aspices of the Algiers Civie as organlation that came wigloese a short time ago, when ittisena responded to a call Spurpose of o organizing an as 55 to take up this very ferry igZetn i g was called to order Sg hasirman, Mr. Peter S. Law o explained the purposes for t ~es called, and stated that ''r e present would be given an to be heard from re-; i rmy suggestion that they g have for improvements. V" a' the big features of the was that of twelve or four askers, there was but one pposed meaicipal ownership. 'lLak Duale stated that he op dtY ownership of the ferries he feared it would become and we might not get servlce as we have been John R. Norman made one talks of the evening. oat straight from the shoul dty ownership of ferries. f his lnterview with Com Jhaesey, sad said that he testate that Mr. Ma #Wo working for city own -W that the Algiers people have to pay a profit or ta to a corporation for the Srosinag the river. stated in his address ownership could '1k WW rlhAer a frin * stipulation that the for the franchise to go is and betterment W. Leaaox of the Inter A& Trust Co., also nmade aid told of some impor is that should be ao ar terry system. He '/lrsail of the audience dd, attention that some 1e have not sufficient l iskets at the greatly at which tey are sold, sad are compelled to late the bore being hof a ticket. Mr. that tickets should U to be laterchangeable ant peamsaer tickets "- gdht for vehicle trans 64 vise versa. In other that a ticket sold * ampsay should be Mitd of service. He at the Perry Com or elght different Wbewsd Into the Sad s I.. I ~L- g~h~i ~L -r- g 1~ hu 13 n ary so b, .t a --· b .. r"rr Oawoww~rmo Attorney Robert E. O'Connor also made an address before the meeting and he also voiced the sentiment of the public in general, that needed improvements should be started on their way without any further delay. Mr. Adolph Spitzfaden. assistant cashier of the Canal-Commercial Bank and Trust Co,. passed a pic ture post. card among the audience. showing the magnificent ferry house at San Francisco in comparison to the beautiful edifiees recently erect ed by the Southern Improvement and Ferry Co., on both sides of the river. During the debates of the evening there were little oratorical tilts that ended in amusement rather than in dissension. Mr. Julius Bodenger favored leav ing the matter of details to a com mittee, this committee to report back when they have completed their work. He said no time should be lost in getting to work at once to give the people an up-to-date ferry system, that landings should be lad at more than one place in Algiers. It was the general opinion that Ope lousas Ave., or that vicinity should become one of the new landing places for the ferries. Mr. Frank Henning also spoke and told that he was in thorough accord with the Algiers Citizens in demand ing a good system of ferries. During the process of the meeting, Mr. August Schabel, a former mem ber of the council, presented to the meeting a petition setting forth some of the principles to be asked for from either the city or a corporation purchasing the ferries. There was some discussion- regard ing the adoption of this petition, and the audience was divided as to whether or not the petition should be presented at this time. The peti tion met the hearty approval of all thoee present, and the only opposi tion being that it should not be pre sented until such time as the com mittee, to be appointed, can get to gether and draft a petition to the council setting forth,in detail all of the improvements demanded by the Algiers public. easidee the resolutions of Mr. Schabel, Judge Sam Levy made a motion that the chairman appoint a committee, the members of this com mittee to be left to his discretion, to be appointed from among those pres ent at least within a week. IThe resolution was unanimously adopt ed. Mr. Peter Muutz also spoke at some length regarding the necessary improvements in our ferry system. The following resolution of Mr. Schabel was referred to the com mittee: WHEREAS, the present Ferry system between New Orleans and Algiers is inadequate and impossible for this day and age, and the City of New Orleans as outgrown pon toon landing and side loading fer ries; such a system being inadequate for the heavy traffic that is and will be operated between the two banks of the Mississppi River at this point; and, WHEREAS, The pontoons have a tendency to give or sink with heavy traffic, and the same being true of 3 THE AMATEUR LOCKSMITHS TRY THsA* COMSINATION OF MINE ArAl N Wb co t R i. l~ - ý.. Dock Board Fights Sawmill on Levee i A long-drawn out battle in the courts between the Orleans Levee Board and the Algiers Saw and Plan ing Mill appears certain following the failure of the company to remove its plant from astride the levee at s the head of Verret street after it r had been ordered to do so by the t levee board. Although the time limit for re moval of the plant expired last Wed nesday, the mill was running at full capacity Monday. The board or dered its contractor tb proceed with Semolition of such parts of the saw I mill plant as are in the way of pro ceeding with improvements to the levee. Arthur McQuirk, special counsel for the Dock Board contends that no permanent private rights can be ac quired in the riparian property and that the company has occupied its position across the lqvee only by virtue of sufferance of the state. The location of the plant on the levee has been declared by Chief of State Engineers Frank M. Kerr to constitute a grave menace to lives and property in Algiers . RESIDENCE RANSACKED. On last Thursday night, the resi dence of Mr. Wm. Duffy, in Opelou sas Ave., was entered and ransacked by thieves. Nothing, however, was taken from the place. the boats in loading in the presently used method; and, WIHEREAS, The boats are frail and constructed of such material that in case of fire there is no re sisting force for the protection of passengers while reaching either bank; and, WHEREAS, The possibilities of accident from leaking carburetor of the gas motor machines all loaded on the forward deck and to the wind ward side, is a condition that should not be tolerated; now, therefore, Be it Resolved. That we, the citi sons of the Fifth District, petition and demand of the Mayor and Com mission Council of the City of New Orleans, that they find ways and means to operate a Ferry system of modern boats and modern landings of such type that the vehicle traf fic can be loaded and unloaded from the fore and aft ends and directly through the center of the boats. That each boat shall be able to carry not less than four (4) trucks abreast, and be not less than one hundred and fifty (150) feet in length. That the hulls of the boats shall be of steel with airtight compart ments; that the entire boat so far as possible, be built of metal, and with all modern insulation and pro teotion against fire and other dan gers. That the approaches shall be made stable as those of large rail way transfer landings; that there shall be two landings on each side of the River sad not less than four (4) boats, built on identical plans and speelfieatieos. That the City, in its operation of the ferries or sale of the franchise therefor, shall submit for public in spection, plans and speelflestions with blue prints attached, of the boats, terry houses, approaches and inlMine sa mid franchis or said sped fleationas to set forth proper pemal ties and demurrnage charges againter an opmtor not eomplyiag with the regqialrements oe the fraeckle. That all thei details eof charges on tonnage or traffle and fie, and the policy of whether the fanchise shall be sold, or controlled by the City of New Orles or the Dock Board, shall be eomedeed fin pblie metagnp, Sthe people may have a voiee be Sre the final deeaieen by the orem Be it frtherk Resolve; lat the Maer sad Cesmlimers need np I sad get sedio at this iaprtan 1 eastM eI. Prosperous Session At Holy Name of Maryi The Holy Name of Mary School is enjoying a most prosperous session. Almost six hundred pupils are in daily attendance. The usual zest and enthusiasm animate the pupils in their studies, and have brought them flying colors through the semi-an nual examinations which have just been brought to a successful close. The pupils showed throughout a proficiency which brought not only reward to their teachers, but genu ine satisfaction to their good Pastor. Rev. Father Cotter, whose warm. kindly devotedness to everything I connected with the school is a' strong incentive to Sisters and children. The school with its great gen erosity has pledged $1,000.00 to the Seminary Fund, $700.00 has been handed in, and the remainder is clearly in sight, each child striving to outdo the other in active effort. The recreations .4 spent %n con ferences so as to devise money-mak ing schemes, these find realization in lawn parties, wondrous sales of homemade candy, etc., all of which are generously patronized. The religious sodalities are in creasing in numbers and growing in strength of spirit, their excellent or ganization is productive of untold good to the pupils, their monthly Communions are a source of edifi cation to the parish. The pupils of the Commercial Class deserve honorable mention, I meriting an excellent class average. They deserve great credit for the work accomplished in their various subjects, notably in Bookkeeping, I Shorthand, Typewriting, Rhetoric and Spelling. The Class of '21 have successfully passed an examination in actual of flee work, taking unprepared dicta tion at the rate of one hundred words a minute ead. correctly transcribing the same. MAN KNOCKED DOWN, INJURED BY AUTO. John Mars, 40 years old, 823 Homer street, Algiers, was knocked down by an automobile at Homer and Elmira streets late Thursday after noon, as he lighted from a street 1 car. Mr. Mars received contasions about the body and arms and was given medical aid !by Dr) Weaver, woo I pronounced his condition as not serious. That Vernon Ernst, driver of an automobile owned by R. Harper, of the Algiers Garage, stopped after the automobile *ran into Mars, was the statement made Saturday by Mr. Harper, in contradiction of an er roneous report. Mr. Harper said his employse remained 15 minutes at the scene of the accident, offer- I ing his aid in any capacity. · SCHEUERMANN AND ROUSSEL AGAIN WIlL SEEK PARDO . t John C. Scheuermean, former po- a lice sergeant and George Roussel, ex eorporal, sentenced to serve not less than three nor more than five years in the state penltentiary for attempt- 1 ing to extort $8 a week protection t money from Mrs. Thomas Ysrbrough, are preparing to apply in March for a parole. The two policemen were bonviet- r ed early in- April of 19119 and on two occsoar have appeared to the Board of Pardons. Raeh time their pleas have been turned down. PytWIANB 5 TO Mu -ll IAODGIEB WI ATTEND. The l57th Pyth annlversary ll will be celebrated Saturday evening Peb. 19th, between 8 and 12 o'elock a at the Hall of the B. K. of A., on v North St., opposite the Lalayette 8qaure. The Pythians of Algers I will atteend tin large numbers and I sesh member le resqueted to bring I is mily. etrehmaents et all I hids will be serve, and danelng I vl be the tetur of te evmlist. U,,· Maloney Seeks City Ownership Of Ferries s Data will be collected on the fer ries that cross the river between New Orleans ani the towns on the I west bank, if 'he Commission Coun ,cil approves the suggestion of Paul H. Maloney, commissioner of public utilities. .Mr. Maloney, when the council met Tuesday, recommended that inas much as the Napoleon avenue ferry franclhe had expired and that of the Louisiana avenue, Canal and Third District ferries were soon to expire that he be authorized to collect data to submit to the Commission Coun cil. Mr. Maloney said that he favored the municipal ownership of the fer ries and wanted to gather data so that he could tell just how much was taken in on each of the boats and whether it would pay for the city to operate the craft. CRILLY NAMED TEMPORARY COURT CLERK BY DOWLING. W. P. Crilly of Algiers was ap pointed by Judge Richard Dowling, of the First City Criminal Court. on Saturday morning, as temporary clerk of that court, in place of Wal ter Mahoney. Mahoney, who served as commis sioner at the polls in the past general election, is barred thereby from holding public office for nine mopths after the election. "Mr. Crilly is a member of the Non-Partisan Labor League of Al giers," said Judge Dowling, "and I appointed him in recognition of the League's services in helping elect me to the judgeship." SENT TO PENTITENTIARY. John Victor, a negro, giving his home as 311 Wagner street, was given a quick trip to the state peni tentlary, Monday, by Judge Edring ton. Victor pleaded guilty to horse stealing and received a sentence of three years at hard labor. The negro was arrested Friday by Pa trolman Ben DeRocha as a danger ous and suspicious character. A boy companion also was taken in cus tody and following the latter's con fession, Victor admitted his guilt in stealing a horse worth $100 from Peter Troulliet and selling it to a woman on the lower coast for $10. The Algiers police sent the boy to the Waifs' Home, then turned Vic tor over to the Jefferson authorities and the penitentiary sentence fol lowed. MAN CUTS WIFE. Complaint was. lodged with Cor poral Hyde at 8 o'clock Sunday night by Louis Brown that Brown's sister, Mrs. Benson Fears, of 801 Elmira avenue, had been cut by her huh band. Corporal Hyde's investiga tion resulted in a statement by Mrs. Fears that, during an argument over a family matter during Sunday, her husband had -cut her across the left wrist and the left side of the neck with a pocket-knife, after which he had left the house. A physician at tended Mrs. Pears and declared her wounds to be slight. Sears was arrested Monday at the residence of his mother, 227 Elisa St. He was charged by Corporal Hyde with cutting and wounding, and was later released on bond, pending his trial. ENJOYABIm EVENINRO. Mrs. J. Calvo of 2137 Carrollton Ave., entertained at a tareswell dia er, her coausin, Mrs. G. ]~. Baldwin of Newark, iN. . Tiny baskets of violets were given as laors. Tho.o pIrsent were: Mrs. . . . Baldwin, Mrs. B. Borne, Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Borin and baby, Marcia, Misses Ora Boyle, len MalN, Violet huger, Mabie a, Messrs. W. Rasey, mmessad M kJ mis Ylarn e. - gme and Wn trth .,Od, Many Lives in Danger When Ferry Sinks Tug HA1,1,1 DAY l'iTII IIHINI)IEDS AIN:1AI{Il, iAM,,S 11AMIE '(OYIE IN IIlYElH. lives of hundr.dis of pe:sonr - wer -endf aniir ,r.d Thursda. at # :::o p. In . When thle er'ryboat llliidlay. w\\ih a; peak-hlourl cargol ( of Ias e.ll, rs. , c'! lided Nwith, and sunk thet tic Mlaoie Coyh' off the loot of ('an; al ftret. It"ar lnid-stream. T'he big ferry had julst I t th h ('anal street landing and poirnted her nose towards the Algiers shore when the captains of the two boats. believed to have beltn onftusedl by the lights and whistles of other boats failed to see and hear each other's signals. The prow of the ferryboat tore a jagged hole in the starboard side of the tug, which quickly began to fill with water. Captain R. M. Guess, of the Mamie ('oyle. ordered full speed ahead and sounded his distress signals. The dock board tug Sampson succeeded in taking off the crew of eight men just before the tow boat sank off Girod street. The accident occurred at the peak hour when hundreds of citizens of Algiers were returning from work. Had the sharp bow of the tug struck the side of the ferryboat it is be lieved that more serious damage would have resulted and that the Halliday might have been sunk. As it was, the excitement caused by the crash of the boats was quickly quiet- ! ed when it became apparent that there was no danger of the Halliday sinking. On the Mamie Coyle, however, the crew had to fight back the water. Hardly had Girod street been reached when the tug began to settle into the water. The crew had to leap for the Sampson which was standing alongside ready to give assistance. At five o'clock Friday afternoon the Mamie Coyle was completely out of water and preparations were un der way to remove It to the com pany's repair plant. All day the crew of dregemen and divers. headed by Captain Whitman, labored to get lines under the sunk en boat at the foot of Girod street. At about three o'clock the lines were all made fast and the dredge boat Pelican commenced to raise the tug from out of the mud in which it had sunk. James R. Cobb. United States in spector of steam vessels, stated Fri day after that as yet no opinion has been formed by the committee which is investigating with a view to fixing the responsibility for the collision because all the witnesses have not yet been located . The only way officials of White man Bros. Co., and the dock board can account for the accident was that another steamship which was fully illuminated and blowing its whistle at the time, caused a con fusion of signals between the two boats. The Mamle Coyle was pro ceeding up the river and was struck about midships. ALGIERS MAN TRANSFERRED TO NATIONAL LEPROSARIUM. On a writ sued out by Benjamin J. Daly on behalf of the City Board of Health, John Martin Heron, of Algiers, Friday was adjudged a leper by the Civil District Court and sent, under guard, to the National Lepro sarium at Carville, in iberville par ish, for confinement. Heron several days ago was ex amined by Dr. Edward Bacon, inspec 'tor of communicable diseases of the Board of Health and the afflicted man voluntarily appeared before Judge E. K. Skinner of Division C, for final adjudication of his malady as soon as the board's attorney had filed his petition for commitment. I He was sent immediately to the lep ers' Institution, which recently has I been taken over from the state of Louislana by the federal govern- . ment. 11 * Building a Roof in Sumaatra I, DW~~u inin d k.-I the reel. al w drr~g. pbrehM Lam` w u .Iume. dc HERALD OFFERS $10.00 IN CASH " .l I!, ' 'S 1"I'F:{ s e,.1 r l:s'" Is F'l:i 'l' I.I: Ii1' \ I'F: 1"10T{HIll 11T 1%,EI\I.nT \1 THIls AI \F I 11I"F:k'. able to the ,.te. <. n 1,i . r* | ,!ol l 'rs to -so 1'+ lt'' . l' pp,1 tl,-: in 1 i thfl :dll the subsI . un,1 t'lit l. o" f .r! h,, II1 ,' - aId. ltrifly .tate.d the' -t,'t i- as follows: i':ti.' t; of The Hoth bl..l contains the adv\"rti-.mnnt- of IIny dlit' rtint Iprocrst " V.'s . a l liv, tter chants of the city. In 'ach ranl every one of these ad'vert isen'wnts the reader will firtl one or nore su perfluous letters. These superflouo letters when found and properly placed together will spell the name and business of some firm whose ad is printed on that page. In few words that ex plains the feature. There is much profit to be derived from reading the advertisements of the live mer chants every week, but for these two weeks it will be more so from the fact that two persons are going to be $10.00 wealthier. The first correct answer to reach the Herald. care Contest Editor, will be awarded the $10.00. The same rules and conditions will apply next week, when another list of superflous let ters will appear in the ads appearing on that page. So get busy. busy readers, and aside from reading '!some mighty interesting ads, you al so have a chance to win the $10.00 each week. On page six will be found the ads of the following stores: Meyer Jewelry Store, 1233 De catur. M. J. Rosenthal & Co., Exclusive Jewelers. 113 Baronne. Dameron-Pierson Co., 400 Camp. G. N. Gonzales, 1430 Canal. Barnes Electric Const. Co., 513 Gravier. H. N. Rusakof, Furniture, 510 Frenchmen. H. Pukof, Cedar Chests, 239 Dau phine. Gabriel-Riviere Millinery Shop, 153 Baronne. M. Fauria & Sons, Awnings, 122'5-27 Decatur. Harry S. Armstrong, Gov. Surplus Supplies, 339 Baronne. Exclusive Millinery Shop, 1522 Dryades. Parisian Corset Parlor, 220 Ba ronne. A. G. Williams Home-Made Candy Co., 513-17 Baronne. J. Segen & Co., Jewelers, 636 Common. Chero Cola Bottling Co. A. Simon, 631 Canal. Aug. Royerre & Son, 122 Exchange Ajax Model Works, 601 Bourbon. Old Absinthe House Restaurant, Bourbon and Bienville. YOUTH STABBED IN NECK. Earl Bonneval, 17 years old, of 2347 North Galvez street, was stab bed in the neck with a pocket knife late Wednesday night following a fight with Leo Hinyub, 16 years old, of 915 Belleville street, at St. Roch avenue and North Roman street. Young Bonneval was taken to the Charity Hospital. His condition is not serious. Hinyub was taken into custody by the police and sent to the Waifs' Home pending trial before Judge Andrew Wilson of the Juve nile Court. ANOTHER HOLDUP. A holdup, in which three young sailors from the New Orleans Naval Station, were the victims, was re ported to the poliee .unday. Jesse O. Perry, Henry F. Millsaps and Luther Coulton, all apprentice seamen, were held up by two men at Patterson street and LeBoeuf avenue, SAlgiers, and robbed of small sums of money.