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* H E --D -2 PAGES E TH Boost For S12 ~ACE$ THE HERALD. Better Ferriage : eotepd to t bhe Upl the Wcst Side of the Rive. "A ve live and creditable weekly newspaper.'-MANUFACTURER' RECORD. i. xXVIIl _ NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1921. No. 42 j . . .. ,- ,i II I -I -, _, -· -,·1 _ ., 11 -- .-_.. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. ... .. .. . Fire Demon In Algiers WAR GUN HAS NOT LOST NDREIRI VI ISIT .-1 lTO SEE DAMA(:E. 'i.' m sTENHOUSE PAIN. S pIFULL INJURED. ,1 will soon be in the movies. l G m erpect nation-wide adver . rom the accidfnt due to the sented incident which oc SSaturdaY night about 11 , when an old civil war can 0 ah the Cabildo in Jackson Square ei its eight-pound shot across the ma, striking the second story of t sttage of 315-1; Alix St., own by MMr. Richard Stenhouse. rly Sunday morning represen of Underwood and IUnder pi, who make a specialty of fur out of the ordinary pictures sewspapers of the world. came aid"* a picture of the great de wrought by this " eight saot. .wdg the building from the ddie, and noticing only a small kl, jaqt large enough to admit the ars ball, it was almost incon isable to think that such a small gjl would cause such destruction A su shown by an examination . t by the Herald representative IsIe the cannon ball entered the SIt tore a large hole in the wall gper the bed where Mrs. A. was sleeping. The ball - saM ear the top of the window. @ ~ ehes from the top of the bartng part of the wall It then glanced down and away a part of the door al Intola the hall. The hole was only about three feet from S was large enough to admit i two arms. After passing ths dor casing ,it struck 18 the next room, tearing oe at the floor boards, and al geakiag In two a joist, 2x12. a0 again rebounded to the. glug trO holes in the side VWW. and then dropping pier sat the bed where Mii W. iatwas sleeping. bte ganis ball hit the floor OIIgu~t impact to break dee stairs. MuVllW with Mils Stem salsi&`tbt the noise of was $trlic, and it was S, agiost that the house tw iem, sad that m It was flaling. Ir. rie~ard Stenhouse re ll Meat to the poliee they . Rtehowse's complaint t of tieertalnty, that perhaps that some l er' poaeslkle for the You eould not blame ,er .keltattsg, although was known to them hoeow by every one else 'as sober, reliable, gen .ý bhifh sttasding and integ 4Wlheesuat of these quali .!M. pile. were further put betuse they knew we L War . Dring the time was being made, it sat that the cannon ball tedt from the Oshildo. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. 'I-- will nodce on the wrapper of your paper, a date Mh date li e tells you that you have paid for the to ad including the timi shown on the wrapper. Use is damlged when you pay your bill. It may not, , " changed in the same week that your bill is paid, be changed the following week. If there is uay te date line on your wrapper, please notify at eace. The price of The Herald uis $OO a year, tadyance. No man ever became strong throgh sting. No store ever increased its sales by suspending advertis ag. Advertising is like food. It makes a business grow. And NEWSPAPER adver tisizg is the rast beed f ad Wht stoe ad evesniag More ad your biness iffier and 1j, ?p re r. r - . L ..w^ . .. , ,.. .b r.E ý.'K t.: ýe ýY :iJ : : ~ g cýw'T'! 12ý 'e `Vtý Conductors Should Use Common Sense PUT OFF STREET CAR; MISSES T. P. TRAIN; CONDUCTOR HAS NO CANGE. Sunday morning Mr. Tony Con neno of 521 Lamarque St., boarded a street car with two heavy grips on his way to Gretna to catch a T. & F. train. In his rush from the house he had neglected to take small change to pay his fare. He tender ed a five-dollar bill to the conduc tor, and as the conductor had no change. Mr. Conneno was compelled to get off the car. While we understand it is part of the franchise that the company is compelled to furnish change to the extent of $2.00 only, we feel reason ably sure that Mr. Burgis of the Rail way Company would have forgiven this conductor for carrying the man to the depot and trying to get change there. The company or conductor would have been out but five cents and it would not have caused the great inconvenience and disappoint ment. Rules are rules, but common sense and good judgment are always re warded. ENJOYABLE EVENING. Mrs. J. B. Miller entertained at a dance Saturday night at Masonic Hall in honor of Miss Bernice Le Blanc of Port Arthur. Texas, who is spending awhile here as Mrs. Miller's guest. Dancing was indulged in and a most enjoyable evening spent., Those present were, Misses Carmen and Anna Vanderlinden, Alma Pu jol; Sydney Olroyd, Lois Walters, Pansey Watkins, Dorothy Murtagh, Billie Berk, Mildred Hildebrand, Claire Finley, Anna D. Sadler, Hazel Cayard, Dorothy Kraft, Vivian Le Blanc, Leah Hull, Alma Hawkins, Thelma 8turtevant, Doris Baker, Zelda Huckins, Emma George, Irene Brookes and Bernice LeBlanc; Messrs. Bill Donner, D. Martin, H. A. Guthans, Henry Walker, Loraine Broussard, J. T. Ballard, Jr., How ard O. Donnell, Berry Tamperes, A. E. Vanderlinden, J. W. ,Tubbentine, H. B. Mont, H. C. Adams, J. W. Crawford, Eldred A.Drumm, Prancis Sadler, S. B. Thomas, 8. Stanley, J. J. Thoms, R. N. Jaundot, W. H. ., Jemes, Bruce Barett, 0. L. Cunningham, red Cayard, Neil Bar -rett, John Jaundot, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8pitzfaden, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tamperes, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huck Ins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Arnold and son Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lorlo, Mrs. F. S. Drumm, and Mrs. H. C. Broussard. KUNTZ TO CARRY NAVAL STA TION FIGHT TO CAPITOL. Fighting for the Algiers Naval Station and Immigratiod Station, for which no appropriation has been made by Congress, Emile Kuntz, na tional Republican Committeeman from Louisiana, leaves for Washing ton this week to attend the Harding inauguratior. 7AWAITING THEIR CUE ALL ýý AREREADY THE 8Krý"ýý. H s-- " .--I `"- J. '-- ., . . .. " -, " -h III_ I~~, . , ! Hennen Block Now [ Canal Bank Building It wasn't so many years ago that 1 the Hennen building was built and the wise men of the city wagged their heads and said even so modest i skyscraper as this could never be t commercial success in New Orleans. But it has had to be enlarged, to neet the growing demands of the I :ity and of the Canal Commercial bank, which purhacsed it for its I uew home. .The enlargement was accomplish ad by addition of another story, building of an annex and the bridg- 1 ing over of Varieties Alley to con sect with the old Cora building. The total cost of the work is about $660,- 1 00. This does not include the cost Af the banking fixtures. The transition of the Hennen build ing into the up-to-date Canal-Com mercial building represents not one ,peration but a series of operations. First the old hydraulic elevators A4 )0 ,ll Abslttited by moder electril elevators. One by one they were converted, and extended to the l !leventh story. Then corridors were nit through the main Hennen build- 1 ing and bridged across into the Cora uilding. The first floor of the ,ora building had in the meantime I )een prepared for conversion into he new boiler room. Then bathrooms were put on every foor instead of being concentrated n the eleventh story; a new system ,f plumbing was put in and the! iulding was completely re-wired for electrical fixtures. With this done, it was possible to proceed to construdtion of the an nex on the Oravier street side. An. excavation was made foiF the base nent, piles were driven, retaining 4 walls erected,. and the tedious work I Af erecting steel work begun. The inne likewise has 11 stories. The peal work began in March, 1920. The exterior of the two lower loors, both on Common and Caronr lejet streets was removed and is Being replaced with Bedford Indiana . imestone of a single design in the 1 Italian Renaissance style, with well proportioned arches and cornice to I )e carved in chaste lines. The steel -ash, plate glass and Marquise at 1 he Carondelet and Common street I entrances will be of the architectural 1 features of the business section. The eleventh floor addition will be finished in color tones harmoniz Lng with the original terra cotta and Street Not Used for Pasture Now RESIDENTS ARE GRATEFUL FOR ENFORCEMENT OF CATTLE ORDINANCE. A public effort was made a short time ago by a few residents down the coast and other outlying sections to have the city "set aside" the pres ent Pound Ordinance which was passed Sept. 5th, 1917, but only en rorced since the O. D. A.'s have been in office. Mr. Geo. Ricks, the new pound keeper, is doing excellent work and the residents of Algiers who are making an honest effort to improve the appearance of our district, are grateful to Mr. Ricks and our police ror their good work in enforcing the old ordinance. A section of this ordinance. No. 1576 describes the pound limits in Section one of this ordinance which Is as follows: Section *. Be it Ordained by the Commission Council of the City of New Orleans. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, whether owners, tenants, agents, or non-owners or residents, to permit any cow, horse, mule, goat. sheep. hog, or other animal, to roam it large in that rutnicn of the Fifth District (Algiers) bounded by the Mississippi River on the north; Wagner Street on the west; Bringier Street, the Outfall Drainage Canal, and the line of woods on the south: and the east side property line of G. Leonhard. SALE OF WATERED MILK CHARGED TO DAIRYMEN. Dr. John Callan, superintendent Af city health, Saturday ordered af !idavits filed against two local dairy men, alleged to have sold watered milk. W. J. Cuny, McDonoghville, was aensed of having 1. per cent added water and J. Butler, lower coast, 16 per cent. brick work, and the facades will be cleaned to permit a uniform weather ing in the future. The entrances to the building will be as formerly, with the exception that the elevator lobby at the Com mon street entrance will be enlarged so as to prevent congestion, and the corridor from Carondelet street to Varieties Alley will be widened. At the corner of Carondelet and Common streets, and extending to the Common street entrance, will be the trust and savings department, and from the Common street en trance to Varieties alley will be the bond department, both directly across the corridor from the main banking room, which will extend from this corridor line to the property lines nearet Oravier street, and from Ca rondelet street to Varieties alley. The main banking room will have a clear story height in the center tf 30 feet, with a skylight over its cen tral sections, and a meszanine around its four sides occupytngmhe full area of the bulldlpg, exclusib of the cen tral clear story. The interior of the banking room and of the trust and savings bank will be of Tavernelle Claire Italian ·arble of a warm bufftt tone, with floors of white marble and walls of Caen stone with enriched cornices and ceilings. The columns will be macased in marble. The vaults, both speele hnd safte ty deposit, will be in the basement if the annex. The director's room $ll, opeupy a large setioa of the third oor over looking the court and will be hand somel tnrinhed. Tihere wlll be rest oems for both male and fe male egployes. The llghting in the mel. banking room will be of the ndroeet type. 3ntraves, lobbies and leator treats will b of Itallan a-bles and .brese; deorways to the, main beaklI sem and em mease W the bed na trust -e -Ue and vesmbS ue e treae wa be et sae ass and es. Engineer, Fireman Killed In Rail Wreck Spreading rails sent Eastbound passenger train No. 22 of the Texas and Pacific Railway into a ditch 18 miles west of Addis Sunday morn ing at 2:45 o'clock. Two men were killed and one injured. The Dead. C. White, engineer. McDonogh ville, but at one time a. resident of Alix St., crushed in his cab. He was 60 years of age and is sur vived by his widow and four daugh ters. He had been in the employ of the Texas and Pacific for 30 years. W. T. Dunn, fireman, pinioned under the engine and frightfully scalded by escaping steam. He was taken to Baton Rouge Sanitarium in a precarious condition. He has a wife and two small children at 423 Park Boulevard, Algiersa Engineer White was still alive when reached although mortally wounded. A priest was summoned to administer the last rites. Relief trains with physicians and supplies were sent from Addis and Port Allen upon news of the acci dent. Curved Into Field. According to reports of the acci dent the train was rounding a curve when the locomotive left the track, plunged into a corn field, swerved back toward the track and then turned over. The following cars skidded along the ground. The four daughters surviving En gineer White are Mrs. W. A. Harris, Mrs. Henry Gegenheimer, Miss Leona White, and Miss Amelia White. There also is a grandson, Clyde Har ris. EX-SALOON KREPER ARRESTED WITH TWO BOTTLES ON HIS PERSON. A few days ago C. D. Terrebone of 405 Pelican Ave., an ex-saloon keeper was arrested by Prohibition officers for the violation of the Vol stead Act. When arrested, Terre bone had on his person two bottles of whiskey and a small drinking glass. The arrest was made some where near the river front, and it was necessary to give chase as Ter rebone made an attempt to get away. At headquarters Terrebone made a statement that he had been engag ed in the business for about three months, and that he was selling the stuff at thirty-five cents a drink. Besides the liquor recovered, there was also a small book in which Terrebone kept the accounts of those who owed him for drinks. Terrebone who was being held for the Federal Authorities, was paroled by Major Haltin, chief prohibition officer. MRS. OLROYD WITH INSURANCE COMPANY. Mrs. Gertrude Olroyd. formerly Miss Gertrude Peterson, has recent ly associated herself with the Equit able Life Assurance Society, one of the largest Insurance companies in the country. Mrs. Olrdyd has al ready made a great success in the short time she has been affiliated with the company, and she has been encouraged by the officers to attend further instructions at a technical school, where she will go in a short time to complete the course that Is given to beginners in the sale of life insnrance. Mrs. Olroyd in the be ginning three times oversold her quota which was quite an enviable reputation among Insurance people. ENT3RTAINMD AT DINNEI On Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. L. Santos of Opelousas Ave., entertained at dinner in honor of Mr. W. F. WII limus of LatoUche. After enjoying dinner served by the servant, all went for a drive through Algiers and Lower Coast. The guests were, Miss Mayme Snger, Mrs. D. Prick. and eblrea, Adelaide Prick oef OGetan. An It wishlra the best ua aeje velalo, evalg. Andrew Kerstens Wins Superfluous Letter Contest In the superfluousl lotter colnte in the lHerald last week. 'Mr. Alirnre lKerstens of .4oo Verrot St.. wa, the first to send in a corroe t anw,r. The superfluous letters forn.ed thi, name and busines of J. S.:, in and ('o., Jewelers. The conte ,st is again pr.\ t uteld to day, and another $10.i, lprize wrill be given to the filrst c,,lrect aIswe\\cr rceive\ed at The Herald o'tt .'. .A ih,'ck for t," do]lla 5 ; ia t inrt Mr. K rtr. s at this off:c.e. .SK FOiR 1iII1E FOIl AIA.IEIIS A 1.S()I IS1:1.'1' I I.\ll,lidaIII. .t the m,.,.tin' ,if th, Dock Board on Tuts lay nighh Mr. I',rir S. Law ton, Frank Iulvie anl Wiino. Jo'. soni apl-ared beflore the hard olr the purp)ose of a(dvoeatinllr th e x iterisiý)n of the wharves and dlock. on the west sitle of the, river. whii would also mean thel extension of the Blelt Railroad along our riv-r front. Mr. Lawton pointed out that our great port facilities could be in creased very greatly by building whirves in Algiers where ships could discharge and take on cargoes either from shore or from lighters. It is stated that M.r. McClosky is very much in favor of the plan. Ir. Lawton also took up the matter of extending the present bulkheads and piling which were recently con structed at the ferry landing to the, Johnson Iron Works, joining their wharf, thus giving further protec tion to the "Algiers Point." Mr. Lawton will also go before the Levee Board at its next meeting to urge the board to help in this work. MALONEY TO AIfDRESS ALGIERS CITIZENS LATER ON. STILL STANDS FOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. In replying to a letter of Invita tion from the Algiers Civic League. to address them on the subject of ov ferry service between this and the other side of the river, Commis sioner Paul H. Maloney writes the 'ollowing letter which speaks for it self: Com. Council, Dept. Pub. Utilities. February 19, 1921. Mr. Peter Lawton, New Orleans, La. Dear Sir: Your letter advising of a meeting of Algiers citizens in re the new ferry franchise, and their invitation to have me address them on the subject, has been received. The invitation to address those in terested is duly appreciated; how ever, I don't think it quite proper at this time for me to accept. If you will permit a suggestion. I would say this-let your committee investigate very thoroughly all conditions per taining to the ferry proposition, de cide what method or plan would best suit your people, and then con fer with this department. I assure you I will be'very glad to cooperate in the plan that will be substantial and best suited, and when that is decided upon, we will proceed to its adoption. My personal opinion at this time is municipal ownership- a ferry and its benefits for a ferry-using people. However, that is only my opinion. I shall be very glad to have your Ideas on the matter as soon as you are prepared to give them. Very truly, Paul H. Maloney, S Com. of Public Utllities. QUALIFIEI AS ASSISTANT PHARMACIST. At a recent meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy, Mr. Raymond A. Richards of Vallette St., one of our most popular young men, was commissioned an assistant pharma cist. Mr. Richards is a member of the June, 1921 class of Loyola an will undoubtedly be graduated with high honors from that institution. In ma. .n m.. m I' Making the Helpless Independent An outgrowth et the outdoor reitef department of the county ri tritlie t Los Angeles, gives an opportunity to persons, who otherwise W·ould Sconty charges, to live independent lives, or it crippled or handicapped In ways parthI y to upper t themselves. Departments have been estab where old artMeles a miade ever into new. The photograph shows the with whlh rapr ftom ah fumigatling dspDient Is bshredded tor Introduces Homestead Bill In Legislature r the C,'lumnbia Building and Loan As sociation, is one of th,. youngest h onltme.tead secretaries in the state and considered one of the best posted k men in his line. He introduced the hill permitting homesteads to loan and borrow from each other, which i was passed at the last session of the s legislature. He was educated in the public schools here and later ! e graduated from Soule College. His f3 r one hobby is in devoting his time : and energy in the interest of the j Colungbia, which is largely respons ible for its unusual growth. For e time in operation Mr. Makofsky says it is "the largest homestead in the world." Weddings of New Orleans Folks WEST SIDE COUPLES WHO EN d TERED THE STATE OF MAT. S RIMONY DURING WEE. Pt- FLUGER-KUGLER. The beautiful home of Mr. John s. T. Koester, 626 Bouny St., was bril I. liantly illuminated on the night of Feb. 17, 1921, and a joyous gath Pring of friends and relations were f assembled to join in celebrating a e marriage. The occasion was the Ir uniting in marriage of Mr. Koester's n niece. Miss Marion M. Pfluger and I. Mr. Wm. E. Kugler, both of New t- Orleans. r- The Rev. Philip Deschner was At the officiating minister. The bridal u party were preceded to the parlors y by Mr. Koester, and were wedded in e the bonds of matrimony according r- to the beautiful ritual. The home adorned with flowers, d and graced with smiles and happl n- ness, was indeed a fitting place for e so happy an occasion. e The bride and groom will make I their home with Mr. Koester and _I a will be at hope to all their friends. s The Herald wishes the newly wed ded couple much joy, happiness and e prosperity. d EX-MAYOR BEHRMAN SUSTAINS I. PAINFUL INJURY. r Ex-Mayor Martin Behrman has u been confined to his home with a 'sprained ankle, sustained in enter Ing his automobile, that gave him such intense pain, that an X-ray examination was necessary to deter mine the absence of fracture. TOY CANNON EXPLODEB. e An overheated toy cannon Sunday d exploded while Ambrose Hynes, 80 t Belleville street, was ramming a is shot down the barrels and Hynes' i- left Index finger was shot off at the ffirst joint. Flying fragments of the d cannon inflicted cuts on his face h and also cut the face of .lerbert West, who lives in Blmira avenue.