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A, OR - -r - tt qIi a -* = I Coburn and Iaby are father. Mr. J. P. Velren. D Swa formerly Miss Sadie hi IL J Williams entertained the rub on Tuesday afternoon. tD "--ms1i players were Mrs. C. R. A. Tansey, and Mrs. S . Mrs. J. Gerrets re- . . j consolation. The next will be at the home of Mrs. W , friends of Mrs. Rose Buck r t to learn of her serious ill a ts Charity Hospital. Ssd YI Mrs. Arthur Guepet have f0ro Beaumont after spend Mr days at the home of Mrs. l ao d Mrs. Kinsinger. . ider is in Cuba, Ala., where Mi o attend the funeral of his doss death occurred Friday. IL L. L Lemerick of Jafayette -" wcek-end with IMrs. R. H. -~a.~an ohafn is the guest of: . Waller. ahenon of Baton Rouge is SMr R. Collins. ! --l~aml Sanborn and sister WOen week4rnd guests of their tih, Mrs. Jno. Arnolie of!z Arnolle returned Tuesday a visit to his parents, SY r . Ja. Arnolie of Empire, {'IL . Colas left for a week's t w Country. I Satwisle has returned from trip to Chicago. ad Mrs. Carl Keller (formerly aeris Wagner) of Waukeegan Saske their home here in the! MIs. lfred Gieger of Dun- I Sare vistinM their brother, f Teche St.. J. W. Adams and were among the euests saaiversary celebration , Mr. and Mrs. E. I S Tea., and Mr. Tom I visitors to Capt. J. A. filet Towh this week. alr k o Arkansas was gnt at Miss Zelda lleI ~xrtto5s who is em o Roeal is spending a S ?oot yp twisle enter l rI in hor of Mr. and af Milan, Tenn. tattemerd of Florida is .NtW, Mrs:. Donnelly of tnds of Mrs. A. 8. rot to learn that she DUKEs A IM S.N0 bMa been de iedhoo children 1,960 new so bee a-oned in the Department of Asso Otess during W, Lindsay. Mated as hay ry quotas in inrand ins Adolph Ms. IL 0. Vaughan selded sheel No. 6 2. 3.56 & Co., Mts aletmeit. Blret. te gra thor watohon stha Stowr The many friends of Mrs. Jos. W. Daniels will regret to learn that she has been ill. Mrs. W. B. Warren and Miss Luella Dunn are in Baton Rouge attending; the conference of the Woman's Mission ary Society. I_1¶ Q PinWaoi MIfD nnnni-nn __ v Revie~ew of PITd0f1Ps89ve and WQp1PentrattnMe HfIQIP(~I e Sn6 a6rPQ and ll What They Hr ave to c 8Pee- IIý sst~ormnzcnng IIPfnese Firm You Get Re Ibea Vanao and C onslreQ alPmiice Recoring a Specialty. "We Know What Service Means" UTO RADIATOR MFG. & REPAIR CO. Main 5673. 1348 Canal St. Come in and we will show you how to overcome your Radiator troubles. We re * pair, rebuild or manufacture any make Auto Radiator. Ship or bring your leaky radiators to us. Service and workmanship guaranteed. ------- -------"""-""-"-""""' ENNETT Camera Supply Co. 212 Baronne Street Opposite Gas ifflce Kodaks, Films. Stationery. Magazines,. Souvenirs, City View Postals, Picture Frames Made to Order. Kodak Films Developed and Printed -Kodak Finishing Is OUR BUSINESS and Not a Side Line. U RATH'S Celebrated Mustard Bed Hot Pepper Sauce, Vinegar, Bed Snapper Sauce, Creole Catsuap, Worcester or Table Sauce, and Dixie Liquid Bluing. -o- 1410 Kerleree Street K Phone Hemlock 0418 Sold by all Jobbers of New Orleans, and First-Class Retail Grocers ARCIA & NELSON Automobil Tops Mad. and Repaired General Upholstering 815 Julia Street EWELRY FROM BARBIER'S There is, satisfaction in dealing with an old established firm. Established in 1842 the E. Barbier Shop 'bnjoys the distinction of being a thoroughly reliable and progres sive Jewelry Store, and being out of the high rent district, there is a positive money-sav ing value in buying here. E. BARBIER, Jeweler. So Royal 'EW YORK PAINT SHOP use Painting and Paper-Haaging ooms Papered from $5.M Up S oueus Painting. Law Psrime Rird ears Painted $20.0 up. Drop us a card. Our ianar will call. S24 Baronne Street O1OVICH MILLINERY "Io ,. s` a d Me , oafk .1p , t,.s T, U I,. , rl· ;oms6 -r Wmhm . 1St D wEp r,~ *~yL~imr hiirt C. ~2·l Mrs. Fred Eckert and daughter and Mrs. Fred Hanson and son will leave for Morgan City to remain a few days. From there they will go to Galveston for a visit. Mrs. J. Walter Adams entertained the Thursday Afternoon Euchre club. 'b.e successful players were Mrs. J. W. Adams, Mrs. P. O. Caflero and Ii Mrs. L. F. isach. Mrs. Frank Skelly t( received the consolation prize. The L1 next meeting will be at the home of a Mrs. Caflero. Under the auspices of the Ital- t( ian Progressive Association there 0 will be a masquerade ball at the Avenue Academy on 94. Joseph's 11 night, Saturday, March 19. V. Mac aluso is chairman of the committee h of arrangements, with A. Arnone ex officia, assisted by A. Chiacaro, the is president and other energetic work- o ers of the organization. il J. C. Root Camp No. 579, Wood- a men of the World, of Algiers. has arranged a moonlight ride on the steamer Capitol for Easter Monday ii night and the members expect to h entertain a large crowd. I o LBRIGHT Sewing Machine i Shop 10312-108:4 N. ('IAIBORNE AVENI'E Near Ursuline Phone Hemlock 1:318 I The Most Reliable Place to Buy a Machine Lowest Prices to Cash Buyers Easiest Terms to Timn Buyers - We Relpair all Makes of Sewing Machines Old Machines taken as first payment on sales of New Machines. t=Z---= _: --_ - ==- -=-==-- --- - --------:------I -U-- SEDAR HESTS Made of genuine Tennessee red cedar, in a factory that t'ake.s pride in the product that it manufactures. CIhests and Wardrobes of all sizes, or made to Indi vidual order. Our prices are lower. ROYAL ('EI)AR CHEST WORKS 322 Royal Street. ISCHER STUDIO 829 Canal St. Main 5020 PORTRA IT-COPIES--ENLARGEMENTS Hours 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. -Commercial Work ALBERTA AVERILL FISCHER, " Photographer "Nothing is More Cherished in After Years Than a Good Photograph." IRSCIH'S GIFT SHOP "IFTS FOI ALL OCCASIOS" 501 Frenchmen St. Phone Ham. 775 AIL & S01, FLOISTS Flowering Plants Cut Flowers Shrubs-All Kinds Artistic Wedding Decorations Flowers for Any Occasion , P. KAUL & SON on Cherokee st. Phene Walnut 841. Mtands Maglstae sa French Markets. - LD COINS and TAXIDERMIST We pay 35c each for 1916 quarters (new type). We buy gold, silver and copper coins and paper money. We Mount Birds, Fish, Anamals and Game Heads We ta furs, hides, fish, snake and a sktor sias Fars, skins and robes rendered moth proof. HEIST STUDIO OF TAXIDERMY 1015 Common St. OOFERS, Slate Dealers and Repairers ALhWAYS ON 1W BRANDIN SLATE CO., INC. H. F. KOTHMAN P. J. VOOT Preaddet and Manager Vice-President .7. . VILLARS, e ~-Tras. MAE NO MUITA3t UHREN, INC. Pars' "re Sar aprha OPPIOIAL RVIC STATIO Wetins hoirns Auto-Lite, Z)yeto, Dlaur, Wbster, cat, lZsesaann, Simms, K-W, 'nllot - on s'& Atratton " ,£es (keindelst St. Nu - a .. ., ... 27,000 PEOPLE LIVE WEST OF THE RIVER. D)Y /U WANT TEIiR TRADE? - - - - - - - - - --··~~~·' - "" "r-- ' The many friends of little Miss [melds Cunningham will be pleased ;o learn that she is home again after king operated on at Hotel Dieu for appendicitis. Mrs. Mary Frederick was a visitor to Algiers (luring the week, the guest )f Mrs. William Giepert, Sr. Mrs. J. M. Somers of Rockford. Ill., who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. M. Fay has returned to her home. Miss Kathryn Schabel took part in a play at the N. O. Conservatory rf Music and Dramatic Art last week. Kathryn is a talented little artist and received great applause for her work. Rev. C. C. Weir was chosen pres ident of the Order Qr High Priest bood at the convention of the Mas anic bodies of Louisiana which closed Its sessions in the Scottish Rite Ca thedral early Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Covell are receiving congratulation on the ar rival of a baby boy. Mr. Neb. Carter of Lafayette. spent Sunday here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B .Miller. Mr. J. Reynolds Gordon left on Sunday for San Francisco to attend the International Machinists Union as a delegate to represent Pelican Lodge No. 629 Algiers. He was accompanied by his wif- and daugh ter .Mary. After the convention adl journs, they will tour California and will visit Mrs. Gordon's sister Etta who has resided in Los Angeles for several years. Miss Fenner Maxson of Connec ticut, daughter of Capt. C. P. Maxson. left on the S. S. Momus for New UY AGENTS: i ESTAT'S Tulane and Crown GUS BETAT & SON 610-616 N. Claiborne ICYCLES Phone Hem. 870 =MERSON SHOE $7-$8-$10 HONEST ALL THROUGH WALs IL03iii ' EMERSON BOOT 8HOP 418 St, Charles St. ;·---------- -------------; i RENICH SANIIDALS IMPORTED Urequalled for COMFORT mad relief qt SENSITIVE FEET. Eeemomiral sad Durable. PRICES-For Children, $1.25 to s1.5. Ladles, $1.15 to m.M. Me. $:.w to 2.25. FOR SALE AT RENECKY'S SHOE STORE * "e Pattterso St., Algiers. Jules L. Deenma t Bre., Importaers, U11 Borbon St , . I New Orleas. ----- - -- --- -- - NDEPENDENT ELECTRIC COMPANY HOUSE WIRING _ Electrical Appliances IRONS-PERCOLATORS-TOASTERS IAMPS, ETC. H. E. FALLER. J. R FALLER 814 Dauphine Street ILLINERY OF STYLE MRS. R. BURVANT New Address: 612 Frenchmen St. Complete showing of Fashionable Millinery in the wanted modes of the moment Hats made to order. Very stylish trimmed hats, of different shapes and styles, our special price, $5.00. These are real values. PIOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Anthony Russo 511-518 Macbees Bldg. EYES EXAMINED Hoaurs Daily, 8-5-Sunday, 9 to 12:30 Phsae Main 50A4 OYAL PLAITER CO., LTD. 388 CANAL ST. MAIN C878 Take Elevator ALL KINDS OF PLAITING <"lne chad ad . le . t.dMssn Buttons Covered Mal Orders Prpt......y ttded to NITY DENTAL COMPANY 103T CANAL STREET S{ rreampart Over Almine AThatre usdernly Equlpped in all Depatmnuts, With Guarantee Debled All Work Our Pris are Right-Our Work .I Right Prompt Atieutlem sed Prompt Dslverw-It Will Pay You to Hae Yr Work Dome at the Uitky. OUNG'S CONFECTIONER S-. a- Pe.edra. St. PANJ caIs' .... . .$1.3. per humired ai s CAxzs .........Si.a per hued ICE camax ..........o.* 0 er peno We Coter to e4a ami Bithday Patties York. after spendini awhile with her aunt. Mrs. Jno. Laskey. Mrs. Jno. lres.singham and little danizhter, ('armelite of Chicago. are visitors of Mrs. K. Walker of Elmira Ave. THE CORRECT THING Th e -tyle in :iir:tinig lin.-. lii,' tlh w ind l t '. all ne n in-t k."*'ll :i, *.:r .1 ,. t"1 thi. scr.nnl t. Liivo juin t th,. i rr. .t 1i E:)li%1. IN ITA.TII4N?4 OR ..N Not \( E:1IE:NTI', ('.ALLIN(i 4 ARI4, .1N1I) T.TION ERI . WV 're ipot l :t4 to th, c.hanll .. l " - ore0 p: .rf,., I ,e t . n ion of ork. I , n)l tl .ne s :nl a I..lut" ' . orr. - tn . Phir rpIre. e'lltatli% \will all: :tild ullhll it .:Ilsamp DAM!ERON-PIERSON CO. 'BIEYTIII3 U NG OLK OIPPIC" MAIM d& CAMP Y(M C*H mu'w o .q*~