OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, March 03, 1921, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1921-03-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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STHE H RALD. Better Ferriage
eedto t UpIblMag d the West Side of the Rhv. "A very creditable weeklr aewipape."-M.UFACTIRR B' ROECORD.
F, Ir a urprise to the Algiers people that the Southern Improve
r -w Company have done nothing to relieve that miserable
S. r useby the passengers are mingled with cattle, horses, wagons,
, ry ten minutes of the day, going to and from the boats, jeop
a. lives, and subjecting them to inconveniences which could
- i,"_d_ d long ago.
-, ggIald notified Commissioner Maloney that the% Southern Im
ad, Ferry Company have not made any physicial showing in
Sth passenger approaches that were destroyed during the
S s. There is no excuse at all why these two passenger ap
, oald not be in position and in working order to-day. The
--" = te cave-in was completed more than two weeks ago, and
t hls had not been completed the work going on there would
ve ated the driving of the necessary piling to receive the
We cannot see that the terry company is acting in good
Stha ten days ago City Engineer Klorer knew nothing about
- approaches to be put up by the Ferry Company. These
" be be fully approved by the city engineer, and no plans
p"-tt,, to him up to last Thursday.
R ( wedering if it will be necessary for the Algiers people to call
meeting in order to force the Ferry Company to put back
agedrisa us letter contest
week, iLs Florence Rich
agei St., was the first
i'M a eorrest answer.
"Chero Cola Bottling
iUUa by the nineteen
" MUsh.
ilr 1le. is at the Her
eawJitiS Miss Richards.
e their slumbers by
te. the familles of Fred.
Nichet Casey, joint oc
t the beildaag at 815-17
etat, were compelled to
their bomes in the cold.
with whatever
esmid ther in their
oe safety, Thursday
5 eleek. , Through
auase flames
A itches in the rear
eaeuldet by Helder and
. Hilder, who is su
er AsM esre n alarm
o ks ir, e er of
, l ýit riet nwue,
Sst ar m. The fire
o a mvia the stray
1*5, Uowever,
- ewned by
'l0160, while
imaged $80 end
overed by
. D.
John N. Dufy
r isph, a McDonogh
00er idsty days 13
,low esrih plead
Asra of havisng i
S with aded water.
Mrs. Jas. Smith
: 71o Vemt at.
M a sample of the way the wrappct arould
add~fir ed. The figures in the upper right
tells the date, to which you are paid. To
paie this date biith that on ,your
notify this officeat once.
As a result of complaints filed by
persons from Algiers before the Or
leans Parish Levee Board, at a meet
ing Friday night, Chief of State En
gineers Frank M. Kerr announced
Monday his office within the next
few days will make an investigation
of alleged menacing conditions at
the Southern Pacific landing- and
other points along the Algiers river
It was reported to the Levee
Board that large slices of the levee
are being washed out by the beat
ing of waves caused by wind and ves
sels at these polnts, and that unless
proper precautions are observed
serious damage may result.
Miss Lelils Eatwisle was tender
ed a surprise party by her friends
on the occasion of the anniversary
of her birth.
Games were played and a most
enjoyable evening spent. Those
present were: Misses Tillie Cantin,
Edna Hawkins, dith Daligl, Jane
luanmacker, Florence Berne, Annie
Floegel, Emma George, Orace lHaley,
L. Entwisle, Mildred Ryan, Lsenor
Kerr, and Isabella Russell: Messrs.
Lawreose Higgins, P. Adrews, S.
Burtes, Henry Nuamaker, -Hmrt
iDller, Andrew Namsaker, Leo,
ahwkis, Claude Eutwisle, D. fi
ten, Jes. Laughlin and P. Hofeaim ,
Mrs Meyers, Martha Utgseombe,
Mrs. 1. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. S. .
Caftero, and Mrs. C. J. Entwisle.
An attempt has been made to cir
culate a report that the price of
The Herald had been changed or
raised. We* desire to advise our
readers that the price of The Herlld
remains. the game as it has been. for
the last two or three years, at $t.00
a year, when paid in advance. Any
antermation reeived to the eontrary
is without fouadation.
0 oO
Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub,
S And who do you think they be? ~x o
4The butcher, the baker, the candlestick make'
Turn 'em out, knaves all three!
Serioas.Auto Crash
Is Blamed On Girl
Charges of reckless driving and
causing injury were made against
Miss Antainette Labella, 19 years
old, 900 Elmira avenue, Monday
morning as a result of a collision
between the automnobile, Miss La- t
bella was alleged to have beendriv
nlg and an auto truck at Opelousas
and Verret streets, Sunday after- '
noon, in which three men were in
Joseph T. ~ogan, a mechanic's
helper, 238 Pellean avenue, is in the I
Charity Hospital with a compound
fracture of the right leg, as a re
sult of the smash. Edwin Barthet.,
,419 Seguin street and Joe Lafitte,
240 Pelican avenue, were bruised.
Two other men in the truck escaped I
o Hogan and his companions were
returning from a, fish fry in a track
owned and operated by Albert Beas
ley. As the truck was turning into I
Seguln, it was said to have been I
struck by Miss Lebella's ear, and
the five occupants thrown out on
the pavement.
Statements made by the occupants
of the truck to the police aver that l
the automobile was running between
20 and 25 miles an hoar at the time
of the accident
On Sunday, rob. 27th, a party
gathered at the home of Capt. and
Mrs. C. H. Hoke, and proceeded to
Orleans Plantation, eight miles be
low Algiers, on a real old-time cray
fish party and eanjoyed a most won
derful day. The eatcr consisted of
two seeaks of real swamp bugs.
Upon the return of the party, late
In the afternoon, the swamp bugs
were boiled and a feast was enjoyed
by all present.
The party consisted of Capt. and
Mrs. A. Duleeb and daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Klein and son, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Kaucer and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry J. Tompson and family,
Mrs. C. H. Vogt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
O. Stewart and family, Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Hogan and family,. Mr. W.
iehlumbreet, and Capt. and Mrs. C.
H. Hoke.
Mr. Jao. lehroder, Jr., has arrived
in New York, after a six months and
seveateen days voyage, whieh ia
eluded a visit to all the prlncipal
ports of the world, ineluding pea
sage through both the Panama and
the S Oals, He aepeets to
lea for Prance.
Mr. So1ehri has estabaled a
record as Chief Engineer with the
v. . Shipping Board. He does not
erect to each his home town wfh
some time. Hehas the best wishes
of his many btends.
,S S
On Saturday, Feb. 24th, a .birth
day party was give at the boom of
Mrs. Duarpe,, 2231 Ne*th Ram
part t., in homer f Mrs. Herbert
everal Alsm oung
; the Misses Msggie, Ruth sad
Hano :oordoes , and M Rath Pr
li, war amso the guests. Oter
guests ware: )r. Usale V4ud and
Mr. ganes. The night was e
Jorepb sad pleasantly spent in
mule, danening. and elgas A
In wich she as seld.
T'is alrmese ast 2 . p. i, at t
orunewsid Hotel, Miss Jemn aordea
r. the alr wh yl&d) ,shr h- -
mrses t the asatwa UtPahees
.mtnd . one.s as seem.
ias; s Ma--ata s dl
llt·1~1351r·C4"~~l4f~ :' -"
The Ex-Service Men of this Dis- e
trict following the custom of other a
sections, have organized a Post of d
the American Legion and in honor of
a local boy, killed in combat, the b
Post has been named Horace F. p
Creepo Post No. 85. a
The American Legion, and its V
purposes have not been thoroughly P
understood, but due to the activity b
of a number of Ex-Service Men and a
the need of preserving intact the rec
ords and comradeship of the men "
who served over there, the Legion t
is now making rapid progress in its f
efforts to accomplish this purpose.
We have in tit District upwards of r
250 men who served in the late c
war, and the promoters of the Le- I
gion are assured of a large pereen
tage joining the Legion at its next
meeting which will be held at the
Avenue Theatre on Thursday even
ing, March 3rd, 1921. The Knights I
of Columbus, always Interested in t
the American Soldier, have taken I
active interest in the organization I
of a local Post and the Knights of I
Columbus Band will be on hand to I
lend its assistance. There can be I
no doubt of the necessity of the or- i
ganization of the Ex-Soldier in his i
own interest, which means higher
American, Citizenship and the aim- I
plificatien of the Government's i
Program for his welfare,
All Ex-Serviee men of the late
War, whether Army or Navy, are
cordially Invited to be present at
a meeting of the above Post, when
prominent speakers from the State
Department will explain in full the
objects and purposes of the Legion. I
State Vice-Commander, James J.
Casserly; State Iistorian, R. B. Fos
ter and Department Commander, O.
W. McNeese will also address the
The Public is also invited.
Post Commander.
,ost Adjutant.
Quite a'pleasnt event at the Bone
nor Home was the visit of the Min
istering Circle, King's Daughters, on
Sunday, Feb. 20. The evening was
cold and dreary on the outside, but
this band of earnest workers, about
twenty, came to bring sunshine to
the men of this home. A nice pro
gram was carrle out, and the Circle
spelt a wl~ile cattting and visiting.
The greatest surprise was given later
when the men were invited into the
dining room where they enjoyed %
tseat left by the ladies, of delicious
cakes, fruiltsnd candy. The Presi
dent, with her band will always be
remembered and a welcome to one
and all s awaiting a return visit.
\ T .V.. C~useos, 41t Pns1e Ave.,
had a narrow sesape from death
Monday afirsoa Idte walking
near the new ibernia lank and
'rust Co. A oe*. kudm penod
stne tell from, the top of the baud
bg, sgrb the s weensd gangway.
ust a Mr. Casamso was pEssil
ta mrasing throEg It earneds several
Nr. oWrnsen hat and injered two
other puspie quite Pgfntflly.
A meet qoaie lay was
un(lday at  I.tt, ., tbl ar .lly
sovIreer o- towa. re lay wad
sOpeat la Fln& and in erat s.
Those Ir thejarty were, Mu, a.
urtagh,. Mrs' A. eth, Mr. anad
a wS: Ueamf ilAR SUoA
Awakened suddenly about 11:40
Tuesday night, Mrs. John Huston,
portress of MeDonogh School No.
32, Belleville and Diana streets, m
who lives next door to the school,
saw lights flashing through the win- o0
dows of the building. C
Peering from a window of her T,
bome she saw two men, both white,
prowling through' the school rooms lc
and summoned Patrolman Lux. R
When he arrived the men had de
parted, taking only a bill-fold which R
had contained $2.75 worth of post
age stamps and was the property of b
Lawrence Young, a teacher. sa
The police said the men got into a
the school simply by opening the
front door which had been left an- F
locked and had ransacked every n
room in the building without dis
covering valuables. McDonogh No. J
32 is a school for negroes.
All Boy Scouts of Troop No. 36
were notified by eassistant Scout- h
master, L. J. Schroder to meet at I
the Academy on Mardi Gras day and 1
participate in the Scout Anniversary C
parade. After all the scoots ar- I
rived, they proceeded to Lafayette 3
Square, where the parade' started. C
Each Scout was given an anniver
sary button. As our troop had the 14
most boys, largest Scout flag and I
prettiest ntecelrchlefs, Scout ERe
utive Friend W. Hoyt said we de
served front place and put us in
the lead. Assistant Scoutmaster,
Schroder thanks the parents for
allowing.tbe boys to partleipate.
On Washington's birthday, the
boys hiked to Clplmette where pic
tures were taken, nature was studied
and lessons in test-pitchipg were
given by Assistant Scoutmaster
Schroder. Patrol Leader, Emile
Mothe appeared to be the-best cook
of the day.
All good boys desirious of jo I
ing the troop will call at the meet-I
ing room .,10 Opelousas Ave., on
Thursday night at 7:15 p. m.
On Sunday last, a surprise party
was tendered Messrs. Gus Krogh and
Harold Brown at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hy. Tapie, the occasion be
ing the anniversary of their birth.
Dancing was indulged in and
games were played. In the donkey
game, Mr. John Heindel won the
prise and Mr. Philip Buhjer the
When the large-birthday cake was
cut, Mrs. ,. Sa 8go got the wish-bone,
Miss Clairia Richards the ring, Miss
Ella Richards, the heart, Mr. John
Hambacher, the button and Mr. Geo.
Hambacher, the thimble.
Those present were, Misses Annie
May Geuld, Kate Grundmeyer, Irma
Vinet, Clairla and Ella Richards, D.
Vitter, Messrs. George and John
Hambacber, Harold Brown, I.
Traut. Gus Krogh, Mr. and .Mrs.
Jae. Heindel, Mr. and Mrs. Matt.
Heindel, Mr. and Mrs. Geeo. Heindel,
Mr. and Mrs. IL Sago, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Buhler, and family, Mrs. Chas.
Buler, Mrs. A. Leman aend Mr.
and sm.- H. Tapie and family.
.I ARxA St'At>ra 3 3lL
Beginning in our nest issue, The
Herald will issue weakly two eol
nmns o6 State News, eoSring every
art of the tate. This news ertlvee
is prepared for the HeBrald by the
Western Newspaper USk. and it
will gve eearpts of tmportant news
ttems gatheed th*ioagbet Lotle
ana. We feel that tbhaese eehlmas
of readingr matter will be f interest
to whe oomerly led eutLkde
Captain K. Geldert, of the Seam
I ghlp Nesoo, reported to Complaint
I Clerk a¶a at pollee h.adeburtrs
I that seuiay ad t i eambi was
I pnteread d a *pus ebseoesetgr,
Miss Caroline Albert spent the
day with us on Wednesday.
Miss Marie de Hoa LeBlanc, Su
pervisor of Drawing, spent the day
with us last Monday. She was very R
well pleased with the work of the w
pupils in all grades, but especially TI
congratulated the pupils of the 01
Eighth Grade upon an undertaking, w
which, when completed, will be a ri
great credit to the class.
Miss Nan Griffith, Supervisor of H
Physical Training, was with us on G
last Friday morning. She instruct-i
ed the teachers and pupils on the ,
different movements and fames ti
found in our new syllabus. 1
We are in receipt of a circular i
letter from the Department of Phy-IC
sical Training, announcing that the
Seventh Grade Boys, Miss Killeen
teacher, were the winners of the C
city championship in the recent test
given by Miss Griffith in the class t
activity known as "Chinning the
Bar;" their average being 9.5555.
Our boys are very proud of their
success,,and we hope that our girls
will prove themselves winners in
the next event which is scheduled L
to be in the very near future.
A beautiful new Singer sewing ma
chine has been added to our equip
ment during the past week. This
will be very great assistance to the
pupils in perfecting their work.
Eighth Grade A.-Alice Serpas. ti
Eighth Grade B.-Elmer Grund- t
meyer. ti
Seventh Grade A.-Charles Car- tt
ona, Peter Ferrari, Elmo Scott, Fred tI
Collette, Marion Edgecombe, Charles p
Tagert, Anthony Pittart.
Seventh Grade B.-Joseph Costel
lo, Rhea Trudeau, Elise Trudeau, e
Rosle DeCorte.
Fifth Grade B.-Emile Leronge, ,
Robert Serpas, Ethel Maronge. r
Fourth Grade A.-Lydia Camp
bell, Marie Macaluso, Thelma Ar- I
sago, Mike Evola, Adolph Hotard, ,
George Tierney.
- Fourth Grade B.-Floyd Guillot,
Hillery Mailhos, 'Raymond Wattig
Third Grade A.-Roland Lassere,
John Hammond, Orestes Gaudin,
Hardy Cox, Henrietta Grundmeyer,
Althea Moffet, Fred Batman, Lloyd
Collette, Marie Ory, Harold Wall.
Third Grade B.-Muriel Galling
house, Alice Hines, Merlin Cantin,
Ludovic Cantin, Allen Edgecombe,
I William Mays, John Brechtel, Gladys
Crabtree, Thelma Alonzo, Stella
Hourcard, Virginia Gauthreaux,
James Hodgson, Edward Sutton,
Carl Brechtel, William Brechtel.
Second Grade A.-Mamle Suther- I
land, Valerla Hablnghorst, Louise ,
Morgan, Serita Cona. I
Eighth Grade A.-Grady Scott,
John Brechtel, Christine Bieber,
Eliska Sullivan, Ruth Zeringue,
Thelma Wille, Alice Serpas, Ger
trude Bommer. _
Eighth Grade B.-Ora Brown.
Seventh Grade A.-Marion Edge
combe, Fred Collette, Peter Ferrari,
Charles Carona.
Seventh Grade B.-Rosie DeCorte,
Rhea Trudeau, Elise Trudeau.
Sixth Grade A.- .
Fifth Grade A.-Ira Milan, Phyl
Iis Bieber, Mildred Campbell, John
Whelan, Ben Cantin, William Bom
mer, Dennis Keogh.
Fifth Grade B.-Mare ' Loluise
Cantin, Clemmie Smith, Emile Le
rouge, Cecil Parr, Augusat Tlersey.
SFourth Grade A.-Lydais Camp
i bell, Rosle Morgan, Thelma Arsaga,
'Marie Macaluso, Nora Hingle, Leroy
"Cooper, Mike Evola, Adolph Hotard.
" Fourth Gradq B.- Henrietta
d Smith, Norestine Bleber, William
Weddings of New
Orleans Folks
D)Ol)l).RA NIM)I,'H.
The marriage of Miss Tonalyn
Randolph to Mr. Byron Earl I)odd
was celebrated Monday, Feb. 28th.
The bride is a formnr resident of
tour town and has many friends here
lwho wish her success in her mar
ried life.
Habighorst. Floyd Guillot, John
Goodwyne. f
Third Grade A.-Mary Caruso,
Marie Ory. Elise Lassere. Lee Wat
tigney. Mamie ITrahan, (Loyd Col
lette. Lawrence Robicheaux.
Third Grade B.- Muriel Galling
house. Ellen Sutherland, Ludovic
Cantin. Allen Edgecomble, William
Mays. John Brechtel, Gladys Crab
e, t. Virginia Gauthreaux, Merlin
Cantin, James Hodgson, Edward Sut
ton, Carl Brechtel, William Brech
Second Grade A.-Mamie Suther
land, Louise Morgan. Aldea Rogers,
Loretta Tierney, Valerie Hagighorst,
Serita Carona, Mathilda Richards,
Laura Fabin.
Second Grade B.-Wilbert Edge
combe, Edwin Melan, William Whel
an, Florence Morgan, Melba Camp
bell, Gertrude Flanagan, Anna Mae
The Eighth Grade A boys con
tinue to set a good example in punc
tuality. For quite a few weeks
they have the honor of having no
tardy boys. We are glad to note
I thgt they realise the value of being
i punctal.
On Friday last, Miss L. Eagan, the
primary supervisor, spent the great
er part of the day with us. She
was very much pleased with the
progress of the work in her depart
ment. While the primary teachers
always welcome the visits of Miss
Eagan from which they feel, they
derive so much benefit.
Mr. Dowling. physical training di
rector, was here on Monday. Each
class received special comment from
him on the work attained in the new
marching drills.
iAs usual, it doesn't take MEDDn
d ogh No. 4 long to go over the top,
even in new bank accounts. Our'
allotment was filled the early part of
last week. Since last Monday we
have thirty-seven new accounts to
our credit.
, Last Friday afternoon the Fifth
Grade visited the library during the
Language period and brought back
e a number of books which are to be
used for supplementary reading. A
number of 'books have already been
read by the class and the children
* eagerly look forward to the pleas
ure in stock for them. The books
are at the disposal of all children so
as to create a taste for good liters
ture and love for reading.
Following are the winners in 4B
Spelling match: Hilda Smith, Vir
ginia Ortalano, Dorothea Weidman,
Lillian Willis, Agnes Besson, Ruth
' Rney, Francis Burmaster.
n Mics Averill gave a field lesson
i- to the Bighth Grade Friday, in which
a visit was made to the Cabildo and
le the river front. Geogtrphieal topls
e such as commerce, products, etc.,
y. were carefully noted end the reslt
p. will be used in later class room work.
n, The parents co-operated activrely
y with the school as was shown by the
. excellent attendance.
ta We are pleased that Mr. L. Block,
m (Continued on Page 8)

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