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COATS AND FUSSES By LILLIAN M. RICHARDS. (. 1930, by McClare Newsppt yadlcata) "Now, you listen to me, Mr. Ted Barlow," demanded his wife, one morning as they were seated at the breakfast table. "If you wanted a new fur coat, you wouldn't sit down with pencil and pad to see whether you could asford it or not, you'd sie ply buy It, and then figure afterwards. So, why can't I do the samerT "But, darling." responded her bus - band pleadingly, "you know they're terribly high just now, and they'll surely take a drop In price a little later. If you'd only wait--"= "'Walt!'" exclaimed his wife on the verge of tears. "That's all I hear. walt.' I'll not wait!" Then she flopped her napkin down on the table. "For once in my life pm going to have what I want, when I want it." And she hub ried out of the room. Hazel Harlow was In a rage. Her Ungovernable temper had been the u cause of much repentance on her part. many times. In a few minutes she heard Ted go out of the door whistling, and that settled it. Before another hour had passed, she was dressed for the street, and headed for Hayden's department store. After trying on several coats with out finding one to suit, she became - discouraged and was about to leave, ! when the clerk brought out a Hudson 3 seal, with skunk trimming. "How much Is it?" she Inquired breathlessly. "Just five hundred," replied the girt, a as if she were saying five cents. "Five hundred t" repeated Hazel U thoughtfully. That was a great deal more than she had Intended paying. g That evening the Harlow's were 5 hardly on speaking terms, you know, one of those chilly sort of affairs. The eat morning Ted Informed his wife that he would be leaving at noon on a business trip, which would neces d-5 tate his absence for several days. Al though, he'd try and return for her birthday. With a relieved look. Hazel g bid him good-by. She would have a few days in which to wear her new Beat before he saw It. As Ted Har low dosed the door of their apart meat, a delivery boy opened the lower 2 all doeor, with a box for his wife. Base bad a wonderful time visiting her M~eds, enveloped in her sealdkinr -- was like a child with a new play thing. But, when the newness wore a ase resmsed the folly of her hrasty dsalen, and wondered what sh would do if Ted really couldn't asfrd inch an expensive coat. lally her birthday came and went, with no Ted, not even a present It was the arst year he had neglected her,. and t hurt. "Serves me risht," she thought, "maybe e knows all, and vwi never come back." Hasel b~ .o realise that Ted's love and a tes were worta more than a donee be coats. "Why did I go against his wl as," ae Phought, "when he plead ed with me to wait The next day, eart-stained. and weary, with a box under her arm, she rteod in town for the store. "rve worn It several times," she eas palsed to the clrk. "but nil pay for y damage If yo'll only take It back I eid credit my acount." "Why. Mrs. arlow," sa the gahit Swith a look of serperis "the coat you bght was returaed." "ReturnedI" gasped Basel, taereuia ls asy. 'There must be saom aml was in ba tlane, ad the eaot had been sad to sether eaustenmeer, asrl, semll aring the ber, lst t tore Mn a Wh sea mebd home and SMdI a toleram statln hat her hbaend i - ntern that etng, he branta ins o a whirl What would ab dot eaw odd *0 ever eplain? lf the wa net here, tha whom did It S Cd~ngte. Tired and weary, *0 Sherself en the bed In a Sood if Wir Teds arsow eam in t at evs abs the sfet, red glIr ei the Seer Mpa helped to has th swollen eyes sed wr d espreeon his wltf *Bled4 lhMie sweetheart h e a laimed, giyth bar a fod embrace; o sme am bee Po had a had hee with kisses. 'ea, i've missed S srn rry." TYou'd tMdnk ther'd never: spken a croem word ater, as te at e h.oat t the Darintag, I'e amathing awiLt t a. . I-I bought a ba eat and SMa wn'ttak te t back" 'hen tm Ies. *ho atled hr predicament "Bass, dear," said Ted, .oothtst atber *0 bad fanshed, you really ere anough about m to take It rT-y.," hail soMabbed. - e' ye aver forginve me?' *"orgive you" exelaimed her hem t bem. "Im sasrd r the e te et io teme Tea see, t w I who seat ear eat bas ad iter beet it a eh to tl v y aus a prsent Inl Wdemd to ienise y cnad wvt brth@ by g"r'es g b must-e ba e blre te. Staath wyasd you t wunt." * ), Ted, dear. 1' bee a s. oeeMa." wi teara streamin down her oeh. all neve-eever ba aneb. As the tee did i* the arO, ns es r two who bad entered that V sr et fergivenses which almea lttle famr werth wstle. m h a moem -h but ,a inmi a · _ ý nnznnznn ý1fýII nnnnnnn hý A Review of Progiressive and Representative ~eircantile So1ae3 and What Thlney' Have to ýýPQrP.. IIn Patronizing These IFnmnna You Get Real Vallnue and cCoirect Seivi'Ce. Recoring a Specialty. "We Know What Service Means" S. UTO RADIATOR MFG. & REPAIR CO. _Iain 075.? 1548 Canal St. Come in and we will show you how to overcome your Radiator troubles. We re pair, rebuild or manufacture any make Auto Radiator. Ship or bring your leaky radiators to us Service and workmanship guaranteed. ENNETT Camera Supply Co. 212 Baronne Street Opposite Gas Office Kodaks, Films. Stationery. Magazines, Souvenirs, City View Postals, Picture Frames Made to Order. Kodak Films Developed and Printed Kodak Finishing Is OUR BUSINESS and Not a Side Line. C -------------------- EDARvL HESTS Made of genuine Tennessee red cedar, in a factory that takes pride in the product that it manufactures. (hests and Wardrobes of all sizes, or made to indi vidual order. Our prices are lower. ROYAL CEDAR CHEST WORKS 82 Royal Street. RATH'S Celebrated Mustard Red Hot Pepper Sauce, Vinegar, Red Snapper Sauce, Creole Catsup, Worcester or Table Sauce, and Dixile liquid Bluing. -o- 1410 Kerleree Street Phone Hemlock 9418 Sold by all Jobbers of New Orleans, and First-Class Retail Grocers ARCIA & NELSON Automobile Tops Made and Repaired General Upholstering 815 Julia Street NDEPENDENT ELECTRIC COMPANY HOUSE WIRING IRONS-PEROOLATORS-TOASTERS " LAMPB, ETC. H. E. FALLER. J. R FALLER 814 DaupbhIe Street SADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR iaP ss St Kimias 50c on the dollar THE FASHION SHOP Hours Daily, 8-5-Sunday, 9 to 12:30 Phone Mala 5606 OYAL PLAITER CO., LTD. m88 CANAL ST. MAIN RSET Take Elevator ALL INDS OF PLAITING Rematchlag and Plot Edghg antnes (o"er;d Mal Orders Prmeiup Attonded to For all Storage, Moving, Pack ing and Shipping of Homuehold K Stirs ITrausfr Co. OWles e W sesi 3t1 Dee.r. InCoVEwICS aml RWPAIRING m am no HOnIe KlB "rR JLIDi I4n A WCIz CO. _eeta' sdbetmar Cane LBRIGHT Sewing Machine 0 0 Shop *1032-1034 N. CLAIBORNE AVENUE Near Ursuline Phone Hemlock 9I38 The Most Reliable Place to Buy a Machine Lowest Prices to Cash Buyers Easiest Terms to Time Buyers We Repair all Makes of Sewing Machines of New Machines. ARBIER JEWELRY STORE 308 Royal St. EASTER JEWELRY RINGS - WATCHES - LAVALLIERES - PEARL NECKLA(ES - MESH BAGS - VANITY CASES - BROOCHES - BAR PINS A pretty line of Rosaries in Cases See Us for Communion Gifts AINTY Dresses in Silk, $14.75 GEORGETTE WAISTS AND BLOUSES, $4.73 A large assartment in Plaid Serge and Silk Skirts for Spring Wear. Our Millinery De partment contains the Latest in Models and Materials. All can be purchased on our CLUB PAYMENT PLAN CRANE'S 1218 Canal St. 1218 Canal St. I SCHER STUDIO 829 Canal St. Main 5020 PORTRAITS-COPI-ENLARGEMENTES Hours 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. -Commercial Work ALBERTA AVERILL FISCHER, SPhotorapher "Nothing Is More Cherished in After Years Than a Good Photograph." UB AUTO CO., Inc. DARMOND E. WEIL. Presidens. ALBERT D. GERSHNER, Vice-Pres. & Treas. A. J. LeBOEUF, Secretary. WE NEVER CLOSE SUPPLIES, TIRES, ACCESSORIES AUTOMOBILE REPAIRLNG Road Service All Work Guaranteed 1415 Canal Street. - - - Main 8070 27,000 PEOPLE LIVE WEST OF THE RIVER. DO YOU WANT THEIR TRADE? ILLINERY OF STYLE MRS. R. BURVANT New Address: 6018 Freahmem St. Complete showing of Fashionable Millinery in the wanted modes of the moment Hats made to order. Very stylish trimmed hats, of different shapes and styles, our special price $5.00. These are real values. LD COINS and TAXIDERMIST We pay 35e each for 1916 Quarters (new type). We buy gold, silver and copper coins and paper money. We Mount Birds, Plsh, Aimals and Game We tan tnrs, hLdes, Lsh, snake and ers,hdm amd robes rendered moth pot. HEIST STUDIO OF TAXIDERMY 101e Common ft. OOFERS, Slate Dealers and BRANDIN SLATE CO., INC, H. F. KOTHYMAN P. J. VOOT President and Manager ViePres~ident P. J. VILLARS, Sc.-Tress. MAKE NO MISTASU Only One Telephone Only One Address MaIi i 1iT7 7 Ibr mnhitm Sreet URCI Italian Restaurant SERVICE A LA CARTE 'hhle DpWts, 11r80 A. M. to i:00 P. f. 5:45 to 7:45 P. M. We Rare O Own Saltary Patry SATIES, CGEiS, UiMETEIS apaied .ad urnitnred by Eupsrts AUG. ROYERRE & SON 122 EXCHANGE PLACE Al Wink Enmishe Free do "Chrge Phme dMain 3745 .SIMON's ®S6 C'ANAI, ST. ARE THE BEST AS THEY ARE PERMANENT. Photos of Communion at Popular Prices Crayons and Copies No Agents TAUY AGENTS: ETAT'S Tulane and Crown EST GUS BETAT & SON 610-816 N. Claiborne ICYCLES Phone Hem. 870 MERSON SHOE $7-$8-$10 HONEST ALL THROUGH IrAVE OLLA EMERSON BOOT SHOP 418 St. Charles t, REICH SANDALS IMPORTED Usequalled for COORT and reUet of SENSITIVE FEET. =eememeeal and Durable. PRICES-For Children, $1.35 to 15.55. Ladies, $1.75 to $2.00. Men. $2.00 to $2.25. FOR SALE AT RENECKY'S SHOE STORE 15a Pattmrse St. Alders. Jules L Sramms are., Imprters, Sn Desbn eSt., Now Orlm.... IRSCH'S GIFT SHOP "SIFTS FU ALL LPCASI$IS" 501 Frenchmen St. Phone Hem. 775 ALt & N, FLUrsT Flowering Plaits Cut Flowers Shrubs-All Kinads Artistle Weddinl Decorati-os Flowers for Any Occaslen P. O AIIL SON sona chatee as. nhem e Wau tt su. kandes asgsamm ..d breesh EW YORK PANT SIP House Painting and PapeeiHanglig Rooms Papered from $5.10 Up House Painting, Low Priace Ford cars Painted $20.00 up Drop usa card. Our manager will call. 2400 Barone Street OPOVICH MILLINERY SHOP Fereadames St. Amomces fo Spring a complete show,.g o m PashroaMe a. . Mller See Us Peist UHREN, INC. OPPIOIAL SERVICE STATION-Westlag house, Auto-Lite, Dyneto, Bljur, Webster, Connecticut, Elsemaun, Simms, K-W, HIbot son, Brigga & Stratton. 1050 Csremsdeet St. Main 80ff NITY DENTAL COMPANY 1s10 CANAL STREET Nm ampert Over AMain YbeseW Meoderay 3qlped l .31 Depmrtmemes, With Guarastee Behind Ai waeS Our Priess ae Right-Our Work is BlIIt Prompt Attention saj PRempt Delvey WiN Pay Yea to Have Yoar Work Dese st the Unty. OUNG'S CONFECTIONER Phone 1A. 982 Poydral St. PANCY CAKEs ........$150 per hundred BEBT CAKES .........$1.75 per hudred IB CraAM ..........p.01) per gaslb r Cat to rWeddl g and Birthday Paties VIo SEERT, Prop.