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PjiTE HERALD DIRECTORY OF WIIWJRE ndWIAT ta BUY b This jist ou Find Articles ofvery y Need-All Quality Merchandise and Reputable Mercantile Firms. Indian Bicycles and Motorcycles REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES G. N. GONZALES 1430 Caral COMMUNION GIFTS are appreciated because they are given on a sacred occasion Let Us Show You What We Ofeor GEO. GEMMING & SON 1235 DECATUR STREET "If It Comes From Gemmings Its Correct" S Exclstue ~tllhtnr SIhop Tras SOPr WITm THE NEWEST IDEAS' 1522 DRVADES STREET goes pall While on Dryades Street to See Our Spring Hate. ear -seds re trla., batteries !ir rrLso.s1-;: suito. Auto Q gssm sad Vaette St. 4 S1A3 . 1s.asi C. P. CI3VTAT. seesh., s L.n UZV'Iess Ise 3. J. CIZUTAT. Taemsw Alglers Sash, Door and Blind Co., Inc. 'ARS, STEAMBOAT WORK--HOUSE OPENINGS Turnings and Scroll Sawing *e am ME a Irs Our.hIma a*m a!ier .rt. seephm A% OM1 rPx weas MasI. ViTePres. Douglas Neal, USeet.*Trea SSheet Metal Works, Inc. w rG~ Spoting, Steam and Chs FtiUIu gInt mol We e ADesripons. , a" ' . Ripairizg Our Specialty. DAVID C. WILLIAMS, O. D. V OPTOMETRIST - 92 COMMON STREET door to Y. W: C. A., between Baronne and Dryades Sts. ALGIERS BRANCH I wf Psmem Stenst -ss, asar C L wmon-e. J: i oOur 1921 Xmu Savings Club .,"a tal lm ·rnd a soed tUrm when CBHRI.T SMA mss for every one who enrolls In oe m11 Chrkistma Savings Clubs sLta bi r, helpful plan, whieh will ernable You 35 others to accaumlate moaer Sor CUEaar UA3 hr v1I small amounts - r. from 2 Cents to $2.00 a ,CaIIRISyTA oes.,.. O .l g ha.ka s sal 0sr oave srved plus aote, et. &SAV INO sBANI Sii the Dseai , Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church H. The Mission Board has sent out di the envelopes for "Home Mission." Kindly bring your envelope with is your donation to church or give it wel to the pastor at any time convenient is to you. Those who wish to give for JIr this purpose, but have not received Avi any envelopes may get some from by the pastor. rel The voting members will meet at Tr the parsonage Friday night at 7:30. the sot of Methodist Church Notes 'e' sid Rev. C. C. Weir, Pastor, Residence 286 Oliver St. Ho Phone Algiers 138. aft METHODIST NOTES. da: Rev. C. C. Wier. Pastor; Residence 236 Olivier St., Phone Aig. 138. ho Last Sunday our congregations, at ZI both services, were smaller than for Nil many weeks. At the morning, the text was Acts 1:8. "Ye shall be wit- "a nesses unto me both in Jerusalem NIl and in all Judea. and in Samaria and Ht unto the uttermost parts of the earth. At night, the subject was Stewardship. th cu of bh th th ta ni S. H he th pa BIRTHS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. East wood of Charleston, S. C.-a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bien- an venue of 449 Vallette St.-a boy. Born .to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ford lei of 400 LeBoeuf St.-a girl. cl Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 2U Nash (formerly Miss Marvel Wal- w4 ter) of Crowley-a boy. wl Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. La- sa garde (nee Catherine Clarke) of Pelican Ave.-a boy. Born to Mrs. W. Koegel of 912 on Nunes St.-a girl. at Born to Mrs. E. Richards (nee wi Imelda West) of 912 Brooklyn Ave. in -a girl. he at OBITIARY WOLKARTE--On Friday, March Ti 4th, at 3:20 o'clock a. m., Emma Wolkarte died at the age of fifty three years. Deceased was a native of Algiers, and the daughter of the - late Delphine Guillot and William B Wolkarte. Deceased was a member of the Catholic Ladies Benevolent Association. The funeral took place Saturday at 3 o'clock p. m.. from Ic her late residence, 252 Vallette St. Interment was in St. Bartholomew H Cemetery. Si DUNNING-On Wednesday, March 2nd, at 5 o'clock p. m., Sophie Rag encovich, widow of the late Edward H. Dunning, died. Deceased was a native of Buras, La., and was sev enty-asix years old. The funeral took place Thursday morning at t 10:30 o'clock from the funeral par- h lors of E. J. Mothe, 619 Seguin St. Interment was in McDonoghville Cemetery. McQAULEY - On Thursday, * March 3rd, at 8:30 o'clock a. m., cl Miss Jennie McCauley, the chief op- ti erator of the local telephone ex- C change, died at Hotel Dieu, where - she underwent an operation. Miss McCauley, who was the daughter of The late Jane Carroll and James t MeCauley, was born in Springfield, Ill., but had lived here for the past g twenty 'yaars. !IrS funeral took place Priday morning at 9:30 o'clock from her late residence, 332 Bermu- e da St. Interment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. A devout Catholic, a requiem t mass was sung at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, Rev. Father Hayes officiating. The pall-bearers , were, John Riordan, 8. Talbot, F. and K. Gordon, A. Bush and G. Tal bot. Miss McCauley is surrvived by d three sisters, Misses Agnes and Maud eCauley and Mrs. M. Rlordan of 4 n Antonio, Teras. Many beauti- , ful floral tributes were received, showing the high esteem in which Miss McCauley was held. CAESZY-0 Sunday at 1 o'clock a. m., little YM lis llsabeth Casey, daughter of Lsea McLean and Jos. J. Casey. died. Deceased wsq two years and six months of age. 'he funeral took place Monday *t 8:30 o'elock p. m., from the parents' residene, 618 Seglrn St. Inter ment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. COTHUlL-On Sunday, March 6, r at 13:30 o'eloek, Cat. Robert Cot- m hell died at his home in Baton I Rouse. Capt. Cothell wa born in Olasgow, Scotland, eghtyone years ago, but resided 4n Algers for many years. ORDER TOUR FJLOWRS A1 *·I Um LTgn COira~ New Fltl 0 PERSONALS. Friday, March 4, 1921. Mr. Christy E H. Burnell, Jr., and Miss Florence WI Kinkaid were married at the Metho- di dist Parsonage, 236 Olivier St., Rev. to C. C. Wier. officiating. Mr. Burnell ni is employed at the S. P. Yards and is " well known locally. Miss Kinkaid is the youngest daughter of Mr. and ot IMrs. Joseph Kinkaid, 500 Pelican ON Ave. Th ceremony was witnessed M by only a few friends and the bride's lh irelatives~ and the BdY Scouts of dt Troop No. 18, of which troop he is io the popular Scout Master. The young couple have the good wishes of of a host of friends and relatives. g Mr. Burn?ll's father and mother re- he side in Clarksdale, Missisissippi. C1 Mrs. J. W. Lennox is the guest of lii her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Turner, of a8 Houston. Texas Si Miss Mary Harvey is out again, t after having been sick for several fl days. Mrs. George Mpses will leave the w hospital the last of the week. She b will be the guest of her, parents, ci Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott. it Mr. J. A. Williams. of Bunkie, La., I was a week end guest of Mr. and ti Mrs. C. H. Brown, .313 Belleville. a He is Mrs. Brown's uncle. p The Building Committee of the S New Church met Tuesday night at h the home of Dr. A. C. King, to dis- a cuss further the new church. There c was so much sickness in the ranks k of the Board of Stewards that the i body did not meet Monday night. c Last Monday the Pastor attended 9 the luncheon at Grunewald Hotel. that was given by the Presbyterian Minister's Association, complimen- 1 tary to Dr. G. Campbell Morgan. At N night he went to hear Dr. Stephen A S. Wise at the Athenaeum. Both were interesting occasions. The many friends of Dr. J. M. Henry will regret to learn that his health is very poor and it is feared I that he will have to relinquish his pastorate at Ruston. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Prayer meeting tonight at 7:30. Services next Sunday at 11 a. m. a and 7:30 p. m. We again call attention to the t lecture of John G. Woolley at our a church. 11 a. m., Sunday, March 1 20. Seats will be free and you are welcome. It is an open meeting g where everybody will hear a mes sage. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Our Easter service will be held r on the morning of the 27th, immedi- I ately following our lesson period, a which will be 10 o'clock. All are I invited to attend. The offering as heretofore will go to the Orphanage at Ruston. Let's keep up our repu tation and be liberal once again. EPWORTH LEAGUE. The Union meeting at the St. ]Mark's Church was well attended. Their church receiving the banner. Mount Olivet Church Rev. Thomas Bennett Clifford. Bec tor; Telephone Algiers 312. Services for next Sunday as fol lows: 7:30 A. M.-Celebration of the Holy Communion (Full Choral) and Sermon. 9:3Q A. M.-Sunday School. 7:30 P. M.-Evening Prayer and Sermon. Services every Wednesday and Friday nights during Lent at 7:30. The regular monthly meeting of the Wardens and Vestrymen will be held at the Rectory next Monday night at 7:~30. The Woman's Guild will meet in monthly session next Wednesday night in the Parish House at the eltse O4 the Church qervioe. A class of thirty-seven was presented Sto the Bishop last Sunday night for Confirmation and reception. MT. OLIVIET NOTES. Sunday was a wonderful day in the annals of the Mt. Olivet Sunday School, so much so that this para L graph is writtenin an effort to pass the inspiration on to the parents and friends who were not fortunate enough to have been present. The attendance record for the past two years was broken and the offering was the largest in one year. Of a Stotal of twelve classes, four were S perfect and seven had but one mem r ber absent; in other words, there was only one class in the entire school with more than one member -absent. In addition, three new members were enrolled. And Sun Sday was not a Rally Day. It was SJust a plain, ordinary Sunday. It Sis hoped that the parents and friends share with the teachers and officers the enthusiasm which such a record bengenders, and by their co-operation will help make all future Sundays at least as good, if not better. After the regular session, Miss Cora Swift's clamss presented a sketch etnltled "The Mite Box Convention" which was particularly appropriate and timely at this season of the , year when mite boxes are being fill ed by the children for their Easter Offering. Taking part in the sketch were Lillian Koenig, Margue , rite Roberts, Margaret W4ebelt, Ca -mille Mothe, Erva Angelo, Marion a Kramme, and Miriam Babin. Church of the Holy SName of Mary Friday. 3~30 and 7:30-Way of the Cross and Benediction. Sunday, 7:30--Srmon by Father Hayes; Rosary and Benedietion. Wednesday, 7:30-Sermon by Father Gouian; Rosary an4 Bene diction. MEUW(OS. Tharsday. 7:3$ P. M.-EHoly Name Society mad toy Saouta. This iI the month of St. Joseph. Every evening at 7 o'clock there will be special devotions and Bene diction in honor of this great saint to whom the Catholic family owes so n~uch. A novena to Saint Joseph will begin this evening. The private first Communion of our children of seven years and over will be on St. Joseph's Day. Mlarch 19th. Father Guinan is in charge of all the public school chil dren, preparing for first Commun ion. Last Monday morning the pupils of the Hcly Name of Mary school gave a welcome )entertainment in honor of the Very Rev. H. de La Chapelle. S. M. A very interesting little programme of music, speeches and songs were arranged by the Sisters. The H. N. G. C. Hall was tastefully decorated with rugs, flags and flowers, and all the little , girls were beautifully dressed in white with sashes of red, white and a blue. After the greetings of the at children, the Provincial gave a very interesting talk which was broken many times by the loud applause of the children. He praised Algiers J. and he praised the children; he H. praised Sister Antonine and all the Sisters who taught these children. he praised Father Cotter and* all his assistants. The little chillren clapped with joy to hear all these kind remarks, but the loudest ap plause of all came when the Provin cial gave them a holiday. The pro- 01 grame was as follows: Instrumental Solo-Norma Wheat ley. Welcome-Marguerite Aucoin. We Greet You Truly-Chorus. Address-Helen Kearns. Valse Oaprice--Norna Wheatley. Greeting-Malcolm Strassel. Wrap Me in the Dear Old Flag Boys. The Star Spangled Banner. BAPTISMS. Dorothy Elizabeth, daughter of; Lynne Walters and Pearl Henley. of 127 Lavergne St. Sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Cherbonniere. Marjorie Bernice, daughter of An tonio Treadaway and Alice Cauvin, ot 336 Elmira Ave. Sponsors, Jas. Treadaway and Rita Cauvin. James Thomas, son of Jos. P. Skelly and Gertrude Morrison, of 217 Delaronde St. Sponsors, Raymond Richards and Mrs. E. F .Stumpf. Clyde Bertin, son of Noel Ken nair and Laura Zeringue of Jesuit Bend. Sponsors, Wewey Kennair and Mrs. Jules Bernard (proxy, Ren nette Kennair). Shirley Rosalie, daughter of Jos eph Lucas and Josephine Daniel. Sponsors, Nick Dahinden and Ethel Josephine. Bessie Agnes, daughter of Philip Cossick and Kate Turlich of Empire, Le. Sponsors, John Cossick and Mrs. Peter G. Massett, Jr. g Miriam Gladys, daughter of James t Brecher and Augusta Hurst of 518 1 Bouny St. Sponsors, Warren Sey- 1 mour and Elvera Burmaster. Albert Grady, son of Albert Suber villle and Margaret Catalanatto of 1600 Newton St. Sponsors, Alex I Suberville and Mrs. Ben Lacoste. Vallery Mary, daughter of Adam Ford and Stella Falgout. Sponsors, Leo Falgout and Josephine Ford. Oysters Have Many Enemies I Between the planting and the has vest, an interval of from two- to five 1 years, the oyster culturist assumes many hazards. On the New England coast, after all his material is down, the fickle ~"t may not appear, poe. sdbly because at the eritlcal time some weather disturbance may have killed the baby oysters while they were yet swimming near the surtface. In the Gulf oft Mexico the "set" may be as heavy that there is scant room for the 1 oysters to grow, and many die, while those that are left are half starved Sand misshapen from crowding. Even when the little oysters or "spat," have attached themselvues In favorable num bers, their perils have just begun. They are never safe from other see Smies until they fall into the hands 0t their arch tfoes. Wbh she Ships Come in, SIn Hawaii, the Philippines and OCuba a sme of the chief topics tof interest to Sthe islanders is the arrival and de Sparturs of steamers. Newspapers de Svote whole pages to these boat move Sments, to lists of the passengers, interviews with notables on board Sand stories of the voyage by members oft the olcers' staffs and crews. In r tact the arrival of the evening trasln Sina a mainland coontry town holds no more interest for the residents Sthanthe maritime news has for the Speople of Honolulu, Manila and Havans. The Cubn capital has a snew object of interest in this regard Sln. the lately instituted daily air serv. a Ice between that dty and Key West. 5 The pluanes are of the United States avy scoaut tpe, each carryi g eight SRuesian Reds accused of killing tn e tellectuals may be trying to show that Sthey are more intellectual than the litellectuals . The Shorthorn breeders are plannsig an "est more meat" empaign, but It may only breed trouble with the short purse consumers. Nevertheless there is no Immediate possibility ot those 5,000,000 Immi grants Inding the necessary esh for a trip to ar shores. A frontal attack on d'Annuansle by a American movie manager with an Sadvantigeous contraet would no doubt end the Flume war. Those Frenchmen may blame paper Smoney for the presvalence of IP. but none among uas is bshowlg any signs at trying to avoid contagion. S A rand opera star sang ever the Vireiss from New Teak to bluejack Sgets a botteshiis at sea. l1 tbht a mu amseid to before that was A GREATER OFFERING New Stylish Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats 98c to $5.98 Always first to r. Iv. new st lI. ±. I nl rel I. I ercha ldis ,. tont I. \ni " t t u r all the timet . WVu n ,tl:er- Iav rtu,. bid -:tles wt, are alwa: prv t:r. l.i to t atIa .. a larrger cut. Po sitiva ly w. at r, nstar tun dt..raohl. If 'ut valau,, ., .and su ?.bta ti:.l mer. hanln / . ; Block's Millinery House Fr.,n thlIinan St.- Tw\o torea --Itr, I:er S:. IIE SIRE IIT la IILOCK.' SChurch Notices i ALGIERS BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. R. T. McLeod; Rev. B. E. Mass-y. Address 1137 6th St. Phone Jackson 378. SERVICES. Sunday School every Sunday afternoon at Pythian Hall, 3:15 o'clock. CRURCH OP THE HOLY NAME OF MARY. Verret and Alix Sts. Rev. M. A. Cotter. Parish Priest: Rev. J. Guinan, Rev. E. P. McGrath and Rev. H. Hayes, assistants. Phone. Algiers 678. SERVICES. Week Days-Masses. 6, 6:30 and 7. Wednesday-S :30. aunday--6. :30, 7:30, 9 and 1L iaptisme-3-4. METHODIST CHURCH. Lavergne and Delaronde Sts. Rev. C. C. Wier. pastor; realidence, 236 Olivier St. Phone Algiers 138. SERVICES. Sunday School-9:30. Sunday-ll a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Thureday Prayer Meeting-7:30 p. m. MT. OLIVET EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Pelican Ave. and OUlivier St. Rev. Thos. B. Clifford, 235 Olivier St. Phone Algiers 312. SERVICES. Sunday-7:30 a. m., communion (full choral) and sermon. Sunday School-0:30 a. m. Services Sunday-7:30 p. m.. evening prayer and sermon. TRINITY EVANGELICAL. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Corner Olivier and ElUsa Sts. Rev. W. H. Hatner. Res.. 438 Olivier St. Phone Algiers 340. SERVICES. Sunday-8:30 a. m. Sunday Scheol-0:30 a. m. Thursday-T:30 p. m. Perhaps the kind of Independence the Philippines want is that of the F son of a rich father set up and backed of in business by the old man. Na daj It is the easiest thing in the world S to get a woman who would be willing to take charge of a civic department - by simply calling It a bureau. Heavy betting on horse races Is re ported from Berlin. This is calculat ed to excite the socialists who think wealth has gotten Into the wrong hands. It is easy to understand why a for- l mer king might be recalled to the throne, but It is the hardest kind of a matter to understand why he should want to be. A London minister declares there will be no jazz In heaven. If that won't cause a lot of people to reform and begin leading an upright life, nothing will. This country might profit from learn ing the good things about Latin Amer - ica. The dove of peace has a fighting chance everywhere except on Mount Ararat. Patronage is such a delicate word to cover up modern methods of prying loose a job. It will require $345,571,39900.77 to run New York the coming year. Will It be worth It? The Turks are likely to take little stock In a mediator "more than 8,000 miles away." In other words, Lenine favors co-n cesslons as something to grab when the grabbing is good. So many women are smoking that men are beginning to foreswear tih weed as efeminate. The allies will have to sharpen their knalves before they can success, fully carve Turkey. Apparently there is a lot of news coming from that Geneva conference Sthat never happened. Everybody seems to be anxious to I help the farmer by proposing plans for I somebadly else to do It, I What will they do with all that I Nobel peace money when the league I abolishes all the wars? With King Alcohol ea his last legs, I how long will his dancig partner, Sar, be able to stand? "Janitor Made Rich" qyu a head. tane, a teact that most of us thuoght was generally understood. A British observer says our tele - phone service Is the beet. Are yaou net sorry fr the British? t Strange, with all this speedlng by Smail truck drivers, that the postal service should be what it i. o Some people learn by ezperleaee I- that if they desire to eritlcseu a mule r tts best todo It to his face. When it comes to remembertn y btrthdays the woman puast forty has a the worst memory in the world. Oonsumerm of breead eannot under. stand why the armers shonld be r alarmed at the low price of wheat. a Mest ot that $S000,000 needed for the elie eof chfdren ts urope can sbo be ebargpd up ea the war bill. The Turks espltal that the IPh t s they ae making a stm the hA HEAR The NEW EDISON and you'll buy one, if not now --later. 'Dse SHOP 341 BARONNE ST. CNIUTIAN IUCEl.Wl First Church of Christ Seieatist. a breach of the Mother Church Ia Beetea. dt4fle_ Nashville Avenue sad Garfield street. Sa i day services at 11 a. a. and 8 p. a. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday eveaaing service at 8 . a. BREAD We have tho but bread b ooa weo y tho highect prie l fer the best Sour. No ord? to lese or too small. H. Martinez, 417 ELMINA AVBNUZT j Phnem Algies ass. WW have the zpwrimstes. We have tare Drugs. We rsmtgl Pmrtess Servles. If web Saw rr urvio appees to lye. sBe Aeseuracy Ilr. Cyrus Broussard PHARMACIST oCu. Bell evils We Prie Awe PhWoe Alghers sp We Desw "TIE STOLE OF EFFICIENT SEASIE hesagulp Naude ea W. ZEIHER PuFrltmre Repaired A Rellshed 1i Any Coler Formerly with Matsomn mBlanche as Besese St. New Ohrin Sre and Secure e6 a Your r omel Accoat 6.100 TACEKON BUILDINGO & LOAN ASOCIUTION 122 Commae St. M. Abascal & reos.. Ltd, Dalers to GROCZmU AND WagTNUN PR4ODtW Pdhel Ave., Cor. Venylt a. Long Distance Phone Algiers 321 AIlW3, LA. Dr. H. Macon Fay Dentist Stumpt Pharmacy SPhone Algierr 19125 'lb. Her @ qmowwV UriahJ.Virgin "re Flower King" rlPhwo Maim 87 S14 hel esNe 33g OLWAN4 LA. t op.em m de