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The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, May 19, 1921, Image 2

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Established May 17, 1103..
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.1. C. V. KRAI T .............................................. .Editor and Proprietor
.P. CRAN .....................................................................Advertising Manage.
Address all communications to DR. C. V. KRAFT. No. 800 Verret Street. New 0.
hasn La. Phone, Alglers 003.
Subscribers failing to get THE HERALD regularly, will please notify the business
tanager, No. 500 Verret Street.
Plhase wnd communications for publication as early as possible, and not later than
.dsesday Might.
All cmmnlcations, such as letters from the people and news notes of balls, lawn
"amigo. dances and personal mention, will be inserted in TIE HERALD free of charge.
74 Communication will be received unless signed by the sender. We do not pul,li hd
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THE HERALD may be found at the following places:
THE HERALD (Algiers Office). 000 Verret Street.
THE HERALD (City Ofce), 624-626 Carondelet Street.
Hill's Book Store, 108 at. Charles Street.
VOL XXIX MAY 19, 1921 No. 2
The closing of the head of Canal Street by the Dock Board with un
sightly steel sheds is a matter of grave importance that should be taken
up at once very seriously by commercial bodies, civic organizations and the
citisens on both sides of the river.
On Tuesday of last week Mr. Peter S. Lawton and Dr. C. V. Kraft
started a movement when they appeared before the Commission Council to
enter a protest from the Algiers standpoint against the erection of this
shed, for the reason that it would not leave sufficient ferry space for the
..present and future accommodation of transportation across the river; that
It would destroy the only available open space where visitors might view
the Mississippi River from the business section of the city where most all
visitors come. It was pointed out that this large open space has always
bee a civic center for mass meetings, celebrations, etc. It marked the land
lag place of the king of the Carnival. The erection of an unsightly steel
"shed at this point will destroy one of the most popular and valuable neutral
grounds in the central part of the city. The closing of this big open space
Is to be considered mach more seriously than if the Dock Board attempted
to build a steel shed or some other warehouse in the center of Lee Circle,
Jacks or Lafayette Square or any other central neutral grounds.
Surely, our Dock Board has not lost its sense of civic pride in its
great efforts to build sheds for the accommodation of a large corporation.
It is necessary that other civic bodies come to the front at once to
make every effort to stop the destruction of so valuable a piece of ground.
Durnlag the past few years The Herald has said some hard things
amst the service and equipment of the New Orleans Isilways Co., and
e-peially were we very severe in our criticism of the Louisiana Ave. car
Ute, but since visiting some of our Eastern Cities and paying especial at
batot to the price of fares, equipment and conduct of the men on the
irs.we have come to the conclusion that New Orleans with its eight cent
.r fare and free transfers is away ahead of many of our Eastern cities
n giving our citisems service.
Ia New York City where the fare is still five cents, there is posted in
sll abway ears the announesment that the present fare of five cents is
saJIsst to moet the Iuterest on the bonds, notwithstanding the fact
tre mbways are owned by he city and operated in partnership with
--kpeatlsa. The burface cars are dirty and slow and apparently oper
iiwrh the intettio of disouragling their use.
kr Claie ati the fare is eight and one-alf ceats. The cars are
1 sps, sand the srviee during rush hours is net to w joke.
s Buffaleo, Philadelphia, Louisville. Memphis, and other large cities.,
Sbhad bes greatly advanced and there is no evidence of new roll
steek. The ears are pictures of previous hard service.
f eass of Washingta, are much better than ia say of the other
1 the o 1th. Here the ear fare is seven and one-half cents, that is
l yes buy their tkeas which are sold, four for thirty cents.
S easters.a ad eouadctdr of our lols ears in their eonduct and
n asmusare eery favorably with the best and are far above the
I. ft ve  tiet about our er service sad advaneed tare, do not
80" wl ye have se what other ities have.
-. H was t u sa somes dog. Nothing thoroauhbred or pedligreed about
'Thea kind of a dog ea sees every tiame one walks down one of oar
Hs mater was out o humor about somethiang ahd the dog was
ealy belg wtln reach, upon which he could give proper vent to his
STheore w a vleos kirk, a whiae of paid'e surprise, and the poor
d4eged away. A boy was standinlg on the curb noearby, unnoteiced by
dg's master, sad as the poor fellow passed with head down and tail pll
betwem is legs, he stroked the doS's head uad uttered a word of
. stly thi tell was actitve, wagglag from saide to side, sad into
We ease an preso of the deepest gratitude. That dog wats smiling.
he tried to talk to that boy with his Ilttle yelps pueshed oat by utter
eo hoew he htad fend s frleMd.
hse I~e a a shrill whi- note of command--nd the dogt looked
his master, the ma who, but a moment before had bestowed the
Ilt. eut away he wert, stil saeding oat the glad little barks. He
l mees aganst the I of hies owner and was ready and anxous
do his biddiag. Ready to lick the foot that klcked him.
as th dirsappoared dowtn the street, we wondered--etill we
who the dog l avs this lif--breathes his lasIt-we wonder
* Ll eer tsr him. Does he live his allotted time to servo and to
the hma klieks and then so out for all eternity?
IThe useliih sk alal with not a thought but to please a master or a
ser* must have a place to go.
We iJ lys lave beehn taught that the beasts of the field, and the eowIs
Sair, ed the fih to the so, are plaed here for the use sad the coa.
eo man. Perhaps this is as it should be-but we wonder just the
whm wre a man or a woman, with thoughts only of self, we
*akins that kee aater tH is ala~tte wisdom has prepared
a p ns hr the faithful dog.
-Conf. . ,rma.nd Graduation
Gift. ThatLast--J..dry
* What is a mere oethetla gift than
$Jweluy, with an sadlees varietr to se
sot etom.
We Make Uverpthlag a.Me
! ,.% .....
.: ,  ,: .:]'-.,_,.
______)W HE. CANT
pRýý r ý jm,
-p A
136.940-In re. Mrs. Geo. W. Le
land, wife of George W. Leland; au
thorization to borrow.-Sidney F.
Acceptances of Contracts.
Theodore J. Lahusen, owner, from
Frank W. Lahusen, contractor, prop
erty, Wagner, Webster, Homer and
Ella Jackson to Interstate Trust &
Banking Co. (Algiers Branch) ,$300,
lot, Brooklyn Ave., Teche, Homer and
Real Esate Teansfers.
John W. Zeringue to Charles
Ernst, 4 lots, DeArmas, Nelson, New
ton and other property, $3,400 cash.
Oakdale Impt. Co. to Andrew Jack
son, 2 lots, Bringier, Lawrence,
Thayer and LeBoeuf, $210 cash
Same to Mrs. Sarah Jackson, lot,
same square as above, $100 cash
Same to Huey M. Walker, 2 lots,
Lawrence, LeBoeuf, R. R. and other
property, $237.50 cash-Friedrichs.
Friday-me & pa went with ma
to a muzikel social at the opry house
where 1 lot ma's trends witch is a
yung lady was to sing a song. After
the show pa ast ma what he shud
ought to say to her. ma says to him
O Make It snappy & sky it was sim
pully wonderfull. We all went up
to her pa shuk 1 of her hands &sed
Yure singing was wonderfuly simple.
Ma gave a hot glance & drug him
away in dispare.
Saturday-Pa has ben saveing up
his money for a rainy day be sed. So
today he tak it and went &bought
a cupple non skidding tires for the
Sunday-We drove out a long the
crick this afternoon & I fell in the
water wile trying to duck the dog.
ika slapppd me because I got my new
shirt dirty. I wonder If she xpecks
me to take off my shirt when ever
I Ao near the water.
* Monday-The Ritchmetick was to
hard to wirk so I set & wondered if
pa had 'of merryd sum other wom
Today is an ago when the matter
of pure food products is attracting
the attention of the civilized world,
causing government and state laws
to be enforced. The importance of
the parity of the thints we eat was
never so forcibly insisted upon as at
the present time, and when it comes
to candy and confections there is no
better plaie at which to get pure and
wholesome confections than at the
Cosmopolitan Homemade Candy Fac
tory, which is located at 814 Iberville
street, and of which A. Baker Is the
proprietor. At the Cosmopolitan
will be found everything in the line of
home made candles, all candles made
by Mr. Baker with creamery butter.
Mr. Baker has Just reently opened
his place of business, but for many
years he has followed eady makig,.
and has worked for the A. . Wil
llama factory at Magaslae and St.
Andrew and 513 Bareune, and he
carries the same high grads eadies
incuding DreLch nougat rolls, tutti
trutti, ecan sticks, Creole pecan
prftlnes, oeoanut cream bars, fine
boabons, tafty, bamboo, peanut and
pecan brittle. Mr. Baker asks that
you try his candle sad be convinced
of quality. The Cosmopolita's
phone number is Mait 9148, and tele.
phone and mail orders are promptly
attended to.
very automobile owner is proud
of his ear, and it is his pride to keep
it looking in fist elm eamdltion at
all times. To acemplash this many
thip asm memry o b dbne, but
hs tlhis briet ter e We emit estta
te to em Item that - sfribitam t
this aim. That is ase pbeee of
ai eoe mi` S 'a bis. suerau
aud bee~ cad ftast 1 bet sebe S
- j. w m9. 1- "
Same to Wm. J. Boyland. Jr., 2
lots. MagelLan. LeBoeuf, Columbus
and Whitney, $150 cash-Friedrichs.
Oliver Bourgeois to Suburban B.
& L. Assn.. lot, Pacific, Opelousas,
Elmira and Slidell, $1500 cash
Purchaser to vendor, same prop
erty, $1500 terms-Loomis.
Marcel L. Bernard to Floyd Ca
tnell, lot, Elmira, Socrates, La
marque and Pacific Ave., $300
Mark A. Morse to Third District
Bldg. Assn., lot, Bell, Rendon, Lo
pez and De Soto, $6250-Wegener.
S. Deranburg, owner and builder;
box houses, Newton, Pacific, Atlantic
and Houma-$2400.
Rev. G. H. Divore, owner and
builder; do8ble cottage, Elmira, Pa
cific, Socrates and Lamarque-$1000.
L. Bidhanan, owner and builder,
box house, Oldale Division, $200.
Robt. Harden, owner and builder,
single cottage, Homer. Thayer, 81i
dell and LeBbeuf-$100.
an & ma had marryed I nother man
xcept pa & they both had little boys
witch 1 of the boys I wood of ben
& what relations we wood be to each
Tuesday-Had Co. for supper &
I seen pa skratching in his plate
with his fork finely he let out a
lafft & sed be had tried for 10 min.
g ret a hare out of his plate before
be found out it was a crack in the
plate. Ma told him he has about &
much tact as a hungry pup.
Wednesday- Teacher. eplained
that things witch is made hollow is
stronger. like gas pipes and so. 4th
Then when Jane & me disagreed
about a argument she sed I was the
head strongest boy she ever new.
Now I dent no what no ment xackly.
Thursra-e-n's cussen Joe sot
marryed & he is .out of wirk to. Pa
says they is lots of yung fellows
witch thinks that all they need to
start up house keeping is a wife.
Yurs truly,
day is fast saining in favor over the
old method of painting, Mr. H. L.
Boyle, manager of the Auto Painting
and Enameling Co., pioneers in this
business in New Orleans, yes:
"Automobile owners are awaken
ng to the advantage of baking enam
el on faded fenders and hoods. The
hot summer months are especially
severe on the surfaces of these parts
of the ars when the paint Is simply
applied, and in a short time the lustre
is entirely gone, but'if the enameling
is baked on it it wIII hold its lustre
five times as long. I am pleased to
pote that there is an increasing de
mand on the part of New Orlesas
auto owners for eummelin baked
fenders and hoods."
The Autp Painting and Enameling
Co., Messrs Boyle & Cowgill, Props.,
is located at )4 Julla street. They
are prepared to turn out Jobs prompt.
7, and of course there is a guarantee
.with all work. They paint with pride
to the fact that fifty per cent of the
dealers and paint shop proprietors
are their customers, and they only
ask that you "consult your dealer or
pointer. He knows."
A dance and an entertainment will
be given Saturday eveninag at Pythia
Hall for the benefit of a most worthy
A splendid program has been a
rangd for the early pert of the eve
ninsi Among the to take part are
Vance Averll and Slmi De Laup It
solo dane, the dnuet will be danced
b the paspls at eloeviie School and
seveal of Mb Cassidy's pap8i wir
take part,
The NOvar SBem Band wi tfurnsh
musie ir the daUise Doors win
<Aen at 6:80 p . and "admiss
ai tm1are sam, tWO childen
bein sdmbJeada ee tieetL'
* dI hem sp 'beets
Benny's Shadow
.I, 5121. We..trn Newspaper Luo.)
It is not only the murderer who
comes back. drawn irresistibly to the
scene of his offense against the human
law. Everyone who has done wrong,
everyone who has been unfortunate,
everyone who has suffered, even, re
turns some day to the place where the
event occurred which marked a black
bar in the spectroscope of his life. It
was so with Arthur Kane.
Five years before he had stood in
the same spot, at the same time of
day, on just such an evening, outside
Evelyn's house, at the foot of her
garden. Then he had been poor; now
he was wealthier than he had ever
expected to be; but then he had been
happy, and now, of all men, he was
the most miserable.
It was summer then and it was sum
mer now; the same rose bushes were
blooming, the same moon was rising
over the house-tops; nothing had -
changed except his heart.
Five years before Kane had been an
underpaid clerk in the Fourth Na
tlonal bank, seven blocks away, in the
heart of the business section. And
Evelyn had been a stenographer in the
same town. She lived with her
widowed mother and her little brother
Benny. Arthur had always known
Evelyn, but their engagement had
c6me about quite suddenly and simply.
He had discovered unsuspected depths
of tenderness in her nature when his
mother died. She had cared for her
all through her lingering Illness. The
night before she breathed her last she
said to Arthur:
"I want you to marry Evelyn."
The thought had not occurred to
him. He had not known that Evelyn
loved him. The day after the funeral
he asked Evelyn to marry him. And
when she laid her head upon his shoul
der and began to cry softly, from
sheer happiness, Kane suddenly dis
covered the world of love in his own
"I thought you loved Marston," he
"I never cared for Martson," she an
swered, looking at him with a wonder
ful light In her eyes.
Then came the fatal evening when
Kane, approaching Evelyn's house
later than usual, after the shades were
drawn. stopped suddenly as he saw
Marston's face upon the blind, and
Evelyn's. They drew near to each
other and their lips met. Then the
shadows danced away and the lamp
light illuminated the blind again.
Kane went home ana wrote a bier
letter to Evelyn, explaining that be
had unexpectedly discovered proof ot
her faithlessness, and took the train
west next morning. In five years he
had made a comfortable fortune. Now
be had come back. -
As be stood by the gate of Evelyn's
home a tall bea suddenly Came in from
the street, saw him, stopped short,
and accosted him.
"Mr. daner' he exelaimed.
Kane turned. "Why. Benmr" be
saMid, taken aback. "How youe have
own" ha amely. "I would
never have known yvo."
"I heard yes were beak," amid Be.
Sshyl. "i'vT hess ioking for you
all over the tew. Went ou erome
"No, thnksa" said Kan, beginlag
to les Is siat-es lL "I have to be
leavin again tfs esring."
"Mothes and nvely wn't be home
till late" said eea. "Say," he eCo.
tlnd. "I want to show you sm
thing. rm awfully erry it wasu r
fault Evelyn and yeo, bad that tre
"Your fault F" excaimed the other.
"Yes, Mr. ra. It was aN awful
blow to her when yo went away.
She just cried and cried for days, but
she wouldn't let antyone write and tell
you. br It was all my halt."
Kane's bet almet draned him
alanst his wl lato the little parlor.
Nothi was changed-elly his heart.
Benny put out the s and stoead tho
lamp lo the middle at the table.
"You thought she wasu ki g Ma r
ston," said Benn, awkwardly. "Look
It was thisway-just  a. ibe was
amusing me."
And, peasasg behld the lamp, he
twisted his hands until a shabdow le
Marsten's head appeared apon the
"That's Marsto," mid Benan "Yos
emn tell bh by his big nose. Now
this is Eelyn-see? That's her hatr,
dome like they sed to wear it five
pmrs bkek. Now, when I bring my
hands together tbhey ka-seeY'
It was a very ereditable ai. it
wasu t t the sme kis that Kane had
seem Ave yeanrs bre pon the shade.
Kane staggered ot ot his seat..
"Deany I've been a fool t" 'he at
tred, and caught the be by thea arm.
"SA bere, tll me ift there's any ,
heare fe me," he shouted. "Where .
Is sbet Ivre get to see hebr She's
et to orgive me at eae. She's geot
to baust g pIn to make her."
Dear hesitated. "Yo wontt be s
ry with me, Mr. ase?" he asked.
"Aie t a theo bse. I had to bring
pm In somehow." e palld e h Iother
by th armm ad drabw hbm lto the lhalb.
She was sinndlan endur the hail
lam She was trembi. She was
leekl at Kanm, but netther Maw the
othe rbesae of the suds dimming
of viasn-they ealy bilt saee othe
bhart to heart ad pse to Ipe.
Brookline, lass., is thi largest town
la the world administered under th
town meeting system.
The elola exercisee of the Cee.
sidtorr4soaaccaou Sehoo of Bloc
_ties s a oem.g wl taoe plse sat.
wrdot Nay Nb at Seka rtp. in, at
tho LK Hl
Jewlery Ge
and Co
Ladif. Wrist Watches
irawlets and Novt
l\. specialize ovelt
}tilýhi v Fobs, and Riam l
in and make yt
rlection. A elall
posit Will reser M
article selected.
Diamond and Platinum Rings, $25.00 up.
I)iamond Bar Pins, $14.00 up.
Stolid Gold Cuff Buttons, $5.00 up.
Solid Gold Men's Watch Chains. $6.75 up.
Rosaries, Gold and Silver. $3.50 up.
Mother of Pearl Prayer Bo,,k;, $13.50 up.
M. J. Rosenthal & Co.
Exclusive Jewelers
113 Baronne St.
little ones last year accredited them- hIeaves.. -
selves wonderfully and this year will Merl Yalets, l.4
be a repititionof their excellent work. Dawn ... .....__. ------- I
The program follows:
Scene-An Artist's ts4 a
Prologue-Scene: Nursery on Mid- wich Villiage.
summer Eve. Cast:
Act 1-The Forest . One lHour The Maid .........
Later. The Artist...........__. . -
Act 2-Another part of the forest. The Chinese Girl.__l
Act --Fairyland. The Italian GirL____
In order of their appearance. The Dutch Girl.- a
CAST: The Parisian Girl Ik6I
The Children. The Scotch Girl _jqe.g .
Janie . Elmire De Laup The Spanish Gi
Bobbie ....Lloyd Salathe The Egyptian Girl.._ -
Tommie .... .. aw.. wrence Walters The Old Fashioned 0(1.
Nurse . Thelma Sterling
The Shadow ..........Charles Mosely The Irish Girl.
The Little Green Elves..Mllae Hauffe The American (i..--1
Rosada 'Langdon -
The Will o' the Wisps .-.- .. Elise "VARIETY ITa :"
Walters. Joycelyn Brown A Miniatue Re e
The Herald Lolta Sierra Valse Clasique
Innocence - Grace Harper Dagger Dance ........
The Fairy Queen Helen Skelly Why Don't Y
The Muse -__ -.Dolores Sterling
The Violets .Velma Spellman Minuet
Catherine Sunseri
The Roses . Margie Duke, "Vanity Fair" - Ye
Mae Hauffe and Rosada Lang Jass Baby
Forget Me Not __.Margaret Skeely Gems from I
Pansy ,Glen Boylan PFale -
Open Sunday 'till
Come and get our
Bread--Rolls, Coff
Cake, Raisin Bread.
Cor. Alix and Valfetto
Get One tour Easy-RmandnW
_i_ Ld ifra How sIJ it s
to Mww Yow Lawm4.
Prices 8." to 15
Duvic Hardware
Foto's Folly T
SNDAYI, MAX S-B3ill Darke i "Frsky Mrl . JohIaIsu" .
iml." Fez News.
rKONAY, MAY L-M. Courtney Fte ei "The Star hneer." ..
Aveagia Arrow." Frd Weeklyr.
T-A n t NA L-Adta Stewart in Harriet tbhe Piper.
elogue. Star Comedy.
WPDNDSDAY., MA SL.-AAlta Stewart., i "nartlet the Pipi '
TWasUJ AT, MAt SL-AU Star Cast in "reveage of Tarsn"
VWsAT. MAt i.-I. Warne kErrss in "The COast St
theU Chessm" SeralL MttY .
sATUDAT., MAT -4Sam OGeyr Special. "U. P. TraL"l
Admimslea 1e san lie. Dees open aunday 5 p. m.- h
wek dae 84 p. so-sew T p. m.
Furnult UnUp.ilsterlng
e , .,. · .,..a a 1;1*3,,
; neaso shoe sens

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