OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, May 26, 1921, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1921-05-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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PAGES THE HERALD. Better Ferrage
Devoted to the Uplidlg t theo W est Side of the River. "A vety lve and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFAC(l¶ BRS' RECORD.
articles appearing in the yi
paperp in which were stated C
t Dpock Board had made the
demanded by the public,
a large open space at the
S palp St. .are misleading for d,
that the Dock Board agreed
e tt off sixty feet of the pres*
" batse which they are now
across Canal St. The sixty "
eoessll made by the Dock h
is insignificant and does not
the condition one iota. Mr. P
". Lawton, Charles Donner and '
C. V. Kraft held several confer- H
a-nday with the city officials tl
teak gp the matter with some
of the Constitutional Con-.
Charles Donner left Mon
hht for Baton Rouge to con
glg Governor Parker in our ef
t tIncorporate into the consti- o
a chuas in the present Dock t
S rdiaance that will forever n
epsa the large neutral grounds I
bead of Canal St. Mr. Peter v
-tas also spoke before the Fed- c
s Women's Clubs on the ii
Sad the club as a body will t
hir assistance to prevent the v
3ard trom closing up this v
-dyer eatraseo to New Orleans. a
amsedsaent proposed by thet'
delsgtion to the Dock Board >
in the new constitution is I
" , That the City of New I
a11 have excaluive control
-48 lineal feet of water front c
the present Poydras and
street sheds at the foot of t
smeet, for ferry purposes for
further. That said City
Orlesas shall hav tcr.sie r
I- S INr e all @t bit' o. of I
ad bete iald beds., ot a
oer agmle appfoachs to
muare, said land to be de- I
-~i000I to terry purposes 1
- eU bellsbme uts as said
p:I e, alt as per at- I
-S dil:Ak part of this ant." I
O da R u Club, who
. R was decided at the
that asetsio of a large
i ult m w he hdlt at
ik p r patos will
the samp. A crowd of
14s tor the camp last
b t gaml Busadiy.
Iined Park BDtle
a amber of her
ale . Cards were'
rh eWvees. Dane
was -as teul ed
were mrved.
)M the crowd with
ic ai ."yo uho ms
hod the br"ultae
saume, Mrs.
o ia idi tra .t
4mshones in 1me3yN
I isY****eM. The
Sutar, endem
Mr sight .e3
ne tiUe has bee
.Ons Kreeh as as
thisnew ente
wfts - mm
ýý º i +
OL ;l
Suspect In Park Intimi
dation Held
Alleged to have been caught crawl
ing up to a couple seated in City Park
late Friday night, W. P. Crilly, 35
years old, clerk in the First City
Criminal Court, living at 1138 Verret
street, was arrested by Patrolman
Bernard and charged with being a
dangerous and .suspicious character.
Crilly, according to the police, was
positively identifed by Robert Aus
tin, 212 North Prieur street, as the
man who is alleged to have assaulted
him with a pistol in City Park last
t week. For the past two weeks, the
police alleged, a man, whom they say
was Crilly, has been posing as a po
- liceman and intimidating couples in
the City Park. Patrolmen were
,specially detailed in the park to
catch the man.
Steve and Joe Quartano, who re
- oently were released under bond by
c the Orleans Parish authorities in con
r nection with the burglary of the
s Harper Garage in Opelousas avenue,
r were arrested last week in Gretna,
- charged with breaking and entering
s in the night time with felonious in
I tent. Joe Burgau also is charged
a with the same offense. The arrests
a were made by Sheriff Danenhauer
i. and his chief deputy, Peter Leson,
* together with Sergeant Crippe of the
d Eighth precinct. The trio are be
I lieved to have been implicated in the
burglary of the Samuel Brothers' de- 'I
Spartment store at Gretna Monday
I night, when more than $1,000 worth
t of wearing apparel was stolen.
d They were released under $2500
,f bonds each.
y On last Friday evening, May 20th, t
e many friends met at the home of
d Mrs. 8. E. Hebert, at a miscellaneous
t shower given in honor of Miss Julia
o Cayard, whose wedding to Mr. San
c- ford N. Hebert will take place June
a 1st.
d The bride-elect was brought to the
t- house under the pretense of meeting
a friend, one of the selected grooms
men, and when she arrived, was con
Stronted with Mathilda Dummy.
Mathilda was a dress form (one
of the gifts) with a head attached
and an apron to which was pinned a
note of introdueties. She Proemied
her usfdtnls in more ways thao
one; sad ae irectaons for Utiting
her apena  b reIsd Maam
Spackages bhide beneath. After
these were opened, many more were
Shanded to the bride-elect en by s.
Miss ayard wee the rlpient of
Smany beiutitl presents. The house
was beautifully deekated with, cut
floweis 1 `"igns. Delicious re
ftreehiets were served.
Those partialpating were, Mlise
Ruth and Roberta Hatkesbring, Ada
Malone, Carmen, Anna and Blanche
e- Vanderlindmn. Ida atd Mary Harvey,
ir Julia and Thelma Cayard, . Orrie
re Suiimers, Bessie Evans, Corn Per
- kfis, Ethel and Emma Rhoades,
Il Katie Mahoney, Sarah Pearson, Flor
d. ence and Mary Clifford, Agnes Hingle,
th Agnes Swan, Catherine Fitspatrick.
e Bertha Ryan, IalIa EatWisle, Helen
se Davis, leale Dsna, Ruth Pettigrove,
s. .Epgenia Attenhoffer, Carlotta Kraft,
id l'ertha Albrissu. Grace Monk, Ulrea
m Petttgrove, ReoIse HNebert, Me
dames Duan; Malone, Warten, Bill,
esaner., MeyerseaOsrem. Back,
Pettigrove, Cayard, Calderare, Way,
Slablt, Blakemanu. OrMl, Ialntrd.
* Glser, Ogy, K·lg, Miller, iebrt,
ht Irown,. Grimes, YeDseon, iblieb,
- Barnell, Riehardest Albrime, Wer,
Thompson, Melencon and Duffy.
at ExaBminations were held last week
It. by the' Stateo Boeard t Health for
n Uinsesu as reglstere phumuacts
an and qualified assltants.
a . Mr. Rayefn 4. Rchards sn~ee
re fully passed ase yregstsred pharma
Select, and Mr. Dewey Thorninl a am a
. assistat. We eoupatulate thee
ms. yendg geittemeS e their yAMasei.
Budapest Celebrates Inaugural of Mr. Harding
A scene during the great celebration In Budapest, capital of Hungary, on March 4 In honor of President Har
ding, then being Inaugurated In Wuhington. Twenty thousand men, women and children gathered in front of the
national museum to listen to speeches by Hungarian leaders eulogizing the United States and our new President.
At the right is Capt. James Pedlow, American Red Cross commissioner to Hungary, honored the same day by the
Hungarian parliament.
Cafiero Ice Works, Inc.
New Ice Company
The big ice plant of Sid. M. Caflero i'
which was sold some fifteen days ago
to Mr. Wallace Trowbridge was again
resold to Mr. Cafiero a few days ago.
The corporation has been formed t
with the capital stock of $49,500, t
which takes over machinery, plant,.
real estate, fixtures, furniture, and
5 all other portions connected with the i
former ice plant. The new corpora
Stion is to be known as the Cafiero
Ice Works, Inc., of which Mr. Sidney 1
M. Caflero, former owner of the busi
ness, is president. Ed. M. Cafiero vice
i president, and George J. Smith secre- 1
tary4reasurer. Mr. Sidney Cafiero is
Soeall known in Algiers, having been
the former owner of the lee plant.
is brother, Ed. M. Cafiero, who for
e,g}alt b: had been analdtical
ehemist it the citr, leaves that pro
fesiom to become vice-preseient.
George J. Smith, who Is. presently
Sconnected with the Grand Isle Rail
road, and who has been with that
t co Wpe as good msay years, becomes
the secretry-treasurer of the ice
The new company is already work
a lag under its new organisation, and
e the shares in the corporation are
equallt divided among the three men
e above mentioned.
r- One of the reot enjoyable events of
*, the past week was a party given in
c, honor of little Vivian Teal, at her
a hems, 8 BDellerille Street, the bcca
, slon beina the tith anniversary of
, her birth.
a Those present were: Floraelle
o. Roper, Vivian Ursula, and Comrelia
t, Tal, Et le Olsen, n1a snd Oscella
, Anderst, elda BurmssL l, ierrell
, Hall, Tile . Crafierd AI Mee Al
Sliasham, Mary Alonso, ULAlll Bmga,
t, I e Teal, Jesaphlne Msagao, Ab.
i, e Abbott, Ieria Wrli,, Bernice
Scarpeter, MarYu t Matnch. Doro
thy, Velma, and Baby Webrt, Orella
and Elmer Joardan, Mary and Alma
Weiaman, nda, Enelyn and Ell
weeood Mssmer, UI, Elisabeth and
Osal Traub Mtdregd UMP U h
Durges, Orace Duplan, Wilma Deis.,
k Junlor Teal, Jas. Hibben, Jobs Du
r bet, Herman Eaumum, Cyri Car
Spester, George Wrlgh Irvin llam,.
inmwood Maimer, ktear Marsge,
- John Sutherland, Sidny Teal, ambne
- Olen, Jabs "ettom, LeIus Matylich,
-C Charles Abbott, Brl Jourdan, Charles
Nt , M,. iad Ma. .& Teal, Jr. Mr.
ad . MS. Tea l Wtr. W. Teal, &r.
and Mrs. R. Ta, hr., Mrs. H Usper,
Mrs. J. "data . , . .
* Am! m. a PAR.r .
Ons Masade -sesets, as. 'red
-o stebory. so e asied. the
members ad bar !a t aity.
These these wens Mw Lois
Owveos, " bo, . .ret
OsarSd. d.iPery. • Y Rfits
oibpl r: U . lowvels
omu ll e Mwas ms a aUelr sad IL
H. Deamer pad Jea Rastu Jobs Vi.
ber men srisplp pumhau
Ow omt Lem. boohdm E.
Aol Se.i X11.*eu i
Esakm Chere Id. wershen
ladan, Ki e was in uemto s
iday sar Yd b. ýr. IL
ls e tle. -aa aEkil toa
Doctors Bohne and Wymer called
at our school last Tuesday. They
visited the different departments in
the school and expressed great sat
isfactlon for the excellent health con- Ti
dition of the children.
Our "Completing Exercises" will n
be held on Friday afternoon, June
10 at two o'clock in the Folly Thea- tb
tre, Algiers. The parents of all of Si
the pupils will receive an invitation ly
to attend the exercises. No one
will be permitted to enter the thea
tre without an admit card. Friends ni
and patrons of the school, not re
caiving invitations may secure same
by applying at the school. w
The offloers and members of the
Adolph Meyer Co-Ooperative Club hi
have gone on record as favoring the H
seven mill tax for Public Schools. di
Telegrams, favoring the tax and urg
ing a favorable report from the com
mtttee were sent to Mr. Hewitt Bonn
adhatid, Presidest of the Oonstitu
tional Convention, and to Hon. Mar
tin Behrman, delegate to the Con
stitutional Convention from the 15th
Our school picnic takes place to
day, May 26, at the City Park. We
sincerely hope it will be a success.
All parents and friends are invited
to assist in making our children C
happy so that they will recall this 1
day as one of the very happiest days ti
of their lives. All teachers and d
pupils will assemble at the Canal I
Street Ferry at nine o'clock and then 14
proceed to the park. b
Perfec it Spemlg. b
8A-Grady Scott, Aliee Serps, a
Thelma Wille, Eliska Sullivan.
8B---Claire Moffliet, Mildred Sut
ton, Elmer Grundmeyer.
7B-Rhea Trudeau, Elide Trudeau,
Rosle DeCorte, Joe Costello, Leola
Umbach, Myrtle Boudreaux. J
LA-Elisabeth Costello, Thelma l
Hints, Amelia Serpas. I
B--Thelma Sutherland, Althes
Wattigney, George Tlerney.
SA-Mildr6d Campbell, Irma Dean
Simon, Hilda Pifeffer, Ben Cantin, [
William Bommer. I
4A-Nonm HIngle, Mike Evola,
Adolph Hotard, George Tierney. i
4B---Norestiae Beber, Henrietta
Smith, Harold Erast, Inell Landry, I
Willnasm -p.uh s. John Tiesne, I
Albert GOIHeggpa.
A-Mary Caress, Maenle Trehan,
Lee Wattigney, Jackson Molalsoa,
Orestes Genia .Maie- Ory, Hen
retta Grnndmeyer, Rles Lessere,
Roland Leumere.
SB.-Thelma A1a, Muradel Gall
inghouse. Realties Ogadrelsa, Lan.
Dumesnu, 8ells gA
Hynes, Allams Weeombe Edward
Sutton, Wims Mhay, George KSini,
Leighton DBeuem, se rll Ca tin,
Myrns Smith, Gladys Crabtres, La
ille Breaux, Frank Hoetgm.
2-Valers Habighore, Mase
anutherland, Alv w attise l Jaws
Hints, EdwaOd ¶Iaey, Hester Len
dry, Loris Damesel, David Gebs
Nean Mapags Lllisa Haie, James
asy Mthiida Richards, Aden . Boeg
ew..el s , he h amen,4
$.....-mfl m Whelaa, Wibert
3ad.edmbe, Arthur Wat de, Edwia
MUm, Xuateh 3Os adNanx, '
traudo Pass~ Mien Campbell,
Ls lin La mS May 1ya m men
- ,A-car , Me& S M
TA-Fred Cilte , eume Esde. i
Koear, Wales wer , Des*
-Gwged AIS,
!Ip0~~d Edge.Il~~ h~
Tansey Succeeds m
Herbert In Bank
The many friends of Mr. R. A. a'
Tansey are congratulating him as the
successor of Gporge Herbert in con
nection with the Algiers Branch of n
the Canal-Commercial Trust and J
Savings Bank. Mr. Herbert recent- s:
ly resigned his position with the
bank to become the president of the
new Algiers Trust and Savings Bank.
Mr. LaPie, manager of the brhnch
banks, who has been in conference
with Mr. Tansey for the past few i
days reqarding the position, an
nounced Monday that Mr. Tansey I
had didided to asoept the position ii
6 He entered upon the discharge of his ii
duties yesterday. e
The other employees at the Al- r
glers Branch and E. E. Cayard,
manager, H. J. Hildebrand, -paylng
teller, M. C. Ryan, receiving teller; a
Miss Thelma Caytd, bodokeeer t
S. P. Baker, Xmas Savings teller;
Wm. Stenger, statement clerk and
M. J. Lawton, clerk.
I The ladies of the Fifth District
Civic League wish to thank all those E
wa ho assisted and who made dona
* tions for the benefit given last Satur
I day night at Pythian hall for a most
I worthy cause. Among those are the
a Knights of Pythias for their hall, the
boys at the Naval Station for their
band, and all the ladies who helped
make it a success, particularly Mes
dames Jan. Mofetti Beard, Rogers,
Barras, Lusk, Gibb Bloom, Seago.
Halter, Collette, Yalets, Baker and
John Heurtin, Hardie Cox, Camille
a Pitre, Eddle Pujol, Elise Lassere,
Mary Caruso.
a SB-Muriel Gallinghouse, Beatrice
Gondrella, Marguerite Robichaux,
a Alice Hines, Allan Udgecombe, Ed
i, ward Sutton, William May, George
King, Leighton, Bergeron, Merill
º, Cantin, Myrlin Smith, Gladys Crab
tree, Luellie Bresx, hrank Hotard.
a SA-Valera HIabghorst, Mamie
,u Sutherland. Alvin Wattigney, James
r, Hints, Mdward Tiney, Hester Lap
The made memory contest will
take place at the Nbrmai School on
Thursday. May 26, at 2 o'clock. Miss
est Marcy, teaher of the fifth
grade, will eater her boys. Among
those hotertg the contest will be
Alvin Short, Albert 8bert, Karl
Brodtman. Albert Bedtmu r, Keria
Mores, Osbert Eanter, Velery Jean
tres, Edwin shwelb, Harold
o'Brien, Pat Klleen, Preston Gea
smy, Tracy Lilly and ChalSes lnk.
Relatives of the kens eterlng the
contest are tUvlted to atteUd
There remalai but two weeks be
tore the eles' of the asselm. To the
boy who has worked dtitmptly from,
the begIains and who has obtained
~a at1ator stadard, the end of the
Ssesion has no tears, tor heknow
he has dome hs eons toward pro
mssetI biseile But ao the laggard
it will be a hard awakenting.
The May id l 0e gives ea the
l, school peemids lia Friday was a
.plemdi meesor ire lne il, a
tIo- u a soal aotaipelu The
a. the teIvaI was given, wes. to
iy wake the sensr ieh an saees: Mr.
I 3. W. Bursts,r IewhtluS graeada;
r. Wolls, for IAhtins basement and
gtageo; Mr, Uehroedr, for dmeratiom;
I r. Pladert ad 'Troep SS So el
1ed Mr as i De th. aenut f te
putlm: ; . aMr e U fer ornse Ud
w sae an 0wt sam dematims
Conductor Kills Negro A
In Self-Defense
Said to have acted in self-defense, i
Vincent Cox, a street car conductor
who holds a sheriff's commission in
McDonoghville, shot and killed!
Thomas Cummings, negro, also of
McDonoghville, at Monroe and Anson ar
streets at 6 p. m. Thursday. T
The grand jury of Jefferson, now st
in session, is said to be investigat- i:
ing the case. Meantime, Cox is being tl
held on a chargeeof manslaughter. I
The grand jury of Jefferson, now tl
in session, is said to be investigating! ti
the case. Meantime, Cox is being
held on a charge of manslaughter. n
Facts in the hands of the sheriff is
of Jefferson. it is said, show Cox tl
acted in self-lefense. Cummings. w
with other negroes, was waiting for nl
a street car. According to Cox, when ti
the car stopped he saw the man shift w
a large revolver from one pocket to h
another. andt was approaching Cum- t,
mings for the purpose of arresting B
him, when the other, it is alleged,
attempteu to draw the weapon. Cox Ik
drew his revolver first and fired, the E
bullet entering the man's abdomen, n
producing death within a few ti
minutes. ci
Children in various parts of the
country are rejoicing in the posses- o
sion of checks from the National Se- t
curity League, with headquarters in ,
New York. representing the prize (
awards in its .constitution contest for F
grammar schools, which closed May 1. e
First prizes were won by boys and e
girls in Louisiana, ColOrado, Con- c
necticut, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, New *
I Jersey, New York Oklahoma, Penn- t
sylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Washington and West Virginia.
Louisiana was represented among
the prize winners by Miss Enola
Decker, of 419 Pelican avenue.
The ages of the children compet
ing varied from 11 to 15 years.
The young writer is an eighth
y grade pupil of the Belleville School
a in Algiers. She has had no training
s in playwriting and the success achier
ed in her first attempt is considered
- remarkable. The title of the prise
1, winning play is "An American Girl
g Goes to Italy" and the play brings
out points embodied in the constitu
tion of interest to every American.
On last Thursday evening, May
19th, the mothers in Algiers Inter
ested in child's welf;re, met at the
office of the association in Algiers,
!- and after listening to a very able
talk on child's welfare work by Miss
I1 Railey, a well-known worker of New
e Orleans, and by Miss Judith, the able
Ir and busy nurse in charge of the local
work, the ladies unanimously agreed
upon the organization of. a mother's
club in order to assist in the work.
There are five hundred and fifty
three babies registered at our sta
tion. They are under the supervision
of Dr. Wilson once a week, and un
le der the care of Miss Judith daily.
e, Many favorable expressions were
voiced by those present on the pro
Ee gress made by the children here.
x, The following officers were elected:
d- Mrs. F. C. Hymel, president; Mrs. J.
e Ford, vipresidenut: Mrs. OG. Ghy,
ll secretary; Mrs. B. Gilder, tresurer,
b- and Miss Judith advisor and eollector.
d. The meeting leged pledging its
is smpport to Miss Judith in putting the
es station up to the minulte in progres
p- and comfort.
The officers and members extend
to any lady interested a most hearty
welcome to join the club. The meet
ings will be hell on the third Thurs
day of each mnth in the child's we
fIare rooms at .the eaourtheos.
"Two Happiest Hsorrb in th World" {
` . ye~r ..1W~ WIYb . a'. ptia $' s~..
rove r .ra. r moo* syII~J to r
mr -C w- Aini
Mr. Adolph Spitzfader. the cashier
and manager of the new Algiers
Trust and Savings Bank. made a
statement yesterday that more than
$250.it00 has been subscribed for
the new bank, and that the over
subscription would be prorated with
the larg. subscribers according to
the amount of the subscription.
Mr. Spitzfaden stated that the
new bank will not stop taking sub
scriptions for stock on account of
the over-subscription as all those
who desire to take stock in the bank
may do so up to July 11. As addi
tional stock is subscribed this amount
will be deducted from the large stock
holders. It is the object of the bank
to have as many stockholders as pos
The banking house which will be
located at the intersection of Verret,
Eliza and Bermuda Sts., the McGiv
ney property, is now undergoing al
terations, and will be ready for oc
cupancy about the first of July.
last and Final Hearlng About
Recorder's (ourt.
Algiers citizent will be given an
other hearing next Tuesday before
the City Council before the commis
sioners vote on the ordinance of
Commissioner Ray to abolish our
Recorders Court. All public spirit
ed citizens are requested to be pres
ent at 11 a. m., next Tuesday in the
council chamber, for the purpose of
giving moral support to our efforts
to prevent this injustice.
Every Sunday I have the occasion
to witness a ball game Just opposite
the purification plant. I have also
noticed a dice game on these grounds
which involves tfenty or more of our
life-long crap shooters, hoodlums
and corner bums, whose main ideas
in lift are to live off the earnings of
other people. It is about time the
police take a hand in this matter.
Some time ago I noticed lt sae
of our weekly peapers how the
young officer in command of our
precinct station had brought to jue
tice a few crooks that had become
notable in our town. It is a vio-.
lation of the law from what I under
stand for people to congregate at a
certain place and shoot dice.
Let the police do It.
A Citisen.
r The Penny Party given by the
e Belleville Kindergarten Mothers'
tI Club last Thursday from 3 to I p.
d m., was a great success and a sate
a factory sum was realised. Many
thanks are due to all thoes who
donated and to those who came
forward to offer their services help
a lag to make it a decided sucoees.
re On Friday night of this week the
- league will give a special program
at the church, "The Life of Charles
I: Carey" will be told in song sad
J. story. There will also be other mud
y, cal numbers and re are sure yoe
, will enjoy the evening. A slver
e. offerit will be taken at the elese
a of the meeting, proceeds to go to the
s Afrlican peclal of the Upworth Lea
Is gue. Come and brlng your friend.
id The Natonal BaseBall Club will
y give its first grand danet Saturday,
- June 4, 191l, at the Avenue Ae.d
- pamy. Thb msule will be turnl*,e
4- by Hqmphrep snd Durand's Js

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