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PAGES THE HERALD. ED Off" " Upbto Uheldht of hbs W t Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspape."-MANiFACT(CRR R' RECORD. SVl. XXIX ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921. No. 4 ., .. ... . . m mm m u n m n m n u ma u n m • nul . n UNE BRIDESOF 1921 y Weddings are Scheduled For West New Orleans 5t is indeed nothing sweeter in wJrid than the bride, whether she SMay Bride, June Bride or the may Blride. It is the old saying I Everybody loves love." It ,I M mppIest time of their life and tM sired ceremony to which they mod themselves, brings to them the ltraftle that they are beginning galted work for the balance of their la wrltags up news articles and igrsty aIes of weddings, every at .ian is given the bride, but the grou m usually gets by with the e1is t that he had a best man and mat is alse a very important fac. r is beginning of a new life. 3. greishes the strong hand to me leeey for the little delicate Sto sped, and, while the groom .!&0 sett get much pttention from go.,e edy editors, he is continually by the merchants who would hi trade. New this brings as down to the part of matrimony. While WW OCme Up in City oNee aThis Mermis. Ig.isetism of Commissioner iglaeaes for the abolition of s:I srefr Court in Algiers has Npeted by the Commiession to Thursday morning. The mot Tuesday mornig, but, to the abeemee nom the city . dhae, only routine was handled. ustermmaa, cMe iealerk t. 1_ will head a delegation -r ieey whom the je ti eeonedru Oort is o sagdtL Algiers residents :aP esi galast the plan to lIhsr Duffy over the Trat eaiarry the buelaes of alst to the lty sdM e of Iiui em wr. ntm te em r nmew - I i'. who Is ei Uasr baee Sm Al the -meurame Soeld bhomames Depart. Duis ol at. Mr. tet dinesse seat u a to emMuan ton le is s ! aMlayr -ah s w mew ehasird h ereI Al aq iSP w~ ay drle * Resiasfes I . e4 R. J. Mranki. -d F:·ldu~au From an Elephan " . TA fo / \" r C .urn5 Lrz luuy may oe a very serious and important part of thell life, it represents only a few minutes along that long lane over which the, must travel. We desire to call thi attention of the June bride and thi groom as well as of all other brides and grooms, that in this issue of Th: Herald, there is specially offered in ducements that will be a money saver for those who are buying wed ding presents, furnishing theli home, and making such other put chases as are necessarily connectec with important events of this kind The substantial merchant today is ab solutely truthful in what he says is his advertisements, and were this nol a fact, he would not be in business long. The Herald accepts advertise ments only from merchants of thi kind and we stand back of everyon of our advertisers as to the veracit3 of any statements made in their ad vertisements. We ask the June brids and her friends, and the June groom and his friends to patronize our ad vertisers. CREDIT FOR ALL In the interest of lair play, and tc place the credit for the success of thi benefit dance given for Mr. Justi, Hotard and family at the Pythias Hall last week, let it be said that ua organisation asseeumed to promote th. same. Acting purely upon her own in spirltion, and ith a desire to assis a distressed neighbor, Mrs. James Moffat conceived the idea of the neo efit which was so successfully given, and asked the following ladies to as sist in the endeavor: Mrs. Dr. Beard, Mrs. Rogers, Ms. Val Barrs, Mrs. aLus, Mr. OiddG, Mrs. Bloom, Mrs. Sago, Mrs. Halter, Mrs. Courlette, Mrs. Yalets, Mr. Bacon, Mrs. Ned Huckins, Mrs. Donenfelser and Mr. Vie Cherboalers. All of the aboo-bhamed lades cheerflly consented to serve and did surv. Thee was no orgsahstiam efleeted, nor was there any chairlady elected; each worked in the iateres of the afiar in whatever manner ol Se t i bast ste r perlmece ability. 'le purpose was to relieve a dis tresaed situation. ad should not be capitalised by anyone-the glory In doing good for your neighbor is a great one, and each poarmn contribut kin to the *acess of the same should find satisfaction and contentment in the ilent thought of having eon tributed, their mite to such a ~qees. tful affar. momU sC(OOIa "There are not more than seven or eight pubile schools in New Or eans that ae not in need of repair., alterations, improvements to guard againt af daner. state ire Marshal comars Leoe said this In disussing school build ham which he ,s cendemned or has rdered repas, altottnss and im p--rovemeat made to. Amoeg theeo coedemned are Mo Doeosh No. 4. Els reort ona the other Algiers schools ame: Believille School, fire escapes re quired. MeDonosh No. , stairways and gal leries too narrow. McDoenog No. 32, fir escapes needed, oaeue atairway. ý ý ý CI ~l / .5 y e r rII D It A Ii 0 Bs B "!-b S b PROTEST CLOSING HEAD OF CANAL ST. 4 The following letter was addressed s to the Port Commissioners with ret erence to closing the head of Canal SSt.: B Hon. B. M. Hudson, President, tl * Board of Commissioners, v y Port of New Orleans, ce New Orleans, La. h w Dear Sr: p 4 We note that at the request of Governor Parker, your Board will, in tl - a few days, hold a special meeting 0 i for the purpose of hearing all those a n who are opposed to the proposed eam- I a teusion of the Poydras Street shed. e t- Since it is known that the number d of Orteanlans who will object to any o1 Sencroachment whatsoever of the x- ti - Isting space between the Poydras sad Blenville Street sheds, may be num- P bored by the thousands, permit us to al suggest that said meeting be held on A the ground in question, instead of in t g your comparatively mall meeting- tl room at the out-of-the-way eow court I house building. S We trust that the reasonableness a of this sugestion will appeal to your Board, so that a real test of public e1 sentiment may at one be attained without the necessity for further mass meetings on the subject. S Anticipating an appreciated early reply, we are, on behalf of the Al liers Citisens Terry Association. , a SBRPIME PAWTL i. A surprise party was tenadered lrs. Oeorge Wright on Tuesday May 24, R I- the ooaelon being the anniversary n of her birth. The party was arranged B a by her daater, Miss Flaris Wright, and her friends. Daneing, music and games were enjoyed. Dainty refreshments were A served. 0 a Those present were Ethel Leatham, ilie' Crawford, Irene Dorsey, olita lii 8ierra, Ma COeutat, Desethea and Velma Wiabprt, Marguerite Wiebert, I Berniae Veegtlln, Loreas Penski, Thals TYesdo, Dma North, Vlvlm N and IAlle Tlhal, Beryl DIket, leonor Rooney, Abble Abbot, Agnes 'oad l Amelia Marty, Celia Anderson, Me riel and Dorothy r ill, Id May Al- a lIngham, lva Omus, Vera Casey, W Grace Dupleub Fle Wright, o01o a and John Sutherland, Chap. Cleutat, be Jr. George Wright, ., Leslie John- 01 TSo, Gerard Edward, Charlie, Earl and North, WIn VI don Phllips, Floyd Kis- li haM. n ad rtt Coon, Pat Al sadt e sr, Charlie uas- li sal, t s ve, .hester amen Harold ndw Floy P d Hease ead Ti Chan. 'huls, Mr. and Mrs. A. .Hull, d Mrs. . . North, MIs O. Sutherland, Mrs. t(ateatln. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. co Cleutt an.d Mrs. George D. Wright. Be aln agw rtca min .t as A meah thief stole a Majestle bliy ey tUip the hallway of tahe remidene S rs. JW PIsley, 328 Olivir street, --betwee madm t sad 4 o'loeek iatuday eormiia. The h t lee bad been eltopen, asord tag eW asses br the latrader. Th lerasy patad khakia saol ard trlmme rred, was alyd at t$50. waU. l W -oWIP igegs aft. SCHOOL BELLS WNGING NEWSY NOT PROM T]g SCHR00 1 OfP al3H3 ADOLPH MEYBB SCHOOL. Mr. Paul Hkbans, Aseistant Super Intendent of Public Schools, spent the day with us last Monday. He visited every department under his charge and bef e leaving, himself as high pleased with the proCgr am'+uairg; : tier, Fir Board Iuspeirors, visited our school last Friday. They made a thorough examination of the build ina and expressed satisfaction in every respect. Mr. Lasu Block, of the Department of Attendaae, visited us several times durinl the past week. Miss Luela Egan, Supervisor of a Primary Work in the Public Schools, t spent the day with us ea Tuesday. I As this was Miss Egan's first visit t to our school, she was shown through a the buildinl by our prinacipaL Before leaving, Miss Mgan expressed her v great satisfation for the very ex cellent work being done by all teach prs whose work it Is her duty to sup ervise. Eighth Grade A-Ethel Rice, Ruth I Zeringue Vera Lusk, Christine Bi- r her, Thelma Will., Alles Sespas, I Eliska Sullivan. I Eighth Grade B-Claire Moffet, Elmer Orunadmeyer, Pearl Hymel. a Seventh Grade A-Marion Edge combe. Seventh Grade B--lise Trudeaa, d Rhea Trudeau, Ieola Umbash, Elsa nor Bergeron, Myrtle Boudreaux, Iley Bergeroae d Sixth Grade A-Jesnie Scott. Sixth Grade B-Clanyoe Hearttn, t Eleanor Stele, Mary Nepeeuz, Ela I Anderson, Eleanor Grandmeyer, George Tierney. lRfth Grade A-Ben Cattla, Wil-. iea BDommer. I Fifth Grade B--Clemamie Smith, weo Wille, Ethel Maronge. s Fourth Grade A--ydia Campbell, M Nora Hingle, Miki Evola Pourth Grade B--lavia Corona, Floyd Gulliot, Raymond Wattigsy. Third Grade A--Henrtta Grand-' meyer, Marde Ory, Elsa mrisere, Lee t Wattigney, John Wattigsey, Jobs s Reurtin, Lawrence Robiebeau, Al- l berta Pfeffer, Roland Lasser Orestes. b Third Grade A-Luana Duamenll, Virginia Geanthreaux, Muriel Gal Ilghouse, 8tellas Hberard, Thelma I Alouo, Marguerite Reoblcsu, Aliee Second Grade A-David Gebe, Florence Eddy, Leonde Serpas,- Al de RBogers Laura abian. t Second Grade B-Wilbert Edge ombs, William Whelan, Aaatel Boudresau, Edwin Milan, Lash S. Ig, Louise Pujol, Anna Mae Mea- setre. Eighth Grad A--Gertrude Berm- t mer, Vera Lask, Roy Hule, Thels Will, Christiune Bleber, AMe s tpis, k Biksh Sullivan. ighth Gradn B-Pearl Bymel, vi Mldred Sutton, Cime MoMt, Elmer n Brundmeyper. t easeth grades B-eanor Ber ties. pI ilth OGrade A-Wefle Wattissey. ti Foarth Otade A---Aiulpb Ro rd. '~i- > ORGAN PEALS FORTH MELODIOs TONES MR. sAl~is GIVSn r'OILY AUDIBNCB oSURPRis On Tuesday light the big pipe or gan was played for the first time, and It was a reat esurprise to the Folly patrons when the beautifully toned lasument started Just as the was being aath ow e. - SThe new msade lent a ear to the place, and It Improved the production of the bicture to suc an extent that it was not an uncommon thing to hear the audience comment upon it after the first show. Mis. Salles, daughter of Mr. Poto, handled the organ In a masterful way end she gves evidence of being able to beadle the big instrument to the astisfaction of all concerned. Mrs. Salle has been taking instruc tions on the pipe organ for some time, and the rendition of her selection Tuesday night showed that she is very apable. MKDONOGH No. 4. Our party given on the sehool gounds on Friday, May 27th, was a splendid success from every stand point. The sum of $161.26 was realised. Games and dancing were njoyed by all. We wish to thank all the mothers who were so very generous in their donations, and also all who helped to make the party such a success. Troop No. $6, Boy Scouts deserve praise for the artistic decoration of the grounds, and the work done during the evening. To Mr. B. Flanders and Mr. Leslie Schro der, who directed the boys in this Work, we extend ear thanks, add also to the Lighting COoqpey for light ing the grounds. We regret very much that Miss 'oncet is ill, and not able to be at school with us. We miss her very much, and hope to as her back soon. We are glad to have Miss Kenner and Miss Davis back at school, after havnlag bee confied to their homes, last week, through llness. Mr. Dowling, physdal training di rector was here o Monday. His work this time consasted in testing the boys in umping He compimenat ad the classes on the good work be nsg done. Our graduation exercies will be held on Thursday, June 9th, at 0:30 . m. To the pareats and friends, we tread a hearty arnvitation to be present. MaPoUm NWa. 8ma05 The sum of $400 was 'realised at he May Festival given recently. The sab is delighted with the result. !&is money will be sed next session a purchase heesary things for the hool. The children of the Iindergarten ad 1st and and grade who took part in Mother Geese Mtymes and he Clrcus at oar recent mayp q I1 intortalted the -ld -I the il ten Memorial Hospital ea aliurda. Our larde Club has bee selling regetables krm the garden. The neey thus obtained will be used o parchase now ardem tools. The Kindprgrten gave a peay party oe Mendar to. parehase pe Ih Paru club has presened a oaer ad i Bsets;e- , . One - .Me - Weddings of New Orleans Folks WEST SIDE COUPLES WHO EN TERED THE STATE OF MAT RIMONY DURING WEEK. BHERERIER('H-HOLLA NI). Announcement was made Satur (day of the marriage in Algitrs of Ernest Berberich, chief electrician at the Palace Theatre, and Mrs. Sadie Barnes Holland, mother-in-law of George Wi bre. manager of the SGrunewald Hotel. The marriage ceremony was conducted by Judge Mahoney in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Webre, Ben Piazza, manager of the Orpheum Theatre, and Mrs. Piazza; Howard McCoy, manager of the Palace Theatre, and Tommy Burns, of the Grunewald staff. J DIIUN-(HRLSTY. The marriage of Miss Eula Judlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Judlin. of Pelican avenue, to Mr. Arthur T. Christy, was quietly celebrated Wednesday of last week at the rec tory of Mt. Olivet Episcopal Church. , Rev. T. B. Clifford officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Philip M-angiaracino. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for Gulfport to spend their honeymoon. On their return they will reside with the groom's parents, Commis sioner and Mrs. W. T. Christy at the Immigration Station. COUGET AND FABARES IN MAR KET IN NEW QUARTERS. John Couget and B. Fabares, who were so well known in the old St. John market are now located in the new Abascal Market, corner of Peli can and Verret Sts This market has just been com pleted. It is an up-to-date sanitary Sestablishment, having tile walls, con crete floor, and latest improved re frigerator. It is finished in white and presents an appetizsing and in viting place of business, Their many friends are glad to know that they are located so near their old place. TAES DUB. Collection of real estate taxes for r- 1921 were started yesterday. s, Real estate owners have one month * in which to make payments. After y July 1 the taxes become delinquent. * sad when paid must be accompanied Sa smaW additlonal pereimn we to a compensate for the delay. * The serving of dellnquent notices a for 1920 has been completed, and the a advertisement of 'these delinquent it taxes will commence June 6, accord Ing to Mr. Murphy. Notices on de linquent 1919 and 1920 personal il taxes are being served, he said, and g seizures are about to be made. i. POOT VIADUCT PAINTED. The foot viaduct over the South Sorn Pacific Railway tracks at Eliza [ street has been painted. Twenty men , completed the Job of painting the viaduct, which is 1500 feet long and 35 feet high. Two coats of paint were applied. The pork was done under the au 1 pervislon of Ben Morath, deputy su B pervisor of public works. l- I a ard, visited the school on May 27th. I e In the fire drill given during their I Svisit the eschool was cleared in 45 1 V seconds. fu BNIa M OTL o . P Morning exerises Monday were C held approprliate to Memorial Day. 5The entire school stayed in silene 4 *several minutes in honor of the 4 memory of those vallent men who Uhad givens their lives for our fre I *dom. imidergawten Notes, A speidal meeting of the Belleville KLinderarten Mother's Club will be theld at the Klndergsrten at 3 P. M., P tomorrow afternoon. All are urged to attend as plans for the Kindergar rten farewell party will be disuosed., MNuic Hiath iuanru for hauw* ,. Bank Selects Off s icers and Directors N.- THIEE VIC'E-PRE~IIDENTS NAMED -W-ll OPEN I:EAlIY IN IThe chart r of the Algiers Trust Ir and Savings Bank was fil.*d for rec f ord on Monday, and the (ha:rter dc cla res that the officers for the terni I endine in January. 1922. shall be oa president, a vice-preid(ent, and e cashier, three vice-presidents and fifteen directors. eI The president of the new institu d tion shall be George Herbert, Jr.. with Adolph Spitzfaden, Jr.. as vice-pres. s. and cashier. The charter also pro vid a that Jules Bodenger, Ralph y P. Nolan and Charles Botnick shall be vice-presidents. The Board of Directors, which will serve until January, 1922, are as follows: Dr. A. C. King. Jules * Bodenger. Ralph P. Nolan, W. J. Hea nessey, Geo. Peterson. Ed. Berthaut, d Aug. Schabel. F. J. Richardson, F. C. Durvic. W H. Ward, F. C. Hmel, • Geo. Herbert. A. Spitzfaden, Chas. e Botnick. and M. F Senton. Mr. Sea P ton is the only director who is not ea resident of Algiers. ('RILLY FREED OF CHARGES OF UNBECIOMING CONDUCT e William P. Crilly, clerk in the First City Criminal Court, who has been accused by the police of having ac costed and threatened women in the City Park at night, was exonerated o Saturday afternoon by Judge Richard t. Dowling, who conducted an Investi C tion of the charges. A number of witnesses were questioned by the judge and their statements may bhe t' sent to Governor Parker for examia v ation. e' Judge Dowling declared the 'wit nesses produced by the police failed : to Identity Crilly as the man who had insulted them in the park. The judge went to the park' and said there was no bench near the spot where Patrsl ir man Bernard msaid he found the clerk crawling on his stomach. Superintendent of Police Moe received many complalnts about a )r man impersonating an offier selt ing women in COty Park. Patrolman h I Bernard was detailed on the case. He sr hid behind the bashes and elalmed to it have seen Crilly creeping up ta . Scouplo. Patrolman Bernard 6M to Clhly lhad a specal poHles bia ' when arrested. ie CONFIRMAION PARTY. it I- last Sunday a cenfirmation party ý- Was given in bon6r ed little IPoreas l porothy Whitteaburg. Among these d present were Pay Clark, Catherim Thompson, Irene MeMahon, Cesello Poche, Claire Poohe Orae Martines, Gertrude Mine. Claire Hartnett, 01f -. Hartnett, Agnes ,Cord, Ruth Ay a cock, Vivian Breehtel, Helen Cole, a Irma Mars, Eldra Mar., Albert, Mine, e May Wbittenburg, William Whitten d burg, Jr., Emily Whittesbarg, John It Whittenburg, Helen Whltteburg. - INJOYABII DANCI. I* -- A most enjoyable dance was give last week at the home of Mrs. Gall I. sher In Delaronde street, Theme r present wer Mr. and ils. P. 0. I. 5 garde Mr. end Mrs. W. L. Iauu and little son, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lampton and childrem, Mr. and Mma J. Cabiness, Mrs. J. Smith, MisTes a Mable Allen, Seilas Adams, Ms r, Munsterman Jesnette Courtney, L . e Camps, B.. Ryn A. Salarly and 5j e Cousinas Mesrs. P. D. Ramoes, Olivi~ o Hupperieh, A. Juno, N. Berrsgd id' . Randolph. ARRWTED AT PLARGEOUUIS, SLouis Forraet of 41 BermudaL, t., ., was arrested Sunday at the Pe l grounds by upeOrnumerary Patrel men P. G*atin. I* was chsarged I. with distaurblnl the pess.