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YOILlt SI'MMER .A('ATION HUM E L "lon.e N (wY, every week, .o (ion't forget I4 PAGS THE rlHERALD. . Devoted to the Upblldl of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFAC'ITRERS' RECORD. SXXIX ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. No. 6 is Heard By Dock Board s OOM PAC KED TO CA ; ACTION OF BOARD DEFERRED. of the most important meet *W r held by the Dock Board, sg that created interest all c-seity, was the hearing accord ,)gSa people and many other dges in their protest against Dplg of the head of Canal . a nUnslghtly coffee ware-: Addresses were made before - by (Geo. H. T-rriberry. Carrdl, and Walter Parker of Sscisatlon of Commerce, John _- pNs, tobt. E. O'Connor, Peter & gIwtro, and C. V, Kraft. repre s Algiers, Col. Allison Owen, , FMles, -Mr. Livaudas, Frank gmssia the engineer of the Dock Mad, sd E. E. Lafaye, represent $ esffee Interests. 7g the discussions, Mr. Nor trok oceesion to correct and with Mr. Iafaye in many of ' ejaStSts in the interest of the bi sMterests. Mr. Norman, Robt.' Ad Mr. Lawton made addresses before the board. -5 treLy were warmly applauded by gageral hundred who were there SsInterest of civic betterment at )Nt of Canal St. Mrs. P. J. representing the Federa ~~Wena's Clubs, made a point Mr. Lataye that brought tre aglause. She said she the time when Mr. La 8 aJember of the Commis --gamul, had visions of and was a beautiful Canal St., pg elally embellished along fent with neutral grounds, she stated that it was pain Sbar to now see Mr. Leaye ad at this very spot the erec s easightly coffee warehause a short time before he o iahke this thoroughfare at beauty. S .te fact that the im Sesaie to New Orleans '-gpommous sums, the cof . the Board had no The 'e fact, however, beard on this very rSatr is again deferred j 0et the hand-writing on the the eoffee interests still 1" I thIO abe Board to the shl may yet be built. I tlr lrfrudnd bd ma ma S1erof ess Katiem alt her hems ii Pacic S leme wee prettily s mbr esrre bueinS L1 s Tof the everntg d the "gift bla" sams Lilly, who was - to pi gree sad pink. Uitie Bckt ad MIss Clare the guests by play Veal selections were i . iip CaWombre. '-lb66 was carried out f reshmests. Mrs. ,iO. e prersded over the l Da ,ty favors in the tih h iak grips tied with end eaostuaing "pony psented to the guests. Wilr be married ,J 2atd, 1921, to | W of Dalles, ftdre home will be b6 ets present w ere: sea Clare Ward, Sybil ite, hy Douklnn, Kate Dnn, lah Gertrude Fltspetrick, attile Forrest, Orace Witaner, Nellie Her Wagner, Camille Yh. Demereet and Elma V. W. Beck, R. , Orace V. Caeey, U. kkar, 0. Bordelet, V. MAre, sad A. K. TillATU FIP3D. flelakemper, who was with the United Department, has and is new con ow Orteans Rel SM8 Matson Blanche is well versed loess on this side of litewldage of rel to thoroughly *ip ofJaPan's Par~lament r.:1 tC *uw~m~,C lbs pSUUSS SEW bsbe E J U4 Ms ~ OI~',e Hundreds Hear Speakers Protest FERRY COMMITTEE HAS StC CES«SFt'L OPEN AIR MEETING. Resolutions Adopted. The committee of 21, which was authorized at a citizens' meeting held on Feb. 14th. made its first report last Monday night, at a meeting held at the Playgrounds. Notwithstand that everyone realized that the com mittee had won its fight with the Ferry Company and had, through the Intervention of the governor, won a truce from the Dock Board, a very respectable gathering extended a very courteous hearing to the several speakers who stressed the importance of continued moral support for the committee until at least the Dock Board yielded to the city the 486 feet at the foot of Canal street. Several of the speakers urged the backing of the governor and the Commission Council to the limit, since it would be only through these powerful agencies with their corps of attorneys and enkineers that final success in this ferry matter could be hoped for. It was explained that the long de lay in straightening things out at the foot of Morgan street, was due to the fact that the Jerry comnpany's con tract, as written under the old city l Council, precluded the enfqrcement f of "ny contractual violations through t thedabsence of any punitive clause in sai'' instrument. t ,udge Sam Levy presented the n several speakers; Messrs. P. S. Law ton, J. R. Norman, F, C, Henning, and C. J. Donner, the committees acting secretary, who read the fol- t lowing resolutions, which were un- t animously adopted. Mr. Julius Bodenger was given a vote of thanks for his resourceful ness in providing for the meeting in the few hours notice given him. The following -resolution was adopt ed: RESOLUTION. In Re INTERVENTION OF GOVERNOR JNO. M. PARKER and PARTICIPATION OF NEW OR LEANS COMMISSION COUNCIL IN PROTEST AGAINST THE EXTENSION OF THE POYDRAS STRaEUT SHED. WHEREAS: The Alglers Citiseas set Pettrry se+rfe coema1te having brought to the attention of, the Honorable Governor, Jno. M. Parker and the City Commission Council, the attendant dangers to life and property, if they, who are the people's representatives, per mitted the proposed extension of the Poydre Street Shed, by the Dock Board at -the foot of Canal Street, and WHEREAS: Taking cognisance of the justice of the protest, and also of the desecration of this memorable spot so sacred to the history of this city, the said Governor did in tervene by letter to the Dock Board, rid the said City Commission Coun cil did also intervene; said inter ventions proving effective in such a manner as 'will best serve the inter Sesats of Algiers and its people STherefore Be it Resolved: That we the iCtisens of Algiers, in mass meet lug assembled do hereby extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Honorable Jno. M\ Parker, Gover nor, and the New Orleans Commission Council for their efforts in our be half, and request that tie New Or leans Oommission Council continue their negotiations to the end that we may acquire additional space for Slanding a ferry from Opelousas Ave nue, and have fof the accommoda tlion af the many patrons, sulta·ble ferry houses on both sides of the river, all to be municipally owned and operated BIG DANCE ON ISTI. lThe Owl Social Club will give their sflt greed dance at McLellanville on . Saturday, June 18th. The fetare of Sthis dance will ba an open-air pevil elon dancee, where summer comforts -'-'ay be enjoyed while dancing. Ad fmission will be tZ€ med Sc for war tax. Every eme kaews the boys and Sgirls of the Owl Social Club and a ood ti me is in tore fo:r al. A BIT OF "HEAVY" STUFF HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!LE'S l SEE HOW THIS IS COMIN'OUT! 1i --.t. SWIMMING TANK OPENS I The swimming tank at the looal playgrounds was opened last wieek for the benefit of the children of our town. With Alex Norman, athletic direc- ti tor and one of the holders of swim- r ming records in the A. A. U., and i with Miss Ersell Gouner, instructor for the girls. Manager di Benedetto ti has secured the services of a compe- b tent staff for those wanting to learn b to swim. c - On Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- A days the tank will be open to the a girls, and on Mondays. Wednesdays s and Fridays the boys will have pos- w session from 3 p. m. to 7 p. m. b There is also a morning class from 9 to 11 o'rock I Mr. Norman is planning a big swim ming meet to be held later in the summer and opened to all playground , atheltes. -'I MISS HU('KINS TAKES PART IN o MANY MUSICAL EVENTS. b Miss Zilda Huckins, one of our f most talented young ladies is a most popular young lady, having been the 1 accompanist at several entertain- v ments receptly. In addit4oa she has d been called upon to render both vocal , and Instrumental selections at many , prominent social events, among b which was Sunday afternoon when she o played at .the Home Institute. She c accompanied Mr. M. Tito, the violin-J ist at the entertainment given by I the P. O. Clerks at Shalimar Grotto, I and she rendered vocal and instru- f mental selections at musicale at the b home of Mrs. Monroe in State street. TRL'CIi RIDE. karly Sunday morning a jolly crowd boarded Wolverton's truck and proceeded on a trip to Bayou Lafitte, forty-flve miles from tows. They spent the dpy in fishing and crabbing. 1 Those who enjoyed the trip were the Misses Carrie and Rita Hildebrand, Mary Woolverton, Maxie Trotter, Lillian and Ethel Hildebrand; Mes srs. Adolph Woolverton, John and Charles Hildebrand, Gut Woolver ton, Albert Frenesce, Mrs. J. Wool verton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E HJlder brand. OPEN AIR CONCERT. Manager H. C. Broussard, of Al glers Council, 1724, Knights of Col umbus, Concert Band, announces the first open air Concert to be played this season on their lawn, corner Alix and Olivier St., on Thursday, June 16th, at 8 o'clock P. M. The following program has been selected by Band Mester John Laugh ran: Star Spangled Banner ... .IWheeler March-National Emblem .. Bagley Fox Trot-Wang Wang Blues.. .................... Mueller Overture--Princess of India... King Fox Trot-Feather Your Nest... ................. Johnson Overture-American Patrol.... - . .. . . Meachem March-Hamlin. Rifles ...... NHaII Overture---perba ........ Balbey Fox Trot-Margie ......... Conrad Mareh--S4tar and Stripes Forever. .....................Sousa VISrIS o0=1rso~tONER BLACK. A large delegation of Algerines, compasbd et O. D. A.'s and Regulars visited Commissioner Black Monday morning in the Interest of the can didaey oa Wm. SIith for the new p6sitlon which has ~en created to be khanws as asuperintendent of gar bage collection. Mr. Smith's claims for this position were laid before Commissioner Black, and the commit tee ues tddthet Mr. Slth had equal chaaces with any other applicants. GOEdlW aM s As LAWTER. 0*o ot tho recent graduates from aOur setln is Mr. FranLk Lacourt Ohro fop several years was inter estod in the buteher buslheas with his father. runk Leeourrt in Teche street. Mr. leaak Lecourt has been tteadlng setures at Loyola Univer Ssir. e * was the gisadtas vS5L rMtrr. ln lgtas Board Secretary Favors Large Ferry House In a statement given out regarding the closing of Canal street at the river. Mr. Rene Clere had the follow ing to say: C "I would now suggest that after s the armistice is signed, a committee b be appointed representing the dock a board, the city council, the commer cial Exchanges and the citizens of c Algiers. to thresh out this subject in c an amicable and intelligent manner. c so that those who use the ferries, as well as the commerciat interests, may be properly accommodated. "While a difference of opinion ex ists on this pubject, I am, neverthe- 1 less, satisfied that all parties at in- a terest who have no axe to grind, are I sincere, and are trying to do some- a thing beneficial and constructive. I Therefore, we should not lose this opportunity of obtaining a ferry house that will net only be an orna ment to the city, but will be adequate r for many years to come. "The dock board needs an office building for the concentration of its i various offices. Why dot have the 'dock beard construet ach a butidkag, I which wouTd serve as a ferry, house on the ground floor and for dock board offices above? If there be any objection to having the dock board construct such a building the city then should do so, bat, in any event, I do not believe that it would be good policy to have the lessees of the ferry privileges construct such buildings. "Plans could be worked out where by such a building would not only be serviceable and ornamental, but space could be left on each side and in front for lawns. I am also of the opinion that a neutral ground should be constructed in the center of Canal street, and that the street cars should be operated on such neutral ground, and that a paved driveway should be constructed on each side- of the nen tral ground, and that the railroads crossing Canal street should be made to rearrange their tracks and to pave and maintain the section occupied by their tracks. A Schillinger walk should also replace the present plank walk on the upper side of Canal sitreet. "San Francisco has such a ferry house as I propose, and it is owned and operated by the Board of Port e Commissioners. I see no reason why all parties at interest cannot get to r gether and obtain this most necessary ' facility." City Has Priority Right. . The city has priority of rights in Canal street where it touches the Ir river, and the Dock Board is without y authority to construct a warehouse across the street Acting City Attor ir ney Michel Provoaty ruled Friday, g after conferring with Arthur Mc IGuirk, special counsel for the dock n board, Mr. Provosty says he is con vinced the city's right in the street n are supreme, and he is sure he can Il convine the dock board his position y is correct. d SRPRISE PARTY. The home of Mr. and Mrs. August Lecouot was the scene of a jovial a gathering Saturday evening, when ni their son Elliot was tendered a sur ýy prise in honor of the twenty-frst an 1- nlversary of his birthday. Elliott w was the recipient of numerous gifts. to Music was furnished by the K. of C. r- band, of which he is a. member. 8 Dancing was the chief feature of the * evening's enjoyment. Refreshments t- were served in abundance. Everyone ii present had a most delightful time, Leaving they all wished Elliott many more happy returns of the day. m BUMMER (IBING HOURS. rt - S Virtually all large retail establish Lh meats began observuace of summer ae store hours June 18. the Retail Mer m chants Bureau of the Aaociation oi ar- Commece,. has announced. s Prom June 1, to September 1i, '. the storus'wlJU e) at * -. an. -1b~s .. ; a mtrars SCHOOL BELLS HINGI NG of NEWSY NOTES FROM THE pa pa SCHOOLS OF ALGIERS. mi McDONOGH NO. 5. The last meeting of the Mothers' Club for this session was held at the m: school on Thursday afternoon. All of business was dispensed with and the of afternoon given over to a social. pl1 A miscellaneous shower by the w4 club was tendered Miss Esther Hale. en of the faculty, whose wedding will be h celebrated this month. cc As Miss Hale entered the kinder garten she was met by Cupid, repre sented by little Bernice McNeely. The wedding marcl was played by ki Miss Juanita Heitmeler. Little Ur-c sula Jeansonne as bride, and Alfred o" Wattler as groom, greeted Miss Hale N and led her to the immense clothes basket filled with gifts. The kindergarten, where the shower took place, was very prettily h decorated, the color scheme of orange and white being carried out, large o quantities of daisies being used. Several of the mothers entertained with music, and Miss Heitmeier sang. Dainty refreshments were served. .lUapasta Me the best wishe o otT the club ead faculty for her future. T School closed Friday at noon ind al all are looking forward to a pleasant vacation. Misses Heitmeler, Graham, Berger, Schmiege and Ott will at tend Tulane Summer School, while Miss Thomas will teach history and q' history methods at Loyola Summer at School. ADOLPH MEYER. The closing exercises of the Adolph o1 Meyer School took place last Friday cl afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Folly ci Theatre, which had been very pretti- (t ly decorated for the occasion, with at cut flowers. At the appointed time, while the b Eighth B. class sang. "The Marching Song," the graduates marched out and N took their places on the front row; c, they were received with great aq plause. Miss Vera Lusk, the winsome daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lusk, then stepped forward, and in a charm ing manner gave the "Welcome Ad dress." Mr. J. M. Gwinn, Supt. of L Public Schools, who had honorbd the f occasion, gave a rousing address. He C' told of the many opportunities that were now offered the pupils of the t Public Schools and stressed the ur gent needs of education today. He con gratulated the pupils on their very excellent records, then turning toward the principal he congratulated her I highly on her very efficient work and I the wonderful holding power she pos- I sessed, which is very clearly shown ( in the large classes which are graduat- a ed from this school twice each school year. He pledged his entire support to the school at all times. As he pre sented each graduate with his or her certificate, he congratulated each one t and wished them "success." Mrs. John Lusk, President of the Co-operative Club, presented each graduate with a gold class pin. the gift of the club. This being over, Little Miss Juanita Shores and Master Joseph Lilly, pu pils of the First Grade, stepped for ward and presented Mr. Gwinn with a handsome bouquet of Shasta daisies and fern: Mr. Owinn was very mush I touched indeed; he thanked our ba hies and briefly addressed the audi ence again The presentation of the class plci t ture "The Shepherd" was made by , Miss C. Bleber; Miss Ora brown. on behalf of the school accepted same; both these pupils won much applause. Master James Gillls acquitted him self most creditably as Master of Cere emoate Adlai Thelma Wllle rendered the "Farewell" most beautifully. rIhe programs, which were souve aira to the graduates, were a work of Art and reflect great credit on the papils whose entire work they were. GRADUATE8 Christlan Belber, Hortensla Beiber, r Gertrade Bommer, Vera Luak, Ethel r- Rice, Elisha Sullivan, Alice Serpas, tf Thelm Wills Ruth Zeriague, John Irechtsl, Roy Mingle, Grady Scott, ), Ades' Smith. 4 Tp apUowl g preaun was gives: SL"Mia as Se." isghh Gorade; SlmaYt , u+. -emw : htala L. Weddings of New I Orleans Folks, VWEST SIDE COUI'LFN WHO EN TEiED THE STATE OF MAT- I HISIONT DURING WEEK. K IINK..S( HLUMBREi'HT. M1rs. M.ra Klink and Mr. Aleritl Sohltllllbricht were married Thursda\ eveinin at S o'clock at th- hlome i. jludir Val. J. Stentz. The attendant>! atere Mi-s llildreth Ilotard and Mr. I.ih- bert Means. After the c retnh:: the party m stored to Spanish Fort. \\here a w-dding sulpper was served The coupl will reside at 42V Diana DIN N-"t R I1Ii.IAN I1. Ti". mnarrh:i~e of 1Mi . Myrtle Suth erlandl, of A.lgier., and John Dul)ti. of Ne'w 0 leans, was lnuietly .ie bratd .Monday. June 6. the ,iev. iatlher ()'l ourke officiating. 1Miss Ethel Ilunn and Richard Manning were the attendanlts. The .yo)nr t couple arel' at home to their manll;y i friends at 41315 Banks ,tr.-et. ST'MI'F-M(M)RE.i The marriage of Mr. ('hi is. L.!t Stnumpt, Jr.. to Miss Dollie Moore, of IMc'iomb. was celebrated by Rev. t C. ('. W1e ir at the home of the groom's I l parents, corner Delaronde and Her- a muda streets. r i MARRIED IN ('OVINGT'ON, KY. t Announc-ment was made of the i marriage of Francis Doyle, formerly of our town, to Miss Johanna Foley. t of Covington, Ky. The wedding took place on May 17th. Mr. Doyle is well known in Algiers, having been employed at the Southern Pacific here for some time. The young couple will reside in Covington. HAUSK NE( 'HT-HIDELANG. The wedding of Miss Verna Haus knecht to Mr. Wm. Hindelang was celebrated yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock at the church of the Holy Name of Mary. The bride looked charming In her dress of white crepe meteor, with hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Agatha Hausknecht, who was prettily dressed in white organdy with hat to match. The groom was attended by Mr. Alvin Hindelang. The young .couple left for a trip to Dtmave, Csl.. sa 4a .. S. L.oai They will be at hosme to their friends at 607 S11dell Ave., after Jaly 1st. BREAUX-BRODERICK. On Tuesday evening, June 14th, a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, the contracting parties being Miss Rhea Breaux, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Breaux to Mr. Joseph Broderick, Father McGrath officiating. The bride, who was charmingly attired, in white canton crepe, with a pretty hat to match en tered with her father and was met at the chancel rail by the groom, who awaited her coming with his best man, Mr. Balme. The bride's maid, Miss Edith Navarre, looked charming in flesh color crepe de chine. The ring-bearer, itttle Gladys Fitch, was dressed in pale pink Geor gette. Delightful music %vas rendered by Leonard Chauvin, violinist, and Pro fessor Herbert organist. After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home in Slidell Ave., for the friends and family. Mr. and Mrs. Broderick left at 8:30 p. m., for Pascagoula, Miss., where they will make their future home. Eighth Grade; "How Girls Study," Ella Anderson; "Soldier's Chorus," Elghth Grade; '"Cheering Some One On," Fred Collette; "Song of the Gyp sy," Seventh Grade. Class Play: "The District School at Bluberry Corners," Eighth Grade. Scene I.-Examination of Teachers. Scene II.-First Day of School. Scenae liI.-Closing Exercises of the Term. The principal wishes to thank most sincerely, Mr. Foto and his very able assistants for the use of the theatre and for many other favors. Smallest Railroad and It. Chief G rwor s bleed, New Yore, witb 1is land area o( 170 actes, boats ls mailmit vaini b A wgeld. The Uls, smd wsddl"d for traaisptolm mt, mum a Ap~ is *e Umm d UInutm o b. vmie hO ""I du.m a Wa. hust. i!ip * O'., lsm, is lb mloDntbsm r dlAW Letters From The People Algier-. L . i .l ne 1.,a , t 1.t lIr. C( V. Krait. !i-' itor. the lerald, Iear Sir: I ha:ve ji st re,' ived · tur a ):P:elt'i s tl 'rnling the al 'ien of the t:in.-ti • itttnal ('l venitio: lreiatite t the t.e unil City 'outrt in \Algiers. ' h'erein la 1-hotwer pr'aise upon the :\ (aiv or Iat New t):leaIns, and ot .Ird hatn full redit I plsit ively belietrv in alwa.r giving prt-. li l ret\r it is due, l no matter ,t ho th. reiipient mitiht be. but I eer .ltinly I o lnot btliuel in m.gttit rn4g int nitl-imrial thiu -. 't he fact i-, the J ' nl 'itlut:ial Canol vet'l l Was withidt uthtoi rity t"t a otl i<h the .coi l t irit ( tutrt. it. iise the call for the c',on ention spe ifit ally prntlr'itd that ln i "lectit prositions 1l1d )be abolihetie durin g the ehlectivt trin. andi tiertfore, there was no ex tra effort or xterlti reqtuired on the part iof aunt one to hold that court be ariuse tJuditg Inntphrey., Clerk JIno. V. Clemient and Constable Geo. Brown were all elected for the present term, although Judge Hiumphrey did resign to serve in his present court. I aright add for oour information that Col. Jno. P. Sullivan and col leagues were a factor in putting the amendment over, and the vote on same recorded the first instance in the his tory of the convention where the en tire city delegation voted as a unit. and the writer, without any gusto, made the request upon Col. Sullivan and others to do so without any thought of being forced in this way to say so, but in otder to keep the record straight in the matter, I deem it necessary to write you this letter, and ask that you give the same full publicity. Yours very truly, C. J. DONNER. 604 Elmira Avenue YOUNG MEN MAKE BIG TRIP. The many friends of Vernon Du rand and Edgley Schroth are glad to hear that they were successful in their departure for a tour of the West. They left Sunday night for Mon tana, which is the entrance to Yel lowstone National Park. The mala occasion of the trip is to visit this wonderful park on their return trip. They will visit Salt Lake City Utah., SDeh r, Colorado. Ogden, ities taC SPranelsco, Cal., Los Angeles. Cal. Yuma Arizona, El Paso,. Texas, hal veston and Houston, Texas. They will be Joined later by Nell Richards. The National Baseball team was among the many friends to see thea off at the Union Station. Up until this time Schroth was a member of this team and an important one at that. The success of this team is due mostly to Schroth. Richards. Du rand and Schroth, are leaving as delegates to the (Locals" C, on=en tion which will be in Prisco, July ith to 20th. TheDe three gentle men want to bid farewell to thi friends they failed to see. )ORSEY MAKES IMPROVEMEI I*. 0. Dorsey, the pioneer in the elean lag, pressing and dyeing business in Algiers, has made another signal ad addition has been built at the rea.A of the place where large manglain havee been added and several other up-to-date appliances for doing high r class work. The recent additios of a gasoline still makes ft possible to r take tlhe odor out of the gasollne which is so often present in newly cleaned clothing. Dorsey has made some wonderful strides in this lidase try during the past few years. e OOLLECTIONS FOR REST HOME. A collection will be taken at all t masses in all New Orleans Catholle churches Sunday, June 19, for the s. benefit of St. Margaret's DaughteV e rest home for women at Bay IT ',Louis. It is known as the Hubert t Blenk Memorial, in honor of the late e archbishop of New Orleans. The e home will open for the summer about JJuly 1.