Newspaper Page Text
E TH HERALD. oo Swipes every week. Turn to page ftwo and cultivate the habit of read TH D ad . the UVpb lg u. th 'We "t lde of the River. "A hey re and cresditable weekly uew par."-MANUFACTURERB ' RECORD. ý. XXIX ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1921. No. 15 seall M¥ention I Mad General News g cONcERNING 01O sad M'. E Robeau returned aJgr a sx months' stay in Eu-. !ta isf ses Clare Cassidy, Francis ni Christine Giblin, Martha b spent the week end at Bay oB s e ay friends of Mrs. Sidney Os- le ghi glad to hear she is doing s Sy r undergoing an operation b VOL of SMinslue Price is spending the o A s at Bay St. Loulis, the guest A de oether. a SjyNeeley and daughter re ei to their home in Abita Springs, 1t Mer dtng awhile in Algiers. N . sad Mrs. Sidney LeBeau, Vic- tl eno, Marion Kramme, spent h Week and at Bay St. Louis, at d s~ home. u j s Ada Hoffman and Lena Di. a ,av returned after a pleasant tl rMCaliforlso . p e V nica McCloskey will leave g for St. Louis, Mo., and Ill b M vLat her uncle Lawyer Frank ci ci - . Bergeron and daughter Nel- i gat Sunday in Algiers, guest of a a Mrs. H. J. Robeau. s . Adagss is spending a while at C Park with his parents. g l-argaret and Master John are spending awhile at Abita ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. g ii sad Mrs. Morrison returned r gngdlsg a week with her sister- b Ie. John R. Allen. s. Jehn R. Allen and daughter nave returned after spending ae Bay st. Luis. . Ri dreaux returned from a. atlar wending awhile, Ms las Maud Allsn. AnDs Valette hap returned at two mnhs with his Mrs. Jno. Allen. s te uatlieh returned Ten., Sunday night, spet two weeks. 7. . Mitebll Is doaeg alce e, after being badly In a matereyela Dptuse spent the week ab- la, the gest od Miss Tatt tr returned ster the gest of hoer arul plses at Raeelsad. pladl aftis Uncle as Whter. It tells of his elements. rees a twod mothns' eaeend srt shes rntals ao osuhatna, Is.. hea brther. Mr. B. B. Brit Vss B. CUferd is home again S~ ent ay ln Dallas, Tex. ..rert Ward has returned from fluid at Mrs. Philip o gsl to bher she is t her h e ems. 1L a itner ha returnoe dro 1 Ak., where he spent a =A. m er bspet the past ar her -arets, Mr. and Mrs. It Waveaga, Mies. has returned Srsn. W. a. Warren have bee a teip to Galsteoa. fith mad Aides Maguire, of ram viitlng their aunt. U1es and Valera, Mrs. 0. Is ntoe Heln Mares, awe -s Mrs. Mae Rmers ;~~Iw PYRORA01Pft FRIOM JAPAN 4. a vt WARM SESSION OF O. D. A. OUST IOUIB MUNSTERMAN AS WARD LEADER; HENRY ACRER ELECTED PREBSIDENT. One of the warmest meeting, (in fact it was a hot one), was held a few nights ago in the Pythioa Hall, called by the O. D. A.'s for the purpose of ousting Mr. Louis Munsterman as president of the organization and as leader of the Orleans Democratic As sociation. The meeting was opened by vice president Burmaster, after which Mr. Charles Donner gave some of the reasons for calling the meeting as follows: He stated that the O. D. A's did not want a Rip Van Winkle at the head of the organization. We presume he had reference to Mr. Mun sterman. Mr. Donner stated that Mr. Munsterman had done nothing for the ward since he took his office, that he did not go out of his way to accomo date his constituents. Mr. Donne urged that a new leader be elected and that he was not an applicant for the position. Mr. John E. Collins also pointed out during the meeting the great number of positions that had been lost in Algiers, mentioning the city electrician and bis assistant, coun cil clerk, and fifteen or twenty other jobs that had bees refilled by city men. Mr. Wm. Smith was also very severe on Mr. Munsterman, and in common political parlence Mr. Smith gave Mr. Munsterman a good rolling. During the heat of the arguments, pro and con, mostly pro, John Mathews t gave vent to his feelings in the follow- 1 ing statement: "Well gentlemen, the ring was bad, but not as bad as the bunch you have now." This expres sion received some applause. Mr. W. R. Hafkesbring, who defend- ] ed Mr. Munsterman read some ex cerpts from the Herald. He stated that I he did not know anything about the meeting being called, and the first In formation he had received was when I he found a postal with his own name printed on it calling a meeting. Mr.' Wi. Smith also stated in answer to some of those present that the party was badly split. "Yea, we are badly split, but 98 per cent of those that are split do not want Munsterman." Veto oft o.(3af ce Not Given. Some eme in the audience after hear ing what Mr. Hahfeebring had to say about sot supporting Mayor McShane e fered a arltion that the meeting give a vote I ceadenes to Mayor Me Shase. The motlen was seeonded, but sever wan pmE to vets. Mr. Nel a-e COveil orlmtue mrelta - Nemslamismo in Oeie. Fully 96 per emat of the one hundred t or more present were in favor of reor s ganisatlio and were in favor of going ahead with that reorganlzation at once. Vioeehairman Burmaster then called for nominations ,nd Mr. Louis Acker was nominated, as was also Mr. Prsak Killesn. Netther one of the candi dates were present at the meeting. It seemel that the votes were over whelming in favor of Mr. Acker, which the vote fallyshowed. We feel rea Ssonamhy sure that had Mr. Killeen bees present he would have withdrawn in favor of Mr. Aeker. After the tallies were counted Mr. Acker was unani mously elected president of the, 15th d Ward Orleans Democratic Associaton. The foeliwig othe officers were also seleted: Wn. Burmaster, first Svicepresideat; Mrs. Lilly Yalets, sea ead vesgredt; H.. It. Haesebring, - recording secretary, and C. J. Doner, treasurer. There ere also several i . wa Ia a ear Acker. Henry Akerm ia e of our substan 4 ll ltlses. He ia enatitl to be I. president of the refrm organtritoa i for the fet that he like Louias Mua b, stermn has always baeen a reform. Mr. A4e is a ig tax pye, · ad a m buaws the needs api pretection HAND BIG BILL THE WALLOP! IWANNA BE / CARIED! -1 */I ... wo ` * c CO rew I hnCAMT New Masonic N Lodge Instituted W. D. White Lodge of Masons of Gretna, named in honor of the late E, W. D. White, one of the oldest and ar most prominent Masons in Gretna at cc the time of his death, was instituted o last Thursday night at the lodge pl rooms of Sts. John Lodge No. 153, F. tb and A. M., in Algiers. The officers tt of the new lodge are: L. J. Samuel, Cl W. M.; 'H. P. Drumm, S. W.; A. T. Higgins, J. W.; Joseph Oplatek, tress- to aer; R. M. Nash, secretary; Joseph at Fiser, S. D.; B. F. West, J. D.; Wm. tJ H. Black, chaplain; Jacob Huber, ty- h, ler; Joseph Daul, E. Gahn, Frank El- t, liott, stewards. Meetings will be held on the first and third Thursdays of .each month. THE HERALD A TOUCH OF HOME. In a letter received from San Dieo, b Cal., Mrs. R. L. Hoyt says: "We are A enjoying this lovely climate and this beautiful city, but not near as much as we do The Herald. We hail The Herald each week as a little touch of home." Editor's Note-lRemember when you go away you may have The Herald follow you at no additinoal expense. of the others in his class. Mr. Acker is a member of a family of large tax payers and their interest in Algiers is the genauine interest so essential to the success of any community. For t many years he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Third ' District Building and Loan Associa tion. He was for many years master of exchequer of Virginia Lodge, K. of P. Mr. Acker was born in Algiers in t 1880, and received his education in our I public schools. Early in life he en- t tered' into business. He is married and has an interesting family. We know I Mr. Acker to be a public spirited elti sea. He has always been ready to go to the front to obtain for Algiers such I improvements as we thought belonged to us. He was a member of the Algers ' Improvement Associatlis and he did i good work with that organization. The Herald oersm Mr. Aker its assistance in any undertaking that will be for the betterment of our district. i et Mmerms Is coludiag thn article about the change Is the heads of the local O. D.A. we have a word to say for Louis Masstermsa. He, too, hs. always bees a plcplrlted f . A to whheror a ot haq L m s c eslalh poltelia we wi Iesvo to his frieds and enemies. As s friends Say, and as we all know, Mr. Manster man is with the MMeShae minority in the dt coMnIl, and in that dsittion be was not able to do fr Algers as Mr. Asker will 4e able to do behng with the ma3lrity members of the seenell. We mae atsled that Mr. M em sman would do anything io his power to help our distrit, and be a he did at saete the e«siam ties this shbM be so iesetiss aPes him a ss mar as a atisesa. Politeal daerwes should go no further than liies. We trut tat for the goed f the etire Democratic party and the o. A. that the two now to the erftr a wll Jon bat fer the god ot f Now Orsas. If the Oty of New Orlm ear aeeded ao epgeqties ter an ides, it is sew. We naal m ry that, as seth tdmal tiae eet et Mr. Muate ma has assa ut out of eaer that he hwI h the a D. A. to gt the improue are n m saltd tI Mr. estwagg laps beu To -te 0 D. AL.Ia .the stesd atd. seat The liames a warm statm t Inatoe m awer to atbbks maod an im at the uste a these he enis his smemsO ¶e statement spid: *' areoas to the seturn takes at te meetl a t FPythan Hal. -Aim, o the ua t oa Auut U. Sjstbe to msetl I wl lb tomy tast me s seemt- at -he s Imn ar rm af lads as th .I itas ath l was by dshi. mssea I rembei p wad, ma fie dMr gpa didSaet,55a StU i a m tat thum l iiiii amias ns Men Abandon Truck I With Alochol hOn It On Monday night, Supernumerary Evans noticed a truck in the darkness t and two men standing near by at the th corner of Vallette and Newton streets. th One of the men ran off on the ap- h% proach of the policeman and his mount, the other remained. Evans questioned the man and learned his name was a Charles Dubret, 739 Elmira avenue. m Dubret explained the truck con talned 13 five gallon jugs that smelled re strongly of alcohol, but all were emp- in ty. There was one ten gallon can, g however, that Evans asserts con- m tained a small quantity of alcohol. tr Examination of Dubret resulted in a the arrest of Peter Danos, 1415 Whit ney avenue, the man who ran. Is Further investigation revealed the re truck is the property of Davis A. cI Adams and was taken out of a garage tl by Danes without the consent of Mr. a Adams. Both men were taken to the h Algiers Station where they are being held pending investigation by federal ii authorities. Daneo is also charged. with the act relative to taking an au tomobile without the owner's consent. Police believe the truck was en gage din the transfer of alcohoL * ---L-.- I r ARDI RAS o BACK; s 1 PARADB. Carnival of former years will re- 1 r turn to New Orleans in 1922. There f will be three great parades, and poe s sibly a fourth-two will be in the day -one at night. Announcement as to r whether the Mistick Crewe of Comus f will parade will be made about Sep. - n tember 6. Rex, Proteus, and a new or r ganization, the Druids, will furnish - the pageants. As usual, the pageant ' d of the King of the Carnival will take a r place Tuesday, February 27, 1922, . Mardi Gras Day. D The Druids will parade after the Rex procession has left the streets Stand they promise to place a glittering d s array of floats in the line ofmarch. i It e $* DAY BARGAINS AT KAHN a e BROS. S'T)RB No. . 8 e Thursday, August 18, is Dollar a Day among many diferent merchants t of New Orleans, but the quality mer- I chandise being offered by Kahn Bros. I e Store No. 3, 1018 Canal street, neat door to Dalley's Style Shop, are ex Scelled by no other firm. Their large advertisement on Page 10 o quotes the offerings for Dollar Day z Thursday, but it is well to keep ina mind Kahn Bres. Store No. 3 every day in the year. a NAVAL STATION OPFCRB AND I Officers and men Ethe Naval SIt-I ti a in Algiers were entertained Mon- I day eveaing by the Red Crss, through I the Volunteer Service, New Orleans Chapter. Though the atertatament was primarily for men Ln the hospital, the inrltatie w xtended to all d 1 a TO' W PIT iw I a i ro - |ee ieae swin wkl theslmg U1 '4 I I: Ut Intended To Make Husband Tatrge ,o With the arrest of Mrs. Frances Pe- ha trie, 28 years old, of McDonoghville, in the police of the Algiers station said Hi they had averted the shooting of her ed husband, G. Petrie, 441 Seguin street. p "Yes, I intended to kill him," Mrs. to Petrie is reported by the police to have said, "because-he has failed to support ri me and my children." r g Mrs. Petrie, who was charged with fu carrying a concealed weapon and pa roled by Judge Dowling, was arrested of In front of her husband's home in Al- Ub giers by Sergeant Hadley and Patrol- w man Farley. In the handbag Mrs. Pe- st trie carried, the police say they found 01 a fully loaded pistol. bi Sergeant Hadley and Patrolman Far- PI ley went to the home of Mr. Petrie in 5a response to an anonymous telephone 0o call, which said a woman was waiting h there to kill her husband. Mrs. Petrie t( said she has been separatei from her a husband and that she now is living b with her mother, Mrs. Adam Bourlet, a in McDonoghville. h Se ALGIERSB L C. TO HAVE BIG, q OUTING AT BAY ST. IA)UIS. Allied councils of the Knights of t Columbus, Na 714, Marquette, Santa d Marts of Algiers, and James Rbert a Blenk, will hold their annual Mid- t Summer Outing for the 1921 Season at o Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, Sunday, August 28. Arrangements have been perfected o o take care of an attendance of 10oo. t Boating, bathing, sahing, dancing, s basebatfleld-games wil be the order of the day, and prizes will be offered. Music will be furnished 'by the Knlghts of Columbus Jazz Orchestra t which will be brought over with the excursion. HAD 0053 ON HAND. B James Tallon, who operates a soft i I drink stand at Delaronde and Bouny C streets, was ordered to appear before a the United States commissioner after I a visit of the enforcement officials a earlier in the i!ternoon. Prohibition I r officals say they found three ad 1 i threequarter gallons of whisky and a - gallon Jug of alcohol in a room adJoino Sing the bar. I t NEGRO SERVANT ARREBTED. i r --.....I Ethel L. Sawyer, of Slidell avenue, F near Brooklyn, domestic in the employ 5 of George W. McDuff, Jr., of 145 SAlix street, was arrested by Sergeantl Ed. Roach and Mounted Patrolman Robert Smith and charged with petty larceany. She is accused of having stolen a dress and dress goods worth S$47, together with $3.50 In currency i- from the McDauR resideace. Part of h the booty was recovered. t JUDM DUFFYPr MAn AllBSTo. .Jdge John Dufy, third recorder ad presidng I the traic eourtmade an arrest Moday night for violation of the traic odinane. He bronght late eaMedy a saler from the naval staties. who was speeding an ato ear the ferry leading at Merga stareet. The prleesr was pareled to asear in the traffic court as 3 o'clock S ilsy. EnTERTAINS AT 31b3 l. Cemmisione and Mrs. W. T. Chris ty of the igratis States ester tald en last Tuesday evesing Dr. Jes. IMner at New oedses an dUll-Idpt. Governor Meotems t Labystie, ia. The item was served a. the mmigrf The esl derritk bat i. the seabther Pacies. wasank cue day last week whesa * c the Mg *Mess asing ap rv rammed her. The aeie deat ecaured is the vicinity o the -Third D rIlt Perry ad the less ot the derriCk is easieat. Ne attenpt wi he made to laise ker. he in abest lites years ad.M I MIra .W. TbdIee wai epis a iheel r a iseelogmeat ciiasa i a s sd se as 3asber Officer Evans W Dodges Bullets POLICE OFFICER IN HOT CHASE WI AFTER LAW VIOLATORS. From out of the darkness in the quiet river front section of Algiers, near the United States Marine Bar- I racks early Wednesday morning, wa came a flash of fire. Patrolman of Evans had just dismounted from his: H horse and was about to enter the w} barracks to use a telephone when ev ambushed. pa The flash of the pistol illuminated ed the spot for the traction of a second and Patrolman Evans saw an auto mobile with several men. The shot came from that machine as it rapidly hc sped by. and the bullet whizzed close to the head of Evans' horse." The automobile sped away. Leaping into his saddle Patrolman Evans gave chase. Out Newton St. to Elmira avenue the chase led. In r Elmira avenue two more shots whis tied dangerously close to horse and 1, rider. Undaunted, Evans urged his mount, and the gallant animal re sponded with an added burst of speed. Into Opelousas avenue the gang turn ed, almost overturning the machine. Evans was nearly a square away, and V when the policeman made the turn 84 into Opelousas avenue, the machine r" was out of sight. It is believed it h had entered one of the many garages in that section operated by William a Harper. Mr. Harper willingly open- d ed all his garages and showed the police around. No trace of the au tomobile could be found. Monday, agents of the "whiskey d ring" doubtless read of the wonder fully keen sense of smell which Evans' horse possesses. They read of how Evans tried frantically and I I unsuccessfully to urge his horse on e when the animal came to a dead 8 stop on the Newton street viaduct; d of how the animal snorted and breathed heavily, and of how the I r- policeman, awakening to a sense that a something was wrong, caught the 4 e odor of alcohol, and of how the g horse, unguided by his rider, turned I is toward Vallette St.--a square away tr and of ho* Evans came upon a man 1 al by an automobile, in which were t. several five-gallon demijohns which had contained alcohol, and one small er can in which there was still a quantity of alcohol. The man gave his name and address as Charles Du bret, 739 Elmira avenue. l'om him of the police learned the name and ad ta dress of Peter Danos, 1415 Whitney rt avenue, who* had been with Dubret. d- but who ran off upon the approach at of Evans. Y, Do the whisky runners fear the keen nostrils of the "hooch horse" of the police department? And was U. the bullet fired Wednesday morning aimed at the horse or its rider? Per sr haps the murderous whisky bandits d. have sworn to kill both. Meantime, the eyes of the entire police depart ment are wide open.-Daily States. ROUSBEL PARDONED. John C. Schuermann and George A. it Rousme, former members of the New Iy Orleans police department, convicted re and sentenced to not less than three or years in the penitentiary in 1919 for Is attempted extortion of a bribe from ma Mrs. Ola Yarbrough, were pardoned a Wednesday last by Governor Parker. a After asserting that former ergesant a- Schuermann and former Corporal Roussel were part of a vicious system which preyed on the unfortunate mem bers dof the underworld, Governor Par ker declared that he believed these men had paid their debt to society sad y he, therefore, approved the pardon re. 5 cently recommended by the Board eo at Pardons. TWO DOZEN TOES AND FINGERS .ý9. k~ I tLne Whbew shle e ta s W i r iget a dest !eaheme is olks of alis set ee -r " O each beat ldige s ie a !# selrter 0 i oSIId is do~ L 00 rag si Weddings of New Orleans Folks WEST SIDE COUPLES WHO EN. TERED THE STATE OF MAT RIMONY DURING WEEL HOTARDI)POLE. A quiet wedding of the past week was that of Miss Ella liotard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hotard, to Mr. Harmon E. Poole of Glocester, Miss., which was quietly celebrated Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. T. B. Clifford, officiat ed. The bride, who is well known here, wore a tan suit with hat and gloves to match. The young couple left for Glocester. Miss., to spend their honeymoon. They will reside in Des trehan. IA. W1ESTERFIELD-IA A ARIAR'. Mr. and Mrs. V. Sabariau announce the marriage of their daughter, Lo retta Frances, to Mr. Arthur Francis Westerfield, on Tuesday. August 16, 1921. BIRTHDAY PARTY. A birthday party was tendered little j Vera Hunn, the occasion being her n seventh birthday. The little hostess e received many pretty presents from her little friends. Dainty refresh ments were served In abundance and n many games played. Dancing was in dulged in. Those present were Irma eLee and Lorraine Sutherland, Clait and Louise Essinger, Evelyn Messner, Bertha Bourgeois, Veda Valirie and Vivian Baker, Freda Essinger, blil y dred Woodcock, Katherine Seewood, Doris Woodcock. Florls Luft, Mildred b Maronge, Remola Heider, Myrtle, d Helen and Mildred Parker. Lelia d Fuller, Pauline Hibben, Elnera Suth n erland, Emelda Burmaster, Catherinae d Sutherland. Mildred Sutherland, Alice Hibbens, Vera Cook and Ethel Juno; d Master W. Wright, R. Wattigney, E. te Hibbens, J. Dubert, J. Hlbbens, 8: at Luft, J. Cook, H. Marongue, W. Wbod. ie cock, J. Messner, L Bethancort, I.,L. ie N. Fuller; Misses N. O. and A. iUb bd bens, M. and 8. Hughes; Mesdames F. sy Luft, N. Heider, U. Wattigney, E. Hib. mn bens, H. Alonso, G. Quilly, B. Hibbens, re H. Farr, J. Boyle, L. Doyle, Mr. J. ch Thomas and Mr. H. Alonzo, and many II- others. ve NOW JUDGE GEO. P. PLATT. Iuu Im The Herald extends congratulations id- to Judge GeO. P. Platt, who won the ey nomination a last Friday over his et, twV qe eet. with thelucky majority ch of thirteen, and If a black cat doesn't cross Mr. Platt's path between now sad he the time he takes his office, he will e~ be our next Judge. ,u Mr. Platt had the support of the ng Regular Democratle Association on ,,. this side of the river, which has al ts ways been in power here with large and safe majorities. The only time rit was materially cut down was at the last election, when Mayor Behrmaa met his defeat. Judge Platt's many friends were Jubilant over his election andy he has been receiving congratula tions and best wishes, not only from A. the regular voters, bpt from the O. D. SA. as well. ed ee LOCAL MEN WILL INSTAlh or BATTERY FACTORY. S.The concern which purchmaed the mr structure at 601 North Rampart street at for the purpose of installing a moden ml battery factory and distribution plaMt m is composed entirely of local capital. m The Southern Electrolyte Battery Ca~ ar pany is hbded by Whlter A. Dilasl, e president of the Ulnion Electrle Caem ad pany. as its president. re. It will make extensive chanlges li of the beldLng and ialttIte the lndlstry ao an important ale.a