14 PAcES THE HERALD. Devoted to the UpbIlldbg of the W est Side of the River. "A very die and creditable weekly newspaper." -MANUFACITURERS' RECORD. Vol. XXIX ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, September 22, 1921. No. 20 ,~~~~~~~~· ··fm -I __. . . . '- .. . . . . WIjj NEW ORLEANS SACRIFICE BUSINESS THAT WILL NET MORE THAN $10,000 A MONTH AT A COST OF ABOUT $130,000 FERRY COMPANY TAKES IN MORE THAN $650 A DAY, OR $240,000 A YEAR-ALGIERS PEOPLE PAY THIS TAX. Herald's Contention of Free Ferriage Possible, According to City Engineer Klorer. The Algier, ferry committee held an important meecting Friday morning with the New Orleans Commission Council to take up again .the important matter of municipal ownership of our ferries. All of tb councilmen \were present except Commissioner Black. The fol 41 members of the Algiers committee were present: Messrs jr S. Lawton, J. R. Norman. August Schabel. Charles Donner and C. V. Iaft. All of the members of the Algiers Committee made talks before the Commission Council giving the main reasons why city should take over the operation of the ferries. It was shown i6gures presented through Mr. Maloney's census of the monthly ,t ues of the ferries that they were taking in more than $650 per It was also pointed out that with the interest charge on the neoy invested for the fifteen years and the monthly revenue, that the ferries would produce a revenue for the city of more than $Io,ooo a month. These figures astounded the many spectators at the meet '"ig and it is very evident that something will be done to give the maded relief to the Algiers people who are being enormously taxed on freight and passengers to cross this natural highway. COULD CARRY PASSENGERS FREE. Mr. John Klorer, the City Engineer, made the statement which ;corroborated fully the opinion of the Herald for the past seven or eight years, that passengers could be transported free of charge with  present revenue now maintaining at the Canal St. ferries. It had been stated that the Herald was absurd in its continued hobby , slogan of free ferriage for the Algiers people, but City Engineer 'lorer s statement corroborated our slogan that free ferriage for passengers is possible, under the present rates. Commissioner Murphy was of the opinion that bonds for the jLry franchise could not be sold because it did not carry a tax, but nose present were of the opinion that banks would be glad to carry I dle city for $15o,ooo, the amount necessary to purchase this industry, .which brings in a net profit of more than $Io,ooo per month. Mr. Moloney, Commissioner of Public Utilities, under whose irectiaon a census of the ferry's company's receipts were taken for month, shows as follows: FROM JUNE 8TH TO JULY 6TH, 1921. 513 Foot passengers @ 3c average ............................$ 9,795.39 ,2to3 Animals @ Ioc __ 210.30 4.og6 Single wagons @ i6c average ................ 655.66 S,154 Double wagons @ 4oc - ...................... - ............. - 461.6o 2. Floats @ 8oc_ ... --. -..-... 18.40 s,6a Two passenger autos @ 2C ...... ............... ........... -..... 412.40 9,680 Five passenger autos @ 30c ..-................ ....-... ......... 2,904.00 4,649 Seven passenger autos @ 5oc .-.........-.................... . 2,324.50 41,97 Trucks @ 6oc ............................. -... -.... ......................... . - 2,518.20 Total for month .....-....- ......-.. ....................... $193oo.45 TWO MILLION DOLLARS CUT FROM FARES. .IMr. Peter S. Lawton who has made a very exhaustive study of and conditions of the ferry company and especially of operating at Canal St., made a statement the other day that po positive that two million dollars could be cut off the fares in years and the ferry company still enjoy a sufficient profit to agood interest on the investment. WHAT IS THE PROPERTY WORTH. Southern Improvement and Ferry Company paid for the boats, .ferry houses, in fact all of the physical property which they lave, $o09,ooo. This was fifteen years ago, and during this time ¢ ferry houses, the values of which were in the neighborhood of tato0 Were destroyed and there have been fifteen years of deprecia tion on this property. According to expert accountants and auditors I peiissable to charge off a certain amount each year for deprecia ih So it is readily seen that even with the great advance in prices in erial the present physical property of the ferry company is worth hael $t3o,ooo. This amount allows them Sas,ooo more than they paid Ipreperty fifteen years ago with the loss of two ferry houses and m years depreciation. th city in taking over this property woqld not, in our opinion hIe to pay more than $130gpoo as a fair value and this small invest a* r would net the city at the present rate of ferriage $o,ooo a month. Amy bank or monied institution would be glad to offer all their monies an securities of this kind. SThe Algiers people should take a great interest in this matter which ~ _r drawing to a close. A modern ferry service at reasonable prices I-iig. rsuccaess for us from a commercial standpoint. The present is a barrier which has kept industries away from this section. SThe passengers on the ferries should no more be taxed for crossing "Misissippi River than the people in the city should be taxed to cross SSt. John, the Old Basin, other water ways and bridges which the maintains and operates for the benefit of the public. Our ferries be a free bridge for the people crossing this nat6ral water way. If you have any fight in you for Algiers, tialk municipal ownership bd as   wlan every dqy until such times as we get the relief we are Woumded Veteramn Leamrn Farnming ;2~·A x SL.s'*~+' 'IIILO-~Y~lj~ i ·ra ih~-~r i~1~ ormhmtn . WHATS THE DIFFERENCE - WE'RE GONNA GET STUCK EITHER WAY I SAY THIS.ONE I5 YiE BESI' ONE K'US try'I' easy oSs ] S9 Knights of Columbus 0 Elects Officers At the regular semi-monthly meet ing of Santa Maria Council No. 1724, " Knights of Columbus, Peter E. Muntz P' was re-elected grand knight for the hi third successive term. Other officers elected were: \\'al- to ter T. Ryan, deputy grand knight; it Aubrey Galennie, chancellor; Jos- ti eph P. Skelly, financial secretary; li1 John A. Bardett, Jr., recorder; G. A. Lyncker, treasurer; F. O. Lyncker, it warden; James L. Hogan, advocate: rF A. B. Ryan. Inner guard; John M. hi Nolan, outer guard; R. E. J. Quinn. pl B. Zerangue and Owen Lindquist. ai trustees for three, two and one year b, terms, respectively, Benjamin Borne N and John A. Barrett. Jr., were elected U as alternates to the next annual con vention of the state council, the dele- tl gates being the grand knight and a 0 passed grand knight. P As you glance through the above k list you will no doubt come to the I conclusion that the members pres ent at the election showed their wis- P dom by picking the present set of S officers to handle council affairs for ti the coming year. We know the rec- tl ord they made and the wonderful s work they have done during the year just drawing to a close, all real Santa t4 Mariane full of pep and setting a mark for all other councils to fol- o low. . A demonstration of hand clapping and cheering lasting about five min- ti utes was given Grand Knight Peter h E. Muntz, when his name was men- a tioned to succeed himself, showing the popularity of our Grand Knight. under whose leadership we have come to be one of the livest and most pro gressive councils in our order. Pete responded with a nice little talk and promised to do even bigger things u in the months to come. Go to it d Pete. we are all with you. A like S demonstration was given to all the c' other officers on down the line, ac cordingly as their names were pro- S posed 'tfor their respective offices, a showing the high esteem in which s1 they were held. Let's go now boys. a and make this the biggest year Santa u Maria ever had. SURPRISE PARTY S A surprise party was tendered Mr. g Joseph Poise on Thursday night at t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. PoIse in Elmira avenue. Dainty refreshments were served in abundance and danc ing indulged in. Those participating were: the Misses Annie Elston, Inez and Stella Bourgeois, Laura Mendoza, Pearl and Jennie Lottenger, Emily Choate, Rose Babin, Adeline Bloom. n Irene Trahan, Loretta Becnel. Oneida d Bruney, Odessa Babin; Messrs. Berk-. a man Church, Sherald Martin, Alvin r and Jas. Robichaux, H. McCall, Clevin Mandoza, Lawrence Menge, Mr. and f Mrs. C. Chauvin, Mr. and Mrs. W. c Mendoza. Mrs. H. Barrilleaux, Mr. and I Mrs. E. Daupean, Mr. and Mts. E. ( Polse and many others. d JELLY BEAN SOCIAL CLUB. The Jelly Bean Social Club met at the home of Misses Lilitan and Ethel Hilderbrand, Thursday night. Dancing was indulged in and refresh ments were served in abundanie. Those participating were the Misses Ethel and Lillian Helderbrand, Una Johnson, %Cleo Wheatley. Estella Thates, Lillian Hunn, Alice Kramme. Messrs. Chas. Puckett, George Mat ulich, Chas. Hildebrand, O. Brien Clark, John Hunn, Charles Christen son, Edward MoMahon, Misses Car rle and Rita and Mildred Hilderbrand. 91 ,and Mrs, C. Hlderbrand and many others. OPERATING CAR WITHOUT IUCEREB. Henry Bernard, chaffeur, charged with operating an automobile with am improper license plate was ar rested at the corner of Verret and Homer streets, by Motorcycle Patrol man Joseph Vitari. Bernard was parolJes br Captala James Crippe to appear before the traffie court. PLAMaGDWWID Nm . Mie mIa Gos sccompanited a larpge cmre ed AlMs ehldren to Audabom Park, Saturday evening. Those wlinning the races were Miss ft. ,es Mis Maur awlew at m Ipme a the 100-pE. se DO YOU KNOW h MR. AND MRS. What wonderful thought. come up when these itwo abbre-'iations are ta printed in a news item-what intens'I th human interest these portray. !d In the home weekly. paper, they Ai take the one big place in all news se items, from the simple visit to rela- di tives, to the larger matters of human life. tb ¶Mr. and tMrs."--the pgreat news in item of the universe, the bringer of K recollections to the ýnan far from T] home. who takes his old home town b] paper, and reads the items of MIr. tr and Mrs. and lets his mind wander fi back to the days when he knew the lMr. and Mrs. In knee pants and shall C 1 we say short skirts. K It's the home town paper where tl the real Mr. and Mrs. news items it occur-and to receive the home town , paper week in and week out is to S, kndw the great happenings of the D I world, the doings of "Mr. and fMrs." J, "Subscribe for Your Home Town g Paper Week." is the second week in eI f November. 7th to 12th. If you don't C r take the horne town paper, subscribe R then. If you do take it. renew your J, l subscription then. r News your friends forgot to write a 1to you; news about the folks you are! Jtgerpbted %n; th current 4tstory of your native town: it is all in Your - Home Town Paper. Subscribe today. If you think there's nothing in pa triotism. just try to knock a man's r home town. It's a fine way to start a fight. The folks at home are big folks to you. Read about them in Your Home Town Paper. ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP. An armed highwayman made an y , unsuccessful attempt to hold-up p t Oscar McIntyre, first mate of the S. tl a S. Minnesota Saturday night at the Scorner of Wagner St., and the river. McIntyre was on his way to his . ship, moored at the head of Behrman h avenue, when an armed hiwhwayman S stopped him and, pointing a revolver n at his stomach ordered him to throw s up his hands. h The seaman seized the revolves and struggled with the highwayman. V Seeing that he could not wrest the tl gun from his assailant, McIntyre t took to his heels, calling for help. tl The highwayman fled into the South Sern Pacific yards. IAOCAL GIRLS SU('ClESSFUL AT h S NWIMMING MEIET. y In the women's events. at the swim r, ming meet at Audubon Park Satur a day. Miss Gerard was the star, win- a Sning the 50 and 100 yard events e a rather easy. Mary Gordon, of the e a Algiers Playgrounds, lived up to d form, winning the 25 and being sec- a r. ond in the 50 yards. Mary Crow- n ley, another Algiers girl, gave Miss d Gerrard a hot time of it in the hun- n dred and was beaten by two lengths. b TOWN PESTS i. MisAUS, ip a ISOIf 1W Low t- OL A O@UaS 5 'St M/ a CLOC4K A ' tS afst 1n d t I. s MoWer I tC 8 ud i5 a bd .' r-a I. I Dm to Twestyfive, sad takes the r the Witsr sad borrows W days * psser ad 857 other th a $ Nevr CBrints Them P.nk -ay 4r~a sd8 JAMES E. CRIPPS f GETS GOLD BADGE James E. Cripps, the youngest cap tain in the police department, was the guest of honor at a reception ten dered by his friends, at the Avenue Academy. Captain Cripps was pre- a sented a gold badge studded with a diamond. Leonard Santos was chairman of the arrangement committee, compris ing Fred Moss, Guy Sadler, Jesse n Knecht and ,Recorder John J. Duffy. The presentation address was made by Thomas V. Craven, assistant dis trict attorney, who praised the ef ficiency of the guest of honor. Addresses were also made by Charles Witte, Huble O'Brien, John Kessler and others. More than three hundred persons were present, including Superintendent of Police Molony, Commissioner of Public S Safety Stanley Ray, Judge Armand ' Desangles, Judge Emile Leonard, John Minor, Frederick Cripps, Ser geant Joseph Hadley, Corporal Fred erick Smith, Paul Surcouf, Captain Charles Traub. Captain Edward Roach, Tony Farrantella and Alex 1 r Johnson. The Crescent City quartette sang and there was a brass band. MIKEROONEY " SDIES SUDDENLY IFU'NEAL THIS AFTERNOON AT8 P. M. The sudden death of Mike Rooney c yesterday morning was a great sur- ( 'prise to the hundreds of people on a this side of the river who knew him. s Mr. Rooney was born in 1874, and was educated here in Algiers. His t trade was that of a machinist, and a he worked for several years at the Southern Pacific. He served thirty- N nine months as a madhinist in the 8 navy. and before he was discharged d he was head machinist. He was also connected in that capacity with the United States Mint and remained t there two years. He also served as a clerk at the Treasury Department at c the City Hall. For many years he a w-,as chief clerk to Mayor Behrman. c During the Spanish American war, he was a member of the United I States Navy and was in several en-It gagements with forts and land bat- I ties in Cuba. 1 The funeral will take place this 1 - afternoon from the Catholic Church. s Interment will be in Greenwood Cem a etery. D Deceased, who was 47 years of age, is survived by his widow, for merly Miss Genevieve Owens, his a daughter. Miss May Rooney, his - mother. Mrs. M. J. Rooney, Sr., three :" brothers, Daniel. Thomas and Joseph - Rooney, and four sisters, Mrs. Peter E. Munts. Mrs. Canibel and theI Misses Margaret and Mamle Rooney. Member of Mamy Clubs. Mr. Rooney was associated with many fraternal and local organiza tions, among them New Orleans Lodge No. 30, B. P. O. Elks. Alham bra Club, Choctaw Club, Loyal Order of Moose, Benevolent Knights of America, Woodmen of the World and Junior Order United American Me chanicss. His daughter is now attending school at Franklin. La. Mr. Rooney was connected with one of the oldest and most prom nent families in our district. For twelve years Mr. Rooney was chief clerk to former Mayor Martin Behrman. As such, permits for all entertainments, balls, boxing con tests and numerous other events, were issued by him. He was thus in a position to come in contact with a large number of persons and make many friends. For many years Mr. Kooney was a big political isetor sad was always allied with the Regular organisation forces. LIBERTY SOCIAL CLCB. The Liberty Social Club will give a dance at the Avesoe Academy, St arday .Sept. 24. C A rma p**4 Ms bead has been easile and the ommuites me es 'eeo a that atteads a goe4 time. HISTORY OF THE V FERRY FRANCHISE .FVI IY FitAN.'HliE ('AIIRIEDI TAX \ ITO AIAERINES FOit STltREET RIEPAlR'I. 1. II. Norman Tel, C'ount il. The following address was made i I before a special session of the co- i Ivil on Friday. Se.pt. 16th: Some fifteen years ago the ('Canal . l Street-A.\liers Fierry Sy-,t llm Frl-r; at chise was sold at Public .\uction andl n bid in for $22 .-00. In addition thereto, among other matters the lessees were to pay to their predeces sorT the value of the sidewalk fromnt - the Ferry landing to the L & N. Station. and were also to maintain Canal Street from the Ferry Landing to the L. & N. crossing. In other st words. the people of Algiers were not only taxed to yield a revenue of it $225.0010.00 to the City. but were t also taxed for the construction on t this side of the river, of a sidewalk t from the ferry landing to the L. & N. Depot. as also to maintain Canal Street from the landing to the L. & N. crossing, besides immense profit p earned by the lessees. in We may be, and no doubt are. o01 somewhat ahead of the times in our a, views, as to the rights of the citi- al zens of New Orleans to have free access and egress to one side of the 11 river from the other: nevertheless we E are not ahead of the times in insist- Ii ing upon and exacting the privilege c" of being free of tax for overcoming of natural conditions beyond the actual cost of overcoming the conditions. pt The city of New Orleans is not legally P or morally entitled to exact a quarter m of a million of dollars from our peo- tl ple to cross the river, besides, a h princely million and a half of dollars of profits to the lessees are wrong- ft fully wrung from us. b Progress is an essential and neces sary part of modern civilization, and our people are continually, conscious ly or unconsciously, placing in opera- b tion progressive ideas that become part of our daily lives. b 3 There was a time when it may i have seemed proper to exact and col lect a toll to cross the New Basin e and Carondelet Canals, as it was the custom to collect toll to travel on i the shell road to the Cemeteries or I West End. This is no longer the a case, these crossings are all free to ' our citizens, as is the right of free travel to West End on the Shell a Road. . We are not here, however, to ask you to grant us free transportation across the river, the times are not yet ripe for this, but we are here to register our solemn protest against a system of lease of our Ferry fran chises that may yield a half million b l of dollars or any part of it, to the -City, an immoral tax upon us, be 1 sides additional taxes to pay for the sidewalk, to maintain Canal Street to the L. & N. Crossing, and the un * heard of tax of more than one and one-half million dollars of profits to e the lessees, resulting not only the b keeping away of industries from our a side of the River. but In the actual I driving away of the established in dustries from our midst. a Is it right, is it fair, is it honest a I that these onerous and burdensome s additional taxes should have been v t or should be levied upon us, only r e a fractional part of the Citizenship t of New Orleans. My statement is based on figures s i furnished me by a statistician some- o -I time back and may be challenged by I I interested parties, however, as the d Honorable Commissioner of Public SUtilities has checked the income oft the Ferry for a given period, the fig ures are before you, and any Intelli- c gent person, with some knowledge , of the subject, can fairly accuratelyt calculate the cost of operation and a +the difference between that and the Champion Broad Jumper in Action t adctie photogradh of Ned Ooerdtn, Harvard's great neiro ithlet ceasted by many the greatest track4eld athlete of the day, who secentl a semubed the weeMd's beat Juip record, maklmg the aracaloes leap ot i - t eat ane i a l.as d so tae eart, d stadlem duriag o aetet betwee thi Tlad,, Ierard sad O 0m ..oe .s. .. Emrvenj1 mini ~ 9"~]~ embtlus· Weddings of New Orleans Folks 15I'r sTlI)F (O l'LE, IWHO EN Ti:ltl:Il) THilE STATE OF MAT ItIMONY Il'IlNG WEEK. I ISHER I -TIIA I'TH. '1 i., Stela F"isher atndl Elbert C. I i'.lthI. l ith w.all k;:own young pe)to pl, ot Grtlna. w'r,e married quietly :Tat lhur,:tay tt::ht by .Judge Goeorge I' I Lit 'f .\l.:.'r. Miss Izs ola and I.:. '1oT:t:ath atnd V'rtnon J Wilty 4 and l.rtni.t'a .\uIdrson wetre the wit ns'. Trhe, c'ouplep are residing in 1.l. )so tth I: II , i (;lIad s Itatnsey. :0, Pa'tterson St.. Syears old. received injuries of her teft foot while swinging on an iron gate of t he' vourlthotuse ill Morgan atret t(lads and Julia lhinoit of 210 Seguin street, were playing on the iron gate whn i;ladyvs' foot caught he tween tihe t'ate and the gate post,. e'rlushin-i one of her toe. She was treated at the hospital. NEW "4'AL C'LUH1. On Friday evening a crowd of young boys and girls met at the home of Mr. Fred I'mbach for the purpose of form ing a so'.ial club. After the election of officers, dancing was indulged in and refreshments were served in abunda;nce. The following officers were elected: Mr. Edgley Schroth. president: Miss Esther Puckett, secretary: Miss Alma Hawkins, treasurer. We feel that we could not have selected a better set of officers. a MIr. Harry Evans who is also a proud member of the club as well as a professional pianist, furnished the 1 music for the occasion. Mr. Evans is the popular young man who returned i home recently from a tour of the "Orpheum Circuit". Mr. Earl Cayard furnished the laughter for the evening by rendering a Chinese solo, accom. panied by Mr. Red Hornosky. All left happily, after an evening long to be remembered. This club is open for a few more members. Applications. can be secured through any member, but only those with select reputations will " be considered. wear and tear deducted from the earnings will give you the result. This difference represents the un u just and unfair tax wrung from our r people in the past by an archaic system, as old as it is wrong and wicked. We believe in the City ownership and operation of our ferry system for the benefit of our people and not a lease of the system for an immoral revenue to the City. and princely in come to the lessees, all at the coat and discomfort of a fractional part of the citizenship of our City. We are here to appeal to you to give us relief from our present un bearable situation and to give it to us in that form and manner which alone can be scientific. To give as the relief in a way that the tariff will be elastic, permitting changes Ia charges and regulations as exigencies from time to time may require, and not again to bind us, as we have been bound in the past, through fifteen years more of serfdom. In our opinion, the only manner and method by which this can be accomplished is for the city to own end operate its own Perry system. The City, from a moral point of view, should forego all Ideas of en riching its treasury from the opera tion of the Ferries and should set aside from the net revenues sneh I sums as may be necessary for varl ous purposes appertaining to the SFerry system and the balance, after I doing this, returned to the people in Sthe shape of comforts and a lowered Stariff. I am awat' that under existing Sconditons, a municipally owned ferry Swould be more expensively operated Sthan a privately owned one, and hi i saying this. am gulded by the work (Continued on Pagre )