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CHARTER. -OF EIYTCUAD REALTY do h CO., INC. to Louisiana. Parish of Orleans, Miss SOrleans. Be it known, that on o ay of september. 1921. before Lo ll A. W uck. notary public, in Igro Mfrt Parish of Orleans. State of meut f doly commissi.oned and quall. and 'd n the presence of the witnesses d a 1 named and undersigned, per- . sc cme and appeared the everal rt whose name: are hereunto sub- mn; who c.'verlly declared that. I oh. th eives of the provis-ions of lta l t ws oVf the State of Louisiana int Se a tlton of ororpuration, and feet the oranct o the A. ta of !b l4, they nPara Ft 5e ated aud aslgre.'. and by these }n'"d maC .oveuatl. agreO. and bind $11G. IOts ado well ale Muc h Ir sona as may I i tome aIss..iSatd with them, to , te ont tut corporatiou and ofg apdlt law. and to that end. they a ".the ,f-oi l,, nmtters and thing.s I ay tecute and adopt these article of In- and Cotion. a" follow. . to1wit: Late ATLE I -The in.l of raid oLrpora- N,.w SI L, ".ritlhtard ItRalty c'u.. In." tanl: I ThE Th' bj t' and purposes in jibThI°LEld I.orptratitin is est-blishedin a the nat5ure of the l,ustllesi to be car- t: Ia by iet rc lIrThb) d.hlitred to be twl Tiso and hold, to buy. and otherwise t i alind hold. to 11. Imortgage hypo- tie ge' lmeL or rent land.,. or any interest tI 'tsi in the s tate of L.touisiana or etlse- rId erhether Lnimproved or unilupruoved inl t irne.whthe or tian.- to lie tonstructedtier S orother buildini., and to hold, sOld* hylptineti I Ilease or rent %lo l *ortgia in anrial to carry il it Id' sae rn l lstat buslltr.s. and to do ;ll 1 d rform and tary on ant and all l n in anL y w ay olnlllltedl with. ger- verv se or lantldital to any one or all of ther aO fore lgoC object, and purpoes,. the ou te ad foregoing enunmerated Ipower leanu et helag lntended as ex'lusive. ('oli ARTI('LE ll--The sanout of capital dlvi oi of said torportion halll bIe tifty skel e and ($,0OO.OO) dtlaira. all of whbih ills -ell b ,to'k a(nlid anon if which dt jblle e preferd stoLk. Said vto'k to be ures ed for )ither in t cah or Its equivalent. said ARTICtE IV-The alnount to which the and ubssl lstck nDiiy lie in.rated bliali be TIl "ld i thousand ($100.O0.41)) dollars. ( ARTICLE V The nunmber of shares of siH aid cpital stock of fifty thousand I($,.- I-cha aIM) dollars of satd corporatiou. shall did b ree hundred (T'0) aihares of the liar er al o one hundrd $100.00) dollars per ae the shares of said corporation to re Ila t one hundred ($100.O0) dollars in e orat of the increase of the clapital of said corporation beyond the all entt of one hundred thousand ($1io. on N) dollars. above ttated. vitt ATICLE VI-The location of the domi- the _a of said corporation shall be in the te t, of New Orleans in the Parish of Or- teal aa. SBtate of Louisiana. de ATICLE ViI-The period of duration dre of iid corporrtion shall be fifty IO) . ARTICLE t nuber o dlrec- lat *rsfs i corporart.ion shall be three. The lc jstotV shall elect from their nunber a lot aeddt, and may elect one or more vice- fro _dts; they shall also elect a secre- Inc yar aa treasurer, and may tombine for ie two offkcs In one person; they may the laploiJt such other officers. aglent, for .akoyeeT as may be provided for by on is bylaws- The names and post office str Jds of the directors of said corpora- Tol de who are selected to serve for the first sir ye or until their successors are elected ad- slihd. shall be as follows, to-wit: Mary Pritchard, New Orleans, Loulis- Pa SMrs. Alice Moore Blakemor. New by jsaas, IAlsiana; James . Zunts. New P. saws Louisiana, with Missa Mary Pritch- pr aUd as presideat James E. ZUnts as vicec as secretary and treasurer. at ARTICLE IX--The names and post of fIs addrssesl of the subscribers to these tlo sdls of i ncrporatlon and a statement t Sthe mbea r of shares of stock which of e subscriber is to take is said corpora- ty d e sa follows: Miss Mary Pritch- d aj NE Orleans. Louisiaa, 2l shar .,s r- I-- e isar*e Mr. James . Zunts an, Ii Ohrleans Losia5n. 1 share. RTICL o-The subscriptions of Mrs. Moore Blakemore, and Jamea . CI tothe umber of sham of the capt - e Article 1. aure to be paid for in M L ghIPtlOti of Miss Mary Pritch- au hr > saes of the capital atock ofc as a bove seat orth i do aI lXt herso, is to be paid for by vs is ad to ruas l br bher to this cr 9 iseof certain psces or portions of toeeter witoih alil the buIldings , oea tO te resonfat aed all the I privileges, servitOdes and of sagth eteato belonginlg or in any an -. as eaala situated is the City of ln 3W o ne Stats of Loatelona. a AMLd ebsete seosd hereto and made ta - a t oarticlest of( incorpOration, an C eW sntletd ptrop t ry together with _ Ia Ulmad of the value thereof as ap by Mary Pritchard. Mrs. Alieo vI UyloWO. ad Mr. James d . Zata, ATIl iZ-Each shadrre of tock shall he ld to oe vote. There shall be no al stee v etia pDg. titts A TICEi s lU-Tshe board of directors s esepesation shall be and are here p- wf wIth al tLhe corporate powers of ee rtkioa. iscludta aongr ohor So 9r5, d ihUll iDEin vis TLh Iower to - a tir a and ruabl by-lawl C "lOls L eeu ot aid orpo er tion Sph to brepato money. e _ente mot sL m e. and gnal y to do al wt art to or c saer y for the ob- h. e ntsOs of aid corporaton, ra o sI gatm d to, ett, the board eams en oaxcls me oitentio a t tho and oI dtr etor withn ar d u rther "poern a may Itl be mw :to sompib the obAect andre • said crportio. A i K sadc erporl to n shall be hlt d * in the on cd SatUrda M AOu a_ btd to receiv rvice of all xRe * Aa D of Ne Orla teof O. IN-, W aH. s i. cPoaI etor.t wst-. b of this eiy, who *ave her- * - -ed their s a I awi th e staid S me. noary on te daot and St_ helbe d g to y t fo tho i o n are Ito aopodete tair ser e giNAL SIGttNE fead et t*e PR OILTCHARD . et als.t 0. W. A.W RE•C. • undersNgnd Reorder otf Pbli oe d feeoia n t oT iepor D Iritrhar4R~sLt? Co.._ jnt'. was fa dul ord I· mr oIs ce, in Mth eTrotiOn r of and stateet - lo the property ive i pay dmheurlpti o htck ofs aidOcr. a sa ut Is sid carter, as - by the directrs. aleld to soa i of iLcroratio, In bob te. foio 'n Deputy Rieorder MortisE"- a kwh:rtn - - ,t,~SOWTIONl CHARTER. do hereby appraise the property proposed Th to be transferred to this corporation by of tl Miss Mary Pritchard as follows: first Lot No. 1. A certain lot or portion of I ground, with all buildings and improve- sucb ments thereon, and all the rights, ways 193. and privileges, serltudes. prescriptions quai and advantages thereunto belonging, situ ated in the Fourth District of the tilty of At NIew Orleans, in the square bounded by res t. Prytanis. Pleasant. Coliseum and liar- anot moany treets, measuring ninety feet four Inre Inches. four lines. (90' 4" 4"') front on Pry- t1 tania Street by one hundred twenty-live ele t feet (i25') in depth between equal and on I parallel line`, and front on Pleasant stre,'t. fning and forming the corner of P'rytunla and of ii Pleasant streets. Above lot appraised at with $11r.00.U0. Ing. L ot No. 2. . certain pice or po.rtlon ,un of ground with all the buildings and im- tion provements thereon and all the rights. ways. irivileges. servitudes. presriptluons th' and adsantages thereunto elounging. Situ tfi ated in the Fourth iListrict of the ('Ity of fort New Itrlerans. in square ioualded b3 Pry- th ta:ha. 'oliseumn. P'lensant and Ilitrnltolny b, str'ets. lleansuring ninety-three feet t.n ' TI inches three lines (93' li" :" 'I front on r;.f, ;)LP'Lsa;lllt strewt by a depth i f tone illhullredi ur twenty feet three iat'h's- (12o'" 0" ') be or I twe'en equal atndi parallel lilne. th,- '.id,- the linle of -aid poIlrtion of grolund aidjlloining thill tile portion of ground first aibov*e des.- itty ricriled on the slte t.wairdl i'rytlania street e't an1d beingl one hulndred twenty -livce feet no nait ini'hie i lin e ,, (12'.5' 0" " ') frot i thle '-.r- T nar of Prytauia andi l'e:asatt streets. be a.\bove, lot appllraised at $10,000.00. , ado, .ot Nil. 3 A certain lot of ground with a ,ill tih, buildings and imaaproveunat:i there- -hal tun. and all the rights. way s, privilege-. true servitudtles, prescription's alid adrvantage.s al thereunto bielunging, . ituatit.d in tile Fourth Ilistrit ,,f the titv of New Irr- 'et` leans. in square bounded by i'rytania. ag t'olise-tul. l'.lsallnt and Tol'ldano streets. ter, designated by the letter "lI" on a certain jS"v sketch of survey drawn by Albert G. gat' Itlan,'hard. deputy -ity surveyor, under is a date of 22nd of April, 1873; said lot Imels- " ' urea forty-tive feit (45' 0" O)"') front ion tihe said Pleasant street. forty-five feet A and one in-h (45' 1" 0"*') front on llorr Toledano street, forty-four feet two inches l deb (44' 2" 0" ') on the side line toward Pry- p;li tani streut, dividing it fronm lot "A" oII a1111 said sketch,l. and forty six feet eleven il- thei chties (44' 11" 0" ') on the opposite side, line a dividing it from lot "'". Above lot ll- telr. praised at: $3.300.00. Subject to lmort- be gage of $3,000.00. net appraised value 2 - S$3180.00. Thi "Lot No. 4. A certain lot of ground with b all the buildings and improvements there- tea on and all the rights, ways, privileges, ser- lar: vitudes. presc-riptions, and advantages thereunto belonging, situated in the I Fourth Distric-t of the City of New Or- dat leans, in square bounded by Prytania. Cit ('oliseum,. Pleasant and Toledano streets. F. designated by the letter "C" on a sketch teln drawn by Albert G. Blanchard. deputy dui city surveyor, under date of 22nd April. set 187~, annexed to act before A. C. Cuvilller. of late a notary public in this city, dated 26th an April. 1873, inccording to which sketcih said lot measures forty-five feet (45' 0" '0"') Ne front on Pleasant street. forty-five feet one 2Nre Inch (45' 1" 0"') front on Toledano street. Ell e forty-six feet eleven inches (46' 11" 0"'1 on .h y the side line toward Prytania street, and I. forty-ulne feet eight inches (49' 8" 0"') R. r on the opposite side line toward Coliseum a street. Above lot appraised at $3.300.00. Total appraised value of the four lots de- i sMrlbed above is $28,800.00. gi "lie it further resolved that the vice: th, presldent of this company be and he here- tl by is authorized to accept fromn Miss Mary in SPritchard a transfer or act of sale of said off property subject to a mortgage of $3.000.00 executed by said Miass Mary Pritchard Au gust 12. 1919, before Charles Schneidau. notary public, recorded M. O. B. 1234 p. 21, at the value or price of $21it00.00 In full ,o paymvnnt and discharge of the subscrip Stion of the said Miss Mary Pritchard to at two hundred and eighty-six (286) shares pp h of the capital stock of said Pritchard Real ty ('o.. Inc., of the par value of one hun ' dred ($100) per share and of a total par value and actual value of twenty-eight s' thousand six hundred dollars ($28,600.00) * and, Ia s. "Be it further resolved that the vice- Id . president of this company be and he is di i. hereby authorized, upon receipt of act of yr t sale of said property from Miss Mary d tn Pritchard to execute and deliver to said Miss Mary Pritchard two hundred and a eighty-six (286) fat Ipald and non-assess- of able shares of the capital stock of thiso in company of the par value of one hundred di dollars ($100) per share, and of the total t y value and actual value of twenty-eight r- thousand six hundred dollars ($28l0.09.) th SNew Oreians, September 13th, 1921. ti he I further certify that I am the custodiaS L id of the book of minutes and other books cc ty and records of said Pritchard Realty Co., R if Inc.. and that the above and foregoing is as a true and correct copy of a resolution tl le taken from the book of minute of said a n corporatlon, being copy of a resolution se adopted by the board of directors of said t th corporation on the above stated date. ip- further certify that James E. Zunta, is P' c vice president of said Prltchard Realty k U' Co., Inc. ll In testimony whereof, I have hereto a s affixed the name and ,a-i of said corpora tioa by myself as its secretary, this the in r 13th day of September, 1921. S ALICE MOORE BLAKEMORE. h, f Secretary of the Pritchard Realty Co., Inc. it or Sept. 22-Oct. 2'. is to - s CHARTIE OF INDUSTRIAL ADBUST*- e ENT d U, blEAU, INC. T or 'nlted States of America, State of Loluis all Lna, Parish of Orleans, Cilty of New Or- h b- lesa,. Be It known that on this 9th day p *rof the month of September,. In the year . a of our Lord, nineteen hundred and twenty- i owe before me Warren V. Miler, a dluly ai Scoatmtii.od. . quolifed and ating notary oa blic, In and for the Parish of Orleans , it tate of Loualsana, and in the presence of ay the hereinafter named and undersigned o ad witneases, personally came and appeared a the several persona whose namea are here-b ofunto sbrlbed and everaltly declared that r4 avalinag themselves and those they repro becme associated with them. of the gene te- ral laws of the State of Lonlsiana, in sucm . a case made nd provided, they have formed C Sand oranised, wad by the preenrts formei thmAlvr , as well T as those they reprent in and such others as may hereafter become I asasciated with them, iote a corporatlion s1 ·and body politic in law, for the objects and nt' prpo in the follong w artlles set forthr Sand txpreed, whieh they adopt their aid charter. d ARTICLg I-The name and title of this s do corporation i and shall be "Industrial DI Adjnsrtent Burau, Inc. tred it shall l. exst and enjoy soeuion by i.trt orporate name afor a period of ninety-naine (9 years from the date hereof, with all the rigbta, L I privilegre and powers now or hereafter Sco-nferred by law upon trading corpora t iOs. Itsie dmile shall he in the City of ew Orleansand all cltations and legal isermlvco shall be made upon the prmedent_, pt' and in the eveet of his inability to act, s etc.. upon the vicptes idet or treasunrer, hat in the order named. aARTICL3 Ie-The capital atoktw of thsl __ twenty thounnd dollars ($,00.0w0) n of which shall be dlvided into and repre m- sewad by eight hundred (601 shares of I property regularly transferrd to the cr-. . _rptloao. all as shall be determined by the botard of dlrectors, ". ARTICLE ll--The objects and .pu.roses I"- of this corporatlon and for which it i d organised. are hereby declared to be, to are-prc the entlre bsnles,. astls, ,-ame the and gsod will of the ndnstrlal Adjout the ment BuraU. a Delaware Corporatlon, and al thereafter to conduct sid bus s so the tUon: to operate andmmamm a m- d collection and eclm adjustment bnurea; mid to operate nd malitaln e general redit 'r rationg and reporti bnreau; to b.y. ell, mortgages claims, nots, atios-, bi.,s, a.s wlrl as to hay and ll ad als osmotletk. arties or things which the • ¢ mayl' aI cqire as eollatea t "y-.' mor-tgges.. actios or rights th- eeithe r threlgh frecleeont? thereon DI--- *-wltr adlumenthtef ad in Ul odosy---l ml y al1l ts pertainin or Irman to the aboe and freoingm . I rpoom. ae ARTICLEI IV-The co rte powrs o this crmertion shall be veted ina boardnef dri-- m. 'oa majlorty of whom Cw e shall onstitut a uorm for te trns of sidl beard may th erea he aned The first board of directors and officers STF of this corporation shall be elected at the first meeting of the stockholders, held after the passing of this charter, and the direc- Peoo tors and officers so elected shall serve as such until the third Monday in January. 1923. or until their successors are duly qualified and electea. Absent directors may vote at any di ro tors meeting by a written proxy to another dirts-tr given for that particular ftif Imteeting. 4 Meetings of the toc.kholders for the elI'titot of dircstour shall be held ye-arly I Pe ont the third Monday in January, begin- 300, uilng with the year 19Z3. and the board and of dirtector-a shall have the right to elei t. without refere.nce to a sto.khoulder nrtet- batt Ing. anu. stockhulder to be a director. apes whenever a vatcanty may exrLt on the o,,nrd of directors. through death, resignl- nall tlon or inability to serve. rart A\RTICI.E V-The torporate of qUn this ,corporation are erpresed and ,et forth Ib) -s.tion seven (t) of .Act 2~67 of Ig. the. )ear 1914. and shall be duily employed Ihe tb and through the board of direc- turH. The Ihard of dire.-tors nia. a, without foc t reference to the sto-kh6lders, buy.. s-1 and &SO1 ,aurtealle real estatel buy. ell. ImortgaHge bee or h~y oth.-llte anly part or the entirety of thIe ansets. business, rights or good will of ithi orporration. all upon such terms. con- . h di tits, atndl for tuch price, sumtls or al set s as the board of dire.tors shall de.ter- at minte. ifew The- duties of the several officers shall mot be set forth itl the by-lan ; which will Ib adopted by tile board of directors and Th ittaended or altered at their will; and they IUs haull have the right to empilluiy, under cuIotn n tract oir otherwise, a getneral imanagelr, who mally or may not be a meIlmtbcr of thel board l a. ,.f directors. als said board of dirnetaior maly tril det.rlmin, land whtic. said general malin. .g, r shall have such duties as shall ,e de- mID teirlnilted by the board of directors ayd tihe bay several officers of this compansuc'y may dele gate to stuch general manauger siuth duties Ot as atre pIresrililsi to their respeytive offliee. fan its they may nieslre, subject, however. to the approval of the board of directtors. AItTIt('lE VI--No stockholder of thiL- e corporation shall *er bi- Ihlble for ian by SdebIt of the corporlltion ther than tihe unl - bt pnid portion of their subscription to stock, aland nIo inlforlmallty herein .hall sntlje-.t reli them to suc.h liability. 1 A ltTIC(I.E VII-AtIltendment of this c:ar- I alk ter. or liquidation of the corporation shall be subject to the rules laid down in Act by 2ti7 of thie louisiana Legislature of 1914. The capital stock of this corporatlon aluay be increased by amlendment of this char ter to any amount not exceetling the sumit ^f on.- hundrted thousand ($1000O00.tO ) dol lars. Thus donle and signed on the day andi lll date first hereinabove mentioned, in the TIM City of New Orleans, in the presence of F. It. Hardon and I. I. Ho. over, comnpe- aS Steno-tt witnlesses. and me, nlotary, after a ter due reading of the whole; the subscribers setting oppisite their nantes the anount to of stock they subscribe for. making this f01 h an original subscription list. d (Signed): E. C. Upton, 2419 Milan St.. New Orleans, 1 share; G. A. Iteyuefitte. h e r21 Pine St., New Orleans, 1 share; L. It. t, Elliott. 120 8. Cortez St., New Orleans, 1 o share. d Witnesses: (Signed): F. R. Ilardon. i. . ) R. Hoover. u (Signed): WARREN V. MILLER. 1 ). Notary Public. ele I. the undersigned Recorder Qf Mort gages. in and for the Parish of Orleans. State of Louisiana. do hereby tertify that gk the above and foregoing A't of Incirpora- be tion. of the Industrial Adjustment Itureu. y Inc., was this day duly recorded ln tIy 201 d office. in Book 1263. folio 113. le New Orleans, September 12th, 1921. t (Signed) : ROBT, SCOTT. f " Deputy Recorder of Mortgages. lei 1" A true copy of the original on tile in my 10 II office. WARREN V. MILLER. ex .o Notary PIublic. Sept. 22--Oct. 27. S CHARTER OF UNION NOVELTY ei it STORE. INC. ) United States of America. State of Louis iana. Parish of Orleans, City of New Or Ie-sans. le it known, that on this fourteenth day of the month of September. in the OC of year of our Lord one thousand, ning hun dred and twenty-one, before me. Sol. Weiss, a notary public, duly commissioned 31 ad and qualitfied in and for the Parish of Or leans, thereina residing and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and un- CI rd dersigned. personally came and appeared. D al the persona whose names are hereunto ht subscribed and who declared that they are tb of full age of majority and residents of df the City of New Orleans and that availing themselves of the laws of the State of dn is Louislana relative to the formation of h ks corporations, they do constitute them o., selves. their associates, successors and as ia signs into a corporation under the stipula- H on tions herein set forth which they adopt t Id as their charter, to-wit: on ARTICLE I-The name of this corpora id tion shall be "Union Novelty Store, Inc." w ARTICLE II-The domicile of this cor- l is poration shall be in the City of New Or sy leans, La. ARTICLE III-The objects and purposes of this corporation shall be: The selling, to at wholesale and retail, of Doods, wares. ' merchandise and novelties and the conduct ing of a store or stores for said purposes. t ARTICLE IV-This corporation shall j - have all the powers and authority vested i corporations under the law of Louls : isna. ARTICLE V-The capital stock of this T corporation shall be entirely commnon stock. The capital stock shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) divided into one hun i- dred shares (100) of the par value of one Ir- hundred dollars ($100.00) per share, full ay paid and non-assessable, which capital t ar stock may be increased to twenty-fve 7 *thousand dollars ($25,000.00) composed 7 as just herein state. I VI ARTICLE 1I--The corporatet powers of i a* this corporation shall be vested in and ex of erised by a board of directors composed d of three stockholders, who shall be elected i annually at the annual meetlng of stock Sholders to be held on the first Monday of at January of each year beginlning in the year 1923. 1 e ARTICLE VII-The said board of di ch rectors shall within one month after its e election annually select from among its wi members a president. a vice-president and cta secretary-traser who shall serve for -me one year from date of selection or until Ion their sueessors shall have been elected . d and qualified. All vacan a on the board rth shall be filled at a special meeting of I elr stockhbolders called after 11 days notie sent by reisitered mail to all the. stck bolders of record. Sgsciam meetntg of his stockholders for all purposes may be called rial by the preeident and must be called by tall him at the requeat of more than 25% of1 e the outstanding stock. The board shall rs have the power to draw up and adopt by hta. laws if same be deemed necessary or de ter sirable. - ARTICLE VIII-No share of stock in Ity this corporation shall be sold or trlans gl trred by a stockholder until such ahare et, or shares shall have been tendered, in writ act, tog, by registered mail to the corporation r thru Its board of directors and the stock. holders then of record shall have the op this ion to purchbae such stock at book value Sof thereof, each stockholder having an op I of aton to purchase such proportion of the pwe- tendered stock as his then holdings may o reprseat, the rejection or fallure to ex l ercise such option by any stockholder or in stockholdors to enure to the bneflt of the in remaLiing stockholders. No transfer of or- stock shall ibe valid or blnading upon this the corporatioa unless the provisions of this article shall have been compiled with and a notatloa to that effect shall be stamped eas upon all stock certlcates. If such ten i 15 dewrd stock be anot purchased aa here tO providd, the said stochhalder so tender am "sal have the right to dispwos same st- in other dirCctions. The exitiUg stoc ad holders shall have 30 days from the date Sof receipt of sad notce of tendet within ora- which to exerelse the option hereta pro oral vled. e ARTICLE IX.--Until the annual elec tiaa of Directors in the year 3023, the afl :ollowing rshl oastltute the Directors sand oPhei r o this corporatlon: t Levy, Secretar DTea. asurer; Mrs. Dora ARTICLE X-The suberOers to this Act of Iaeorporatlr have sgwed theor names and addresses hegeuo and the number etn oi shares or whbeh tihe harve subaeribed and they do hereby delare that all such stock subscriptlios have been" pai i all aad that nerordliglt more thaa fity pew r Siegat io the capital stock of tis corora fl has been subreibed for sad paid for. ARTICLE IL-ThiLs ceoration shall a exist and have sueeeadea for a period ofi Sninety-nin years SARTICLE I.--This corporation shall h5- be lquidated and diasolved purnuant to sall tie oismio of existin y relative · - theret or Acts ameadator thre. a ARTILE A n--The Dot o Drbee tors shaD Ix alariess hall enagge msa Idhehal e o all h eeks. nome dub at esteoa to oEfthe STRANGE MANIA FOR DEATH People of Russian Village Commit Suloide In a Body, and in Pecu Ilarly Horrible Form. Supe A case of mass suicide Is reported from the village of Opatovo, Russia, in the Tamboff province, where the Obse: peasants to the numnber of more than Thi 300, assembled together. men, women and children. In a spacious wooden bathhouse. Doors, windows and other apertures were hermetically sealed and Ar nailed up. In the cellar tirewood sat- walk urated with petroleum was n great r quantities. Fire was set to the build- With, SIng. Everybody in the building per- your Ished in the conflagration, if not suf focated previously by tile fumes. All around the building armned guards had been left, so that the dreadful sacri- eragt fI fce should be carried out undisturbed. are When the awful thing was consum- not d mated the guards shot each other. A (Alne few men lost their nerve at the last I. moment and survived to teU the tale. Bulg This sc(Ercely believable incident takes ered Sus back a long way. Mass suicide is not unknown in the history of Rus- bous sia. Brought to despair by adminis- sped trative persecution or to escape fa- drvt mine and epidemic, entire villages have committed wholesale suicide.: Often this was the result of religious ter I f'. anaticism. Peter I, who was some- must what Bolshevist in the enforcing of his grou reforms, was met in northern Russia pall by numerous conflagrations involving turn hundreds of deaths. As late as the has reign of Alexander III a case occurred isn't in the south when a crowd of fanatics abod allowed themselves to be buried alive tr by their religious "eachers. drinl r- Bulgaria Has Queer Taxes. bres The peasants are now firmnl estab- out lished in power in Bulgaria and leg- sat id lslative bodies, both state and pro k vincial, in which their representatives mus - are in the majority, are engaged in the " transferring the burden of taxation he I t to the shoulders of the despised city give is folk. The district council of Roustchouk do s Shas evolved the following taxes which do SIt styles "American": inl, For carrying a parasol 50 levas, . (nominally worth 19 cents each), year- whi ly; for wearing skirts more than sect ir.eleven inches above the ground or silk unit stockings, 500 levas; for wearing yeai at gloves between April 15 and Septem- was bher 15 without a doctor's certificate, out. n. 200 levas; for wearing jewelry, 900 a 11a levas; for keeping pet dogs, 500 levas;e. for use of walking canes by persons less than fifty years old in good health, prol 100 levas; for wearing shoes with tope exceeding eleven Inches in height. 200 any levas; for wearing fur tippets or muffs, B - 500 levas, and for using a baby ear B riage in cities, 200 levas. to s- Child's Call Reached Mother. dist it Although she has no knowledge of the the occult or thought transference a : mother heard the cry of her child, it d nine miles away. The woman together wh r with her husband was sent to jail In Chicago, because they were unable to *- produce a note for $700, necessary to the settlement of an estate. A month or dragged by and there was no one to of care for the three children. six, four and of two years old. Social serviee workers finally took them to an orphan asylum. - Henry, four, became 1i and was taken o pt to the isolation behospital. At about the not same hour his mother, unaware of ah what had been done, became hysterical ma r- In the jail and declared her child was 15 Ur- dying and calling for her. Jail au- cot e. thoritles thought her demented and "K. transferred her to the jail hospital. l : Social service workers went before vs te. the judge the next day and told him tw tall all three children would die unles bit their mother was restored to them, ter sad he ordered her immediate release. 1 Water Needs of Dahlias. a n As a geoneral rule dabllas should co ever be wattered. With good cultlrva tal tam, enough melsature will he found tn wi w the soll to stimulate the roots' growth. In seasons of protracted drought, if 4 I of they shbow any signs of wantlng water, , give it freely; enough to penetrate a ted eat below the msurace. Superfelal th Swaterlng isa worse than none at all, a the rand this apDplies to other plants as frj well. More damage is done by smuch t Swatering than when none is ygiven. Read fga ee Gi uttenyl tt An ex-alderman of New York ate, ted aloe and unassisted, eleven pounds fe beef-eteak and twelve lamb chops em atie at a dinner of the Federal club. The al c 1 e-alderman weighed 360 pounds be- at led fore taking oa the carge. Is this a as by record _ al by- Net Surpellumg. de- qr was rematly erteds ia a wc in town as outepe eitl, s am sgdteetrYSl tbaters o wac I tra r W e a bet ot d sleanl a- , t twmmsa two memaesI a dclub, the wk em a phidcelsa sad the ethr an op- "Whatdoethink atasabell- 9 th* sdtlh mYhae "s' The arehttet miled. "abteralt ," or o bearvek d "the lm is moder, r e and laternally the tmesmment is some thi what gsre, asu i W5i l a hl hExtravagant Hope. ae I understand robbery is on the I a crease." S "I hope so." replied Bill the Burg. ithi "Maybe In the course of time It'll be Pr- -ome so fashionable that there'll be a' .l- use tr.vnla' to enforce the laws ein it" tora CHARTER. sole a lm ARTICLE XlV.-Servieea of process shall be made apon the president of this A corporation or is his absence upon any t esU other oacer. ber Thes done and passemd at the City of Nled y Orleansa. La., on the day, month and ich yeer rat above writtren, In the preseae fll et Frank J. 8ttch and Henry J. Perte. er competent witatesses, who have hereunto de sxaed their signatures, together with for. d appearers, after rading of the whole. u hall Names and addresses of a obacribers d of emitted. Witnesses: F. J. Stich. Henlry 3. . Per Nt to otary PuNblk. I ative I. the undersigned Recorder of Mort gages is sad for the Parish of Orleans. 8Ime- State ot Louoiiaoa, do hereby certify that Id the shabove asd foresoiang Act of laIcr pstearation of the rules Novelty Store, Ic.. was this day duly racorded into my office t New 1rh 9 e1 • A tre esopy t me. UCO.Lt. IL ALWAYS ON GUARD Superstitious Bulgarians Dread Spirits of Evil. Observe Many Odd Custome Which They Believe of immense Impor ! tance to Their Welfare. Are you one of thuose who will not walk under a ladder, raise an um brella in the house or spill the salt without casting a few gralni over your shoulder? if you believe in these or the kindred superstitions fast dying out in this country, you will feel a degree of kiniship with the av erage Bulgarian peasant. For there are so mlany things a Bulgarian may not do, writes Temple Manning, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Among the many customs of rural Bulgaria. to neglect which is consid ered unlucky and even sinful, are the following: To bring flour into the house and neglect to fumigate it with special incense. This must he done to drive out of the flour any demon which may have entered the sack. When the housewife or her daugh ter goes to the spring for water, she must not neglect to spill a little on the ground before even starting with the pall for the house. This is done to turn but any elemental spirit which P has been scooped into the pail. If it isn't done the spirit may take up its abode in the house, and may even en ter the body of one of the family who drinks the water. If you are asked to sell a loaf of bread you must not part with it with out first having cut or torn off a - small piece from an end. The spirit that has helped you make the bread must be given a chance to fly out of n the loaf and still linger in the house he loves. Under no circumstances may you give a child a spoon to play with. I k do not know just why you may not i do this, but it is considered exceed ingly unlucky. Nor can I account for the belief which is common in some far farming Ssections of Bulgaria, that it is very Ik unlucky to give a child under seven years of age a bath. The child may wash itself, but that is its own look ! out. The mother may wash the child a little also, but not give it a bath all e. over at one time. S, Imagination easily accounts for the h, , prohibition against cleaning a stable, s selling milk, fetching water or doing 0 any of the many other farm duties after darkness has fallen. , i But how is one to account for the :Bulgarian belief that to permit a dog to sleep on the roof of a house will disturb the rest of the dead members e of the family? a These and countless other super d, stitions rule the daily work and hab ir its of old Bulgarians and the youths in who live and work in many a shut-it to section of that hilly land. Bitter Joking. to Ellnor Glyn, the novelist, was talk nd fag to a reporter about her long visit in Spain. "The death rate for babies is fear em ful in Spain," she said. "If it were - nhe ot for that sad fact the world would of soon contain more Spaniards than Chinese; for the Spanish are a re markably prolific race. Families of 15 and even 20 children are not un common among them. nd "But these children die off in their . infancy because their mothers are so e very ignorant of hygiene. I once heard t two Spanish dortors joking-Joking Ms bitterly, you know-about this ma m, ternal ignorance which does so much harm. " 'Yes,' said the first doctor, 'Dea ms Pilar's new baby died off, of, of id course. At the age of two months she Swas feeding it oan pork, cheese and t wine.' th. "'Pork, cheese and wnla- god it diet, that. for a twm-months' old baby, rsaid the second doctor. 'The rich He Smars, though, have a better one for al their youngster. They give it for dln ll et every eveaninag a brace of chope, * tried potatoes, sweet padding and a sh stil whisky and soda, with cofe, lqueur and a good strong Havana i pgar to follow.'" ite. Aviation Marvel Found. ds An airplane capable of landing with us eIt the need of a large avlatlon field, he able to rise without a long ran befere, be- able to travel more than 800 miles Sa anI hour and, it necessary, to meander - along at bat a few miles an hour, is announced as the invention of an Italian engineer, Epaminooda Ber tuccl of Rome. The inventor claims that he already Stried out the machine on a small scale Sand regards his frst experiments asu in dicative of the success of the invem a tion. The mew machine is primarily intended for aerial war clhasing and Is i14 to be armnd with a machnlae gun. It Is a monoplane. Iuas Remedy fer Ants. Bere is a helpful paragraph la SNew lork paper: "To rid the pan shelves of red ants, wipe them with deoatured alcohol every few weeks." Now, how are you to catch the ant - and give him that ulcohol bath? The eussed little things just won't steand s till.-Jackson News. be " The Crowning Aggravatlon i To make matters worse, when your - eollar is wilted; when you vacdllate between a desire to commit suicide and a desire to throw up the Job and hs wander off to some cool mountaintop any to rest, In ios the coal man to say: Sof "BUy your winter fuel n,,w."--Lotl and Vilhle C, * t' "*,',,,.,.: Pen. Cl mlet imes with Medesl writes. ..ay rub., to hole. lap agBCoa-l" (csAetm mat ribers t, o wbe de art). i eider t Per. diotagor sa It freOm uemel (e it. bees). The mane evidetlyt arOes wort- trom the fact that it ws kbr t to that 5o@e pIae.s by water. The ae w or- hweveru, sed o cmal which was rt oie ate Chter fream wlee, 6a3d that foend in the midee o DUet* shre. In the relgn af mlmeth eol wa meaus iby the bars. alse I ie- * t* tto t No Account J No Account Too Small 'S : Too Large To Serve To HLandle I SAVED AGAINST SICKNESS I thought I knew how n'e v'atry it was tto but I never really appreci.ited imone' in the bank until I was sick -helpless--my ealrning power stopped. It was then. tnd not until then that I realized what a friend--a help--a comfort-a savings account could be. To encourage you to start, we will furnish t,) those opening a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with one dollar or more, one of our attractive home savings banks. ALGIERS BRANCH 501 Patterson Street Mr. Edgar Cayard, Manager CANAL-COMMERCIAL Trust and Savings Bank Capital and Surplus-$6,0000,000.00 'A "I S AIRPLANE JOURNEY AT E:i : ': . .!LE 7 r: Lut.444 SALo0 N * W Cross secfiat ,f Pas wer carrynljy rplane A Now that the dirigige r- has added one more b. ghastly tragedy, will the airplane be the air vehicle of the future? Abusove is an English paengcr plane which Smakes regular sched • ults at a charge of eight cents a mile. It carries t eight people and 30 pounds of baggage for each. The partition between the engine and passengers' cain is sound pIroof Copyrighted article ` by special arrangement with Popular Science Monthly. 14 W WAITING TO GOBBLE IT T- ( hW < Ci pPIAN i .sa l . * i a- a1 t FEIX. lO mIsN[, e I~N. D!R C ARDWARE CO iUn-R rINT PURE PINTSt. ,. AdT your ADa: PURE PAI NTS Il Tre hERAD