OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, February 23, 1922, Image 10

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1922-02-23/ed-1/seq-10/

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United tutes of America. State of
Louisalan, Parish of Orleans. City o
New Orles a Ie t known that on this
h dy of the month of January in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine hun
dred and twenty-two (111). and osta theo
Independence of the United s t of
AmerIca, the one hundred and fortY
sixth, before me. WTTI3 duly comm
EtiCli. a Notary Public or the Parish
sioned and qualllfed in olana, thereina
of Orleans, state of Louinae there wit
residing, and in the resence and the rwit
nesses hereinafter named and aredhe
signed, personally came and apper e tre
several persons whose names are here
unto severa rid, who declared that, avail
ing themselves of the laws of this State
relative to the orgnlization of corpora
tions . they have covenant and agreed,
and do by these presents covenant, agree.
bind, form and constitute themselves, as
well as such persons as may hereafter
join or bome.uc associated with them, into
a corporation or body politic in law, for
the orojects oan purposes and under the
agreements and stipulatioUs following
to- ICLE 1. The name and title of
this corporation shall be the POtTEIt
CLOTh INs CO-. lC'-, and under its
corporate name it shall enjoy succession
for the full term and period of ninety
nine years from and after the date here
of, and shall have power and authority
to contract, sue and be sued; to accepr
and receive mortgages, pledges or other
hypothecations; to make and use a cor
porate seal. and the same to breakL annd
alter at pleasure; to purchase, reiVw,
lease, hold or otherwise acquire and con
vey, as well as mortgage and hypothecate
under its corporate name, property, both
real, persohal and mi-ed; o borrow
money and make and issue bonds, and
other evidences of debt, end to secure
the same by mortage and otherwise; to
subscribe to and hold stock in other cor
porations; to acquire hold and reissue
share of its capital stock; to carry out
all of the object anId prposes hen
after set out; to name and appoint such
managers and directors, officers and
agents as the interest and convenienee of
sad corporation may require; and to
make nd establish, ta well as alter and
amend at pleasure such by-laws, rules
and regulstlons for the management ant
regulation of the affairs of the corpora
tion as may be necessary, proper or con
venient; and generally to do all such acts
and things as trading corporations are
authorized to do under the laws of the
State of Louisiana.
ARTICLE 11. The domicile of this cor
pration shall be in the Pariah of Or
leans, State of Louisiana, and all cltations
or other legal process shall be served
upon the president of the company; or.
in his absence, upon the Secretary.
ARTICLE 111. The objects and pur
for which this corporation Is organ
ised. and the nature of the business to
be carried on by it, are hereby declared
to he: To ey,. sell and deal in, at both
wholesale and retail, clothing, boots
shoes, hats, cap, mllinery, neckwear,
hosiery, gloves, fancy goods, jewelry,
furs. and men's, women's and chlidren'm
fr ashingSk novelties and wearing ap
parel ef all sorts, and all articles and
merchandise of like charater and de
scriptie. .ad ..all other sorts of dry goods
and mehandls,: furniure and ..... furnish
nngs for personal and household use and
adornment, lacluding all such articles of
merchandise as are or may be dealt In
by department to s to buy and sell
dry goods and to manufacture and s el
as customs tailors weari appae
men, women and children; to conduct thoe
busines of general dry goods nd . L -
lng merhants, tailors, draser, haer
dashers, mliaLS, dressmakers and geP
nrc-til business of a department
toe; to bu, sell construct, lease, hold,
does a improve real estate and
bpUdings sand Improvements thereoa of
all srts; to buy. nell, acquire and old
of otes ,r ror atrisa-; to by, sell and
deal In tcs and bonds., ad to carry
on a general Is etn b.sinss. to ex
change its eaL ti capital stock or any part
theree feo property which it is author
ied to ears; io exchange its entire
assets an oalneesr, or any part thereos
srnoets ci or other obigatons
a e e, arms or lndividVals
to carry 1n nl operations and do all
thi- MincId a to or eonveanient for the
c e aet of any of the foregoingd
p•epesss, and generlly t do o all such
secs and Wag s a general t adi cr
poratIe under then laws of the Stat of
Louiaas Is or may be authorised to do
AltCh IV. Section L. he apitL
of~e tseonrmtlo• Ih erebJyxed
at Two Hundred I resaat Doll:( -
US-U), divided into and r
seven hundred and Ifty (7) shares of
ebrdstock and ltwelve hundred and
MiNI (M) shares of common stock, all
- t ar veins of One Hundred Ddlars
W) p share Te preered stock
m be Incresed to the sum of Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars (p05,66W),
aal the csmmau stock may be Increased
toa ct t mi e ~cpital stock, both pro
by eralled ·se, shall he full paid and n
assessable when Issued, shall be led
o free Ishrdo or for proery oat
r edved, or for cas te o hte U asat
sa timeSe in In sb ameants and
lafr sc notce as may be dtrmInod
by the Deemd of Drtors, ad all h
personal pmptty- tod to ransfe o oald
'ca ptal c shalhe binding upn this
edr e the b ooks t rrean roe
So . Th holder ot preferred
so) p seat mp m o, cula
tive frim and ats i ebasry I2U
pogi eat of th et p rod ot com
hert ayof Augut eac o nthr b
fe an diviene d In paid cm
d mo ta. MShoul th na t pre tt for
Jn i sulais4at to pay sld pr
kmf. dnyupd prtien the r eof shall
Sa hadrge last the ne e ts
li~ "bge ohe cm pany anyead-"
m aid amongto ownerse5 thel m
/ saJ erit i cb.Istrbtie5 om
to th! Ogeermal Delivery at New Orleans
Louisiana, tea days prior to the redemp
of ton date. Such notice having been sent
of and the ma~ey required for such redemp
Stion having been deposited for that pur
e pose with any bank in the city of New
n- Orleans designated by the directors, all
he rights of the stock called for redemption
of to dividends, after said redemption date,
1- shall cease, and the holders thereof shall
thereafter have recourse to said deposit
a- alone, and in no event to the said com
h pany for the payment of said redeemed
in stock or the dividends thereof; and the
.t- provisions of this clause shall apply pro
r- rata in the case of pro rata redemptions;
ue and the holders of stock redeemed shall
- be entitled to claim thire amount due upon
I- the redemption only upon presentation
te of their certificates for appropriate en
a- dorsement or t.a the case of total pay
d, ments) cancellation.
e. Section 6. The provisions of the fore
as going section relate to compulsory re
er demption of preferred stock by the cor
to poration. The corporation shall also have
r the privilege and option of calling In and
.e redeeming the outstanding preferred stock
g in whole or In part on any dividend date.
at par, plus all Accrued and unpaid dlvi
at dends. In the event of voluntary or
it optional redemption of part only of the
a preferred stuck under this section. the
a corporation shall have the right to desig
- nate the particular stock in the hands of
e- the particular stockholders which it de
y sires to retire. The intent and effect of
t this provision being that if the corpor
tr ation elects voluntarily to retire a part
r. of Its corporate stock under this section,
4 it shall have the right to retire the stock
e, of one or more stockholders and not the
. stock of the others. All the provisions
te of the preceding section relating to no
h tice of redemption and deposit of funds
w covering such redemption and rights of
d stockholders, after such notices and de
* posit, shall apply equally in the case of
; voluntary redemption and retirement of
r- preferred stock under the present sec
s tion.
at Section 7. The common stock shall be
i entitled to all *earnings of the corpora
tion over and above the cumulative divi
4 dend of seven (7) per cent per annum,
oi herein reserved for the preferred stock.
o except that no dividend may be declared
4 on the common stock until all accrued
e dividends on the preferred stock havq
i been declared, and no dividends may be
. paid on the common stock until all ac
crued dividends on the preferred stock
. have been paid. In the event of liquida
t tlon, dissolution or winding pp, whether
a voluntary or involuntary, of the corpor
ation, after the payment in full to the
r- preferred stock of its principal, at par
r- value, plus accrued and unpaid dividends,
If any, at the rate of seven (7) per cent
I per annum, the remaining assets and
funds of the corporation shall be divided
among the holders of the common stock
r in proportion to the shares held by them
Section 8. The whole of the preferred
and/or common stock of this corporation,
Lh or any part thereof. may be issued and
delivered to any person, firm or corpo'
ation for property conveyed to this
corporation or services rendered to It,
and the Board hereinafter created is spe
cially authorized to issue and dispose of
td stock for property and services upon
such appraisement as in their judgment
I may be fair and proper; provide4 always,
that no stock shall be issued except upon
the receipt by the corporation of par
! value therefor In property or services.
ARTICLE V. All the powers of this
corporation shall be vested in a Board
l composed of not less tlan three nor more
than fie directors, each of whom shall
own at least one share of the common
stock. The precise number of directors
within the limits above stated shall be
s fixed at the annual meeting of the stock
I holders or at a special meeting called for
t that purpose; provided, that in the In,
terval between stockholders' meetings
the Board itself may elect additional
directors within the maximum number
above provided, if the stockholders shall
not have elected the same. The majority
of the Board shall constitute a quorum,
The said Board of Directors shall b
y elected annually by the common stock
holders at a meeting of the common stock
holders to be held annually on the second
Tuesday in February of each year, be
a ginning with the year 1902 (or the next
' legal day if that be a holiday), after
s notice given to each stockholder by mail
at least fifteen days before the date of t
the meeting, addressed to the last des
inated address of the stockholder; or it
I he or she has designated no address, then
h to the General Delivery, New Orleans.
Special meetings of the steekholders may
be called by the Beard at any time, andt
notice thereof shall be gidu I the man- I
i nor provided for annual meetings; pro
i vided, that ia all cases all notices ma
be waived by unanimous consent. Each
holder of common stock shall be entitles
to one vote for each share of common
stock standing in his name on the books
Sof the corporation, said vote to be cast
SIn prson or by proxy, and a majority
t of the votes cast ashall elect. Failure to
elect directors on the day above specified
shall su t dissolve the corpretion, but
the directors them i oicee shall remain
In stias until their successors are elect
ed. The Board of Direetors shall have
power to All all vacancies which may
occur or in any manner arise or be ere
ated on the Board, even though so
quorum remain at the time such vacan
t tes are to be filled. The Beard shaR
i elect from their number a President, "
I Vice-Presidet, and a Secretary-Tres
urer: provided, that trejs time to time
Sthe Board may dispense with any of said
Sofeners and/ or may comblne and/or sep
arate any of them, and/or may elect such
-other oMears as they may think proper
or eonventmet for the carrying o at the
I company's business, and may provide
Sthat such offeers may not be members I
of the Board of Directors; sad they shall
Si thelari of the officers, agents and
1. emploeyeg.
- At any meetlng o the Board ot Dire.
I trs uny director abseat from the mest
nlag may be repreted by any otherI
-Idiet, whe may east tbhe Vote of the
r absent director aeordlng to the written
nstretloas, either gdseral or speclht of
t ai absmet dir tor. The Beard of Dire.
I tore shall have authority to make and
Sestablish, a well as alter and amend, all
I by-larws. rules and rerulatiaons neesesary
and proper for the support and managu
meet of the bhusiea and afaiar of this t
carporatis, and not ineonsiatent with
thin charter: and they shaD have power
to uthemkr the bnorrowin o moner and
ithe ismane of notes, and the eaxeution ~
or pledge and mortgare, and aeetar.
t do an thins .nseaary or n veani
mo ._e cor matiu. Uei tIe meml a
eie the sokers fr
f th ue-edites, to Imhe hd i an eet
e a t4 yd, thre Deerd of Dre c tore b
sal he eempeesd of the folle lur: H. 3.
P-.otr,.Crndeet Idng w Orn
latns; E3 Pter crende Duidnge d
Now Osen L .. Pestr,. CarhedoIste
Lg Bard mua ach additiual diee.
tow n v the annial imiet o
Of the emeeg dithn.s 3. 1. Pote
A-NT- CL- V This net o nrm atIo '
may he anged,, meledo m ended
-dieesed by a vLeto t
for-such n mm eu taa prevou netle
halla le lo give t Ima aoae e
req uied a th e atth anual m
fm an y et her cous It inR sha he
quiniod by tree commisasio to he
w~i~w 31Wu'JUI
·Ib m ets~a
tl~l~l~l-' --C~L
51 1,~i ~r 'S
duoe readia e the whoes.
ep- (BIStatres omitted)
rtt Witnemsss:
all Notary Public.
on I, the undersigned Recorder of Mort
te, gages for the Parish of Orleans, State of
all Louisiana, do hereby certify that the
sit above and foregoing charter of PORTER
m- CLOTHING CO., INC., was this day duly
ed recorded in my office in book 126It,
he folio -
ro New Orleans. La.. January, 1922.
is; (Signed) ROBT. SCOTT.
all Jan. 26-Mch. 2 Deputy Recorder.
Y- State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans,
City of New Orleans. Be it known that
e- on this the 17th day of the month of
7e- January, in the year of our Lord. one
or- thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.
ye and of the Independence of the United
ad States of America the one hundred and.
ek forty-sixth, before me, WALTER J.
It. SUTHON, JR., a Notary Public. duly
vi- commissioned and qualified in and for
or the city, parish and state aforesaid.
he therein residing, and in the presente of
he the witnesses hereinafter named and
f- undersigned, personally came and ap
of peared the several persons whose names
are hereunto subscribed, who declared
of that, availing themselves of the provi
'r- sions of the laws of this state relative
rt to the formation and organization of cor
,n, porations, they have covenanted and
ik agreed and do by these presents cove
he nant, agree and bind themselves, as well
as as those who may hereafter become asso
0- ciated with them, to form themselves into
Sa corporation for the objects and pur
of poses, with names and under the stipu
e- lations following, to-wit:
of ARTICLE I. The name and style of
bd this corporation shall be MARINE LUM
- BJR CO., LTD.. and by said corporate
name it shall have and enjoy succession
be and existence for a period of ninety-nine
a- years, unless sooner dissolved, and shall
1- have all the rights, privileges and im
n, munities which are now or may here
k. after be granted by law to corporations
ed of the same kind and character. and
ud under said corporate name it shall have
re the power and authority to contract, sue
b and be sued: to makh and use a cor
c- porate seal, the same to break or alter
ek at pleasure, and to make all necessary
a- rules and regulations for its corporate
er management and control.
Ar- ARTICLE II. The domicile of this
he corporation shall be In the City of New
ar Orleans, Parish of Orleans, State of
Is, Louisiana. and citation and other legal
nt process shall be served upon the Secre
ad tary; or, in case of his absence or In
ed ability to act. upon any other officer of
ek the corporation.
m ARTICLE II. The objects and pur
poses for whicb this corporation is or
ed ganized and tflt nature of the business
n, to be carried on by it are hereby declared
ad to be: To buy, hold. own, sell, and
g- generally to deal in any and all kindq
Is of lumber, and any and all kinds of
it, building material, and to handle same
l- on a commission basis; to buy, hold,
of own, sell and generally to deal in tint
ha ber and timber leases; to cut, prepare
at and manufacture any and all kinds of
rs. lumber; to import and export timber,
so lumber and building material; to buy.
Ut hold, own and sell real estate necessary
for the business of the corporation; to
is purchase and acquire the assets and
rd good-will of other businesses whose
re objects and purposes are incidental or
ill similar to those of this corporation; to
ao buy and own stock in other corpora
re tibnas and generally to do any and all I
it things incidental or germane to any of
k- the objects and purposes above set forth.
Dr ARTICLE IV. The capital stock of
n, this corporation is hereby fixed at the
rs sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00),
ml divided into one hundred and twenty
rr shares of the par value of One Hundred
II Dollars each, all of which shall be com
: mon stock; and the amount to which
a, the capital stock may be increased is
Shereby fixed at the sum of Fifty Thou
- sand Dollars (850.00000) ; said stock
t- shall be issued only for cash or in pay.
d ment of property actually received by
e- this corporation, or services actually
t rendered to it; said stock shall be fully a
r paid at the time of Its Issuance and there- n
iI after be non-assessable. This corpora.
f tien shall commence business and become
- a going concern as soon as fifty per cent I
it of its capital stock shall have been sub- a
n scribed samid fifty per cent of the sub
5- scription paid for.
Y The parties to this act hereby declare 0
d that they have subscribed for the um
'b her of shares of the capital stock of said d
corporation set opposite their respective
signatures hereto, so that this act of in
corporption shall serve as the original
subscription. d
a No present or future stockholder of a
i this corporation shall ever sell, asigan
or transfer other than by inheritance any
y of the capital stock of this corporation a
o until the same shall have been ilrt of
d oeted to the remaining stockholders for o
t the benefit of theose stekholders who b
a may desire to prehase the same, threegh a
the Beard of Directors, for a peied of
Sten days, at the book vale of such stoek
I as shown by the books of the corpora- t0
tion on the .0th day of November, pre
e ceding the date of such offer. It shall d
be the duty of the Board of Directors,
upon receiving an offer of sale of any
of the capital stock of this corporation, I
promptly to communleate the same to
the stockholders, in writing, through the
Secretary of the corporation, and each
Sof the mid stockholdmr shball be entitle d
Sto purchase mech proportion of the stock
s o fered ter sale as the number ofa
shares owned by him bears to the num
ber of shanr owned by all other steek.
1 holders desirlag to participate ia the
II puarcham. No sale der ftieaeleosre,
Spledge or hypotheeatlen shall be validly o
made ntail the foregtang requirements *
Sharve been complied with by the peruse
-- or pernsos, fIrm or corporation provk
m lg such foreeisaure or sale, and no
a stoek shaba be tranasiered on the beoksa
Sthis eeompany to ayoem other than
a steholdar, save by and with the writt
ten east of two-thirds of the stoek- d
b*dere Is number and ameunt.
ARTICL V. All the powrs of this
I erporatios shall be vested in and be
Sarermld by a bord o not less than
thr nor m than Seven dqirectors, as
adetermined la advame each year by the *
seek l at the anual meetln. It h
t me f bor Urectrs Is moIe than
three three dlrwetmr all at all times i
hea he abes he stockholdea and mall
a al tmns m er ·t aa tun t d
shaln cu_ et o w. V. Bate. U1I
C.--,-om_ _ BuLIMn, 'ew Orleans, t
Lt.; o. 0D. ackass, ma ux Di, ld- e
ad, new Oreas 1.: K r V. Ouly,
81 Cal-Cmrcmsj Bid l New Or
leans t.; N. IL akler, ss MaauIne
stree, New O a o; Agetxrae
mor.1. _. che aaeg New n. i
S a r heie ut, sue or mere Vrie
--cm--r-bry"nj and In
asu . follows: . ewhshall he hi
ice-Presidut; , th rud who shall o
bheSerea e N tt maker, dlet sl e
held y a.. un til the fs annual met e,
lI Decm ber, S, or until thei m- le
ofefor oem y , or unti tir m re
hereaerelec _ rud diretor at
yer sh·altl select fram le
Uther ownnumbe th offcrs theh
a it 6t-~4 ye
directed to each stockholder at his last
known address, as the same shall appear
upon the books of the corporation, unless
said notice is waived in writing by all
of the stockholders appearing upon the
books. At all meetings of stockholders
a majority of the votes cast shall be
t-sufficient to elect and to decide all ques
of tions voted upon, except for the altera
be tion, amendment or the dissolution of
R the corporation.
ly ARTICLE VII. This act of Incorpora
13, tlon may be altered, amended or modified,
or the corporation dissolved by a vote
of two-thirds (2-3) in amount of the cap
ital stock represented at a general meet
ing of the stockholders called for that
- purpose; and in case of dissolution of
the corporation the stockholders at such
meeting shall elect three Liquidating
, Commissioners, who shall have entire
at charge of such liquidation, with authority
of to sell and dispose of the assets of the
,e corporation, and to till vacancies occur
ring in their own number.
ARTICLE VIII. No stockholder shall
ad ever be held liable or responsible for the
j contracts or faults of this corporation in
1) any further sum than the unpaid balance
z, due the corporation on the shares owned
d. by him; nor shall any mere informality
of in organization have the effect of render
id ing this charter null, or of exposing a
stockholder to any liability beyond the
amount of his unpaid stock.
d Thus done and passed at my office in
the City of New Orleans, on the day,
month and year first hereinbefore writ
ten, in the presence of L. Ruel and )D.
Ed llis, competent witnesses, who here
unto sign their names, together with said
It appearers and me, Notary, after due read
. g of the whole.
o (Original Signed)
I . ELL1S.
I Notary Public.
I. the undersigned Recorder of Mort
gages in and for the Parish of Orleans,
1e State of Louisiana, do hereby certify that
It the above and foregoing act of nlocor
, poration of the MARINE LUMBER CO.,
ILTD., was this day duly recorded in my
s office In book 1263, folio -
d New Orleans, January. 1922.
e (Signed) ROBT. SCOTT,
e Deputy Recorder.
r. A True Copy.
Jan. 26-Mch.2 Notary Public.
t United States of America. State of
.1 Louisiana, Parish of Orleans. Be it
e- known that on this twelfth day of the
mt month of January, in the year of our
of Lord, one thousand nine hundred and
twenty-two,and of the Independence of
r. the United States of America, the one
r. hundred and forty.sixth, before me, LES
s LIE PATTON BEARD, a Notary Public,
d In and for the Parish of Orleans,. State
id of Louisiana, therein residing, and in the
1presence of the witnesses whose names
t are hereunto subscribed, personally came
and appeared the several persons whose
names are hereunto subscribed, who de
clared that, availing themselves of the
re provisions of the laws of the State of
,f Louisiana, relative to the organization
r and formation of corporations, and more
particularly of Act No. 267 of the Gen
eral Assembly of the State of Louisiana
o for the year 1914, they have covenanted
d and agreed and they do by these presents
Shereby covenant, agree, bind and obligate
t themselves, as well as such other per
o sons as may hereafter become associated
with them, to form and constitute a cor
1 poration and body politic In law for the
,f objects and purposes and under the con
ditions and stipulations following, which
f they adopt as their charter, to-wit:
ARTICLE I. The name, style and title
of this corporation is hereby declared to
der such name and style It shall have
and enjoy succession and existence for
a period of ninety-nine (99) years from
date hereof, unless sooner dissolved by
k liquidation or otherwise. It shall have
power and authority to contract, sue and
be sued; to make and use a corporate
seal, and the same to break and alter
at pleasure; to hold, purchase, sell, lease.
mortgage, transfer, hypothecate and
pledge property, real. personal and
mixed, corporeal and incorporeal, and to
hold stock in any other company or com
paniea that may assist this company in
its objects and purposes; to make and
issue bonds, notes and other evidences
of indebtedness, and if desired, to secure
same by mortgage; to name and elect
directors and other officers, managers.
employees, and to establish, alter and
amend by-laws, rules and regulatione t
for its proper government as may be c
deemed necessary and proper, and gener
ally to do any act or thing necessary for
the carrying on of its business. t
ARTICLE II. The domicile of this cor
poration shall be In the City of New t
Orleans, State of Loisalsna, and service f
of citation and other legal process shall
be served upon the President: or, in his c
absence, upon the Secretary-Treasurer.
ARTICLE III. The objects and put. e
poses for which this corporation is
organised and created, and the nature of a
the business to be carried on sad con
ducted by it, are declared to be as fol
lows: A general Investigation, adjust- a
meat and commercial collection business;
to make. ascertaain and issue credit rat- t
ings of nladividuals, firms or corporatiaons:
Sto create and conduet for tihe umse of Its d
patras, bookkeeping, acconunting and
,audtm systems, and likewlise a general
de.oetete bsnaesa; and generally to do
Sand perform any and all acts or things
pertalaing ad ineldental to the carrying
out and proper execution of the obects
ann P~rlP~hoereiabetora mentioned.
VRT V. The capital stock of this
corporataon Is hreby fixed at the sam
of Twenty-ive Thossaad Dollars ($25..
100.00), and shall be divIded into .and
represenated by twentt-fve hundred (2500) b
shares of the par value tof Tea Dollars
($10.00) each, whleh shall be fully paid
for and non-assesable.
Said stock shall bhe aid for nla cash
or by property, or aerv actually ren
dered to the corporatlon. or other equlv
aslent of es as provided by law, and
at such time and manner as may be pro- d
serlbed by the Board of Dlrectors.
This eorporation shall beoome a gonlag h
concern and shall be authorised to com
meuce basiness when fifty (IO) per en- h
tam of its capital stck shall have been
subsribed and paid, eiher in cauh or
its equivalent
The atol tek of this curporatioa
may be er~~sd to the sum ot Ifty a
Tho.d .Dollars (50,000.0), as provid- t
ed by-law.
ARTICLE V. The eorporate powers of
this orporation shall be vested in and
eerelid by a beerd of net les thos
three nor mere than fve directors, a ma
Jorlty of whlch shall coutltute a quwamum
for the tranaetio oft buines.
Any director who i unable to attend
Uay meetlns of the Beardd o Dir tor
and isa oe·..rwi incapaitatnte - fm per ,'
,t in w~rltn snaeer memlber t
S* Diroetors to aet fr him and as
hIs proxy, and the Bs of Drectorm
may delegate Uay of his powers to any
offier or oEicers or presen-tIve of
this corporatio by rsotluon regaSularly
ad e. Beard of Directors ot this
eorpratIo hU ah be omposwd a thhe eol
Dan U ehn residing at Ns m Uen
s ttr eetu. INw O rah lraan, o
reaidia at lNo. 7 e iyceore set, teek
Orlns, , L.l, Oaod e. , Loefel, rsiding ~
at N. 1IS It. arles avenue Nea Or
leans La_ wit the follwi offlers:
an. . Lhon, Prednt: * ohn r. Lehe '
-cs-Pmresidto o Ge. . eLMfeL Ucretary
Treasurer, and tiny sallt serve un ti the
se ondyThursa of Jua, 163, or
WLtsl sch ether sueessors are ekted N
and qual lded
auay, at a meeting to be haed a tha '
cend Tursaday f January in eb ar
after date hereo. Notieo in writin of N
said meting sal he give to each tock- m
holer net Il than fiee days prior
'od e mtin. addrssed to eact stock
duce. Spcial meetings may be ealed ·
tocoer,,·_ upon en written ntie U
atleast five ysl advaneo st aid meet
nn which shalltE kin o bhe
addrewssd tooath stocklder at hi last
-_, that said notie may be ws Ivsd.
Beth stekheaer shal at any meet in
_a this rpe i hae nttisd. is perso In
The dib s is Si slatted or olinuis -
ed by and with the consent of three
fourths of the stockholders in person or
represented at a meeting held for that
purpose, and this corporation shall have
the right to increase its capital stock at
such meetings subject to limitations
hereinbefore set out.
ARTICLE VII. At the expiration of
this charter, or the earlier dissolution of
this corporation, its affairs shall be liqui
dated by two commissioners to be elected
by the stockholders in accordance with
law, and said commissioners are hereby
vested with full power and authority as
may be by law permitted to sell any and
all of the assets and property, real, per
sonal and mixed, of the corporation, and
to give full and complete title to same,
and to do and perform any and all acts
essential to a full and complete liquida
tion of this corporation, and to distribute
the proceeds, if any.
In the event of death. inability or res
ignation of either of said comnlissioners.
the survivor shall continue to act and be
likewi.e vested with all the powers men
tioned herein.
AItTICLE VIII. No stockholder of this
corporation shall be liable or responsible
for any amount beyond the unpaid bal
ansce due by him on stock for which he
has subscribed.
AIRTICLE IX. In order that this char
ter may serve as ihe original subscription
list, the subscribers hereto have lndicat
ed opposite their respective names the
numter of shares subscribed to by each
of them.
Thus done and passed at my office in
the C'ity of New Orleans. Louisiana. on
the day, month and year herein as above
written, in the presence of Charles B.
Kemp and John E. Creey, competent
witnesses, who have hereunto signed
their names, together with the said ap
Iwarers and me, Notary, after due reading
of the whole.
(Original Signed)
Notary Public.
I. the undersigned Recorder of Mort
gages. in and for the Parish of Orleans.
State of Louisiana. do hereby certify that
tihe above and foregoing act of incorpor
this day duly recorded in my office in
book 1263. folio -.
New Orleans, La., Jan. 17. 1922.
A True Copy of the Original:
Notary Public.
New Orleans, La., Jan. 17, 1922.
Jan. 26-Mch. 2
United States of America. State of
Louisiana. Parish qf Orleans, City of New
Orleans. Be it known that on this the
fourteenth day of January, in the year
of our Lord. one thousand nine hundred
and twenty-two, before me, EDOUARD
F. HENRI4QUES, a Notary Public In and
for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louis
iana, duly commissioned and qualified
and in the presence of the witnesses here
inafter named asid undersigned, person
ally came and appeared the persons
whose names are hereunto subscribed, all
above the full age of majority, who sev
erally declared that, availing themselves
of the provisions of the laws of this state
relative to the organization of corpora
tions, they have formed and organized.
and by these presents do form themselves
and those whom they represent into and
constitute a corporation and body politic
in law for the objects and purposes and
under the stipulations and agreements
hereinafter set forth and expressed, which
they hereby adopt as their charter.
ARTICLE I. The name and title of
this corporation hereby formed is de
clared to be SMITH & TRIGG, INC.; its
domicile shall be in the City of New
Orleans, State of Louisiana, . and it shall
have and enjoy succession by its corpor
ate name for a period of ninety-nine (90)
years from aed after the date hereof.
This corporation shall have power and
authority to contract, sue and be sued
in its corporate name; to make and use
a corporate seal; to hold, receive, hire
and purchase real and personal property
and to sell, mortgage or pledge the same
and to borrow money and Issuane bonds
notes and other obligations.
All citations or other legal process shall
be served upon the President. and in the
event of his absence or, inability to act
from any cause, the same shall be served
upon the Vice-President or Secretary
ARTICLE II. The objects and pur
poses for which this corporation is
arganised and the nature of the business
to be carried on by it are hereby de
dlared to be:
(1) To purchase and sell lumber
brick, stone, cement and all building ma
terials, at either wholesale Or retail
(2) To act as agent and represents
lye of mills, quarries and other manu
lacturiag industries, manufacturing or
handling building materials used in the
onstruetion of buildings or other works
(3) To buy and sell real estate, and to
erect buildings thereon, as well as to act
as contractor and builder on property or
other persons.
(4) And generally to do anything es
mential or necessary to carry out the
,bjects and purposes of this corporation
ARTICLE III. The capital stock of
his corporation is hereby axed at the
mum ot Five Thousand Dollars (15.000.00).
Itwided into and represeanted by fifty (i0)
ihares of the par value of One Hundred
nad No/100 Dollars ($100.00) each, which
ahall be paid for in cash or in property
actually transterred to the company.
The capital stock of this company may
e increased to any amonnt not exceed
ing Fiftty Thouansed and No/100 Dollars
[50,000.00), in the manner hereinafter
In the event of the increase ot the
apital stock, each stockholder shall
mave the right to purchase the new stock
o be issued in a proportion that his
hen holding bear to the stock then oat
tanding. In snck event, each stock.
older shall have ten (10)*days' written
uotice of the proposed Incead isue oft
atock, within which time h sh all have
be right to notify the compeany ot his
leire to take his proportie etof the new
sae of stock, or such sharm le in than
is proportion that he may desitre to par
hase. Failure on the part tof any stck
solder to wxerise the right to rhase I
mls proportion and sha of l new
ase of stock shall give the rd of
Mrectors the rlight to dispo of said
mow ismoof stoek as they may see IL
he stck ot this emenay have beou sb
cribed at the time ot tihe passing of this
t of incorporatio and eads erporatie I
hall ecomo a tgeLg amer as suee a
Ifty (.S) per cent of a l suboeripties
all have boon pa11 for, either i cash
a and exersled b a Beard of DI etra
oe hen cmpoee of no los than tfor (4)
majority of whom srll constitute a
uerum for the transametlio of ueo
'b Beard of Dimettrs shall he voutda
rith full power and authelty to mae t
II amtracts, prehases and mws, and I
dept all by-laws, raes and regulatis 1
r the govrament of the ibulsess ad
airs or th eomplany; and alter, nmem I
geto and alemp7 all mislos, I
n gemnlly do and perform all things
eceary i the trnaetion et tof bhe -
eon nd affr o i thAny
lmb rst elard DMrewor this ar.
oratlia shall eilt oit: L. D. mith,
lE Trg Mauriee . ones and Mrs.
Ithel i mt. all of whRom rede in
rw Orsa, wi&th L. D Smith as Pred
eat, Maundree . eMs as ~FlcPresldent
rho shal o hold ofice until tih aseod
ondly in January. Si or untll their
aeaer ar duly elected and ualife.
On the seeeond Moda·r a Jauary,
_ dand anuany rao an c eletien
- dectors shle at the eofee
F the company, unde the mnpervtsio
Sthre () eemmaslonens to be a nt
I by the P usident, and the dtrete
_ elaeted shall ako their se t tng
lately and hai bold ofee auntil theWr
Ib Bad shl Saet s elem ses
ele sions aigllbe b1 l- 11
Lot, a ea h al stock aeDll b
Sin _ e 1si - l h ,ini -
y , b _hengedL moie ad e-,dl-
ARTICLE VII. Whenever this corpor
r ation is dissolved, either by limitation
t of its charter or from any cause, its af
e fairs shall be liquidated by three com
e missioners to be appointed from among
a the holders of stock at a meeting of the
stockholders convened for that purpos,.
f after fifteen (15) days' prior notice shall
I have been given by the Secretary to each
stockholder. Said commissioners shall
I remain in oftice until the affairs of said
b corporation shlall have been fully liqul
dated. In case of the death of any corn
s missioner, the survivors shall continue to
i act.
AIRTICLE VIII. No stockholder of this
I corporation shall ever be held liable or re
sponsible for tire contracts or faults
a thereof in any further sum than the un
paid ibalance due to the corporation on
the shares owned by him, nor shall any
mere informality in organization have
the effect of rendering this charter null,
nor of exposing a stockholder to any lia
bility beyond the amount of his stock,
The incorporators of this company
hereby subscribe to the number of shares
and amount thereof as set out herein.
which subscription is declared to be the
original subl,scnriiption list.
L. II. SMITH,. 2401 Pine Street, four
teen shares.
ETHEL It. SMITH. 2401 Pine Street.
one share (per pro I.. II. Smith).
LOCKE iI. TRtIGG, 2433 Pine Streett
fourteen shares.
M. M. JONES. 305 S. Jefferson Davis
Parkway. one share.
Thus done and pasnd in my notarial
office in the City of New Orleans afore
said, in the presence of Chas. A. IDuchamp
and Texans Carter, competent witnesses.
of lawful age and residing in this city.
who hereunto subscribe their names, to
gether with said parties and me. Notary.
on the day and date set forth in the cap
tion hereof.
(Original Signed)
per pro L. 1D. Smith.
Notary Public.
A true copy of the original on file in
my office.
I. the undersigned Recorder of Mort
gages. In and for the Parish of Orleans.
State of Louisiana. do hereby certify that
ation of the SMITII & TRIGG, INC.. was
the above and foregoing act of incorpor
this day duly recorded in my office in
book 1263. folio -
New Orleans. J'... 1. 19122.
(Signed) ROBT. SCOTT.
Jan. 26-Meh. 2 Deputy Recorder.
State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans
Be it known that on this eighteenth day
of January. nineteen hundred and twenty
two. before me, JOSEPH LAUTEN
SCHLAE(tER. a Notary Public in and
for the Parish and State aforesaid, duly
commissioned, personally came and ap
peared the persons whose names are
hereunto subscribed, all of full age, re
siding in this parish, who severally de
clared that, availing themselves of the
provisions of the laws of this State, and
partictularly Act 267 of 1914, they have
formed themselves into a colporation and
body politic in law for the objects and
purposes and under the stipulations and
agreements hereinafter set %forth.
ARTICLE I. The name and title of
this corporation shall be the AUTO
PARTS CO., INC., and as such it shall
have and enjoy succession in its corpor
ate name for a period,of ninety-nine 1
years from date hereof; it shall have
power and authority to sue and be sued;
to contract; to make and use a corporate
seal. if desired; to hold, receive, purchase
real and personal property; to sell. mort-.
gage and pledge the same; to borrow
money, issue notes and other obliga- I
lions, and do all things allowed by law.
ARTICLE II. The domicile of this
corporation shall be in the City of New
Orleans. State of Loulaisas, sad all cita
tions or other legal process shall be
served on the President. and, in his ab
sence, on the Secretary-Treasurer.
ARTICLB Ill. The objects and per
poses for which this corporation is
organised and the nature of the business
to be carried on by it are declared to
be: Buying and selling, wholesale and
setail, of all the functioa parts of an
automobile, and to do anything that may
be incidental to or necessary to carry oat
the above objects and purposes,
ARTICLE IV The capital stock of
this corporatlol is hereby Axed at the
sam of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00),
divided into and represented by one hun- I
dred shares of the par value of One Hun- .
dred Dollars each. The capital itock may 4
be increased or decreased in the manner
provided by law.
A stockholder desiring to sell his stock
must irst offer it to the Board of Direc
tors, and if they do not purchase it in
thirty days, then he has a right to sell it
to anyone.
ARTICLE V. All the powers of thias
corporation shall be vested and exercised I
by a Board of Directors composed of I
three stockholders, who shall elect from I
their number a Presldent, Vice-President,
and Secretary-Treasurer. They shall be
elected annually on the second Monday
of January of each year. Failure to elect
directors on the day speciled will net
dissolve tblh corporation, but the oficers
then in office will hold their oflee until
their successors are elected and ualify.
Until the annual meetln in 3
Board-of Directors and ofcers shall
be the followiag: Louis P. Mart.
Pmresident; Henry Weiser. Viec-Preldeat;
Horaee 8. Dueles, Secreatary-Trenaueer.
ARTICLE VI. Two members of the
Board of Directotrs shall eaonstituto a
quorum for the transaetion eof all bsi
ness.a Notiees for the election eof dire- I
tore and offteers shall be malled to he
last k*wa addres of the sterkholders
thirty days betrer the eleeti. n
ARTICLE VII. Thin charter may be
amended, changed or mediled, the cap..
ital setoc ineased o decd, or this
eorortion may he assoed at a gee
oral meeting of the steskelldere held
that purpose, with the useat of the
frths of the entUr epitalto ·t present
or repnated at sai meaen, netlea
o whleh must be given to the stoek
bolde. thIrty days pme n to said mot
la, by mal, t their lat known ad
In caes o ikseltie or termImnati
Sthi ecrporati, eItther by mnltatlo t
r frm any ohr cau, the qullatioa'
stockho.ers s.lect fromndaeo ng teo.
stckholdes, at a meetia ated that ;i
purpse as set frth abeve. SEid ned
dat ng eammig lee shall remaina n
allb.imdate. In ca of death of.
eeamle e ele mo, the e:rrr
aE cantinno act.
ARTICLE VIII. N stsekholder of thi n
the contrma c r or ur theraof, in any
further s. m tan te unpaid helane due
n the shres e stck subaribedt for by
him; nor shall ay men inhemlty ia n
m nm nu, o r of m l r~erlly
i t eirir n a ares  , ... .
L oa a o thedais r
[ L na L. w eil end mt sto
Loi ea e: uemrs pag ttan rl
reigi nNrL. , A wh..
as. L tmasse air.ean *
aesnto sig thor na ith ai a
etac r Ittn oemite their
for o hat We at ma aIea n
ORAC-  S. nUcL,,
ati i of the Am D le 7j CO, IN.i,
r- inafter named and ~underigl
In ally came and appeared th~e l
f- whose names are h. reutUto Ilu
a- above the full age of majority .l
I erally decla'ed that, atailing tV
ie of the laws of the 'state of
and especially the laws relatvIe
II organization of corpl.rations, t
h covenauted and agru, to hind. tI
II constitute themsllles. as well as .
id other persons as 1,iN, hereafter .
I- become assoeiatlul1 nth them, la if
t- poration and body politic in Ia, f
to objects and por ll,-s aln under
cles, agreetments and stilulatiosa
is Ing. to-wit : t
ARTICLE I. The name, style aJ
ts of this corpo.rat(.n shall beh -
in CO., INC.. andl under that nao t
y have and enjoy anil the rights. adm.
e and privileges granted by law to l
i, atlons, and shall exist for the th
i- and tkriod of niilt)-nine yearas tm
k, day. It shall have power to eaure aS
y sued; to mlake and i-. a corporte
s and the same to alter or breat
a. ure; to hold. r"eeive leas,., par
e and convey, as well :n nortgat, 4a,
ecate and pledge propl..rt. real.
r- and mixed, corporeal nitd intoIm.
name and appoint pucht managr,: -
t. tors. officers. agents anld other c
as its interest may re-qilre. and~o'
end establish, as well as alter aund
from time to tin:e. such by.la ,
is and regulations as may be n
expedient for the prop,r manatl "
ml government of the affairs of said I
p ARTICLE II. The domnicle of t
poration is hereby fixed in the aft
New Orleans, State of l.oulan ,
citations or other bi.-al processa.-"
served upon the Presilden: or V~eu.
dent of said corlporation; or. in
absence. upon its $..,re.tary.
ARTICLE Ill. 'The obje.ta d a
poses of this crporporation and ths
of the business to be carried on kb
are hereby declared to be. To do a
eral shipping business; to act as
agents and brokers; to buy, own,
hire, charter, control. construct. bailt,
pair and alter, oll intain and
boats ships, barges Or any otherea
craft whatever; to carry and convey
sengrers, goods, wares and mere-
or other property or commodity o
corporation, or all others for pt -
to charge and collect comnensatio r h I
for; to act as agents and teveldor
t ships and other water craft, or the iM
era. masters, charterers or sub-clllhar
thereof; to load and unload ships or asm
water craft, railroad ears. drays -
other vehicles for itself and othetrs
profit, and to charge and collect cen
sation therefor; to buy, sell, hire
transfer commodities of all lI
Sand to act as agents for the oa
of merchandise of every descrltip
to act as custom brokers; to i
gage in the insurance management s
Insurance agency business; with t
rights and power to do any and all th
necessary or connected with or ln -a
manner Incidental or complemestar
the objects and purposes herein set ist
ARTICLE IV. The capital steeI
this corporation is hereby fixed at I
saum of Twenty-five Thousand Ds
($25,000.00), to be divided into aid
arented by two hundred and mty -
i shares. In the sum of One HundMe
l ars ($100) each; said stock shall be -
for ia cash.
i The capital stock of this eorpe-
i may be increased to the sum oe l
Hundred and Fifty Thousand D
[ (~0.00S.00).
This corporation shill commence dis
I business and be a going concern at as
ARTICLE V. All the corporate psen
of said corporation shall be exercisedr
a Board of Directors consisting etf
less than three and not more thean
e stockholders, a majority of whom *a
constitute a quorum for the trasm
of business. The Board of Directors al
elect annually from their number a P
denat, and may elect one or more V
Presidents; they shall also else
Treasurer and a Secretary. which i
latter offces may be filled by orn pr
son, and which person or persons a
not be a stockholder In this corpdIeI
The first Board of Directors shall a
sist of three stockholders, and tai
composed of William H. Osbor, VhwI
Relmann and Hans Feveile, with W-Ig
I H. Osborn as President and Hans Ia
I as Secretary-Treasurer.
The postofice addresses of said On
Ster are as follows:
William H. Osborn, HBiernia -y
Building, New Orleans, La.
Vilhelm Relmnan, 27 Whitehall IIu
New York, N. Y.
Hans Feveler , 27 Whitehall 3treet, N
York, N. Y.
These directors and officers dshaI
until the first Tuesday in February,
or until their successors have bees d
elected and qualiAed.
The annual meeting of stoeekhal
for the election of directors shall be Id
on the first Tuesday in February, ea g
year, unless said day be a legal h_-A
and then on the next bani day t-e
after. Each subseriber hereto Its -N
his name his postoffice addresa ll
statement of the number of shie
stock which he agrees totake l thea
poration. At all elections every
holder shall be entitled to one vets
each share of stock standinglt hkis a
on the books of the corpemeati, t
cast il person or by his written ;ll
A majorlty of the votes cast shaM -
ARTICLE VI. In the event of the
datlon or disslution et this ce--rpe
the stockholders shall elect two -"_
tore from meon their number at a
la convened for that purpeos, dlge
I ho' writte motice mat to sac s
or y mail to his last hais un
dress; aid aLquikters shall hnei
uathority to wind up the bsealne a
nalfairs of this corporatio.
In case o death o either fsld Y
datorer, the surrivor shall appeIt a -I
holder as ecceaosr to him.
ARTICLE VII. No stoeLkhleMr I
corporation an ever sell the stck
by him ian this corporatle, or
therat. withot rt orin the
in wrtina, to the other
threugh t Be earo DIectee, s
then book value, who will have i
option to purchan the same.
ARTICL VIII. This charter 
modified, changed or ~at rLd
erporatieos ay d.
amuent af stsekholders
rth the eIntire c  pital se
geneal meeting o th .teohlIo
vemed for tlhat purpose, Atl
days' written ntiee shalli I
to sack atoeholder, mailed to hIm I
Il known addres..
ARTICLW IX. No subecrhl St
shall eve h eld liable for the
nalts or debts eo sd  crporatio
f rther sum tUan the unpaMi i
ay, due the corporatiMenn * Ut
whldek h has au brbed; sr I
stockholder ever hE held lahie
ontracts, ialts or debts inn
saum them the unpaild hala c E
the atork owmed by him er m
mere lnftrmault orasl tie 1
effet e e tneh chah er
renadein n hs er or
Iable byond the unpaid -meet,
raini duo en his L L.
TTIs X. T pete
L dun thew se aw tii L
Ioesdma, sad Act
Phl4, and tho seLo r b enfat
themnelvoe a said eorpertlen, i
its eonees, diretors sad
hereby acspt a part o thisa c,
as conldtls said cred n, -
rghts, powers, prvisego and
rantod t corpon tions, and
and enferrod upon oficers, dii5I4
stoekholder aof eporatieonse b .
and sld act; such aee pa•nc
tall, complete ad binlg as
rgllhts, powers, plrivbe ad
wer set terth at tel length ln
ThLa done and passed la m
Oleo la the a1ty o New Gi
sal, in the presence of Gao. t.
brr ad Nolger 0. Koha
tie city, who hereensto sus 
unames, together with said pantes
Notary othe ad date set
the entlion
(Original Signed)
Ple. in and  the ParhI -+
I e o Loianam, do hereby
the above sand at
UIC, was thisb d ud ulyr
firee in book I8i, rioe 5
I hereby ertiy the a
to be a true a -
eartleno at t the oaerdcr I
o file ad a eord la y
In hh whereof, I
eand sandYl thli
ear l U.. 4.  nd".

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