Newspaper Page Text
PAGE ,YOU MISS A. TALD. A good opportunity .to make or save money, rent or sell a house or getgood job by not reading Herald want Deweese to os er s/[ ALGe w RS tie d ,s mhwer. 'A ver U IA e aUd Ares PItaLe wery newspapr. -ANUFxACrURERS RECORD. ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922.. No. 48 mnc m m m m m n . . - . .. _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STUDIES l T PROBLEM Pacific and i, ky People Ti __ c. Ba _e, !c Railway officials en ` es of the South New a d Traction Com- rln e nvited to a conference he +rt to solve the problem de gdA maintaining the ca Svisdact over the South- re u ees according to Com- Cl In in a dangerous con-in to Commissioner It mat be repaired or ed 6. West New Orleans t the Commission hIl s11e from the heavy b the viaduct ,e00 would be re it. The company It manstain its tracks 1p sas annual rental ) i et the viaduct and an from the burden- Ul 10MSchle he as Comalsion Coun- he the situation ex-be ý,S that substitution Il ,iNagin. for the viaduct at WeaMeas in the South- bi Pw.g sad anthorized r fo as to mset with g5 - evmpae. - in Se Ca inier, aset to all the 11 of New Or- to thaw on sat- H senad matter of Vi Is Catholic R ,nw assle when El for these Il -aew the ban by 'igg, i abandoned. M .*rstes the pas leami e that in ewmgemets have Ci id-time Sormal b serezsaw nt be ha e-u H r a ie s as t1, ae runle ,f. Ir Cmlmb& will osew arnst usa me tin u -upds that C at oh Emae p -I this din- 0 dl l . amer L ainO at II wd laea Jo--l thee Ptars SI jin UWF r IIM C"b -- Y 1! :. F A` Z Engineer Dies Aboard Ferry Of Apoplexy While crossing the river on the ferry Thomas Pickles at 10 o'clock Thursday night, and when the ferry neared the Algiers side, Michael ,Baker. 40 years old, a stationery engineer of Perrier and Monroe streets McDonoghville, collapsed on the deck of the boat. Upon the ar rival of physicians from Charity hospital Baker was pronounced dead. Apoplexy was given as the cause. His body was turned over to relatives Baker was returning home from Charity Hospital, where he had been visiting his brother-in-law, a patient in that Institution, when he was seiz ed with a heart attack and succumb ed. Mr. Baker is survived by his wife, who was Miss Emma Bealer. itwo daughters and a grandchild, be sides other relatives. Mr. Beck was best known to friends as Mike. ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. On Thursday, March 23;d, 1922, Miss Camille Prados, daughter of yr. and Mrs. A. C. Prados, celebrated her eleventh anniversary at the home of her parents. 906 Verret street. The home was prettily decorated with bunting, flags, palms, moss and small electric lights which were strung across the dining room. A beautelul birthday cake and American boauty roses decorated the table. Mr.Erwin Salathe showed several reels of mov. Ing pictures which amused the guests. Several games were enjoyed and dance ing was Induigd in. An abundance of refreshments were served. Miss Camille was rcmembered ly her guests, and received many beautiful and cost ly presents: Those present were as fellows: Shirley Bond, Aline Le Blanc, Ethel Leathem, Muriel Al brecht Ruby Webert, Dorothy Webert, Velma Webert, Edna Purcell, Rosa Rando, Elenore Rooney, Alice Hibben, Elvera Sutherland, Leonore Smith, Imelda Ernst. Alice Hubert, Abble Smith, Audry OGerard, Eliabeth Galt. Muriel Sc r, Pay Addingtoa. Anna Hantel. Grace Rhnaer. May Pradoes Louise Magge .Laurel Mauio, TillI Crawford, Dorethy Barochivich, .Ber niee Claem . Mary Oustaino, Fradei Ousutns, Bernice lands Wiiam CL sea, France Walters, Percy Jones. Cin tea Aubert, Irwin Dallam, Charles Hughes, John AhysU , Carman Ca tero dpw " Jtfirrtr ·Sier f, O'Brien, Andry Lands, Edward lib. ben, Calvin Addlgton. Lloyd Salaths, Irwin Salath. Cornelus Kesteas, Olivier sad Melvin Borm, August and Jnseps Bloom. The members of the Mystic 8oclal Club ejoyed' an all day picnic at Peach Ornabrd last Sunday. A most delightful day was spent under the large eaks. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan c nhapee the erow. Those pesent were Miees H. Hbtard, 9. Chauvin, B, binner, T. Jones, . Nola, 8. Bornoshy, . Barmaster, L S4 I 3Bs,, Messrs W, I.veals. W.. Nolan. L aulea M. BuI es, C. dats, and i. Owes. tye seis club. A orwbf rs w KD sate osr ws re emes Ovl. u Jrams, 0 Mar ratky, L Ahm, B Di i a, . Bermeater. I. Nola an d a Semas MUses. L. TYenth, ,.ladsra . D thga C. dsa, . Owems, M. BIush, . 1'a chimna w. Milsn amd w. Lasuld. tlea a Ud ae alt in the i trier emt at Gree lst . - Sagemt (AMlie), whulm is f i was si 3.t the Juate e.a o ntar ss weeds s eraem , ).esmenss 0 Ne W gmw osee bt 5age Geg P. P t uresdgmi. Old Poly Hasn't Any Sprig Fever I" V' vol '4e Ha me thE pom tcis cia ýý'ýý Fý *tr /ý Qýº1'"'sit tal :H. th4 D. oIm* *asWI us suscastraa c ths Iwlb CCPYS4 a5p awc, ~ . c tb S COPRtW4 652 PUS AU0OCA3t1C m__ M FESTIVAL A SUCCESS P The Easter festival given last Monday evening at the local Play grounds for the benefit of the Child's Welfare Association was a decided success. The sum of $4) was real ised. Booths for handwork, novelties, aeske and other refreshments were hI decorated prettily in crepe paper to and moss. Virtually everything at Jo the basaar was contributed by mem bers of the club. During the evening little Norman *P B. Brownlee, Jr., was presented E. with the loving cup that was won by him in the popularity contest re recently conducted'by the'local sta tion. The presentation was made by Mrs. Frank Hymql. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Veslen donated the ilver t cup. Little Albert Rhoades Marsehall. do who was second In the contest re ceived a large rubber ball which was donated by Mr. H. Harding. The ice cream booth was In charge ,w of Mesdames B. C. Gilder. Rot. ounager. Jes. Lamana, Jr., Nor~ Brownl*e, Barrett, Bargs3 , r sad Conway. * Ti angyr Work-Mrs. A. Short, th ehai ey assisted by Mendamesm ord, L Sadwieh and Bales--Mrs. Wa. Short, chairlady assisted by Me- CY domes Lilly, Duffy, Deldsmn 1l4nd Skdly, A Beauty and Health-Mrs. J. .l H Huckins, ehairlady, Mrs. C. Abbot and Miss G Judis. * N Orab . Bag-Margaret Hymel, Lii- e Hlam Koenig, leanor Lilly and Bm- J. ma Lee Butherlead. is Candy-Mrs. S. J. Boyles. ehair- O lady, Mesdames Williams, Terrebon- t ae, LeBlasc apd Blaehtd. t Elmer oCady Booth-Mrs. MeKladey Vesien, assisted by Mesdames Baker. hi A. Ponti sad Miss Anna Jo d Tale of The Future-Miss Al Rima. LI The ladies in charge wish to thank of 'al who assisted n any way. They - "eciaelly thank Mrs. Schabel for the uas of her auto, Mrs. J. P. Walter. Mt BaEma George, the . N. O. O BalIway and Tretion Co.. through Mr. Bursts for lights, the ladies in the eighborhood for the asistance they gave Messrs. J. Owens. A. Me- l vrnoey. A. Pujol. C. Hymel, B. Woodwirth, L. Sebhdoer, Baler, AIkmas J. Lask, ileut. Nilhtemgale, the press 'of Algiers ad New Or lesns, ?roeops S, and so and speelal . htaks to Mr. C. A. Hughes of Trooeep p . N 3 t for helping lean the gremadr at midnight. I to MAMMOT VArnvmra vi " 4§1W ANDW BDaC. ri The Fourth Degsee Knights of 0o I lamlus will give a mammoth vaude- U vile shohw and danee em Tsesd y. r April 5th, 192t at K. C. hmse in New Oreeass to defray pemes, et I c estreting the Moes Hall and Ca aiseary for the 3y Seousts of Ames 0 len an their Summer Cnamping i s thre ead a haitf miles ut tree Mr. Jess L. Iosea. larmer t Tessp o c Algiders, is member ot this Coeaitee. Th Cebawe is aetirety at wok en the Maoas . the Wpgs d u l as. ad K is et d that k wi ll be reedy time ar the opeseg of the Camp e isa 184t. 192i. Iem far Trme xa e. imnr, the gune h rs PS. n¶ aou. wa-: N. ..w nerA- & oatsem aI 2 . wS ia -r w a 6ns ata es see a *soe we -,mss Personal Mention SC And General News l aT d BlORT 1SMB 0ONailRI last I- WT SIDE Pcno cs ecb 1, The Lutheran Sunday School will 3rd e have their anneal Master hunt Oe as enat r ter Sunday afternoon on the lawn ad- suc t journing the church. - Miss Hilda Coyne has returned from Lafayette, La., where she has bees * spending awhile with her sister, Mrs. d E. C. Sperler. The many friends of Mrs. M. J. Bar. tend Srett of Bermuda street, will regret to on 1 learn that she fell sad broke her right tire ar. me Mr. and Mrs. P. Ory of Lucy, La., wor motored here to spend the day with gral r their daughter, irs. A. Borne, of Sli1. Va , dell avenue wor C The many friends of Mrs. 3. Mills I will regret to learn ot her illnes. and The many trlends of Mrs. l Tufts Bra will be sorryn to hear rsh i ill. L Walter A. Dilsell left Tuesday for last P Asheville, N. C., on a business trip. 1, The members and rieads of Track Co. lo. S, sae glad to see t 1, the smiling face' of OliUer uather- val . land bet eo duty after aemaal H *raeasmt saies dapes. . A juvenile grove of the Woodmen's Circle will be instituted at a reglar 4 meeting of Orange Grove No. !, of Algiers, Thurday nilght at Pythian ope a Hail. o Mrs. C. V. Kraft entertained the hi Matrons Club. The suceessatl play- Sub ers were Mrs. T. U. Buchhols, Mrs. mo SJ. Gerrets and Mrs. Ed Martin (play- whi inl for Mrs. J. A. Galsand). Mrs. etit "' 0. W. Pollock received the cooselr use Stion. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Claris Riheards. d 9 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Worre and the r baby aeeanem ed by Mrs. T. Schreo the der, Miss B. Wileo sand Mr. and her U Mrs. John Schroder motored to Little Woods on riday last 'and Sspeoat a most enjoyable afternoo. (Osatlunue a Page 3.) ] i MAI l SO 'ITAL' l uauO An A exective eder provldnag hor Sthe transer ef 57 pue health ar de vice heaptals to the Vuemrams' smaa es is Ithe u ands of Prement Hardlns " and is expectd to be Issed no it was amneaened today bp Directer Po~ W besof the Veterans' aureau. The transfer, ,whlch lavelves be pitals tlnaU pertles of the Meatry, I wil ,iset appexmasty Sls hne -* m ser svlee men nemw patles I the are lnstithees se abset lsee pUe se Ir vIes physticlanss L r annex to the Nw Ohemas Ma d rIne Hospital, whiet is leese at the 8 Sle n ast MW lit.h n ta n M alt s- thanirr. l.. . at Mil - Born to Mr and Mrs. rset Breown r-. (mse Clara Trres) eo 412 Paels ave., a be a rlt Co S.era to Mr. NA Mrs. Jes. Lro o a A1 AI .'S UEDITATIONS MISS 4.IY SAY Sit CAs" o SEIEP M I WORL' nr AN Ks60t T ' o SL " i So LAS ii bE lAY* te · a tISY S a . A MACItWL pm I pM'. Me - - gI lEl MIJI~~V 5V OnrcUT SM eI.f~f SCHOOL BELLS RINGING bee bult BELLEVIILE NOTE . fill of The meeting which was held on latt last Thursday evening was very unc- sysi easeful. It was decided that the laul school lawn party be given on May tag 3rd ' All patrons, friends and par- ste, eats promised to help, make it a for success. is a ADOLPH MEYER SCHOOIL yea Mr. Hynaes, Assistant Superin- Sa tendent, was a visitor at our School ler, on last Thursday. He spent the en- You tire day visiting the various depart- of ments; commenting on the splendid -m work found in each grade; and con- wei gratulating the Principal, Miss PX Vaughan, on the character of the Dr. work accomplished. toe Miss Mims visited us on Friday sad conducted the weekly "Tooth for Brush Drill." Jr. The faculty atteaded a meeting last Priday at the Warren Baston Min High School. The speaker was Mr. Bailey from Massachusetts; his sub-f Ject was "Art in the SchooL' Many Hu valuable suggeetiou s were gained ftom this lecture; eves me, feoss -p amply repaid for having sattbed. Daring the past year som vs he uable material has been added to our m equipment; but recently the CO- ia operative club purchased the Key- , stone 800 Set for Visual Education, This is quite an addition to our School and we feel assured that the money has been Judiciously spent An when we consider the education ben efit to be derived from the correct use of these views. * A teacher's lie is a busy n, wi and when anything can be purchased Na that will lessen her duties and at ps the same time help the pupils under ba her care-the co-operative Club of coy Meyer School believes that it is the ae proper thing to do. Bo the President chi ot the club, acting upon the sug- A gestlon of our Principal, purchaed tor the "Standard Dictionary of Facts." pis Knowledge is gained praiclpelly and from books, and in the book Just pre m fton ets * tare give every ect. Thise inftormation is eoa deneed and so estalogued that it can be found with the eMt peUdi tare of time. Mr. The following pupils have bern at I perftet in the weekly tests of Arith- litti metie and Spelling: bin Eighth Grade A-Maron Edge eombe, Lorents Berlager, Masdi ia dBrdtMYal Eighth Orade B-sola thabseh.a Seventh Orade A-Jemnlo eSott. Seventh Grade B--pleaer tol. 81th Orade A--Oeorne Demat, 1 eto a evie, Deis I e Farthe Selsater, rea Dean Simon, hisam Sadresax DI Sixth Grade -- Willam HyBnes, Mildred Campbell, Ethel Marooes. N klFifth Grade A-Thelma Arig4, A en srietta Baer, Norm Bhngs Lep pQ Cooper, Lydi Campbell. Ad r lPth Gradeo -Noesetint Bober. Mr Dixine easesmabe, Marie Msnlusse H. Henrietta 90th. Albert qillegie, L ere Melasen, Frank A tss Ams - Ed/, Hleld IUawe. Lae.e '- dS. Floyd Gullot, Herman Fourth Grade B-Muriel Galling house, Marguerite Robiesau, Ner nard Leeese, Lams Dumenl Al vi Aisom, Merln Imsith. e Grade *-D-avnd Ges, Mel gss, Irwn LawIim, seeade em pee Jeanne Ianmes, T|s foees Nsreaem Eddy. b Gade--Psale Ges, knia orrU Mstl Am Ad1am amean, Mldred aunm aten, it Hughes, Inad hiemne. . Opade iteAs agge *eas M-uens ae Holmes Store Rounds N Out 80 Years' Service Sunday was the eightieth anni versary of the founding of D. H. be Holmes Company's Sto're. , te It was in 1842 that Mr. Holmes' hi moved to Chartres street, then near St the center of New Orleans' gay so- cO cial life. hi Four years afterward, he took the daring step of moving to Canal in street, occupying the present store ci site little more than the space now so taken up by the present store's show pi windows. During the years which followed D. S H. Holmes gradually purchased of neighboring real estate, and finally al the entire space from Canal street to ci Iberville Street. t The city directory of 1838 records tl D. H. Holmes in business in Mag- IH asine street. In the first Holmes store, there n was a floor space of 100 square feet. a Today 225,000 square feet are cov ered by the various departments of the big establishment. Some of the more recent steps in the development of the store have L been: 1911, Dauphine street entrance tI built; 1913, Canal street front re- i built and enlarged: 1916, rotunda t filled in, adding 25,000 square feet of floor Iberville street built. The' latter building houses the delivery system ,lee eream plant, bakery,. laundry, cold storage plant and heat tag apparatus, space; 1919, flve. C story warehouse in and made room E for the new restaurant which now is a thriving department. Up to 1885 the store was a one-man c Iosaniuation. Mr. Holmes in that k year associated with his as partnes g Samuel Goeghegan and Samuel Wal- I ler, the latter in charge of the New I York buying office. Upon the death I of Mr. Holmes in 1898 Mr. Geoghe- s gan took charge. When in 1902, he a went to Ireland, the managemen passed to DanIel H. Holmes, Jr., and C Dr. C. H. Thomas, son-in-law of the founder. D. H. Holmes Company, Limited formed in 1905, with D. H. Holmes, Jr., as president. Mr. Geoghegan ' was resailed from Ireland as vice president and manager The other directors were John J Gaanon, treasurer; Bernard McCloskey, Rob oert W. Wilmot, William P. Brown, Hugh McCloskey, Gastaf R. West tldt, muanuel 8teinhardt Osar L. Pntnam and )ank B. iayne. On Mr. Geoghgan's death in 194, he was replased by W. J. Gilbert as manager, and Mr. Gilbert, who died in 1911, by Pred W. waas. Mr. Evans is manager and prItldent. KNIGifS OF COLUMBU5. A nue ( memmasde ad Mewdral Service, uaday Aprl 0th. The Algiers CKnights of Columbus will attend Communion at the Holy Name of Mary Church at 7:2 Mass, Palm Sunday, April 9th. The menm bers of the Council will meet at the Council home at 7:00 a m., and head ed by their band will march to the 1 church. At 4 p. m., Commemorative Services tor the deceased members will take plaee at the Council Home. Members and their umlies are requested to be ; premt at 3:46 p. m. BIRTHDAY PARTI. On Wdnmsday evevnns March 2~kh, Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams entertaled at a birthday party in honor of their Itttle daughter, Imelda, the 6esule being the seventh anniversary of her birth. , The hoase was beautifully decorat ed se the eecaslon. Durlns the ~w taing daeietang was indulged in and dainty refrehmuents served In ahnd anee. May games were played by the ehildren. A large birthday caLke wi saves cadls eeegpid a preml aut p ea the table. Theme preseat were: Myrtle Chet t, L. Tresdtr, MM.Barmester, Gerat mD Brtel 0. Utisi..V. sad S. Taple, 1 Jerme and Camille Cameoll, Katie lmbacker, Evelya ,Parr, llian and Amil Sudtherlad Vay, an Iris Casey., sidney dam., oma May1 Adam~ s Tremelatr. Mrs. Cmrotl . Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. I H. Adams sad many others cal. Whem Dier Is rady Good-by to the well-knowm dismer hell o American farem Wireless calls istead. Daniet Talbot of Floride heqied his plow with one of the radio sets and when oflicial Wasbintoie time is am nounced he l es to dianwr. He also mews of the day a he keep. busily at hs work. . • , /o - HEALTH TEACHER VISITS ALGIERS Mr. W. J. Gray, who is one of the best in his profession as a health teacher, is in Algiers and is making his headquarters at Stumpf's Drug Store, 901 Teche street. Mr. Gray comes from Syracuse. N. Y.. where he has just conducted a campaign in the interest of health in that section. He will be here for the next few weeks in the interest of the Red Indian 5Medi cino Company which is putting out some preparation that has given peo ple satisfaction heretofore. M.r. Gray gives health advice to all that come to see him and this advice is given free of charge. Mr. Gray does not make any calls or application of his medi cine, but he is at Stumpf's Drug Store for the purpose of giving advice to those who are seeking better health. He may be seen from 9 a. m. to 9 p. which extends an invitation to come m. daily at Stumpf's Drug Store, and have a talk with Mr. Gray. BIRTHDAY PARTY. On Friday evening March 24, Mary Louise Foster, daughter of Mr. M. Fos ter. entertained a large number of her little friends, the occasion being the thirteenth anniversary of- her birth. The house was decorated very prettily with Easter colors and souvenirs. Dancing was indulged In and refresh ments were served in aboundance. All seemed to spend an enjoyable evening. Among those who were pres eant were: Vera Muntz, Odette Le Blanc, M. Adele Guillot. Louise Bour geofs, Lula May Besson, Mary Gordon, Ethel Lusignon, Doris Rainey, Adele Guillot, Camille Glancey, Helen Huc kins, Rosaline Crowley, Noelie Bour B geols, Monica Brown, Myrle Martinez, Elsie Oswald, Dorothy Wilson, Eliza beth Flanders. Vivian Bourgeois, L LFlanders. R. Talbot, Isabelle McPher son, Ethel Anderson, Imelda Bour p geois, Gladys Legendre. Grace Wise acher, Elvera Huna, Patricia and Co I cellit Muntz, Floyd Legarde, Alice SBrunssana. Alice Kramnme, Bernice Voegtlin, Florence Kleinakemper, Ag naes O'Donnell, Ila Morgan, Beulin Guillot, Augustine Abbot, M.Thomp son, Annette LeBoeut, E. LeBoeus. Irene McMahon, Lillian Hunn, Lillian r Burrows, Dorothy Acker, Anna Belle Beason, Lucille Abbot, Elleen Brown, Edith Humphrey, Carmel Oswald. Sarah Holicosky, C. Adams, Martha LAdams. Alma Shields, Edwina Shields. Anna Poster and Mary Louise Foster. Messers. J. T. Owens. P. I. Da iel, . Drown. J. Ctlettat. R-ClDshoe , A. LeBlanc, 8. Shields, E. lelds, and " L Adams. Misses L Niklans, N. Crmberna, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Daniel, r. Mr. and Mrs. C. hrhardt, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McGivney, Mr. and Mrs. B. . Shields. Mrs. M. Abbott, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs. A. Shields, and Mr- M. J. Wester. S cRATPFMR RD Early Sunday meradla, l Jolly r crowd boarded Woolverton's track and proceeded to Bohon where they spent a most enjoyable day. The morning was spent a Ihiag and then the Jolly crowd eat under the large oak trees and ate their lunch. The rest of the day was rtat is play ias sames. Those who enjoyed the d+y were: SMisses Carrie, Ethel and Illian HMl debrand, Mary and Augusta Weelhr ten and I,.ie Hunn; Messrs. Albert Franeisco, Ousese Woelvertem, Mel ville Graham, John Huna Clarese Hottelter, Charle sad John mdeo brand, Irvins Rlsn, Orets GeadiS and Willie Woolverton, Mrs. J. Woolverton, Mr. and Mrs. C. i. H* r debrand, Mr. and Mrs. O. Gudln I Rev. T. B. Clifford and wit wereo L- agreeably asurprised at their riel F dee, 225 Olvier Street, on late. Sday nlsht when they were presetoded with a pore tram may Mb lds of Mt. Olivet ongregation. The reler and wit. psinly ehowed ther snuprs and ea uem their thaklnalnme n bel~e Matly SMr.' Ctffotd espeets to mre h is t famimy is theIr bepe Ina Nev Or0 , lesan tlhis week and to s needles L w my that their setai dbLeui wil be missed r their mSn friends.