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hiIbits Firry _'otnpanli,, tromn c.harging PACES THE HERALD. ut why ar w til paing Devoted to the Upballdlng of the WUst Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFACTURERS RECORD. ,x ALGIERI, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922. II IAN CHISE I ING1 DRAWN the past weeks there have il conferences between the b S err Committee and the sb Council regarding the Sperations of the Canal Street fn Third District Ferries. P aL night the Algiers Ferry a O et with the Commission t which time a general dis- : was had relative to a fran- C also the matter of going C the legislature to ask for ani E PeSt to the constitution that a tive the city right to issue P o that the ferries could be - _i b owned. g ti conference there were at n hundred Algiers people a aesented both factions, namely. t ally owned and franchiseable ii pr McShane stated that he was to vote for and to assist the 1 people in what the majorityl He stated that if the Al people wanted municipally furrie he was for municipally o g ferries, and he would given duistanlce to the committee in Sirection. Commissioner Ray &Moissuoner Maloney also stated r y were in favor of municipal f provided a way could be a to either legally accept the l e tih was offered by two of 3 g-l banks or that the city , fagily appoint a commission g1aJ bine bonds for that pur Ii d meeting it was decided that g* di eaineer would prepare a l sad that this franchise So M merely tentative, and would $ussew to the council only after n ig loag d that the relief desired a t be secured through legis- t w asetment. hls were several subsequent Iu-g with Commissioner Maloney M t ery committee for going f lt tsitative franchise so as to it it erler should it be necessary * 1 r Isale such a contract. as peage of Algiers are united *ir esademnation of the present g t now operating at the sjl est and the Third District Sq have now gotten to a point sla want relief,--and relief at ah. possible moment. FROM THE PEOPLE. sicred that you will not us in securing the de ot a , we herewith enclose a wsrtter that is this day being i the Commission Coun _ i City in our behalf. yes for attention which ime its object merits. "1Ns remain. Respectfully, F. W. BENNECKE. iIs lsas, La., May 29, 1922. h Usorable Mayor and Com ass·ell. et NOw Orleans, La., heslmest of those citisens of Io preseated your honor - th a petition, in which it agpatly requested, that an hry Landing and Service at Opelosas avenue, on a i ot the river, we wish bing this matter to your a that our reqest may eerlooked and our welfare be maled that our petition 7DrI by a much larger han is representell by any msets for similar purposes. bt that this petition cannot at his time, regardless te Frary Systems are to bfrachise or MunicipaS What is wanted by thoseu, Weae we seek to further. SutRY AT OPELOUSAB - " a this is supported - (Oaued on Pae 8) ar Pak in Their Victory *2 Itur -o tt Gibid 1hr hr g uaha of Pess plasis d · most cossse lilw Me gi ly USI mie mu ºUMIdS/ dIt S '!ýpae mPi sobWVSVE Levee at Head Canal Street to Be Raised Foot inning. The score in favor of the Stars being 2-1 when Jupiter Pluvius decided The raising of the levee at the United States engineers, will be the first work done in the contemplated plan raising the levee at all points along the New Orleans port front. This fact was communicated to the Commission Council Tuesday by Frank C. Hymel. president of the Board of Commissioners of the Orleans Levee Board. Mr. Hymel states that he so advises the council in order that proper arrangements may be made with the New Orleans Railway and Light Company for the re-arrange ment of their tracks at that point and to enable the city to plan for the removal of stones in street pav ing. OBITUARY KEENAN-On Monday at 6:45 o'clock p. m., Mrs. William Keenan. nee Dora L. Sutherland, died at the age of sixty years. Deceased was born in McDonoghville, La., but had D resided here for many years. The P funeral took place Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock from her late residence 627 Elmira avenue. Interment was in McDonoghville Cemetery. BREAUX-On Monday at 7:15 o'clock p. m., Felix J. Breaux, hus band of Louise Aycock died. De ceased was born in Terrebonne par ish fifty-four years ago, and had re sided here for the past seventeen he years. The funeral took place Wed- we nesday morning at 10 o'clock from her Gi late residence, 631 Slidell avenue. In terment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. Hi Besides his widow who was Miss At Louise Aycock he leaves four sons, Rene, Ralph, Aaron and Louis, and one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Broderick. H, " ne YOKUM-On Friday at 5 o'clock we p. m., Louisa Kline, wife of Fred erick Yokum, died at the age of a sixty-one years. Deceased was a ull native of Algiers. The funeral took N, place Sunday at 3 o'clock from her at late residened, 328 Bouny street. In terment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. to KEENAN-On Monday, May 29, e_ 1922, at 6:45 p. m., Dora Sutherland Keenan. Burial Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. Interment in McDomag Cm-s R tery. to N Morton-On Tuesday, May 30, 1922, at 5 a. m., Mathilda Morton. Burial S Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. Interment of in McDonogh Cemetery. CONKLIN-On Tuesday, May 0, t' at 2 o'clock a. m., Virginia Camus, wife of William Conklin aged thirty- S three years and a native of Algiers, h died. The funeral took place Wed- 3 nesday at 3:30 o'clock from the late ti residence of the deceased 1505 Pat- S Bartholomew Cemetery. HEAT HITS FIRST VICTIM Patrick O'Hara, 35-year-old sea man aboard the steaminip Tulsagas, h moored at the Lavergne street docks, is said to have been overcome by a heat at noon Friday. O'Hara had been at work on the decks of the vessel for some time when he col Slapsed. r The seaman was taken to Charity SHospital and his oondition is said to p be not serlous. O'Hara, the police say, is the first heat vlctom this g I season. T MAKE PRSE1NTATION IN HONOR r OF MOTHER S SAt the 11 o'clock service Sunday t at the Algiers M. E. Church two ; silver vases were presented to the C 'church in memory ot the late Mrs. 1 SMary Bevan by her daughters, Mines. Kinkald, Mohr and McEckron. A2 I marble stand for the vases was do nated by Miss Mary Harvey. C Everybody Likes the Circus EtEe ewe EveR EXCERCISE WILL WILL DO HIM BREAK 14019 GOOD' NECKS ov! "THIs GREAT1 rc " POLITICAL %/ - - coPoveU*MV q *us*rS ,or ss Personal Mention And General News' SHORT ITEMS CONCERNING WEST SIDE PEOPLE. a Mrs. Mary Smith has returned to t her home in Cuba, Ala., after a six tl weeks' visit to her sister, Mrs. B. C. E Gilder. b Mrs. A. Schlumbrecht and Miss a Hildreth Hotard were visitors to e Abita Springs Sunday. f Mrs. J. C. Labit returned from c Houma Friday an account of the ill- b ness of her son Justus, who under went an operation for a)pendicitis. p Miss Marian Morse was tendered b a miscellaneous shower by the fac- t ulty and Mothers' Club of McDonogh f No. 4 School. The shower was given at the home of Mrs. L. Acker. Mr. Martin Behrman was a visitor t to Baton Rouge this week. Miss Hafkesbring spent the week. I end at Pass Christian. Mrs. E. Nelson will leave today for Raceland to visit her son sad daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nelson. Little Rhoades Marschall fell last Sunday and sustained painful cuts on the forehead. Mr. Edgar E. Cayard was a visitor to Slidell this week. There will be a lawn party given Saturday evening at 4 o'clock at the home of Miss Blanche Vanderlinden, 349 Belleville street for the benefit of the Esplanade Avenue High School Swimming Tank fund. A good time is assured all. Mr. C. Herbert and daughters, Mae and Nellie, have returned from Cali fornia, where they spent several weeks. Mr. E. T. Clark left Saturday for his home in Preston, Cuba. His wife and children will remain here some time longer with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Richards ptf Bermuda street. Mr. and Mrs. M. b. Glancey left for Chicago, Niagara Falls and To ronto, Canada. They will return by way of New York, where they will be Joined by Miss Owendolyn Glancey who is spending some time there. They expect to be gone until late in the summer. Rev. and Mrs. Nicholas Rightor returned to Jonesboro, Ark., Monday evening. Mrs. McKinley Vesien entertained the Matrons' Club. The suecessful players were Mrs. P. O. Caflero, Miss Clairla Richards and Mrs. T. U. Buch hols. Mrs. G. W. Pollock received the consolation. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. J. Williams. The many riends of little Faye Clark will regret to learn of her ill ness. Mrs. Jolly has returned to her home in Plaquemine after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Heuner. Capt. Paul G. Kopp of the S. S. Cudahy spent the week-end in New York and has now left for Mexico. Mr. Thos. Cavanaugh of 334 Belle ville street, left for Constantinople, Turkey and Batum, Russia. He ex pects to be gone about six months. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fourtnet spelt the week-end in Algiers with relativesi Misses Irene and Florence Dorsey entertained a few of their Mrlends last weekI Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malone and baby spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. LH. T. Malone. There will be a euchre, lotto and five hundred party given to-night (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. G. W. McDI)uff, 145 Alx street, for the benefit of the new parochial school. There will be twenty handsome prises given. The graduation exercises of the Bellevflle School will take place net Thursday at onethirty at the Polly Theatre. Miss Martha Adams entertained a large namber ot bher triends at the Pythian Hall last Friay eveaning, the occ.asion be the annesary a her Wrt. (OldigAA GI M $ LEVEE MAY BREAK Doubtful If It Can Be Held Hundreds Of Men At Work. At the time of going to press, it was very doubtful whether the levee at Stanton Plantation could be held againdt the rapidly caving banks and the strong current at that point of the river. The President of the Levee Board, Mr. Frank Hymel, who has been on the scene of the disaster day and night since the new cave, stated 1 early Wednesday morning that if they could be given thirty-six hours, they felt reasonably sure that the levee could be held with the cribbing that is being put up in this section. The first cribbing put up was a fine piece of work, and would have held back the water, but an additional cave took place about one hundred and fifty feet down the river, making it necessary to put up a new earthwork in that direction. Some three hundred men with teams and wagons are working day and night in hopes of saving a loss that would run into the millions should the cave occur now. The dif ference between the level of the river and the level of the land behind the levee is abou sIx fteet, which would mean that this section would be flooded to a depth of about six feet. ALGIERS SAFE. There have been a good many ru mors that Algiers would get a con siderable amount of this back water, but such is not the case for the fact that Algiers has a back levee, the lower boundary of which is the track of the Southern Pacific near Hendee street. All that section, however, on the other side of Hendee street, in cluding the Naval Station, would get some of this water. ALGIERS TEAM DIRECTS INITIATION OF PLAQUEMINE CANDIDATES. The degree team of Santa Maria Council No. 1724, Knights of Colum bus, has returned from Plaquemine, La., where Sunday it performed the 'exemplification work in the initiation of seventy-two candidates for the first three Knights of Columbus de grees. Peter E. Munts, grand knight of the council had charge of the first and second degree work. F. W. GROS F. W. Gros, retired railroad man, is probably one of the best known Homestead and Building and Loan Association men in the South, one of the organizers and President of the "Dixie," Greatest Homestead South, which has the distinction of being the only Homestead in Louisiana that lends money at less than 7 per cent to Its borrowers and no bonus or premium. The "Dixie's" resworces are larger than many Building and Loan Asonestlams operating in New Orleans for thirty years or logser, sad Its membership is larger than many operating I the city for thirty-Ife years. Mr. Ores is also Presidet dt the Loisiana soldiers' Home and a .irector at the La t iSre Amumne COem1ar, m t mie In dvi abirs. Members of Algiers Council to Visit Gramercy, La, On Sunday next the members of i Algiers Council of the Knights of Columbus led by their Grand Knight a Peter E. Muntz. will visit the Coun cils at Gramercy and Reserve, La., where important ceremonials will take place. The party will assemble o at the K. C. Home, Algiers, from t where the automobile parade will I leave promptly at 6:30 a. m. Every member of the local council owning an automobile will have his car in the parade, in addition to which will l be several cars from Gretna and the e city. A number of Knights will be I accompanied by their ladies. Advice I has been received from Gramercy, I that great preparation has been made i for the entertainment of the party including a ball Sunday night. The well known K. C. Band of the Al giers Council will be with the party. The road to Gramercy is in first clas condition a nd weather teo ditions will not interfere, the distance forty miles over gravel road should not take over two hours? MORALITY LEAGUE GROWING RAPIDLY The Morality League, organized for the sole purpose of fighting the indecent, modern dance, is growing i rapidly and today there are several hundred members in Algiers alone. No members are allowed to ask a per son to join this league, as you must join of your own free will. Before joining one must first fill out an ap plication upon which there are fifty questions that must be answered In telligently. Upon becoming a mem ber of the Morality League one must take this oath: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God, my mother and sister: to help other fellows' sistaters at all times; to fight with all my might the evils that are raining our boys and girls." Our motto: "Virtue, sweetness, modesty, and parity." Ferry Committee's 0 Last Resort For Pub licly Owned Ferries roE The following letter which is sent inl to all of our papers will form the ch basis of the last fight to he made by foi the Algiers people for better Ferry he Service. let New Orleans. La.. May 29, 1922. in Editor. The Herald. If( New Orleans. La.. Dear Sir: an The Executive Committee of the Al- in glers Better Ferry Service Associa- it( tion." would earnestly request your an generous support of a bill to be pre- in sented to the present Legislature, ex- sli tending to this city, through a pro- m posed constitutional amendment to be voted upon at the November elec-tion, f the operation of paragraph M. of Sec tion 14 of Article 14 of our present Constitution. which paragraph reads <i as follows, viz: "For the purpose of constructing. acquiring, extending or improving any o revenue-producing public ultility, the Legislature may authorize Municipal b Corporations to issue bonds secured exclusively. principal and interest, by nE mortgage on the lands, buildings, si machinery and equipment, and by r( pledge of the income and revenues of such public utility. Such bonds shall not be a charge upon the other In- to .ome and revenues of the Municipality. w Sand shall not be included in comput- fui Ing the indebtedness of the Munic- cc ipality for the purpose of any lim- 11 Itatlon herein." ca Our reasons for asking your assist ance in this matter, are these: st The people of the Fifth Municipal pl District, owing to their situation, are p' compelled to pay, in addition to the city and State taxes paid by the other Districts of the City, a ferry tax of over $200,000 a year. This ferry tax can be cut in two. if the Legislature will permit New tt Orleans to enjoy the advantages of' the law cited, which may be en joyed by the rest of the state. The a local Canal Street Ferry is a "rev- ol enue producing public utility" of the first rank, as is shown by a report made by City Engineer Klorer, for C the month of June last, which report gives practically $600, as the average I h Sdaily receipts of this principal ferry, a which service could easily be given, I- under public ownership, for $300 a r. day-perhaps for much less. ýt The fifteen year lease under which Sthis Canual s tet Ferry has been e operating, expired on December 31, d last, and since it is generally recog nized that something like a million dollars is now necessary in anticipa tion of the District's needs for larger and heavier boats and pontoons, more negotiable approaches and more mod d ern ferry houses, something should be done without further delay, to ameliorate this ferry situation. al In its year-and-a-half-fight against ro the continuance of the pernicious r contract system which has so- sorely tried the patience of the people e obliged to use these ferries, this com mittee has encountered many ob stacles, resulting in a delay under which many are now becoming restive in view of the utter inactivity of the Commission Council as a body, in backing up our efforts to substitute said system. it As a matter of fact, many citizens r are already beginning to cry out: "Give us service, service, and never 11 mind about the ownership," with the 1 g result that a little more pressure in this direction will find the fastly ex- I I asperated people ready to sign any I sort of a contract which maybe roach- - sated by a benevolent lessee to a seemingly helpless Commission Coun cil. We will therefore appeal to the sense of justice and fairness of the members of oar Legislature, to place New Orleans upon a parity, in this respect, with the other cities and towns of our State, and we will also appeal to the good people of the other Districts of this city, to assist themselves by assisting their sister District, in thus bringing about this Important economic change. Yours very trauly, Alglers Better Ferry Service Asso clation. LOUIS W. PETERSON AGAIN NOM INATED DISTRICT MANAGER OF K. OF C. The district assembly of the fourth degree of Loualsiana, Mississippi and Alabama convened in the Grunewald Hotel and nominated Louis W. Pet erson, district master, for another two-year term, beginning July 1, his nomination being the first choice of every assembly in the district. Mr. Peterson has been master for the last jpar years. H. L. Hammett and Frank J. Loo ney were nominated as second and third choice, respectively. They an nounced they would withdraw their names, which virtually assures the reappointment of Master Peterson by the supreme assembly a few weeks hence. SUES FERRY COMPANY FOR of DAMAGES at Suialt was filed Thursday in the fed oreral court by the owners of the steamship Jacques Cartier against the ferryboat Thomas Pickles, alleS ints g that on May 14, at 8 p. m., the SPickles rammed tho Jacques Cartier uas she was lyig at the Inlua street deck mad ammd sin damms. DARES COURT TO1 TAKE HER BOY Testifyin fg rom a cot in the court room, anti although quite ill, hold ing in hl.r arms the two-year-old child whose, is beIing battled for. M1rs. Curtis t; t;r.etn worsted her husband. fi 'rm.rly of New Or leans, in the first day's proceedings in their divorce suit Saturday in the Houston courts. The hysteric-al cri-es of the wife and mother brought tense moments in the court room. dispatches stated. Recently Mrs. green was injured in an automobile accident. and has been in the hospital for some days. Alsi.. she testified, she is to ,become a mother again soon. With the fury of a mother hattling for her young, she leveled cutting assaults at h"-r husband and his counsel in the court, the reports stat ed. At one tinme she cried out: "Tlihey'll never hear anothler case over me if they take my baby away." There we're lighter episodes to break the tragedy of the proceedings. Peering over at her husband's attor ney. who was chewing gum while she was fighting for her boy, Mrs. Green said: "I hope you enjoy that gum." Green is a traveling representative for the Baldwin Locomotive Works. with headquarters in Houston. He filed the divorce suit on May 3. the couple being wedded in September, 1919. Further proceedings in the case will be had in September. Curtis J. Green. New Orleans in surance operator and owner of much property in Algiers and in St. James parish, is the father of the husband. CROWNED QUEEN OF MAY. A new feature has been added to the May Day festivities. It has been the custom for the president of the Holy Angels to crown the Blessed Mother of God. Like the "grown ups," the children elect their own officers, who with fifteen of the president's chums form her court. This year, Court of Mary No. 391, C. D. of A., entertained little Fran cis Labit and her court, crowning her Queen of May. Did it rain? The May fDay pro cession was postponed. Was the crowning of the queen postponed? Not with our Mrs. Walters on hand th er ever alert, ever eager Court of Mary and our staunch true friends and co-workers who improvised a throne in the rectory. Mrs. Walters In her own sweet manner received the president of the Holy Angels and her court in real regal form and crowned Frances Claire Labit, Queen of May. d The newly made queen thanked Mrs. Walters in a few childish words. The members of her court present were Lucille Chestnut. Ruth Aycock, Elise Walters. Charlesia Webert, Lea Casey, Floris Fox, Norman Nell Hig gins. Grace Martinez, Helen Koler, Rita Cummings, Mary Huff, and Ira May Gaffney. To-day, Frances is looking forward r to the time when she as Grand Regent e of the Court of Mary will crown the e president of the Holy Angels. S BIRTHB. - * Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Favr " alora of 909 Brooklyn Avenue-a girl r Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Man e alng, of 1138 Pacific avenue, a boy. a Born to /ar. and Mr. IClay 4. - Pinner (nee Delia Killeen) of Del aronde street, a girl. WOMEN WIN CONTROL. OF TOWN a Is rtldatteioby thir Jvo"ng -"e -tif he q_-E6 _ .' hie . . .. - e. U n bl ra dL~i 4· ~