Newspaper Page Text
STHE HEALDSCHOOL CHILDREN FREE hil,,t, t'..rry ('Irn .II 1. ~ ?r.Ii, tijrl grl ng Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Res.t Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly '-MANUFACTURERS REC('ORD. ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922. No. 6 Pacific To SAsked To Re en Newton St. action on th' , r gs against th, ,nthi .r l'.,- P lroad to au ..- .N ... . .r Sopened or traftt , ,i" 1 - t , wseek's Zmfting ..r:" cum 1. council although it '"g a. { da- t Tu:sdaY u, .'' c, it thl c1Hall rsrot5l of th1 .. lr lti., tor cam e as a r'.' : &" ': . :I i ,til i t tI preented by ('r,)ul5 n' h' r This ordinlan.. w hIt h is t, C er till the ne.xt In ,' tul . a. tat inasnlmuh i th N. wt Svriaduct has bell, nI ttl,:.: i ainsafe for tr:aittl, t~. t ( t t SOrleans must , tZ;,tl" " ." S,)r uth I pacific to %ithldrdat r., k. i NewtOn 5tr.,t. nw u".",! a; t yard. a tOding to C( tnllr., ""r ila k. *t of repairing th,. N.aton, vriaduct would ".x, .',", I "'."n f , the tlty ,;1 ,rhi.till trat hi t a in Newton .r,', tr. o th * . a d as well a 's s e. 'r, .l il ipr .t ,' s for Iess than h. ,t! t.? fl r"t . lb Newton stre.t Vl .th , t'u I ,,aer Black pointetd outc. was 0tctd by the. , So thttn l'a, t, ral ,i several year.s a,o iol.r a { K@3elt teat NNwt ,n ,rt,'r. ZfrIl ert to Thayer stlr-,t.e and ltriin aira to Whitney .tr,.,.. . till i t. Ie ug as part ot th,' .yards. Th South 'New 'trl, a.. Tri, ti nl p Light Cotmpany a-"rts. it-. iI ates do not permt rl,.pair of rh, induct and th' c.ity 1 in the.. a:ln tape. Commtnission,'r !tla k .aid. It is planned to rate thl, viaduct toS Newton stree''t i. , .11 fr trat . he said. VICTORY SOCIAL CLUB. .& it resolved that t , th - tom Is of the V'itory Social ('lub. i,. I n In purity. la tllnlt*.-, anil 0Ilty do hereby ri,, in protest ini t indecent, in lil, dst. itllmr ral. lar dances. We itlnd that thes. ' psent dances have gnlr. tihc limit an that if not stopped will dnoral- t ritheyouth of our nation. It is our t picy to war against the(o" vices that I mg hart our growing boys anad girls l it further resolved that in the iotAumerita, humanity. d-ecency. pty and above all. in the aname of. GL we call upon the wonmanhood l manhood who , horish the nat;iies u memories of thl ir mottlhers to eme forward and help sav. our girls mi boys from destruction. Therefore, be it further resolved It we believe the future of every aifa depends upon theh proper liadr and development of its pt. We believe our girls andl boys AsiM have the best moral training I coantry can provide. if America I M live as a great nation. Amer is rise up and stamp it out. Re lhmbr if you have no little sister or btoer ust think and know its somte his darling boy or girl that is I degraded by those indecent. Yaltled dances. EARL CAYARD, Secretary. AT JOHNSON YARDS. Ssteamers and a sailing ves m are being repaired and over si at the plant of the Johnson S Works Dry Dock and Ship Company in Algiers. The klPnit tanker Camden is un minor repairs. The Amer S8gar Reflinery's molasses Dalcino is also being refit STwo Cuban ships. the Ramon and the Edwardo Sola " a rrlved in port Friday to It . Page. are undergoing re Stfor hlis account. The sailing •- Is the Irages. which arrived hiNet daring the week from Pana Ihe is handled by John A. h, *W The Human Bug" Hard To Upset . da champion Japanese Catch-as-Catch-Can .e er bees cdefeated He is going cito action aga'" st Ae c o siddleweight champion.. is the Los ;.,. - .C1 Body Unknown White Man Found In River Th"b body of an unid,.ntifitd, white mitan found in tit.' river Thursdav il.trnoon) at Nini. Milt. Point was r. "ioved to th*" lmorgue. The body S:ti disiv ,.red by Adolph Schwalb. 1IV Alix Stre..t. a de..khand on the tug Itutter-tp. Th.- d'ead man w."ighed about 16') ,Ipounds. wa' about fiv.' f'eet eight in, h.s tall .ib ab.out In y'ears of age., has gray pants. white shirt. tan ,,eIt andi black sho. s with rubber h .. I-s If, has bla, k hair and sandy CHORUS CHOIR MINSTREL FRIDAY. In!.~ - all sigz fall :a ri. oIr, rowi w ill bl " pr'snt o, n Fridav ,1'.;a11 Ave+' nue. T"h .evenings " lnt.rtain ,.mnt is itn tour parts: a monollgue. two .hurt .k..tche-. includimng sotin. g l, 1.t.g ill a it; , closing \iltstrl InoIob Fer l .Iorty 1.m,1 it.-s in Ihxi,' ill Ila, k 'itdl \V'hit.." 'hiis iua -making program mtarki he tirst *'nttrta:iniient lby tt.i s." y loung 1.n . llbut thb. re h.barsals.. wlarrant the prteli tion that the. progranm of fuiin ant tnI orritlli, nt will prtovok. Illmany hea, rty - ,and |i.. r)undly ap-v t Th.. lnt.Ortal))ln lit will b. cive.n in the hia.t in.tit of tih ('huln r t. .,dmi- sion is fr. lDuring thl. .v. niing the, plat .- w ill ,.- pa .- .l fo r tit ,,ff. rih1 C'andy. :ik.". t. cr./in:I atIl pitl h will bh. oin sIal. (ca'k,.s and , ni dy will h." availat le inl q :antti.t s to plur c lt.ha art i take i l,ii,. as wtl. Time and Place: Friday evening. tJun 1. a:' '. l]os k In th"e I)ht-. I II oftt 1he .m,.-thdist (h'It h t {opu I ,);.elol .lsa Aveiin"'. CHANGES IN SCHOOL PRINCIPALS. F.r thl, first tian . in m any ye. ars of th. .' :.ew tIrleans. public s. hoo, l sys -l I hid pirincipals w,-r, a)p oiint.'d to .inmentary schools at a tti,.tilng of thl.' . h eo l board last night. Iln.rt hold C(. lwas. has . Ii iatlipp int.di t' M1-l)ongh No. 4 A.c.rding to ISup.rinltlend.nt .I M (lwinn. who recomllnmoended the ape point nent of Ithe men principals. he was a.tatlE.:(d by lth. fact that th. numbier of heys is so large in tlb. so hools in i.Iestionl that 1nuI ar:e* betteir suitied to have .control of thli than women. A numbier of other principals wv.ri. appointedI on th i suip.rint,.ndtlnt's r'c" oim.Indlat ion. Mrs. M1argaret lHopper was ap pointed principal of lM l)mtgh No. .. vice. Miss )i'ick who goes to Dihert School. Miss |' was tratnsferred to Mic'oniogh No al: Miss Ali-". ( 'Connor to Rog.ers. and Ml iss L.illy Kenny from L.awton *whitei to lauding. CHORAL CLUB PICNIC. Friday. June 9. the Ne.w Orleans ('hurch Choral ('lutb gave a picinic at Oak Lawn. Shrewsbury. the home of Mr. A. H. Ahten. The members of the Club motord.! out and enjoyed supper under th trees. They were initiated by Mr. Jas R. Meyers after which gamnes wfr played. The chief feature being an automobile race. The participants were divided into thre.' sections. Cadli la.. Lincoln. Moon. and the race was in six parts, the Moons coming out victorious. Several songs were sung, led by Mr. E. O. Sellers. closing thi. fun for the evening. Those from Algiers who attended were Misses Orrie Summers. Ida Harvey. Thelma Cayard. Messrs. Edgar Cayard. Win. Stenger. Leslie Kerr. Mesdames Blakeman. Summers. Breese. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Kerr and Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Fay. The Railroad Invalid LET'S TRY AN A PEQATION BEFORE ýy YOU GIVE HIM ANY MCDiCINE \ 1I * \, \ " li \ \ . cc'-CAVo0o~rTE E&'VICtC Letters From The People 1 'r..'. V \ ' ratt. ,It r .i .I l 2 Iir " rl i. ]\ .t i . . 1 ..I. \'._ t" rm I1." l m e:. ..1 tutue ' rh. I '* '\: lr x, ut riin *. .' 1 ,li c.h' out t, I THE 'Il\ 4l''i( KLANe. " '. . ,. ,in w~ r t.- an, r t 1, n ;- )Lt' .111n1e th. l:' " I{t namttbl Au r.A.a ti-h to i ,triu t a.'t, i . ,t .tl. h'.tr .te i vide \"e h t'il ju -,t receit,'t or 11 "l. ti t l t i ela' h aor letter dated ay T in answrer t. our RESUL TI ,INI.. : K[p . Nf ,hi .lh as s.l t yo. we have lt otf lt m\n I;y law violations wcuring in the .ariSh i.f Jefferson , t if '""u atil refer a ti our RESielt .Whry t. turnt-h the e rnd .fury with th. we have. hut tid agreetto turni-h (iojernor Parker with it and \will ht t -he proper time. together ,it" Tha patil a thee peor n frts y s that m t\ are dfrthlly getting. a nothi or t i hay i-t i necessary tf, iu.r th a-k s te get ieand a.l n get trse beforeI tre Srand Jury. when you and thel p uritt:n forth. to say nothinge of the " Tlli -H that ial all took to D m) Yi ri lmat Ty as Lawof erstion l we as lITIZETNS can g et this EVI VEN1 ('t most a hssuredly those en-r trusted with Law enforcement shour b lepose to do so. S irely it does not require men with the abil ity of t Sherlock HolmeI s nor, ine wit. the reputation of a Scotland Yard TlIan to unearth some of the (rur RESOLtiTIe was not intend: d creat e any hard feelindegs nor do we wish t o be antagonistic. howeveri. we propose to make to every effort t SENE of THEIR IT as we SEE it and ment with you or any other official. but feel that we are entitled to some small degree of protection at the with the enforcement of our laws. ('an you const ientioutsly dleny that a;AMBLING In most hideous forms in the only means of support iVISIBLEI of quitr a large portion of the so called residents of the Parish, ever ready to take the earnings by fair or foul means from our wage .earncrs and tempt OIR YOI'TH? ('an you conscinetiously deny that men charged with raRI)thER or its equivalent are allowed to roam the streets of Gretna in the shape of TRUSTEES? Do you know that hard working men who love their families and want to give them respectable surroundings in which to live, have had to leave their bed in the middle of the night and wfth a shot gun go to a corner BLIN)y TIGER that has a sign in front of it RESTAh RANT and try to cursing and holding the most vulgar conversations anyone ever heardt only to be met by a DEPUTY SHERIFF and by him threatened with jail for carrying the gun? Let us suggest that you use your persuasive powers to get the men under you as Offices of the Law to pull OFF THEIR BLINKERS and re port what they SEE, then do your; DUTYi we are sure that the result will not warrant OUR going before As 100 per cent AMERICANS. CITI ZENS. and KLANSMEN. every one of whom is REGISTERED and has ample POLL TAX RECEIPTS, we pro-u porn to make J thaERSON what It ohould bem a RESPECTABLE PLACE Director Of I Dixie Homestead A it ALLAN R BEARY ' i Weddings of New Orleans Folks H ET SIDE COUPLES WHO EN. TEl, EI) THE STATE OF )MAT ; It110tNY I)rRING WEEK. PARTLAN-DAVIS. ThWedd wings of News Ali e Part lan to Mr. Walter Iavis waF quiotlk oEl.Tniz.d on Saturday. June iI). at iTE cEloi k THE. IS. Father McGrath N DffiiatinNG WEEK. The attendants were Miss Frances ('hivetrs and Mr. Clinton Graff. The bride w;ias prettily gowned in w\hit. cr,.'p. satin and wore a picture hat. lHer bridesmaid wore a dross of New liluie cr.rpe do chine. A breakfast w'as served at the bride's htme for the bridal paity. The dliing rolmIn was prettily decoratod, the color s hemet behing pink and white with a profusi,"e of pink and white .arnations and Shasta daisies. The cioupile nlotor .d to tle home of thei grooml's moithr in Aixandria. JOLLY CROWD. On Thursday evening th e Jolly Crowd was entertain.el at the homen 'f 5Miss Ethel Richards in Bermuda Street. Dancing was indulged in and refreshmeinnts were served in abund Those who enjoyed the pleasant evening were Misses Elma and Erna Chico. D)ionese Vittur. Alice Buras. EEtrher Lecourt. Ethel Richards and Florence Richards. Messrs. Jos. Trauth. Louis Fernandez. George Ran. Austin Spahr. Mesdames Rich ards and Clark. and two sons. The next meeting will be at the hotie of Miss Dionese Vitter, 137 Belleville Street. All members please atj nd as it is very important. FIREMEN PARADE For the first time In almost fif teen years New Orleans saw her fire fighters and full equipment on parade when more than 500 fire laddies and fifty fire fighting apparatus paraded the downtown section Saturday aft ernoon. It was the first parade In which all motorized equipment par ticipated aml was marked by the presence of not a single horse. The demonstration was held for the pur pose of familiarizing citizens of New Orleans with the modern equipmena and extent of its fire department. i to live in, and not a PERFECT HA VEN for BOOTLEGGERS. CROOKS and BURGLARS. Respectafully, ISeal. AL*GREIIHAR KIAN No. 45. Personal Mention And General News SHOIT ITEMS (C)NCERNING WEST SIDIE PEOPLE.)t. .\ d "t'h will o., str. n by Trr, ,. ,'1 N.. I'tt l,1, niig!,r 11 -.t a il h*. turniL."d, :1, Irow'!v "- t.tInt A hid 'rprts* Io n 41A 1 .\Ir- Il ' 1 !fla.rd at ltutki, t- th, D _u, -" , t , .r -i-t".t. M r< (' l" WVi,,r. )lil - . . -,;l .t , .\ A l.t "a .1 (;Guir. ,5 lc r,)t,,r l (:, , ";., :i . g! • ),t" , I'i th, it , 't:. f r- .l i MA t l \ \;;' ;, ,r S ,. . " n 1. I. tt for his . *,,) l. l l " 't l!!)( , i 1 tlt. ,. .p-| ll ln g 11r t;. )rc, 'I )n I-. p.-.,, : ,ling h ; d , at hi. h lnti. In fIloutIna. La. VIr \'A P'. M;rtlinr. z 1.fI t tFr itaton iton , .-n a hI-tme... trip for rile statn l.itrd I )II I',.. \ -- \l, tr ry .M1 ili ,r rli '(.-\.- t a| ',,ll, i;. dal for hiclth.--t honors andl x,, ,' fi , y at .t A-,ni"r A.d, .l,!ul y. Shi ls, r... ivd an .1. utioln n.-d, al. Emli tr tt Mahonyll r .t-.ive.d his B A.\ dogr at J4.fforson College at th' pl . mttltzn-n .nll' nt ,xrc-ise.s y.s,.rerday. i Mr . Mak Turnor lf-ft Sunday for ht a l;onth Al vi.-;it to his fathior Mr. J. k 1'. 'Irn.r,- f N.w" (;ah tle. 'Tex. N T'h" latrotn hlub mIh t Tutssday at . th. hlomn,. of Mrs it .1. Williams.. The ri -'u . '.stul players were Mrs. it. .1. ' Williams. MIrs E. (Curren splaying tfor .1 IiMrs E .1 Moth.- and Mrs. . (). (' Mrs A. (;raf r.-c .iv.,I the j ,lnsulationl Tiht. next mIl.ting will b he at the honi. of .1Irs. J. W. Atlamns.. l Mrs. . . J. Moth. has been spending ti ionio tin,' in Covington. Y .1 .1. lInn. .stotmhou.s -l.-rk in w th. of fit,' of Ross and Hl.-yn. local t: st.anshi p ag-ntS. a,..ccompanied by f" his wife,. formerly Miss .Myrtle it Suth4-rland of our towns, will sail .' June 17. on the Illu-fields Fruit liner' libtueras, for Ilue.fields. Nicaragua. ri The couple will spend t heir vacation tl sight seeing, in and around the his-c tori- town and will return sotme titme in July. .1 The I )akdlale Imlprov'tttemnt Associ at ion will give their first grand pic- I" irt Saturday at the Druids Palmi (.;":"u n. The proceet'ds will go to- 0 , irds itimproving the str,.,ts in Oak-, dale. A fine and of music will be (' in attndlatnc.. The price of admission C will h) thirty cents. l" .Miss Imtelda ('unninghamn is spelnd- F ing awhile in A\!gier;. t he guest of hr irantparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. m. Gitpert. Sr.. of 523 lIouny Street. Leonarl Nash left Monday night for Mansfield. Mrs. IL. Tufts has returned from Raceland. La. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. and baby Junior, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ernst. will motor to Pass ('hris tian to spend awhile. The election of officers of the Italian Progressive Association will be held on June 25. - ________________ - I (Continued on Page 3.) YOUNGEST GRADUATE. With a record of grammar school completion at the age of eleven years. leading her class in every grade. Miss Rena Faecher has been graduated from the two-year commercial course at the Esplanade gir!s high school with an average of 97. the highest grade ,f ,he class. and with the added distinction of being its youngest graduate. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 1 Faecher and the granddaughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henning. As the honor graduate. Miss Faecher was given the -hoice of three positions, accepting one with the In terstate Teachers' Agency. She ex , pects to take courses in music, voice culture and art at Gulf Park college. AUTO STOLEN. - Fred D. Berthelot. of 535 Seguln street, reported Tuesday that his Monroe automobile, worth $700 and bearing license No. 35125, was stolen from DNuphine and Iberville streets . during the nlght. June 24 Will Be Tag Day For Foes Of White Plague i. acu** wI l; I" !. 'I in I.; " _ T:. or "'1:.' a I. r ,!.,. .shii4 '· "l'rti p. y r :, - r i l;, a ,.: t" 1.. , rn.. Trr . t; *.rk to ni. r. . itl k .I ,:1I, :. !. I * ,.- . : .. . . ! f o r lhk a d ., i 1 -;:1.:, ar. I, ' . i :tlry t r, . Sh."" w,!. , : ,'I . :.. ::, ! I . ') p.y I Jr 4(, t; 1.1 ri.t !. "I 1h4 - 1, . lh. " , n t I "1 T, h, t in 1 Tl , ". u ' p .) h." !l ,r ,, ,;l "ir.'ii S-.l ...1 Aaul'l t I ' t sr': -..fl "T .' ,'"n. , 'i , C ,nity l, ., a , . .u tIa a p' n- ,'ph s t i , 'l.'tri r, par: fa '.t" It '1:, W h* n the tJ.0." I .:L,1s at'" It. atn t -{,". Ltil:r w ,:, , . I:n t:lli ,arl.',- ' t l. . linlh IRMA LEE SUTHERLAND GETS MEDAL. la lt. ,.i o £' N r a" t 1r a ..i (.Mr - lingi, I ', . t.. 11 cl asi i h':,in'att r llIl -'" i ti, 'I ii'r g. · I .an ,lmy ii', TN ," , I.f"r .I l ll. ,. I r I' l. : hýr w ir iatt 'l , i. ,tIr' "r h l l"'1 ,1 ,r wai. ' o .1 a :. 'loi sa' 1,c 1or '45 So 44 l'r ay Sh ut Sr a'. tl " 'sl ay lta-' t it1. w hil. ' a 111. :hin * ;r .t , lli i '' nlth t , rlass ,f lt o a " l tti. 1:t i't" 114i,,i "T1is "i*ta'ls.' a , i.l ,r , tra l4 . i lnli.' dI t " t t II 11. rI.h a'- 4,It . t" !: l Sl ,tI l " (1'r nI. r n a larv e b i,' tH i st.n11iol" , tin atgrh.s,*'t n' t. 't'", tive' last M (1II N..a i Fr J m That .la t.' 1r tsl! Se"l It" "in h""r :4. th*- nr ail sTi'to s µ4l1l 10' 11, al SaI It l. alnth l. ,n,, a p. In. During .lily r awln .\ugust thea sturs .,,li rv n,, llvy l::1lt . a -r,+ tl t 1,,:-.. at 1 pl i 11. S (,tlur ,ays Th. sa't, agr'Io Slolte' l wa i n r l f1, t las.t sumrui lr. HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER. A doll w,.,hding was stag.,d at tho playhori. of MrN.anan .dMrs. %Prmk. (;al lianghou" s'. thr e ott a.sioT being a hr hanildk lr lli.f . sho'l e .r giv'ln by thn . kind1,.rearlt, n a hildlr.n ,)i Mt1l)4no hl No 3. r h4,5,l ifor Ith .ir taa h ,r R anis. t Milatlari't Fitzpatrik. w her m ar Sri~g.' t4, .1r L.ati wrn" , ,, Lasalls of 1 IMpdiusr s; is to h." t .hrat.Eld ion r iJuly 11i r (,)uit,. aln ,nijoyabll,' ti( ,. was had by all pr,+s,'nt. Thu gifts for th, I brid.' war. t arriad in a larg" basket ll or,,,at ith frn and dais. J . byP. g thk linatll r t hril whµ'ro µais littl ' Yvlaonn, Gallinghotse and g hi grron who was little Eurn+t Smith. Th, 1 tall,, was deco'rat.d in daisis and v f*rns, and a largo bridl) teak.' stood • in th1" et'nt,.r. nts wor' l srv,.,. WVh,,n the t'ak.' was 'ut r .Miss l.,ona Schtunag,. ruviv,.d th, . ring. Miss Enugnia Johnson. r+t".+ivwd n th+. thim)ble,, and Mrs. ('i.utat, r" - ", iw"d th, dim++. Among thos - pros+-lnt w'ere' Stanford J.,h n n, (;lyn ('Ills."n. Ellswood ()'Itri,.n. Thomas Harvoy. Marie' D+,larolud++ .'trs.+,). a girl Keeps Farmers Posted by Radio ... .. .vacast I. n a This is a photographb of Herschel Jones, director of the New York d nfrce, New York State Department of Farms and Markets, whose duty it is to assist farmers in marketing their crops. He reports prices and conditions every day, seding fromn the Westnaghouse stat9es i New ark. N. J. Morality League Gets Recognition In Other Towns " ,w.I.e • , . . .:.,i by ': ii. J , †' , i , i .\*rl,, . I . , . "'..x : ý if S 1 1 r . ' ta I h' .1 r.: lh " I t I ll, i ' l l .t , t, .t , l' di' mj 1 ,11 l' ".i' " I. i, 1 1 , I' . · j ' 1 -,'" n 1 ,., : t "L)ll "I ' .i . 1 '",, A'I,1 . A I A, i\ .l l a t, . , . It ,f Itrh. h aut. I) i r '- . 1, lt. Il. I' 1 r u i . I, . 1 ,l ,,M . I"11W l . l : l . . -i 1 " k. 1 L. nl ' i. il W Ii . Illi, all, . ti 11a , . 1. r. .lta; i 1. 'l' t Ia ." . inv r Sa 4. . S a1i.r.r It l . llteti .- , 1lt Hn _ir . r. II. .o~ st l r. I 't . 1 a r lei. I). Sin ir . 11 I. A lar. acns. 1 1 I i, S h'l 1 IX , )l \r {. " ' lvn, 'l ll .l l: Aui ,I . ain'." I r a r. s ' I A f ir I, l ltiani AIlh adA. r-. W all. A.- n itrH. l. lti ai ( :ll l a -l u ai i l it. huil l ntr I"\ll ,t . A lr Ia n ll, .rtr ka - -,ll i.r } " -rt his t. 11 \1 hit I'h } . i . \\ a l m. I' , r,* mk. li andl I arriu d whit Ihitiil in t h. - ll.tnurc h- lp t - il li to pro' l A.1. tr t hk r. usin.-m ss irt. i... ing ltancin. . Irs. It. lisanauss k r. FI . Fortr. L.. ('hatl, (' . I it. Sali-i, I AT. lakI r -n ian. and - Ponti. i ssrs. A 1 'itr, . II. I'a ol an. . C. Irti I. . Johlnsonr. W. Lange. A.r arvil. .1 harjuixis. S. Kingon. I". oihf. P. and Klir Sal- -b. . Arrsttr. sing. aW. Eri. kson. anhi man d Mthtrs. . Tl nxlian. tr ad ing will be Fral.y at. the ion- of Aliss Rita Ianausse. 4' BThnv rett. AlII mlttiibtrs arlt- urged Sjolly t ('litn was lId t ty a it t hr) i . linLurg Tit i,- n (' ha i pirty wElmire Misses Iilda. Alia-i and nz Vit ik-l and Loh iiifir hntlipI,, Wall. to pro-s. riosshn Vikani. Alb Lusty. Wal tear Perseveu inlgx. Dlffy Eshad rfrshnn antI arl and Ahlrt,' WaVll., Mr. ant. Mrs.a klwoo . andrt. baZty oihauxln. Ars.I I rk.s it. ILanau hsst ". l.g rtia. rs. ('hau-y. Sin. If. ald ,y.1 AalM. ilaknan. and Masrs Lonti, Man, ssrs. . illatin. an Haroldn. Wall. it