Newspaper Page Text
rSCHOOL CHILDREN FREE 1~0 Section 10 of A't 12U of 1916 pro hblhits Ferry Companies from charging school children fare during swchool hours. SBut why are we still paying the fare? Die.d to Upb fl of the IRet BRde of the Rive. "A very lie ud creditable weekly newqper.'."-MANU4PA(TRERS RECORD. ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922. No.8 ard May Appeal $125,000 Verdict to the United States' ¢esrt may be taken by the p ltLevee Board in the ,lJs H. Ward, wherein J as given judgment for h the state court for prop Ssjoiers expropriated for ljSaa. Thursday the state Ct refused a rehearing s board, the decision be isd by the three justices 3lyision A. Three other d previously upheld the in returning the verdict Ward originally sued hard attorneys indicated take the case to the S/atU Supreme Court. PATRIOTIC DANCE. L I gdy next, July 4, Santa g cil 1724, Knights of Colum atsrate with a patriotic re seception at their beautiful aad Olivier streets. is committee in charge w Miehael E. Donner as a ve left nothing undone at the comfort and en d those who are fort Mp h to be present. The d will be furnished by the +jd *do Orchestra, and all d ti terpsichorean art will saisfed in this direc b samdance of palatable re will be served throughout We will be tastefully dec b eslors of Old Glory and _emlsedi will be awarded of the day we cele have been issued to the t district for this recep tbs camittee desires to who has not received s kindly notify them br etherwise of the fact. ae not required to have AT ALSlERS HOSPITAL. Ultmeegn were enter ' at the Naval m hers re atthe incued siging and' iresl talet, and mes I gil employes of the F1eh nrailroad served re PT IN WATER. wa shoved in the lake te were arrested and mt and battery as Sa eie In the Dixie aL. M elloe reports, Patrol Mtempted to arrest 32 Dveilma street, on I with Louis Beh Crtes street, when the ofCieer into the aPetrlman Bernard,1 ate arrested Loeal FIRL ilght, about eleven tatIlly destroyed a- one Tihml em the Lower1 idle which is owned was formerly occupled Sthat h time was aun . SW valued at $2St500. m Mravl of the city fire 1 'he eagiee from the ssmeded and ghve posble. R ataOKEN. ai, at the play-, sh IUnls, aged 17 MI Se 8uita street. , swimlg rL a and I da m moeeos toern s tag that bhe neck' PARTY. ~ th , house eo sat. nteem of ten covers grttily decorated' Stas, Games 1. Sgood time was r a& ate burn ats aeen isba. s (s rthe (I··C -· reet~ Weddings of New Orleans Folks WEST SIDE )OUPLES WHO EN. TERED THE STATE OF MAT RIMONY DURING WEKEL BRAUNINGER-McGARRY. A pretty social event of the past week was the marriage of Miss Caroline Henrietta Brauninger. charm ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Brauninger and Samuel T. McGarry, which was solemnised at the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church Wednes day evening, June 21. Rev. W. H. Hal ner officiated. The church was beautifully deco-. rated with palms, ferns, flowers andi large bows of tulle. As the bridal party entered the march from Lo hengrin was played, while soft music was rendered by Mrs. McCauley. During the signing Miss Irma Rea gan sang "A Perfect Day." The mar, h from Tannhauser was given as strecessional. t'l bride's attendants were: Miss Thelmna Clasen and Miss Velma BIr . The bride was dressed in a goat of white satin and lace with - pearl trimmings. Her veil of illusion was arranged in cap effect and caught to the hair with pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lillies of the valiey. She wore a pair of diamond earrings set in platinum a gift of the groom Miss Clasen ,as maid of honor, wore a beautiful gown of orchid crepe de chine. She wore a wreath of silver C leaves in her hair and carried a bou- h quet of sun-burst roses. ar Miss Borne, as bride's-maid, wore Ia a gown of orchid crepe de chine and ar gold spanish lace. In her hair she qt wore a band of pearls and carried a b shower bouquet of sun-burst roses. Miss Salome Hildebrand, cousin of the bride, was flower-girl and M ring bearer. She wore a pretty frock ai of white lace and ribbon. She car- M ried a basket of pink and white car nations and the wedding rings hung by from the handle of the basket. mi Miss Irma Brauninger, a sister of the bride, and Miss Edith Hilde- fi brand, a cousin, acted as train-bearers. wI Both wore dresses of white lace NE over pink satin, with pink rose-bud M trimmings. Ra C. Dunbar acted as best man to the groom and Alvin Berthaut as fri groom's-man. The ushers were ta Messrs. J. Forrestiere, K. Sancton, H. Albrisse and N. Towner. All wore si white suits. in -m oa was held at. the home tne tb Mr. and Mrs. Meiarry. 4 who the recipients of many beauti tld presents will spend their honey- he moon ia Chicago and New York. be UMBACH-FORTIER. The wedding of Miss Claire Marie ! Fortier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ar Frank J. Fortier, to Mr. Robert Mer via Umbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Umbach, was solemnised Wed- Cl nesday, Jane 21, at 8 o'clock at a Ti high nuptshl mass at 8t. Anthony's Church, Canal and Olympia streets. atI Mr. Umbach had as his best man Cc his brother, Mr. Willie Umbach. The co groomsmen were Messrs. Walter Ryan, Harry Lecourt and Gus Barret. The ushers were Messrs. Mike Don nor and Aubrey Galiennle. The bride was given away. by her father. Her attendants were her sister, Miss Marie Fortier as maid of honor, and of her bridesmaids were Misses Grace Cox, Helen Oldham and Agnes Skeen. an Little Cecil McCullum was flower girl. Durlag the registration the Ave Maria was beautifully rendered by sa Mr. Aubrey Galennue. After the cere- th mony a breakfut was served. The young couple left after the breakfaut e for an extended honeymoon trip, and will be home after October, with the o bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank do 1. Fortier, 2422 Octavia strbet. LOW--SHOREY. he A quilet but pretty wedding of the sy week was that of Miss Mae Theresa i Lowe, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. Lowe, to Mr. Albert Shorey, which was pE celebrated Thurday, June 22 at a, nuptal mass at the Church of the y Holy Name of MarYl, evr. hth Cotter, 8. M., emulati ng. The bride woe a Owa w white M crepe-de-chine with hat of the smei and carried a beuet of brM's reosa Miss Mude Ale, mai ot bencr, wore a gown of the same wth hat to he match and carried a boqaet of white The groom had uas his best man. Mr. James Lorwe After the ceresmny, a breakat was served at the home of the bride. Tbhe tyag ceeple, who received many an beautifful presents, left the same moranig er Bmy St. Leols te end Wle heir heespetn-s ThIO wvI he at home to their many friends at 4 Opemnas Awe. SMIT -MUHULE. Mis ert. L Smith, dY t daugh- i r ot Mr. and Us. Chos. m. Smith of Agisms r au marrenad r Judge rI Matt en Uaturda Jn 34, 1122, at wa :U p. u., to Ma. W am Male oel ~ w Odes. The M ar khwe ure eesoh cometanoc. Relda at the re ~ geem wom gr, eMt to wit am the essemery. An aut rdatem e s ab am to - S. home ct the bride's SMis, ha rear ct the Naval Utatle., after whic .n 0s nal a-Senmr m qsn. , Y w s l at hmett h TMAHSwYUgn4 alttY p Rift in The Clouci 0 h4 Ifr ~· if g T / A SI -ýý ki AV7OCA1r h~SE.vr d Methodist Church Notes he Rev. C .C. Wier, Pastor. Residence et Olivier, Phone Alg 188. m re Last Sunday was one of the most le delightful days we have had in our r Church for a long time. The choirs n- had worked thoroughly on the music ano it gave good results and the e large congregations at both services id appreciated it fully. By special re e quest, Mrs. John Redman sang a a beautiful solo at the morning hour. In addition to this there were two In beautiful anthems. At night, the id Mispah Choir had two pretty anthems k and a beautiful duet by Dr. Fay and - Mrs. Kerr. Everyone is appreciating the efforts that are being put forth by our singers to give us this good music. of During Mr. E. E. Cayard's absence . from the Sunday School, his place 1 . was filled by Mr. H. W. Rickey. Miss :e Emnia George is visiting her sister, id Mrs. Garrett Lynch, in Clear Creek, Rapides Parish. to Mr. Wm. Wolverton has returned is from Boyce, greatly benefited from re taking the hot baths at that place. . Mrs. S. M. Cafiero, who has been r sick for a few days is now convalesc- t ing at her home. 345 Homer street. S Miss Thelma tyard, President of ** -. pmarth Leasgq, ad the Cabs Inet lneetiag of that body, meet with y' her at her home. 241 Olivier street. The Junior Epworth League Is being congratulated upon being ont the honor roll of the state. Miss eBertha Albrisse and Mrs. L. T. Dunn are the Supertatendents of this de partment. Mrs. Kerr entertained the Mispah d Choir at her home 535 Olivier street, Tuesday night. Mrs. Katie Rhoades, 427 Bermuda street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. n Colomb, in Shreveport. She was ac companied by Mrs. A. L. Maruchall r and little Rhoades MarachalL Mr. T. J. Entwisle has returned from making an Eastern trip for his I firm, the Southern Cotton Oil Co. He reports a great trip. Mrs. M. Turner and little Margaret, of 541 Bonny street, spent several days last week as the guest of Capt. and Mrs. H. J. Thompson, 1610 Car r- rolton avaenue. Mrs. Harry J. Thompsop, 1610 Car rollton avenue, gaWe a Parcel Post sale at her home last Thursday, for the benefit of the Carrollton Sunday School building fund. The returns were very gratifying. News has reached us of the death of Mr. Julius Biro, whose unexpected death occurred in New York City, on June 18, after a delicate surgical operation. Mr. Bino at one time lived here and had many friends, who will 1e sympathise with his widow who was mlMie Vallie Jacobs of New Iberia, a sister of, Mrs. W. B. Warren of 607 SPelican avenue. To the mourners we a extend our prayers and Christian t - sympathy, w After several weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. M. 8. Kerr, 655 Olivier, SMrs. A. R. Dres and her little Sisanghter, Margaret, have returned to their home in Red Oak, Iowa. Miss Thelma Bankeman is visitin t het relatives in Houma, I4. e Miss Lyella Planders has returned from a fine visit to friends over the Sriver It ANNOUNCMMENTS a. ervices next Su at 11 a. m., g and 7:45 p. m. e This is our Communion day and d we hope to have many eommunicants. B *t 3tAUTIl L DOLL. Miss Velma lakbd is the prud psmeer of the benutifu Il that h Swasr disposed of , esnautin with hthe hne hI gisven f r the benefit e the naew parochial school. Velma : -was ee at o e eeftr and war sneessefal In btmlang be SMae. PENNY PARTY. A Q m7 peart wU he gve at IN e sildA the n t aM the Yhs Isa aeheel, Saturdar, sthe ma adeld. Thme 41 dlbs dmeg | - uL'";, /' ;, -Z--. -. '-WA. teal the lii Ices b re Lai Sa - th ur. BIRTHS. T two Jc the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Maxmillian h ims Comeaux of Oakdale,-a girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Touhy of ng 548 Olivier Street--a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. Marcour N (nee Velda LeBlanc) of Opelousas aF avenue---a girl. di nce Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Bullard of ace 1010 Teche Street-a boy. to ter, P , ttlors From_ The Peopl0e ned om 0. D. A. MAN SAYS, "NO BOOKS." F' ce. One day last week, a member of m Dsc- the Morality League called at the City o L Hall to examine the city ordinance R prohibiting Indecent dancing. . What do you suppose the gentle. rih so told him? -Why w have no at. books in which the city ordinances are printed, because we would have alto have a book as large as the city hall. as The League members replied, you H de- mean to tell me you have'nt a book 2' where the city ordinances are rec- H pah orded as they are passed? The sup et, posed to be public servant "Yeplied, "No Sir." Wda We should certainly feel proud of Ir. our present administration, our mem ae- ber remarked, as he walked from the hall O. D. A. palace. MORALITY LEAGUE. ned his ST. MARGARET'S DAUGHTERS He TO LEAVE MONDAY FOR BAY ST. LOUIS. ret, Mrs. H. M. Vallette, president of the J. H. Blenk Memorial, volunteered her services for the summer, to take the various groups of mothers and children to the home. She will be for assisted with the first group, lear ing Monday, by a committee consist- la ing of Mrs. M. Kuadert, Miss Alfreda ere Voegtlin and Mrs. L. Yalets. ath a ted GRADUATED AT CHATAWA. , Miss Evelyn Peterson was one of' the graduates from St. Mary of the tin Pine Coarent at Chatawa, Miss., last week. Miss Peterson finished the college preparatory course. She took 607 a prominent part at the commence ment exercises, having played In an three piano duets and four solos. She also danced in several aesthetic her sketches. fer, at te EXCLUSIVE CLUB. da l to M The regular business meetling of e lag the Exclusive Club was held on Tuesday nlght at the home of Miss ai aed Mrgaret Sarbeck of Dermuda street. pc the The Club is going to give a water- ff melon party oe Saturday night, July p1 1, 1938, at the corner at Elmira p m., avenue and Homer streets. In The naet big event of the Club will a da a tackle party whlah will be hell PI .ts. n July 8, at the home o MiW Martha ha Pont. There will be a special meetting osf the Club on Thtedsy night to dli. _ herther pans ar mr water-l Smelon party. The meeting will be ch hebd at the home a Miss Aldean wI ith oaeo., on aira savenare. All s m embu are rqsted to be present - "" The Club Is rmealvin more ap ,t ram w.e Ar the meeting dancing vt ewas Inded i sad raeeshmentas erre served ia mhemsse. pa These who meat a siam~ble eve. g al ware: M es A. lear, . be I3s LeBZ A. abhmos Y.ui. a . a .m , Q. LeMme, L Maet, D. l . Assre, adfau at W. Peas. Wae E. aas, . Klng,i K . as s, 3. aIm ls, P. alsery,. h aw. , t , e. aLr, . I slo~ a Jeaa; ases 4 w r. Church of the Holy I' Name of Mary Very Rev. H. de La Chapelle, S. M.. is at Holy Cross College, preaching the annual retreat for the priests of the diocese of New Orleans. He will leave July 1. for San Francisco. Rev. Joseph Guibert, S. M., of Pau lina, La., spent a few days with us before leaving for Washington, D. C. I Last week Father Guibert celebrated t the 25th anniversary of his ordination. 1 The celebration took place at St. Joseph's Church, Paulina, at which 1 number of clergy were present. of Rev. Wm. A. Folse, S. M., is spend ing the summer with his relatives in New Orleans. He will receive his i appointment for duty in August. Father Folse's first mass last Sun oday was an impressive ceremony. Father de La Chapelle In his sermon, touched the hearts of the young priest's family, and brought forth tears of sorrow and of joy to the eyes S of many, when he spoke of the sac rifices and of the dignity of the priesthood . After the Mass Father t." Folse imparted his blessing to the of members of the congregation. The ty officers of the Mass were as follows: Rev. J. Roman, S. M., Arch-priest; Rev. J. Duane, S. M., Deacon; Rev. L P. MeOath. S. M , ater t Ceremonles At the ditser given in Father Poise's honor there were twelve priests preset I ity BAPTISMS. I June Marie, daughter of Hugh E. I ou Humphrey and Frederica Stansbury of - ok 297 Pelican Avenue. Sponsors, Alton s9* Humphrey and Miss Gertrude Finley. Margaret Claire, daughter of James ýd Brown and Clara Ritt of 925 Homer Street. Sponsors, Nolan LeBlanc and of Viola Bonvillian. m he Mount Olivet Church E. Pellean Ave. at Olivier St. Rev. 8 L. Vail, Aeting Priest, in Charge. t Phone: Office Jackson 1215; Residence, 2W. he The order of services on next Sun- I ed day, July 2. will be as follows: f te 9 a. m., Holy Communion (Choral). I 9:45 a. m., Church School. I be 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer and t .v- Sermon. Sermon Topic, "The Ever- c lt- lastin Arms." Deut 33-27.. Ia An appropriate patriotic service I will be held on the Sunday evening s before the Fourth of July. Suitable a familiar hymns such as "America," t "Lord, God, we worship Thee" etc. , of will be sung in order that the people I he I In the Pews may take their due part j at in the Church worship. I he t CHILD KILLED BY AUTO. E l- Christine Alford, aged 3 years, 920 i Ie BellevlHe street, died shortly after 5 :c p. m., in the office of Dr. J. E. Pol. lock, Olivier street and Opelousas avenue, from injuries suffered when she was run down by an automobile driven, according to the police, by Mrs. Catherine Simmons, aged 20. of reaiding at 143 Alex street. sa The accident occurred at Opelousas s avenue and Verret street. It is re st. ported that the child suddenly ran t r- fflm the sldewalk, where she was l SI playing into the street, directly in the ra path of the automobile. Police are ( Investigating the accident ll An examination conducted by Dr. c d Pellek. showed that the baby's skull y ia had been fractured. d of' CHIEp CLERK I8 JAILED. - i Mr. Leils Munsterman, the mayor's a s chief clerk, has demostrated recentFly. I n withoet a doubt, that yes must not a !i(rmile the police. It doesna't make t any diference what position yaou hold, - p whether state or city, yu must not g i ersile the pollee. Not even the new _ to alrers subded the passion of the i patroman who told Ldea he mwst - Sgo with him. So Mr. Mastermaa b L became a full fledged citisen the other . edy when hoe Inded behld the bars . fur lob~ tg the trume ue sad Ie id fi ols Iidelda by wMissM. l Ih a myr iiemis syapathims wiS him lsa rs M eeat ecs Euse eaa me t L amanain eml to Seeg b, gimes i rl fur ,SA ises be Wto Iattb 'r 1bthea bler , Personal Mention KepperNot ToTestifyln And General News U.S. Lumber Graft Probe SHORT ITEMS CONCERNING WEST SIDE PEOPLE. ht Mrs. H. L. Wallace and children, te left for Lockport to Join her husband cc after spending awhile in Algiers with 1c1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Van derlinden. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Worrell have taken up their residence on Adams and Sycamore streetsb where they "" will be pleased to see their many tr friends on Wednesdays and Fridays. Miss Carmen Malbrough and Mrs. Jno. Morvant are spending awhile at C Bay St. Louis. Miss Florence Parr spent the week end in the city with friends. The Once a Month Euchre Club al met at the home of Mrs. F. Yuratich. c'r The successful players were: Mrs. R. tli Staples. Mrs. F. Yuratich, Mrs. E. J. n, Mothe and Miss C. Richards. Thei consolation was won by Mrs. Wat- I kins. The next meeting will be at s the home of Mrs. Watkins. jw Mrs. C. V. Kraft entertained the Pr Thursday Afternoon Euchre Club at si I its annual meeting last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Green left Sunday for a week's vacation on the dt Gulf Coast. td Messrs. Eldred and Streuby Drumm bt )land Francis Sadler have returned ca 11 from a week's stay in Biloxi. Miss. co Miss Marion Thompson left last lei . week for Camp Nakanawa, Tenn. is Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Hoke and pa Mrs. Chas. Voght are spending fift- co d teen days in Hansboro, Miss., the tut n. guests of Mr. and Mrs. DeMayer. to t. Mrs. T. J. Entwistle and little tic h daughter Helen, have returned from hi :e Glyn, La. th Mrs. McK. Vezien and daughter T Clarence and Miss Geo. Baker left N n yesterday for Alexandria, to visit Mrs. Fred Pefferkorn. hi Mrs. L. W. Broussard entertained n' a number of friends at her home, 42 m Slidell Avenue, in honor of Miss Mae fr BLowe. a bride of the past week. Mr. Edgar Cayard and sister Miss h Thelma have returned from a trip to r ! Mansfield, and to Shreveport. a -' On Tuesday evening Mrs. Kerr of at S6535 Olivier street, entertained the at r members of the Mispah Choir of the CC e Methodist Church. fr Thos. J. Entwistle is home after an extensive business trip through P 1 the north and east. H V. Mis Thelma Bhskeman is visiting sa relatives Ir Heama, La. at SAfter a iga Visit to her sislter, Mrs. cU re M. IL Kerr of Olivier street, Mrs. A. tr R. Breese and little daughter Mar. I garet have returned to their home in a 1. Red Oak, Iowa. fw in (Continued on page 3) H 7. tit I Trinity Evangelical O id Lutheran Church i th Corner Olivier and MI _ I th W. H. Rater, Paster, a livi t. Phou s Alges, 4. i Due to the absence of the pastor of the Trinity Church notes failed to Ni appear in these columns. Jt The pastor wishes to extend his M hearty thanks to all who have so TI 1- kindly sympathized with him and his La family in their recent bereavement. ye ). Especially would he thank the Help- br Ing Hand Circle in the name of the vii d bereaved family for the pretty floral fij - ctfferfng. sal The 41st Anniversary of our Beth- M, e lehem Orphan Asylum will be ob- S g served by special services on Sunday th e afternoon, July 9. The Rev. M. Le- TI C ron will deliver the sermon and the wi , superintendent of the home the Rev. m e M. W. H. Holls will speak on the sub. m S*ject of Orpham Homes. Everybody is heartily invited to attend this f- e tival. After the conclusion of the fo services supper will be served at if reasonable prices. The Ladies' Auxil- to Siary is sending out a plea for volan- In 5 teers. Ten Ladies are desired from vi .1 Trinity. Who is willing to help along Al 'ain this work? Two ladles have al- a a ready expressed their willingness to di le serve. Volunteers may give their j, 7 names to Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Van * derlinden or to the pastor. Retresh. meuts will also be served. Fancy 5 work is also desired. Anyone who S is able to do some fancy work for n this booth will be helping the orphans a by doing it. Ai e The envelopes for the Analversry Ni SOffering are ready for distribation.Isi Take one aloatg the next time you at ri. come to chubarch. Also tphe see for th II you friend or neighbor who has not attended clurch lately. You may w drop the envelope in oar collection ce plates at any time. Re We have noticed that the atted- s sance at Sunday Sehool is not what r*It should be. That may be partly due a t to vacation trips, but to a great e-. p Steat it may ai be du to egiset. IK i Let a ll remember eor Sunday D t8School ad attend reulart·y. _ rI Especially the teawbers sheld be - s faithtful If you camaet be there a r. t self secure a substitute. - We must N h bave a fl teachaing force or oarp U work wfL be hampered. - SThe attidmace at ehaeh ervises 8o clcould aio be better. Dau't let the ,e heat keep you tram attued or I services. OW shee is .ee at sa iar W ab ltafse Doa't s a UIs - -- . .Qrm 1....... 1*: James A. Kepper. cashier of the HI hernia bank, has beon excused from en, testifying in the case of the Phillips ind company and the Stepllens company, ith charged by the United States attorney an- general with profiteering in lumber contracts. Kepper had been served ue with a subpoena, but stated that m, ey neither he nor his bank had had any iny transactions with the indlvidutal in 3s. olved. at CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING. ek Judge Nicholas E. Humphrey, after lub all his experience as judge of the Lh. criminal court, said Thursday night R. that he had thought women could not I-rep secrets, but the party in 'he honor of the twenty-fifth anniver at sary of his and Humphrey's wedding was such a complete sur the prise to him that he had to admit at silver wedding parties were unlike murder in that they will not "out." eft Miss Rita and Alton Humphrey he decided on a fitting celebration for their parentf weddiig aniversaryi Im but they knew they could never ed carry out their plans without the co-operation of the mother, so they .st let her in on the secret. It's one tiling to arrange a surprise nd party for a man that stays in the fif- court room all day, but it is an en he t'rely different matter to arrange one for a man that is home on his vaca tIe tion. As Judge Humphrey is on 3m his vacation, he was very much in the way of party preparations, but ter Thursday he ventured away from eft his home In Algiers and went to New Orleans. Mrs. Humphrey met him there, accompanied him to a fed show, and by other means of amuse 42 ment contrived to keep him away fue from home until 8:30 or later, but she had some work doing it. las When the "bride and groom" to reached their home, 818 Opelousas avenue they found electric lights of strung from the gallery to the gate the and a houseful of guests-old friends, the court members, policemen and new friends. ter Musical numbers, echoes of the igh Policemen's minstrels, gave Judge Humphrey time to recover flem his lag surprise, thean Arthur C-marbunst, assistant district atterney for the 1, criminal omart, la behalf at maru A. friends of the couple, made the An speech of presentation that went with in a large chest of silver: There was a shower of rice, and - with rice caught in his hair, Judge Humphrey responded. He referred to the long time he has known many of the guests, for the last day of this month he would have been in Al glers, thirty years, and during all those years has lived in the house that was the scene of the silver wedding celebration. Besides the chest of silver, many other silver 6 gifts were received by the couple. Miss Josephine LeBoeuf, daughter tor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. LeBouet, and to Nicholas E. Humphrey were married June 22, 1897, in Holy Name of Is Mary Church, by Father Dempsey. so The bride, who was born in Houma, his La, had lived in Algiers several at years before her marriage and the Ip- bridegroom, who Is a native of Louias he ville, Ky., had lived in Algiers about al five years. Miss Bessie LeBonet, sister at the bride, now Mrs. I. th Martines of this city, and Edward b Seymour, formerly of Aligers, were Ay the attendants at this quiet wedding. .e- The Tennessee Centennial Exposition he was going on In Nashville the sum iv. mer of the wedding, so the honey. b moon trail led to Nashville. i Seven of Judge and Mrs. Humph srey's eight children were with them he for the celebration of their twenty t fifth wedding anniversary. Miss s - telle, the second daughter, is visit n- ing relatives of her father in Lol-uis. rm ville. The others are Miss RIta, Hugh, ' Alton, Julian, Edith, Lawrence and al- Lorraine. The couple has one grand to daughter, their son Hugh's daughter, eir June Marie, who was born June 16. --Daily States. iy MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. 'he as On Monday night, the Ladles Auxailiary, Sunset Lodge 108 gave MiS try Norita Fernandes a miscellaneoma sn. shower at her home on Vallette on street. The house was decorated far lr the occasioe. tot Miss Fernandes whose marriage sY was held on Wednesday morusug, r. on celived many handsome presents Refreshments were servd in abuan se- acme, and dancing was indulged ina, it Those who speat a pleasant ov no slig were : Mesdames C. Willis, V. SPeelacins, Heandel A. Laggerd, M. Kenner, B. Sehelb, L. Wemley, C. SDemos, A. Wlegman, . A aIaeh, B. Gold, J. Wlegmansa, J~o. Moet, b d. Memosey, P. Hebut, M. Cabealol, l. W egman, A. Owens, A. Wluegman, at Mr. and Mru. Fermandos, Msse N. tPeati, M. akemas, U. W bM, U. irw. Meemm. Frnanae, W. J. SBaew, and many others. ha la Mrs OMhbe A.nzr1a,@W , ., a I. tended the mYWIIr m. am - ~ "..R ~ ~U .'.L