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PAGES THE HERALD. Devoted to the Upballding of the Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newfpaper.''-- ANUFACTU1t'iIs ItE(tI). _, ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922. No. 12 Citizens, Take Notice ! Oe Truth, and Facts About the Present Railroad Strike lgSTThe strike, a unanimous one for all practical pur as called primarily because of discrimintations and be ecaracy in industries has been attacked. pOND One of our reasons, overtime for Sunday and or, was taken from us nearly a year ago--a condition labor for more than a generation-then abolished at the outocratic capital over the advice and protest of ministers age presidents, and over the most earnest protest of labor, S ditions possible under which labor can be worked cn at pro rata rate, allowing labor no protection for Sor recreation. iZRD.-.Another reason: Many of the railroads have ar se aside decisions of the United States Railroad Labor which were not ALL favorable to the companies, and defied lbo Board on many decisions more favorable to the em yet they have not been called in account for such viola We ask for justice to both sides. We have always obeyed the mandates of the Labor Board at last their decisions of wage reductions and some - working conditions have become unreasonable, and To submit to them would be submitting to slow and peonage in the shops. Now that we have resented _rages against us. we have been branded by certain mem the Labor Board as outlaws. We ask you, good citizens. o. the railroad executives not "outlawed" when they have flouted and defied the Board for the past several p0RTH--Democracy in industry, a doctrine endorsed by -ational political party. by the Federated Church Councils ca. and by every public man and loyal woman of America, riaL. It deserves to stand and we are for it. And there are of other good reasons wh.y we are on strike, too numerous soa here and unknown to the public. S citizens of New Orleans, this is your home; it is our * well. It is our desire to keep our home town one among wt in America. We desire to raise our children to be good but we could not do this if we were to submit to the out ,onditions the Labor Board is trying to impose upon us. a God-fearing, law-abiding citizens, trying to better our and conditions of our community. We are not of *it type or class of men that have no respect for their or country as the railroad is now trying to force yea citizenship under armed guards to take our places in tes. We are men that stand for Godliness and manliness fame town, and we feel that you are for the same,-to keep oa clean of abject and immoral characters. Signed. FEDERATED SHOP CRAFTS OF NEW ORLEANS. NITO PARADE IN ALGIERS. A Will Initiate Class Into rday, N ght o the Dramatic Order of d Khorassan Saturday eeaduct a large class of the order, the ceremonial i' at the Pythian Hall in street. beand of Loolo Tern hr the direction of Harry sad the drill team of the wE bead a parade of knights Bt street of New Orleans. oeeaert has been pre IF ah bead. IAISS ARE DISMISSED. Chares Strike Officers Threatened Him elecers Harris and Livau gIsed by the Southern Pa eld to guard the shops in Wie dismissed from duty last hea Sergeant Herman S. I charge of the police strike Ik Algers, reported the two e vlled shotguns at a ba t1Uat peddler, the police said, ti sell bmnanas to the offti ROCKEFELLER TODAY ilht man in the world poses for this special picture at 83 ... ..... RQ efeller attVded church at Tarrytown, N. Y. on Sunday aid birthday. July 8. He made it the occasion to do his Seven though it caused him to break a rule of long . sot posing for pictures. He bargained with newspaper to pose for this special picture if they would attend it is health, not wealth, that now interests the retired, UMBACH SAYS MURPHY PLAN OF BLOCK PAVING IS NOT ADVISABLE AT THIS TIME.I Commissioner Murphy's program for funds to complete the city's paving project received a setback when Henry M. Umbach, president of the[ parish board of assessors, declared it would be "foolish" to inaugurate the lot and block plan of assessment at this time. It was through this plan that Commissioner Murphy hoped to obtain funds to complete the 192.3 paving. Commissioner Murphy previously had stated that unless some new plans were adopted the city would be able to complete only one-third of the projects being considered. Mr. Umbach added that he believes the lot and block plan unfair to tax payers because it taxes equally prop erty of greater and less value. Com missioner Murphy and Mr. Umbach will confer next week with the hope of finding some way of financing the paving work. FOUR CANDIDATES QUALIFY. Four candidates have qualified for member of the First Congressional District, to represent the Fifteenth Ward. H. N. Umbach and John F Moynagh. of the Regulars, and enry Acker and John E. Collins, of the New Regulars, filed their papers at Baton Rouge. No Joy Riding on his Side of the Fence COAL cqTIKE! K. a ý S QOs " ":.' . -Jr 1 (3/ -p 7y O ~ o l - 't V C SAILOR FOUND HURT Pt IN RAILROAD YARD • SFrank Wilkinson. :1n years o!r . of New York. a sailor on the 'tatushin Hurlinigton. mIoored at the .l-ffersoli dry tdotks on the Algiers side oef the Nt. ri r". was foulndl last night uncon-ll ,,ions in the railroad yards at Mt- :'\ I)onoghville. iHe was sent to Charity ti, H ospital by l'olice Captain James . Dinliitry and Acting Corporal Timothy (I' Valuntin.t. DIoctors said lie was suf- liit f-ring frant a slight fracture of tlie a skull, cuts about the body and a Inashed finger. dat Wilkinson told the police he left for his vessel for a stroll and. taking the : wrong turning, went up toward Mc- ITh I)onoghville instead of back to the wet. ship. Then he found himself in a fir railroad yard. ti I That's all he relntntembers. says Wil-. kinson. beyond a faint recollection of thi a sudden blow from behind. At his wi side. when hte was discovered by the .1i Ipolice. lay a brick. Wilkinson returned to his vessel rafter his injuries had been attended to at the hospital. He had not bet frt drinking, according to the police. Ill I tsi lie ps ! Ic - 6 BIRTHS. st le Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emile Zat- ft arain of 328 Pelican Avenue-a boy. vi Born to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Perez (nee Mary Tingstrom) of 927.Atlantic S mr Avenue-a girl. al Born to Mr. and Mrs. Barrosse of a h 1914 Nelson Street-a boy. ad Born to Mr .and Mrs. J. ,ala of f of 927 Opelousas Avenue-a boy. rs Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dosher of Belleville street-a girl. e Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gallinghouse of Lower Coast-a boy. I --- :t MRS. GERARD AND DAUGHTER BEING ENTERTAINED. The following was clipped from] the El Paso Herald: Mrs. A. J. Gerard and daughter. Miss Audrey Gerard. of New Orleans who have been visiting Mrs. Ger ard's nephew, E. M. Brinckman andl family, will leave for an extended trip through the north and northwest during the latteg part of this month and in honor of Miss Audrey. Miss Lana Brinkman gave a fan tan party. Prizes were awarded to Miss June Pfleger and John Eular. The Brink man residence was transformed for the occasion into an Oriental setting and profusely decorated. During tha evening the guests were Initiated in to mysteries of ancient China. This was the first of a series of social affairs which will be given for Mrs. Gerard and her daughter, prl r to their departure. DANCES GIVEN BY STRIKERS BIG $UCCESS. Algiers shopmen on strike gave a series of dances on Saturday and Sunday nights in the Druids' Palm Garden, for the benefit of their law fund. The money is to be used in defraying court cases and expenses incidental to the trial of the thirteen men held in connection with the shooting near the Southern Pacifle shops last week, as well as other court cases. Music was furnished by Boehler's Band. J. Singer headed the committee In charge as chairman, with J. J. Parr sad C. E. Linchks. vicechairma; P. J. Euel. eaP-d Flido; sad L. L. LeBlae, sert. Personal Mention MI And General News SHORT ITEMS CO)NCERNING T HWEST SIDE PIEOPLE. I1,1 -- indt Mis ( Inue 1)i"ru leaves to-day for hay N-w York to visit her sister. MCi Mr.. It. I. BIlake-man and children I.f 1:i .e return-ed fromt a visit to rela- Ie ti in (Crowley. Str \lisss Framncs IlaKggerty and ('lair. It ('assidy returnedlll af(qer spending :1t o Imonthl in (;.orgia. \'i Mrs. ii. 1). French and son Be.hrr- il lian. Itlft last week for California. ir Mr. and Mrs. Ge;o Hlerbe-rt and cdaughter .Miss Euge-nia left Sunday is for biloxi. to spetlnd two weeks. tal Mrs. -. .1. Lewis entertained the Tl'hursday Afternccoon Etuchre Club last ha wee-k. The- stuccess'flll players wer " . Mrs. F'. Gheel. Mrs. G;. W. Pollock -chi (playing for Mrs. A. Graf) and Mrs. I11e I'. J Lewis. Mrs.. . Atmuedo received list th lie conlsolation. The next mleeting "i will be- at the hotne of Mrs. E. J. Mothe. Misses Fannie Goff and Ethel An- SE d.lrson left last Saturday for a two, weeks stay at Bay St Louis. Mr. J. Byrns Anderson has returned fromnt a two weeks vacation spent in Ei Baton Rouge. teg Miss Mary Gorden show,.-d speed ill when she won the. girls 50-yard dash Ii in thei contest heeld Saturday after-!i noon at Audubon Park. }t Miss Florence Richards spent Suin day at McC(omb City. Mrs. J. O. Stewart and Miss BHes asie Pyle have returned after spend-'e ing two weeks in Shreveport. I Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Vail left last It week for Sewanee. Tenn. The Young Folks Social and i IPleasure Club will give a p.enny Ii party Friday. July 2Sth. at 606 Op, lousas avenue. Doors will open at' 6: 0 p. m. i Mrs. Arthur Guepert of 210 Verret street has returned after spending a - few dlays in Gibson and in Napoleon yville. A The many friends of little Helen: Sease will be pleased to know thatI she- has recovered after undergoing a an operation for the removal of I, tonsils and adenoids. i Miss Hyacinth Munts returned hornt I fronm Iay St. Louis. where she spe't h two weeks. h Mr r. Herbert Buras spent the week end at Bay Adams. e The many friends of Miss Mary L.ouise Foster will regret to learn i that she was compelled to undergo i tan operation for appendicitie Satur Sday at Hotel Dieu. Mr. Merritt Murtagh has returned, from a two weeks visit at Shreveport, rLa. Master Raymond Buras, Is backi r,. after a visit to relatives at Empire,l} saLa. r- , Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Killeen and son Ad IJames and Mrs. M. Glancey motored ýd to Baton Rouge Sunday. They visited at the State House, the Knights of Co-! th nlumbus Home, and the Penitentiary. ssi Miss Lucille Mire, of Thibodaux, is v. spending awhile in Algiers. the guest ne of the Misses Furlong. k- Misses Nellie Herbert and Anna and or Monico Escousse spent Sunday in ag Bay St. Louis, the guest of Mrs. H. SB. Zeringue. In- Miss Mae Brown spent Sunday in Gis Gulfport, Miss. fal Mrs. A. J. Boudreaux. and Master A. re. J. Boudreaux. of Thibodaux, La., are to the guests of the Misses Furlong. Miss Gertrude Finley has returned home after spending awhile in Laf ayette, La. Mrs. McKinley Vezlen and little daughter, Clarisse are home from Alexandria. where they spent a month. a Mrs. Leter Brooks and little daugh ud ter Anna, spent last week in Biloxi, Im Miss. aw Mrs. H. Talbot left Tuesday for in Biloxi, to spend awhile. les Mr. J. W. Adams expects to leave tn Saturday for a short stay in Mobile, the Ala. ie Mrs. E. J. Mothe and children Emile aer and Camille left yesterday for Coy led Ington. led Mrs Lester Brooks entertained the *3, Matrons Club. The succesfual players ks, were Mrs. J. Oerrets, Mrs. J. Owena -- (playing for Mrs . Grai) aud Mrs 7. . Goebel. Mrs. B. Gould (playlag for MORE GIRLS JOIN yoll MORALITY LEAGUE T ,'rliing thl pr 's.nt day tan.ia ah ror tlirhr *'lit ainld unfit for gooed girls to in a indulgie inll. two Iore girls of Algiers awa hay\ came11 forward and joilned lth. fron Morality l..ague. They are,: Viola I.utft of 1I.3 I,-laronde street.l and Ilelin lt'ickstuhl of 111 Delarond, Wig st reetf. In answe.ring ilu,.stion No. 4, what do you think of the prinse dance.l 110 Viola says. Thl, dancing of to-day re- and i:linds meu of the savages that infested bon our land generations ago, In all of dib its hitdeousness the dancing of today is sending on tlhi road of d(lstrulction llanl of our boys and girls in th,, sai redn,-s of childhood. The tinme Lti has t oe l lhen the Mothers and or Ia-rhers who hopes and expect their Cit: chihilrtn to grow to honorable woman- leg hood and manhood lmust rise and stamp this evil. this indecency from pre t1our midst. SMORALITY LEA(GCE. pr in I SERGT. HADLEY SUCCEEDS ow of MOUNEY AT HEADQUARTERS. in d Sergeant Joseph Hadley. of the EYt ighth preciinct police station, was D again on duty Saturday following an I of il illness of several months. Sergeant an hi ladley will till the place left vacant u iy resignation of Night C('ief of De tectives Daniel Mounoy. it was anfo nounInceid. He will keep his rank of sergeant. n t.For years Hladley was with theto ('anal traffic squad, but jtst I ,before his illness had been assigned il to the Algiers station. Sergeant in Iladley was also with the First pre- lel y cinct for a long period and figured th in many important arrests. pr it, re RECEIVES NEWS OF SISTER'S re t DEATH IN GERMANY. VI: at Mrs. F. M. Webert of Vallette and F Alix streets, has the symathy of her Ja nt many friends in the loss of her sister, of t Mrs. Marie Rankewitz inee Schultze) age 65 years. whose death occurred tpa in Germany. on June 29th. Deceased P" died of blood-poisoning. She struck is 'a match and a piece of the sulphur pV t hit the palm of her hand causing a e7 iblister from which blood-poison de- ii k- veloped. Besides Mrs. Webert, she ry is survived by a brother and by her husband and a daughter who resides - .mr in California. BOARD TO REBUILD led LEVEE AT STANTON., rt, - l)etermined to proceed with plans ck for ample levee protection at the re, Stanton Plantation, regardless of whether or not federal aid is ext nd ton ed in the work, the New Orleans Levee red Board authorized President Frank ted C. lymel to advertise immellately o- for bids for a short line levee of y. standard grade and section of ap-I is proximately 165.000 cubic yards. est I and Mrs. T. U. Buchholz) received the in consolation. Mrs. Sam Boylan will H. entertain at the next meeting. Miss Winnie Tillotson of McDon In oghville is visiting in Mandeville. Mrs. N. A. Bourgeois and daughter, i A. Emilie, of Apricot street, will leavel are Sunday night for Cleburne, Texas. for a month's visit to Mr. and Mrs. ed I Frank Knopp. Laf- The many friends of Miss Grace Haley of McDonoghville, La., are glad ttle to know that she is recovering from rom her recent operation. 1th. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Black are nh-I visiting in Covington. oi,' Miss Caroline Tlllotson will join her sister In Mandeville Sunday. for Rev. John M. Foster of Covington, La,. was a visitor In the City this week. ave Miss Gladys Butcher will leave Sat ble, urday afternoon for Mandeville, where she will meet Miss Minnie Til mile lotson. Co- Mrs. B. H. Blakeman and children have returned home from Crowley, the La. yen Miss C. Hymel has returned home renas from North Carolla. fIor (Oastiua d e Pge L.) FERRY COMMITTEE ASKS QUESTIONS OF GITY COUNCIL t,: ,i .r 11;'. :, "r, '! ,. r" b. I', .nn m! t v ritar in t r, 4 . s thi T h ? I lr r u. wi h iI1 t' . ,,t.r \i\ , 't ,.,.1. .t any fta. ' i, . tt ] H I;! ' l, , t, . e n , ,r t: tr , 1. t .l' t y,. aidl i.rtotrs ap' pr, It .,.;i w'.; '. r -, irt, in if sail ft :rys n. t retv'e'fln, 'Ih a t, t: ti1ir owi 11. an! In it ei.h',,i | ,r ,arntl, y,, r ;,i .!.. l.i' Ihtr ;1 (i t.ar1 it a. Lprais"', in l 1.t' '.: ,ai .- I i1 . r - I .r. 1t 1 ' i tI'- .t s , t' .. boats anI ar11111ap t :rntlia t i,1 ' t. ; i ii.. Itr t f:r" l r sv't ' :r . . 'i ! ii t I" l ,,xpiration of ' 1,'.tit" Ii t 'rry " 1 1 11 r fl itt" . i \ i ll ! 11- '- i"o. r' - itt. I11- 1. i l 1 r su:l1 t in1 th' T iss Ii t ytt irt'l ;ll , t i, t t " . i 1 1 f sa1l,: t I int,! i. 'f; saiil .1 . ipit- i.' t i v' hi, 1 .'lt 'you xxtiwiit no longtr pi5s5t' s thi' 1-gal ptonr to i-if-1 IVs transf'r to a E prlt c.ii.v. it1' . l,. th.. 111 pll .ring tlr, h c'iry, as in th,"' icas. of sai, Th'ir l i ntrinrt Fntrryt . ici nplt' lv " in t,' i 1, ' h'nds tIt the prs-.nt ton'tray tors. . You. r ' ni sw\ r It ) atll if ' tl Iur ( . l"!1. 1 ,tt'- ,.l- \rltt l.a :t " 11i 11 lay aI (erti'ity th, in .,, fit, to th,,ir ()%,,t; ii ,. ,j ,.t a ""1r ax iw re ig tin Ii.* vit. ittttlt-r a ottngw-l-Irn mnitIntoIjily. the i'lt ire water p arax he rtl i fr f ther n 'atral ii.velopt n-nt if, iy ,.t v ,tIl nk, dring suclih iteriat o l. lIt other rits. utt ' aIfsll , t v .la l f i ,r tirt~aid. s a bn l you gave ip s a so n which Yt It is' triue titat we' received many assurances from memlers of your E pr .ion, iraltl', ti .y hl.i.ll t husy i lllling the, iling to favr Min nicia l of wnraid Thip Siantr oprationr or the ferries, were it not for the inhibition of the $9r000.000 Yourbond act of 1916. which prevents the City from incirring' any new bonded o.f libIt exciept throlugh the vote of the people oi the entire City as authorized ay by the Legislature. 11 our a ontorale od its l y madl no e ffort, however, either In the Con'ti -iautional Convention of which your honored City Attorney was a member, nd or in several succeedingn sessions o the of aegslature where the present ir City administration also had many friends. to thus secure such enabling in- legislation. nl in the fac of trd is intolerable sityou ation, and realizing that none b t the t Ipresent ontractors may saely hid upon any new lease of these ferry SIprivileges where.under such conditions as stated, there is not embodied in the ordinance an absolute acquiescense on the part of said equipment ownera that they will amicably and promptly transfer said paraphernalia S. in consideration of the ferrstipulated sum, e went beore the recent $9000Le00gis lature, with the purpose of breaking up it possible, this pernicious system. ote We appealed to the State to install and oerate these erries authrough its a! h Dock Board, under which system the large profits which private operators an I of such public utilities seel they are entitled to, would go into extensiont ant and beCity adtterments o the service, under a tario thus based upon the total cost oi ant such installation and operation. D in We had excehllent prospects of winning the aight, but your Honors, an for reasons best known to yourselves, saw fit to oppose this meritorious prmoves with the result that the ferry contractors have again "won out," he temporarily, at least. privilegesst We may remark here that condit would be dle to say ts hat "the Dock in heBoard does not want the ferries" since the members of said board being oant ntelligentr law abiding citizens. they would, no doubt. gladly abide by the prS.- legislature's mand oate. nder the ci rcum tances and n view o the fact lrd thature, withis ommittee must no renort to the people ot Alers syupon the present status of this vital transporation matter, we would respectfully request at the hands ot your Honorable Body, these following pehrucificgh its ormation to ard. underwhich we desire specific answer at your early coopnventence NY. viz: How much do the City's books show as having been paid by the Union and Ferry Company for this Third District Ferry privilege u rom the 1st of her We hJanuary 906. to the date of your Honorable Body's having taken charge ze pany paid to the City since the date oyourselves, saw fits succeeding said ormer corious sed pDany as operators of said Third District Ferry Service? By what authority ruck- s said Bisso Company conducting said service? Why were the boats and she he temporariContnued on age least. WARREN'S COMING HOME uhst We may remark here. that it would be Idle to say that "the Dock ant iellgent, law abiding citizens, they would, no doubt, gladly abide by the pre- legislature's mandate. Under the circumstances and In view of the fact lans t this Commitee must now report to the people of Aler upon the s of1 trequest nd- at the hands of your Honorable Body, the following s Revce prank atelyh we desire specific answer at your early 'e of. How the cDon ghter,of the City's affairs? How much has the Bisso Tow Boat and leave rexas, rs. pany as operator of said d e? By what authorty from :k are i join . ngton, ·· .. week.... le Tili uildren > -owley, )President Harding took a summer vacation trip home to Marion. Ohio this month and here is what happened the day he arrived. Dr home G. T. Harding, father of the president, went out behind the chicken house, performing that well-known execution (as shown here). which meant his boy was to have chicken for dinner-a big "yaller leg" that. west 6ae with mashed potatoes. cream gravy and hot biscuits.