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hibits Ferry Companies from chrging b&'hool children (are during school houru. to the Up m of the Wat SMde et the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUPAC'TIRRS RECORD. But why a ol. XXX ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922. 0IISSIONER MALONEY ANSWERS ONLY FEW IIESTIONS OF ALGIERS FERRY COMMITTEE City Hall, July 27, 1922. - Better Ferry Service Assn. Tro communication addressed to 0 ayor and members of the Com Council under date of July S-, was transmitted by the Mayor * Commission Council in his Sgof July 11th, 1922, and re to me by the Commission well at its session held that date.! some of the matters referred to, ,elved a legal question. I referred ie communication to the City %L S.With reference to the ar fts advanced as to the policy o the ferry system in you should certainly by Stiame be familiar with the policy the Council. as the points have discussed and re-discussed in several conferences that took ain answer to your specific gleoss, I will answer as follows: Questions and Answers sI questions and answers are as SQ.-How much do the city's books as having been paid by the Union Fad company for this third district ops from the 1st of January, UI, to the date of your honorable I havinag taken charge of the d affairs? --The figures furnished me by so partllent of public finances, s uagd division, show that the mad $10,818.91 was paid to the hV of New Orleans. Q.-How much has the Bisso Tow sti sad Ferry Company paid to the diy inee the date of its succeeding ts former company as operators of ll third district service, 1---hl receiving warrants show rit the monies were paid by the am Ferry company. -.-By what authority is the Bisso saises conducting said service. "A.-There is nothing in the offl-t ed rseord to show that this ferry is tg operated by the Bisso company. "--Why were the boats and para. 8temlla of the Canal street ferry qtsm not appraised before the e: hm of its lease on December 31, L--There is no such requirement eranchise, and the city attorney amuc is the Southern 0irrr eonmeaw - to w the city fethe prtvtege u- tlga the present Canal street a hew much has the asaid cor 3Op~al the city since January 1 ,L--The Southern Improvement l arry empsany are continuing the Spids tof this terry under its tran s g nlements with all of Its con which mesan that this corn I l pay to the city of New se a pro at m .. bais of its e,9 " ther questions as you asked Salmrs of opinion." uIle aaay conerenes, we have 1A sal wth al that has been said Stnhe ybct, It seems to me that -.:JLr t by this time understand Sadtml which I have stated to Ssam eroues occasions, as well a pstioml of the council public imesii at various conferences. S this: That the majority Ns Ceaseil does not look with esea mmtelpal ownership and stmeuted me to go ahead with IgImasa of a franchise ordi I had a number of confer hi mrsidents of Algiers, and 1ishr,. ar City isleer S made by youar con hnl proeosed rachni e was kr 14 days and is now be * Omnell subJect to esuch sad amesdments aS would ,e het interests of the city. ih amendingu it can be i the Commdission Council L eummRttee that I woueld hilf itwould preparse a iSlance which It would t* the city to advertse. ermmeat I have not re m it tfranchie ordinance, so 1 m l ·ry that if your com A_ l sad me amendmeats, s at* , and wil recom. Srquest their adoption by to-the proposed fran I-o h has just been It Will be my pleasure to to the Counni for Its I wish to add that tI di of your committee S i the preparation S wil do the very beet - bw seth a frnchise in,. 1uar obodj a Ucompletely DOY CHAMPION FOR 1922 od. is golf mit a 72 " t i. as I know how, those provisions which I believe will be both serviceable and salable. to Yours truly, m- PAUL H. MALONEY. ily Com. of Pub. Utilities. isor e following is taken from the re T.-P. of Sunday, the last paragraph of which will make interesting read te. Ing in connection with the above re to, ply from Commissioner Maloney. ed MALONEY EXPLAINS STAND INI Lt LETTER TO ASSOCIATION sr. IN ALGIERS. cy Commissioner Maloney in a letter in yesterday to the Algiers Association by for Better Ferry Service declared that cy he and all other members of the we commission council are opposed to in municipal ownership of the ferries 3k and that contracts will be let within ic sixty days to the lowest bidding firms of franchises offered by the city. Commissioner Maloney recent ly introduced an ordinance providing as for letting ferry contracts to the most successful bidder. 5s Commissioner Maloney's letter to fn the Algiers association followed a com ct munication ,and protest from that 7, body which desired that the city take Is control of the ferries. Commissioner le Maloney said he did not believe the city could operate an efficient sys ºy tem on a paying basis. A The commissioner informed the as to sociation that the franchise ordinance ie recently drawn was offered in the council only after be had gone over I. t with many leading citizens of Al i giers. He said there will be no change in the franchise, as proposed in the t ordinance unless some worthy sugges tlons are made. The Algiers association's letter to the commission council was received early this month and referred to Commissioner Maloney. The assocla a tion, which for years has been asking municipal ownership of the ferry sys- ai tems, renewed its requests and they were turned down by the council d; Commissioner Maloney in a state. ment yesterday says he cannot under y stand why the association has objec tions to contracting of the ferry busi ness and added that the Algiers body has given no reason why it should not to be let out to individuals and if Y neither had it offered any suggestion d for changes in the franchise ordin- n ance, despite the fact that it has been n pubilshed for fourteen days. d t RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE a S ALGIERS ETTER PERRY b SERVICE COMMITTEE, AUG. 1, 1922 P Whereas: On July 8th, this Com mittee addresed a communication to l' the Honorable Mayor 'and Members T of the Col(mission Council, request- b ing certain ormation pertaining to I the Third strict and Canal Street It ferries, as n as to the City's future P1 policy in the matter of the operat Ing of said municipal ferry systems: Ic and Whereas, on July 27th this Com. M mittee received a letter from the a Honorable Paul H. Maloney, Com missioner of Public Utilties, to whom ls said communication of the 6th tast. had been referred, in which letter said Commissioner, pretending to answer the several specific questions propounded in said communications of July 8th, simply trifled with the entire subject-matter, as seen in the T evasions and omissions, which char acterise this official document; and 1 hereas, as citisens, the members wi of the Algiers Better Service Ferry tic Committee being entitled to the def inite information sought, Be it there. c fore IS Resolved, that the Honorable Conm missioner of Public Utilities be rr. quested to furnaish this Committee N with the following: What company or individual is a operating the Third District Ferry and by what authority, as well uas the d p prod covered by said privilege, the Samount agreed upon for same, to I gether wtth the mount paid in to hc the City, since the present admin. a istration took charge. i SWhat moral right or by what di authority had the Honorable Com missioner of Public Utilities to eox tend from December S1lt, 1921, the t, Sexpired franchise of the Canal Btreet Perry, at the rate fixed for said prl- lei lIege in 1906, which privilege, it is a generally believed, is now worth twice what it was at that time? What sort of an arrangement has Mr. Maloney with said ferry company Sverbal or written and where can y this document be found? Por what (Continued on Page 3) st' Whose Summer Picnic Is This ? ~ 4- - '. j " - VB s w t " % Personal Mention And General News D SHORT ITEMS CONCERNING WEST SIDE PEOPLE. Miss Dorothy Duffy is visiting her p. aunt, Mrs. A. H. Verret. I Mrs. W. J. Burke, Jr., left Wedne-. day night for Texas Miss Katie O'Brien is the guest of Mrs. Frank Skelly in Chicago. Miss Claire Finley left Saturday night to visit friends in Montana. The Jolly Bunch will entertain at five hundded, euchre and lotto Thurs day night, August 3, instead of last night, at the home o( Mrs. Tom Rooo ney. Games will begin at 8 o'clock. Hostesses of the evening are: Mes dames T. Rooney, A. Clark, L. Sierra, IR. Wilson, G. E. Walters, V. W. Cher bonnier, C Lyncker Mrs. A. Oelkers and little daughter Pauline, have returned from Texas. . Orange Grove No. 8, will hold its regular meeting to-night at 7 o'clock. s The Juniors will hold their meeting . before the older Grove. After both meetings, there will be a social meet t Ing. All members are urged to be a present. Mrs. J. E. Smith, formerly Miss lone Lampton left Saturday mornlng for Houston, Tex., her future home. " Mr. Smith left on the 23rd to accept s a position there. Mrs. E. Magreevy sand children are I summering at Long Beach, Miss. Mrs. J. Foley and Miss Euphemie LeBoeuf are guests of Mrs. E. Ma greevy at Long Beach. Miss Elizsabeth Guillot and nephew Floyd, left last week for Houston, Tex., to spend the summer. The many friends of Miss Sydney Olroyd will regret to learn that she was bompelled to undergo an opera tion Sunday for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hauffe sad children are spending awhile in Wave land. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Murtagh and family are spending sometime in Milneburg. SMr. and Mrs. LeBlanc are spending a few weeks at Waveland, Miss. Miss Carmen Malbrough spent a few days in the city the guest of relatives. Miss Marjorie Blakeman entertained a crowd of boys and girls at the home of her aunt on Elmira avenue, last Saturday night in honor of her mother, Mrs. B. H. Blakeman's birth Sday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Autin returned home1 from Lafourche. where they spent two weeks. Miss I. Kevlin and Mrs. A. K. Val lette have returned from Mandeville, after spending a pleasant week, the guests of Mrs. R. T. Younger. (Continued on Page 3.) VETERAN POLICE CLERK RETIRED. Mr. B. L. Anderson of 541 Bonny street, has been retired from the police force after serving for thirty three years as a clerk. He retired Tuesday on half-pay. Mr. Anderson is 64 years old and is among the oldest men in years and in point of service in the de partment. He joined the force as a clerk and leaves it as a clerk of the Eighth Precinct station. He entered the service April 24, 1889. GRAND OFFICERS VISIT LODOL Indivisible rliends Lodge No. 404,. P. & A. M.. held a specidal communi catli last week at the Maalek Hart Puast amiud Mstr W asLr s ad 3. . Deputy Grami se r. indl were seemet eua dpe a areads masn he t m ep ei.s PYTHIANS ENJOY 8GOATS AND CAMELS D. O. K. K. Band Gives Concert and Livens Occasion. Big Night in Algiers. r Last Saturday night the dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan initiated several candidates In the Pythian Hall in Bermuda street. Loolo Temple, which is the name of the local order, brought all of their paraphernalia inclhtding goats, camels and other beasts so as to give t the candidates a falr recollection of S- what took place. It Those who were vested with the )- robes, insignia and other honors were . Thomas A. Heron, Harry M. Taster, - Louis Laufer, J. S. uasil, William J. L. Erickson, A. C. Blasco, John Davies, r George Jordan and Michael Singer. The initiation ceremonies were fol ir lowed by a banquet in the Pythlan hall. a The announcement of the cere L monial was as follows: g After several months of "watchful h waiting" Allah granted the Knights t. of Khorassan one happy day of e normalcy. There were many weary pilgrims roaming over the Desert of Louisiana, subsisting on "onion's cray fish, and buttermilk," and who were desirous to become followers of the Prophet. Lest they commit much de predation, it is our duty to have them corraled ,therefore it was de creed. When the muezzin chanted his weird call for Saturday evening de votings, the Knights assembled on the 4th floor, Dr. Fllnn's Dental Par r lors, Canal and Royal Streets, at 7:25 for the purpose of forming the car avan, which left the villane of New º Orleans, for the Oasis of Algiers, Lou isiana, the big burg across the father of waters, and there in the Pythian Castle Hall, were conducted the tyres over there which leads to the abode of everlasting youth. The Pee-rade started from Canal and Royal promptly at 7:30 p. m., In the following formation: D. O. K. K., Band. votaries, tyres, camel trainers, tiger-trainers and attendants; aided abetted by the R. A. C., fireworks, fog-horns, tin-cans and 77777 cotties. The royal beasts were gnawing their teeth in keen anticipation of the feast and the sands were super heated. * The domes of every Knight was r decorated with a Fes and a smile was on the face of every Brave Knight, i for verily, Saturday Night was a sure cure for Ingrowing toenails and warts on the liver. The 1922 purple prayer rug was had by every Knight. because Sahig is a peculiar cuss and wants to be shown, many Kay-Pee's were cap' tured who had to cough up 25 bones. and who were then led to be slaught. ered. After several hours of Intensities which involve all our propensities, we stopped for "Eats" and then-home home-sweet-sweet-home. Did these brave Knights of Khoras sans have a good time? I say they did. GAS IN PI-FINNE. Well At Gretna Easily Ignited. Heorge A. Hero, president of the Pi-flnne, Feed Company conducted a demonstration last Wednesday at a test well for gas, near Gretna. Lighting a match, an employe of Mr. Hero applied It to gas Issuing from the welL The gas nitted. "This test well," said Mr. Hero, "has has been sunk to a depth at 00 feet and will be deepened to AW000 et in sa attempt to f1nd nat srtl a o eeinm e lal qelmaYu s" I Thetetwuf is am a bm e wn I y- the Ie. meai n memue. f rI Weddings of New Orleans Folks WEST SIDE OOUPLiU WHO WN TERED THE STATE OP MAT. I RIMONK DURING WEEE i Ic HOFFMAN-MUTZ. a On Wednesday, July 26, 1922, at 11:00 a. m., Miss Olivia Theresa Hoft.I 1e man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm i )f Hoffman and Mr. Emile Muts, were 5, joined in the holy bonds of matrimony re at the Church of Holy Name of Mary of at a high nuptial Mass,, Rev. Mc Oscar officiating. to The bride was led to the alter by r Master Oscar Philip Hoffman dressed r as cupid. The two flowers girls were Grace Weber dressed in pink msalne * over silver cloth, and Gladys Crom-! r. ble dressed in blue maline over silver cloth. Both dresses were trimmed in m rosebuds. Mrs. S. Sordelet, the bride's sister was matron of honor, she was dressed in lavender organdy over sll ver cloth and wore a picture hat to at match. ts Miss Anna Bly was first bridesmaid. of She was dressed in blue organdy over S( silver cloth. Miss Lavina Hoff man was second bridesmaid and wore pink organdy over silver cloth. Miss Helen Estopinal was third brides 16 maid. She wore yellow organdy over silver cloth. All wore picture hats -e to match dresses, and carried shower boquets of pink columbia roses with I tulle to match dresses. The groom's s best man was Philip Hoffman. The a other male attendants were John SITranchina and Alden Baker. The r ushers were Sidney Sordelet, Joseph c Spurway and Oscar Hofttman. They p were all dressed in white linen suits. The bride was given away by her r father. She was beautifully gowned in brocaded crepe covered with Span ish lace with pearl trimmings. She carried a bouquet of bridal roses and lillies of the valley. S I The wedding was followed by a B n breakfast and reception at the home o of the bride's parlnts, 1456 Del d aronde. The young couple will be at home to their many friends after August 1, at their home, 1135 Numa street. Algiers. The happy couple received i many costly presents. The groom's gift to his bride was a handsome diamond necklace. e TO STRENGTHEN VIADUCT. e Commissioner Black announced that a he has requested the Southern Pacific Railroad Company to abandon two s of its tracks beneath the %ewton g Street viaduct in Algiers, that two e massive steel supports may be put sunder the structure and make It I, available for use for at least another t year. The commissioner holds that the s South New Orleans Street Railway a Company should repair the viaduct e but the company claims it has not the funds. ! The Southern Pacific, which con / tributed a portion of the original cost of the viaduct, has refused to help pay for its upkeep. City En gineer Klorer estimated that repairs needed on the viaduct will cost $70,000. REGISTRATION TIME SHORT. l Men and women who desire to vote in the Democratic primary September 12and who have not registered have a only nine days in which to register, a the registration office will close and remain closed until after the mprmry. SThe reistratfoia alee is ae the first floor, OSMdeIet Mant mtraae or the air anaL ames. a is open from si a m.,-ames m must ~. She Balked On Honoring Grave Of Wife No. 1. However, 70-Year-Old Groom is Win ner in Divorce Case When her 70-year-old bridegroom insisted she lay flowers on the grave of his first wife, Mrs. Dora Lee Koester. 49, balked, she testified in Judge Percy Saint's court, in an action for divorce which was institut ed March 24. 1920. and which the court dismissed after hearing the evidence. Koester, who lives in Bouny street, denied with vigor, the charge of non support. 'She left me seven weeks after we were married and took $53~ of my cash." he said. The couple were wed December 8, 1919. Koester told the court his sec ond dip into the sea of matrimony would be his last. "But she was persistent." he said. "She kept running after .me." Mrs. Koester said the honeymoon had scarcely begun when her spouse requested her to honor the memory of the first Mrs. Koester. "I told him then that affections should be for the living and not for the dead, who. couldn't appreciate them anyway,". she said. Another rift in the domestic peace of the Koester household occurredl when Koester told his wife she must! - wear a pair of antique earrings which had once been the property of his first mate. Judge Saint twice threatened to' send the couple to jail for contempt of court because they persisted in coaching their witnesses. N- When Mrs. Koester left her love nest. Koester sent ministers to urge her to return to his fireside, accord ing to the testimony. "I wanted to show the world 1 would redeem her, but she refused to come back." Koester said. at Mrs. Mary Voelker, plaintiff's .-1 niece, testified she was the innocent m 'cause of the row that caused the mat. ire rimonial ship to finally sink. She ny said she had gone to a show with .y Mrs. Koester and that, on their re Ic- turn home, she rang the doorbell several times. by The Koesters had agreed that one ring only, would be recognised as are official. A heated quarrel followed B-e I and the separation occurred shortly m- afterward.-The Item. rer Mr. Koester celebrated his victory in by giving a reception to his friends e's at one of his empty houses in Bouny street. ras to DONNENFELSER WAITS FOR MAN TO REPEAT THEFTSI rev An early morning burglar is al ,t. leged to have been captured after re several visits to the apartment house Is at 2015 St. Charles avenue, when es. Walter Johnson, 20 years old, 821 er Baronne street, was arrested. its Several rooms at the house, which 'or is operated by Henry Donnenfelser, th had been robbed recently, and a ,' watch was set for the thief. At 5 he o'clock Mr. Donnenfelser heard the n hall door open. He slipped out of his room and followed the prowler, bh caught him and held him until the ?y police arrived. s. K. of C. DEGREE TEAM OF ALGIERS ASSIST a- AT INSTALLATION. id The Knights of Columbus installed St. Anthonys Conncill No. 2035 at a Bunkle, La., last Sunday. The degree mo work was done by the Santa Maria el degree team of Algiers. old Strike at Washington, D. C. ·I·· I 'Pasaes sat a Imst tbe u hmdow of th .aphel building a1 Washium D. C. nwr beins The /lmef was .milade the 1im . hmsdm Som~v w .Mn King .ae seMu ibos t ge e FIRST SHOT FROM THE NEW REGULARS THERE IS DANGER AHEAD ! ! I You are a telephone subscriber, I and your rates were raised by the public iservicne, c(ommission. l;ecautse or the memoership of the Honorable Francis Williams on the Spublic service commission, these rates , have been ordered reduced. TThe telephone is no longer a luxury a for the rich.-it is a convenient neces sity in the home of the poor as well e as the rich. Mr. I!ehrinan whose administration permitted the present street car and gas rates to be imposed upon the cit izens of New Orleans. and who also was regarded as controlling the com mission which raised your telephone rates, will ask you through some one of his lieutenants in the very near future, if he has not already done so, to vote for Mr. J. F. Bowen for y Public Service Commissioner. Don't make the mistake of doing so, for therein lies the danger of which we now warn you. if. by any chance. Mr. Bowen should e be elected, there can be no doubt that Mr. Behrman will again come into n control of the Louisiana Public Serv ice Commission, and taking his past performance as your criterion, you should for your own protection against a possible further increase of a rates, vote against Mr. Bowen, who in announcing his candidacy, after receiving the Behrman endorsement which it is said was first denied him. is quoted as promising nothing of a definite nature. His announcement does not commit him to anything. Mr. Francis Williams the other Candidate for the office of Public Service Commissioner was elected only to the unexpired term of that s office a few months ago and has made good. He should be kept in office and encouraged. 1 One of Mr. Williams' first acts was to order the Cumberland Telephone Company to show cause why the old e rates in effect before the raise should not be restored. The case went on ' appeal to the United States Circuit " Court and was tried before three judges; by a vote of two to one the ý court ordered the old rates restored: t The telephone company immediately appealed to prevent the enforcement e tof the order. Under the above de. -iclsion a private telephone user would d receive about $9.00 in refunds, and 17 business phones about $20.00 in re funds per phone, these figures are 7 approximately only and would amount Is in the aggregate to over $500,000.00 Ly which is more than enourh to cover the soldiers bonus in New Orleans. In addition, Mr. Williams caused an order to be Issued to all rallroads L entering New Orleans to show caase why a union passenger station should 1. not be built. Did you ever hear of ,r such an order during the many years e in which Mr. Behrman's Commission n functioned? The echo answers NO! g You never will, in the future f yeou vote Mr. Behrman's corporation cosa b mission into control again; so, heed our warning to you and vote for your L friend, and the friend of the whole people, Mr. Francis Williams, for public service commissioner. FIFTEENTH WARD, New Democratic Organiation. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Athletic Director Hunt conducted a tennis tournament for playground tennis player at the Algiers Play. Ground on Sunday. The entry list included players from Beauregard, Annunelation, Clay, St. Roch and Al giers playgrounds. The tournament started at 3 o'clock. Singles and donbles were played.