Newspaper Page Text
Section 10 of Act 120 of 1916 pro hibits Ferry Companies from charging school children fare during school hours. But why are we still paying the fare? Dored to the UIpbUdlag of the Nt Side of the River. "A very mve and creditable weerkl mews er p -MANU PACTURWRB RECORD. ALGIERS, UISIANA, THURSDAY , AUGUST 17, 1922. Columbus of Today By Richard Lloyd Jones recently sailed from Seattle to become ice-locked in 't-he might drift across the north pole. IL the . you wonder. Man has already been to the North wIIs asn't anything there but a lot of cold weather. It was to Why go again? flls 'was jeered when he sailed against the whole world's un set out to find new seas. To his own amazement he found 0 g~ýgven when be returned to tell his tale wise men declared g - interesting but what's the use; the new found land was so M one would ever go there. ~L gImeS mountain climbers, seeking to set foot on the "roof of a eended the unexplored altitudes of Mt. Everest. High up - -,0a& they found vast plateaus, rich in soil with forests and Sleasses such as are found In the north tier of American states. I sot little pocket spots in the Mountains but a vast region measure out Minnesota and Montanas. I m'ss the use of it all? We say, we can't get there. Mile high , laevenU 1y glature of New York came within two or three votes of refusing the Delaware and Hudson company the right to build a railroad o t would scare the hourses. But it was the railroad and not the I lt made possible this great nation of homogeneous people more ,ss thousand miles long. jeered at Fulton's boat. "It moves!" they cried. To their t t moved up river. VW the first steel ship. was launched foolish folks went down to I R The crowd saw only the iron bull; they knew iron sinks. SJst saw the air in the iron hull; he knew the air would float. ao world today is full of out of the way places which tomorrow will M such a part of the busy world as the shores Columbus found. Aplssnes will lift us into the Minnesotas and the Montanas of the 1lryss Rich farms will be there, towns, colleges, cities like Billings Sis an amusing toy. Wonderful, we say. We wisely predict the w den it will carry music from a great operatic center to even the s islated and humble cabin homes. We talk wisely of its educational pIa These are near enough to be calculable. It is going to carry con dlJs around the whole world. It is going to print news In the parlor. MIs going to give all nations one tongue. lew scicutists talk of sending heat waves that will modify inhospitable tss. These heat waves will make possible not merely Montanas but to A£stralias where Amundsen is going and where Shackleton has been. Si a wonderful world we live in. The labortatory is the mighty mis djy. And there is many a Columbusc serving a vaster future by beat lrvways into the pathless regions of today. S idlricks IuIits I h.i. Forces kispertaa break in the ranks dt lId Regulars was announced 1 lists Senator Charles A. Hen " the ibernia Bank, let it hs. t he had decided to Slt with the New Regulars 9i usming primary. Lmier Hendricks is one of the gs abl members of the Orleans Aha Inl the state Senate, is a Mw, and is well known and widely ausL He has a heavy follow Is sg the young men of Algiers it mid to have brought over to mw aorgualsation a number of i I hewn workers. amier Hendricks has represent- I 4 t11 IMteentb, Sixteenth and Sevr hleth wards Is the state Senate ais the resignation of Senator I V dartag the Pleasant adminis Irn. Whie elected to the Senate it n representing the Fifteenth W I th House. He was always alllml a close friend of former ri lehrman, and at the time of lb 4tsetio was a member of the mlise committee of the mayor's ligsn committee of the Fifteenth ltr to his alignment with the I Reghlars, Senator Hendricks laid with hs friends in Algiers SIt the matter up to them. It b Il that they advised him to ha with his former chief. 9 IS tUme for the young men of to assert themselves," was b Umk Cemment the young senator IIIm STARTED FOR ARCH l to Jefferson Soldiers to Be ilestaod at Legion Meet "lmQaliga for funds with which , l a memorlal arch at Gretna 4olr all Jefferson parish men 1i1 tn the service of the coun 176t to 1922 has begun in L4tee In- charge of the work Samsay, with A. -. Gugel i ..__ a =and Albert Samuel as ýir. Mrs. E. J. Thilborger was Slheirea of the women's com n dmaations. ' ustive committee composed - esbers will have full power * In all matters in connection "e1 gldpe. this committee to of Messrs. Ougel and together with three other who will be appointed by W A secretary will also be by the chairman. Bc r will be dedicated duritn 5dimln Legion convention, and Sect4ed General Pershing or heeoetay of the Navy Reosevelt will officiate. *Mtrellag the scene will e" on the arch during the ot the ceremonies. it is NOTARY PUBLIC srtPr., T. aJ t ar S Neem mb hm am;s t whi ama s rst . - Idasst is usihesg Body Found In Water N Identified By Brother The body of Sam Barbera, the man I who was said to have jumped off the Canal street terry boat Friday, was found at the head of Dumaine street by a dock board patrol boat Monday. Joe Barberas, the man's brother, of Napoleonville, who has N been in the city since Saturday lead- d4 ing the search, positively identified o] the body. PI MAN LEAPS OFF FERRY d LIFE BOAT NEARLY SINKS The unfortunate man leaped from the Canal street ferry, en route to Algiers, at 12:20 p. m. Friday. Two life preservers were thrown to him, a but he made no effort to reach them. P A llfe boat was launched from the ferry by one of the crew and an r obliging passenger, who made an tl effort to reach the drowning man. On the way to the rescue it was C disepvered by the obliging passenger a who was in the life boat with one A of the crew that the life boat was a badly leaking, in fact so much so that the rescuers had to look out C for their own lives. It was neces- A sary to stop and bail the life boat, b when it was found that the bailing J i plug was not screwed into its place, i and the rubber emergency ball, which b is also a part of the bailing appa- a ratus, was also out of order. The S drowning man had, however, long disappeared. In fact his body never h came to the surface after he jumped c into the water. b Let us presume that the passenger had accidentally fallen from the boat r and had made an effort to save him- g self. What assistance he could have i. gotten is expressed above. A life boat with the bailing plug left open, ' one incompetent man from the crew of the boat, and a volunteer passan ger constituted the life saving efforts of one of our ferries that carry daily I thousands of women and children across the river. Don't you think, dear reader, that we need a change in our ferry Ssystem? MARINE HELD IN SHOOTING Negro Assaulted by Four and Seri. d ously Wounded in Algiers a Mac Hill, negro, 33 years old, 1135 a Wagner street, Algiers., was brought d to the Charity Hospital early this r Imorning suffering with tour pistol y wounds, said to have been inflicted e I by four unidentified white men at Palmyra and Lamarque streets, Al g glers. d Hill told the police he was coming r from a meeting at Newton and Whit y ney streets when he was accosted by D. tour unidentified white men who II asked him it he is employed in the e Algiers railroad yards. He said the a men assaulted him and fired four shots before he was able to answer. Police at the Eighth Precinct station were holding John Barmee lore, a marine sergeant, in coanec r tia with the shooting. Acordin r to the police, Barmeslere was under r the tanemee at iUgor when he was M arreted, ad meid be had been ae I the streets with a uage ms @m Sgn and a ma wl e hle ew as A Big Load For The Old Horse Of __L Personal Mention P And General News C SHORT ITEMS CONCERNING WEST SIDE PEOPLE. E A Mrs. Olroyd has had a delightful !iI visit in Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake ft Geneva. She was the delegate to the a] National Conference of Business and tc Professional Women's Clubs at Chat- w tanooga, in early July. tc Mr. Max Bergers left Sunday for sl Abita Springs, where he will d spend his vacation. a Mr. Clement Balk Is spending hls F vacation at Lake Charles, La., with n his sister, Mrs. Robt. King. tl The many friends of Miss Hortense o Mirando are glad to hear that she is n doing nicely after undergoing an o operation at the Hotel Dieu for ap. fi pendicitis. tl Mrs. H. W. Clarke is visiting her o daughter, In Colorado. c Miss Mary Louise Wilcox of Hous ton. Texas, is visiting her aunt, Miss Martin of Delaronde Street. Mr. Morris J. Nolan. is visiting his mother, Mrs. John F. Nolan, of Gulf port, Miss. Mrs. J. Adams and daughters have a returned from Heartease Park, where c they spent a pleasant trip. Misses Mable Tolley, A. Ocrassa, ( Camille Mitchell, will leave to-day to f attend the State Convention of the C American Legion which will be held r at Baton Rouge. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert King of Lake t Charles, La., (nee Regina Balk of I Algiers) spent the past month with t Mrs. King, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Balk. Master Robert Springer of Hatties burg, Miss., has returned home after t a pleasant visit with his aunt, Mrs. S. J. Hogan of Lavergne Street. Miss Anna Escousse is spending her vacation at Mentone Springs, and Chattanooga, Tennessee, the guest of her brother, Mr. Charles Escousse. t Mrs. J. Woolverton and family, have a returned home after a long stay at Hot Wells, La. The trip was made t in an automobile. The many friends of Mrs. Jamesa Tufts (formerly Miss Edwina Munts) are glad to know that she is doing nicely after undergoing an operation Monday at the Hotel DieM for ap r pendicitis. Mr. Peter Munts and daughter, Eunice, returned home Sunday night from Atalantic City, where Mr. F Munts was a delegate at the Knights of Columbus convention. Miss Janet Calvin of Bermuda Street, spent the week-end at the sea shore. (Continued on Page 2.) WIFE CUTS HUSBAND s Nora Coleman, negro woman, who I1 stabbed her husband, William West, in the left side with a knife, was arraigned before the Justice of the Peace on charges of cutting and wounding with intent to kill. She pleaded not guilty and was commit y ted to the district court without ball. The wound suffered by West is said e to be dangerous. He is still in the e Charity Hospital. r. ELITE PLEASURE CLUB SAt the last meeting of this Clubi which was held at the home of Mr. irL. Lloyd, plans for aor tuek rtie a were dtseaussed. The Joir emrow Swll amotor to the Victory Club, ae ha an amu, o mnaps, Aguost Sth. Ountayr l inr w funhrllh hidea hrn dml, Peter Lawton Answers' Commissioner Maloney New Orleans, Aug. 14, 1922. V Editor Herald. Algiers, La. Dear Sir: In the letter you pub lished in your last week's edition, from Commissioner Maloneyd there are several personal allusions intended to reflect upon the writer, which I t1 would request that you give me space W to straighten out. 14 For instance, the Commissioner n states that I was in possession of ' documents showing that the City had o a written agreement with the Union a Ferry Company, when our Ferry Com- a mittee asked him by what authority c the Third District Ferry was being b operated. I may say that I have never seen any such document, but t on the contrary was told by the of ficial in charge of such documents, that there was no such record, said official handing me at this time, a copy of a letter on said subject, writ ten by the attorney of said Union Ferry Company, to the then Mayor, dated January 2, 1907, said document, according to said official, being "all he had on the subject." It is of course possible that something had been found later on, but the above are the facts as for as I am con cerned. In another part of his letter, the! Commissioner seeks to disqualify meI from further corresponding with the I Commission Council, in the ferry matter, on the ground that back in 1910, myself and associates refused to pay the City for the advertising of the right of way for a certain trolley line, which right of way the City subsequently found itself unable to deliver-all as Mr. Maloney would have found, If he had made a proper investigation before making this "bad break." As for the rest of the Commissioner's letter relating to the ferries, which it is assumed was intended as an answer to the Com mittees questions, I can only say that the Committee will no doubt take this up for consideration just as soon as the Commissioner attempts to of fer his "franchise" for sale. The Committee is on record as insisting that said franchise, if offered over 5 our p.otest, must include a positive ) guarantee on the City's part, that it Swill deliver, on a fixed date, to the a successful bidder, the boats and i paraphernalia of the ferry business, at fixed figures. , There as several other statements , in the Commissioner's letter which r. "do not conform with the facts in the a case" as we understand them, but these also will, more than likely, re ceive due attention when the occasion requires it. And there are a few other pertinent questions which we have not yet asked whose answers, if forthcoming, might further illumine this ferry situation. Yours truly, PETER S. LAWTON, Chairman B. F. S. Com. BROWNLEE BY WIRELESS. * Brownlee's Famous Orchestra, of d this city, entertained the delegates of e the Fall Buyers Convention, last t- Tuesday night vit the W. o. V., the I. broadcasting station of the Item. d The delegates of the convention e assembled at the Southern Yacht Club where a special receiving set was installed. FOUND DEAD BODY The body of an unknown white r. man was found fosting In the river Is at the head of AIza street, Wedne _ day menstg, August 8, at :4, and Swas senat to the Morgue to await I aIUlaesateS. JGdlalng frm the a S pearaume ot the ceise, the - pre eM? was -nwe mame time Weddings of Noew Orleans Folks $ cic WVEST SIDE COUPLES WHO EN- tel TERED THE STATE OF MAT. di, RIMONY DURING WEEK. st ta re HOTARD-TILLOTSON pl St. Joseph's Church, Gretna, was ati thronged last Wednesday evening with relatives and friends of the Til- sil lotson and Hotard families for the be marriage ceremony in which Miss ed Virgle Lorraine Tillotson, daughter pl of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Tillotson. - and Julius Frank Hotard, son of Mr. " and Mrs. Jules F. Hotard, were the ;contracting parties. The edifice was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The bride is a winsome and at tractive young lady, who has been a member of the faculty of the Gretna H Primary School, while the groom is a well known attache of the Southern Cotton Oil Company's office at Gretna and a popular member of the Boards of Aldermen of Gretna. The Rev. Sidney Skiffington offi. t dciated at the ceremony, and the C couple were attended by Miss Hattie tl Rossner and Warren Hotard. A re- S e ception followed at the home of the ti . bride's parents, after which the h couple leZt for a brief honeymoon on C e the Gulf coast. Upon their return a e they will take up their residence in C ea lovely new home In Lafayette ave- a nue. nl a I WHOSE GLOVES? ° The Epworth League of the Algiers e Methodist Church will present "Her e Gloves" a farce in three acts, on d Thursday, August 24th, at 8 p. m, in e the basement of the church. Come s g and listen to the tale of Her Gloves, and you will enjoy yourself for more e 0 than an hour. And at what expense s you ask-Well that depends on you. ' A free will offering will be taken s and you may give what you please. e We will have on sale however some h n goddles to eat, and all in all, we know t "- you'll enjoy our program. We will t e answer these questions for you. To S whom do the goves belong? How and ( t where were they found? Who claimed I e them. What were the consequences, I It By whom were they restored? Did ' le the real owner ever get them back? I id Who was the trouble-maker, and how I ", did we treat him Come and have these questions answered on the t 24th. ae MARINES TRY RIFLES. - Corps from Algiers Barracks Will I Shoot on Range A large crowd of spectators Includ I ing members of the various New Or me leans rifle clubs attended the Marine Corps rifle match yesterday morning when a detachment of marines from the Algiers barracks will fire the a. regular army regulation course at the Shrewsbury rifle range. Firing started at 7.30 a. m., and the marines were the only ones to participate. of The course fired upon included of seven ranges with ten shots at each at range. They included rapid fire at he 200 yards and off-hand standing slow fire from the same distance 200-yard - rapid fire from standing to prone, ht 300-yard slow fire sitting, 500-yard et slow fire prone and 5O0yard rapid fire prone and at 600 yards, two sighting in shots, ten shots for record slow fire prone. The range was in charge of Lieutenant Charles M. Portia and Sergeant Doyle A. Baham dYurlng the et match, and visitors watching the Li ur lang were assured every protectioan by 1Marlae Corps offlecals. a The Shmrewsbury range is owned by ltt the state and has been turned over 11 to the marnes fer the match thregh rthe courtesy at AiJmtt Geeshal Tem. Richard Lloyd Jones Whose Editorial Genius Set Millions of Americans Reading the Cosmospolitan Magazine and Collier's Weekly, is Now Going to Interpret American Ideals and Prograss For The Herald. an far bel in RICHARD LLOYD JON4E an Author of "Pathfinders" and "A Brother of Men," former editor of St Cosmopolitan and associate editor (( of the Wisconsin State Journal, hE present joint owner and editor of the ci Tulsa (Okla.) Tribune and the Jack- st sonville (Fla.) Journal.• Jones grew up in Chicago, where ci his father, one of the most noted st ministers in the country, was pastor tl of All Souls Church for forty years. tl As a boy Jones began his newspaper ax career by selling Chicago dailies dur- to ing the anarchist riots in 184. g~t When he had $90 saved up he de cided to see the world. The boy of te ten took his savings and went to In- "t dianapolis. There he examined the state house, inspeted the sodurna foun tains, and returned home with a full ts report. And heown been reporting on the places and institutions and men ever ts since. 51 Jones was educated in the univere ct sies of Chicago and Wisconsin butedt minisbefore entering college he had work* Ased as kitchen boy on a goveernment pilot boat on the Gulf of Mexico. as a WhEa Stewart To Manap e de cided tOrpheum world. Theateroy o Head of Orpheum Announces Policy.the Attractive Shows Listed for the tain Season at Playhousme with a ull Earl Stewart, the new manager for the Orpheum Theater, arrived portin New placOrleans with the announcement that l the theater, which he will open on I SnSept. 11, will have the most attrac te Jonelist of bookings the circuit ever e has shown. Mr. Sewart came to New s Orleans from Chicago, where he man lot boat oaged the Palace Music Hall of the n Orpheum circuit for the last three a. and a half years. "Although the book Lingse for the season have not been sent out yet, I saw the list before I left Chicago, I and it includes an exceptional num- I ber of big stars of the legitimate stake," said Mr. Stewart at the Orune- '1 wald Hotel. EaMr Stewart said he is much imanager pressed by the theater he is to manew age here, and that he found its stage exactly the same depth asthe circhat ofever the Palace Music Hall of Chicago, wrphere he had put on such elaborate Sspectacles as the New York Winter Garden shows. The stage is adequate, he said, for the presentation of all the big acts which will be sent here I and this season. an exceptional n t Mr. Stewart was born in Kansas I resed City thirty-five years ago, and aftero m ad being graduated from public schools *, he took up the Haludy of architecture Swhis fathere had pt on, Frederick Stewart. He n? lafer entered his managerial career w as manager of the Shubert Theater re of Kansas City. ohe "My father ownthe old Academy of Music in Kansas City and I was always fascinated by the place and spent most of my time back of the stage, especially when opera comr. Il panies played there," said Mr. Stew Sart. "In this way my interest in the theater was areoused at an ealy age." l After eight years with the Shubers * In Kansas City, Mr. Stewart went to e Chilcatg o and took up his duties at In the Palace Music Hall. During the am last two years he was treasurer of he the Milwaukee Rolling Mills Com he pany and was interested in promoting Sand financing this venture. . Miss Ethel Richards Honored ch A farewell surprise party was glven SThursday at the home of Miss Alice Burns in Bounty street in honor of Misse Ethel Richards, who will leave for Honduras in the near fture. Miss Richards was presented with a bean tiful pin. Among the guests were: SMisses Julia Troeclar, Elisabeth, Barton. Myrtle LoBiane, Nora Tree clair, Lillian Adone. Emily Chauvin, Alma Fellers, Emma Chico. and Zel . a Robichaux, and Leo Hynub, Char by lie Sutherland. John LeBiance Louis Fernandes. Joseph Trauth, Bena by 8pikes, Richard Fermandes, Maurice verHeath, John Leonard, Emmet Mit sgh che, Peter Dasslager, Teddy waper, l Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepeard. Mrs. A. Meyer and Mrs. John Rlmoes. :,. .r,.e.-"w /, an apprentice cheeise-mRokr, and a farm hand. He studied law in Chicago. acquired two legal degrees, took a turn at being a cowboy in Nevada, and then decided to be a writer. During his eleven years of maga zine work Jones made journeys of investigation and research that car rled him more than 25.000 miles. He saw America first hand-its cities. its towns, its farms, its Industries. In 1911 Jones bought the Wisconsin State Journal. When the war broke out he wanted to get into the fight ing, but President Wilson told him he would render his best service to the country by staying with his paper in Wisconsin, where German propa ganda was most active. Jones stayed and fought a fight against disloyalty that won the applause of the entire nation. In 1919 Jones sold the Wisconsin State Journal and bought the Tulsa (Okla.) Tribune, with which paper he has put up the biggest battle for civic decency and honesty in city and Sstate government that Oklahoma has ever known. He threw a corrupt chief of police out of office and I stopped the grafters from stealing r the people's money, repudiated a thoroughly rotten city administration, r and awakened the public conscience to questionable practices in the state government. I Recently Jones purchased half in f terest in the Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal. . What Jones Will Do No newspaper writer of the day Sis better fitted to constructively a Interpret the trend of American r thought, Its ideals and its practical approach to the problems that must " be solved before those ideals are t realized. SJones will write weekly for The t Herald readers. His first articlo s appears in this issue on this page. Dr. O'Hara Is Named New Regulars' SManager Coroner Will Lead Fight on the Behrman Ticket )r w at Dr. Joseph A. O'Hara, Orleans )n parish coroner, for many years rec ,c. ognized as one of the political factors or in the city and co-leader of the Tenth w Ward in the old Regular organiza n- tion with A. J. O'Keefe, was Satur ae day selected by a caucus of the te Seventeenth Ward leaders of the New Regular organization as man ae ager of the campaign now under way. It, Dr. O'Hara is now recognised as the o, leader of the Tenth for the New Reg n. ular forces. te The same caucus chose Colonel ,. John P. Sullivan, recognised as the dominant spirit in the new organl n.szation, as chairman of the executive n. committee. re Associated with Colonel Sullivan of on this committee will be Dr. O'Hara o, and Gus Williams, leader of the te Eighth Ward and brother of the can er didate for railroad commissioner, ;e, Francis Williams. Ill The selection of Dr. O'Hara as re manager of the New Regular cam paign puts to sleep any rumors that as the organization of the Regulars has er the reform complexion. Both Dr. ls O'Hara and Mr. Williams have always re been staunch Regulars, both having le been elected to their present postl er tions when the Behrman organisation er went down to defeat in 1920. Mr. Williams is recorder of mortgages. ny Dr. O'Hara has always been an active as political force in New Orleans for ad many years and was one of the most he popular men connected with the old m- Behrman organization, as was evi w- denced by his election as coroner :he when the balance of the ticket went e." down in defeat. .rs to SPECIAL MEETING Oe at '"THE BIG FIVL" he of At a spectal meeting of '"The Big n- Five" Friday, Angust 11, 193, ar rangements were made for our instal latlon banquet which will be held on August 5. This indeed will be a Gala Night for the membership as nothing has been left undone, which would ren interfere with the success of the ice banquet. of The Big Five endorsed the ive movement underway for the sup [iss pression of immoral dances and a- a- letter of commendation be sent to re: the President of the Morality tegue eth commending him and his organlsatlon re. on the good work done by them. nla, Eel- WILL BECOME TRAINED NURSE mis Miss Edith Daigle, of SM Pacie Ben avenue, a well known yong lady of riee our town, went over to the Charity Eit- Hospital on Monday, where she will per, be given her tranlaaing as a nurse. Al A. her friends of 4Algers wish her mach amecem in her chosen progsir.