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SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE PAGES THE HE ALD But why are we still paying the fare? aea e t_ ul LE Othe IAAe R. "A rT Ee 2A1d ,eedtaN wr ·rar."---MANUA~rr RE CORD. ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922. No. 20 SCity jNdl INot SU S$1,75,00, For -Eve ,l t of the Union Ferry -'New York, to obtain Sfros the city for nine rry boats from thirty-one T years old, has resulted tion hilare. star p Ail, the Board of gRe paed a resolution author- cele SDepartment of Plant and the to purchase, without pub- The ..g, e nine ferry boats for and S gre.alnlg World made vig- spe "pe-s,. showing that it would J. . . o $200,000 to put them b a cdition and large annual tail - M wafter to keep them in ser- eve 0Usa Ferry Company, how- whi aet time demanded $1,500,000. mel to accept the $350,000 and I has since ensued between ma sad the company. am ' while however, the city s clue wked with plans for new mod- Ai; boats for East river ser- ame ;ag by the middle of next st atracts will be awarded. str on of $1,100,000 has been an for new Union terry boats we N0 for Grand street ferry we the city has always owned Tg terminals and has taken Tma it` the Brooklyn terminals. m "bi-M oer Whalen absoluti~ S to py $1,750,000 demanded," Siphr Deputy Commissioner Mills cot A ai Dlrtment of Plant and Struc- the cra eet A Success ! pygr*m neds swimming meet, the task place last week at the on pool, was most interesting sul es atteSded by a crowd of more w- * sectators. This is an an- Ne gir sad one which always of bas sa interest and competi the boys and girls of the de De ae,. a 10-yard dash for le, was won by Merle a playground. th soee, a 20-yard race in i IuSbech class, was pr a- eStt Wattigny won the set cL te the saeeea or ard second. All tr are from the Algiers ti iIn to the finals Joe tiL the vilter over Emmett tb three Laches. Time was ul tso Sach girls' 20-yard race U er -d Alglers playground B i place, and Anita Le Blane, B d Algiers, won second place. V 1l $s seconds. i s lWae girls' B-yard race, Pt moama of Clay won first place, w -..ek Lawman of Algiers sec- a s, 15 u secoands. At So Uach boys' 40-yard dash, tl I Dbser was first, with Em- 01 Wattgy second. Time, 34 h the e sh girls' 40-yard raeM igs gt Algiers carried of k Ilasa, with Ida Began of G(lves e Tie, seconds. li Sahah boys' 40-yard race, Al s ons let, with l e, also of Algters, sle S eseeme.s 55 sellted boys' 1We-yard race, t Nathe of Algers was fret, 5 rut Uchwarsenbach, also el c aeeed. Time, 1 minute 10 t was a 40yard race or' -a d in this eaont a Deyr ao Algters won irst Sth Mary Lafacha also of t smeedl. Time, 3- 85 Moomds. nees were followed by div and thp reslts of thee U Mtewr I the divig ca- I he bas under a Inches Joe I me out frst; Emmett .seusad and WeUman Bond. .it ethr divers were Nogesl -ias Ouream, Weisy -~rr eanreas and Law eatest for beys o Authr Le Blanc wan irst lart &hwarseabach see 1W was a close contest, as Ui' tied ad each had to teh to dotermine the iehards won third .mi55 ether competitors were ld Eamie Mothe. - diving cotests, Ma vews worn mrst Place, with of Algsers secod. They , earhi dd another dira. . pn was pronounced at wh wan thbd plasn ii, of . R oc, who beetdl beesme a Red ..~ giern his -is ubeai ability when sald ak ete 3.e 3 Rlani. for withemS a - aimstbrr aI lSULUVAN SPEAKS ATI BIG GATHERING Every Section of Orleans Represented in Giant Celebration; New Reg ulars Now Become Regular a Democratic Party e - e The greatest political demonstra d tion in the history of Algiers was staged Monday night by the New a f Regular Democratic organization in r- celebration of its sweeping victory in d the primary election September 12. I- The celebration started with a parade ar and ended with a barbecue and - speeches on the lawn of the home of Id J. W. Crawford, 1116 Behrman avenue. ma More than 200 automobiles, con ei taingin men and women voters from r- every ward in the city of New Or leans, participated in the parade, j. which was headed by mounted police. 0. men and the Shriners' Band. id Dr. Joseph A. O'Hara. campaign a manager; Colonel John P. Sullivan and the successful candidates, in is cluding Judge Wynne G. Rogers, J. d- Arthur Charbonnet and Francis Wil llams, addressed the thousands of t men and women who thronged the d. streets surrounding the scene of the barbecue. ti The crowds that lined the streets were orderly, and the paraders were d greeted with tremendous applause. Thousands of fire crackers and Ro man candles were fired. Harry Acker was master of cere monies and introduced the speakers. ' Colonel John P. Sullivan, in the Dan ls course of his address, declared that ic- there now is only one regular Demo cratic organization in New Orleans. "There can be no question as to which is the regular Democratic or ganization of New Orleans," saidMr. 88 Sullivan. "The people have decided it, that question. This is no assupmtion he on my part the question has been Mr. og submitted to voters by precincts and tained ' wards and they have decided that the Olga L New Regular organization is the boni- fully tide regular Democratic organization most I of the city." On "The New Regular organization is e destined to continue as the Regular Democratic organisation of New Or- honor or leans. I believe In organized politics, Mi an organization composed of right morn thinking men and women, who believe Sprli ee in aiding and perpetuating the great Mn rm principles of Democracy." proac l7 In conclusion Colonel Sullivan de- Jenal Ilt clared that it always will be the aim ding 1a. of the organisation to-.. t MMad pti ad only candidates whom the people ean churt All trust. He said that when an orgasasa- Relal rn tion like the old Behrmaa orgsansa and foe tion became too bold and arrogant, inrlti Ott the people could always be depended Mr was upon to put them out of business. La.. Mr. Joseph A. O'Hara, campaign Mr ae manager, declared that though Al- Matr tai giers did not directly defeat Martin were Lc, Behrman and his organizstion, the Rick me. voters of that ward did cut his ma- E J fority down several hundred. HeoTe use, predicted that one more election of M would mean the end of Mr. Behraa week as a leader in Algiers. Park J. Arthur Charbonnet asserted that Mr sh, the report circulated in Algiers two mote la.- or three days before the election that Th 34 he had assisted in pardonipg a negro will who had killed a white man was a coml , maMeloss falsehood. He said helast g knew nothing of the case, nor had he Mr a evens ead an account of it in the child newspapers. Fort e, Francis Williams said he admired Fr rSh a ighter wae that the people of Al- the ' soe giers are tghters. cael "I consider my victory sad the vi- Mi ae, tory of my associate. not as a per-o r, sonal triumph, but a victory for prin- - f cipls," said Mr. Williams. "I hope 10 that Algiers will always ftht for principles and in that way they al- NOl fe ways wll be victaler. A good cause teat never falls." Irst I. B. Rennyson said he does not of take Martin Behrman's statement, Kid ads. tht he is oat ,of politics, seriously, Db div- and warned the people to vigilance. datE Yes , Behrman is oat of politics we ne- aow becaae he sees that he hasn't thr Jo got a chance to state a comeback at get elt the present time," said Mr. Rennyson. big au, Among the other speakers were: N gie Judge Wyne 0. Rogers, Satyet Com- are sliy seesser BRay, Jnek Baavile, Henry for iow- Moran, Dr. Arthur Raoussel, Harry twa Acker, William fplary, H. J. Coz, se - Thomas O'Cihor and John St. Paul, irst Jr. e- Every precnct of the Pifteestb ,as W eaOlse eery wrd a the T Sto city was represented tIn the parade, M. the which formed la Segtuin street near dan thi Patterson with more thana S auto- mil wmeIles- Mr. Prancis Wattismeyr was of grmand nahl, with rits John, Ed stlrn SReaney aad A. Do RoeBha as sids; da hprated the uaale was a squad afi e d motorepct police, and other C.1 de, asted police laked the parade. or te ane ~n aed mitalshed the wa ahmaic ad Ireworak were abndantly - dis played both tfrm a trak i the xA parade and by numeror cittsm Ac along the ruate. The whele ahair net gleis w a revelatis to Algeria, some lin R of thle ldest af whom declared that C. rst not eve na Dshrman's suce.e ldaYls se the as a elIiteR IThi smok E political a ships aU O11 s B. eThe soo-t ghe paade was over . the pelstl *kd(s id e ownn, ad ha t the bh ee # ws Ot S i the hewa dd m nr Twmlth P Amet. u athe aa of *, t iIUo the New RegUlar Ds9* ai t abeu 1 Mno x e f d.arure maoe the0 bl~ o ii •Nnnnnl~lln~, dlm a, n Getting here just the same 3UST MTIMB ! 1% 0 dY. v41s, 3- 0 c- c C ºe I^ tsRWCI ~c a weo ýºr eR re-. . Personal Mention A And General News r. SHORT ITEMS OONOERNING ed WEST SIDE PEOPIL. be on -da en Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Worrel enter ad tained at dinner in honor of Miss .he Olga McNeely. The table was taste- ac In fully decorated. All present had a of on most enjoyable time. Ti On Thursday Miss Hettie Brewster, b4 ar of City Park avenue, entertained in ca Or- honor of Miss Olga McNeely. Is, Miss Olga McNeely left Sunday ght morning for her home in Abita ve Springs, La. tl eat Mrs. W. J. Daly announces the ap- n proaching marriage of her daughter de- Jennie, to Mr. A. C. Traub, the wed- C irm ding to take place on Sept. 26, a a Snaptial mass, 10:30 a. m., ina the o as -chrch of the Holy Name of Mary. sa Relatives of the family, also friends in and acquaintances are respectfully c aot, invited through this medium. I ded Mrs. E. J. Kevlin of Ponchatoula, L egg. La., spent a few days here last week. c dgn Mrs. L. F Gisch entertained thel t Al- Matron's Club The successful players a rtin were Mrs. G. W. Pollock, Miss Clairlia the Richards and Mrs. O Aycock. Mrs. c ma- E. J. Mothe received the consolation. , He The next meeting will be at the home Lion of Mrs. O. W. Pollock. d Martin Behrman is spending two weeks with his family at Heartsease Park. Mrs. E. Corbett and son Fulton,I two motored to Biloxi Tuesday. I ha The many friends of Mrs. H. Manso will regret to learn that she was s a compelled to undergo an operatioa he last week at Hotel Dien. Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Aramnd Delcasel and the childrea spent the week at Spanlsh Fort. Ired Fred naughlin of New Iberia spent Al- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Del- L casel and family. rie- Mr. Warren B. Seymour of Baton per- Rouge was a visitor here last week. I prin- - ope (Csatiued esn page 8.) for r al- NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS Muse OF THE EXCLUSIVE CLUEI. not The Exclusive Club will give a Big rent, Kid's Party at the home of Miss Urn asly Dubret on Newton Street. The exact ace. date for same has not been St but ities we expect to give it within the next isn't three weeks, so this is a warning to k at get your kid costumes ready for the ron. big event. rere: No one will be admitted unless they Com- are attired in kid clothes. So do not enry forget to start now to get your cos Larry tumes ready, and watch the next is Cox, sue of this paper for the exact date. Paul, AUTO DAMAGED eath - the The automobile belonging to Miss rade, M. Net, at 245 Belleville street, was near damaged Sunday evening when a auto- milk wagon rua into it at the corner was of Pelican avenue and Lavergne , Ed street. The wagon struck the autO, sids; damaging it to the extent O $35. An pquaaffidavit will be prfied against other C. B. Hegge, the owner of the wagon, rade. for allowing a minor to drive, the the wagon. antly the Mat Sutherland, Charles Hantel, .y isen Acker, P. I. O'Donnell, James Hart affair nett, Joseph W. Angelo, John M. Cel some lins, Senator Charles A. Hewrieka, that C. J. Donner, W. N. Bermaster, Chn. Idays Spahr Thee Ile, 3d Reney, P Itical Rsa, Freis Wattip, Philip Brewarn, B. P. ] 3ew R a 1 5, W. Crawfes over with vew fw euaneim the t be 4, and bard" egd Old Ram uLe IU d be' dd net r the pem ad dlgutt Scat of the ' sa ( b pilee wome Dem aMe to pirii--i4 Ftoee wnth ard New -ga lqi Di 5 eI nie eoass a tgeman,* was mester o esinemen t mm Algiers Viaduct Closed Wi To Traffic WI The Newton street viaduct has been found to be in such a dilapi dated condition that it is no longer safe for vehicle and street car traffic, according to Supbrintendent Burgis 7 I of the South New Orleans Light and ma Traction Company. The viaduct has bra been closed and barricaded, and the' Nu a cars crossing it re-routed. Ho Superintendent Burgis advised Cap- I tain James Dimitry of the Eighth Precinct in Algiers of his opinion of Gil the viaduct, and the latter took the Ri necessary steps to have the structure° closed. Assistant Fire Chief Lafoux a a also was notified and ha issued m orders that fire apparatus avoid the w1 viaduct. TI Is The street ears which have been ly creasing the viaduct will run to t Elmira street and discharge their ls a, passengers there. Passengers will t k. cross the viaduct on foot and will a' te be picked up at the Whitney street t rs end by cars operating on a switch 'i back on Whitney street, which will M -. carry them to their destination with t. out payment of further fare. °e Engineers will investigate the con dition of the structure and will pre- la pare a report on the steps necessary to make it safe, it was said. !BEHRMAN WITHDRAWS AS Is LEADER OF CHOCTAW le a DEMOCRACY a ati Martin Behrman, for twenty years c sh a dominant figure in New Orleans Ii politics, has announced his retire- h4 at ment as the active head at the Old 0 el Regular Democratic facties, and his v determination never again to be a a.- candidate for office or to become an N .t issue in any campaign. _ N This announcement was made at a I caucus of Old Regular leaders in A Room E of the Orunewald Hotel, where they met to discuss the future ISl of the Choctaw Club after the defeat in the primary election Tuesday. It mg was announced that the leaders voted r unanimously to continue the organi ast bation. but The meeting was called to order by ext former Mayor Behrman as chairman. to Mr. Behrman declared that the con the dition oZ his health compelled his re tirement from the leadership of the t MY Choctaws, and that he was warned by I not his physician it would be fatal for j him to enter another campaign as a s- candidate or leader. Mr. Behrman added, however, that he would remain a member of the 1 Choctaw Club and the Caucus. Mr. Behrman left Saturday for his s summer home at Biloxi, Miss., where I he intends remaining about two a weeks. mee ORGANIZE PROTECTIVE An ASSOCIATION. Inst Mn, The West Side Retail Merchants Pro the teetive Association was organised last week in McDouoghvflle. Its object is to cultivate a fraternal feeling y. among the merchants and to protect Art- all merchants on the West Side Cl- against bad accounts. At present, sk, the membership is limited to merch bh ants of McDonoghvllle and dealers asre who do tradig there. sa, TLe officers ea the assoetat are nAg. L. Halag. reaident. D. H. Thorn 'b lng, vicpmesident, Andrw Krau, siemetary-treurr . ntty h orrgniseM of the aemte sWee are Mrs. R. SpiTo, Mrs AL se W. . Oeport, TYh Dil A. -nam Krma Com Weddings of New oo Orleans Folks the The WEST SIDE COUPLES WHO mN. Capi TERED THE STATI OP MAT. say. RIMONY DURING WEE I TI cott WIEGMAN-MA88A own The marriage of Miss Josie Wieg- and man to Mr. Abelardo Massa was cele- c brated Wednesday morning at a was Nuptial Mass at the church of the Aua Holy Name of Mary, Rev. A. M. Cot ter officiating. The attendants were Miss Mary Gillen, a cousin of the bride, and Mr. A Raphael Gracita. During the signing ar of the register Mr. William Donner lmtl sang "Ave IMaria." Del I After the ceremony a breakfast cul a was served at the home of the bride. on The young couple, who received many Al handsome and ebstly presents, left o the same morning for Pensacola to ati r spend their honeymoon. On their re- an 11 turn they will reside in Opelous flo I1 avenue, where they will be at home wt to their many friends. fot I1 MISS ALBERTINE McKEE we HONOR GUEST. we he The following clipping from a Gal- blk veston, Tex., paper will be of interest tig to our readers: MI aiss Ray Browne entertained with of a delightful dinner dance Thursday Evening at the Modern Cate, honoring cri S Miss Alberteen McKee of New Or- Mi leans. The table was decorated with Mi a huge basket filled with red roses tre tied with pink and white tulle. Tall dr candles in crystal holders shed a soft Pe Slight over the table. The place of the go' . honor guest was marked with a cor. Bh d sage bouquet. The girls were given Do - vanity bags as tavers and the boys tel a button hole bouquets. Those present pa ` were: Misses Alberteen McKee of wa New Orleans. * Mary McCamant, Blanche Cornwall, Louise Lancaster, as a Jennie V. Cathey, Unda Hill, LaVeta H nAwat, Messrs. Edward C. Held, M4 Clifford Gaylord, Johnnie Williams, A SOlan Lancaster, Jerry DuBoe, Harvey wl at W. Skeen, Arthur E. Schuster and til t Dr. L. A. Neil. bi al YOUTH ARRESTED AS SUSPECT fl OVER FIRING OF SHOTS iC n Suspected of being the person who fc re. shortly before midnight Thursday at he Gouldsboro fired a shot at one of the tl by guards on duty at the Texas A Pacific L or railroad yards, Frank Morgan, 17 b a years old, laborer, formerly employed b by that road, was arrested by Special *t Deputy Marshal Robert Baird and he held In the Second Precinct station for the federal authorities. his When arrested shortly after the h Ire shooting, it is said, a revolver "still c wo warm" was found in his possession. t He will probably be charged, it was t said, with violating the federal Texas & Paclc Injunction. The youth re IN. fused to make a statement Friday moraing. ATHENIAN CARNIVAL CLUB. ut C Ing On last Wednesday tight (The i ect Athenian Carnival Club held the a Ide largest and best attended meeting of mt. the year at the Alhambra Club. Many I hk- Important matters were taken up, ser ameS them being the most important of all, "The Mardl Gras Celebration." are L. J. Schrodbe, preldeit said, "On Mrn. Mardl Gras Dy the Athenlan Carnl bus, val Club wvi open the eyes of the Algun peto. a Ye men oatime to Join the g mRUsiSaei this of courue manllg: i balnm tL t Aths La Carnlval 4h- is b ha tha em t ouramval l, realti AUsers ever bh Apt an puleala may e pmessred at mauk. rde Dns ser. TWO MEN CHARGED Wh WITH FIRING HOMEi Two of four white men arrested Th Thursday after the firing of the home discu of Albert Bush, negro railroad shop is Al but tI man, at 1325 Pacific avenue, were tunit] charged with arson Thursday after- name noon after loitering charges against test the four had been dismissed. on S The arson charges were made by Er the state fire marshal against Joseph letic Cappola. 734 Webster street, and charl John Parr. 443 Belleville street. Jake gam( Phillips, 709 Opelousas avenue, and "T William Tillotson of McDonoghville quite were released. Bush is said to have said identified Cappola and Parr as two of Algih the men he saw running from his I re house. chec Bush was awakened at 3 o'clock preti by noises and the smell of smoke. aboe Rushing to the front door, he found not flames bursting through the weather- bam boarding and saw three or four men ties. running away. Seizing a shotgun, tage the negro fired three shots at the thel men, who escaped in the darkness. to s The fire was extinguished with buck- girl. ets of water. Sacks saturated with aifm oil were found between the weather- dres boarding and oil had been poured at about the sills of the porch. Sep, Detectives Maureau, Arnold and Thi Patrolman Edward Rooney, patroling wha Algiers, heard the shots fired by Bush it n and rushed to his home. Bush gave has them a description of one of the men. kee Combing the vicinity, they encoun- nigl tered and arrested the four white con! men at the Algiers ferry landing. and Cappola and Parr had cartridges in tuni their possession, but no revolvers. as The hands and clothing of Parr and Cappola smelled of oil, the police has say. The men deny the charge The The house, a double one-story frame san cottage, 1323-1325 Pacific avenue, is bea owned by Mary Blackerd. Lamarque to and Teche streets. The damage amounted to approximately $50 and to is covered by insurance. An attempt and was made to fire the same house on e Aug. 22. e be WEDDING. 2 A very pretty wedding and one that col g aroused a great deal of curiosity and hil r interest was that of Miss Rosebud the Delicatessan, and Mr. Archibald Her. to it cules Headlight, which was celebrated wi e. on Friday, September 15th, at the ra 7y Algiers Methodist Church. wi The church was thro ged with rel 10 atives sad triends of the young eompie s' "and it was beautifully decorated with am s flowers and evergreens. A huge w 1e white bell was hung In the center a forming an arch for the young couple. The bride looked lovely in her hi wedding gown of white silk. She th T. wore a veil of illusion In cap effect hi held in place by sprays of orange TI il- blossoms. Her long train was beau- Ta at tigully beaded and was carried by an Miss Brilliantine Headlight, a sister th of the groom. all ty The birdesmalds wore gowns of be ag crepe and carried shower bouquets. ga T- Miss Evening Glory wore pale green, th Miss Heliotrope Caterer wore hello is trope, Miss Marigold Chandler was l11 dressed in cloth of a golden hue, Miss ft Peach Blossom Delicatessen In a te gown of pink, while Miss Orange i-. Blossom Delicatessen wore pale blue. in Due to a serious accident Miss But- Ki yu tercup White was unable to take t at part in the wedding and Mr. Footlight of of was unexpectedly called out of town. ni it, Mr. Archibald Headlight, Jr., had t sr, as his attendants Messrs. Percival TI to Headlight, Aggie Plashlight, Leander e Id. Moonlight, Hector Headlight, and s, Adonis Searchlight. They all wore R ey white suits which contrasted beau nd tifully with the puastel shades of the re bridesmaids gowns. ( Little Miss Headlight acUting as c TIflower girl wore a dress of white g crepe with a wreath of pink essoms F in her hair, and carried a basket of J rose petals which were scattered be rho fore the bridal party. d at Master Eclair Delicatessen carried the the rings on a pillow to the altar.t i1o Little Master Caterer a cousin of the 17 bride dressed as cuptd preceded thet red bride to the strains of Lohengrlinas :Ial wedding March. ad During the signing of the register la Mr. Stardust sang "Because I Love You." After the ceremony a reception wuas the held in the church parlors where the couple received the best wishes of their many friends. We are pleased to state they are the recipients of Sa handsome set of silverware. S DELIGHTFUL EVENING On Wednesday last Miss Christine GOlblfn entertained at dinner in honor of the annversary of her birth and lhe in honor of Miss Olga McNeely, a the bride-elect of the season. The afalr of was a most delightful one. Miss Gib, any len was assisted in entertaining by 1 up, the members of her family. She re ceived many pretty gifts from her friends. the LADIES AUXILIARY. the The Ladies Auzilarr, sunset Lodge sking I wim hold Ms reslar meutin om aval Thursay, September st, 15,. at the lral Pythi all at 3:3 P. ? . All Ap# mamesam asIph to be Sossmt as 5t i I sa ermsaee setrans Who Is The Prettiest Girl In Algiers? This question is one that has been discussed long and often. Just who is Algiers' prettiest girl is not known, but the Algerines will have an oppor tunity to find out when the Druids name the winner of their beauty con test at their Jack O' Lantern festival on Sunday, October 1. Ernest C. Hunt, playground ath letic director, has been placed in charge of this and other contests and games to be staged on that day. "The beauty contest should arouse quite a lot of interest in Algiers," said Mr. Hunt. "I have noticed that Algiers is full of pretty girls, and I really think that if a percentage check was made on the number of pretty girls here it would stand out above any other place in the country, not even barring those northern Ala bama towns famed for their beau ties. With this point to our advan tage the judges, no doubt, will have their hands full when the time comes to award the prize to the prettiest girl. The rules of this contest are sfmple. Just send your name and ad dress to me in care of Albert Prados at 906 Verret street no later than Sept. 30. If possible, send a photo. This will give the judges an idea of what they are to expect, and besides it might help you. A handsome prize has been selected, but the Druids are keeping its nature a secret until the night of the award. This is the first contest of this kind known in Algiers !and some girl will have the oppor tunity of making a name for herself as a beauty. I Mr. Hunt also announced that he :has arranged a freckle contest for those who might envy the beauties. The rules for this contest are the e same as those which govern the beauty contest, except that it is open to both boys and girls. Contestants d must mail their names and addresses d to Mr. Hunt as in the beauty contest, and must say that they wish to enter a the freckle contest. Besides these contests there will be games of all kinds, starting at 2 p. m., at the Druids' Palm Garden. A donkey party, an apple ducking at contest, a shoe race, two boxing ex ad hlbitions, a clown contest (prize for ad the best clown and for the best cos er- tume), sack races and a cowboy race ed will be some of the amusements ar he ranged. Prizes will be awarded the winners in each event. e. And to make the festival all that se uch an event should be, everyone is Ith asked to come masked. In other ge words, tie Jack O' Lantern will be er a masquerade. le. Two bands of music will be on ser hand to keep things humming. For The this occasion the Palm Garden will ct have a different plan of illumination. go This will be kept a secret, as the IL. Jack 0' Lantern is Intended to be a by surprise to everyone. ter The doors will open at 2 p. m., and all the kids in town are expetced to of be on hand to take part in the various ts. games. in, o- KNIGHTS RE-ELECT MUNTZ AND STAFF Iss Peter E. Munts, the present grand a knight of the Santa Maria Council, at. Knights of Columbus, together with he his entire staff, was re-elected to ht office for the fourth term Wednesday ,! night. More than 200 memberus of ad the order took part in the election. val Those selected to hold offitce for the lr coming term are: ad Mr. Munts, grand knigst; W. T. ore Ryan, depaty grand knight: A. J. e- Galennie, chancellor; J. A. Barrett, the recorder; J. P. 8kelly, secretary; G. A. Lynker, treasurer; Prank Ie as court, advocate; A. 0. Ryan, inner ite guard; Henry Ormond, oater guard;: uns F. O. Lynker, warden; G. O. Roome of Jr., alternate delegate to grand be. knight, and J. L. Hlggins, alternate delegate to past grand knight. rled The re-election of Mr. Munts tee tar. tiles to the regard in which he is the held by the order. He has been idea the tiled with many important civic i movements. He has served as pre ident of the Brotherhood of Railwq Clerks, as secretary of the Algie ve Improvement Association, as a mena ber of Exemption Board No. 12 de? Sing the war, and as an active worker of for the Red Cross. He has twice been secretary of the Orleans Levee SBoard, and has served as secretary to the commissioner of pehle safety and auditor of judicial expense td. In varlous capacities he was connect ed with the Southern Pacfie railrosd many years. tine mor NAVY BOARD ASKED TO VISIT and ORLEANS y, a ar A special invitation to include New Gi Orleans in the itinerary of the navy by board appointed to investigate shore stations was given to Secretary Dem her by by Representative James O'Connor of the First District. The board is to inquire trte the proper shore stations to be male tamned and kept in eudfttib for t dge medliat use, and while it has bees g oe settlsd that the New es status the would be visited, Represeutative All O'Connor wished to sell eaeole nt st -l tees t the beeoto1 N ew