Newspaper Page Text
AGS THE FIEI ALD. SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE Section 10 of Act 120 of 1916 pro hibits Ferry Companies from charging school children tare during school hours. -;s 6 TOtin E HtilE .D. But why are we still paying the aroet Dwvsid to Ut Rpblg w the Sui SMe Rt the R Mae. "Ay Iewo a creditable weekLy neswper ."-MANUCACIRIWR RECORD. ALGIERS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922. N. 28 r - ...=p* **T """"""?" " "" "!""! """"":"mir** SOf car tallill S Mrs. Babbi Sary Delphine Roussel Babin. ' , 328 Alix street, was SCsgl and Murat streets at j oaday night when struck 1 --ltle driven by Joseph a 31 years old. 1202 South g u et. oa the car charged the E a heavy fall of rain and rSrat which prevented the 1 r o iang the approach of 1 4ad caused the machine to t L ad of stopping when the were apilied. Police an tbt no arrests would be 4 complete investigation. .a e was the property of 4 O ls Canal board. In it, in i. Mr. Carrier, were Edward msrctenudent of the New --ll board, and R. C. Pren 1313 Baronne street, J. C. 1 10 South Derbigny street, I Tymla. ta2t Second street. being employed by the I t the occupants of the e was bringing the Sthe city after the day's AS they approached the inter Car l and Murat streets, he p asw a woman step Into I tt ear. Sdeclares that Mr. Car sthe brakes instantly. but Sieddd and struck the wom a chise came to a halt im fter striking her, he says. was ot dragged. - h- was taken to Charity - o ear which struck her. gTI alive when placed in "d dled before she reached room. I b s were required to oe victim. The only identi as her was found inside sig she wore. It was the I "M. D. R.. Feb. 14, 1882." the neighborhood of the Slarned that a woman < Sesription of the vie. the resMease of Mrs. A. 1 l Saouth Murat street, I -of the tragedy. Call they learned that 'S Tit her hoese to . ter, Mrs. Charles sad Canal stree. Greason we"t to aserges, where they at *arty fhosa1 MIr. abmi sIoerd a .a fraetred wrist, and "& hm maa Ame nived by another soe, aof Fort Lyon. CoL lm. Her mother, eat foar alm* em d MIs EisRa Om Iel osLaes, also srvive. a~Ms, wh dk d sat e time captain of ALPHA. 4Wr Istory dM t-ove m ore a !e!r last fe m~ f the CM uhst irea to mbk .i tine Isheets Lst hve satined at tmL FalItead Lst the white late a witches' msaek sad eao 1s traetoaset Mach *tcre e smeted $ek catr as the mombers ttkerea m to a . Ames the -eleetrb l ek huas truam: mease -esether with NothMig tol L eamn comtrved aadmother heI man iesa des e Ild rew etsa h etleteadY, sek - eee me Jie et sentes .* _m..- a i seemsr s toeme Orders Southern Pacific To Provide Viaduct At Newtn Street An order directing the Southern Pacific Company to provide "a safe and suitable traffic viaduct over and across its tracks In Algiers" has been signed by the Louisiana Public Service Commission and is now in force. it was announced Saturday morning by Francis Williams, mem ber of the commission. Mr. Williams himself prepared the recommenda tion for the order and it was adopted by his fellow commissioners. Plans and specifications for the viaduct or crossing are to be filed with the commission within thirty days, and the work is to be com pleted within ninety days from the time of the approval of the plans. This is the case of the Newton street viaduct in Algiers, which has been the subject of considerable con tention for some time. In the decision handed own by the commission, through Mr. Wil liams, the history and facts sur rounding the closing of the ten streets crossing the Southern Pacific yards were thoroughly gone into. The decision charged that "when it closed every street between the river and the woods that crossed its prop erties the M. L. & T. Railroad & Steamship Company creaed a condi tion of total separation between upper and lower Alders that made the Newton street viaduct neces sary." The decision also charged that gases from the locomotives of the Southern Pacific alone was responsi Me for corroding the steel frame work of the bridge, which resulted in its being closed. It set forth that the bridge was built originally in 1907 so that the railroad might ben efit, and aside from paying $10,000 for the privilege of closing all streets it paid nothing toward constructing the $99,00 bridge. In summing up the case, the de cislos declares that "equity and writ ten law both place the burden of building the viaduct upon the de fondant in this case." THE GLEANERS. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ponti, of Bermuda Street entertalned the Gleaners at their home oa last Thursday night. tIs meetlis Mr. and Mrs. t" w hmeb to come e, ts -teat where she wair 4-etve i - eys~ , supper ton honor of their eighteenth weddint annilversary. The dining room was very beauti fully decorated, and the table was artistically arranged. Darlnu the sapper Miss Martha Pontt, and Master Guy Pnti, render ed several selections on the plano and saxophone. The supper was very much enjoyed by da the members. . hos who .*4L a very -pleasant evening were Misses iisbeth Gull. lot, Zina Karr, Zsther Marens, Mnes. Halloween Cleutat, Pettigrove, Ber. grar, san Hsaife, Mr. se- Mrs. Charles Hoethamp, Mr. and Mrs. Tom atntlsle, Mr. DeaMm, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Paont and children On the departmn of each guest they wished Mr. and Mrs. Pontl eighteen more years of continued hap She,. DELEGATES TO CONFERENCE. President Frak t. Hymel and Se retary C. J. Donner are among the delegatese selected to rwresent the hrlesans -Lve Bosrd at tLhe Novem her Ith Conference eoled by Ov- ernor Parker, and to be held in the Senap Chabmber at aston oage, to the purpose o rmuattng .and agree tas upon one man e lesidatis for flodentrol on thl MlisasuuIgg River, which It Is proposed to be presented in the ones o the United State, throusk the Nstional RILvers and 3ma ms CieOues at theisr eighteenth Anual coarenton to be held Ia h 0. 0., on December 0th and 7t at whlesh aconvent M., Hymel and Mr. Doniaer will also be deesates to reneant the Orteans 3berse eose. - aetr ,,es. o tss sen * o wion nigr at a elaborato dea st the hemo dMs. L. V. rammo these 9Am he h* tdlrnee Eg whais the 'seuitthe In charge have lft udees to asere a g o ' sowud an t i ntr t by tDum Sind U mean ! 4 * i ebr. •o tI-I !I - ·i - --T.r Another Year. \ \\\Jf ELLWELL I -T -- THE Nomwi OBITUARYIT DIKET-On Tuesday at 12:06 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Katherine Diket died at the age of forty-eight years. De ceased was a native of Algiers. The ffuneral took place Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. in., from her late residence 800 Pacific Avenue. Interment was in McDonogh Cemetery . FAY-On Friday at 0:30 a. min., Mrs. I Herbert M. Fay, nee Mabel Rand, died at her home in Teche Street. 1 Deceased was born In Creston, DL. I forty-three years ago, and had resided here for the past three years. She was the wife of Dr. H. M. Fay, the well known dentist of Teche Street, and was a devout Methodist, taking a prominent part in all work con nected with the local chWrch. The remains war shipped to Li-a 'derwoo. L.,awseedw s.agmsfor ain termeat. Dr. Pay sand his saster so companied the remains. CASEY - On Thursday at 10:45 o'clock p. m., Emmet L. Casey died after an illness of several months. Deceased was thirty-three years of age and was married to Miss Vallery Fath, who with several children sur vive him. The funeral took place Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from his late residence, 441 Bonny street. Interment was In St. Bartholomew Cemetery. HENNSSEY - On Saturday at 1:20 o'clock p. m., 'Bridget Catherine Hennessey. daughter of the late Catherine Kirby and W. R. Hennes sey, died at the age of fty-six years. Deceased was a native of Algiers and had resided here all her life. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her late residence, 521 Pacific avenue. Interment was in St. Patrick Cemetery No. 1. STORY-TELLING AT LOCAL LIBRARY TO-DAY. All branch libraries will share in the bak display and story-telllag of "Children's Books Week." To-day the program for the story telling at the local library will be :30: to 10:30, Misses M. Reynolds, and 3. Kelley; 10:30 to 11:30, Misses M. McNeely and A. Verous, 11:20 to 12:2. Misses H. Graham and E. Trully; 1 to 2, Misses K. Haggerty and A. Leone; 2 to 3, Teacher from Holy Crss School; 3 to 4, Misses May Barrett and V. Gray and 4 to 5, Misses . Kay sand Irene GOlliot. BODY UNIDENTIFIED The body of an uideMntifed white man abort M years of age was found Soating In the river below Algiers. Police at iret believed it was the bedy of the man who leaped from a Coast street ferry Sunday night, ,but the clothes on the body were d4i ferest from these worn by the man l who jlnmpd trem the terry. The body In the morgue has a small gray mustache sand was dressed In blie trousers with white stripes., black coat, white shirt with yellow stripes, and a black tie. . The body was found by Paul V. ISeas of McLeallave, who was ksha, aid was Drought to New Orianes by Cemeur Jehn Fely, First Prnodut'. and Suprnumerary Patrolman Alphm Ase rma, Eighlth PereeLct. ATTEND LUNCHEON liY to the vsitlag degates t wIes at the lge esheel was at anems by ae V.. V. hut, .pems dept of aiea' le Pa urre . . ... Personal Mention And General News SHORT ITEMS OONCERNING WEST SIDE PEOPLE. Mrs. A. J. Amuedo spent Sunday In Abita Springs, the guest of Mrs. Geo. Friar. Mr. Edgar Cayard, has been visit ing in Slidell and in Pearl River in the Interest of Epworth League work. Miss Gladys Heard of Bunkle. is visiting her aunt, -Mrs. C. C. Wler. Miss Myra Kelly spent the week end, the guest of Mrs. J. T. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Labit were re cent visitors to Houma. Mrs. Walter Harvey left Saturday for a visit in Hot Spring. Ark. Mr. H. . Robeam let Tuesday for Tampieo to be gonme me time. A very enjoyable motor trip was enjoyed last Saturday. The tour in. cluded Raceland, Thibodeaux, Napo leonville, Houma and Donaldsonville and of course all the little towns in between the important stops. The party was composed of Misses Orrie Summers, Luella Dunn, Edith Ma guire, Thelma Cayard, Estelle Bark meyer. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Melancon, Mr. and Mrs. Barkmeyer, Mr. Erol Barkmeyer and Mrs. Summers. Arrangements have been completed for the big masquerade dance to be given by the Ladies' Guild of Mount Olivet Episcopal Church tomorrow (Friday) evening at Pythian Hall. Brownlee's Jass Band will furnish the music for the occasion. The children will have their hears from 6 to 8:30 p. m. The price of admis slon will be thirty cents for adults; two children will be admitted on one ticket. Refreshments will be served. A lawn party will be given Saturn day, Nov. 18, at the residence of Mrs. L. Sierra, corner Belleville street and Opelousas avenue, for the benefit of the new parochial school fund. There will be fancy dancing by Miss Cas sidy's pupils and also several sets of vaudeville. Doors will be open at Sp.m. Miss Grace Haley is visiting her aunt in Hammonad. La. The many friends of Miss Gladys Butcher are glad to see her oet again after having been confined to her home due to an stack of deague fever. The Sealor Epworth League of Mc Domoghville Methodist Church will give a play at Pythian Hall on Thurs day, November 23rd, at 8 p. m. Ad mission 10 cents and 15 cents. Re freshments will be sold. The Matrons Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. Goebel. The suceassful players were, Mrs. T. U. Buchhols, Mrs. . Goebel, and Mrs. f. V. Kraft. Mrs. J. A. Garland re ceived the cosolation. The next meetinl will be at the home of Mrs. Kraft. Mrs. Hy. Clark returned last week from Colorado. (Cotlined si e a L.) Daddy (bud Mauls Heriest), at 414 Baon Mro . sneMrs. Jon ~m~mml "Aw! What's The Use?" Have you ever felt like that as though no matter what you did, or I how you did it, somebody would find fault anyway? Or you've done you very best and have thought that you would certainly be appreciated-then someone else does it so much better. What is thd use? You spade and dig and weed your front garden Sat- 1 urday evening, and go to bed tired and worn out, but with the Joyful knowledgd that in the morning, all will be beautiful. When, the next morning, you go out to contemplate your work, and find your neighbor's chickens have ruined the whole place, can you refrain from crying, "What's the use!"' Or if you have made a perfectly beautiful dress for Mary Anne, a dress delicately trimmed in green, she will probably have wanted it blue, and the oyster pattles you so painstakingly: fixed for Henry's supper, he will just have eaten for lunch. In such cases, its hard not to say, "Aw, What's the Use?" It's a common alling,--thlis of ours,-of throwing up our hands, and sinking down into our rocking chair in* despair. It's so very common that even fou probably have it. If you have,-it something makes you feel as though nothing were of any use, there's someone just like you whom The Herald presents today. In the middle of the paper, is the strip of cartoons, entitled, "Aw! What's the use?" which will make you feel happier when you've read them. They appear each week. MISS HEDGES HONORED Miss Julia Hedges was honored by the Parents Cooperative Club of Mc Donogh No. 15 Schoolt 18 Barracks street, last week, when they pre sented her with a silver meesh beg. Miss Hedges, who will be remem* bered in our town as the daughter of the late Rev. C. S. Hedges, for many years rector of Mount Olivet Chureh, has taught in the same school for the past forty years. Her forty-year stay at the school is said to be a record. Though her forty years as a teacher entitles her to retirement on pension, she refused to say whether she intended resign lng or not. Miss Hedges now teaches the eourth Grade. She frst taught the Seventh. DOCK BOARD REJECTS BIDS Acting on the recommendation of Diboll & Owen, its architects, the, Dock Board has decided to reject all bids received for the remodeling of the Peydras street shed, as part of the Canal street beautificaton plan. Bids on the work were submitted October 26 by four frms. The project will be readvertised In thirty days' time, it was decided by the board. Decision to improve the foot of Canal street was reached almost a year ago, but because of the number of orgapnsations in-olved plans have been delayed materially. PUT OUT GARBAGE. Mr. Sutherland, sir beal street eesmissiomer, reeuests that the rueil dents put out their garbage can be fore 7 o'clock ih the morning to ia sure prompt collection of garbage. The garbag men make thei. calls early, ad the cooperatien of the housewives wil fci tate n a the garbage eolleeted. HOUl lURNS Lin Cha~"ISt 1m1 Iraya nave -m e when as a sme ezpledsd SCHOOL BELLS RINGING " ADOLPH MEYER SCHOOL Everyone is pleased that Misses Baer and Wilson have recovered from their recent illness and are again at school. The principal and faculty want to thank Mrs. Demarest for her dons. w tion of books for the school library. K This donation will greatly benefit ai the pupils, as the slogan for this C term is "Better English," and these books will give the children the op- H portunity of reading and becoming as accustomed to good English. tl Misses Juanita Bayhi and Leonide bh Gaines, Red Cross nurses, were at at the school this week to examine the ti arms of those children who had re- p cently been vaccinated. Mr. James McArthur, superintend- p ent of gardening in the public , schools, was also a visitor this week. g He inspected the school garden, com- j plimented the work of the pupils, n and asked that the school enter the spring contest, as such excellent work had been accomplished. The following pupils were perfect in the weekly tests in spelling and 14 rapid arithmetic: I Perfect in Arithmetic Eighth Grade B - Earl Cooper, a Nicholas Corona, Jennie Scott, Joseph a Breitling. Seventh Grade A-George Tlerney, h Raymond Grundmeyer, Mary Nep- Ii veux, Eleanor Steel. F Seventh Grade B-John Tagert, c George Demarest, Raymond de Roche, g Angeline Chagnard. it Sixth Grade A-Tillford Kulp, Au- If gust Tierney. Sixth Grade B-Joseph Alonso, Nora Hingle, Florence Begue, Arthur Danos. Fifth Grade A - Harold Ernst, 8 George Tlerney, Dixie Edgecombe, e Raymond Wattigney. Fifth Grade B-Henrietta Smith. John Hammond, George Lacinak, .1 Jackson Molalsson, Flavia Corona, Lloyd Collette, Odette Breaux, Lee h Wattigney, John Hurtin, Edward Pujol, Maxime Hebert, Laurence Rob- t ichaux. August Cantin, John Caruso, h Mary Caruso, Leslie Collins. Fourth Grade A-Muriel Galling house. Fourth Grade B-Priscilla Lutz, Thelma Sanborn. Allan Barnes. Fourth Grade B-Florence Eddy, 1 Mathilda Richards, Leonide Serpas, I Mamle Sutherland, Ellen Sutherland, I Loretta Tierney, Laura Fabian, David Gebs, Jeanne Lassere, Leighton Ber keron. Amanda Hebert. Third Grade A - Wilbert Edge combe, Louise Pujol, Tom Beandean, Melba Campbell, Anatol Beaudreaux, S(ontinued en page 5) KINDERGARTEN MEETING r The regular meeting of the Belle a ville Kindergarten Mothers' Club was I held Friday, Nov. 10, at 3:15 p. m. a All arrangements for the Thankagiv i lng celebration were completed and a all members and all mothers ifsving a children in the Kindergarten or who p are otherwise interested in the wel s fare of the school are cordially in- I l vited to be present at this elebra r tion at 9:30 a. m., on Wednesday, Nov. 29. The election of officers for the year followed. Mrs. A J. Amuedo, I after fourteen years of service asu president, expressed her opinion on ( the subject of re-election and askdl - that mothers having children in the i kindergarten be elected to office. I After much discussion Mrs. James Kepper was uanimouesly elected Spresident; Mrs. P. Flanders, vice - president; Mrs. George Peterseo, see r retary; Mrs. Butcher, treasurer. I r This being a social meeting, del cious refreshments were served. r HALLOWEEN PARTY A Halloween party was given at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blakeman.I The house was prettily decorated in the Halloween colors. Musie for the Sdeancing was furnished by Miss Cam He Hildebrand. UAfter the dames the jolly crowd visited the caemetreries, looklng for the proverbal ghoets. Those present were: MYi i Ollie Le Blanc, Bunice Hartnoett, ly I Chonte, Irma Maset, Hazel Shieby, 5 Aldan Johnson, Margle Bhakeman, SllEdith DaIgle, Messrs. Marion Ryan., if Clement Balk, James Johnso, Willie Johnson, George Gall, Karl Saleeby, Philip 8aleeby, Lee Holmn, Mr. and d Mrs. B. Blakeman, Mrs. Orrell Mrs. J. L. Saleeby, and many others. d SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given Nov 11 to Master William Short by Thee Lai. The house was decorated with Sags and other desiges. Those pres ent were: Mary Gordon, Pat, Ceeil and Harriet Mants, Ruth Boud, Dor-t othy Wilson, Helen Hucklus, Ethel it Aaderean, Edith Humphrey, Lula 1- May Bessen, wease o e nd eamin - Gouner, Margaret rymel, Mary Jul a- lr, Merle Talets, Albert DIket, Ha . old O'Brie, Henary Brown, Charles Is Nulns, Walter ler, ge Rich * ards, Stanle Laugh, iwiLnBoud g Wendlint, Anthenr and Thee Lali, Catherine, Buddy, Alvin, Bert and Wllm Shert. ATTIEND CONVENTION SOn rMiay, Mrsn. W. h. ebt, Mrs. i N. C. BMimi Kr. A. beet, Mrs. L. t Acker, Mr. L. alets, Mr. C. eaI. * Krq, A. Mmue a Mrs. A. 0dM 4 Assm i$ w ; - in the G' Miss Knowles Is Injured By Tulane Belt In View Of Hundreds Before hundreds of people going to work Monday morning Miss Oladys Knowles, 1 years, 709 Opelousas avenue, was struck by a Tulane belt car at Canal and Carondelet streets. The girl was rushed to Charity Hospital. On first examination phy sicians said she had received lacera tions of the scalp and minor body bruises, and reported her condition as not serious. An X-ray examina tion was made, however, to detect possible internal injuries. Miss Knowles, according to the police, was attempting to cross Canal street from the upper to the lower side. She stepped on the car tracks in the neutral ground, hesitated a moment, stepped forward, and then pulled back before the street car. Motorman Brindell stopped the car immediately. Conductor Ceallilong assisted Andrew Feldler, 41U6 Or leans street, to carry the girl into Katz & Besthofs drug store, where she was given first aid treatment and held until the Charity Hospital ambulance arrived. Andrew Feidler, Jr., who was on his way to work, saw the girl lying in the street and rushed to her side. He had been waiting for a Dauphine car, he said, and didn't see how the girls was knocked down. When he turned he saw her bleeding profusely from her head and ran to give her aid. He picked her up unconscious and carried her through the rapidly grow ing crowd to the Kats & Besthoff arug store on Canal street, where emergency treatment was given to her. She did not regain conscious ness until the ambulance arrived and she was placed on the stretcher. A friend of hers who was with her, he said, declared the girl had been on her way to work and she asked the police to be allowed to acompany her to the hospital. A SOUTHERN CINDERELLA. Where am I going on Thursday, No vember 23rd? Every one says, "To Pythian Hall, to see the play which is known as "A Southern Cinderella." Senior Epworth League of Mc Donoghville Metpodist Church will present a threeect comedy drae This is the play everyone has buse Stalking about for some time. The following will take part: Madame Charteris, Miss Ora"e l . ley: Miss Rose 'Wlnterberry, Mis Anita Thaggard; Joalbell Randolph. Miss Anna Leinhardt; Catherine Hawke, Miss Winnie Tillotson; Care line Hawke, Miss Gladys A. Butcher; s Mammy Judy Johnson, Miss Laura Edwards; Southern Cinderella, Miss Elisae Lelnhardt. I You surely cannot miss seeint r Mammy Judy Johnson, four times a widow lady, and still the queen bee - of the Colored Society, about to take her fifth premeditated plunge into the sea of matrimony. Ober leven dollars spent and not even one cream colored kiss. Come and see how the Misses Hawke take possession of all the money and home of Madame Char teornse and how, in the last act, Little I Banld, Southern Cinderqila, at last finds out that she is the rightful heir to the Qharterise fortune. For all this we are only going to charge you the small sunm of ten cents for children and twenty4tve cents for adults. Retreshmeats will be serred. SURPRISE DANCE O0 Thursday evenins Mr. William Gay was girven a surpriae by Miss Martha Ponti and his sister at his Shome in Bermnuda street. The house I was decorated for the occaseaon. SDlraing the evenlng dainty rtefresh Sments were served and danein in 5 dulsed in. music being furnlahed by I Mr. Ned Whitmore. Thee present were: The Mises Alle Breusom SMartha Poeartl, Loustae and Irma Omath, F Carroll McNell, Qenevieve Ward. See !, Gay, Sarah Bauman, Catherine Br I, ton, Messrs. Harry Pomes, Leles Ca saubon, William Gay, dward Jo. Sbenok, John Bacon, James Leryt, T, Emile Smith, Ned Whitmore, Mr. ad Md rs. Plaisworth, Mr. and Mrs W. ' Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. O. Puoti, Mr. sad Mrs. Heithcamb, Mr. and Mrs. Gay. THIRD ANNIVERSARY. SQuilte a number of little boys and Sgirls .were entertanlaed on Thursday, November 9th, at the home of Mrs. SA. T. Durgan, 7tO Brooklya Av., the occasilon belal the third anniversary e Sthe birth of her little Alvin, Itj, OGames were played and deleious re freshments were served. A Jolly time was spent by all preset. S FIELD DAY POSTPONED. 4 The Knilhts of Columbs field day , has been postponed from Sanday duntil some later date, owing to fat the Holy Name parade takes place on that day. EXCLUSIVE CLUS. i. The Euelsve Club will hold l meetint at the home of Miss Martha a Fentd, in Dermma street, en VgMay, it"" . '13, .,a ebrsseWb