Newspaper Page Text
I - 'PAGES THE RALD. 1 POES _,.,..., L B W 0 69i tpih lia i i ·I . lh N "A. 1.el off""I .i. ýr -ývaO.'IaVooaN le n ooso. EEI% ,ALGIERS, OUISIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922. No. 30 4ERALD EIGITEEN TEARS AGO From Algers News And Happing Daring Purth Week I November 110, When This Paper Was A Husky Infant in p dIm As ...... ms v ..lw d Im abI 5WsW - a _ U )t I with m__ wn ams b*y ia Mar *Miti o 55i Sys !1 years, was eheld wh le at work at the a .oul over d boar sl a he toaeral took place resedeeS, 60 Ope es, aatoerta -a M reaor oMax Hea o, sema LDs ek the o Mi the door. a va~tw u Mr. at. mss, was hep~ues at Mt. hurc, Mrs. . P. e. aT M el'a . arl s oa at Lhs OdUot year was Dsiphim wtoste. 4Uhiamipte a ,,a. er * Alsm Noval wa- amemeos !s ss r m. .s. anr-it -ai it owr • " li ithan I i as* ra rr I owned by John Kleinkemper and oc Seupiled by Rd Johmron, negro. Fire I also damaged the ingle cottage 216 s Webster street, owned by Mrs. L SGallagher and occupied by John Samp n as a residence and butcher shop, a The Hammer Club celebrated Thanks Sgiving Dy at their Wigwam. A samp. Stuous trkey dinner, prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Praak B. Moore, was arved. Mr. Geo. C. Palmer made the I welcome address. Thobe present were: Horn. H. N. Umbech, L A. Ward, Geo. . C. Palmer, Martin Pfelder, Frank B Moore, A. Baln, Fred Young, Hy. Vogt . L ehl. Lee erase, Geo. Mas pheres, J. Owens, T. J. Stinson and Chas. Brodtmas. ! SThe Rlverside Soial Club surprised Mr. Edward Brown at his residece, the es-les being the twenty-irst an I alivereary his lirth. i SMe Mary Crowley etertained at a dance and candy-pulling on Thanlkavlns eveains. SMr. John Peralt was burned about the heas and thee whle trying to e ttnall the fire which broke out at I his hde in Peeman Ave. An oil lamp esepid causda the re. The rel denee was owned by Mrs. Get. Loo* r hes. Thaakmgliag was celebrated at Delvllso Behestl, the fiewingl pupils taknla 'part in the program: Nelle I Croe, JUliet Bain, Sadle Ve. lna Pete, Irma Leo Preseb and ra. the Gahe. The eemittes I charoe et the dis tdhbelp ot the Thanklgving oes p4P o McDeasgh N. 4 hoom were: R iebsn Bsa., John Oles,1 Jam. dynedr, as. Kokemore, Wallace Nebirt, Reb. Andersos. Matt aoret Saieeoums ame umrn Kimer S IMqOe PoLR OF MTY. ,. , aftabuk Misses d ansylam Haal ia an Daisy Kramase ad Mrs. SeA. a s, asted with the s aant sla oie.s and enajr bes istrumental ml easl musenicl SelllssI I6 eb hIs were t seat s .hlses eam where a deenasd tws was sopm e fy ntheo snme 'l~_ er, a .ss t c t Riwas deas to pa* the young at the - .eh to have them Sm stly b.w kish wouml1 in l ereseer a sndaerest ls theo |1s , .n t-n1 -e no tcl, Sdn } ia us. Mhelal - . g.r .e.. - no th power sbthS was esre Oe o a wwdr Vee1s pueies and -seemea ber ths power eeld M bSt salu - se materiel enr e S elUIY hew tb*1 >rw>Ms a emu mst Ul the 1*:45 drosk SU Y assesss yervase and l bi Mk It th ee The] g t -ass a Ut u I semHawm 'i- fm i 1 Wag es u Isr. : lI ui tc fa wirnr u ufire -s Ia -U ~yl ~n, Y*1 j Ijt 'I~j "The Kick-Off" 0jL \le, -- - I - AYCOCK- Wedaesday at 3 o'clock a. a., Hoary Aycock, em of our best hoew railroad mea died at his home In Lisa Street after an ianees of several mouths. Mr. Aycook was bera In Terreboas . La., forty-eight years ago, but had resided here for the pat tweaty-t years. s Is sur ied by his wife . who was MIs Cora Hmel and by three daughters Miss HaUes, laye, and Deais Ayeoek besMides other rel l stives I The fseral took pe Thursdary ' at t3: o'leck foee the funeral per o lr olf d J. Moth, 81l Segua street, I. due to tLhe aIl s d deesesed's daugh ter, Mas Fare who is 3 with typheld ever. Inte ment was In St. I M~arlry Y, Sr.,n tyears Md, dd t 5p. ., We r esday. at the reImes at his sea, r Dr. J. 2 Poieaek, dm Ovier Street. - Peral servlces were held at 4 Dr. Pollock's resMeace at 4 p. a., I Thursday, and burial was it Me . Demoghflle Cemetery. 1 He Is survived by his widow, three ghters. Mrs. D. . D. K , Mrs. A. L~ mith amnd Miss Agnes *relya Pol loek, and two seas, Themas Poleock, SJr., and Dr. J. I. ronoek. SSOUILTHORP-On Thursday at 10:3 edoelk a. a., Sohn SBclthorp, hasbad et OGeorgia Thompasn, died e at the age of thirty-ala years. H t was a ati e at Leaden, 2aIsad, but I had resided hern for may year.. The Sfuneral tooe pees Friday at 3 o'clock Stfrom his late rmlease, Pasoltl SAveus. Intermeat was to Metaidle C meters I LIERY IN NEW TOOiL I * The Librty Homestead Ass s I wr rs, i I tn us i t at r is, tey are In their new homs at 'las Orvlar Sreet. wich has Just I bees fied up sad stands as a rival Stoday to arw esse is thw city et i New Orleans. Mr L s aaer, the Ssecretary, of fthe aseoetma, Is t p et his new "laa, and he is the the ful oepesatle of his ae beardt b making the Liberty one at hhe ' esbRi ekad asseeiw i s ilre renses. The Liberty I w, -eea a has- oeas toy setse a semsldg a tls hbas n r membera es the Al. rdeM se the river, w wll be ,L-seaIsI t eo w that their assesel dts beas be pa re afen. ,as a .D.Rebola, Pesiem0: Jheb 5. &arUatrs. YiaS-Wre ee Le laer! Seamefrs; D Claberms Popa er et 30 gt - m githe wak ' rrII 4~. . Bora to Mr. and Mrs. mmett E. Brows (me Themes Platt) of 217 Verret Street-- grl, Muriel Mae. Bora to Mr. sau Mrs. Chas Gurs (see WInem Hotard) at the olme of Mrs. 3. rotard. 41 DIsaa Street-s boy. PIELw DAY A S0O . S M 0 K C. !Tld Day at Goo,. Am use met Pat Sumady. was a grQwt so ese. More then oAo thousmad ema thsasto baseball sad too ras turmed out fsr the occason a e -.ea tw good games. The event was staged auder the auspsies of Santa Marila Council. Kaights of Columbus of Algiers. The baseball game betwees the Algiers sad oretal anies resulted In a 2 to 1 victory for the former. The football game edied In a draw, Aeither eleve being able to seors, although both sides fought hard and each tried their utmost to set an edge on their oppomeats. ANT POISON BEING PLACED HERE. The islacdg of sat poison Is ear district begai Tuesday at mae and with on weather It wE be eelumh Friday might. Mr. HeBns emphasised the p.ot that distributle at this time should pron of meet Immediate emtitvssssj an to the ltaeatlms mid ad warm days wha the movemets of the sat are sueh that he -mes eat of s esst fir fed whm the , s imveable sad thea MYwueas agais for the cot w ell. the poes wlch he eats espiesly after a pered a hlberat hom haviag th, regtest ft Hest whea the sat agata b bsem BLUE UNIFORMS TO BE WORN. =ht *U be "Blmeets" agati, after fim tie athe ety's pnise irsw wE o heads s atesom ofr the t mW y se amest meatbn, se Odsaao asne we apear sa bes ualem torth art o a smr memths. , MARINE is88 STAeMSED. Corporal Peusy L5. Imh, a Umanei "uinme stattern at Algiein, who stathd 1-e bath ear a sk r.s.emeda sems wil as do. mulems at wgalsh aesbs whem hoe msew ed Alve. sesh abhat tw Van womes he wy ` emeti w os ma- Wari. Ts wem wan sue meo iea ten e1 hao bbS II em }sag r e a- g : e ha .-lbliY1r a 13si Lbwr a V ii - U b. Persoeal Mentiea And Genieral News s-oM lM 00- - --1 M Mrs. A. I. Hotard entertained the Matrons Club. The successful players were Mrs. O. Aycock, Mrs. 0. Oerrets and 'Mrs. B. Nelson. Mrs. J. A. Gar land received the ceusolation. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Miss Lucille kWeler from Baltime, Maryland, Is down eor the KXmas oUl days and spent a few days with Misses Lillian sad Ver Heldman at their resideace, 121 Lavergo e Street. A theatre party sad supper dance was gives lr her honor at the Oriestal. Mrs. aNle W trt omrastu et drem have returnedr after pemI awhile with Capt. Geldert la MWe and Pessacol, Ia. Mrs. Bruce Barrett lefit for Moble, Ala., to Isos her husbead who has accepted a positle there. Mr. Joe Lawrence haspetured trom a trip to Germa. Capt. Maurice W. OGidert sailed on the 8. 8. Clavarac for Leudom. 8ts. Joha Chapter No. 35 Order Eastern Star held their mmosal service Moaday eveal. The many riends of little Ethel Juno will regre to learn of her lnaees. Mrs. John OGy Wilson was the g oet of Mrs. . . Teat last week. The Seguals Soll sad Carmival Club will give a dance at the Ave. aue Academy on Saturday. Dec. I. oev. C. C. W1er has returmed from Shreveort, where he attended the asamal coiaereme of Methodist mis Istes. Mr. an Mrs. T. 01ib anmnce the esgasemset of their daughter almisl to Mr. Thomas a. Ieselm at IS. Japes , La., the weddla to take dlae, Dec. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Arms Powell of Mobile have returned to their home after sp--eding their hemymeea here, the guests of Mr. sl Mrs. C. L. Stumspt Ill Deisremde street. (Osfimstue em 90 L) ThANKSOQIMN SPAKER ANNOUNCED. The Io. S ey L. Va8 wil be the special speeer at the service St. Joebs' lseopal Chureh, Third and Ansunelateon strets, on Thae. giving at 8 p. a. 'lTO Rev. Mr. Van torerry was priest t St. Jeoh's Churob and new is I charge of the werk at the lie Church of the An Aa- aia saad amp streets. SNTEsTAIN~. AT LWSCMEON. Mrs. aI. Test was hostess slday at a very yreMy lunmeeea at the Orlal ater Mrs Teat r og her were o the amatisse perfpmase at the OrpsUN em .The am hem table was prettUy dieseatl withi a elaster o R adist Amens Mrs. Yet's guests wr Dr and osr. alhasT Pewagm of Mr?.A Mrs. Ja W all W& SCHOOL BELLS RINGING ADOLPH MEYER * Mr. Lazu Block, of the Department i of Attendance came to visit us and I also to Introduce our new Attendance 1 Officer, Mr. Paul Schwartz, who was welcomed by the principal and fac ulty and shown through the school. Mlssu Nan Griffith, Supervisor of i Physical Instruction spent the day with us last Wednesday. She visited all the departments and found ex* I cellent work going on everywhere. I About two hundred pupils from our school visited the library during "Book Week." They were accompanied by the teacher of their respective grades. They were all very much interested and returned to school pledging them selves as going to be greater readers than ever before. Last Friday afternoon our penny party took place; it was very liber ally patronlsed by both pupils and I parents. The last period on Wednesday aft ernoon was given over to a "Thanks giving Program" in each room. Many appropriate selections were recited, compositions read and songs sung. Our school is beginnalng to take on I a holiday appearance. It will be but a very short time now, when "Santa Claus" will make us his annual visit. The little children always look for ward to this visit with a great deal of pleasure. The pupils, who are members of the basket ball team, extend t. thetr coach, Mr. L Davis, their sincerest sympathy In the serious illness of his father. The following pupils were perfect in the weekly tests of Spelling and rapid Arithmetic: SpellinI Eighth Orade A-Joseph Costello, Arthur Hotard. Eighth Grade B-Joseph Breltling, Elizabeth Costello. Seventh Grade A-Essie Clement. Arthemine Umback, George Tlerney. Sixth Grade A-William Hynes, Labrot Simmons, Tilltford Kulp, Ethel Maronge. Sixth Grade B-Thelma Arsago, Lydia Campbell, Adolph Hotard, SJoseph Boers. Fifth Grade A-Floyd GuUllot, La ens senard, Clayton Bandeau, Frank r Arsago, Aaroa Mdgecombe, Novs L tf 1 Bleber, John Tleraey, Dxite Sdgecombe. Fifth Grade B-Henaretta Smith, l arletts Tosmger" ' Mm wurti, I Ewar Paul, Flirts Cores, John SHammod, Jekseon Mealsse, rdoth. IMeOue, Lloyd Collette. Althes MNs fet, Ceeil Dutrese, Odette Breaux, " Mary Orry, iebe ssere Jeane Pflag, Sag, John Caruso, Leele Collis, Mary SCaruso Fourth Grade A-Thelmsa Aase. Murel GaOlghouses Alice Hyas, Rae Boarg Alice D hes , Frank Hlotard, Verer Lsesee. r Fourth Grade --Lucille Breaux, I John BreebteL lvera Smith. Fourth Grade --Florence Eddy, I Leolde Serpas. Aes Rgeors. Mlea r Sutherland, Jeanne LaseMe, Amanda Hebert. I Third Grade A-Rodney Dubha. SThird Grade B-Bertha Mae Collins, 1 Myrtis Asches, Jusanta Shores, Adam SLauman. Third Grade B-Henry Brand, Tom I Bmeadean, Arthur Deaudues, Gertrude I Flnasa. Looa May Hammond, As o ase May MKntre, Wilbrt dgscombe, Louise Pujol Melba Campbell, Calvin SAddamsto I Artmigtt.. I ighth orade B-Marguerite asers, Slose Cot, Joseph Brdll -mot Cooper, liabeth Costeoe. SSeventh Grade A-Ca Hartha, I Geor Tierr, Thelma 8 erind. Seveeath Grade iUls WaWt .ner. Aaefle Chesanr. Sibth Grade A-Marie Catti, TUl - toat Kl, Auaust 'armerny. Sit orade B--Adolph oetard. lth Orade A-Molde Oullet, arold a It, Loden enerd Aao duee. eeomb. Rayrmeo Wattigsye Marle Mam· so Georeg Tsere ernman anesset.Ahrt emasPh. Merietta GrIndmrers, Plvrls 0. tr e, John Hammedl. Usdr Cette, me mese r. Le W .attie Mary Caruso. Iwar hPau, Jaele Me.a la e Wt Ke0uhe, Odette mnumx. Ceeue DRnum, Jeemne Pa. e. Aegmut Cante, John Cauo, Le, e o re US.eber, M de wet ond e n--err a e ae,. F lurth rade --Amade ebert, ely Marea, Witer Prl, lan Phale. hbel MDert, Mk S lwt, imee IetrM 3as. Slethesnd, emme L mee SThid Grande A-Men Cm e Louie Ple.M dmer mahr aewsn A4dgen. Wilbut @aembe, Au. G e May NMetue. ThusY hn. Whabe emm e... 'sw:e assesseless age a eases asI mtr ee a 'assesora Yasese week. On Monday,. Mr. S. Hynes, the assistant superintendent, visited all the grammar grades and ex pressed himself as highly pleased with the work observed. The school was assembled in the basement at 10:30 Thursday to listen to Mr. S. Lindsay, school bank man ager, who gave a splendid talk on "Thrift." Mr. Lindsay is an able speaker and gained the close atten tion of the boys by the clever stories he told to drive home the necessity of forming the habit of systematic saving during school life. Clyde Hargis of Eighth B Grade was complimented for his perfect management of the school bank. The attendance officer was another visitor who endeavored to impress the boys with the need of being both punctual and sngular in attendance. During the week another latelll gence test was given by Miss aunne to the Seventh and Eighth grades. Miss B. Links was transferred to McDonogh No. 3 and Mrs. M. E. Fortier assigned to fill the vacancy. Faculty and pupils extended a hearty welcome to Mrs. Portler, who had been on leave of abaence since February. MoDONOGI NO. s SCHOOL. On Wednesday, November ). the children are asked to bring Thanks giving donations for the poor. We hope they will respond as well this year as they have in the past. Those taking part in the Thanks giving program on Wednesday. Novem ber 29 are: "A Child's Thanksgiving,"-- oe Boudreaux. "Thanksgiving,"-Lena Brno. "Thanksgiving at The FParm,"- "A Good Time,"-Edwlna Schmid. "Thanksgiving Day,"-Thelma Har ris. "Who Made Thanksgiving,"-Sandy McLean. 'Thanksgiving." - Edmund Jeanso no, Bernard Anderson, Rath Marel ante. Muriel HalL "Thakesglvng."-B. P. Dlaggit., "8omething to be Thankful Por,"- Predericka Gegnheimer. "A Thanksgiving Table,"-Oradell Diket, Mlda Beageol "Thansgivinr."-Ous rauml Rap mead Diket. Delia Heltmeler, Rmme Gahns, Melvin Packard, Harle. Sep motr. Miss Silomma the -Sabsel -sead nurse paid our school a viet this week. She tested the bhliess eyes. Don't forget the danes this Saturday. December lad, at The Avenue. We have a tine bead and hope the pub, lie will help as to asak It a big success. The ehildrens tickets are n0e. and the adults 3c. They can be pa chased from the school children or members of the Parents Clb. Perfect in 8petling for the Week: !ad B--Catherine Sansri, John Mars. Takle Hanna. Predericks Gegeshe mer, Lather Dower., and A-Mary Day, Luran Maggle Thomas Deanecke, dwad l ehaua . p. Biaggal, s Harvey, Eugene Posey. rd B-lorence Wiagere., Ena Arnold, Vhvien North, Clarence Nerth, Thomau ears, George u a Thomas Rper. James Wahl 3rd --Camae Pale, armine Ab bot Antoinette Ortalsao. Whitery La Garde.wl, ter Wright, muar Ridge, Kermit Peurramu. 3rd A-Vera Cook, frods H.slaer, lone Boyer. Altheas Vlsut,. Lars Chavin. Walter Tedse., me 4th B-Athelyn Albreht, Jeesphine Macalasm., Ursula J"s-nnes Semie Goimer. JIeree HiMso, ca ue.e loesee Wnat Piup senseri. Joseph unsews Joseph au. noPatrick Keair. iaese Dgues. Those reeving 1 por oet ia spelln Tet i Miss C. ,Mahens room are: Samuel Mexeely, J. J . Meoa., Matau Coe*, Malelm li.e, Mild Boara: Jeunle BSb, D. Wasremhbour. These reelvian t1 pw eat in Arithmet Test i Miss C. rahea~.s rm are: ClWrd Melntesak meI DhatrOsanda asIet. ClFer MeemdL, Mornene aeve Straler Der. aellen is lHyiene Test in M Grade are: Celibert Alene Ieea Al forea rLa Ic Ahm Le lses 1 dhie Thelma Harris Alce* Lak oathere Niehis, Ahy anth, Casio em Wrl Weermaser. Pupius r53 m aels makin a ps,. tet seer. in the weekl Auishmets Test e'e: lrgis Orateis Nin These prhet i po i are: Rap. mendhSremeste, wIsr D efes Poes sekne isradne keunnsd Rasineld SmIth,. is Le nse se e a eSr Helen aen. Minm ea or, lueiso mi mlary lao, vone lu , amitYe Deu T inaheth P sey, 3g A mal Alse Seubmn, lAg