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Extensive Changes ! About Completed The extensive changes and im provements at the Bogalusa Stores 'Company are about completed and the store now presents a greatly im proved appearance. Considerable new fixtures have been purchased and are expected to arrive within a few days. The most noticeable change in the store is the taking .etown of the high shelving so that »every part of the store can be seen. Hie floor space of the second floor has been considrably increased and many changes have been made. Early this fall a complete line of. ladies' ready to wear will be added to the -store. This department will include the famous Wooltex ready to wear garments. "A big treat in values will soon fee announced" said Manager Swain, "when our clearance sale starts and it will pay the citizens of Bogalusa Anti vicinity to watch for it." --—w.s.s, Misses Ruth Stodgill and Miss Fannie Norman, two charming young Sadies of Ray ville, La., have been the guests at the Methodist parson age far the past week. Mrs. A. In man Townsley entertained a few of the social set Saturday afternoon at '4 p. m. at a lawn luncheon. LISTEN FARMERS and LANDOWNERS Lightning Tree and Grass Killer Kills trees, green stumps, persim mon and sasfras sprouts, kills roots and all in from 5 to 30 days; one gallon will kill from 40 to 75 trees, and one man can do the work of 6 the old way-and do it more satisfactorily. This causes the stumps to soon decay and rot out. En dorsed by hundreds of business men, farmers of Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and other States. The Only Patented Tree Killer in U. S. PRICE $1.50 PER GALLON Guaranteed to do the work or money back. Manufactured and sold by Lightning Tree Killer & Mfg. Co., Summit, Miss. Sold at Bogalusa by A. A. Overstreet Agentsi wanted in every town in the United States. ♦ ! $ 512 , 860.00 Is the amount we are asked to lend to our country, secured by bonds yielding nearly 4 i /?% simple interest. THIS AMOUNT WILL FEED THE UNITED STATES ARMY IN FRANCE FOR JUST ONE DAY. Is it asking too much of Washington Parish? Think it over and then increase your subscription to War Savings Certificates, as we have fallen short of our allotment We pay 4 per cent, on Time Deposits 31-2 " " " Savings Accounts First State Bank BOGALUSA, LA. Oldest Bank in Washington Parish I I ## »♦♦# til l IHM' ....... ..... .......... M t I ; ii ! All Are Invited to Use Swimming Pond "There appears to be a mistaken idea about the fine swimming pond we have made at the Pine Tree Inn,' said Manager Leopold Saux. "The white citizens of Bogalusa, men wo men and children are invited to swim in the pond just as often as they desire and no permission need be asked to do so," he continued. The water in the pond is from the artesian well and the water is always in perfect condition. A beach has been made and the deep water staked off so that children can play in the pool without any danger. The public is invited to use boats and life preservers. The swimming pool was built for the convenience «4- the citi zens of Bogalusa as well as the guests of the Pine Tree Inn, and the pond is large enough to accomodate all of Jba cimernr Arid guests who desira to bathe at any one time. —-W.S.S. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS Extensive improvements are being made at the M. Marx store on Colum bia street. A concrete floor is being placed in the building and latter on another story will be added, which will be used for the display of wagons, buggies and farming imple ments. be is of Y W. C. A. To Give ! Special Program The Y. W. C. A. will hold a spe cial program tonight, July 4th, start at 7:30 to which the public is in vited. Following is the complete program : Song—"America—Italian and Junior chorus. Flags of the different nations—Bird Club Girls. Flag Drills................Camp Fire Girls. Songs—"America, the Beautiful," "Thrift Stamp Song—Junior Chorus. Boy Scout Work. Songs—"Marsellaise," "Joan of Arc, Junior Chorus. Flag Formation—Joan of Arc Club Girls. Hilartiy Band Concert— (1) "Dixie Land. {..) "Maryland." M&ie Quartette..Business Girls' Club. Tableaux—Red Cross Nurses—Annie Overstreet, Blanche Johnson, Ida Mae Lee. War Loan................Lent Mae Makey. Food Supply..................Clare Adams. Humanity......................Katie Bender. -:-W.S.S. TWO MARRIAGES OF INTEREST Franklintonians will be interested in the announcements of the mar riages of two of our former girls, Zula Spring and Audena Reeves. Miss Spring was brought here by her parents at the age of fwelve to be educated and lived here many years doing stenopraghic work till her family moved to Bogalusa, at which time she went to New Or leans and did office work till the first of June when she was married to Mr. Walter Barr of New York and the young couple will he at home on July 1, at Fort Jarvis. > The other marriage is that of Miss Audina Reeves, who taught here three successive terms and was elect- ed a member of th faculty for next year. The groom in this case, Mr. David Sadler was also well known and liked in Franklinton, having spent last winter at the hotel here where Miss Reeves boarded. These young people were married at the bride's home in Tylertown and will be at home after July 1, at the Y. M. C. A. Camp Shelby. --W.S.S. BRAIZER, NOT JOHNSON The committee of colored eitizens in charge of the Fourth of July cele bration desire to announce that the committee for the Fourth of July celebration should contain the name of Dr. Braizer, instead of Dr. John son. Dr. Braizer has taken a most active part in every patriotic move. --W.S.S.-- NOTICE This will advise the public that J. P. Earles has withdrawn from the paternership of the Acme Grocery Co., he having sold his interest there in to the other two members, H. F. Huffman and T. M. Scales, who as sume all liabilities and take over all assets. The business will be carried on as heretofore by the remaining partners and we thank the public for a con tinuance of its patronage. This June 11, 1918. T. M. SEALE, G. P. EARLES, H. F. HUFFMAN. WOMEN PRAISE STELLA-VITAE ♦ ! We want every afflicted woman to try at least one bottle of Ätella-Vltae on our plain, open guarantee to return the money paid for it if it does not benefit. If you doubt our word that it will relieve the distressing aches, pains and misery peculiar to the diseases of wo men, read thetestimony of these women who have tried it and are glad to tell 11 others what it has done for them. The ! only interest they have in the matter J ii is that which any true woman feels in j helping to relieve the ufferings of other ! women. You can believe them. Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had! feSbiie eomplaint for years. Three bot- j ties of Htella-Vttab cured her, she said, end added, 4 *! am certainly thank- j fill for this great female tonic." Mrs. Paralee Frazier, Longview, Tex., ex pressed appréciai ion of Stklla-Vitae in these w ords: ' 4 1 cannot say too much for this wonderful medicine. I had taken other female medicines for two years with no good results. I am truly, grateful for the good Stella- Vit<ui ; has done me." Mrs. Sandy Withers, i of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf- j ferer from female trouble-rand only 9 w oman knows what that means! Her condition got so bad her pains threw her into spells like fits. Her husband ; feared she would lose her mind. TTu Greensboro doctors pronounced her in- ' curable. Then somebody suggested that she take Stella-Vitab. She did ■o. The first dose lightened her spells. | health; it stimulates her appetite, aids digestion, quiets her nerves and clean her complexion. It improves her per aonal appearance. All desJera sell Stella-Vitae, and an authorised to return the money paid tor the flat bottle Ml* does not benefit. FOR SALE BY WILLIAMS' DRUG STORE. ! "Love Me" at Magic City Theater Tonight As the star in "Love Me" her latest Paramount picture produced under the personal supervision of Thomas H. face, charming Dorothy Dalton will win new laurels at the Magic City Theater tonight. She is supported by a splendid cast includ- ing actors like William Conklin, Jack Holt and Robert McKim, who, as will be remembered, have recently appeared with her in "The .Price Mark," "Love Letters" and "Flare- IJp Sal." The story tells of a west- ern girl, Maida Madison, who con- ducts a winning fight to win the hearts cf her husband's exclusive and somewhat frigid family, who on first acquaintance, are inclined to turn her a very cold collective shoulder. There are some unusual situations, and the author, C. Gard- ner Sullivan has made of "Love Me" one of the most novel of recent photoplays. Also a good 2-reel Mack Sennett comedy. Admission, 10 and 20 cents. -W.S.S.-- OPEN AIR WORSHIP Religious services in open air in Goodyear Park are being held every Sunday night. On last Sunday they were union in nature and partici- pated in by a great throng of people. Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presby- terians and Methodists enjoyed a veritable love feast together. Prof. Swain's orchestra gave some selec- tions. The popular singing was led by Rev. C. A. Massey. The church choir rendered some choice music and Miss Ruth Stodgill sang "America, My Country." In response to the Gospel appeal several decided for Christ. Mother's Friend , fa Eveiy Hern C—l o rt nd Safety Assured Before the Arrival of the Stock. American ng and pain, kept her in and body lc advance ef md had a most wonderful a bottle of the splendid and time-honored remedy, Mother's Friend, thet has aided many a woman throush the tryin* ordeal, saved her from suffering health of mind ai baby's comint, and ___, „ „ influence in devsierinr * healthy, lovely dis position la the chad/ Mother's Friend relieves the pain and dis comfort caused by the strain on the liga ments, makes pliable those fibers and muscles which nature is expanding, end soothes the inflammation of breast glands and other soreness. The tendency to nervousness and to morning sickness or nausea is counter acted. By regular use during the period the mus cles expand with ease when baby is born, tension is reduced and the pain and danger at the crisis is naturally less. Mother's Friend Is an external remedy, is absolutely safe and wonderfully effective. It not only allays distress in advance but assures a speedy recovery for the mother. This splendid preparation may be had at every drug store, and is one of the greatest blessings ever discovered for expectant moth ers. Write to the Bradfleld Regulator Co., Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for their "Motherhood Book," so valuable to expectant mothers, and in the meantime do not fail to get a bottle of Mother's Friend at the drug store and thus fortify yourself against pain and discomfort. y a be I ? LUMBER! LIMBER! UMBER) iff FEATURING ig a! $12,00 per M. If you have any building or repairing to do, we now have a number of special bargains just for this purpose. Call on our Local Sales Department WATCH THIS SPACE THE REASON WHY B. A. Thomas Stock Remedies are the best, they are scientifically made and all medicine. They keep the health up, and the feed bills aown There is cause for every effect, re move the cause and the fleet re moves itself. The Poultry Remedies are especial y made to relieve all the diseases in the fowl family, such as cholera and roupe, and makes the hens .ay The Hog Remedy will positively keep off the cholera and if given in the first stages, will cure 90 pet cent. Don't Forget to keep on hand a bottle of Farris' Colic Remedy for Horses. It is so simple with a drop per, that a child can give it. Also a bottle of Farris' Healing Remedy for cuts and bruises on man nor fc jast they never fail. These Remedies are all guaranteed to you by your dealer, to jive satis faction, of your money back. Made by Old Kentucky Manufac turing Co., Paducah, Kentucky. For sale by Williams Drug Store. Bogalusa Stores. -W.S.S. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Second hand Ford'touring car body, it to be in good condition., Address E. Dreyfus, Bogalusa, La. Rheumatism Back on the Job With its Old-time Fi No Let-Up In Its Torture. Pretty soon you will be reaching for the liniment bottle again, for the millions of little pain demons that cause Rheumatism are on the war path. Winter weather seems to awak en them to renewed fury. But your Rheumatism cannot be rubbed away, because liniments and lotions cannot reach' the disease. It is i& the blood, and only a remedy that goes deep down lato the circula w e n I CREAM AND MILK WANTED We can use all of your milk cream and will pay the highest price. f Let us know how much you supply us with daily. I BOGALUSA ICE CO. ? Phone 59 111 MMWW This Is No . Fop Us Flies can't live in the WS?«Uh3U&! a danger signal to all aw* It la a handy weapon of against every kindof dangerous insect, man beings and Bee Bnai Insect Flies i »»iwn Win kJB roaehea, tion, and routs out the disease i can rid you of this disabling! S. S. S. has given some iting Rheums " blood] results in treat ---------------cause j matism. Get a bottle to-di drugstore, and start oa treatment that will get resu— advice about your case can be 1 writing to Medical Director, f Laboratory, Atlanta, §&