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Beautiful Tribute Paid Mrs. Sullivan "And ho the pale messenger that never tires, and never p*ities—the mesenger that called Sappho away from her songs and Letitio Landon away from her grief; the messenger who led Byron to where he could sleep, and Keats to where no Gif ford could stab him again with merci less criticism ; the messenger who piloted Poe to 'the misty dim regions of Weir,' and to desolate Burns brought the sealed orders under which he sailed into the Unknown Sea"—has knocked upon the door of the home of Mr. W. H. Sullivan, Mayor and founder of the city of Bogalusa, La., and well known phil anthropist, and claimed relentlessly the kind and gentle spirit of his be loved wife, on Thursday, July 11, 1918. The city of Bogalusa mourns over the departure from life of this noble, loving, wonderful woman, one of its best beloved and most honor ed citizens. Their hearts bow dn sor row, and the clouds of gloom hover over the home of a family bereft of the devoted mother and wife. "A shadow came and lingered where the sunlight stood before." In the passing away of Mrs. Sul livan the world has lost a good, grand and useful woman, and her place can not be filled in the hearts of those who knew and loved her for the many good and admirable qualities which her life possessed, and whose lives she had brightened and blessed; espe cially the poor whom she aided with generous hand and willing heart in her quiet, unostentatious Christian .dawn. The destitute turned naturally to her. The weak ad unfortunate sought for door, and the helpless put their hands in hers. Her great charity, her ever-ueady tear of sym pathy and word of encouragement to those Sin need, were a breath of heaver,. To do good was to her a joy. She lived for others and found genuine pleasure for herself in mak ing others happy. She was a woman of bright intel ligence, of handsome and striking personality and a wonderfully at tractive nature that seemed always to inspire affection. She was brave and loyal and possessed of great strength of character and purpose and determination. Her gentle presence, her Vise counsel, h pr simple way of faithful and loving service will be sadly missed, and the thousands whose lives she touched can testify that the world is better because she lived in it. She, who passed among them, whose smile made bright a morning and whose voice was music, has gone from them forever, but in death, even as in life, the spell of her loveliness remains. Her life's work is over, and she has left it a3 a-heritage to the world. To her friends she has bequeathed a wealth of beautiful and-imperishable memories, sweet and tender, that linger like perfumes of roses in the heart of the day that is gone. * Msy the sod rest lightly on her breast and may the brightest flowers distill their sweetest perfume where she sleeps and turn their velvety lips of love to kiss away the gloom. — A. D. B.—Yazoo City Sentinel. State Director Sends His Thanks New Orleans, La., July 22, 1918. Mr. Ward C. Flanders. City Commander, W.S.S., Bogalusa, La. Dear Sir :— Please accept through me the sin cere thanks of the Secretary of the Treasury for the splendid work you did as a member of the War Savings Committee in your parish and in the drive whic hthe Secretary of the Treasury requested every parish to make. The services of men like your self in a cause like this is for the time as important as the services of the soldiers in the front line trenches. Thé battle is being fought on the other side, but we must win it here at home. The thought that you did your part must certainly have stirred you and your associates to put forth your best efforts in this most im portant campaign. Please convey my thanks and con gratulations to those assisting you jn the work. Yours, with appreciation, . 9 P. H. SAUNDERS, r* State Director. -m: FOR SALE—USED CARS Overland touring car, model 90-T. Overland touring car, model 85-4. Overland roadster, model 75. Saxon Six, touring car, 19X7 model. Dodge roadster, 1918 model. ' CITY garage I ■ ORDINANCE An ordinance proposing the levy of a special tax for the mainten ance of the public roaa and bridges within the Parish oi Washington, and to incur debt and issue bonds for the con struction of the public roads and bridges therein of said Parish, and ordering special election for the purpose of submitting to the property tax payers of said Parish the propositions for said purpose. , WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Police Jury of the Parish of Wash ington, State of Louisiana, it is necessary and expedient to levy a special tax for the purpose of main taining and repairing the public roads and bridges of said Parish, and; WHEREAS, the Police Jury of the Parish of Washington, has cre ated Road District No. 1, said road district comprising the entire Parish of Washington, and; WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Police Jury it is necessary and ex pedient to incur indebtedness of said Parish and Road District for the pur pose of constructing a highway sys tem in said Road District, together with the necessary bridges, culverts, drains, etc., under the supervision and with the assistance of the State Board of Engineers, in accordance with law, and in the amount herein after set forth; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Police Jury of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisana, Section 1. That a Special Elec tion is hereby called and ordered to be held in said Parish on the twenty-seventh (27th) day of Au gust, 1918, between the hours of A. M. and 5 P. M. Section 2. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINET, etc., that at such special election there shall be submitted to the taxpaying electors qualified to vote under the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, the proposition to levy a special tax of two (2) mills on the dollar of all property in the Parish of Washing ton subject to taxation, for a period of twenty-five years, the proceeds of said tax to be used for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the public roads and bridges of said parish; the proceeds of such ta$ not to be funded into bonds. Section 3. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINED, etc., that as said special election there Shall also be submitted to the tax paying electors of said Parish of Washington, Road District No. 1, qualified to vote under the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, the proposition to incur debt and issue and sell negotiable semi-annual, interest-bearing, coupon ! bonds of said Parish and Road Dis-: trict, in the sum of Five Kundrèd i j Thousand Dollars ($500,000.03) evi ' dencing such indebtedness, the ! amount of said bonds, together with 'all other bonded indebtedness, being j less than ten percent of the assessed j valuation of the property within said j Parish and Road District, as shown by the assessment roll of said Parish last 1 completed. The said bonds to bear in j terest at the rate of five (5) per ! centum per annum, interest payable semi-annually, to run for a period of twenty-fjvg (25) years from the date of the bonds, and the principal and j interest to be payable at such places ! a sthe go\ r etning authority may deter j mine, and both the principal and in i' terest to be secured and paid by a { sufficient tax levied and collected, j each year in accordance with the pro visions of Article 281 of the Consti tution and of the laws of Louisiana. Sectiqn 4. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINJSD, etc., that a notice of said special election be duly advertised for thirty (30) days in accordance with law, in the Franklinton "Era Leader," the official journal of said Parish, to embrace substantially all things set forth herein, and to state that the Police Jury of said Parish will meet in open session at the court house in Franklinton, Louisi ana at 10 o'clock A M on the 30th day of August, 1918, and then and there will proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the returns, and declare the results of said election in acordance with law, and make a process verbal of its proceedings. Section 5. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINED, etc., that the propositions to be submitted at the said special election shall be as follows, and the ballots to be used thereat shall be in the following form: For the Levying of m Tex Proposition to levy a two j mill tax on all the property subject to taxation in the YES Parish of Washington, for the period of twenty-five years for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the public roads and bridges of said Parish. Taxable valuation $........... Signature of Voter. To vote in favor of this tax, place a cross (x) mark in the square after YES the word "yes"; to vote against the tax, place a similar mark after the word "No." For the Issuance of Bonds To incur debt and issue bonds of the Parish of Washington, La., Road Dis trict No. 1, to the amount of $500,000.00, to run 25 years, payable serially, as shall be prescribed by the Police Jury under the statutes relating thereto, bearing interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, payable,, semi-an nually, for the purpose of constructing a system of public roads and the bridges thereon within said Road District No 1, the title to which shall vest in the said Parish. Taxable valuation $—....... Signature of Voter. Notice to Voter* To vote in favor of the proposition submitted upon this ballot, place a cross (x) mark in the square after the word "Yes" ; to vote against such proposition, place a similar mark after the word "No." •Section 6. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINED, etc., that the President of the Police Jury be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to have the necessary ballots printed for said election, in accordance with law and the provisions of this Ordinance, and he shall also provide ballot boxes and the necessary blanks and tally sheets and paraphanalia for the hold ing of said election. Section 7. BE IT FURTHER OR DAINED, etc., that the Registrar of Voters for said Parish shall furnish the election officers hereinafter men tioned with lists of the tax payers entitled to vote in person or by proxy at the said special election, together with the valuation of each of such tax payer's property as show T n by the assessment roll last made out and filed prior to said election. Section 8. BE Pv FURTHER OR DAINED, etc.', that the regular pol ling places within the Parish of Washington are hereby designated and determined upon as the places for holding such election, and the following persons are hereby * ap pointed and empowered to act as commissioners and clerks at 3aid election : Ward 1, Precinct 1, Bell Mül — W. W. W altéré. Seymodr Brhmfield, H. B. Crow, Commissioners; Mc Cauley Stafford, John L. Smith, Clerks. Wgrd 2, Precinct 1, Mt. Hermon— C. L. Brumfield, D. D. Varnado, W. T. Dixon, Commissioners; O. E. ! Brock, W. T. Ott, Clerks, Ward 3, Precinct 1, Franklinton i J- B Wood, A. C. Pool, A. J. Seal, to on be of to to , Commissioners; W. Y. Wood, R. H. Bateman, Clerks. Ward 4, Precinct 1— W. C. Fland ers, Chas. Petrie, H. E. Rester, Com missioners; J. B. Lindsley, A. N. Dobbs, Clerks. Ward 4—A. Driscoll, D. E. Magee, R. Blanchard, Commissioners; D. Seldner, O. J. Richard, Clerks. Ward 4—A. M.Cesario, Jno. Mc Neese, Geo. Gibson, Commissioners; J* C. Mills, Z. Davis, Clerks. . a 1 Ward 4, Precinct 4— F. C. Seals, R. J. Foret,- Commissioners; Jno. Strugg, Paul Levert, Clerks. Ward 4, Precinct, Rio— B. J. Will liams, C. A. Mathews, J. F. Frazier, Commissioners; L. P. Pierce, J. I. Waller, Clerks. ' j Ward 5, Precinct r, . Varnado-— Chas. Williams, J. D. Pittman, J. W. Fuller, Commissioners; J. F. WUlis, H - °- Seal * Clerks. j Ward 5, Preicnct 2, Sheridan—J. W. Knight, Austin Crain, Dan Schil ling, Commissioners; M. T. Knight, B. G. Smith, Clerks. Ward 6, Precinct 1, Enon— R. E. Magee, E. L. Corkem, M. Q. Syl vest, Commissioners; S. J. Glaze, G. W. Knight, Clerks. Ward 6, Precinct 2, Isabel—P. A. Scarborough, Fred Magee, J. R. Schilling, Commissioners; J. B. Ma gee, Pmk Parker, Clerks. Ward 7, Precinct 1, Angie—De Wit Boyles., F. P. Sones, Dr. W. W. Warner, Commissionérs; J. W. Ford J. M. Crain, Clerks. Ward 7, Precinct 2, Popeville— Wilbur Branch, Waites* Thomas, L. L. Shilling, Commissioners; Lucious Crain, J. N. Tynes, Clerks. Ward 8, Precinct 1, Hackley—W. E. Bickham, C. C. Fortenberry, Louis McMillan, Commissioners; D. L. Bre land, Billie Crain, Clerks. . Ward 8,~ Precinct 2, Wamerton— J. J. Warner, W. W. Jenkins, Billie Warren, Commissions; Clem Pearce, Ben Smith, Clerks. Ward 9, Precinct 1, Stafford's Old Mül —Geo. Stafford, Calvin Sylve3t, Bill Magee, Commissioners; Jesse Magee, N. E. McElveen, Clerks. Notice of Special Elects«« I, J. R. Leslie, President of the Police Jury of the Parish of Wash ington, State of Louisiana, in com pliance with an Ordinance passed by said Police Jury on the 5th day of July, 1918, do hereby proclaim and give notice that a special etectien will be held in said Parish and Road District No. 1, on the 27th 'day of August, 1918, at the regular polling places in said Parish, for the pur pose of voting upon the proposition to levy a special tax of two (2) mills on the dollar of all property in the Parish of Washinfton subject to tax ation, for a period of twenty-five years, the proceed of said tax to be used for the purpose of maintain ing and- repairing the public roads and bridges of said Parish; the pro ceeds of such tax not to be funded into bonds; and also the further proposition to incur debt and issue and sell negotiable, semi-annual, in terest-bearing, coupon bonds of said Parish and Road District, in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), the amount of said bonds, together with all other bonded indebtedness, evidencing such in debtedness, being less than ten per cent of the assessed valuation of the District, as shown by the assessment District, as shown b ythe assessment rolls of said Parish last completed. The said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percentum per an num, interest payable semi-annually, reavement in this hour o ftrial. to run for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the bonds, and the principal and interest to be payable at such places as the governing authorities may determine, and both principal and interest to be secured and paid by a tax levied ancl collected each year in accordance with the provisions of Article 281 of the Constitution and of the laws of Louisiana. The ballots to be used as such elec tion shall be in the following form: For the Levying, of m Tax Proposition to levy a two , mill tax on all the property subject to taxation in the YES Parish of Washington, for the period of- twenty-five years for the' purpose of maintaining and repairing the public roads and bridges of said Parish. Taxable valuation $........... B. Signature of Voter. To vote in favor of this tax, place a cross (x) mark in the square «ter the word "yes"; to vote against the tax, place a similar mark after the word "No." For the Issuance of Bonds To incur debt and issue bonds of the Parish of Washington, La., Road Disr YES trict No. 1, to the amount of $500,000,00, to run 25 years, payable serially, as shall be prescribed by the Police Jury under the statutes relating thereto, bearing interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, ' payable semi-an nually, for the purpose of constructing a system of public roads and the bridges thereon within said Road District No 1, the title to 1 which shall vest in the said Parish. Taxable valuation ....... J. J. j . j i j I. Signature of Voter. Notice to Voter*. To vote in favor of the proposition submitted upon this ballot, place a cross (x) mark in the'square after the word "Yes"; to vote against such proposition, place a similar after the word "No." Said special election will be held on the 27th day of August, 1918, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and five o'clock P. M. at the mark regular polling places in said Parish and Road District, and the following persons have been appointed and em powered to act as commissioners and clerks at said election: Ward 1, Precir.ct 1, Bell Mill—J W. W. Walters, Seymour Brumfield, H. B. Crow, Commissioners; Me Cauley Stafford, John L. Smith, Clerks. j Ward 2, Precinct 1, Mt. Hermon— C. L. Brumfield, D. D. Varnado, W. T. Dixon, Commissioners; O. E. Brock, W. T. Ott, Clerks. Ward 3, Precinct 1, Franklinton— J. P. Wood, A. C. Pool, A. «L Seal, I Commissioners; W. Y. Wood^R. Bateman, Clerks. } Ward 4, Precinct 1— W. C. Flar.d -, ers, Chas. Petrie, H. E. Rester? Com missioners; J. B. Lindsley, A. N. Dobbs, Clerks. Ward 4—A. Driscoll, D. E. Magee, R. Blanchard, Commissioners; D. Seldner, O. J. Richard, Clerks. Ward 4—A. M.Cesario, Jno. Neese, Geo. Gibson, Commissioners y J. C. Mills, Z. Davis, Clerks. i Ward 4, Precinct 4— F. C. Seals. | R. J. Foret, Commissioners; J no - Strugg, Paul Levert, Clerks. Ward 4, Precinct, Rio-— B. J. Will hams, C. A. Mathews, J. F. Frazier. Commissioners; L. P. Pierce, J. I. Waller, Clerks. Ward 5, Freeinct 1, Varnado Chas. W'illiams, J. D. Pittman, J. W. » Fuller, Commissioners.;-J- F. WUlis, 1 H. O. Seal, Clerks. i Ward 5, Preicnct 2, Sheridan—J. W. Knight, Austin Crain, Dan Sehil-'Inc., ling, Commissioners; M. T. Knight, Ward 6, Precinct 2, Isabel—P. A. be B. G. Smith, Clerks. Ward 6, Precinct 1, En on— R. Ê. Magee, E. L. Corkem, M. Q. Syl vest, Commissioners; S. J. Glaze, G. W. Knight, Clerks. Scarborough, Fred Magee, J. R .Schilling, Commissioners; J. B. Ma gee, Pink Parker, Clerks. Ward 7, Precinct 1, Angie—De Wit Boyles,, F. P. Sones, Dr. W. W. Warner, Commissioners; J. W. Ford, J. M. Crain, Clerks. Ward 7, Precinct 2, Popeville^ Wilbur Branch, Walter Thomasy'L. L. Shilling, Commissioners; Lucious Crain, J. N. Tynes, Clerks. Ward 8, Precinct % Hackley—W. E. Bickham, C. C. Fortenberry, Louis McMillan, Commissioners; D. L. Bre land, Billie Crain, Clerks. Ward 5, Precinct 2, Wamerton— J. J. Warner, W. W. Jenkins, Billie Warren, Commissions; Clem Pearce, Ben Smith, Clerks. Ward 9, Precinct 1, Stafford's Old Mill—Geo. Stafford, Calvin Sylvest, Bill Magee, Commissioners; Jesse Magee, N. E. McElveen, Clerks. The Police Jury of Washington Parish will meet in open session at the Court House in Franklinton, La., on the 30th day of August, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M. and then and there will proceed to open the ballot boxes used at the said election, and count the ballots in number and amount, cast at the said election, ex amine and canvass the returns, de clare the result of said election, and make and file and record a process verbal thereof. Dated July 5, 1918! Attest: . J. R. LESLIE, W. E. BANNISTER, Chairman: Secretary. —--W.S.S.-- AMENDMENT TO CHARTER United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of Washington.' Be it known, that on this the 6th day of July, A. D. 1918, beford me, Bascom D. Talley, notary public duly commissioned, sworn and qualified in and for Washington Parish, Louisi ana, and in the presence of the wit nesses hereinafter named and under signed, PERSONALLY CAME AND AP PEARED, E. BERENSON, President of Berenson Bros., Inc., and M. A. Berenson, vice-president of -Berenson Bros., Inc., who declared to me, no tary, in presence of undersigned wit nesses, that availing themselves ol the provisions of Act 267 of 1914, of j the General Asembly of the State of Louisiana, with reference to amending charters or increasing the capital stock of j corporations, and, by virtue of a resoluuon or the stock holders' meeting held, pursuant to regular call, on June 18th, 1819 ; at which all stock was voted for the increase, all of which appears by . reference to the copy of the resolu tion hereto annexed and made a j part hereof, they do hereby amend i Article No. 2, of the charter of j Berenson Bros., înc., to read a3 fol lows "ARTICLE II. , a The capital stock of this corpora- ! tion shall be FIFTY THOUSAND ($50,000.) DOLLARS, dividéd into FIVE HUNDRED (500) SHARES of One Hundred ($100) dollars each, which said shares shall be^paid for in cash, or its equqivalent, in accord ance v.ith the terms and conditions Act 267, of 1914, of the General As sembly of the State of Louisiana This corporation shall become a going concern when the capital stock has actually been paid for and subscribed in accordance with the terms and pro visions of said Act 267 of 1914." Appearers further declare that they are acting herein for the entire stockholders, in accordance -with the resolution of stockholders' meeting, hereto annexed, and, in accordance with provisions of Act 267 of 1914, regarding increase of capital stock j of corporations, so that the amend ment may be properly recorded, ad vertised, and, become a part of their charter, according to law.. Thus done and passed at my no tarial office, Bogalusa, Washington I Parish, Louisiana, on the day, month H.'and year hereinabove mentioned, in } the presence of W. B. Gilbert and R. -, Gentry, two legal witnesses, after due reading of the whole. Witnesses Elias Berenson, M. A. Berenson, W. B. Gilbert, R. Gentry, BASCOM D. TALLEY, Notary Public. I, M. A. Thigpen, clerk and ex Me-.officio recorder, Washington Parish, y Louisiana, hereby certify that the i above and foregoing is a true copy | 0 f t he original amendment to the - 'charter oi Berenson Bros., Inc., rec 'ordered in charter book 1, page 110, records of this parish. I. This the 17th day of July, 1918. M. A. THIGPEN, Clerk. Office of Berenson Bros., Inc. Bogalusa, La., June 18th, 1918. » Minute* of Stockholder*' Meeting. 1 At a special meeting of the stock i holders of the Berenson Bros., Inc., held at the office of Berenson Bros., Sehil-'Inc., Columbia street, Boplqsa, La., at which all stockholders were prea ent or represented, after the notice required by law had en, the following resolution unanimously adopted: "Whereas it appears that be for the best interests of this pany, for the charter to be increasing the capital stock of" company from $25,000 to $5 and all of the stock having f voted iij, lav or thereof. TJJtfREFORE BE IT RESOLD E. Berenson, President __ A. Bereson, vice-president, be\ they are hereby authorized and « powered to go before a notary i and have the charter Article amended, increasing the capital of this company from $25,000 ♦ $50,000. E. BERENSON President of Stockholder* 1 ing. M. A. BERENSON, Secretary Stockholders' meeting. I, M. A. Berenson, secretary ©f | stockholders' meeting called for J 18th, 1918, hereby certify that „ above and foregoing is a true copy" the resolution this day passed by 1 stockholders of Berenson Bros, on June 18th, 1918. M. A. BERENSON, Secretary, -W.S.S,-__ Water System to Go to Adamstoi Announcement has been made i _ work will start in a short time in tending the city water system Adamstown, a section of the city 1&. cated northwest of the Louisiaaf Fibre Board Co. While the extern of the main to that section of city will not serve such a great maa? ber of residents, it will be an ■ ment for more home sto be lo in that section of the city. The : families in that section will be : than pleased with the announces^ Mayor Sullivan and the Con Council are heartily in favor of j tending the water mains to that i cion of the city, because pracl every person occupying a house that vicinity own their own and have been in favor of all improvements. Other imp are contemplated for that section i the city. Last Sunday morning Rev. g| Chalmers had the pleasuree of ! ing the members of the North Church into the First Pre church and so making the two ganizations one. This was a happy occasion for the pastor fori has been laboring for this for i time. The Home Missions Con has given Mr. Chalmers the mo August in which to takes a and upon his réturn to jfcif' will feel refreshed in body and ' the addition of new members will i ! strengthened in spirit Presbyterians AreRei school will be continued as usialf; Y. M. C. A. NOTES Time, Saturday, July 27ih all P. M.. Place, Angie, La. Third Minstrel Show given by Boy Scouts. The troupe left lusa about 6:30 P. M., and in Angië on schedule time, and their usual line to an eadh sisted the Scouts in the program audience. Mr. Louis Swain, plane< pert, came up on the train and i J. C. Mills furnished his big Cola truck to transport thjt ] ers and the ride was much i One of the Scouts remarked "She had some speed" (speaktof i the truck). This is probably tfeol of the shows that they will P vt 1 til they can get a new progr*^ Since the re-organization of Board of Directors of the Y. Jfc$| there has been some things | ing around the "Y" and they not begun. Committees have appointed and are already at The work of the boy** was taken up the committee ia( of that workk, and the boy* i ised an attractive program. Stunt Night No. 2 will jiM the "Y" on Friday night and 1 volve the following contest*^ race, three deep, horse race, match, Indian wrestle, baaehaBj swimming and div but not least, refresment* i served in the court. All tip i and a large crowd is Damon Tisdale, the young I greets you when you com#' 1 a bath and makes note of ; playing, is confined to hi*^ Columbia road on account oi ï -—:o: COUNCIL ME! The regular monthly the Commission Council j on next Tuesday evenifl important matters will the body. The ordinance d meat markets on Sunday ** come up for final action.