Number 38
Isley Enlists;
Will Leave Today
j B. Lindsley, president of the
fg-hiiigton Bank and Trust Co.,
an of the Parish Council of
Fuel Administrator
ruei nuun.iifl«.w. O f!
^'^7==^ the
f - Sinrton Parish Fair Association!^
»Sited Ruler of B. P. O. E. has
Pitr^ ... ___• l;. _____
Steered his services to his coun
ty «ul will leave today for Camp
Eglrtin at New Orleans. He is on*
j. the most prominent citizens of
Ifufcington Parish and felt that it
his duty to enlist, despite the
that bankers are exempted und
ine latest ruling. The Board of
iJfurtr* of the Washington Bank
■^jto accept his resignation, but
Mr. Lindsley returns he will
Ijpj* his former position.
During his absence W. I. Daniels
the Angie office of the Washing
Hob Bank and Tust Co., will be in
Lyuge of the three banks.
rested for Robbery
[Claims Home Is Here
A man, giving his name as James
and who claims that he is a
dent of Bogalusa, was arrested
Cincinnati, 0. last week charged
robbery. He is said to have
to having robbed a saloon
I a'dairy lunch. The local police
sent do not know Tate and
inclined to believe that he gave
I assumed name. He gave his age
I S3 and was residing at 708 Race
i of that city.
Local Man
Wanted by Y.M.C.A.
L. Gourley, representative
II» Amy Y. M. C. A. rééruiting
;,for the Bogalusa district,
fldfeived from K. Jones at
Rouge, state recruiting secre-
an urgent appeal that the lo-
I committee this month enlist one
r more men with qualifications re-
in men chosen by the Am*"'
government to serve as ambas-
abroad. Only men of the
I standing and largest capacity
l sought because of the importance
the work to be done. "Besides
aplifying the brotherhood of
BIB," says Mr. Jones in his. letter,
I iy must represent and inti —prêt
aims, ideals and policies of
(i*friea. They will be virtual am-
parndors of the nation."
Hie oca 1 lodge of Elks tendered a
»mil party to Exalted Ruler
Il t' j « . _ ,
I»» Aitnasley, who leaves today to
service at Camp Martin. The
... I
i «tendance was large and there were
11 large number of out of town Elks
ffPWt. Many members responded
short talks and refreshments
Ir« served.
■iss Betty Sullivan attend d th
jBeeting of the ladies of the State
Orleans, who will conduct
[J? todies' division of the Fourth
Lean. Miss Betty will have
ladies' division for
Parish and has been per
fecting Plans which are ready for
drive, which starts September
tela ^ Sl au 8hter is very anxious
ifceet all owners of cars who will
Wang to devote a little time to
Cross Motor Corps. He will
r 40 *neet the Ladies at the
C. A. Friday afternoon at
The Mothers' Honor
ission will hold their meeting
P ®r tea immediately afier.
f **®«age was received by Mrs.
j . nda ky yesterday announcing
tkj... * ® rr ' vi d of her son, W.
IJW France.
He is a
fhe aviation corps.
mj 1 ** a Yankee farmer,
It f. , n teed a Yankee pig,
* d * Yankee Corn
»»de it f at and big
sold that Yankee pork
•» bought a.Yankee Bond,
P»:d for Yankee bullets
Weat straight acr
the n
Another testimonial 'of the high
esteem in which the citizens of Boga
lusa hold Mayor W. H. Sullivan was
shown this week, when he was elect
ed Mayor of the City of Bogalusa
f! for * our years by acclamation. Mr.
® ullivan was appointed the first
01 " of Bo S alusa and now has been
elected without opposition. His ad
ministration has been one of the
most successful of any municipality
and Bogalusa has made greater
strides during the past four years,
from every standpoint, than any city
in the South. The citizens of Boga
luso propose to keep Mr. Sullivan
mayor of the city as long as he lives.
1873 Registered
Here Thursday
Bogalusa went way "over the top"
again last Thursday when all male
citizens between the ages of 18 to 45
registered. It was estimated that
there would be about 1200 register,
but when the registration was com
pleted it showed that there were
1873 in Bogalusa who were sub
ject to service under the new draft
law. The drawing will be held with
in the next few days, and the ques
tionnaires are expected to arrive
here the early part of next week.
Those who will be in Class A-l will
likely be called into service during
the next month.
A. N. Dobbs to Head
Fourth Loan Drive
A. N. Dobbs, of this city, has been
selected as chairman of the Washing
ten Parish for the Fourth liberty
Loan drive, which starts September
28th. District Manager Hamilton
wa3 here Monday____assisting Mr,
Dobbs in getting evei*ything in readi
ness for conducting a successful cam
paign to put Bogalusa and Washing
ton.Parish over the top in this drive
which will compare favorably witr.
the previous manner in which we
have answered all calls in the past
All committees will be ru,*------ a...
the names will appear in the next
issue ôf The Enterprise.
-:o :--
Red Cross Room at
New City Hall
For thé convenience ox the ladies
oi North Bogalusa a work room has
been fitted up in the City Hall.
Worn was Degun on iuesaay af
ternoon with Mrs. SpeKenhier and
Mrs. Wuescner m charge. The loi
owmg iaa.es more than filled the
uandage u.Die, which snows the wil
lm ot - the North * ogamsa iaa.es
J.L„* u rh „ *
to work îor Uie iteû
I Mason, J
. ,
* ' , e '
inis, a ranii cassiay, Mrs. 13ob
Mrs. J. L. caver, Mrs. m.
Mrs. J. K. Jüiinson. Mrs.
A. LeCesse, Mrs. J*. irooie, ___r^.
D. i. Cushmg, Mrs. K. I. Bean, Mrs.
Cunningham, Mrs. L. Saux, Mrs. W.
S. Hanley. Mrs. J H Cassidy, Mrs.
Cowgill, Mrs. C. E. Ott, Mrs. Galle,
her, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. Bullock,
Mrs. J. A. Spekenhier, Mrs. McCall
Mrs. Pigott, Mrs. Gill, Mrs. WUesch
Mrs. Landon reopened her work
room on Thursday afternoon and the
following ladies responded to the call
of making bandages:
Mrs. P. J. Desmares, Mrs. D. T.
Cushing, Mrs. B. H. Buck, Mrs. F. A.
Kennedy, Mrs. L. C. Tate, Mrs. K.
Leahy, Mrs. J. M. Brumfield, Miss
Marie Chappius, Miss Carrie Smith,
Mrs. J. L. Bums, Mrs. G. Ci Lyman,
Mrs. R. A. Collins, Mrs. V. A. Ames
')Irs E R Belton, Mrs W. M. Bowman^
Mrs. J. A. Andrus, Mrs McKinney,
Mrs. H. B. Woodcock, pnd Joan D.
Arc Girls under direction Mu» Ä1
The following ladies have been
busy taking care of the distribution
of pajamas, refugee garments and
comfort kits: Mrs. J. A. Andrus
Miss Wilma Tanguis, Mrs. Wade and
Mrs. E. R. Belton^
The work rooms will be open
every Tuesday and Thursday after
naan, from two to five
Rev. H. H. Holmes, presiding eld
er of the M. E. Church, of this dis
trict, will occupy the pulpit it the
First M. E. Church Sunday morning
and evening. There will be special
n usic at both services and. the pub
lie is invited to attend.
September 18, 1918.
There are between 700 and 800 Bogalusa boys
in the Army and Navy of the United Stages. We
have got to do our part to take care of them and to
help win the war.
There will be a meet!
ditorium of the Young Me
building on Friday the 20
meet Mr- A. N. Dobbs r w
ington Parish, and to discufes plans for raising our
allotment of the Loan. This is an exceedingly im
portant matter, and we need the active co-opera
tion of every citizen of Bogalusa, both men and wo
men, to do our part.
W. H. SULLIVAN, Mayor.
of citizens in the au
s Christian Association
at 8 o'clock p. m., to
is chairman of the
My Dear Friends:
Please, everyone of yon, read
this, for everyone of you are di
rectly concerned.
Do you know that the women
of America are on trial before the
eyes of all the world; that the
women of Louisiana are on trial
before the eyes of the United
States; that the women of Wash
ington Parish are on trial before
the eyes of the State of Louisi
ana'/ And we represent Wash
ington Parish! The world recog
nizes American men as the great
est men in the world; Ours to
show them that WE measure up to
that standard.
in New Orleans on Monday last
I attended a conference of Louisi
ana Parish chairman for the Wo
man's Liberty Loan Committee
I saw and heard representatives
from alt our neighboring parishes,
and I was proud beyond words
of our Washington Parish. Trials
and tribulations they have had, be
cause of lack of co-operation
among the women—we have not
had because our women are great
hearted, whole-souled, splendid,
working, fighting for one cause,
which is the last, our cause and we
know it. Troubles these c-ther
parishes have had because of un
willingness on the part of the men
to work with the women, we have
not had, because our men appre
ciate us, just as we appreciate
them, and need our help, just as
we need theirs.
The State Chairman called up
on me for a general report or the
last Liberty Loan drive and what
had been done preparatory to the
coming one. I was so happy in
being able to say what I could
say and did' say for Washington
Parish and Bogalusa. 1 told those
ladies that this co-operation be
tween the men and women here
left nothing to be desired. I
quoted the great results of the last
drive and said I knew that the re
sults of the Fourth Loan would
surpass even that splendid record!
You may be sure that they are
watching us, those other parishes,
and we've got to "come across
big!" We CAN do so much!
In the following days a great
many of you will be called, upon
to work tor the Fourth Liberty
Loan drive. Know that you all
wre going to answer with the best
that is in you—and make Wash
ington Parish * OP THE Llitl.
Start now preparing to buy
Bonds and influencing others to
buy them. You know that they
are the best and safest investment
You are hereby notified not to use
your automobile on Sunday and all per
sons violating the order of the Fuel Ad
ministrator will be reported. Drivers of
public cars have been notified in per
T. A. MAGEE, Chief of Police.
in the world and that they are
an insurance—an interest paying
insurance—on all that we hold
American women have been
spared so much. Let us spare
nothing in repudiating our great,
everlasting debt to the fighting
nsen of the Allied nations—and in
giving balm to the terrible, throb
ing heartache of our glorious, suf
fering sisters in Europe. Do you
know that there is not ONE wo
man in Belgium and northern
France whose body has not been
desecrated by the Germans? Lit
tle,* 1'ttle children and old, old,
men and women enslaved, beaten,
terrorized—taken out of
own country—and finally thrown
sightlessv. babb
liots. '
r ' 3rl WF fbù Vhinfc ' we can do too
much? NO! We can never, nev
er do enough!
Of itself Washington Parish
can do nothing, Bogalusa can do
nothing; yourself, I can do noth
ing. The responsibility is yours,
and NO responsibility is too big
for our great hearted women!
Chairman Washington Parish
National Woman's Liberty
Loan Committee.
Questionnaires to
Come This Week
Local draft boards have been ord
tred by Provost Marshal General
Crowder to begin mailing out to
day questionnaires to all of the men
between 19 and 36 years of age,
inclusive, except British and Cana
dian subjects, who have thirty days
to voluntarily enter the British and
Canadian armies.
Ten per cent of the questionnaires
are to be mailed by each board each
day until the entire group has been
sent out. Provost Marshal General
Crowder announced tonight, and un
der the regulations each registrant
is given seven days to fill out arid
return the document.
Approximately 6,000,000 men are
in the 19 to 20 and 32 to 36-year
c'x sses to whom questionnaires go, it j
was said. There also are some
40,000 additional men, between 21
and 31 years of age, who were added
to the draft rolls Thursday, regist
ering for the first time, and these
also will be classified.
announced soon.
The date for the drawing that will
in a measure determine the order of j
calliqg the men into service, will be |
The ten-month-old sonT T * M juand
Mrs. O. H. Engerron, of Colum
street, died Sunday night as the re
sult of being scalded last Friday.
The little son was just learning
to walk, and was in the kitchen with
Ids mother. Mrs. Engerron stepped
to the stove to get a pan of water.
As she turned around, the son walk
ed against her, and the boiling wat
er was spilled on the child, striking
him on the chest and body. Every
thing known to medical science was
done to relieve his suffering. The
funeral - services were held Tuesday.
Pershing Cables
J. A. Spekenhier
J. A. Spekenhier, of the First
State Bank, and who had charge of
the War Savings Stamp drive for
the Parish, has received a cablegram
from General Pershing m reply to
the one sent him from Bogalusa,
a copy of which appears elsewhere
in this issue. The message from
General Pershing is as follows:
A. E. F. Sept. 16, 1918.
SKEKENHIER, Parish Director,
Bogalusa Louisiana.
Deeply appreciate your cablegram.
Extend to your parish my sincere
Election Officers
Selected Monday
Following are the commissioners
and clerks drawn for the Municipal
Election, September 27th, 1918.
(Drawn at the City Hall by City
Attorney B. D. Talley in prgsenc
of\H. J. Cowgin and M. C. Fridge.
Precinct No. 1
Â. N. Dobbs, J, A. Wads»
I. Bean, Commissioners; W. J. Wil
loughby, J. L. Caver, Clerks.
Precinct No. 2
Z. A. Davis, John McNeese, A. M.
Cesario, Commissioners; F. M. Tarut,
John Burns, Clerks:
Precinct No. 3
S. W. Fancis, A. I. Townsley, W.
B. Gilbert, Commissioners; S. D.
Stringer, H. E. Willis, Clerks.
Precinct No. 4
A. A. Bourgeois, J.'P. Richardson,
jW. A. Keaton, Commissioners; L. T.
Richardson, E. P. Ogden, Clerks.
Dr. Slaughter Now
leaching First Aid
Unable to go to war or become a
Red Cross nurse here's a new op
portunity for men and women to
sxrve their country and humanity.
The chance for service is by join
ing the First Aid classes of Wash
ington Parish Chapter of the Amer
ican Red Cross. The classes are
now being formed and applicants
should report to Dr. J. S. Slaughter,
chairman of military relief of the
Eogalusa chapter.
The First Aid classes are designed
signed to teach of the people how to
to teach the people how to meet
emergencies of accident or health
jin war and all other times. .War
is taking thousands of physicians
and nurses from the United States,
to care for the millions of American
boys in the army and navy camps
here and "over there."
Throughout the entire country the
classes are being formed. No pre
vious medical experience is requir
e d ; there is no obligation, except
helping the unfortunates in case of
illness or accident, or other times
when First Aid treatment is neces
It is expected classes will be form
ed in every chapter in the Gulf Di
vision of the Red Cross, comprising
ithe States of Louisiana, Alabama
;r,rd Mississippi, within a short time.
The Commission Council met in
special session on Tuesday aftreroon
and transacted business as the City
Democratic Executive Committee.
Mayer Sullivan was declared the
nominee by acclamation and the en
try was closed for the primary anc
the election officers drawn Monday
were officially placed in charge, of
the election, which will be held on
Friday, September 27th. -
Houston Crain
Killed in France
Houston Crain, formerly employed
at the plant of the Louisiana Fibre
Board Co. of this city and who was
one of the members of old Co. G,
who volunteered to go to Franco
when volunteers were askea at
Camp Beauregard several months
ago, and those who were willing to
leave for overseas service were asked
to step forward. The entire com
pany expressed themselves as willing
to go. Young Crain was one of the'
ten who passed examination and
he left with Harry Poole of
city. Crain was killed i n action
on July 19th, notice having been re
ceived by his cousin» I. J. Crain, ef
the Bogalusa Fire Department Tues
day afternoon. Houston Crain was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Crain,
of Pine, and a brother of W. E.
Crain, formerly of the Great South
ern Lumber Co., office here, who is
now located at Nashville, Tern* He
was about 22 years old and was r
young man of fine character and had
many friends in Boglusa.
Mexicans Celebrate
Nation's Anniversary
This day a group of about 20
Mexicans gathered at the Colonial
Hotel, all headed by S. R. Duval, to
celebrate the anniversary of the
independence. All these Mexicans
£re employees of the Great Southern
Lumber Co., of this" city, mostly la
borers with the exception of two or.
three who have been prominent fig
ures in the sister Republic and Mr.
Duval, the "chairman" who as speci
fied, headed the entire commission.
This group organized the banquet
and fixed that the expenses was to
ed, However, this
known to Mr. W. k. Sullivan, Vice
President of the Great Southern
Lumber Co., who at onee ordered
that these Mexicans be entertained,
given banquet and music, etc., and
that they should not undergo any
expense at all, charging all of these
to his own personal account.
Later in the afternoon the group
appeared at the # general offices of the
Great Southern Lumber Co., to an
nounce their thanks personally to
Mr. Sullivan. However, Mr. Sulli
van was not at his office at that mo
ment and a representative was re
quested by Mr. Duval, in order to ap
pear and in behalf of Mr. Sullivan
accept the thanks so heartily tend
ered by this crowd, to whom Mr. Du
val addressed speaking in favorable
terms in Spanish, explaining that the
the Great Southern Lumber Co., was
at all times ready to stand by its
employees, and also stating that
whatever volume of Mexicans came
to Bogalusa that they should always
find work, and make their homes,
considering themselves welcome.
It is remarkable alter all, that
such a small group of Mexicans,
hardly knowing each other, located
themselves to celebrate their anni
versary, being each and everyone
present at the banquet and the feast
where in due opportunity they also
appreciated the fact of being guests
in this country and stated that they
would do all that there is in their
power to carry out all labor assigned
to them, with as much acuracy as
there may be in their reach.
The undersigned wishes that the
thanks be tendered anew to Mr.
Sullivan through the news lines, ac
knowledging not only the thanks, but
also a thorough co-operation to
carry out their labor with the satis
faction and the trust that Mr. SuIH
van characterizes promising him that,
he wiH always remain satisfied with
whatever volume of Mexicans ever
may have to stop in this city for
living purposes.
For the entire committee or or
?. R. DUVAL,
Genera! Director.
Cardinal John M. Farley, ♦
archbishop of New York, died ♦
at his country home last ♦
Tuesday night. The aged >re
late had been sinking rapidly ♦
since he suffered a rclapte !aaï 4*
Saturday following partial re- *
? covery from an attack of pneu- +
♦ monta. ÿ
♦ ♦♦♦♦*♦ + ♦♦♦* * 4 «