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Amendments ^ to institution of Louisi Adopted at the Reg »nd Special Sessions Legislature of 1918, tu Voted on at the tional Election. » TÉssToN, 1918. IrT NO. 28. Yise H»s-Powell Bill. Bfll au°ghesr'chaiman of the „n Registration and Elec Substitute for House Bill i SJt'eSlUTIOS. „ amendment to the Con ^ «f the State of Louisi £.£! the right of suf '^d g^nting the right to ^ VTresolved by the ®iLmblV of the State of A fw"thirds of all members .*& house concurring, that "dtowine amendment to the be submitted to the Actors of the State for _ elec „ r reiection at the f ItaT Election to be held Tuesday after the first ^ the Month of November, may become electors ^♦^"under requirements pro for men, and the Cons â ^ïl laws shall be construed as! ^ vidcJ ,hat ' ? P 9 *'' mav vote in 1919, « be wcessary for them to (got ______ tVio rnv „ - o poll taxes, but the pay sUf., 1918 poll tax shall be provision is self-op ffird shall be'effective after of this amendment. B*-it further resolved, «Ais proposed amendment if submitted at the Congres JL Section as aforesaid, and on Its ballots to be issued at tSon there shall be placed ""por amendment grant ee to women," and the "Against the amendment suffrage to women, and ittator shall indicate as provid * m general election law of ' which of the propositions IwWITT BOUANCHAUD, of the House of Repre ^ND MOUTON, ■nor and President ■ June 20, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, of the State of Louisiana. .J J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. 48. a ACT NO No. 23. Mr. McEachern. RESOLUTION. #n amendment to Article ' Constitution relative to . Educational Institutions ®àintenance of same. 1; Be it resolved by the jsembly of the State of two-thirds of all.the mem J to each house concur an amendment to Article Constitution of the State ,„aa be submitted to the «lectors of the State for ,val or rejection at the sessional election to be % T uesfl ? y jV t ' tet Monday in November , said proposed amendment lit follows : k 257. The Louisiana State School, established and lo_ (it Natchitoches; the Louisiana Institute, established and Ut Button; the Southwestern Hia Industrial Institute, estab iaid located at Lafayette; and University for the Edu i if persons of color, are here spised; and the General As f à directed to make such ap from time to time as [k necessary for the main fcMopport and improvement of Imitations. It Be it further resolved i Assembly of the State two-thirds of all mem to each house concur the official ballot to be •8 aid election shall have print t the following words: "For ad amendment to Article * 8» Constitution of the State , relative to the State Institutions and the of same." and the UAgainst the proposed amend hÿ of the Constitution of the 1 « Lwisiana, relative to the 1 «locational Institutions and nee of same." And each shall indicate on said provided by law whether tttf ° r agamst the P r °P° sed JZWITT BOUANCHAUD, •f the House of Repre FERNAND MOUTON, nt Governor and President tie. kJane 27, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, ' *f the State of Louisiana. J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. of A A at of s *ACT NO. 66. By Mr. Robert. ifMNT RESOLUTION, f ** amendment to Article Constitution of the i. '«Louisiana, relative to the ! Court of the City of and the Second Crim-i : of the City of New Or- ! ^ I ® L Be it resolved by the ^assembly of the State of P r i thirds of all members i«ch House concurring, HMO of the Constitution be amend !» read as follows r. There shall be in the j Orleans two inferior - i, to he I First City CrimiSl to Court of the City of New Orleans, and the Second City Criminal Court of the City of New Orleans, lach of which shall be presided over by one judge, and which shall have juris diction within the territory herein after prescribed, for the trial with out jury and the punishment of all offenses against the State, where the penalty does not exceed six months' imprisonment in the Parish Jail or a fine of three hundred dollars, or both; in all other cases the judges of said courts shall have jurisdiction as com mitting magistrates, with authority to commit, bail or discharge. The territorial jurisdiction of the First City Criminal Court shall ex tend over the First, Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Municipal Districts of New Orleans, and the Second City Criminal Court over the Second, Third and Fifth Municipal Districts of said city. In case of vacancy in the office, recusation, disability or absence with or without leave of either of said judges to issue war rants of arrest for the apprehension of parties accused within the juris diction of the judge he replaces, and to make any order of committment to bail that may be necessary and proper, and might, in due course, have been made by the judge within whose jurisdiction the offense was committed. And in case of such vacancy, recusation, absence or dis ability of one of said judges, on mo tion of the prosecution officer, or of the accused or his counsel, the other judge, acting within his discretion, may proceed to try and discharge or convict and sentence parties accused of offenses charged to have been committed within the jurisdiction of the court wherein the vacancy exists. In like manner, acting also within his discretion, upon formal applica tion made, he may, as committing magistrate, examine and discharge, bail or permit parties accused 'of offenses charged to have been com mitted within the territorial juris diction of the other City Criminal Court. In all cases it sail be lawful for the judge assuming the juris diction under the provisions of this paragraph to issue warrants of ar rest, make preliminary orders and have the accused brought before him, although sitting in 'his own court; or he may, in his discretion, occupy the bench of the judge he replaces. Said judges shall be elected by the voters of the City of New Orleans, at large, for the term of four years, at the parochial and municipal elec tions. • They shall be learned in the law and shall have resided and prac ticed at attorneys in the City of New Orleans for not less than three years before their election or appointment. The judges of said courts shall each receive a yearly compensation of four thousand dollars, three thousand of which shall be paid by the State in equal monthly payments on his own warrant, and one thousand dollars by the City of New Orleans, in equal monthly payments on his own warrants. Each judge shall appoint a derb and such deputies as may be author? ize by law, at salaries not exceeding twelve hundred dollars per annum, except cne deputy, who shall be a stenographer, and who may receive a salary not exceeding two thousand dollars per annum, to be paid in monthly installments by the City of New Orleans. Section 2. Be it further resolved, That the above amendment shall be submitted to the electors of this State for approval or rejection at the Gen eral Election for Congressmen to be t ' rrtl JL,1 ' ?c '' Ion Ior congressmen to be he](1 jn NoveTnber> 1918 nnd tbat the Secret£ry of State be directed to insert upon the ballot to be used m said election, and in the proper col umn. the following: "For the pro posed amendment to Article 140 of the Constitution, relative to the First City Criminal Court of the,City of New Orleans, and *he Second City Criminal Court of the City of New Orleans," and the words: "Against the proposed amendment to Article 140 of the Constitution, relative to the First City Criminal Court of the City New Orleans and the Second City Criminal Court of the City of New Orleans," and each elector shall indicate how he votes on the pro posed amendment as provided for in the general election laws of this State. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: June 28, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copv: JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. I ACT NO. 116. House Bill No. 233. By Mr JOINT RESOLUTION. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Article 130 of the Constitution of the State of Louisi ana, relative to Judicial officers for the Parish of Orleans. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two^thirds of all members elected to each house concurring, That the following amendment be submitted to the ' electors of this State, for their appfoval or rejection, at the election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1918. Article 130. Except as herein otherwise provided, the judicial of ficers of the Parish of Orleans, and of the City of New Orleans shall be Nix. -- ......----—........ ~v lenrned in the Iaw > and shall have reSided and practiced law or shall have .judicial position in this State ^ or -i ve years, and shall have been actual residents of the City of New Oceans for at least two years next P r -Ceding their election or appoint nient - The General Assembly of the State of Louisiana may as the public r. ter est requires, provide for the rial by an interchange of said judicial officers, as well a3 by the appointment of Judges Ad Hoc; in - as€ of vacancy in an office till said office he tn fnr and to the stead of any judicial officer who by reason of disability, or any cause whatsoever is prevented from holding court. Judges Ad Hoc shall be selected from licensed attorneys at law who shall possess the same qualifications required for the judicial officers for whom they act; their compensation shall be provided for without ex pense to the State of Louisiana, and be paid by the City of New Orleans, or out of the Judicial Expense Fund of said Parish. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., That the foregoing amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be submitted to the elec tors of the State at the next elec ion for Representatives in Congress to be holden on the first Tuesday af ter the first Monday in November, 1918, and on the official ballots to be used at said election shall be placed the words: "For the proposed amendment to Article 130 of the Constitution of the State of Louisi ana," and the words :* "Against the proposed amendment to Article 130 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana," and each elector shall in dicate whether he votes for or against the proposed amendment. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: July 5, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 163. House Bill No. 184. By Mr. Cooper. JOINT RESOLUTION. , Proposing an amendment to Article 108 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana 1 (relative to district judges, judicial districts, and salaries of district judges, by proposing the retirement of dis trict judges on full pay m certain contingencies. Section 1. * Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each house concur ring, that Article 108 of the Constitu tion of the State of Louisiana be amended so as to read as follows: Article 108. The parish of Caddo shall compose the first district The parishes of Bossier and Webs ter shall compose the second district. The parishes of Claiborne and Bienville shall compose the third district The parishes of Union and Lincoln shall compose the fourth district. The parishes of Jackson and Winn shall compose the fifth district. The parishes of Ouachita and Morehouse shall compose the sixth district. The parishes of West Carroll and and Richland shall compose the seventh district The parishes of Franklin and Cata houla shall compose the eighth dis trict. The parishes of Madison and East Carroll shall compose the ninth district The parishes of Concordia and Tensas shall compose the tenth dis trict. The parishes of Natchitoches and Red River shall compose the eleventh I district < The parishes of De Soto, Sabine and Vernon shall compose the twelvth district The parishes of Rapides and Grant shall compose the thirteenth district. The parish of Avoyelles shall com pose the fourteenth district. The parishes of Calcasieu, Allen, Beauregard, Jefferson Davis and Cameron shall compose the fifteenth district ! The parishes of St. Landry and parishes of Washington and I teenth district. The parish of Vermillion shall compose the seventeenth district. The parishes of Acadia and La fayette shall compose the eighteenth district The parishes ©f Iberia and St. Martin shall compose the* nineteenth district. The parishes of Terrehonne and Lafourche shall compose the twenti eth district. The parishes of Iberyille, West Baton Rouge and Pointe Coupee shall compose the twenty-first dis trict. The parish of Elast. Baton Rouge shall compose the twenty-third dis trict. The parishes of East Feliciana and West Feliciana shall compose the twenty-fourth district. The parishes of St. Helena, Liv ingston an*l Tangipahoa shall com pose the tv.enty-fiftb district. St. Tammany shall .compose the twenty-sixth district The parishes of Ascension, St James and Assumption shall compose the twenty-seventh district The parishes of St John the Bap tist, St. Charles and Jefferson shall compose the twenty-eighth district. The parishes of St. Bernard and Plaquemines shall compose the twenty-ninth distri^i* The parishes of Caldwell and La Salle shall compose the thirtieth dis trict The judges of the several dis tricts, as herein provided for, shall each receive a salary of three thous and dollars per annum, payable monthly on his own warrant, provid ed the General Assembly may, in their discretion, redistrict the judicial districts provided for in this Article. Any district judge may retire on full pay when he sail have reached seven ty-five years of age, provided said district has served continuously as a district judge, or judge of court of appeals, not less than twenty-five years prior to his said retirement; >? d P/ovided further that any judge affected by the foregoing shall serve until his successor shall be elected and qualified. Provided further, tha: the provisions of this amendment tc the Constitution shall apply to the the Constitution snail apply TO tne Judges of the Civil District Courtagen;, for the Parish of Orleans as pro vided for in Article 132 of the Cons titution. The legislature shall provide by proper appropriation for the salaries of retired district judges in the same manner as it provides for other ju dicial expenses. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., that the above amendment be submitted to JLhe electorate of this State for approval or rejection at the General Election for Congressmen to be held in November, 1918,- and that the Secretary of State be directed-to insert upon the ballot to be used up on said election, and in the proper column, the following: "For the pro posed amendment to 108 of the Cons titution relative to district judges;" and the words : "Against the proposed amendment to Article 108 of the Con stitution relative to district judges"; and the elector shall indicate his vote on the proposed amendment, as pro vided by the general election laws of this State. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: July 9, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 188. House Bill No. 288. By Mr. Barrett. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Cons titution of the State of Louisiana granting the City of New Orleans an extension of time for the com mencement and completion of the construction of a bridge or tunnel across the Mississippi River, under Act No. 68 of 1916. Section. 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of tHe State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each house concur ring, that subject to the ratification and approval of the electors of the State, the Constitution of the State be amended bv incorporating therein the following provisions, to-wit: All rights, franchises and immun ities granted to the City of New Or leans under Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana granting *to said city the power to construct, equip, maintain and operate bridges and tunnels across the Mississippi River at or near New Orleans and to do various acts incidental thereto and to the operation generally of the Public Belt Railroad system of the City of New Orleans, being Act No. 68 of the Ses sion of 1916, subsequently adopted as, and now constituting, a part of the Constitution of the State, shall continue and exist only upon the eon condition that the construction of the bridge or tunnel authorized under said constitutional provisions shall be actively begun not later than three years after the existing state of war between the United States of Amer ica and the German and Austro Hungarian empires shall have term inate. and the fact and date of such term., ution shall have been ascer tained and proclaimed by the Presi dent of the United States, and shall be completed within five years from the date of the commencement of the work. All and every provision of the aforesaid Joint Resolution are hereby ratified, re-affirmed and de clared in full force and effect, save as to the period of time for the com mencement and the period of time for the final completion of the construc tion of said bridge or tunnel, which periods are hereby extended as afore said. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., that the amendment proposed by ! this act shall be submitted to the elec , > * A. i election to be held ©n the first Tues day after the first Monday in the month of November, 1918; that there shall be printed ©n the official ballots to be used at said election the I proposecP amendment. words : For the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana granting the City of New Orleans an extension of time for the commencement and completion of the construction of a bridge or tunnel across the Mississippi River; and the words: Against the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana granting the City of New Orleans an extension of time for the commencement and completion of the construction of a bridge or tunnel across the Mississippi River; and that each elector shall indicate on the bal lot cast by him, as providèd by the general election laws of the State, whether he votes for or against the HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: July 10, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor ef the State of Louisiana. A true copy : JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 191. House Bill No. 265. By Mr. EastHam. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisi ana, limiting the rate of State, Parish, public board, and special taxation. » Section 1. Be it resolved by the Genera] Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds, of all the mem bers elected to each House concur ring, That an amendment to the Con- ! stitutfoh of the State of Louisiana be proposed and submitted to the qualified electors of the State, , for adoption or rejection, as follows, to wit: 1. The State tax on all property whatever, except those taxes other- j wise provided for in this Constitu-, on, including expense of govern- j - V.;, Uiuuurag wpc»« UJ. guvern tchools, levees, public roads, i and public debt and the interest thereon shall not exceed, in any one year, three mills on the dollar of its assessed valuation; provided that, if the proposed amendment to the Constitution levying a special an nual State tax for the support of the public schools, of one and one-half mills, submitted by the General As sembly for adoption or rejection at the general Congressional election in November, 1918, shall not be adopt ed, then the limitation of three mills hereinabove specified shall be fixed at four mills. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, no parish, (Par ish of Orleans excepted), municipal, levee or public board tax, for all pur poses whatsoever, shall exceed in any one year five mills on the dollar of assessed valuation provided that where any municipality, by its chart er or by law, exempt from the pay ment of parish taxes, it may levy a tax ritte in any one year at not ex ceding ten mills on the dollar of as sessed valuation; the police juries of the several parishes and boards of trustees and municipal councils of in corporated cities and towns (Parish of Orleans excepted) shall levy, col lect and turn over to the parish school boards of their respective par ishes, for the support of the public schools of their respective parishes, cities or towns, the proceeds Of one and one-half mills, instead of the three mills provided in Article 255 of the Constitution, and under con ditions therein set forth. 3. The State good roads tax of one-fourth of one mill levied under Article 291 of the Constitution is hereby fixed at one-eighth of one mill and the Confederate veterans pen sion tax of one mill levied under Ar ticle 303 of the Constitution is here by fixed at one-haii mill; and said taxes shall constitute, and be, a part ox the three mills hereinabove first specified. 4. in all districts, parishes or oth er subdivisions of the State, where, under the law, bonded indebtedness has been incurred, the governing au thority shall impose only sufficient annual tas to maintain the security heretofore given under the law for such obligations, and to pay. the in terest and the indebtedness as the same may become due. The levy of the tax to meet such maturing obliga tions shall be ample, but no sub stantial excess sail be allowed to ac cumulate; provided that nothing herein shall be construed as affecting Act No. 4 approved June 8, 1916, and subsequently adopted as a part of the Constitution concerning the funding of certain debts of the City of New Orleans and the issue of seri al bonds, etc., provided, that the five mill limit of taxation for parishes, municipalities, levees and public boards, as set forth in paragraph two herein, shall not apply to such spe cial taxes as may be required each year to pay their respective matur ities the principal and interest on any bonds now outstanding or that may hereafter be issued under the provisions of the Constitution of this State. 5. In all cases where under exist ing laws, other than the laws pro vided for bonded debts, a specified number of mills has been voted at a special tax election as a special an nual tax to pro ride for public iir> provemerits, or the maintenance of public education or public improve ments, the governing authority which levied sucli tax shall reduce the rate thereof to one-half pf the millage; provided that this requirement shall not apply in any case where a parish has before the adoption hereof as sessed taxable property at actual value and adjusted the special tax rate accordingly. • Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., That the provisions of this amendment shall not alter, amend, or repeal any provision of the Cons titution except as the same are in consistent therewith. Section 3. Be it further resolved, etc., That the foregeing amendment shall be submitted to the qualified electors for adoption or rejection, at the General Congressional Election, to be held in November, 1918, and there shall be printed on the ballot: "For the constitutional amendment limiting the State tax rate to three mills, and parish, municipal, levee and other board tax rate to five mills, and limiting special taxation;" and "Against the constitutional amend ment limiting the State tax rate to three mills and the parish, municipal, levee and other board tax rates to five mills, and limiting special tax ation;" and «each elector shall indi cate, as provided in the general elec tion laws of the State, whether he votes for or against said amendment. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House oi Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: July 10, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ■ ACT NO. 201. House Bill No. 37. By Mr. Dimick ~ JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to Article 118 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana on the subject of Juvenile Courts. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assemblly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all members elected to each house concurring, that Article 118 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to in clude the following— "Section 5. That the provisions ___________ ! herein relating to the jurisdiction apd powers of juvenile courts shali not be exclusive, and the General As- 1 sembly may pass laws enlarging or I regulating the jurisdiction and pow-i ers of such.'courts and prçviding for \ the trial of juveniles and adults by j such courts, and regulating the pro eeaure in such trials." j Section 2. Be it further resolyed, uBiuvn Be II tuniier reieiyea. ,e!c., That this proposed amendment . 4 a shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the State for adoption or rejection at the next congressional election to be held on the five* XoMr day after the First Monday in No vember, 1918. Section 3. Be it further resolved, etc., That on the official ballot to be used at said election there shall hé placed the wiîr'dB; "For the pro posed amendment to Article 118 of the Constitution of Louisiana," and the words, "Against the proposed amendment of Article 118 of the Constitution of Louisiana," and each elector shall indicate, as provided by the general election laws of the State for which of the propositions he votes« • ' HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President Approved: July 11, 1918. R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true eopy: JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 217. House Bill No. 252. By Mr. W. Carruth Jones. Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana, making provision for the support of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Collegè, the Louisiana State Nor mal School, the Louisiana Indus trial Institute, and the * 8)outh western Louisiana Industrial Ins titute. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of aÜ the mem bers elected to each House concur ring, that the following amendment to the Constitution of the State be submitted to the Qualified electors of the State for their adoption or re jection at the congressional election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the month of November, 1918, as follows: There shall be set aside annually out of the revenues of the State of Louisiana a sum equivalent to at least One-third of one mill on the assessed valuation of all the property in the State for the support of the Louisi ana State University and Agricul tural and Mechanical College at Baton Rouge, the Louisiana State Normal School at Natchitoches, the Louisiana Industrial Institute at Rus ton, and the Southwestern Louisi ana Industrial Institute at Lafayette, and the General Assembly of Louisi ana shall aportion said sum among said four institutions according to their several merits and necessities. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., that the official ballot to be used at said election shall have printed thereon the words: ■ "For the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, making provision for the support of the Louisiana State Uni versity and Agricultural and Mechan ical College, the Louisiana State Nor mal School, the Louisiana Industrial Institute, and the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute," and the words: "Against the proposed amendment to the Constltutien of the State of Lcaiisiana making provision for the support of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Louisi ana State Normal School, tha Louisi ana Industrial Institute, and the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute"; and every elector shall in dicate, as provided by the general election laws of the State, whether he votes for or against the proposed amendment. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. FERNAND MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved: July 11, 1918. * R. G. PLEASANT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: JAMES J. BAILEY, . i 1 I \ ACT NO, 218. JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana, requiring each parish and the City of New Orleans to levy annually a tax for the support of public schools in each parish and in the said city. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each House concur ring, That an amendment to tho Cons titution of the State of Louisiana be proposed and submitted to the quali fied electors of the State, for ratifica tjoa or rejection, as follows, to-wit: . There- shall be levied by the police jury of each parish on all the taxable property therein an annual tax of one and one-half mills on the dollar of assessed valuation for the support of the public schools in each parish provided that where a parish school board s#iall certify to the police jury that a small levy will satisfy the the schools, the police jury shall make the smaller levy recom mended by the school Board, except that in and for the parish of Orleans the Board of Directors of the Publie schools of the parish of Orleans, or its legal successor, shall levy an an nua! tax not exceeding two and three fourths mills for the support, main tenance, construction, and repair of the public schools of the City of New Orleans; provided that this limitation jn the City of New Orleans shall not oe construed to prevent the people of New Orleans from voting a st>e * t in, l î. nder Section 18 of Act No'. 4 of 1916, authorizing the voting of ***** Æe people of the a fty °f New Orleans at a special tax election. And provided further that . Provisions of this Article shall not apply to cities and towns that, under existing laws, are exempt from -he payment of parish taxes, and , andfcr legislative authority, conduct, maintain and support pub lic school open free the-youth I