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BO0AW>5A AND AMERICAN Volume 5. BOGALUSA, LA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919. NUMBER 7 foi Roads Bonds Sold to Hibernia' half million dollars worth of inroad* bonds were offered for f^kKnton last Friday and * ' 1. lively bidding for the ** rte Hibernia Bank and Trust W* . w ew Orleans having JJÏf successful bidder, paying Z the bonds and allowing the *A the accrued interest. Cdent Leslie and members of JS, jury were well pleased I tte price received. The money ïwnSlable by the time that the V ill permit the start of ac It 1. exacted that *25* » m » u " t ot ' he r rk a be done this year, and just as ^ as the survey and other details !Tcompleted bids will be asked for BUSINESS OIRt^'CLUB HEAR FROM WARD ««Ebers of the Business Girls' itt highly elated and gratified 'the receipt of two letters from ^sid in France, Marie Jeanne i_lî Kiss Zula Mizell had the let {janslated and brought them to , they follow : Jfy Benefactresses: b ans*« of your honorable letter Kevember, I hasten to thank vour kindness. I will be very if my benefactresses wHl allow ; writ« often and thank them for - kindness. ' » hope to hear from you real soon, ta4o receive, my benefuc frem your ward, also from -,a and grandma our thanks. respectful ward, MARIE JEANNE ANGÏOLL Deceniber 21, 1918. Benefactresses: > on the occasion of the new to show you my gratitude for ' you did honor me. I, his day to wish you a happy ."jfjW ay wish is that you . s long life, good health and I rJ that 1919 will be the year of ' and that pur two nations' sis i will walk in the future of pe^ce I progress. (y prayers are for „you and your hnihes, humble and sincere. Mamina and grandma join me in «idingyou best wishes for the new Hr. * ( •* leceive, my dear benefactresses, a Happy new year from your devoted MARIE JEANNE ANGIOLI. i 1 I j T industrial Basket-ball League Opens Friday Nite The board of managers of the In tegral Basket-ball League met Mon day evening and decided to open thé «tjsB with a doubleheader this Fri day night at 8 p. m. At this meeting the following offi tefwtre elected : W. J. Willoughby teirman; L. S. Young, manager G. m L L. Keaton, manager N. O. Wilnier Bennett, manager Hi Vi G. Oliver, manager In d&dbles. KSTER made address ^1. E. Rester, the Ford representa in Bogalusa, attended, the big dealers' meeting at New Or ■lUst week, when a banquet was ftei them by the Ford company, ^wester, Wag one of the leading representatives of the state, was ®Pon to respond with an ad ®n "Better Co-operation Be tte Manufacturer and Dealer." ttlk was regarded as one of the *t the meeting. BOYS' SOCIAL : ® em ^ er3 of the Boys' Depart o the Y. M. C. A. celebrated Z* n *Fht with one of those so ™ t * ieir department —talk bv Secretary Thompson Tte Car * ^ n *^mg was heard. . Program consisted of games, — and stunts of different *° d vtm enjoyed by all! HAS PNEUMONIA Attorney B. D. Tallev, who t0 h ' s bed with influenza developed a case of pneu r iJ fondav. His condition -ported as serious, but not criti "*«nesday. VSIITING RELATIVES ■ ■ • Petford, a prosperous ,®f ^ ase ooonty. Kansas, bv his wife, is visiting Jeter's sister, Mrt. M. J. *** fawily of Ontario avenue» weeks. Piggly-Wiggly Store to Open Here Soon Bogalusa is to have one of the lat est and most novel stores in the coun try—the Piggly Wiggly Stores, which have attracted great attention in every city where they have been opened. Details for the opening of the store are now being arranged. If you have never visited a Piggly Wiggly store you are certain to do so when it opens here, and after you once do your shopping there it is be- lieved that the novelty of the store and the saving you will make will in- duce you to become a regular patron. Each customer waits on himself. Special fixtures are required; no clerks are employed, and usually the stores do not maintain a delivery ser- vice. The Piggly Wiggly stores han- dle groceries only. -o Father and Son t Saturday Banqu: What promises to be the largest at tended banquet in the history of the Y. M. C. A. will be held next Sat urday evening in the association gym. Every father and son is cordially in vited. W. H. Sullivan, mayor, will act as toastmaster, while other prominent men of the city will make talks. A musical program is being placed. Father must come with son—if you have no son the Y. M. C. A. v/ill fur nish one. SAM DAVIS TO GO * IN BUSINESS SOON Sam Davis, the genial representa tive of the Albert Mackie Company, who has been located in Bogalusa for the past year, has resigned his posi tion, to take effect March 1, in order to engage in business for himself, heiij£ A-member of Smith, Davis & Go., the nèwest -brokerage firm -• for New Orleans. Mr. Davis will be sue ceeded here by John Ogden, who has been with the Mackie Company for several years. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Davis will be delighted to learn, however, that they will maintain their residence here. "STUNT NIGHT" WAS WITNESSED BY CROWD The biggest stunt night ever held at the Y. M. C. A. occurred last Fri day night. The largest crowd ever present in the balcony of the gym witnessed the different activities. The program consisted of regular gym work, calisthenics, apparatus work, games, contests, etc. The grand finale consisted of basket-ball, a doubleheader was played. The men showed old-time form in the differ ent activities and another evening of this sort will be held soon. TAKING ASSESSMENTS City and parish officias are busy taking the assessments of property owners and are asking for a 100 per cent valuation, upon which taxes to about 50 per cent will be paid. -o MILLS IMPROVING Commissioner of Education J. C. Mills, who has been confined t# his room for the past several days with an attack of influenza, is reported as getting along nicely and will be out in a few days. -o VALENTINE DANCE A dance will be given at the Pine Tree Inn tomorrow (Friday) evening by a number of young ladies. Ad mission will be by invitation only. SUCCEEDS CASSIDY E. R. Cassidy, who resigned as dis- trict deputy for the B. P. O. Elks of Louisiana, South, has been succeeded by Clyde S. Moss. -o- GYM OUTFITS A full line of gymnasium suits and shoes have been received at the Y. M. C. A. and are ready for distribution. See Tisdale at office. HOT WATER IN SWIMMING POOL The Y. M. C. A. has installed a new system by which hot water can be supplied the swimming pool. The "Y" invites you to come over and take a dip—swim and grow thin or fat. The bowling alleys at the Y. M. C. A. have been put in great shape. The association is contemplating a tour ~ament soon. The players are in vited to get in form. BOGALUSA MUST GQ" OVER TOP" IN Y. W. C. A. BLUE^RIANGLE DRIVE We always do it— Bogalusa's second name, "Over the Top." x Fourth Liberty Loan, $360,000.00 —over the top. United War Work Campaign, $35 000—over the top. You've helped the boys "over there" now help the girls "over here."; We have the finest Y. W. C. A. in the South; most spacious grounds; best equipped gym and dandiest pool and most efficient secretary. The building and furnishings have cost us nothing, the gift of noble men and women, in memory of God's noblest gift—a good mother. It's up to us to show our apptfe c'ation of this gift by keeping the Y. W. up to this standard. To do this it is necessary that we have ade qeuate funds and it's up to each in dividual as well as each firm in this city to give. Give, but give with a hearty will; Give, 'till there's naught left in your till; Give, 'till you're flat as Kaiser Bill— For the honor of the cause. The Y. W. C. A. touches every phase of womanhood, here—wife, mother, sister, daughter, sweetheart. Here women gathered and labored in BOARD OF DIRECTORS HOLD ANNUAL MEET The board of directors of the Y. M. C. A. held their regular meeting last Friday evening. Much important business was transacted. Every mem ber of the board was elected to serve another year, with the excep tion of C. D. Altick, who will leave Bogalusa this week. The following officers were elect ed: W. C. Flanders, president; D. T. Cushing, vice president; K. L Bean, secretary; C. L. Johnson, treasurer; Prof. F. C. Ratcliff, boys' depart ment; W. J. Willoughby, chairman ^physic?! com ntittee ; ' •T'. 4 ' financial; G. A. Townsend, member ship, T. C. Griffith, religious; L, j Saux, social; H. B. Woodcock, house; i J. C. Mills, educational; J. A. Speken j hier and B. D. Talley, returning sol j djers. The board consisted of fifteen members, but was increased to twen ty. The following were elected to serve for the coming year: C. E.• Ött, A. A. Overstreet, F. J. Taylor i and Z. A. Davis. •--o , ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL ! WELL ATTENDED AT 'Y'j The Roosevelt memorial service at j the Y. M. C. A. was attended by a 1 goodly number on last Sunday even-' ing. Harold A. Moise of New Or-j leans was the principal speaker of the evening. "Roosevelt was a great man, a man ! with many ideas, a man with great determination, a true American. His memory will live ever a^ter," said the speaker. Gymnasium Classes in Full Blast at Y. M. C. A. George B. Heckman, formerly the physical director at the Y. M. C. A., is back on the job and he has the gym schedule arranged and cordially invites every man and boy to attend these classes. Following is the schedule: Seniors, 8:15 p. m., Monday and Thursday. High School, 4 p. m. Monday and Thursday. Employed boys, 8:15 p. m. Tuesday and Saturday. Juniors, 4 p. m. Tuesday and Sat urday. Business men, 6:15 p. m. Monday and Thursday. League games every Friday night at 8 o'clock. . -o BUYS KING'S GARAGE The garage j>f G. J. King on Aus tin street has been purchased by S. A. Pennington, an expert automobile mechanic of New Orleans. His broth er, who was formerly employed at the City Garage, will be associated with him and Mr. Pennington solicits your business and guarantees you satisfaction and assures the public that the charges for his work will be very reasonable. MAYOR SULLIVAN HOME Mayor W. H. Sullivan arrived home Wednesday from a three weeks' busi ness trip in the North and East. He reports those sections optimistic overi the business outlook for the year. the Red Cross rooms to help the sol dier boys and to help our own cases of ' disriv. in the recent epidemics. Here wife and mother finds quiet and recreation ii rest and reading rooms. Here sistet daughter or sweetheart gather in the gym and girls' clubs aftér work or school. Here, as well as all over the world, the Y. W. C. A. is a veritable "House of Friendli ness." A group ,tri girls, had been in every room of the association club house, peered in every nook and corner, and thl# was the verdict: "It's just like a real home ought to be." Is it a "small" thing to help sup ply ideals for real homes? The Y. W. C. A. is for the people and of the people, and it ought to be by the people. This is the first general appeal the Y. W. C. A. has ever made for funds. So, walk up ladies and gentlemen, the cause is good and just. Who will be the first to give? Don't wait to be asked. Just jump in the band wagon ; we'll go with a "hip, hurrah," and keep up that record which has made the whole nation sit up and take notice what Bogalusa can do, and always docs. - LOCAL RED CROSS DOING GREAT WORK i , ! Home Service Workers rendered services to many families during the recent influenza siege. A total of thirty-nine families were visited and cared for by the Home Service. Un der the direction of Miss Voorhies and Miss Pierson soup and other nourishment wa3 made daily at the Y. W. C. : A. This was distributed to all parts of Bogalusa by the work ers. On several occasions it was nec essary to hire a car to do this wo-k, as many of the best helpers were sick ami it was hard to get people to take euttin tjh.e.bed weather. People are just beginning to real ize what the Home Service means to a community. Calls Of varied kinds are received at the Reg Cross office and assistance and information given in all cases. After-care of the dis charged soldier and his family are impressed on all Home Service Work ers. Discharged soldiers should there fore feel free to call on the Red Cross. JOAN OF ARC CLUB IN RECORD-BOOK DRIVE j 1 ! For the benefit of the Girls' Work Department and all other depart ments of the Y. W. C. A. there will be a Victrola record and book drive. The Joan of Arc Club will have charge of the drive and if you have any records which you do not use àny more or any you wish to donate for this purpose do not fail to let the club know about it. Everyone is expected to give at least one book in order to enlarge the Y. W. C. A. library. There will be a house-to-house canvass Thurs day afternoon and it is hoped the people will do their share as they have always done. I j j j I ' j : j ' STRECK'S PHARMACY IS SOLD TO WHEAT Streck's Pharmacy, located in the Cassidy building in North Bogalusa, has been sold to B. L. Wheat, a for- mer well known citizen who left Bo- galusa in 1915 and located in Baten Rouge. Mr. Wheat was raised only a few miles from Bogalusa, in Mis- sissippi. He is recognized as an ex- pert pharmacist. - —o-■— Army Camps Secretary « Will Speak at Y' Sunday Dr. Hines, general secretary of all the army camps, with' headquarters in New Orleans, will talk to the people of Bogalusa Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the gymnasium of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Hines comes most highly rec ommended as a speakers. Let's all be out to hear the good word he has for ms. HI CLUB MEETS The Hi "Y" Club held its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A Eible course, "Jesus a3 a Friend Saw Him," ts being led by Professor Ratcliff, superintendent of public schools. Much interest is be ing taken by the High School boys. A picture of the group will be on dis play in the Y. M. C. A lobby. j Dickerson to Marry j on Next Wednesday S. Lacy Dickerson of the New Or-1 ieans Underwriters, who returned to ! Bogalusa a few weeks, ago, is to be married next Wednesday evening to Miss Clara Howell, a popular young lady of the Crescent City. The cere mony will be solemnized at the home of the bride's parents and will be a prominent social event. The young couple will-arrive in Bogalusa a few - days later and will reside at the Pine Tree Inn. Southern Express to Improve Service The Southern Express will inau gurate a campaign, starting next week, which will render the patrons of that company in Bogalusa far bet ter and more efficient service. By i the campaign they hope to impress upon the patrons of the express com- ; pany the necessity of properly ad- j dressing all packages, see that the ! package is properly packed, that the ; name of the sentier is made plain, j When this is done the delivery service is expected to improve, because it has oben reported that many of the delays in deliveries is due Jo improp er or illegible addresses on packages. No package will be received which is not properly addressed and packed, District Managed Terry stated while here this week. •«PPP" MFF'TTIW' AT rUr MLL I Inu A 1 Y. W. C A. TUESDAY ---r~~ ! A live, all action, "pep" meeting^ preparatory for the Y. W. C. A. drive will be staged in the parlors of the Bogalusa Y. W. C. A. Tues Jay night, | February 18, at which time the work- ! ers who are committed to the task of leading on to victory the hosts who are interested i» Jo-__ cal institution and keeping best of its kind in the South will get to-, getber, gather inspiration end parti cipate in some refreshments. Fred Thompson, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will lead the song-fest and Miss Voorhies, secretary of the Y. W. C. A.; Mrs. Bettie Sullivan Frith, drive leader; W. C. Flanders, W. H. Sullivan and Rev. A, J. Gear heard will give short, to-the-point ad dfesses. Not only will the evening be conducted so as to send each worker forth with a vim and determination to get the money needed, but it will be ; so held as to make attendance upon it j worth while as an entertainment and social evening. ---o--- CTI mriUTC Tritr-IX/IT O 1 UI/tlN ib 1 vl Vil r £> PLAY ON MONDAY 1 -- ! Much interest is being manifested, in the comic opera to be given ^ i the High School students at the ar-j mory on next Monday night. The| play to be given is entitied "The Red j Prince." The scenes are laid on Man hatten Island in 776; the costumes are of that perim . „ . The music to The Red Pnnce is catchy and many clever dances are, given There will be a chorus and: cast of thirty people The affam under the personal direction of Jac ques de Castillo the well known dra-, matic coach of New Orleans. Y. M. C. A. Band Coming Back to Old-Time Form The Y. M. C. A. Band meets every Tuesday and Friday night and from all reports they are getting back into old form. If you can play an instru- ! ment of any kind the "Y" would like to have you come out, or if- you are interested in learning one, the band members are interested in teaching.! ■ ■ * --- " "O 1 W1LL ENGAGE IN BUSINESS Thomas D. Cooeland, who recently resigned as local manager of the New j Orleans Underwriters, wilt engage in j the insurance business here, opening, his office on March 1. Mr. Copeland | has had several good positions of-] fered him in New Orleans, but pre- ] fers the Magic City to any place in the world. FEW FLU CASES The influenza situation in Boga lusa continues to improve* and very few cases now exist in the city. All patients are reported as getting along nicely. It is thought, thtt with the arrival of spring weather that there will he no more outbreak:? of the dis ease here. Eggs, Butter and Bacon Go Down The big decline in butter, eggs and pork which struck Chicago over two two weeks ago, but bacon is selling ji n Bogalusa for 60 cents the pound, while at one time it sold for 80 cents, The decline of two cents a pound Monday did not affect the retail price here. Within a few weeks the price of many other articles is expected to weeks ago arrived in Louisiana on Monday, and predictions are made that there will be a further decline in the price of these articles within a few days, as well as in other provi sions. Eggs are selling for 25c a dozen less in Bogalusa than they were two weeks ago, or in other words, you can get a dozen eggs for 50 cents. The price of butter has gone down 10 cents per pound, the best butter now retailing at 65 cents in Bogalusa, but other creamery butter is being offered for less. The retail price of milk has not dropped, despite the de cline in the price of feed. However, it is expected that in a few wSaka » milk price will go down, as little feed ' will be required. Pork is selling for less than it did BOGALUSA BULL ATTRACTS CROWD The fine Holstein bull, Prince Woodlawn of Edgebrook, belonging to the Great Southern Lumber Com pany and known m the "Bogalusa. take a big slump. Louisiana gardens will soon be coming in, which will reduce the cost of living in the South and which will afford Northern and Eastern people vegetables for the ta ble from the garden at about the same prices they are paying for canned goods. In most every line of business it T °" el .ha they will be a decline in prices of articles which many had contended would not de cline for a year or two. 0 _ _______ Brand," attracted more attention, at New Orleans Tuesday than a half dozei[1 of any of t h e other guests in the Grünewald Hotel. As a matter of fact) prince Woodlawn was the cen tej of attraction, as he^ occupied a mos t conspicuous snot in the lobby of the South's finest hotel. Besides hem g recognized as one of the most beaut'ful bulls of the entire coun >rv, Prince Woodlawn is only f our years old and weighs 2200 pounds. IDs pedigree and other facta a b 0 ut the famous bull and Bogalusa W ere distributed to two thousand people at the Grünewald Tuesday, phe fact that this is the only bull wh'ch was ever the guest of the Gruneva'd was due to the fact that the r a^ 1 e n ' eT, ' s Convention is being held there this week, which is being attended bv hundreds of cattlemen from several states. Kinder^r te re Closes; ... I MiSs Altick to Leave lo the denarture of Mis* her famfl to PoH Wa . hirgton> there be no kindergarten class after Thurs February 13. Miss Altick is t0 make today (Thursday) & ^ an<J agkg that mother be nt #t th „ time . The „ ^, fee a amalI exhibition of work and the diatribution of remaininK materials. MISS WOLFF RETURNS Miss Minna Wolff, the domestic science teacher, has returned from Baton Rouge, where she attended tha meeting of the parish demonstration agents of the state. Miss Wolff re ports a most successful meeting and an enjoyable trip. GOING EAST M. Hyman, of the Leader, will leave in a few days for the Northern and Eiastern markets, where he will He expects to dis purchase stock play one of the finest spring stocka ever shown in Bogalusa. . ------------ o DANCE FOR PUBLIC The Elks are arranging to give m dance next week, the proceeds of which are to be turned over to a pa triotic fund. The public is invited to attend and admission will be $1 per couple. • ' GOING TO NEW ORLEANS Tom Cbesterman, formerly en gaged in the jewelry business in Bo galusa, but who for the past two years has been located at Hatties burg, will likely engage h-n—nra in New Orleans in the near future-