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WC MtoALUSA CMCM&iSC _____ AND A MERICAN ____ BOGALUSA, LA., THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922. NUMBER 24. Canning Factory More Important Than 1 Lumber Mill to Bogalusa's Future-Sullivan fifty and seventy-five ^ and professional men of Bo dropped work for two hours Thursday morning and met with " W H Sullivan for an mspec new canning factory and 'him handle plant. Thebusi ' *1.1 who visited the canning fac t he first time were amazed R number of people employed r «U} and efficiency of the plant VjL future possibilities of it. HTshort address Mayor Sullivan I j ,hot the canning factory meant RfjfL future of Bogalusa l!i t of the Great Southern Lum Pc mnanv He explained how the P firn" of the Great Southern Tit necessary- to destroy the crop HL while the canning factory in and encouraged the develop ; 0 f the soil and that it furnished ^owfitable revenue to the farmers * should increase each year. He I that if the business and prof es I me n would give the proper co- ] i e y\ Tl and support to the manage-I of the plant, that it would be »question of a short time until j plant could develop into an m „ that would employ 2o0 people, fhat by raising various c ™P a _t"e could have money coming to E sThe year round, except a few- of winter months. It would also de B the land around Bogalusa and \ more farmers to this section. Scruggs resigns? IS GOING WEST ! t, D. Scruggs, for the past three Ë i supervisor of employment for Great Southern Lumber Company the Bogalusa Paper Company, £j w ho also looked after the effi-1 and safety departments, re- j his position last Thursday. He Cl token his family to Ocean j^riags, Miss., where the family will nin for the summer, and after a r I weeks' rest Mr. Scruggs will go h California, where he will consider »tion tha^ has been offered him. Ir. Scraggy has been a most ae ! citizen and was one of the best I employes of the Great South He was exalted ruler of _ lodge of Elks and always took ! «tire aart in all community work, ' »many friends in Bogalusa wish o 1 »1 P. .m » -r c I CAN SHIP MEATS : I i many friends in Bog. 1 all the happiness and succès: I new location and commend him to the California >t he will located. i community BUTCHERS S Br. J. H. Slaughter, of the Citvj L ird of Health, 'received a letter j 1 Dr. Oscar Dowling, of j.he State I ird of Health. Tuesday afternoon, "«ncing that butchers of Bogalusa l ' 1 make shipments of their meats 1 «press, providing their plants : inspected and approved by the 1 Board of Health. [Early yesterday morning Dr. • personally inspected the lo- ots and the first shipments 1 made yesterday afternoon. -d - Blackwell and Miss Carrington Wed ^Murphy Blackwell, one of the *4 employes of the Crain Gro Company on Columbia street, • united in marriage to Miss Edna ! Carrington, a popular and attrac fyonng lady who has been making ■ some with Mr. and Mrs. R on in Denhamtown. ____ cetemony was performed at ; ,®«yington home last Thursday ( Dr. T. W. Talkington, pastor • ^tn .Baptist Church, officiât- 1 rollowin? the ceremony an old-[for •Bed wedding supper was ! IJ y re l a tives and friends. happy couple have gone ^««eping in a new bungalow street. eh- j j ». • i i-Martm Nuptials Celebrated Saturday; I I iB° s t popular young ladies, , r f! e< i Saturday evening at the . f °[ "Î- T .W. Talkington, pas- n the first Baptist Church. Dr. A, j and Mesdames C. W. Boy- and J. Gilbert witnessed jWemony. - couple are receiving the ™**tions of their many friends. "^nce Rayburn, of the Bogalusa Laundry, and Miss Lucille a forni 0r nurse of the Boga- ; Hospital staff and one of the Occupy Club House During Present Month * 0 Tlr -- Vj 71.remodeling the old Magic 00b a«!) I j wb *ch is to be used as 'frhttob - ro . om by the Knights , * US ' bas been resumed and j that by the latter pari t| ®°nth the building will °r occupancy. : Com Pleted the local Knights 0ne Hie finest clubrooms ** eowicil in this section. 1 T9 NASHVILLE 1 b» ' Haridson, accompanied *ter, Mrs. J. I. Waller, lef 1 " 1 tor Nashville, driving a Stude ..._______ t ._|____ Mrs. J. I. Waller, left ! te S' ..P av ' dson "Meridian, Miss. accompanied id l—They expect r*al roads for the re'nif inder p and «pect to make record i man was greatly interested in the op thanleration of this plant, which also has [a great future. ( j During his talk, Mr. Sullivan called ; attention to the fact that it was time ' j for members of the Chamber of Com -merce to make payment of their du^. not a dollar having been paid in since ; he became president, and now that Incidentally, Mayor Sullivan also sold the second carload of 'the Boga lusa Brand Beans to the Interstate Grocery Company, who conduct a branch here, and of which E. J. Do mergue is the president. Following the inspection of the canning plant, the White Wood Prod ucts Company, where broom handles are being made at the rate of 25,000 j a day from waste from the Great t Southern Lumber Company was paid a visit by the partv. Every business j tw-o new industries, and each with a : great future, have been secured this year, he considered it a good policy ] to look after the incidental expenses ,. , v— Y which have been running for the past six months. ! j The meeting, which was in the na- ! ture of an inspection trip, accom-, plished great good In awakening en thusiasm. ! A number of the party who had not inspected the plant of the Bogalusa Coca-Cola Bottling Co.,- visited this industry and witnessed the most mod ern plant of its kind in operation. NEW DISCOVERY MADE IN CANNING BEANS What is believed to be a new dis covery in the art of canning beans was made in Bogalusa last week, which should result in solving a se rious question that has confronted the j local plant and wnich next year would a have been a serious proposition. els over to the cold storage plant of t'np RnornTTinn Tpp p nm no.,. L i,„.„ The beans were coming in so fast | last week that despite the fact the plant operated 24 hours a day, they ; were unable to can thte beans as rap idly as they were brought in. It was L decided to send a few hundred bush- ! the Bogalusa Ice Company to keep the beans from spoiling. Here is the ? the!result, 'which is best told by Manager' ! Lott in a letter to J. H.^Cassidy, presi ' dent of the Bogalusa Farm Products Lu Company: ' . Bogalqsa, La., June 1, 1922. j Mr. J. H. Cassidy, ' ' *" Bogalusa La. - Dear Sir—In answer to your let-1 ter of May 30th, Dr. Slaughter of t'ered us the benefit of his cold stoi'- [ I a?c for 0Ur beans , which we took ?.d- r : vantage of. W'e find that after the; I Vî0<\TiS he i VG beG^ HI cold stoi'cl ^0 a da v or, two that k increases the j quality of the beans very much. We I believe that this is the salvation of tha bean proposition for next year, if l ' v e wish,to handle a large amount of them. After the cleans have been in cold storage for à while they become very green and tender. You can take a bean off the farm that is somewhat wilted and the cold storage makes it nice and brittle. Thanking you for your suggestion, we are, vours very truly, BOGALUSA FARM PRODUCTS CO., By O. G. LOTT. C. L. BLACK IS HONORED BY ELKS is to j i be ;be J the C. L. Black, secretary of Chambei Oi Gommerce and one of ja hpttf known nnH mocf on. ! Eojrsluss s best known änd most on- : E.'terprising young men, was elected ex- j Ulted ruler of the local lodge of Elks : ; at a meeting held last Friday evening. , He will fill the unexpired term of j ( .... ...........______,_____ _______ „ W. D. Scruggs, resigned. w Mr. Biack, j 1 besides having natural qualifications : old-[for the honors bestowed upon him. ! ------ J ■*— ------ ------ 1 j served fro- four years as secretary ! j of the local lodge. The entire mem . , . , bership has pledged their hearty sup-; ,port to Mr. Black. Richardson To o .• » n Practxe Law Here I James Richardson, one of Eoga lusa's best known young men, who I graduates from the Tulane Law ; School today, will return to Bogalusa and engage in the practice of law at an early date. He has leased offices in the . Marx building on Columbia street, but the building will not be jf° completed until early fall, meanwhile he will open an office on the North Side. Mrs. L. T. Richardson, Mr., and Mrs. R. E. Richardson, Mrs. W. C. Flanders and daughter, Miss Geor gine, are among the Bogalusa citizens who attended the commencement ex ercises. to 74 in are the DAVIDSON BECOMES PH. D; GETS HIGH PERCENTAGE will are j C. W. Davidson, the hustling pro [prietor of Williams Drug Co., re be'turned last week from New Orleans, where he underwent the rigid exam iination of the State Pharmacy Board, which he passed with high honors, his V ' ' ----- ——~ ... ..... . an extent that it was necessary for "" *" " JJ ---*'— •~ u -----— T ' general average being above 90 per cent. "Business has been growing to suph day _________________________. .. us to add another pharmacist, so I at the the in not but (decided it would be a good idea for (the boss to know this part of the business, and after several months of hard study I had no trouble in more than meeting the board's require ments," said Mr. Davidson. an slip Local Knights Attend Initiation! , ^ „ , « me » and °- J - Richard reports that ( there are ten miles of rough airt road ; between Madisonville r^d Hammond. ' He went on one road and returned by another and stated the roads were equally bad. Irv ^ _ 7T 0 ir.i-ri cKlDCxE A4 AJB11 A iiiciiiuers ui me c*-gaiusa vuuu cil of the Knights of Columbus mo Seven automobiles carrying about forty members of the Bogalusa Ooun tored to Hammond Sunday where about fifty candidates were initiated | in the three degrees of that order, j Seven of the candidates were from Bogalusa, but they showed no signs j of having suffered any severe injuries j (from the "goat riding." a j t TT , -. , - . , , , Hammond on a special train and had char Se of the initiation. All Bogalusans repdH a splendid The New°Orleans Knights went to a IS NOW COMPLETED _ ! , I Those w-ho desire to motor to Abita X nose w-no desire to motor to Abita I Spring8i Covingt0 n, Mandeville andL ! other points in St. Tammany oarish ! wi n be interested in learning that the bri dge at Abita Springs, which went out seV eral weeks ago, has been re ! built and it is no longer necessary jto detour via Loubat, making trips to t ba t sec tion rather risky. The bridge was completed last Fri day. The bridge about four miles this side of Covington, which was in a dangerous condition, was being re paired Monday and it is expected the work will be completed by the middle of this week. DANCE AT ELKS SATURDAY EVENING _ The dances which have been given h , , * : ^ better iniusm than most of Ine , [bands which have been imported froni | at the Elks' Home on Saturdav even | in ^ ar f Rowing in popularity, ana as a result an i oth J er 0I i e wdl .b e Ç ven tb ;S ; COI P ln ? Saturday, to which the puohc ls, 3£ vlte A , . , L Blanchard s Orchestra will furnish ! the n,USIC - Thls organization is giv ... , - „ . M \ ? the , r Cltie . s \ The employment of th/ - a niusicians makes it possible to f danc ^ a 11 admission. Lu Le B lanc » Ja . s charge °x .the dance, assures all who attenc a j niost enjoyable evening. r>D a icro o x mitTÖv irKAlotb oAINl I AK Y CfiKiniTinMC urot LUltDlUUnia nHHC. j [ - f r Dr. W. K. Sharp United State« ! Public Health officer who was senti wtt 1 • ^ 1 . . I detailed statement. Following is his report of conditions in Bogalusa: "The city of Bogalusa contains about half of the population of the parish, having near 10,000 people. They have a splendid water supply, its source being from seven deep wells. Near 70 per cent of the town is sewered. The remaining 30 per cent uses buckets, which are cleaned weekly. New sewers are being laid to take the place of this, but the writer recommended that the fly j proof boxes used by the health unit i be installed until this sew r er connec tion could be made. I hope this will ;be done. A splendid example of J health work is going on at this place. ; b Constructive health work. They have ____ ja real live doctor acting as city health ! offippr nf pmivca ralmtmc. Fk», : officer. This, of coui'se, relieves Or. j j Smith of virtually all school work. | : quarantines, and many phases of , health work. He merely acts in an i*j j advisory capacity. They have a bi _______ „ __,_____ v . „„ j hospital in this place, with : lated pavilion, and as soon have a suspected infectious case it is ij._i_._j .i~------, ! isolated in this pavilion. as they as thej ! treat and correct all defS l^äis ' _ rect ail defects in this hospital, free to all employes of the [Great Southern Lumber Company. work and contagious dis- 'has ! ave in Washington parish | . jf° establish a clinic at Franklinton to Company. ; They have a splendid public health nurse who devotes most of her time j to school work and contagious di>-'- mas cases. "They have 74 schools. There ar.e eight of these in Bogalusa. Of these 74 schools, 21 are for negro children and 50 are for whites, which were visited by the health officer and the nurse. The nurse is doing follow-up work during the summer. Plans have been made correct the defects in the children in that section of the-parish. This clinic will be free to children whose parents are unable to pay. -_o JOHNNY BRANCH COMPLETES FOUR YEARS WITH POLICE by on val, J. Johnny Branch, desk sergeant at itne given at the Y. W. C. A. next Thurs day evening by the. Women's Bible Class of the First Methodist Church at 7:45 p. m., and every married the office of chief of police, was kept busy Thursday receiving congratula tions from his many friends, it being the fourth anniversary of his service in the police department. Officer Branch is one of the most popular men on the city payroll and not only makes friends on the job, but is a strict enforcer of the law. OLD-TIM ESOCIAL AT Y. W. C. A. and well There will be an old-time social woman of the church is cordially in vited, and by special request of the entertainment committee, every wom an is to wear either a house dress or bungalow apron and shoes that will slip on and off easily. ness day, The hour j Sees Canning Plantj Subscribes for Stock by 1 - 7 ---..... ... >KU h, 10 = om S to be to Bogalusa and the farm-: ' - "........ - - j All you have to do to realize what j a sreat thing the canning factory is i e rs is just to visit the plant. H. H. | ^ Hcox, the well known Columbia j street merchant, visited the plant last week and the first thing he did after j realizing what it meant to the citi j zens ar >d farmers, was to write his jcheck^for $100. The following letter , . .. . , . , „ terest to every business and profes sional man _ Bogalusa, La., June 2, 1922. Mr. W. H. Sullivan, Mayor of Bogalusa, La. Dear Mr. Sullivan—I was agree ably surprised at the progress the Bogalusa Farm Products Company has made during my visit yesterday. Herewith my check for $100 to cover to is self-explanatory and will be" of in ........... i/w VW» V* one share of stock. As this new en a._____ ___________ • jterprise progresses, and my income ! increases, I might subscribe more, as I you know not many of us have made ~ I anv mcnpv + bp i-,,* + wr> tv, rpp andL ears ney m the la_t two or three to in Yours very truly, H. H. WILCOX. Great Opportunity In Canning Plant "Bogalusa business men arfe just be ginning to realize the great opportun ity offered them by the establishment of the canning factory. It not only will pay good dividends in time, but will do far more. It will give the farmers a cash crop at several periods of the year and, argue as we may, jthe prosperity of any nation depends upon the prosperity of the farmers," sa jd H. J. Cowgill, who has perhaps h who has been assisting Mana-erAlex ,JÎ * : Lon in any capacit? * when , upon during the past three weeks, | w hen the plant has been operating]h done more than any other to pro mote the local company and who has been working day and night,, inci dentally without pay, since work was begun installing the machinery, and M \ ------- t-...... 2 4 hours a day. Mr. Cowgill is of the opinion tha the pickle business oped ard he has already done much ,valuable xvork investigating the possi jbilities in that line, not only for the stockholders, but for the farmers. If Ibnsiness men could hear some, of the po«4 things the farmers tell Messrs. j Cos^ill and Lott each day, tfaej\xfou!d j f ee '. we -^ repaid for their investment, | ! Ä oy , r ' ever récei Y ed a dividend. j The bean season is about haL oyer, : 0 I ËCCOTdi n tr t n ^\ï r. SDn ho is ill si! fho * h o-i n iFki tn , i j™ n 2' ........... " „„„ ; b ut for about two xveeks. Night Su jperintendent Ratcliffe has rendered No one but Messrs. Lott and Cow- 1 gill know of the obstacles and little details which had to be attended to, |f complete the plant and have it in op eration by the time the beans were ready. It was late fn April when the machinery arrived and the stockhold ers feel that it will be a phenomenal record if the plant breaks even. Beans in damaged taken, rather than condition, were disappoint the j farmers. Then, during the rainy sea- j son, farmers brought beans to the plant faster that it could properly ( care for them withorj a '24-hour | shift. This 24-hour work was done : without a word, not for one day only, ■ fvaluable assistance in making the _______, #•_ * ___________ ____±.. j j record and in fact everyone connected | with the operation of the plant has [given genuine 100 per cent co-opera i*j 0 n and efficiency. ' - - jciiiv u 'to*take'better*'care*of^"that "cro*>"than Mr. Lott believes the sweet potato Pi J t ill S hp en it id a °r?os riFn ! a ! that the plant wil! be in a position | ' n „°! ! .require such prompt attention as beans. In order to handle the sweet by Inntntn nmn it will necessary toli,o„ 'has ever started under such favorable ; ! conditions and the most excellent J | showing made is due solely to the lj ; potato crop it will be necessary to |inake some changes in the plant. j j It is seldom that a canning plant j mas ever started under such favorable : T work and plans of and Lott Messrs. Cowgill Sacrament of Confirmation Administered to Big Class Most impressive services, attended by a large number of Catholics, were - fj held at the Church of Annunciation 1 - on Avenue B last Monday at 10:30, w'hen the Right Reverend J. M. La val, D. D., administered the Sacra ment of Confirmation to a large class. Father Maur was assisted by Rev.* J. Martinez, O. S. B. ,of Slidell and Rev. Placide, O. S. B., a professor of itne Seminary at Ramsey. f<* has of k Following the services Father Maur j C | entertained the visiting »priests and j Mayor Sullivan and E. R. Cassidy at, dinner. 12-Year-Old Son of Van Williams Is Dead Evander, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Williams, excellent and well knowm citizens residing near Leescreek, died last Friday of a com plication of -diseases following an ill ness of several weeks. Funeral services were held Satur day, which were attended by a large number of relatives and friends. Rev. Watson delivered the funeral sermon. Burial was in the Pounds cemetery. The sympathy of a large number of friends goes to the family in their hour of bereavement. in N. the Interest in La.-Miss. Fourth of July Carnival Increases On Legion's Publicity Campaign 10 - T \}? 0 e *' Go y ern ° r Bdb ? Î Mississippi and Senator Ransdell of Louisiana, spread extensively bv posters and newspaper publicity, will j be the head-line attraction on the j great Fourth of July program plan-]task ted by the American Legion prom îses to attract unprecedented crowds from the adjoining parishes of Louisi-j is f/ 1 * and counties of Mississippi. Both tee distinguished gyitlemen have large personal followings and generally popular with the peqple of j tins section and it augured well for | the success of Bogalusa's annual cele- ! a bration when Mayor Sullivan secured j favorable replies to his invitations to j them - _ j No Rain Here on July 4th The Legion w-ill again protect itself from financial disaster by carrying a ---— KTJ vai 1 ^ a * :thousand-dollar policy against rain. • O T____T* 2 _ 1 _ - V i . .1 . snect pect. S. Lacy Dickerson, who secured this insurance last year, is looking after the interest of the Legion in this re The revival meeting conducted by the First Baptist Church of this city begins next Sunday morning under the Tabernacle on Pleasant Hill at 11 o'clock. The Solomon - Armstrong Evangelistic Company are to arrive next Saturday, the 10th inst. Mr. lall and Mrs. Armstrong, who are to have charge of the music, will meet with the choir under the Tabernacle at 8 | o'clock Saturday evening. The sing ers from every church and,every sec tion of town are invited to join the ,JÎ 0ru \ c , h u Pir an ?- sing 0 . with them ,to ^ecTMr^J ] str g on d on Saturday ni?ht for The re- to e arsal. ~' ' •• • r« to All visitors to the Louisiana-Missis sippi Carnival 'can be assured of be ing well fed, as the Legioin itswjf will handle the problem of serving meals to any part of the overflow crowd j that cannot be taken care of by the many local restaurants. The commit BAPTIST REVIVAL STARTS SUNDAY _____________ _ ________ ____ _ j more thai , eighty home« in different | sections of town, as part of the spir- !. j itual preparation for the revival. One : 0 r more of these prayer meetings are 1 Vv«-» imiri •» ni«< ki aaI* f The platform will seat about 0r,< \ h ? ndred and twenty-five person^ i ar!(1 t!le?e seats will be reserved for.more sin S er s and the musicians. Those who have stringed or wind instruments-clearing that can be used in a choir are urged I , to bring them each evening during the revival. | Cottage prayer meetings are being! conducted four nights this "'eek inj This Evangelistic Company is j 1 doubtless one of the strongest teams : to Ithat has come to our city. The place jthe |f or meeting, under the Tabernacle, is!before ideal for this season of the year. All who come will be seated within easy hearing distance of the speakers and singers. The music will be varied with solos, duets, special chorus num bers, by both the Senior and Junior [choirs. The preaching by Reverend j Solomon, w r ho has been described as j "A man of culture, travel and re ;ligion, chaplain in two w r ars, and trav ( eler in seventeen foreign countries." | will not fail to hold the attention and : interest of the people, ■ GARDEN PARTY AT PINE TREE INN FRIDAY last for ized his the j and j ». ... . . j. , ,, Everything is in readiness for the goil garden party to be given by the la- are dies of the Episcopal Guild at the Pi ne Tree Inn on Friday, June 9, be- j bale ! a inning .i, at 7 P - m ' and continuin ^ i | the evemn^^ ^ furnish i wit ! music , and % 0se , to da ^f ! niay do so. Mrs. G. H. Field, assisted 1 if by a number 0 f young ladies, will. toli,o„ Q „f tuJa|should ; Lou Mclnnis will see that they get a ' a J "bite" when they cast their hook and lj ne j n the fish pond. have charge <*f th« dancing. i j The children are especially invited ! j and Mrs. A. B. Wells and Miss Jettie 4?^ : T en MeTnnia will «ee rVmf thov o-et a ■ . , ,, Mrs. J A. Spekenhier will nave the custody of a beautifully dressed doll ated and the person fortunate enough to guess tjie name of this doll wdll re ceive it! as a prize. Mss Charline Wilvox will be a bal loon girl. You will also be able to fj nd out j us t w h a t the future holds - * * ■' ' J ^ " E. H. W. f<* you by consulting the lady thatj BOY has been especially imported for the j occasion [hold E ' T ^'"j y ' vn " havp ch ,l Tpe sonic of the candy stand assisted by three [ 13 charming young ladies, who will sell j k ™? es ' ,. , . , 1 the The voting contest for the most ; (popular young lady in Bogalusa will C | ose a t jqj p_ Rev. J. O. Miller, Episcopal rector of Covington and Bogalusa, will present the winner with the prize. FORBES-ADAMS Mil j after j & I the right s Mary Maud Forbes and P. great Adams, of Varnado, were happily married on last Wedneseday after noon, May 31, at 4 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bennett, in Adamstown, in the presence of relatives, Mr. Bennett officiating, to Scott The couple will reside in Bogalusa, \vhere Mr. Adams is employed in the 1 N. O. G. N. shops. ; -o- j such MISS LAFFERTY ARRIVES ipelled Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Lafferty are ! stock the parents of a fine young lady, v/ho j arrived yesterday afternoon. Iter ? tee in charge of this work is headed ;by Jules O. LeBlanc, chairman; Snel lings Pearce, vice-chairman, and will j be ably assisted by a committee of j ladies from the Ladies' Auxiliary. The plan-]task of appointing this latter commit tee has been left tc> the Auxiliary it self and as yet Mrs. Eugene Arbona head of the Auxiliary, has not an bounced its personnel.' ' This Commit tee will be given in fuU in a later are:edition of The Enterprise, of j George Gardiner, chairman of the | committee on Amusements, has signed ! a contract with two horizontal bar j comedians, who will put on their acts j free to the public. j H. E. Hoppen made a special trip to New Orleans and selected the a medals for the track events, and as the amiable secretary of the Y. M. C. a * 1 , . , ---- • V" na ? a deserved reputation for good tastA in TVlîlft-ore of fnîc 4 -U______ If there is a reasonable amount of working weather during the next ten _________^ _________ ________ days, the approach to'the drawbridge across Pearl river, on the Mississinpi side, will be completed. Recent rains have greatlv delayed the work, but lall of the piling is in and H. B. Buck, the engineer in charge, believes that ten days will see the job finished | Unlëss the convicts, who are now working some distance from the bridge, are brought to the bridge to clear the right-of-way from the bridge ,to the old road, it will be sixty days ] wTx % a P proach t . 'f J b f of to four'dv s he rSht of w to four days the ught-of-w taste in matters of this kind, these are sure to satisfy the most fastidious. The younger men are showing an en thusiastic interest in the athletic fea tures of the day. and it is anticipated that the best talent in this section of Louisiana and Mississippi will be en tered in the track meet. In the ab 'sence of Mr. Roders, now awav on j his vacation, the entry blanks are in charge of Bob Magee, another mem 'her of the committee APPROACH WILL BE COMPLETED IN 10 DAYS !. Goodyear Camp, V Worlti plans to build a modem 1 home in the near future and W. E. Sol/I tipt gbp A F Lit a snf ivp iti •rv. > - . *___PH. . ay could be made passable. However, the crew of jeonyicts aré now working r. mile or for.more from the bridge and it is not known what plans are ur.dtr way for the right-of-way. I , - 0 -- ^ T - r ... | W. O. »V. PLAN nnn n unMC ^^ BUiLJ / eclriicn' ''6Ÿ the* memoers camp, has asking if a sui j ficierit number express a willingness : to build on this pian, it is expected jthe plans will be definitely announced is!before many weeks. Graham Addresses Farmers On Co-Operative Marketing An important meeting was held last Thursday night at, the City Hall for the' benefit of the farmers, and those who did not attend missed an opportunity of hearing of an organ ized effort to market crops in an or derly and systematic manner. M. C. Graham of Arkansas proved his ability in a masterly talk covering the matter of co-operative marketing, j and told how it worked in his own j state and California, to thè great fin ancial benefit of the tillers of the uncial oeneiu oi trie tillers oi me goil and how 200,000 cotton growers are now 8eUing t ; vo million ba]es 0 V +t . . " • f npr j bale 1 1 g f ^ P i Mr. Graham interspersed his talk i wit . h clever and witty illustrations ! GÎe^FsTddle^th 1 if û «au m , >» n SouÄ nt ^d 1 ^ rraVeler reaIly be played. , ' a a Overstreet t a rann»Ha' u Greenberg' D Rex Joseph C W Da vid«on A^M Goldman and others i r « o n .L-,,nH„r -H -.t th,. ! 7- ' talts wFro marfo hv n 4?^ çhpiirUn M M,« Eliis Rp,-en«nn' ■ . ». ner J, aan > lvl - 1 !arx > " 1,as Berenson, vidson, A. M. Goldman and others. The following then became af fiii_ ated with the Washington Parish Farm Bureau; First State Bank, L. E. Levert, Joseph & Levy, M. Marx, H. Greenberg, Berenson Bros., Carl W. Davidson, B. J. Scott and C. W. Davidson. - BOY BUILDERS MEET TUESDAY xhe 0rder of Boy Builders wj!I [hold a postponed meeting in the Ma sonic Temple Tuesday evening, June 13 a „ members a * urged K 't 0 be present as an election of 0 f ficers for the coming year will be held. -o-- BILLINGS LOSES FINGER Leo Billings, who has been looking after the electrical work at the Baer & Thayer Hardwood Mill, sustained the loss of the index finger on his right hand last Wednesday while working at the plant. He suffered great pain for a few days, but is able to be out now. SCOTT MOVES STORE The stock of groceries of B. J. Scott has been moved from the old location on Columbia street to the modern storeroom in the Gullato building in the next block. ^f r- Scott's business has grown to such proportions that he was com ipelled to have larger quarters. His stock will also be increased and he expects to give his patrons even bet Iter service in the future.