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ABBEvILLE PROGRESS VOL 1. Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. 4. Phone 248. Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, La., Saturday, March 22, 1913. $1 a Year PRIOFIESIONAL CARDS ******** (,Gordv & Gordy, Attorneys at Law. iin o .c Grccne & Greene, Attorneys at Law. Notary in olce. John Nugier, District Attorney and Attorney at law. Notary in e. F. J. Samson, Attorney at Law. Notary POW W. B. White, lawyer. North of Court House. R. J. Labauve, Attorney at Law. Notary in 0oce. J. O. Broussard, Attorney at Law. Notary and Abstractor in SAM. Kitchell & Bailey, Attornec-s at Law. Near Court Hi.e If you are using our bhad, then you have just came to enjoy your meals. Peerless Bakery. - -I SFeray's Restaurant is the place to give your orders for.... b. FREDER K who conducts the M r ! Meat MarkdO Opposite Stauffer-Godcha u Always has fresh Bee r , Veal, Mutton and Sap· . Open from 4 a. m. to Free Delivery. P Biscuit Glace. Frozen Charlotte Russe. Come in et us show you How are our services. Only theJ tserved you, Wi~ iceless ices. Phone 35. P. L Y, The Drggist See...... 1 Pe 26 F. S.ummers Sub Agent of Oil Company of Louisiana For yo rine. Gasolin your automobile. For Sai residence lot of : J.T. Brooks On State stree from business center. Fine neighboreod. -provements consisting of 8 room dwelling, . Dining room finished in hard oil, high bead i , with large Colonial mantel, French mirrored. G mantels in bed roans. Bath and sanitary closet. ,creens, thre galleries, 4,000 gallon cistern works. Barn, cow shed, etc. Large garde2 p houses, etc. A bargal Se1C Tax Election in Fourth Ward is Practically Certain of Carrying N, xt Tuesday, March 25, an elect on will be held in the Fourth ward!, including all the incorporat ed towns of that ward. The elec tion ir to decide whether or not a specia! tax of 5 mills on the dollar per anntum on all of the assessihle property situated in said Fourth ward. of this parish, including the incorporated towns, in aid of a railway enterprise, in favor and for the benefit of the Louisiana Trac tion and Power Co. Said tax to be collected and extended on the rolls, until the road is constructed and in operation, beginning with the year 1914, and entending to and including the year 1923, or to re alize the sum of $14,000. There is no doubt but what this election will carry by a very large majority, if not totally, as it did in the city of Abbeville. The peo ple of the Fourth ward are very progressive and know a good thing when they see it, for they fully relize the great benefits that they will derive from such a great enter prise as this will prove to be. They well know that they will be greatly benefitted by the open ing of a line through their section, which will bring them trade and be in closer touch with the fertile lands along the Vermilion river, a trade that they do not get now on account of the bad roads, and the time that is lost going back and forth to their towns. If the company secures right of way they will open drains all along the proposed route, along side its tracks, connecting with the river, draining that section, and besides they will assist in establishing a model road on the same right of way, and agrees to pay half of the upkeep for the model road, a road which will make it easy for the We Want Your Businep You will never regret doing business with us. Accommodating Prompt Conservative. Call and see us. Peoples Rank & Trust Co. farmers to get to these villages and do their trading and attend to other business. They realize that the good road will put them in a posi tion to easily deliver the manyIi farm products that they have not been able to do heretofore. It will make it an easy matter for one to get hands with which to gather their crops, for one can then comen and go the same day. Besides, the boys and girls who are now unable to attend school on account of the great distance, will be afforded a splendid opportunity, by the aid of these cars, to attend the graded schools, going in the morning and returning in the evening. A thing that any progres sive farmer can well be proud of is to be able to educate his children. The election is sure to carry. They want the opportunities that it will bring, and they will have them. They will all go to the polls on election day and gladly welcome this enterprise into their vicinity. We Don't Like Airships. Abbeville Prc-ress, is the name of a new paper started recently in that town, with the name of J. W. O'Bryan at the mast head. It is well filled with choice reading of the happenings of its town and sur rounding towns. Abbeville is a big town, and has two newspapers already but there seems to be room for another one, because it is there and if the business men are good judges of a first class invest ment, they should give the, new venture a full measure of support. Our best wishes for success is ex tended to the Progress, with the hope that its editor will accumulate automobiles, flying machines, steamship lines and railroad systems.---Franklin Watchman. The fact that one woman is "interested in the ads" and an other is not, is usually the reason why the first woman pays less-- often a good deal less---for a par týicular thing than the second woman! Beautiful Shell Banks. There are two real nice shell banks that adorn the little street of Concord, and for some reason no one has tried to take any of them away. They are very becoming, we must say, and, by the way, oh the flies. Yes, that so, the oyster season is nearly over. Autos Going Some. This week the automobile owners have been having things all to themselves. The farmers have been too busy to be opt and about and the roads were dry and just right, and the autos have been going and com ing all the week, with nothing in their way. Purchase your Cotton Seed from Abbeville Live Stock & Feed Co. The earlist and best staple, large boll cotton yet imported into this state. They handle stock feeds of all kinds, poultry feeds, and fertilizers. E. P. Putman, manager. STATEMENT do the cemltlom d te Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Locadf at Abbeiye, La. ariLah da vrmiMa. At the cloe do bmimne MascL 19. 1913. ausovacas. Loans and dlacmats.............................$ 82, 6.75 harla clah s 3.........................4...7...... .. , €. O 'esdr ta ............................................ 87.52 d Mis and to................................... 1.0l raiture and xtnres........................- 3.. 0850 caa a han a.d in . ba nks. ................. F.m2 $117,33A5 casiW ubaok .......-.........,....................5 0 soaoo indlmd d ped ole........................0... 46 Drmd mtea depa o d....l............. s0o Tim m.tliatta a f d epaiat.............3470.00 $117,33,.85 rariih d v erIeea. I, 3. N. StedbMa poakenMt. aId I. J. C. mum. a.u, .anhi. .d Se ohae..aml ans, so almrmr swe that te aboe statement lsa true in ltheht d my knho iue aded. a . RxTEmm. J. CAMILK BROUSsARD. Uei.mdl and am tshY em tb ms0th de i are, 19. olmr NUGoma. Cleat) ohary Public. The advertising merchants un derstand that they will prosper in afaiig accordance with the ex test to which they ca o@er money saving opportnemitles to the people whe mrad the ads. New Orleans Weekly Letter "Any letter for .Mike !Iowe." in uire,! the farmer of the postlmas:ter. No init for your cow, or a:ny hod else's cow," respondedIl the postnlt ,,tr in a rage. A little girl of twelve years. the dauntgh tcr of a clergyman was asked: 'li.., diles your father ever preach the saone sermon' After thinking a mllOlmelnt lSadie replied: Yes, I think lie does, but I think lihe hollers in different places.' Frank Godclianx, Jr., will return home for Easter, after a plleasant visit in Tcnnesse Kith his uncle, Eltlit I'utnam, Jr. Mrs. Irene Iollis will return to New Orleans in time for Easter. All amusements are at a standstill in the Crescent City on account of Passion week. For the first time in the history of the city, all the theaters are closed for the occasion. The stores are full of shoppers, get ting readly for the glorious Easter nmorn ing. Easter lillies will be very scarce on account of tihe recent cold weathor. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Godchaux have returned from a visit to New York and Abbeville. They have at present as their guest, Mr. Dudley of Vanderbiltuniver sity, Nashville. Mrs. Robert Stauffer, is still ill at Turo Infirmary. Mrs. T. G. Chauvin, who has been seriously ill, is now convalescejit and will return to Abbeville in a few days. Jakei Ritter was seen wandering around New Orleans during the past week. Mrs. Ollie Stansbury and family re turned to their home inAbbeville. Tues day last, after a visit of eleven weeks with Mrs. W. H. Moales. Six people were injured here last Tuesday by the explosion of a tire, which upset .the motor car. The funeral of Dr. Robert Hamilton Campbell took place Tuesday afternoon from Trinity church, the remains being interred at Metarie Ridge. I)r. Campell had a number of friends in Abbeville, having visited that section frequently in the interest of the traction road coming into that city, He was also the state agent for the Security-Mutual Life in surance Co. of New York. Ditch Crossings Repaired. The ditch crossings, leading from the street to sidewalk, have in many instances been repaired, and especially those where new side walk has just been put down. There is a continued improvement being made in the way of better walks.and crossings, and to the delight of the pedestrains, the old shaky plant walks bare getting less and less all the while. Let the good work go on. When you make up your mind to use nothing but GOOD PRINT ING---you make a big jump for ward in your business. It's one of those decisions you look back in after years, with amazement at your state of mind, which postpon ed it for so long! Freepe Doue Little Damage. It is not believed that the freeze that visited this section of the country during the early part of the week, did very much damage to the fruit and vegetables. The peaches for the most part seem to be unharmed, and the gardens seem to have stood the cold very well, except for here and there it is noticed that some little damage was done, especially Irish potatoes, which were frost bitten. It is sincerely hoped that there will be no other cold wave that will come now as the conditions can not stand any more real cold, and the cool weather will stunt the growth of the crops and fruit. - I A fresh line of Landworth's garden seed just received at the City Pharmacy. Tb. hatus seat Lea wu ho whom to tur t besat The lolloowlg advertusemut is taken frmn 6a of oar exchanges, ad we are woderang--bus my body one Uk. it here: Foer Sale-Owaig to the fact that I now own and oprate an auto ad no longer hae any use for a horse and baggly will ml at a targain, the best family horatse and a rebl new baggy aad hatess. This hmbre Is not afraid . anything and is a good travler nd perfetly sale for lady or child to drive, and wl ait don and msme the kids ad hb r g blsai ad pies as lag as th i any ea thep phe. A Mother's Vision. ( l v May Vincent l 'erkins. 1 .\ mnother Lv t e~vadle sits. And rs'cks it to and for. \While to .r l u , uing m:otn.r eve "l'lh . e vi io:is licore a;nt' go. She sets her hbaby as he oron. As he in time shall ixe; At first he sit:; alone, thenu craw Is, Then pulls uil)p Iby her knee. She sees himn taking his first steps- fHlow tot'rin.gly lie walks! She hears his little baty voice As lispinglyv he talks. She sees him don the Russian suit, Puts by his hbaby clothes lndturt; tile lonely, anxious hours Whein first to schools he goes. When blouse and bhloomnrs he puts on (She wipes away a tear), lie's taken to the iarber shop Anlo shorn of curls so dlear. And then he thin:ks he's most a man, From that eventful tda, IIe's not so oft with mother seen, With boes ye loves to play. And all too soon come college 'lays. (Iler heart is rent in two), But (), unselfish mother love) She lives them bravely through. When he returns to her at last. She hugs him close (what joy!) Although he's grown to be a man, lie's still her darling boy. But soon there comes, alas! a day When she must learn anew That mother love must ever be Unselfish as 'tis true. She sees him at the altar stand, She hears the vow lie takes To "love and cherish until death" Another-(hear she wakes.) She glances at the sleeping babe, A prayer is in her heart; She realizes sacrifice Is but a mother's part. Merchants Are Busy. Our progressive merchants are beginning to prepare for their spring trade, and are going to make strenuous efforts to persuade the buyers to buy at home, and they feel that now is the proper time to start. You should notice the way in which they are display ing their goods which they are offering. Our merchants are more progressive than they are given credit of being, and it is a shame to criticise an innocent man, a mer chat who tries to upbuild our little city. Beautifying Premises. Since the sidewalk and drains have been finished, many of the homes have been fixed up so that the yards will have proper drainage and the flower gardens have been remodeled and new ones made, which goes without saying that the owners and tenants are proud of the sidewalks, which affords them a better chance to beautify the premises. There are many other improvements that are tobe made soon, and the weather now is the kind which brings forth the'gieen and spring like feeling. Farmuers Plant Cotton. Plant plenty of it. The boll weevil will do less damage to your cotton than Underwood will do to your cane. I will sell you the earliest varieties of cotton seed at actual cost. Iwill sell you fer tilizer that will double your crop. Before buying anywbre else, come to see me about cotton seed and fer tilizer for cotton, corn, rice, cane and vegetables. J. Immergluck. Big Ben the clock you've read so much about in the maga zines, arrived in our store with 2$ brothers' They're the bet arm clocks we' ever takideyes a. They're bit right ad riht from the gremd up. We amrepctk ldock -n ad we kuow. They't bet in our wihdow for a few weekbs ad we wik yea'd coma in ad look thmes over. $2.50 Vr.m Jwrdy C.. J. A. LeBlane, Up. I 9 Wk PAINT with Sherwin-Wiliairns Paint and Varnish s,,, ()' J. A. SUMMERS Collections Insurance Brooks & Labauve Office in Moody Building. Claims, accounts :l:d notes collected. We write you Insurance, Fire, Tornado, Accidcn1t and Health, Life. We sell, rent, lease or buy your Real E.state, collect your rents, etc. Bond your business or employees. For further information see J. T. Brooks, Manager. Bonds Real Estate Save your Coupons and get valuable premiums, rugs and table silverware which Grimmer is to receive next week. For Pure and Fresh Drugs and Fine Perfumes don't fosget..... Godard's Drug Store Phone 33. State St. Prescriptions carefully filled day or night. Another sanitary way is the old style of cleaning, where every spot is care fully taken out, then sponged and pressed. Billy does it by hand, the old and safe way. $ BILLY State Street Phone 254 PEEL YOUR EYES AND LOOK! I have taken charge of my shop and am prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line, such as guttering, cisterns any size, roofing, metal and composition, also tin and galvanized shingles. Samples can be seen at my shop. Up to date sanltary plumbing done In Al shape. Call and see me. A. C. Escudier Next oU's Big Barn. Phon4 237.B State Street