Newspaper Page Text
I , Fl ~~ *-o 14" I)~. O t~ot d hI, th c hhxitr csts (? A i:' v~i Z h 1hj.i1 1j·tV G _______ __ _ _ _ ___ --~ - - ) . '_" *.. o * * *t* . N,\t. .' o in oice. týtrl at I,., i. NS ary public. I Ii \\ re, \N.l t ,if u ,urt Houe. .il ,ICil l " .: l.A, N, rv in oflO . J. I. Ir i-.s:-t1, •\tt"Ot u,". :at ,:im N, . I - .,:: . lit.: rinoffice. t K iti'hlc l & Bail1ey, Near ,Courmt HoWs. (;,ordt & (;,irdy, Notary in olle. * ***ll*l·*~l*** ******** If volt ae ar our bread, Sthen yvo have ju't cause to enJ joy your meal-. Peerless Bakery. * Feray's SRestaurant i, tie. ila, c to give your ozlders for... Special "or , i Suppers rea Big Ben Should be in every. farmer's home. See him in our wind(-jg time you come to towtsrkl! him greet you "Goodl M He is wetll worth meetintg. Big Ben is a truth 1 and reliable alarmu $2.50 -.Y VermilIon Jew J. A. LeBlane, Biscuit Glace. . Frozen Charlotte Russe. Come i at Us show you 8 are our services. Only t served you, W iceless ices. Phone 35. P* Y, The Druggist. For residence lot of J. T. Brooks On tate str k from business center. Fine neighborhood. improvements consisting of 8 room dwelling, finis te. Dining room finished in hard oil, high bec g, with large Colonial mantel, French mirrored. mantels in bed rooms. Bath and sanitary closet. Ows, screens, three galleries, 4,000 gallon cistern ter works. Barn, cow shed, etc. Large garde n houses, etc. A baragai BLan uve Memorandums. . '.1 tur1 u a1 tr t :., h n; .. " l tt :it. Ii 1 il" l t· ' " ak i- . l11 , " 11 .1' ;, 1 ,-t. a - 1 t. h d i . t . l n w k I \V':'.' ii,,h. : nh -,t . In rt l It - 1 ii f .1r t r "it tau: wiw ý tth "rink 1, .:. I r- t th] .ir gi :li. f:. ,l quail ? l " +"rti.e tj.:,t tintini' C in urnp uns Jpf+r:i, on iihornir 1. ', X l,),h t .it;ý l ,."al? 1h, . . i s l . ,k i it, :ttack-? I r l bra, iull of 1.. ' fIS' l ShI..k' wteil aIn recitC evtxer Marriage Licenses. .M.: rin:,e licenses issute since March i. II 4: \WAhittey J!hnsonm amnd .rah lIry.',t, both of Venrmilion. C.llrance I). liufI and Mattie IL.u I)a il. ,,in, othli of Ver:nilion. S. .1. l)avilso, and Martha lacour, b"It! of Vtermilion. Clh.,,nere loudoin and Sarah lanaire, both of Vernilion. Sln:iy Comaier andI Laura Cotmneaux both 'of Vermilion. El.1gar lee and Alico Sellers, both of Vermilion. 1)el'tc Reaux a.nd Marie Althca I Bourquc. both of Vermilion. Cabril J)aun.rr.:u adm l.ditlha Meaux. both of Vermili'n. Thomas Mortgan and Louise Laplace. both of Vermnilinn. Joseph Foster and Idea P.ourgeo:., both of Vernii"on" 3922-Abbeille Furniture Co. vs. Whitney J. Brouss:ud, account; Gordy & ( ior1, attorneys. 2923-Williams Lumber Co vs. ILe Lachassier. et al.; note; Kitchel & Bailey, attorneys. 3924 -John Estrode vs. Ernest Oliva et al.; note; Gordy & Gordy, attorneys. 3925-Athenas ScLhenailder vs. Z. I. Broussard, rule; Kitchell & Bailey, attorneys. 3926-A. Ilebrand Nunez vs. Alfred aBodoin; Gordy & Gordy, attorneys. 3927--Francois Rageur vs. 11. M. Dourke, note; F. J. Samson, attorney. 3928-Beer, Mayor & Co. vs. Henry Boudreaux, account; J. O. Broussard, attorney. 3929-Camila Toups vs. Ayman Hebert; divorce; Greene & Greene, 3930-Adonis Bertrand et at vs. Mrs. Mathilda Richard, tutrix, suit for parti tion in kind. F. J. Samson, attorney. 3931---Elodias Menard vs. Idolie Stoutes, divorce; .reene & Greene, attorneys. 3932---Clarence J. Moss vs Malessen Moses, note; John Nugier, Kitchell & Bailey, attornes. May Register Under Section of t i i Stc(ti tt ll i\ ill paI rt 4 .1.\-: N) St:::h I,. p st: ln who\ \\.(, fiI Jil. I. . c 1tit,'d tl i ,'(,t,t i ulill r tl ' c(,nI ";titlt! l: I or t.ittS: ', of :11-,1 .t:1:c in t1i . I:rittd. Stl, t.- \tl:crc ist he t1:nii r -id d4. a2 1n4i (,n or )rani' - I1t of In rtl 11, 1r-, :, not It--. .th it .'1 \r ,1 4if .t i." (,ll1 tilt' fir : liv l M:i 1sa , 1O) 1, uIid no 1.:.ih 1prt'il-r of f.rcig~n birth \vwho 2i al it:rallictd prior to the fir.-.t 1itv iof J:nil. , 11. 1hi ll duiicd ht. h rilght Ito l(,i,.tetr :_1l \vot . ill t:1i t 9 1,4. re:0 11 of Ii4 f1: il- t rc 140 i~ tu" 4 ,l;- 'i-. L l' c (l .lc(ift: ! h tr r'Tll lt' \ i r Iw" " . the t'(luclC tio,.il or p:-,,!u riv itl :liicati, -on", tprn'< rig al c ,e th,. co'.1ti t11 tiion, pr,,\'vi!u, hite . h:all Se residsd in thist state for h\i4t \.lars neixt lprecucclin:g th.e d:tcl t which he lihaill apply for reg:.tra tiiOn and haill have re.giterrtl in laccorllldance with the tris il f tlli.i article prior to Sc8cJt. 1, 1013 and no lrerson .hall bhe ntitledi to reTis tierunder this section after said d(late. r Every personl clalninin4 the bllnefit of this section, shall smake aplicia tionl to ihe prQpcr registration officr or r his dpulty for riegistra tion. New Orleans Letter. Clip sends out his usuar:dl sp)riing lament. "The tl2elanclholy (a!;.2i have co4lr, o'ii" saddcest in the veatr. Too hot to drink whisky, To, cold to drink leer! OItis lluffpauir was :a visitor to Ne. Orleans during the past week. The Alti suff:ra...t student:; of TFula.,. who had the enfronting to challenge the 1a:t, dies of tl'e Pra Club, to delate the qutestion of w1ansl sutTrage', were l col - iletely crushed by .\i;s Fa:tnite Corlcin, who referred the "children" to their pet.r, the Sop:iee Newcaih.nt giris. a vssrs. J. B. C uiaffe and Francois 1 Leguenec were visitor. here. The things that were brightest and fullest of merth; with glohm ve nm. , remembler; the saddest of all, the saddr st on earth, is a slunner hotel in Novem ber. A farmer lad and his best girl were seated in a buggy one evenisg in town, watching the peopl, pass. Nearby was -. pop corn vendor's strnd. Presently the the lady remarked: "My, that pop corn samells good!" "That's right?" said the allant, "I'll drive up a little closer, so that you can smell it better. Faster morn rose bright and fair. The churches were filled with the beauty and cultured of New Orleans. Bishop Sessums officiatefPt the lChrist Church cathedral. Masses at the various cathedral churches coTmmenced before 5 a. m. and ended at'2 m. St. Patrick's church, on Camp street, has be:n seletei for a temlx'rary cathedral, on account of the repairs being made on the St. Louis cathedral. Archbishop ulenk poltificated at high mass at the above church Easter Sunday. Gamble with your wife if you must gamble. It keeps the money in the family. ________ Purchase your Cotton Seed from Abbeville Live Stock & Feed Co. The earlist and best staple, large 4 boll cotton yet imported into this state. They handle stock feeds of all kinds, poultry feeds, and fertilizers. E. P. Putnman, manager. I Here to Get Franchise. Alphonse Davis, of New Iberia, was in the city Monday, and ap peared before the city council in the evening in an effort to secure franchises for the Southwestern Traction and Power Company, over some of the principal streets of our city. Mr. Dav'is advises that I as soon as the preliminary arrange ments can be completed his line will begin construction, • The prudent arid economical housewife, once called "bargain hunter," makes her ad reading the most profitable work done in be half of her home by any member of the family circle. Fo! it is hard er to SAVE than to EARN---and requires just as high a sort of "blsiness ability." I I - Sl !. - I . : .i , ,, ,] .if out , i , . , "lT !,h , i,.x . t: iý 1.. , t' ,lic ch ' h,l l :t ilt rl 1 b1:< t 1, . -1 .t li., i, . t " , " " -,iz bt I - ' . . . lrt 'tn- . ) W ,' k ,ni t!'t ik " .: ' 1: :::' e.,r t1 . Sl t I i t' li pr. . t, t .i-:1: 1r:it li .un lI \l! it, i t i , I ni t I,' t e tlu wt'V i.rll, R. I. Mitl!, wn:I,' of our v ti i r rui'-bt is. hf ,ir hl c ,lt ,, tini tlt- frtscript il for t-he 11.0ral ::tus, t is t : i::..: .ato k. "'t.. ;tr . , t" r f '`"7i - ,niari. l, atit . ., as of fiore. nTi,, . .cian I':in hotl now ill aks pla s Set Ca,'.Patlic, wchich , tllit1: rt ;sl -. p, of ter - spru l i aelt' t . .iv t:ow .: rl Iint a :an t are lik t bric all. whals .Mrch asin ls wof'r. Late tia '; rar, but tLh..\ ,"lt" bl, iton at a rate tthi weeask ti,.t will usie. tll oe c. hi'th ip - with lt timse. tlh i:otl 1 ! ha.s been lt \ir: L: hclC. 'll thi ' t week, mutl the ch'l ctus lototk 'very ,romi.sin, for a t':tinuetd blow fur some P. rNuna Ilr u,:st rt.. one of Vermilion's Irmos.t sta.ilh citins whoe as teen vwary ill for sexcral mn::ths, is, we are gladto replrt, sry all. h lienproved, w anid we. tru.,t phis res ovc wll t longrs Rie can plete a:nl that we ,:ill be pern.itted toi se him ast prain attendin to his busin. Jss as of vore. The V!eiauda hotel now has a very ne. t aproparsince, which makes tL at corner .sh o,'h uIp mtore "sori:n like" It was givrss a coat of raint andl he brick walls ere waslhed off, anrt a general cleanin:? g throughoutIn. The oe was painted als r all of which gtives the popular hot, l r'eld l.n, ario Yorance. The Simoft, ohn Card Club, t.t Tuoooskiy f. L. Ter rr with nrs. Raoul Ch: uvier as hostess. were sou eral guests prman,t an a ost peasatrned nt time was and y all. Refreshens were he served. heold first prize was wion by ,Mrs. Riencha Coaltch, the second by Mrs. E. om . Terrier, and guest prize ces won by Mrs, of. J. the aimal wrousa 2,000. The guehorts were Mesames is. a fi. rousard. Felix Samson, t . J Feray, John alton of Morgan City, Iof . J. Broussame, R. Tcrian, and Misses Lucille 1,- jetune or Jeanerette, Pauline Mitzi, B lenty of mingt. The club wei wlrs present werdamage Roberts Young, Mestlanmes Ran Webster, C. Summers, Richard Dalton, Samson Chauvin, Perry I;eBlanc, Marion Young, Leo Simon, John Ewell, rwood. wilokoloski, E. L. Terrier and Raoul Chauvier. Sells Fine Stallion. actualJos. S. Ewell, our popular livery mantilizer thas returned from Eunicerop. Beforand Ville buyingPlatte, anywhere else, coment on business. While icotton seVille Platter tihe sold hisizer for cottone sallicorn, rice, Frncane memberCoachof the school board from France, to the animal was $2,000. The horse is a fine oneppsitio and onreceived athe kiowners mayof weork in the tin line. Gutt Farmers: Plant Cottoens, Roofing. TinPlant plenty of it. The bollzed Shingles. Uweevil willto dato less damage to yourPlumbing. cotton than Underwood will do toB. our cane 237. I will sell you thetateSt. IPhone 237. State St. Grand Mi3ion at St. Ann. lv jixittA ' It:-2 lhu· tl Many Attend Court. i.:'r . l \'c t lit e hll l tl,:a i:: _i .,lr c t i t ar ili tl ._t tl i i ;th I]. t io li tw ( b4,.: i. , ?thl' ,rc l h',' -l. u . t F i !;;:r:nc ',t _. :,º ia It1 lli i hn l ar1 itt"c i ilh ," '.t . ti l.t,.,. . tiit,.:t . ti r-, il Ill .its .itrt h, --st r Iilort:lg started ut, l'ith T hte t trlllc i ll g t r:l in, c ari, Iv ilvit e t"t aittl l m l Lear tlh 'noted .eakcr:. j Many Attend Court. This wehek thire h.e ma.. talt uuisu:ti 1t-otmb: " of a 'pl: in tawun. Collli ilt.he r." in an tt.lltance of ttll t a otml ,ther :!Matter', i l s..-. ITh-re t s luite an increase ih th'. itt1ls., and thing tare gettintis l.:ore lively naw, 'tpccially that the wld its rular r ti of wore itle ant ti.'tli'in . Dusty Easter Sunday. laster morning started out with tyhe real March I with the dry street.,, dust flying, and was ,o bad that it marred the Copleasure of goinl about all the Iay. The hopes of the many that Easter would egge a clear and pretty day, was realized, but they couldl not get out for a ride on account of the wind and dust. spacioman Club Meets. Despartpite the ugly wath. FWed'ruit ncesdaere aferd anoon, the oman's Club hemen its re indular eetig, with Mrs. W. P. Miller as hostess, and the last program on "Twelfth Night" dewalkss rendered as follows: Synopsis, acts IV and V........... withgoodweat..heMrs. W. they. Miller. Comparisoletedn of Viola and Olivia, .................. Mrs. F. J. Samson. The Humor in the Play............ . . ..... Mrs. J. E. Nettles. The sext regular meeting wiln be held with Mons. J. E. Nettles as hostess. will tae up State strebe "Julius Caesar." Easter Egg Hunt Miss Lizzie Nettles gave an Easter egg hunt on Good Friday, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Several hundred eggs, of various tints and colors were concealed in the grass and clover over entire spacious grounds, and about one hundred children were present to Alayices were se fresh Beef, Porkms of amusement were indulged in untilsage. completed infrom 4 a. bout. tohree weeks. m. Freed and work on JeffersPhon street is69. Free Delivery. Phone 69. 1 *1, ..I ,. Abbeville Furr~itre Co ,Phone 13. . A St. F Hienz's Variety Thle Best Put I 'p. a: B Irrv- crcks of prcscrvcs at 5(c at C. F. GRIMMER. Collections 0 Insurance Brooks & Labauve Office in Moody Building. Claimns, accounts and notes collected. VWe write you Insprance, Fire, Tornado, Accident and Health, Life. We sell, rent, lease or buy your Real Estate, c'llhct your rents, etc. Bond your business or emplovyees. For further i;formation see J. T. Brooks, Manager. Bonds Heal Eestate For Pure and Fresh Drugs and Fine Perfumes don't forget..... Godard's Drug Store Phone 33. State St. Prescriptions carefully filled day or night. See ...... Phone 268. F. W. Summers . Sub Agent of Standard Oil Company of Louisiana For your Polarine. Gasoline for your automobile. Another sanitary way . is the old style of cleaning, where every spot is care fully taken out, then sponged and pressed. Billy does it by hand, the old and safe way. BBILLY State Street Phone 254