Newspaper Page Text
ABBEvILLE PRO VOL. 1. LDevoted to the Interests of Abbevilie and Surrounding Community. 1 ., 3. Phine 248. : .i , - , -h . t,1, 1$1 a YV . 1 ; '.r u u drA , ; 1i..-t \.\I. C.\1.DS ti --- it1 1t1 \ .tt vl oi. st ., Pablic. \ I h. \Vhite, t N,-rh of C(' ' os S I 1. ],:tl:t v r, t< N t.-t.r in office. _ _.._.-- Kitlchel & JTiilcy, N .ar t,'t; llonse. 1 l N _ _. t I._--w-. t1 (;wr(v &Sn (olcdv, tt .\t ' 1 iWho . It 1.m ".! f1 ,~t.>r' X11 oi oi " a .\ttornes. ..t ITts. SN, tarv in office. If Von arc u-itng our bread, t St1c. i h 'c,' 1:1A\ j1i1,t Ctausi e to " tlijoy your iitcal. I Peerless Bakery. cw Feray's 'Restaurant is the placlt to.giv t 'lr oI trs u for.... Special or iy i Suppers , Big Ben , Should be in every flrrminer's homne. ,ee him in our window mat time ybu "come to town. ir t him greet you "Good Morn.'i" Sli is well worth tmeeting ity, Big Ben is a truth to and reliable alarm c Vermilion Jewelry J. A. LeBlanc, M 'I. We Want Your Business~ You will ncvet doing busincss Accomniodating Pr. Conservative. Call arnd see us. Peoplesp n f & D. FRED 1 who conducts the Meat Mark O)pposite Stauffer-Godch a Always has fresh Bee Veali, Mutton and Sai Open from 4 a. m. to Free Delivery. P I am prepared toi kinds of work in the Guttering, Cisterns, Tin and Galvanized Up to date Sanitary P1 SA. C. Next to E~ e 1 Uig Phone 137. Pe_' Jury Meets Monday. 4 T, ,ti jury :eets Monday, and . 1- very little work for this a'1. lr,1. lc.-, th: h .1, mn n! : hi:'n- iln thi. ,arishl. K:iled Mad Dog Saturday. L,,. 1aturdlay\ mo(,rlin;;g ('alst" Giui X1, ; l'er"-ma:l. \va- caltd ul n jto k : . n (d 1 ,(ui, \\l:chl he did at a l1' i I. of onl a few\ feet. It wa.. :he homn_ of Mr. Li uii Ste,: ,. in th.e ",utl)h=..,, l,1 far (" f too('' 11 i)lh ,lp 0 i afor:!" t, t1 t , < ah t ,. .t : . ( ,. ', Canals Under Repairs. ,\ ::rv vl:t'l to note that thel ca' l'.1 ;n thli n \ i'iiity- are nmak.ln nec-- , rol;ir. an:, will be a:lle. the \ .Itcr thlt i liecC-.ary to Pa)ki: a go(,, rice crop. \W tru-t 't" this ' 111 e a good,! \ear a nl our fi a .ýuc,,rf.-f l lharvcst. The c.intlryli tieed, it. . 1 Tax Election in Erath. An cklctini will 1 e 1hel, in tihe town (,f Erath next Thurslday to decide whelther r not a five\ mill tax .h::1ll be voted for and inl falor of the Southwce-tern Traction and Powecr Co. If the tax is carried, it will he le':ied and cclkete, begin- i ning with the year 191).3 alnd t extendling to and inlcludling1 the year 1922 t.) realize the ai:o:nt of '$5,f 1. The:-. i.- no ldo't but, wha::t the t1ax w'ill he carrkd, and with all the new enterprise . pop ping up in this Ip.triih,. and should they all materialize we will he able to boa.: of a banuncr lnarish, and proi;,cri,' will bre greater. . Grand Jury Mlade Report. The gratd jury made its final report iast Thursday evening find- I ing 82 triue !,ill., and 33 not truec bills. A:onng the true bills, there i are 48 against different partiei' for K trapping for profit without a license. The only ca:-; of g:revi- I ous nature were Willihm Jones. colored, charged with shooting a at with intent to kill and murder; and Theo. David, colored, charg ed with cutting 'and stabbing with intent to kill. All other cases are for minor offenses. The grand jury recommended that the justices of the peace he more painstaking in accepting affidavits, as many cases coming from the justices of the peace were of an insignificant nature. They recommended that over seers give more, or better attention to public roads. They also r~commended that the vault in the clerk and recorder's office be enlarged in order that it may accommodate all of the public records, as those in use nqw are too small for the purpose. Farmers: Plant Cotton. Plant plenty of it. The boll t weevil will do less damage to your Scotton than Underwood will do to your cane. I will sell you the earliest varieties of cotton seed at actual cost. I will sell you fer tilizer that will doubl& your crop. SBefore buying anywhere else, oome to see me about cotton seed and fer tilizer for cotton, corn, rice, cane and vegetables. J. Immergluck. Marriage Licenses. LI.on Dominique and Miss Louisa IVirginia Demary. iillie C. Putnam and W'innie Mar . Bass:ch. , New Suits Filed. 3933--Laodi LeBlanc vs. Alveim Babin, Set al.; note; Kitchell & Bailey,' attor S3934--Onesipha Guidry vs. Henry Touchet, et al.; attachment; .Kitchell & Barley, attorneYs. 3935-Stauler-Godchakn Canpany vs. ' Arcstide Broussard, et ai.; Gotrdy & Gordy attornevs. _ . ' ."6--L. O. Bronssand vs velina Lelanc, wife of L. J. Feray, partition: J. 1). IBrossard attorney. f. Persistengc '...winning quality in human character--is particularly aluabl in want 5dvrti(ift5 . Abbevkll Practica y Sre of Hving Her Own Music 'll'eeting I la s B-en l i:dl ,,I r T1jr l sa(L Snltl All Thosec I Fntereste(.1 Arec ltCcinnstcl to .Attendl. \\. t,,d. -in lr i-m'.l of a t\ wv .:... ag le that v vxerc g lli to 't a 'uand for Ah\bN vil . \ and w\hiik ~ninc thouchlt that v. " had gi~jen it up, we r-. ,til di ginl::t it. It has 1.en .: " -hown to t, 'v those 'er stel in m'uic that w canl have it. and we v ill. The merchant: will aid in i :ak in:Z the h atnd a -tuccess. as Will a-t! other 5.s1r es of ,ecurinig :id. 1'e do t f. l thlt t w u'tt ll hC j ustice to canisec the play'rs to ha'.": to g) into their own pockets to pay the ,pe'nsc,. a-, they are not in it for any profit, therefore it is tohe h :and for the public, suj ported ty the mblh!ic---one that will play i for the lpublic. Those \\wo are musicians and will likely plav are R. C. Ab hirc, Dominique-Demary. The marriage of Miss Louise Dcmary to Mr. Leon Dcminiuit -, took place at the Catholic church t< Monday evening at 5:30. The ceremony was pecrforme;d by Rev. Father !':g', tlhe director of .the tl Chii'lrel cof M;:r., of wl:ich the t' vo'tnt;. lady wa.s a member. .Miss I'e:rct renderc.l the vwedding t:larch. The bride was b,ean!tifully dressed ' in v'hite liingerie. The hat beirn: um trir.!)Itd with pretty wvhiLe iplui:.c-. Many friends and acquttanltalce ' of both the youngl p.ople were present. Mrs. Dominique was born and reared here, and has a host a c w-armi friends, while Mr. Do::- r ini ue came here from Opclousa.-, e s.m:m tir. n a o, andwl is the t popu:lar Laker at the Peerless r IBakery. Their many friends join I ts in wishing tl:em a long, happy , and prosperous life. t Robert S. Henry Dead. Robert S. Henry, aged 61 years, died last Sunday, death being caused by effusion in the lungs, following a case of la grippe. He was a man well known and esteem ed by all, and leaves a large famiily to mourn his loss. His wife is ai daughter of Henry Moss. Mr. Henry was a hard workingl man, who started out with prac I tially nothing, and by conservative management of his business affairs he accumulated quite a large estatc. IHe was a life long citizen of this pai=ish. _ Secured Building Contract Montagne Bros., contractors, of this city, were awarded the con tract for the erection of two brick buildings, for the thriving town of Kaplan. The buildings are to be modern stores, one to be occupied by Remy Broussard for a hard-i ware store and the other will be used by L. J. Reaux, for a general merchandise store. We are inform- I ed that work on the buildings will commence at once. Dance at French Hall A most pleasant dance was given by the young men of our little city MQnday night at the French Hall. There was a r i large attendance and they enjoyed them selves immensely, and the music was fine. Those present were Misses Pearl CGidry, of Carenc*4; Sadie Spruill, Mable Young. Cornelia Bourque, Maggie Broussard, Olga Caldwell, David Calli han, Monte Theobald, Bessie Flemming, Y Mattie Babbit, of Gueydan; Lydia l Trahan, Margery Kilpatrick, Maude Ehldredge; Mesdames Clay Summers. R. I. J. Webster, A. J. Thmas, E. L. Ter Irier; Messrs. W. W.Moctagne, Hearrell, Theo. Boudoin, Frank Summers Simon Sl.eBlanc, Geo. Caldwell, Jay LeBRanc, SJ. C. Gordy, Dither Blanchard, Chester Labit, Sidney Gary, R. C. Abshire, J. S. Greene, Clay Summers, R. J. Web vster and B. L. Terrier. Tenant-finding is want ad work. R. J. Ab:.hire. R. 1\'. Bernard, C. C. lBra ,os I. . lr Bl-:r ard, P'. Iuthltr Bl.,c+ha l. 1.. ''.lriný:: man, Sauma- ,,mu'in. J. K. llau:,, A. ( ). lia: r( j ay I,e!,,L.tu , I. . The. r \ill l. e a umeeting he.l, n:ext Tfhur-dl:,y, A\IriIl 1, at the \. O. ý(. '. hall. at 8 1p. nIl. harp. 'i'i:c;e interc'-tedI \\ ill .,lea..,- altt n-l, a-, their I re-ence will Ie hi;l;;1v wlcm.ied. Com::e \wlhthiir \.Otl are a .'I i:a:nl or not, it intercteid in the lelfare , the bind. YXou may he able t) hl.lpj tlLui. \' c oul 1: e glad to lha'e the prIcnce of the W. O. H'. ofmicial., ait will !;1 of intere-t to them. ie w\ishl to state that w\'e iave been grea:tlyv as-i.tcd by Mr. R. J. .\bs.hirc i:: thi- mo\;c;ient. New Orleans Letter. I W\hat 1:::, L,(co(:ne of the different Ab evillians who left their peaceful homuesr to cuter larger citie:;' t'eievye !:e, tac arc :r. ntl:inig good, o I::!Il an Ihoner to cur dear little townv \on the Verr:ilion; that is; ingins from t t' who have c.'-t th,.ir lot in ., fl I. Kearts. If you %will look for the buill- j ia. in the city, take an elcx.:tor, hich iii:l hurl you to ihe fourth floor, you ? w ill find large odices. Ni ith a n t:nh r of l p-Iople atteun!ingt tl!t ir dilffren:t duties. c No doubt you ;ill feel awed antl ask in I a nicr\vos voice for sir. ;,o.ichia-lx. No'( muiatt.r hIow olter you have said it, you 'I cc;in't sal: Fra:.k to save \yor soul, not in this rc.t c:roid of tirces.s iork- i ers. A denmure little, phcr will I your card and retu:n with the recquc:t to step into vMr. Godchaux's I otcce. Wh.ien von enter this sancutumt sanel:lt.,-iu. you will by surprised to find hinm. just the sa.:ne old Frank. with the same old smile, modest, kind a:;d willing, never turns his back on a friend; :i:one r, po tter nor positio !have I cIha i:ledl him. IIe is the same. whether sel'intg rice on the Bloard of Trade, or umpiring a game of ball at the Abbe ville base ball park. HIe has surrounded lhitnself with a number of Abbevillians, I among whom are arMesrs. Howard, Iol li, Asa Kennedy, Prier Wright' and Simon \V< iss. Lloyd i White is connected with the I'an-Amnerican Life Insurance Co. If you are a good Catholic, you will pay a visit to the shrine of St. Roch, but just as you reach St. Roch avenue, you iill see an old friend, Aronce P ou, reaux, who is a prosperous mer chant aind has a large grocery. lie, has entered the whirlpool of city life and shares its joys and sorrows. He was a juror in the famous Annie Crawford case.. And has dropped some of his t money with the Teutonia bank. Out on Dryades street we find air. and sirs. Jos. ,eyers, who are doing fine Swith sewing machines, and Maude can talk business with the best of us. Gaston Levy is a successful salesman for a wholesale firm. e Col. Richard Dozier is city manager for the Security Mutual Life Insurance - Company. e If by chance you find yourself in the 1 hardware department, of the Maison Blancde, you will receive a glad wel come from W. H. Deronen, who has I charge of tjtat department. We -et"en ran across J. S. Lann last summer, who was chasing Dolly Dim ples and succeeded in spotting her, but he couldn't summon up enough courage y to make his little speech. a 500 Club Entertained. The "500" Club met Saturday after i noon at the residence of Mrs. Samson rl Chauvin. Several games of "500" were p, played, the first prize being won by Miss Lizzie Nettles, second by Mrs. Raoul SChauvier, and the guest prize by Mrs. - Richard Dalton. Mrs. Samson Chauvin r as assisted by her sister, Mrs. Raoul Chauvier, serving a most delicious two le course luncheon. Those present were: Misses. Bessic r- Flemming, Lizzie Nettles, Sadie Spruill, 1, Louise Estorge, Mande Eldredge. to Roberta Young, Pauline Mizzi, Mattie C Babbit, Lucy Lejeune and David Calli-_ han; Mesdames. Raoal Chanvier, Rich ard Dalton, Ran Webster, H. A. Eh redge, P.rr- LeBlusac, MRxie Soko loski, Felix Samson, L. J. Broussard, Oliver Landry, Leon Feray, Leo Simon land G. l. Sammbers. f. P. Offt:cials Pay a Visit , (;clonral Sul t. Shi.ri'hli ai:i :;" leikht ot \Vnn .'h..nt R. C. ... I t t \ u' e1 l.\Vatkin- wcr . iil ;\ 1 ,eil . ll -.s 1:1 il.k. w hier t ' . :,l( . -'ntii - in. \,r cd with tIhe ll o of th:iat n; .CCtion, rega.rding- tih Muatter (,f the Sollthern ':a1 cilfe C.). lhuildink< -<. a li l _- :-ro i. tl y .te to .\ .I1' .il .. tihrou:) :1 Iauiic' a.1 i. .e.-ov. a::j i::jg their ,ow\\ line lia(1W..\ bt\\en hl-re a:d Katplan. of w\ai, w. "re ,iV. \ :!:elt. t hlt .' Iclu t I t. .. tio of the ,'cu :t",' refuer reid to 11.i. ,l\\l`r"s bl!n l it'~)t' r.tit lro: facilitie a :il t`. "or three '.:lll lines h:'.' m"t auld .surr. c. through the :1ll1c: ,, , ll " 'C.., ,th Fturth v:,.rd 'ot·tlt d a ta: i fai\', (f 1. , v :lunice', I:tfa, ett ' ;,4a . ,e . ,il . :i'l: .l C'o.. luti for om:- " reaon1(l the road hal ne i.r been built. The Loui ai 'a T:alc :. , P,,er Co. h'::, rcentv lllatde :. vbelcv:ille anid have the line hcat ed, a:n1d have .,otten .ati.factor. blinui,,e' voted to tclhemi at Lafayvette and .1A' ,ivill. adtl all the l seople bl:dvec tety rwill build the road. Head W. 0. W. Convention. At the ieeting of the head camp of the WVoodmen of the World, which wa:s held in ,aton Rouge th,, early part (,, lat \v.el:, the fo!lowin:l oflicers' were elected: t DI). B. Showalter, head consul: J. J. JCa'ev, head adviser; G. A. Conellv, head banker: 1). A. Norman, head escort: T. B. Sllers, e' head watchman; II. G. Ford, head cen'tre; head inati;.rt., f. A. B arrios,. B. Freeland, E. P. Ortte. I.. R. Power's and O. II. TI homnpsc:n, delegates to the sever cign camp, T. W. Nettles, WV. 'M. Lyles, Leon Locke and L. P. iButler. Geo. A. Comfort, of this city, was an aspirant, running to be on the board of head managers, but was defeated. lie received 152 votes, and was complinmented by all for making such a fine show ing, in ccnsideration 'of this being r his first time at the state conven r tion. The ladies who went from here praise our boys for the splendid way in which they were entertain- I ed. Theater Work Delayed. Work on the new theater has been delayed some on account of the slow arrival of some special frame work, which is to be used in the building, but they finally arrived and work was resumed and every thing points to a speedy completion of the modern theater, which is a credit to its owners. Supt. Shackford' Here. E. E. Shackford, superintendent of the Louisina Traction and Power Co., was in town Monday Sin the interest of his company's line. Mr. Shackford stated that everything wa. favorable to his line and that it is probable that they may commence the construc tion of the line in July, but it is t not certain ad to the date of com mencement. e Entertaigs the Faculty. The girls of the tenth grade, who are taking domestic science, entertained the faculty of the high n school last Friday and from all ac e counts it was an enjoyable affair. s The girls were assisted in the en tertainment by the boys of the in same grade. Any one doubting ul that the girls are good- at making a delicious ice cream, we refer them. in particular, to Mr. Newton, who I, is in a position to kqow. e Purchase your Cotton Seed from i-i Abbeville Live Stock & Feed Co. - The earlist and best staple, large:i A. boll cotton yet iniported into this state. They handle stock feeds D of all kinds, poultry feeds, and I fertilizers E. P. Putman, manager. : B:s cui G!ace. Frzen Caar!otte Rousse. PhhI .;. P. H BAILEY, '1':. ) 1;,. SANITARY Toach P R F'> 0 Insect F Price $1.25. Geo. A. Comfort C OF F F EE M I L L \Vritc for udescriptic'I 1'lhni. 9. Refrigerators 'at Cost To ma:ke orom for our new refrigeratcrs we are offering our last year's stock of these good absolutely at cost. _ Remecmber these boxes are in first class condition and we will not hold this offer open longer than until we get our l1nes\ goxl. in, so come at on'ce to be sure and get the benefit of the special prices. Abbeville Furniture Co. Phone 183. State St,. Guaranteed W\I. Rogers Silverware at ºf C. F. GRIMMIER. TI Collections Insurance Brooks & Labauve Office in Moody Building. it Claims, accounts and notes collected. t We write you Insurance, Fire, Tornado, Accident - and Health, Life. 1- We sell, rent, lease or buy your Real Estate, collect your rents, etc. Bond your business or employees. For further information see e, J. T. Brooks, Manager. Bonds Real Eestate SFor Pure and Fresh Drugs and Fine Perfumes don't forget..... Godard's Drug Store sj Phone 33. State St. od't Prescriptions carefully filled day or night.