Newspaper Page Text
ABBEvILLE PRORESS VOL. 1. I)vcoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. 7. P h o n e 2 4 8 . .\_ : -, -i l i-ij ,,l . : r- Ih , L a ., "1t u""l ,' , \ p -i l 1 2 , 1 9 1 3 . $ 1 a Y e a r * .:. J. ~**,*:1:****.l**, Not:-' i'ublic. l1. 1;. \\1i.',-, :,rth ~,,lt ( lur flouse. 1:. 1. I.Lal w .1s|to lx at ],aw. ti . .t.. . ..I , ce . \ o, *: . :t I..IA " t.. .t,' .\! r It! office. K it]ic.e ! I :ilt.v, N. r (oit lt4 .. .1 ,,t. "\ Ill of it. :Li.aIt Law. N. .,rv in offire. _ __,..- - J-,,1 N i'r, 1)i-tria ".tl ': v atI l Att,,rnavt at Law. l.itrlr ill Office. I). I" EDEll ICK vwIho caIlin l 's thit Meat Ma rket Opp() ;it Sta:ufter-('-ct:.1'.: .. Store Alwav:; ha; fresh Bc'c'f, Pork, V:eal, 1it'tton and Sittsage. ()ptZu frn al 4 a. in. to 8 p. m. Free Delixccrv. Phone 69. Marriage Licenses. Ambroise Touchet and Lee Bertrand, both of Gucyd:'tn. Ijloi Trahan of Maurice, nad Carnmeite Broutlmard of Lafayette. John 0. I.cBl:'nc and B&.edie Julia Coochl. both of Perry. Jules Vincent anmd Doil Dyson, both of Take Arthur, New Suits Filed. 3937---Aristide C. LetBlancw.Z B. Broutssard, rule to cancel mlt! gage; F. J. S:.msolt. rttorney. . 3933---Henry B. Sere vs. Admis Bertranid, et al., note; F. J. S \ son, attornev. An untenanted apartment a house, should he a daily "advets ing sermon" to you. SANITARY Roach R xO Insect F Price $1.25. FOR SALE BY Geo. A. Confort C O F F E E M I L e for decrip circular. .Phne 93. Refrig i ors at Cost.: x To for our new refrigerators we are, our last year's stock of ttely at cost. Remember these in rst class condition and we will not hold this o than until we get. our new goods in, so come 'be sure ad get the benet of the special prices. C* Phon t as City Council Meeting. ThI i:'i ,:'ar mceetilg of the cite counncl! 'as h1ld Monwla', ev\in:: at the Ufcce of ti: l1;.Iyor, .\doi;,'i Braus.1 'C, with all the n:cml,.:rs prC-;e;1:. T11-:. w\a, :lnot .:uch a ;reat amoutnt of worrk for the fathers, . i, usually thel case. the re, ,rt of the chief of police was r cci ved and ace ',tetl. A ,' r tititon frotn luI,-.rtv tax paytu ý-a received, akinti that the nw-ater 11:tain IheC xteti c ul illthi section whlich was rcferrcd to a COtmit !c"€te' c mp:) ed of .1.(. Nautck and V'. .M. !ia:ve . 'r,'.i, ic. No. 6 w.i. "tw'l i:uln adoIte l, aece;ptiug tI, ia'i1tng on V«..'1hi;ngton strttt. A c,1;:t:unication fr:,ii theilt I:w firmn (,i . Kithell & a:1 l \\v as rc ceived. asking for $1, d.: (lCaaes for Oc, W\hite. who, it \ ,s .t::'cl. sprained I his ankle, idute to laid side'I.: k- . The co.' I Ut icatoll was referred to the city' a:ittornav. The couiticil thilel :caioirn:d to) meet :;a;.in in COltiued sC:, )1ion o1 Mondtlay the 14th. P'easant Fishing Trip? Last Sulndal was a day th::t many s'l"ent filhinug and othler\ i.c enjoyin, a day ''outing. " Alion'., the manlgy , ere Mr. and Mrs !,uthe:r Terrier and Mr. and Mrs. John Ewell, aud Roy Terrier, %,ho, slpnt a .n t l kc:.:=un: day fS.hi tg' at Little Bayou. h!cn, on the return. the hoat was not to }"c made ito comele home, and of cour: c it was left. There being other parties there, therefore word wa. sent for a carriage, which as:; ihia mediately sent to them. They re port that they had a most enjoyably time, even if they did get back a little late---being 1 a. im.n. The hustling little town of Kaplan is not so much behind a.s some would think. It has just recently installed a new water works plant, which is sufficiently large for the purpose of ire pro tection, and also comes in very nice, in the way of keeping the dust down. Some people walk up ten flights a stairs rather than ,ride in an elevator. About the same propor tion of people, when looking for homes, fail to read the Classified ads. New Orleans Letter. ii . r,,:k l, niti k 1 ,:i . :,rt~ ~w·1t of t'it 1 " ir.t i ai ..!' 1*ifj' \ A i , 'sr." r t i. l nit in ,,i t:: T(" : a I t7? .;r i s r . '.., ;,: t., d:: ot H a ir.inclh it ALt: ut , ,1., . .e t N. \ arl 'n:,.,'r t' k .',I c:-I .. ,, ri:unii I, t :i. , t. i:n t'. :, r fait::r, jTi lt, t i. t r: ncih is o i r tI I ll" 1 -,:" :a;I'- tnt- .t of ! r 1 r.1 . I .'t"t :.:, t iot:s i,; a m Slllt I , ro is .i d flout i : i iw ' - ",t. . , A. 'I. I, :, -. a lativ ,f Ne . lb,'., bu t al.t to r.i nlt of ;:t. Davru . ,O l ....,:: , r,: . . e t r of l e Live '-totk1 -Irtit l ui i,." !, , l itas 't ie k rt Il ,s 'tt .'. M r. l :: i,I:c ,r .t v :."l r, Lativ, s in .' L, .ilh . S) .. i,. ?,I. , it,.. h is i visitst l- I h:i t" dtau tI r i . a. V . I 1. v. 1it W. II. u t Iiclr ai. 1 t ' city :1 ,.1 ,o , s ti it I ",t urek. I'ri s \Vri',l:t l- : :l st vira l dela s in Abll, viile, attnlingll tilt. ilPu ain-ll:..s:cil .'ir . I:: I Mirs. t' h.Ioh. F. Gri amter iun litie .''t , C. F. Jr., were rl -cen tl.\ ,t" e i ( t t', ,n t l t 'l l t l lnt at m tI .i: _t l ao th.'- i aunt, TM s. J. il ! li1 C"p:.tret. :A :ote in tin I)run:i: r ' Pae' ofl S u :,(ly l is 'ie - n, ,av ~. " lo h : ,e F st ;,lr 'at:,t'ill at i al with Desire Tr. tlian is tot sat toul halt noit litc l. Mr. .anl Mis. V'illie I'utn:a:n left v dlnt a!v for their home. Whhiie here tiliev re thie guests at the I Souta hotel. "Oih, genitle blu.lixig bri le, though ow tihe orange blossons o't.r your lar iareL not lss s::iling than your face.soL(' fuowns the sii linig must replace. Al ii e is taite and kinld, wihen ,et'ary of tie e, iceL griit, r(me hars reaLrks l;e': Sirte to ae'. i " - rhaps .:bt,.t tt"he bre.:t or -teak or bi'i ti n or dutli it:. pie i to gt ill dys gone by. But ttott you care, .iin say youll io bLa:: i. .h le : h:e treats . ou so. '11. mail -ho th(r his hin,:e is strong :;ol tiait s Nwiil bri ti his g,-ouch ai lo ; it lin ,ered v, ith ii t li l d iv, lie cannot :h,,o it quite avay. )Don't let his p:ittle worry you lo how his mother ta,-. to do. DIon't l.t him r nr.ak your -young heart ache about the things you Cairot htke. 'or if you knew the Louin st truth altiut his p.rc:ts in their sth:l---and otll s n eltl---yo:ind sin:ly le trn oui rc sit:ijtav doing iii your tarn as o:th r folks, wIo foInd too s5ioo they hadi paissted their hoimeyulit. Itis mLotlher's pies were just as bad when she hook-,l up ttithi car ol[ d(ad. Farmers: Plant Cotton. Plant plenty of it. The boll w."'il will do less damage to your cotton than tUn(',lrood will do to your cane. I will sell you the eagliest varieties of cotton seed at actual cost. I will sell .you fer tilizer that will double your crop. Iefore buying anywhere else, come to see me about cotton seed and fer tilizer for cotton, corn, rice, cane and vegetables. J. Immergluck. To Visit Magnolia Grove. Mrs. Amelia Smith, of Algiers, La., grand guardian of the Wood men Circle, will visit the local grove here on 23rd of this month. Great preparations are being made by the members for her entertain mnt-nt while in the city. Among the interesting features will be the introduction of a large class of new members in Magnolia grove, which now ranks second to the largest in the state. Magnolia Grove has some gaod workers amOng its members, and who take a gmat pride in the wel fare of the grove, and it goes with out saying that Mrs. Smith will be well entertained. Ir"-.. .. .. Abstract of Council Meeting April 2. ",t '.v n:<,'-: :,'t,' 1ity c<,talil ,n .:IArlt .. c .'i: " th in:: .tr . ul ,.11 th :i. l rl.I r : ' t,, ht 1,1 for tilt purl .s, fil t 1 .111 al` !hte tl :at r of ,"r mitimi. tiht' O w,,• r : lh t 4):f tl'. nt e' of 1 !,v. ,,I - 1, > iu 1 t"'*:: . !1 ' 1f llcllink rt '.acht w.\a April 1. 1913. Tol till . !I' . .;.1.*l r . ''ilt e b r l th C' t.. 1 .1o ' il of .'.' .;.. is ' r, ..7:.. l.'. ".olh " ,. u ::iili it'. , rIt 'lli ' st' tilt It:"' :i2,l 1 i. Ic' t "., ()i oil, tis hr t tht 114 o itli c':, irtl . 'it,.' t , l ..'cur i 1c:,:,r t ,l po.'v u . t v .lstih tIv' .1r pl ot..l ,i t u l.... a . i.r er .r a urtite r ,S.ul ti.,1 t' I t- p2 rov,' ior ls o, tlinld, th r:'n lc , l rictlll. e its :aylrke 1, If 1cc, 1 lbd thn ta.i r,.i;tl ie i tha ie .C . t 1i to h,. rofli 1 i 1 ` .4),:7 ;c our qu .i ht 1 i.. Ctwi ell .ru 1t rýe.., r. .2l ." Ior iti ..o th r f, h. o on 1".. t l ti oeecn or thused mby the So:thwestCr 1" it flt:tr ordL ri!Id o t ",., tlo a the tr.-lt to i re o t sat ! w est er. L SoI'tn ol r '. Cl. t lse oin occupy the ,`' II.1 str ets .r. porrtillS thero onr, il: profie2 ! for ,htb all a:ui i rsht'i ,y e :i-I to; exc' rii. . to thant portin ac oif tlril:l ,r strt0l hi2 th it actu~roly ls.c,, ,t.u:t occ'tpi", s exclus1i of the rith" tof aill' othr jc:rson, firm or crporation, to o .' .. v r '.. sumilat' for railroad ptr prsvi, l prvit.t shol". r theat shoult I st Sract.:;teru 'lractio ,: & ftov:er Ico. fail to use and occupy the said streets osul" i;trnlt or anstry ts, it shlla theof n or before 5th day of Dec. 1915 then said Council hereby reserves the right to gran rit theo so use and occupancy of those treetor streets, or any portion thereof, not so upt the or used byof the Scoutchwestern Tr otio 'or Co.ompan to an othen suher pstreetn, fir treet or coration. It hereof aing further distinctly understood, however tht tshel failre of tihe said Southw-estern estratio n & Powoer Co. to so occupy use u-e sai! streets or pornditions thereof on r anchibefor the th ill ay of as the user tl1ro for:all not ilroac couideroe aoner aneu exl mrnt of the ihtfurhr of the said tc., that westiSr n Tractio ion & Power Co. to the Co.e a c occulpancy thsaid reo as hereial rov.l ted for, but shall meforely give the said oucil te an 6 rieaht to grant in ac tcorlance sa:ith the terms of the proviso hi rein porft in restionse to, the usfole tlhereof to atey othertlemen rm or conpoig rporation, prmvien d that should the Southwestern Traction & Power Co. even after Dec etulmr 5th 1915 desire to use and occupy such street or streets, it shisl have the absolute right to so use and occupy such dtreet or streets, or portions tofer Aof without the necessity of further grant areto the time of the occupancy thereof oing somother compay; aond when such street or streets or portiins thereof are so used ad ccupied y the following naSouth western Traction & Power Co., such use an occupancy shall be eeapponted to be under the terms and conditions of this franchise and in so far as the use thereof for railroad purposes is concerned ex clusive of any other person, firm or cpo lration. Te it further ordained, etc., that Co. is constructPe, said company shall compltmy ar wMith tehe provisions contained to the genmtlemen coposing the ar sbove - State Teachers Micetirg. The twen il y-sccondl in11i nal tllccJt inag of the Louisiana tit:Ate I'tilik Schools Tcja'-iier' Association wili he heii in New O()leans on Apri 17, 1 S :u(1l 19, and a most hbenetit t:in g gatherinl:i i, :uiticil (tetd. Tile . tl:'. t'r a d the soutlt - wit t''er1 pafstent er a..tociation',, Ih;at ;gr:lanted one llal(d ll third fare for the roiund trio. The tickets will lhe sold April 14. 15. fl anltd 17, t:i \ill ,'e ,o(d oc rctern untiil nli iuidnitht of Apjril 23. All who attend the mteeting arc re(llistcd to rc.,i-tcr at thie dCek of! the :ecret:ir' in the loih-y of tihe (lrun ew:,lI hotel. There will 'he n!im h . ,cu.lurce for the aitnin xlhol attelIn, :;, thliere will the' mncctli:.s of tIh_ diIfTercnut deplart Inlits, hei'at rii(_2, walls- and other in ereting features. There will bn. sevcral lproeia 'it speakers to :l-aress, tl:e a-eml l.ges, at::! the depart:::ent meet - ings will lit pr,,idcd ,'icr 1y : some of the lea:ing cn(it';tors of the state, and the di-cutssions will he led by the flo cac.t teachers in the work in t!.is state. It is expected that the attendanice at this mneeting %will be an excep tionally large one. The-stores that have no money ,avi;ng offers to make to you-or not any of real interest do not adver tise. In fact, under such condi tions. advertising would not pay them! Gueydan Notes. The wall around the ball park is completed and the Gueydan boys xil cross bats with the Jennings team on the 20th of this month. The students of the high school gave a benefit play last Friday, the 4th, entitled "The Ulster." They took in a net sum of $70. The Catholics gave a big dinner at C. Broussard's last Sunday for the benefit of the Catholic church. Last Saturday the Crowley high school basket ball team (girls) played a game with the Gueydan high school team at the Gueydan school grounds. The score was 12 to 58, Crowley carrying the day. The Gueydan team made a hard fight, but could not out do the Crowley team, as they were better trained and were on to the job. The Gueydan base ball team will play their opening game here Sunday, April 13, with he tteam fromn Rayne. Putrchase your Cotton Seed from Abbeville ive rive Stock & Feed Co. The earlist and best staple, large boll cotton yet imported into this state. They handle stock feeds of all kinds, poultry feeds, and fertilizers. E. P. Putman, manager. nittee of Citizen was presented to the Council for adoption. The Council asked the City Attorney for an opinion and lie made to them the following statement: That he was not ready to give his opinion; for the following reasons: That he had requested Mr. Davis to furnish him with a certified copy of the ordinance adopted by the town of Jeanerette grant ing to the Southwestern Traction & Power Co. a fratnchise which request to the present moment had not been compli ed with; that the ordinance as now pre sented to the Council had been redrafted entirely in supptosedl accord with the recommendations of a certain committee and that this committee had recommend ed the passage of ordinances that had been approved by your legal advisor. which redrafted ordinances are now only presented to your legal advisor which of the very nature of things precludes an opinion beingrenderedat this time; tand finally that the odinances as presentedt do not conserve the interests of the citizens of the town of Abbeville but are wholly for the interest of the Traction companies and that he especially objects to the Council taking any action in the premises until suffceut time has been given to render an opinion thereon,tated father that thee was an amedment that he deiredto hatre incorporated in saimM Frauchise which was mafly incorporated alter stslc s goat the words"opemtlon" sad "Control" Therqzpo IMr. DMvs on behalf (the Sonthwetern Traction & Power Co. madeaspecial appeal to the Couecil to proceed with granting of the Pranchise as t was a geat factor with them wtereas maem d J. C. lawrusatd, seauded by ar. K. P. Metbp the edinence was than adopted, me wote being ueg ed s; 3otp J. C. .r-, sjr" si.s. . Wisesn, us; w. 8. Hayes, yea; P. 1 Ukbaeck, yea. Accept Smith's Re:ignat;in. Thec reoiinti1n of Pof. \. `,t. it , a.s u ic in:' udl 't of lj i'lic scho,,,,:. of V'.rnlii:,n ';r i .h, wv.ts accc1;tccd at the uic:iI: ,1f tlhe ,iard is Su er.ntend;nt. Acý:.;t a ilnl is to :il c t t ,l th thed i tolt. cr: t 1 i'. nt f.i t ti ,. r l'r' f. Si th is tlt i,, tllr t! r '.!1 ic"r of ti:< ;-ai]l'l h.: r.i., ::n i':.,: itu tioin tli<,t t::c 10 c· 1o;, t .' :" ,i Williams is Superi~ntende nt. A t i! c l ..'i t ý{ iof :-in ll , i ,,:irlt, i:-.1,1 a:tti h c()-::t h , '!atulr'.:IV, 1ICC'.( . :, t of ;I:lI~IC tV11i, falao "t.1 ; i ",tn tcih . 111(1 ill) dloibt cat,:lllht ' of lhandlii:g thll, p)'-itil to tl hich he has ba eca elected. II,: is a graduate of thel Ruston industrial Schooll , ani the State ['lni\'ersity of liaten Rouge, and is well edueated in the scicn-i itfic deipartmelntlit. i- li:ha taught several tern,. v'cry satisfactorily at the Henry school. Improving Washington St The work of improving Wash ington street, after a delay of a few days, has resumed and a continuation of the fine work will henceforth go on. It was one of the narrowest streets in the city, on account of the large ditch being so far into street, and the large trees that were in the way, it was to recon sider whether the trees should be cut down, that work was tempor arily stopped, but now it is thought best to cut down the few trees and fill the ditch that was, and dig it closer to the ,sidewalk, which is cement recently laid, thus it will make the street twelve or fifteen feet wider than it used to be. Such improvements as this one are the kind that we are glad to see. And will be an ever lasting one, one that we can always look back to with great pride. You may have complete con fidence in the candor and good faith of nowadays store advertising in this newspaper. A merchant who would deliberately misrepre sent values in his advertising, couldn't continue in business here. Every deceived purchaser would become a committee of one to tion held in the little city of Erath next Tuelsday, and it will no doubt be a very quiet affair, as there is but one office for wMch there is opposition, being that for marshal. The full ticket that is to be voted upon is as follows: For mayor, U. FP. LeBlanc; for alder man first ward, Dermas Trahan; for alderman second ward, N. D. LeBlanc; for alderman third ward, Sagasta Boudreaux; for alderman fourth ward, Arvellien Theriot; for marshal, Odilon Comeaux and Thomiss Meyers. turn to timely togs. We take great pain to select the things that are tasteful and modish. Suppose you let us show you how little it actualy costs to dress weli. Our omplete line of Suits, Straw Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Furnishing is now in. Call sad look them over. ,ý. ý. , '{ r " . IfA Corn'i T-.r,' ,r Trui. 'njoy vo:mr . - Peerless Bakery. ; We Want Your Business You will never red.ret doing business with us. Accommodating Prompt "i It #P r Feray's Restaurant is the place to give your orders for.... Sp wal Fr anyr PoBig Ben Should be in every farmer's home. See him in our window next time you come to town. Hear him greet you "Good Morning." He is ell worth meeting indeed. Big Ben is a truth telling and reliable alarm clock. Vermilion Jewelry Co. m A. ceBlanc . Mgr. ± I am prepared to do all einds of work in the tin line. Buttering, Cisterns, Roofing. Tin and Galvanized Shingles. Up to date Sanitary Plumbing. A. C.LEscdir. Next to Ewell's Big Barn. One of the readers of this newspaper, whose identity is unknown to property! You can't get Scquated with t reader less ~ yar d in this tewspapr attracts his attention, id makes him anxio s to get Yacquainted with you. He's ging ..o Imy property similar to yours, look Ear him without delay!