Newspaper Page Text
-ABBEVILLE PROGRE.1S VOL. 1. 1) votedntt~ to the Intecrests of andVllr P~ Snrr' \ ·lt rCing Commumfni ty. O.a Phone 248. Nci .\·k~ \'r]i:i , A; 1913. \V. ]. 1WVhite, I. ,wcr. North of Court lelHo. R . La,:ull:vc, .\ttlornt at 1aw. Notary in OIL J. (). Brounssard, Attorney at Law. N,,tirv anl Alnitractor in Kitchlcll & Bailey, .1ttlorti '. at Lraw. Near Court Horel (ordy & Gordy, .Att ornl\ v at ila w. Notary in off. (;rence & (;Greene, .\~trne ys at Law. Notarv in o05c. John Nugicr, I)itrict .\:t,ornc and Attorney at Low. Notart inl 0"rC. F. J. Samnson, Attorey at lnaw. Not.ary Pakic. A BANK ACCOUNT insures an eds cation for your children, a bsiiaeS startedl for them, a tbtter chance thee .o harl, antd their rec]xpct and lore because you Ilhavce not tegll.crted them. M1akes you a lx tter a itizen. for a c0rtry is- ric'i" onlyu as its peoplhe save. Start today. Ope.n in bank acost tith the Peoples Bank & Trust Ca Deposits from S1 up accepted. J. K. Lambe Will yo r siga, - I aint your house, carri.age or Ma. Decorate iour hone with sall pqWr, calsimow, or sanitas and, gmnein aatfaftactoa. Ask Anybody Marriage Licenses. Narci.ase Viator of Iber' Emethilde Lelleux of Dela R. J. Hollier and Masii Broussard, both or Ahh-.vil~e. Your clasui6ed ad, small, is never "lest in the simply because it is classi k SANITARY :. =5 Roach R Fly O O SInsect Price $1.25. a 1Ol MALR BY Geo. A. Comfort COFFE IE MI ftr, , crr r. ,hone 93. To for our new refrigerators we our last year's stock of utely at ost. Ri bds in rst cls caonditio aad we will noti hl thia until we set onr the spoo ecial Pr '~ be r- ad eM t te beet of º New Base Ball Team. Soni -f our younltg; ltsiness t,ieini º are goitg, to get togthtlcr antd iput up a first class hase ,all team it :t ameeting to le heldl Sudav evening, at which they will comnpll:e or ragngel;t Its, elect the men to their respc-tive places, and the like. Mr. Emuile I)utel will Ie the rmtan ager, aid Morris Stafford will he the iisi.Cot. Among the voting men who will take part in the team are Henry Cotngautnia.Paul Salparito, Jack Ifratsse'x. (l1ad leauthead,. Philil, P'iazza, Louis I)utel. Luciu Dutel, Joe Boudoin and Mauri'c Dutel. Want a Postoffice? The postoffice department has ordered the establishmlent of a new postoflice at a point five miles north ,if Abbeville, according to a notice concispictionsly placed( in the Abbeville post office. Thlis ofice is to be known trs the llartm:an lpost office. Opera House Progressing. The new opera house, which is being put up on the lot between the old Victor theater and the McPherson jewelry store, is begin ning to take on a alpearance ,f what it is to be, and while so(m f the work has been delayed much,. it will soon begin to be finished i: (side and it will not le very lo,", before the building will be rea\dy for occtltincy. While the hl:ilding: itself will present a nieat appear ance, when completed, the interior work will be of of the best, and the scenery will be excellent. Many Visit Lafayette Qt ite a crowd of Abbhcille people motored over to Lafayette to at tend the track and field meet of Southwest Louisiana. Among the many who went were the follow ing Misses Roberta Young Mattie Babblit, Mo:te Theobald, Sadie Spruill, Lizzie Nettles, Mrs. J. E. Nettles, Messrs. A. M. Smith, Robert Alexander, Wilfred Mo, gane, Frank Summers, LeRoy White a,:d Fred Immuergluck. For good summer feed for your ok buy our U. S. Stock feed. lIr more milk buy our U. S. ;)hiry Feed. For more eggs buy1 U. S. Hen Feed. At Immer 'uck's store. . Abbeville Concert Band Organized Th'lih re \\'a"s (uite an inttrc-.tins. i:wt'tin;i of those interest:(l i,1 thli. or;',nliz:atio, Of aI alnd tfor Ah, it tt ville "ltu.sdOa niv tt," ail :(1 tlhnigth the -t'ttilitmt, %%- vI 'rV "im:ill, it turniltI out to ie what it W :.. i:1t011 (l( ( for -the () t .'- iiti : - I r. R. P. Nelslion was clcrtdc i' tet lorary il rcsidt itt, al I RI. J. ' ,llshire %;is .iualte tei:porary set - retar. The geiitleciilten lresent all spoke oni the diifereit iatters that go ito iiake ilu a godi haint, auln after (d]iie diiis ,iussins, the ihaull Wa primrlanentiily org.(nizecd anil the following gentlemen ignliedl the list: R. W. Ikrnard, J. K. Siilietu, J. 'V. O'llr ain, 1lanric i )utel, J. O. Iloudtloin, E. J. Le, (, lMlalc, ( )ica flouldoin, RI. 1'. Nelson. iouis Iti uk mal an id R. J. t Ahslhire. It is a fact that R. W. Bernard A; t i the first in the I iitvious haIdi of long, long ago) and the last mitnllr in it and now mci nes ihe new land with himl the fir.t igucr. iThe hand is to he known as the e Aluleville Concert Band. - '' next regular Iuecetisug of f tlh ItT ,n ill ve i.ld next Thurs i div., the :lIh, .anl it is expected that uiin,:t s. i.l''s will ie taiken Sill, as se:. v er ct prisel(t T'ie. (i1y niih1, ' C' ;:. s ('hers who may , ; is eh to !,C, (>::t;1:" 't ',c'. . '.'hi ., aniza ion i i r:,\" lA er - ell:mlint o(le, anl threi is ino datllt r i'nit what we ca Iao k forward to a day when we can h!ave the ileasure of hearing "h:ne-made ni.thic" again. AIbeville possesses lots of good material, in face, just as good as can be found any where, and it is - the intention to teach young men, huld in the course of time, ;have a first class band, and cue with a large lIe;nl)bershilp. New Suits Filed. 3939---Theo. Laporte vs. C. J. - Feray; Gor.iy & Cordy, attorneys. 3040---The Broussard Realty Co. vs. Arthur Lellanc, et al, pro mtissory note; J. 0. Broussard, at terncy. 39'41---Harrison B. Theall vs. Z. B. Broussard, rut:le to cancel mort 1 gage; J. O. Broussard, attorney. 3942---Emancipation of Abner LeBlanc; R. J. LaBauve, atorney. 3943---Richard A. Dalton et. al. vs. Adonis Bertrand, confessing of judgment; F. J. Samson, attorney. 3944---Frank Decuir et al. vs. Marie Patout, tutrix, et al, revival of title; Burke, Burke & Smith, attorneys. The municipal election, which was held in the city of Erath Tues day of this week, was a very quiet affair and there was only one office for which there Was Oposi tion, being that for constable, Mr. Thomas Meyer receiving 49 votes against 24 votes for Mr. Odilon Comeaux. 'the aldermen for the different wards were as follows: fi rat, Dermas Trahan, 19 votes; second, N. D. LeBlanc, 13 votes; third, Sagasta Boudreaux, 16 votes; fourth, Arvelien Theriot, 6 votes. For mayor, Mr. U. F. LeBlanc. received 56 votes. I, - J.O.IaGE IThe %trelt Ip.avin, wor k i in fall pro, i r .tit ,ln thi , ;,outh ;Ir ,l ,i tt tl ' .tr. t. :1111 thO .n - s ill ra t be m u 'h m ,tte to t,), It- i this I hi ll s1 tr et ti n lt l ret . ( ttite a hlrfae cro,), of th, st h,-l chlrthrn from herI . ni t to 1. fai ."tth• I11 i t : stt url l,'-, ahenr., thilt rn j a·,~lI thil S itst of the tr.i l ' t here. i "Ih' latter part if li. t we 'k i:tl thlie earlh 'part 4f ti's. a. k wai r lt cot1l, in liu. t, it a. i is i t4 I. th " r'e !1 t1 r that t. have haid ifor i1:11 , s i at t tim, t of t41" siation, i SMrs. .\I. 1. i J. T oli a tit te crtainteIj ati ] hin t ligilinl or lai ntlat -i , e dit itj'i;i th' Rev` toiti r c. It forl 'tl f r . I,.t i., .' r . i I, ' a t.. e t : . Al h. : .o . F S:. ir (t p. I". : i'gt:ir, l . Mr. antI Mr... F. J S.Lr a on. 'll" an: . S:,1aes, is . th i ne r: ai 1 (ne ine'rasce comp. li t, hiihi hasi, jui.t o pened ti u for cinde.. RI. 1'. and F.., are both vhllai1 ut t tnr.k ernet hellt hin.e . our hi t ttt isatus for sul t e, . "in thg it aere t4 t :lire. Mof o~ l ta t i C'ros., the con itr;ian tosl, who .s( luit lini s ii tlhe toi n of Kaplaf , Lhat" lmui.t ti ,orkl, and it is nt,.i u:tiott n I I t l hae th) luihlit.ii rci ly i or o(t uplntuc " ,;Ias 5 n)I as ps ,i,.-iblc. louis \ Vll., the. lpnlt, .r feel mhan, Sdonat.. a .: ie f'r, whith wil, l 1s plant sul in the ,loop of thie sit sltare.This will ] :dll l aterially to the he.tutV of the walk 1 across it. Ity ail b:" tilt squ i re will pre-t. se:tt ont oref thet. rettlist vies of rtihe Mr. antil ws. F. J.severe on entrtain - ell at ,hinner i:st ,ont! t-, and th, i.u ; ts hpre ent Clure:TI:e Res. Detuire. Forte r, t I :' t e anti I.aforest, M'rs. Amtn ,la 1.: - l t te rt. M rs. A. J. Thomas, Mrs. (.co. E. ,tn;erMis, Mrs. lcltc ent Seas ost ssr. e ircuit and Mr. wlias woll broussr. SlThe track teamdronm AhblMille lmade a fine showine g at t rie trak meet hehl in Lafayette Saturday., mati.g as average of e iwr cena.t, Thioe thpreseiin t ere: a the (cs I.:dan, Iale an11 in, auline of M t2.i, Isaac p urk: uss one Suh(; istiunuished hims. J. atier, i icha:g ti ton, Sl race. Miss (t)e:t '.,leoard. ,laugihter of (lieu:; •Mrnat, of this p~lait, w eo was op'rated on for p.opnstu:nho,':ax a few weeks t arouvin, yrs. W. Sumdler, aC. A. lhirt i and Ta. ietertabl ed , has recovered few suplwies tly to leave the sa:litaiu, and be on her etst. This is one operaution that has saved a roirl's who life, and the o1,er-.tionl was a severe one. The 500 Club mnt Saturday afternoon t at the residence of Mrs. F elix J. Samson, I, onitlt Miss Louise Estorge as hostess. The first prize was won by Miss Bessies Flemming; the second by Miss Pauline C Mir.zi, and the guest prize by Miss Cap- C onel of Nebraska Those present wMre: a Misss Bessie Flemmin, Pauinine Mizzi, uiCapron, (;ussie Summers; Mesdames. R. J. Chauier, Richalrd Dalton Samsolan Chauvin, G. W. Summers, and Albert placasseant t. I MiThe ocia Trahan entertained a few couples Monday eoetling at carids, in honor of her Heest, Miss arl suidry,. rof Carencro, who lwere themay for hermnts, home, after spenjoyed byin all present.Thoe a pisint here. TMse present iere Madisses ir rKelpe Kllpatrick, ye lemming, learle GSpuidry au Lydia Trahann, and Messrs. PClfford A~ihire, W. W. Montag l e, Jaylen IBlancg, Mttleo. Calwell, Simon LeBlang, and Theophile Boudoin. Delicious re iBoreshments were Smmerved to the guests during the eveningcha, C.and all had a most C.pleaIant e.and Wilfred otagne. The Sktiafl Club was entertained by ie Monte Thieobald lst Friday moevening t at o' home of Mrs. Henry Bro. sard. J.I Hlcrand dancing were Brthe amusements, ho which were enjoyed by all presen t.Thoe A. a present were: oina A. Pizzini Mamm e y. ETlredge. a a very largeKilpattdric, adie hSpruell. teaieS aummers, throghdi a ordeal i, TPearl buidry,Liae a pretty greytre Plem-ing ruing, a ttd e rr abbit Mabel Yoqt g, flRoberts aHolmes, ad Mesrs. Theophile Lather Blanchard, C. Brousrd, Harry tcI rcip. iLbt and Wilfred Montagne. A besm tiful wedding took pare e ot at 9 o'clock, beig that of Mr. R. J. Holldier band Mi Marie rohsr, who Laorent performing the ceremony. thany actomp m m to tthe depot, tesh s - an ad Police Jury : Met Monday The farih . ,li cIae jtury mnt M-n , da" in rttglar ...ion, anld aiInnI th. lmany illaltt r. I hat c:l e' tu1 f('r c ic, sidetratiom i \;. Il,' itcijilly itf rou tile 1, 11 1I 1 :.. SFrank .larc1 t ix w\,X atithorit.d to take ste(l to buil l a bridýýf a-r(s (.C'oulc de Jun dtrainage can,:l in tlwh Sixth w.,rd. A\ jury of fretidctr, wa. :p, l,)ointed to tr;ace it lluIlitc r atd Iegiciiini. at a jucoiit iin tlhe Thiutd 'ard where the roa;tI lead iitg front A.bbeville to l'e; r striLkes the ir:t( running at alnd at the crt:cr of %I. l t. C iu-h;:;ian l, rou crty, tli tce rlnliliI li.; '- lt 1 to Ri'-c i ill l'riv te. ferrtv ro, . in , thit:,ce to trace a road in the Seventh I-ar:d on thl ;l t side ,f the Ver cIilito Ilu a , be¶innint at lRose tilll ,; ia;ft, fe:v cross infg,t~0uthl to thI ftc rv c-ro.sing at I,a r, thencel Ito tr 'ue roid t O L o- ill i at(l ferry cru,.ingt,.uuth oil c"..t side of the V\ernmilion Itsyout. 'The comat mitttce is COmltlosed ;of C. .. St hif liini.c haira'uan, Ernesl Fletcher, R. L. Dlavidson, Jonas \'eill, V. L. Caldwell,. Olhelia.s Bourqu e andC Williamn Cade. An atifot,:iation of $5(K) was made toward the pta.Yl1enit of the fixi:. of the ptuilic road leading from the west end of the ihayou bridge to the Cathohie cemetery. An ordinance was passed to 1 prevent all live stock from roamingi at large in e i Third wird w , at ano titme (turing the year. Farmers: Plant Cotton. i Plant plenty of it. The boltl weevil will do less damage to your cotton than Underwood will do to your cane. I will sell you the earliest varieties of cotton seed at actual co-t. I will sell you fer tilizer that will doui;le your crop. Before buying anywhere else, come to see me about cotton seed and fer tilizer for cotton, corn, rice,corn rice, cane and vegetables. J. Imnmergluck. Interesting Track Meet. The tenth annual track and field meet of the Interscholastic Athletic I and Oratorical Association of Southwest Louisiana was held last Saturday on thelndustrial Institute I campus, at Lafayette, under ideal conditions, the weather being clear and cool, while the track and grounds were in the best order pos sible. The events were witnessed by a crowd of some 1,500 persons. t Early in the excitement it became evident that the contest for the Biosset Scalver cup No. 2 lay be tween Gueydan, New Iberia and Eunice and each team strained I every nerve in thli effort to capture the prize. Gueydan finally won out with 32 points, as against 30 for New Iberia and 27 for Eunice. The following schools participat-i ed in the events: Abbeville, Crow- c lty, Ebenezer, Eunice, 1ranklin, f Gueydan, Jeanerette, Lake Arthur, Lake Charles, Morgan City, New F Iberia and Patterson. t The Gueydan contingent made the Welkin ring ovei the victory which was won by vtery hard work c and markeTi skill as shown by the record. The entertainment given at the St. Ann's hall Wednesday night was a very successful affair and was enjoyed by all who attended it. It was gotten up by Rev. Portier, for the benit and ipurpose of giv ing the Catholic church a donation, being the eleventh station. Rev. Fortier delivered a lecture on "Acadians and Canadians," and among the musical numbers was an overture by Mrs. P. J. Samson; chorus children; duet by Frances and elaine Thomas; violin solo by Dr. Tircuit; song by Mrs. A. J. Thomas; song by Mr. Chan vier; quartet by Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Samson, Mr. Chanvier and Father Partlr. The musical pro gram was under the abe direction summmmbse Death of Mrs. D. W. Wall. of M r. I i. \V. \V I.1,. it II . f.imll: tv hotin, in I.ºk .Chllel., \\ 4I I , c nl in: c :ºt ( 14, rn .:l thll e'lt \\,'k'e! I ark . 4 t lii; : ,l (, :'1r . \\'all theIl ,t i" ;c s il: . I r ut (w:. i . tIi. \Xil-'it II i.i atg .d 53 ,t':ri, ill '. u l1it. ,t r l i hie: .lt I . for h:ver :I 't, I , ul:lt :; th de; rll]. wis i( l t I1th i) i t: lllll lTl l, Th,, ttnxt'radl u h, f:uIi in i IItlter in . at fr 'clt .c.f tile ftiiv. Mvirs t]." b1uril a , in n ud in tl' lan"l\ iMr s. wrall i ll ;r\itt rs llh f. o lw ink hihbib n, I,- sic '" Iher hu1 .la l'd: 11. !'. W all, J il , \I. W all and Al". \ ',rrie \\all. ;ll of Laporte ilorne Butned. ro1.ut 5:2 last Snday tnorfit rthe fire : r, il. II. t\ , iworth, and 1for::: \ai rý,t t le h one of latter n. All uncle, j.::1,t'- M ?;galu ah, of i'at MrTc . \ :,1t wtrnt, oa the hares :about two ye'ºr" a; o, following her hut blear , wol, e hal uone preasvitl-ly and started in li ines the flare. The fgtatlyb lived here for many ears, aon are wull kinwn here, afor the sad Ie\ws cerye as a shock to tilye many frit colds of thave faily. re, rs. Wall the waste r ward in Patterson. Laporte ilome Burned. About 5:24 last Sunday morning Sof the fire alaur was turned in, aveind, for the fire at the home of Mr. and thexlore waporte, on the west uide of Main .stret. A very large number of rtpeople quickb asem present, which time the flames had gotten beyond any hope of saving the building, The water was put on the building, however, for the heat was veO'ry intene, and luckily the wind was not blowing hard, for it could have easily spread, but after the water was finally gotten the flames were quickly suby thed. Some of the furniture was saved, and there was insurance on the building. Mr. acted aporte will not build athe present, but will take o of hiesl, houses on Washington street, where J. W. O'Bryan is presentlyaux, living. Strawberry ice-ceam with fresh home grown fruit at Stansbury &n. Co. Road Committee Reported. The committee appointed by the police jury to trace alry in widen ing the public road just across the baconditu, leading into this city, has acted and made their repoy andrt. The committee is composendid of Ophelias Bourque, J. A. Summproperty good ers, Cugh Fletho advertise, F. D. Lege, Alex Meaux, Valcien Mathe Sand O. J. Chauvin. additional land necessary in widen-to opern toup a largely to. ravel that hereto fore has been marrlct theby thinge bad conditiont e that this road has alwaysh. ppbeen in. Such improvemes aso we comp limen it cthe jurly andts the dress ommittee on the splendid work which they are doing.and tFurnishing i to. We in. thatll are taefo ad odeh. Call and look thes ovIr. I.,, 4 Ii ht f i *I d.i t, i I r . I I .,nT , t ,I, f ,,: If v. ltou re. 'i \nl 'o:r ,bre:ld, thin olt have. jt.l' ':.t r lts to Stelljy .vour lt , . Peerless Bakery. nho Biulu the Tailor Meat Market O()lpo: .e Stauffer-(:oidcliaux Store Always has fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Sausage. Open froml 4 a. in. to 8 pI. in. Free Delivery. Phone 69. I Feray's 2 Restaurant o is the place 4 give )your orders for.... . Special_ "", an `"' an,,number of Suppers rs--", Big Ben Should be in every farmer's home. See him in our window next time you come to town. Hear him greet you "Good Morning." lie is well worth meeting indeed. Big Ben is a truth telling and reliable alarm clock. $2.50 Vemilion Jewlry Co J. A. LeBlanc, Mgr. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line. Guttering, Cisterns, Roofimg. Tin and Galvanized Shingles. Up to date Sanitary Plumbing. A. C. Escudir. Neit to 8well's Big Dal. Phone 237. StateISt. One of the readers of this newspaper, whose identity is unknown to you, wants to buy your property! You ac't get aequalated with this rader sales yolr ad in this newspper attracts his attetion, adl nmakes him asmis to gt aeqauinted with yoe. Re's psh to buy puopgrty simlr to yeIa, aybow., o yee eoght to brin to, blok Si him wimhla *lm, i