Newspaper Page Text
BBEvILLE PRO"RES VOL. 1. Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. ^. Phone 248. Abbeville,, \Y.rmilio g I'irish, I,,., l:ltunlr'y, April 2. I13. $1 a Ycr .* . * e * * b ******** * **** S RO -I inNL.I, CARDl)." = - li :,,' T. ( ,r1vy, A tl. 1 11 .\it Law.: . ivh " I )h,, 1 . ,, r 1:atik of Ahlix Lille. 1F. J. S lisna, `:. ate I ihlic. \V. I;. \Vhite, Norit oif Conrt Iluse. k. J. alTlabuvc, .Attrrlr"y at Law. Notary in office. J. (). Iro ussanl, Atte) n(t at Law. N tair a.n ,tri .tr'actoir in ,fice. Kitcht'll & lailey, Near IIMouse. 'alttcr II. (. rdVl, A\itrn,%'a at Law. - ! Notary * in office. Grc'c'n & (r;cinc, A.\,i mnV. at Law. Notary in office. John Ni1.Licr, District Atvorn(v and Attorney at Law. Notary in office. Brave Girl Captured C.vlct. A girl postal clerk n-amrd Meier of Lichtenr.. in liBden. Germany. i the heroine of an ezcling chtase after a convict who escape.d while being ta ken to prison. When the toma escaped from his guards, the girl, who is tweal ty-two years old, seized a stout stlet belouging to one cf the guards, mount, ed her bicycle, and followed the ma. After a chase of half a mile the man sank to the ground ozha:'sted and sns render d to the .irl, who handed his over to the warders. Our ffice is located just north of the Veranda Hotel. I4ook for the red :sign "I'PRXRESS." Summer Buggies and Runabouts Harness and Lap Dusters J. A. Summers SANITARY Roach R Fly O Insect F Price $1.23. FOR SALE BY Geo. A. Comfort COFF EE M I LL ; r descriptivecirclar. Pone 93. Refrige rs at Cost w To makýrei for our new refrigerators we are our last year's stock of these y at cost. Remember these in f rsr c odition and we will not hold this offs than until we get o new goods in, so icome a re ad get the beneft of . the special pies. Phone 18 Sate St. W. C. Entertainment. One of the motst interesting,l pleasant '.il iargcst gathering,, of the ca l , Wa\'s the mtti: \\.l nefday IItOt of the ~iMaIn.ia, ( ;ro\( Wroodhou' circhl. The gr-:tl guar dian, Mr-..\. Smrith, :nc'omianictd by Mrs. .\1biitt, 1 (th1 of .\I:ier., were pre' it at thll. Ill''tinli . rl;. grand ,ll;nt dian a(lrcir.'.sclt te 'ro\' in a mosnlt instrtuctivte nlrt interest ing ntatl'nr . She comtdplintented the rfcv: " :tidl me llt r,. on the splendid (work whlicll the\y are ac coniplishing. A largi chd',- Ia. introýluced into the orler. After thle s.u''sioll was over t li g rcc(lption was. lidh1. Champage tullch, ice c tt:Ill amll cake wa" .'crv ill alltllnd:tlce. Delightful mus1ic wa's amon11g the features whlich were enjoy(dc hv all all presntit, and thii. l!ca'.ant Vc\e ing will lIng he rtemenhered 1)y all those whoy(' were pr'e.ctt. Aid Society Entertained. Mrs. . . llPutnam ll' tertaineCd the Prcshytcrian I,:tdi(s,' Aid Soc iety Tu(-da:ty aftcrit:on. A two course .;1, -ervred. I)c lightful uliusic a;t. renlldcrcdi Iy Mrs. Willie 'utinant,. Mrs. .Ma1ic Sokoloski and Mi~- Lizzie Nettles. Those presclt w\\'re: mesd:alne. 'tarion ,t' dhink. I;. ;,t. Stchlins., Frank Stt9,';i'i , i0,-1 WVhite., Ran del, Trat.:: R. J. l', 'oln ki. W. H. rc : C. . . ! . ` 1'. 1. LaBa:e. I'. N t.. :,.i';.(lo:rd. W. B. (L,,d\, Timin.::ºs, John Nugier., Sr., Perry LeBlanc, .lc Henry, Sr., Misses Anna Lou White and Nornla Tucker. Hopeful Ilank thinks he has so-ved the high cost of living prob kmI. He says "After a fellow licks two parcel post stamps in the morning he doesn't hanker for uch to eat the rest of the day." *--Toledo Blade. Report From Water and Light Plant Crporati, o f', .\1,h .,11., 1,.1. ; ntl.tlel, I , t l- 1 , t . t , A , i ,iur 1tion tI; it ',,nfro +it n ' , If a-', N )ar ,I , iu thle oprt.tti tn of th1t W .\\'. r I.ihti:tr 'c.t' r ; atI to infirm ,,our i1. ,'s that it i. ; tiv, lu nee.-* ,-: II vol i ih tlo '"tinmu; , unint.rruhte'llA-. thi.e ,p,'r.!l;J n ',f tl "e f-t.ternIi, , I mal , :Li, 'ju:te'1 for it titI, ,l. Mlaty timi; I have lbeen bl,,efore our sewelv for thi saune purrpoe, but neie yr hI ve I ,i t , irt. i. ful II el.'" c! t:inll yvour :attent ,ion '11 intt.r test. ;Ir. \\'erintl in his audit ,i.eovereel. atd so in fiee m ei y,'o!r -le iv l I1 i i, , iort, that the was stluwitlg a ,!-( 6i1e4l Is., whnch was partially aceountable for by the fact that tl'oll-, s r:dti n s.-i n't fully pay lfor thie service- rnndrerd it. This loss 1annot Lc mae tip by uhar int a higher rate ti private consi;tllter. Alt lv thltv comph lainhl t .t thl r.te are too high, notw~ithstamninii that our rat s are in Jine with New : ;k. t(hi:.,o., St. Loi'I' New ( ith :i d ot her Iar t" ,,ties, (ilk iar kilowtatt for electric elurri-nt. Adi tlhre is small cha:lce of ec-urint an incre.ase of business througlh new sul..'sritlers. either residelntl or Ibusini"ss. Look i.:, , :t ha,:: anu you sill discveir that t.,,'is c P. ever bu-inesl house or rsidht e cnll that afTrl it h; our t'rv ice, either water or liihts and iln most A: far aS btlsiness Prosects, there are nonel, at 1717.;, o:le t1) residence pro ; nets. Al! if they were all sccure'2, withi our m (onthlv mitniuiitn charge ol ,'.5 i, wo',oul oenly amount to $'5.(Kt more nte nthlyl. Which amount is as nothing when compare toillt toe our tneeds. AS you all know the plant is now near ing Mvenl t.ears of age, aln age whet ideterioration rapidly ma'ifests itself. All nuchaait-cl enginteers bi:uae the life of ai pl:nt of this kin(' at ten vci rs and maIke provision for a complete renewal within that time. Ccn ielerale machinery repairs are Icomtilng it ccessary, i fact at the pre sent limtle we have 45.t)0 meter repairs itld S45~.(i engine repairs at depot. M'tny of otur poles. crovssartls, pins. etc. .:ry t1lv rotted antd nu.d replat irg. In fact, some are positively dangerous to life and property. 7-ich is also tlhe condition of our wires. Mauny of them are positively bare of insulation and sornyare rapidtly losing their insulation. This condition is both dangerous stin expensive. E~pensiie because moch of the current that costs so much to generate is lost by dissipating into the sorrounding air. Dangerous because they will either come into direct contract with sonime one through breakage, or with some tree, building or telephone wire that will come into contact with some person, causmg either aterrible shock or perhaps death. Again they may whip together in some wind and permit a heavy charge of electricity to enter some building and either cause the burning out of lamp and fuses or cause fire. All of which creates discontent with our customer, through interrupted ser vice or bad lighting, either dim lights or jumging lights alternatly dim and bright. But aside from the expensive upkeep of the poles, lines, machinery, water mains, etc., the cost of actual operation is far in excess of our monthly revenues. Our average monthly expenses are as follows; Fuel $417.00,Salaries $260.00, Lubricants $10.00, Packings, etc., $6.00, Office supplies, phone, etc., $6.00, water mains including fRushing $5.75,a total of 5704.75 monthly. Our average monthly receipts are $650.00. Our average monthly receipts are 5650.00. Therefore the loss in operation alone is manifest. Where then is the money for repairs and maintenance to come from? Our cost of producing current is 8 1-8 centa per kilowatt. Our cost of pumping C. . RIME t'.itt r is Ii 3I t ivilrlrt tlipnsaiul v).il Sliur lhar'e ;nmler the Z2.' 50 mionthil ,:unip. ait [ i is I1' (nI .it- l t I ,tl. . Itt, :llth.ul t |h isr-. ti, :t u su. h tli'o e r thtall tit it I"ti1. I VIii lt ,. .nti r los . (iur watttr i. I. t tlte :.iS nt rati . r I 'l .'tilU lv l ht. Uh ; t i , il,, ordi witlh 1 t;s oN Istvic, mn , hly alsl a rcs 'ie only inet i.f. h,,ittp it,t a Il , to, thet sp sh tn iul this, lIrticula r in2)tan e of _ 75 Po $ '5.t l I N)it rlv. r i. . t ll It is ea:l' to set- that if we recived that mitoilnt alrl tl at it tht lilt ''t" #, R t r ri'\ nui it ti at itl neveorr Ikl n t - forIt- l thii . i'.tl l itor 1"' hrhind, tnor o lrrtp l l the Intu ipr.dty pay ifor inlr.ltce, pie intt o of w r . ta ,n i t.ltk, etc. l.11 of as h'ich pai rtip ll' willl noi illtrt V tie " tta, 35lf4i o per v',at. Just ,t bit over what o ie J;Itiir:it '-+t'lVii- t'i" ii ti.nrl al, arrt' f 1I-onlth':. " lt tiie i. lorth. rt e ho t' e p tivaoe lo nsm:rtlls c ll bie lltlen fi. t l,. te r e ho tlt. s rst't .n tuh! be ut:i to intsd to The tiTu rtne hetwree, now rectived I.- l.I pt r n'ir atil t.91Ij .ficul tie nutl receive otpll permit a littier rate to privat' en tto:cntrs acld ta tty eretillol systlt ti\'i :iretl :o s .ii that in .the. Ri1ht ll ." it is elet' ..V fosIr ol get tlll t me t c'to o s i::n tinb . t tcr'.lU , I n tu; rt. ait iat tle eld of ilV rscourses. I v iifurel oil coni treatilrsct tomorrow, the il5th, :n the price of oil is advanctd. 42 l;:Ilolns delitredl andl a-ln askoel Iat the eril of cay m tlntctt o pay 1.35 f.o.b. Jlenninhs.Th"e frvight thn a barreolof il isa 21 ctlts. That woutl platei this oil here int $1..56 tr barrel, which at our pres.t' more tper tiipi ht or more l t" Mionth. Wtith our present reventtes it soill tbe imossible to continue operatiot. Itesides I aml having difficulties with the oil ilople, due to my inability to live u to it y contr act to ay for all oil bought tere previoius lrlth by the loth lof e e succeedinog month. It is utterlev impossible to get all my collections in by t(ht time, and nearly every month I eil compelled to carry a hutred or mtore dollars over into the next month. tusereby making oe short ingt $418.1 due for Marsh. M tany mothis I am unable to pay for the oil in full because I am cothe lled to lx:y for supplies, repairs, meters, etc. funetiets it is acessary for hme to advanue money from my private re sources to enable us to continue opera tions. So ihere you ha:, a pain statement of facts, vn are at the turning of the ways and it is up to yourselves. I have to sig r another contract for oil andi the ompany wants something wlefinate and sa:isfactory. They have bee very coetshidrate toward me, other ois wewe would not have operated as loneu ie have. It may be ecessary for yourselves to horrow money and place in a fund just for this plant, (For it's money we must have) otherwise you may be compelled to take the steps Crowley is contemplat ing. Of selling or turning loose her plant. Something has to be done and done quick, more so in view of the fact the peoplure are demanding and expecting a fan service for this summer. To operate this service would prove even a greater loss and the municipality should provide to make good that loss. This condition is not due to lack of business during the period of my incumbency. For your auditor's reportd shows that I oave iccreased the revenues if this plant t e in 53 months from the time that I assumed charge Notwithst anding that I had serious competition with gasoline lighting, which was installed just prior to my assump lights and improved the system. required nerve, close attention to detail and careful management to continue the practically, that has been losing money for its own use. The contention being Remember your plant is antlquted, City Council Met Monday T h :,u , l , c f t ht , t o ,, . t .\ hl , . ' ,l ~un t thi.- , .t, in th ,,;;,i " h.,,t.r wtit the'r ..r .". l' ..i i' .' It iliow. 11. I 'l'l "l: ' . 11 , l'.' 't. IU.,-%t J C.P L 'ir |1T.| 1 ' .11 1C II .I ll. ,4I . rl, ri. , l::l t 'ol t IIt , . .c , nihe I'rou.s'.,tI, F. 1.. Mkh :l.,ck, W. b. Bates, .udl .. I' N e3 lst , tw o al-i, T , stolllh } , n ti , l of Ai, i le le, 1. a. (enttt ,le ti. lI'e:Ise to tk, I w tice, that by virtue of the 1 . in vi:, v".e ,l. I dio hltreb,. ,alll : '., iSj4 l m. e1ltilng of the cit c(,oun14 t, t ,,14 t .it tih o.i ,. e of tle. m44ayor, at fit". ,,', l. 'k I'. M . ihr1. l.iy for the puirpose,, t.Ltkig u1 rnid et',nsihlering t,, ,ll win , 1,ro,,p, itions, to tit: i :.t. 14To ass ptoler re. olu titol lho riitng th,' city attornt y t0t Uki up t|0 . mnatter of hiingin ;, ttars agai'.t tlhe atuiuu-, prolsrtN ~m nterr '. c lro i l o. tiv .is.inlg o41 tle l i" lt alk , or sItretts4 wvithin: the 4orporate limit'. of the totun: of .lhtw il,' ::ail tifo trlt t.,*tth i tI' city attor-ne t 'o ?rin " 1ropr a ti', against lHarrv ::,uir,,s a 11 lrs. T'. E. lEliis. .nl. To plass a resttlution donatiig to the pa ish of Vet lIzli,,:1 th- -um , oft lhr . e hundredeihtiy ei -ht anti no lot i 1,llars for the purpose of ex.propri titg a:ndl paying for a certain roait on tilt west side of the Vermeilion River. 3rd. iTo appoint a co4nurittee to Ink into the Imatter of s pur4 sitg tf enlile and gelnerator for the Water & l,ighit I'lant. 4th. To cotinider all i :itters that may com1e1 tip at a ren.:ul..r tn"etin. Witness ally handl, octially, at Ahie ville,la. on this .'lst. day of April,1913. Adolph lira-seux. Mayor of Abt}-ville. Service of the foregoing call is hereby accepted and citation thereof waived,this .list day of April, 1913. (Sigr ed) F. L. Melebeck. J. C. Broussard. W. S. Hayes. RIt. I'. Nelson. Board of Aldermen, Albeville, La. On motion Dr. RIt. P. Nelson, seconded by W. S. lhayes that the sum of three hundred eighty-eight and No 100( Doi lars he and is hereby appropriated to the c:rish of V'erailion for the purpose of expropriating andm paying for certain lamis for wiling of the road on the west side of the Vermilion River from the Railroad Crossing, near the Vermilion Sugar Plant to the north corner of the W. II. White property. All voted Yea. Adopted unanimously. tOn motion W. S. Haves, seconded by J. C. Broussard, resolved that the city attorney is hereby instructed, authorized and empowered to take proper steps to bring action against the various property owners encroaching or trespassing on the sidewalks or streets within the corporate limits of the town of Abbeville, and particularly to bring action against Harry Squires and Mrs. T. E. Ellis. That the City Clerk be and he is here by instructed to mail a copy of this re solution to Harry Squires, Mrs. T. E. Ellis and the city attorney. All voting yea. unanimously adopted. On motion F. L. Melebeck, seconded by W. S. Hayes that a committee of three be appointed by the mayor to look nto the matter of purchasing an engine and Generator for the Water & Light Plant, and make written report back to this council of their findings and recom nendations. Unanimously adopted, alli voting yea. Committee named by Mayor Brasseux: l. Abedie, A. G. Nauck, Dr. R. P. Nel son. on motion duly put and carried the council then adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday evening, April 22nd, 1913. Adolph Breanseux, Mayor. J. T. flrooks, Seeretary. For the canning of figs, peaches and pickles: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any Mason jar, at Immerglhcks. The Afternoon Card Club met Saturday evening with Mrs. Richard Dalton as hostess. The first prize was won by Mrs. Willie Putnam; second by Mrs. Leo Simon, and the guest prize was won by Mrs. Felix J. Samson. Those present were: xesdames John Ewell, H. A. Eldredge, Perry LeBlanc, Willie Putnam, Clay Summers, maxie Sokoloski, E. L. Terrier, Marion Young, Leo Simon, Raoul Chauvier, Samson Chauvin, Richard Dalton, Misses xaude Eldredge, Lizzie Nettles; guests: xesdames Robert Putnam, L. J. Broussard, Dave Silverman, Felix Samson, Harold Eldredge, Misses Basie Flemming, Louise Estorge, and xiss Capron. We will accept chickens and qp or corn in paymeat for yoqr New Orluanis 1 it i',llr t 't 1 It i Ith t1 l it ii 1 to t., Ull i t I . , i, , .' l t'- i : 't' llt l i-Ut \'l i .i:t ullc¶t: .;: ittrl i t l ) lil t. t M trlt. t ( iM r. i V'.. t . It t Ih t l it l ri T' . I t t. tit1 , ir-t e tlitc i r, er ro :l. nmothcer. \i i"h, I'Tlilt irrh I;n att nlli 1 al tllt coi'eit:'l ith l itm\(lti l,c, shell t pile The S.;'il1nolk" Ma.nllf.:t.'t m inii, (lo. ha, r tMetin r .t cnti\ e ,:itit for til heies; r o f fin. t f. a lctrion; th fical, witat te he frldt of ctioll fi tl ': s e ttilln iow ll. 1crtei rTheidt.R h e aritt Cre- trct rvky d \Vost. I'. l.-mo<er:t r f, tirof, urscr. .towerinl vers. F.t . (cl u story. ani l 1';;lik (i,,,ic.ha.ux, Jr., lk it "l'hu'ºrs al" for .'t l't'v lit'. mark, ailc -il one of through Nh\ )ritth on tlir linf tourhe lake M r. and ' lr lI!,lli."r wt re royally h:n mtir at l by 1r. ,:rid .lirs. Jt,;. \e sortar.e a ',ler t:ur ldto thet Rothert Yacht Clt r a:,s itl roang machinrft sloo her hMaiach and wtt ;.i.1. to leave for her Potnte Sindav. It i stated that make i on te roanaka to rapid recovery. back nu oker, butoard has thedon't e ntire rivtr frot at Canal street covereawaitsd ih oe lti of theet pil driver for handling steel piling for levee protection work. These aIp lort iances ar ingey.niously construct Robert in atteriesr, of five to a sectile, to fa buscilitate the rapidity of action inh cae of ebae ball team fcy. The Queen and Crescent sky scraper at Campand Natchez tsreet, a most modhern fue, proof, steel franme,dow-n to date construction is towerindes above the tbotlve story ark, and will be onyse of the shcollegow plaeofmodernee New Orleans. With the openindg of the lake esorts choll eyes are turned to the mind outhern Yacht Cluh's new racing machine,the sloopfairer Massachetten to designed to make the "Sewanaka" a back num corser, but "we don't know." . The entire population anxiously awaits the opening of the Spanish liveort in May. Robert Stauffer, of Abbeville, was a business visitor to the city last week. The Pelican bato devote ball team of the Southern League, is making rapid strides toward the bottom of the column. Abbeville boys as Soule's college have a yearning for Young's Coulee. Editor Holland, of the Greens burg Echo, is greatlncy disturbed into trmind over timhe fact that tight lac ingeat pains to selecutting short theins that are tast. elener editor. S"Wearing or let s should be done ihoe without being squeezed weto dress willing to devote a couplne or three hours a day, grats, as a corset substitute rathes, Underwer than tod Fue girs dying in that manner. that are tasteful and modish. how little it actually costs to Outate to ates sad yemag ame. A ConLented Trio. i I It, lit . I f Billy, the Tailor P h i4. 3t.t ti St t tn joy ir miaik.. Peerless Bakery. DI). IIl I4:I)Fl lICK w'ho coulcts tih Meat M1arket Opposite Statiffcr-( ;Klclhutt: Store Always has frEsh Ik'f, Pork, Vcal, Mu tton and Sausalge. OlK'n from 4 a. in. to 8 p. in. Free )celivery. Phone 69. SFeray's SRestaursnt is the place to .rive R r' your orders for.... Special Fr oany SSuppers rc'unIrS. =Big Ben Should be in every farmcr's home. See him in our window next time you come to town. Hear him greet you "Good Morning." lie is well worth meeting indeed. Big Ben is a truth telling and reliable alarm clock. $2.50 Vermilion Jewelry Co. J. A. LeBlanc, Mgr. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line. Guttering, Cisterns, Roofing. Tin and Galvanized Shingles. Up to date Sanitary Plumbing. A. C. Escudier. Next to 1Ewell's Big Barn. Phone 237. State St. A BANK ACCOUNT insures an edu cation for your children, a business started for them, a be'ter chance than you had, and their respect and love because you have not neglected them. Makes you a better citizen, for a country is rich only as its people save. Start today. Open a bunk account with the Peoples Bank & Trust Co~ Deposits from $1 up accepted. J. K. Lambe Will make your sign, Paint yoar house, carriage or auto. Dcorate your home with wall paper, calsim or ssnitas and, guarantee saftfetio.. Ask Anybody